v to advance - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt751c1tg303/data/0682.pdffisle lands which if...

i i ijic ffiabuca1j sup i AFTERNOON AND WEEKLY I A MY THE SUN PUBLISHING CO INCORPORATED flUinc 1C FISHIR President and Editor EOWM J PAXTON aeaera1MIUI SUBSCRIPTION RATES V r al0rdatlhepatodlceatPeduah Ky M second claw matter > TUB DAILY SUN WI earner per week 110 Ey Mall per month In advance > w fly mall per year In advance UO TOE WEEKLY SUN 4 49nlyear by mall postage paid 1100 I Address THE SUN Paducr Ky pmci 116 south Third I T LipnONi No S58 Chicago Office R 8 Oioottie In chute 1001 Tribune Building = TMV IUK CAN > M FOUKD i m 1RS VOU0WXXO HJLCBS r L V Clements It Co- Y Colin BrU Palmer House- THURSDAY = OCT 8 1903 CIRCULATION STATEMENT 172209Sept I Sept g2200 Sept 50220 e Sept20SSept5 = 5 218JSept I Sept 82190 Sept 242182 Sept S 3IQO Sept 25217 262169Septt I Sept122206 Sept 282t 6o I SepEtlf i1lt S Sept 292X62 4 217SeptIt54n DAILY AVERAGE 2192 P non it appeared before me this day E J Paxton general manager o The Sun who amrme that the above statement of the circulation of The Sun for the month of Sept 1903 is true to the best of blsjknowledgeand belief PETER PORYEAR Notary Public McCracken County Oct 11903 I ELEOTIONOlvitl99 r i W S TAY- LOR r 18a714 FPM GOBBEL 191331 JOHN YOUNG BROWN 13140 DAILY THOUGHT Recollections of conversation are seldom tobcj Implicitly trusted in tho absence of notes lnailoat the tlmoJ- W Crow 1 1 w THE WEATHERI Fair tonight and Friday Light frost tonight TRYING TO URAWL ourI Mayor Yeiser is quoted in thoI official printer OB referring to tho SunI as an unreliable paper in connec ¬ tion with tho article A few days ago about tho citys refusal to pay to tho public library trustees tho 81 1500ap ¬ propriated by the city for the library fund The Sun published its state ¬ meats on tfoo authority of on ollicor of tho library board and from the records of the library board which aro public property and which aro incorrect if ho Sun was incorrect The excuse offered last night for failing to pay tho money over to the bgartf on demand was that tho mayor r had no authority to pay It except on order of the boards This may bo true and tho reason it was not done butit IB not the reason given the true ¬ tees when the president of tho library board attempted to get tho money last Monday If ho nail then been told I that the board of trustees would bo I given the money as soon as tho council I and aldorirau ordered the mayor to pay it tho trustees would have chcerffilly waited Instead they wore told that a resolution had been passed ordering the inonoy paid only to the permanent board of trustees and not to this I boardAs a result tho records of tho library board show that on application of tbo president for tho money tho city re- fused ¬ it Tho records show for them selvesIt the truth is tbo adminis ¬ trations bluff has been called by the library trustee + who announced that I they would hold onto the library building until they A pot the 91 BOO I promised them by tbo oity When they applied to tho city they wore given I to understand instead of that they would bo paid the money when tho boards authorized it that they would not bo paid it at all and it Will con ¬ sidered a turn down The mayor may uso bin own methods for extricating 4 hisesefffrom1lile jvollticpi lakes M rt ON TO OAIRO Hundreds of ardent supporters of tho On to Cairo movement will be in Evansville Ind a week from to day The meeting will discuss ir6M 1eglllatlon tBng i from Pittbsn tr ° make tho river r the Tglblo year round for heavy laden craft < Tho benetg of ouch an Improve ment vfOala be manifold not only to every business man along tho Ohio ana its tributaries but to the whole country as well Tho borders of the Ohio originate traffic in lour of the countrys chief commodities Coal stool lumber and tobacco antI t to afford certain transportation by wale tho year round for those important articles of consumption and export will bo to Increase tho productivity o the Ohio valley its wealth and it fame Tho object of the association to havo its meeting at Evansvillo next week is vital to tho interests of fivo great states and it is to be hope that the united voice arising from that meeting will impress Congress with tho necessity of immediate and systematic improvement of tho Ohio On to Cairo is the watchword of 5000000 people in states bordering tho Ohio who havo tho future welfare of their commonwealths at heart The attendance at tho Evansvillo meeting must speak the unanimous sentiment of the valley in tones so loud that they will bo hoard and acted upon quietly by Congress Let Pa donah send a representative delega ¬ lion Groat applause wai accorded Col Harvey chief surgeon of the Depart- ment ¬ of the Lakes during an address to army officers at Camp Howard a night or 10 ago when ho declared that the abolition of tho army canteen was a mistake Tho absence of the canteen Increases rather than de ¬ dof ¬ clared The use of alcohol among soldiers is very pernicious in its effect but it cannot be prevented When the canteens were in existence the drink ¬ ing oonld bo regulated and a better quality of beverages at lower prices could be bought than at the places the soldiers now go to spend their money It is probable a strong effort will be made to have Congress restore the canteen All the army officers with but few exceptions who are in tho best position to judgo are in favor of the canteen A peculiar case of mistaken identity is reported from Mattoon Ill where the Mayor was charged with various offenses such as sitting in a poker game and visiting disreputable resorts His twin brother was introduced in the trial and swore that it was ho who had visited tho places on tho dates named The Mayor was acquitted on tho more serious obargos which goes to show tho advantage of having a twin brother POLITICAL NOTES MAJOR W O OWENS TO SPEAK HERE TONIGHT Major W O Owens who has at ¬ tracted largo crowds all over tho state during the present campaign will speak In Paduoah tonight and a large crowd is expected to hear him He will address the voters of Mc Crackcn county at the county court- house at 8 p m and the prospects are for a largo attendance Hon N B Hays and Hon Henry George will arrive in Paducah next Monday to open the campaign for tho Democrats It has not yet been decid ¬ ed where tho speaking will be held A WOMANS COMPLEXION It is rank foolishness to attempt to remove sallowncss or gresisnees of the skin by tho use of cosmetics or local treatment as advocated by the beauty doctors Tho only safe and auto way that a woman can im ¬ prove her complexion is by purifying and enriching tho blood which can only bo accomplished by keeping tho liver healthy and active The liver is the seat of disease and blood pollution Greens ugnit Flower nets directly on the liver cleanses and enriches tho blood purifies tho complexion It also cures constipation biliousness norvoninuFS sod induces refreshing sleep A single bottlo of August Flower has been known to cure tho most pronounced and distressing cases of dyspepsia and indigestion Now trials slzo bottle 20 cents regular size 76 cens At nil draughts DnBois Koltls C- otOl it 011 Rip O 8t und a l lirl Iilont 4 thing for these clothes but Wnteed to last BO < 1 I Y LUABLE PROPERTY Claimed by Relatives of Well Known Padncah People Ono Million Dollars Worth of Land In Tennessee Among That in Question NO CLAIMS BY LOCAL PEOPLE Relatives of Mr James Sovier of the Gilsou Paint store Padncah have instituted claims for some very valua ¬ fIsle lands which if scoured will ante- s them all wealthy- A Knoxville Tenn dispatch sure Mrr Emmet Humphreys Sher effortd to establish titles to loads which she claims should pass to heirs of John Soviertbo first governor of Tennessee Mrs Humphreys is Soviers grout granddaughter Through her attorney she presented a claim to the Knox county court today for 813054 balance she claims the county of Knox has owed tho Sevier estate since 1810an old settlement of that date showing tho amount duo The matter was re ¬ erred to County Jndgo A D Collier Hors of John Seviortbrongh Mrs Humphreys claim over 100000 acres of land in Tennessee which it is said many aggregate 11000000 in value According to Mrs Humphreys the heirs claim tho land was granted to John Sevier by act of congress in 1705 It is also claimed that the stato of Tennessee has issued grants for every foot of the grant much of which is now extensively Improved Mm Hum ¬ phreys is preparing to institute legal proceedings In the hope of perfecting title to the property John Sevier was a great great great uncle of Mr James Savior and Mrs Finis Lack of this city Mr Sevier stated to a Son reporter this morning however that he and sister had put In no claim to the land said to belong to the estate of his relative r EaW SMITH TIPPED Reported That He Will fend Independent Ticket Nominations Arc to Bo Made for May or Clerk Aldermen and Councilmen TICKET PUT OUTIN FEW DAYS It is understood that an independ ¬ ent ticket will bo nominated by the good government league for some of tho city offices before tho end of tho week It will rot bo a full ticket ac ¬ cording to reports but nominations will only be made for mayor clerk nl dorman and councilmen It will bo composed of loading Dem ¬ ocrate and Republicans For mayor Mr E W Smith Is mentioned as the probable nominee Capt Samcs Koer and Mr B II Scott aro also mention ¬ ed for this place on the ticket Capt Koger stated however thin morning that bo wonia sot consider the nomi ¬ nationFor clerk Mr Georgo O McBroom is tipped Some of those mentioned for alderman aro L S DuUols a T Hubbard Georgo Shelton Andv Uanrr and U S Walijon Among council mantic possibilities Messrs H O Allison W E Oovington and Finis Lack urn somo of th loading ones Tho call for thff purpose of patting out tho ticket is for tomorrow night as seen from tho call cluowhero WATER NOTICE Patrons of the Water company should re ¬ member that their rents expired Septem her 30th Those who desire to renew them should do so before it is forgotten as all pre ¬ mises not paid for on 0 ofctober T AYJRVlC Cutes Constipation LiAA t tand all atoesache trouble by removing the caM Prlc TEM I ITO CUT OFF MANEUVERS DEFICIT THREATENED IN THE NAYAt APPROPRIATION Washington Oct 8Fearful of al toflolt in the fund for tho mainten ¬ ance of tho navy wise heads in tho navy donartmont are counseling a curtailment of tho present system of army and navy maneuvers Thero is a strong undercurrent of feeling in favor of withdrawing nil battleships and heavy cruisers from participation in tho annual summer war games with tho coast defenses on the Atlantic coast It is said in the department that tho navy does not derive enough benefit from operations like those against Portland last summer or at tho entrance of Long Islam sound in 1003 It has been suggested that tugs end nnxtlliarlOR would provide practi ¬ cally I r good sham combatants for the coast fortifications battleships and could bo operated at less risk and ex pause Tho question will bo jointly considered by tho war and navy do partmcnts Secretary Moody will make his decisions later It remains to bo officially determin ¬ ed whether tho benefit of the sham at ¬ tacks of battleships to tho army is great enough to offset tho harm and expense to tho navy Army officers are somewhat inclined to believe so but naval officers on duty in tho de partment express tho belief that tho battleship squadron will not next summer bo found making attacks on the coast defense MODERN I BUCCANCERS THEY STEAL 10000 AND A STEAMSHIP Manila Oct tIGeorge Forman chief inspector and 0 J Johnson constabulary supply officer both stationed at Mlssamls Mindanao whose accounts wero under invostlga tionb seized 16000 from Itbo safe seized a steamer and have started for Borneo Running short of ooal they topped a native vessel and took from her a nor supply A steamer has been sent to Borneo to intercept the fugitives Mr t Will V Green has returned from Sr Louis I iii 5fQr 5for J f I I California 4 r From Kansas City ls Daily Sept 15 to ISov 30 via the Santa Fe Oneway second class tickets good in Tourist R Sleepers Stopovers in California Remember Its Santa lfe all the way froth Kantas City to Los Angeles and San San Francisco Atchbna A ANDKKW8CltnAlt Topeka Uallway lit Sula Ve Santa Fe sod N Fourth LauU SI- SI SUSPECT ARRESTED Young Man Front Louisville Caught Here Charged with Attempted PocketPick ¬ ing Trial Tomorrow A young man giving his name M Homer Roberts or Robertson and claiming to be from Louisville Ky was arrested limit night at the carnival grounds by Special Officer Joe Wool dridgo for alleged attempted robbery It is alleged that Roberts and throe companions had a country youth at tho carnival preparing to take his money but ware given a cue by some confederate that they wore being watched anti tried to make their es- cape Officer Woolaridgo caught Rob ¬ anion but the others escaped The case will como up before Judge San ¬ dory tomorrow morning lie had a f20 Confederate bill and a largo number of business pards on him and acknowledges he II a wanderer He Is believed to be a professional crook Mr JR Puryrar has returned from a business trip to Chicagoo JUDGE HUSBANDS Able to go to Benton to Hold Court Attorney L K Taylor Summoned In Bogus Ballot Case et Judge L D Husbands went 0k Uonton this morning to relieve Special Judge Wm Reed in Marshall circuit court Judge Reed has several oases he is interested in and will not bo on the bench during the trial Tho grand jury Is still ttrtession but has not returned any sensational In- dictments ¬ although the investigation of tho alleged ballot frauds t Is still go- ng on and Attorney L K Taylor wu summoned today to go down and sip j 0 pear before tho grand Jury in this mat ¬ terYesterday tho grand jury returned several indictments but all were for misdemeanor and for the illicit sale of liquor Court at Benton will be wound up this week it is thought T r Tr + Allis Impleton I presume tha tt lhJN students life is a strenuous one 1121Y College opens with a rush i I IPLANT OF tl jo n PADUCAH FURNITURE MFG CO Buy Furniture of Your ionic Factory I AND SAVE I S 1lu I 1 are showing the largest and most IVYe line o- fFURNITURE ti IN THE STATEof d Padncah Furniture ManTg Co l JA 1 Al J T p filGsrifems l4W202i3 South Third Street 1

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Page 1: V to advance - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt751c1tg303/data/0682.pdffIsle lands which if scoured will ante-s them all wealthy-A Knoxville Tenn dispatch sure effortd Mrr


i ijicffiabuca1j supi AFTERNOON AND WEEKLY



flUinc 1C FISHIR President and EditorEOWM J PAXTON aeaera1MIUI


r al0rdatlhepatodlceatPeduahKy M second claw matter >


WI earner per week 110Ey Mall per month In advance > w

fly mall per year In advance UO

TOE WEEKLY SUN449nlyear by mall postage paid 1100I Address THE SUN Paducr Ky

pmci 116 south Third I T LipnONi No S58Chicago Office R 8 Oioottie In chute 1001

Tribune Building



i m 1RS VOU0WXXO HJLCBSr L V Clements It Co-

Y Colin BrUPalmer House-


OCT 8 1903



Sept g2200 Sept 50220 e

Sept20SSept5 =

5 218JSeptI

Sept 82190 Sept 242182Sept S 3IQO Sept 25217262169Septt I

Sept122206 Sept 282t 6oI

SepEtlf i1lt S Sept 292X624217SeptIt54n

DAILY AVERAGE 2192Pnon it appeared before me this

day E J Paxton general manager oThe Sun who amrme that the abovestatement of the circulation of TheSun for the month of Sept 1903 is trueto the best of blsjknowledgeand belief


Notary Public McCracken CountyOct 11903


ELEOTIONOlvitl99r i W S TAY-


DAILY THOUGHTRecollections of conversation are

seldom tobcj Implicitly trusted in thoabsence ofnotes lnailoat the tlmoJ-W Crow

11 w

THE WEATHERIFair tonight and Friday Light

frost tonight

TRYING TO URAWL ourIMayor Yeiser is quoted in thoI

official printer OB referring to tho SunIas an unreliable paper in connec ¬

tion with tho article A few days agoabout tho citys refusal to pay to thopublic library trustees tho 811500ap ¬

propriated by the city for the libraryfund The Sun published its state ¬

meats on tfoo authority of on ollicor oftho library board and from the recordsof the library board which aro publicproperty and which aro incorrect ifho Sun was incorrect

The excuse offered last night forfailing to pay tho money over to thebgartf on demand was that tho mayor rhad no authority to pay It except on

order of the boards This may botrue and tho reason it was not done

butit IB not the reason given the true ¬

tees when the president of tho libraryboard attempted to get tho money lastMonday If ho nail then been toldI

that the board of trustees would boI

given the money as soon as tho council I

and aldorirau ordered the mayor to payit tho trustees would have chcerffillywaited Instead they wore told thata resolution had been passed orderingthe inonoy paid only to the permanentboard of trustees and not to thisI

boardAsa result tho records of tho library

board show that on application of tbopresident for tho money tho city re-


it Tho records show for them

selvesItthe truth is tbo adminis ¬

trations bluff has been called by thelibrary trustee + who announced thatI

they would hold onto the librarybuilding until they Apot the 91 BOOI

promised them by tbo oity When theyapplied to tho city they wore given I

to understand instead of that theywould bo paid the money when thoboards authorized it that they wouldnot bo paid it at all and it Will con ¬

sidered a turn down The mayor mayuso bin own methods for extricating

4hisesefffrom1lile jvollticpi lakes



Hundreds of ardent supporters of

tho On to Cairo movement will be

in Evansville Ind a week from today The meeting will discuss ir6M

1eglllatlontBng ifrom Pittbsntr°

make tho river r theTglblo yearround for heavy laden craft <

Tho benetg of ouch an Improvement vfOala be manifold not only toevery business man along tho Ohioana its tributaries but to the wholecountry as well Tho borders of theOhio originate traffic in lour of thecountrys chief commodities Coalstool lumber and tobacco antI tto

afford certain transportation by waletho year round for those importantarticles of consumption and exportwill bo to Increase tho productivity o

the Ohio valley its wealth and itfame Tho object of the associationto havo its meeting at Evansvillonext week is vital to tho interests offivo great states and it is to be hopethat the united voice arising fromthat meeting will impress Congresswith tho necessity of immediate andsystematic improvement of tho Ohio

On to Cairo is the watchword of5000000 people in states borderingtho Ohio who havo tho future welfareof their commonwealths at heart

The attendance at tho Evansvillomeeting must speak the unanimoussentiment of the valley in tones soloud that they will bo hoard and actedupon quietly by Congress Let Padonah send a representative delega ¬


Groat applause wai accorded ColHarvey chief surgeon of the Depart-


of the Lakes during an addressto army officers at Camp Howard anight or 10 ago when ho declaredthat the abolition of tho army canteenwas a mistake Tho absence of thecanteen Increases rather than de ¬dof ¬

clared The use of alcohol amongsoldiers is very pernicious in its effectbut it cannot be prevented When thecanteens were in existence the drink ¬

ing oonld bo regulated and a betterquality of beverages at lower pricescould be bought than at the places thesoldiers now go to spend their moneyIt is probable a strong effort will be

made to have Congress restore thecanteen All the army officers withbut few exceptions who are in thobest position to judgo are in favor ofthe canteen

A peculiar case of mistaken identityis reported from Mattoon Ill wherethe Mayor was charged with variousoffenses such as sitting in a pokergame and visiting disreputable resortsHis twin brother was introduced inthe trial and swore that it was ho whohad visited tho places on tho datesnamed The Mayor was acquitted ontho more serious obargos which goesto show tho advantage of having atwin brother



Major W O Owens who has at ¬

tracted largo crowds all over tho stateduring the present campaign willspeak In Paduoah tonight and a largecrowd is expected to hear him

He will address the voters of McCrackcn county at the county court-

house at 8 p m and the prospects arefor a largo attendance

Hon N B Hays and Hon HenryGeorge will arrive in Paducah nextMonday to open the campaign for thoDemocrats It has not yet been decid ¬

ed where tho speaking will be held


It is rank foolishness to attempt toremove sallowncss or gresisnees of theskin by tho use of cosmetics or

local treatment as advocated bythe beauty doctors Tho only safeand auto way that a woman can im ¬

prove her complexion is by purifyingand enriching tho blood which canonly bo accomplished by keeping tholiver healthy and active The liver is

the seat of disease and blood pollutionGreens ugnit Flower nets directlyon the liver cleanses and enriches thoblood purifies tho complexion Italso cures constipation biliousnessnorvoninuFS sod induces refreshingsleep A single bottlo of AugustFlower has been known to cure thomost pronounced and distressing casesof dyspepsia and indigestion Nowtrials slzo bottle 20 cents regularsize 76 cens At nil draughts

DnBois Koltls C-otOl it011 Rip O 8t und a llirl Iilont

4 thing for these clothes butWnteed to last BO

< 1I


Claimed by Relatives of Well

Known Padncah People

Ono Million Dollars Worth of Land In

Tennessee Among That in



Relatives of Mr James Sovier of

the Gilsou Paint store Padncah haveinstituted claims for some very valua ¬

fIsle lands which if scoured will ante-s them all wealthy-

A Knoxville Tenn dispatch sureMrr Emmet Humphreys Shereffortdto establish titles to loads which she

claims should pass to heirs of JohnSoviertbo first governor of TennesseeMrs Humphreys is Soviers groutgranddaughter Through her attorneyshe presented a claim to the Knoxcounty court today for 813054 balanceshe claims the county of Knox hasowed tho Sevier estate since 1810anold settlement of that date showingtho amount duo The matter was re ¬

erred to County Jndgo A D CollierHors of John Seviortbrongh Mrs

Humphreys claim over 100000 acresof land in Tennessee which it is saidmany aggregate 11000000 in valueAccording to Mrs Humphreys theheirs claim tho land was granted toJohn Sevier by act of congress in 1705

It is also claimed that the stato ofTennessee has issued grants for everyfoot of the grant much of which isnow extensively Improved Mm Hum ¬

phreys is preparing to institute legalproceedings In the hope of perfectingtitle to the property

John Sevier was a great great greatuncle of Mr James Savior and MrsFinis Lack of this city Mr Sevierstated to a Son reporter this morninghowever that he and sister had put Inno claim to the land said to belong tothe estate of his relative



Reported That He Will fendIndependent Ticket

Nominations Arc to Bo Made for May

or Clerk Aldermen and



It is understood that an independ ¬

ent ticket will bo nominated by thegood government league for some oftho city offices before tho end of thoweek It will rot bo a full ticket ac ¬

cording to reports but nominationswill only be made for mayor clerk nldorman and councilmen

It will bo composed of loading Dem ¬

ocrate and Republicans For mayorMr E W Smith Is mentioned as theprobable nominee Capt Samcs Koerand Mr B II Scott aro also mention ¬

ed for this place on the ticket CaptKoger stated however thin morningthat bo wonia sot consider the nomi ¬

nationForclerk Mr Georgo O McBroom

is tipped Some of those mentionedfor alderman aro L S DuUols a THubbard Georgo Shelton Andv Uanrrand U S Walijon Among councilmantic possibilities Messrs H O

Allison W E Oovington and FinisLack urn somo of th loading ones

Tho call for thff purpose of pattingout tho ticket is for tomorrow nightas seen from tho call cluowhero


Patrons of the Watercompany should re ¬

member that theirrents expired Septemher 30th Those whodesire to renew themshould do so before itis forgotten as all pre ¬

mises not paid for on

0ofctoberT AYJRVlC Cutes ConstipationLiAA ttand all atoesachetrouble by removing the caM Prlc




Washington Oct 8Fearful of altoflolt in the fund for tho mainten ¬

ance of tho navy wise heads in thonavy donartmont are counseling acurtailment of tho present system ofarmy and navy maneuvers Thero isa strong undercurrent of feeling infavor of withdrawing nil battleshipsand heavy cruisers from participationin tho annual summer war games withtho coast defenses on the Atlanticcoast It is said in the departmentthat tho navy does not derive enoughbenefit from operations like thoseagainst Portland last summer or attho entrance of Long Islam sound in1003 It has been suggested that tugsend nnxtlliarlOR would provide practi ¬

cally I r good sham combatants for thecoast fortifications battleships andcould bo operated at less risk and expause Tho question will bo jointlyconsidered by tho war and navy dopartmcnts Secretary Moody willmake his decisions later

It remains to bo officially determin ¬

ed whether tho benefit of the sham at ¬

tacks of battleships to tho army isgreat enough to offset tho harm andexpense to tho navy Army officersare somewhat inclined to believe sobut naval officers on duty in tho department express tho belief that thobattleship squadron will not nextsummer bo found making attacks onthe coast defense



Manila Oct tIGeorge Formanchief inspector and 0 J Johnsonconstabulary supply officer bothstationed at Mlssamls Mindanaowhose accounts wero under invostlgationb seized 16000 from Itbo safeseized a steamer and have started forBorneo Running short of ooal theytopped a native vessel and tookfrom her a nor supply A steamerhas been sent to Borneo to interceptthe fugitives

Mr t Will V Green has returnedfrom Sr Louis


iii5fQr 5for




I California 4

rFrom Kansas City ls

Daily Sept 15 to ISov 30 via the Santa Fe

Oneway second class tickets good in Tourist R

Sleepers Stopovers in California

Remember Its Santa lfe all the way froth KantasCity to Los Angeles and San San Francisco

Atchbna A ANDKKW8CltnAltTopeka

Uallwaylit Sula Ve Santa Fe sod N Fourth




Young Man Front Louisville

Caught Here

Charged with Attempted PocketPick ¬

ing Trial Tomorrow

A young man giving his name MHomer Roberts or Robertson andclaiming to be from Louisville Kywas arrested limit night at the carnivalgrounds by Special Officer Joe Wooldridgo for alleged attempted robbery

It is alleged that Roberts and throecompanions had a country youth attho carnival preparing to take hismoney but ware given a cue by someconfederate that they wore beingwatched anti tried to make their es-

cape Officer Woolaridgo caught Rob ¬

anion but the others escaped Thecase will como up before Judge San ¬

dory tomorrow morninglie had a f20 Confederate bill and a

largo number of business pards on himand acknowledges he II a wanderer

He Is believed to be a professionalcrook

Mr JR Puryrar has returned froma business trip to Chicagoo


Able to go to Benton to Hold


Attorney L K Taylor Summoned In

Bogus Ballot Case et

Judge L D Husbands went 0kUonton this morning to relieve SpecialJudge Wm Reed in Marshall circuitcourt Judge Reed has several oaseshe is interested in and will not bo onthe bench during the trial

Tho grand jury Is still ttrtession buthas not returned any sensational In-


although the investigationof tho alleged ballot frauds tIs still go-

ng on and Attorney L K Taylor wusummoned today to go down and sip j


pear before tho grand Jury in this mat ¬

terYesterdaytho grand jury returned

several indictments but all were formisdemeanor and for the illicit saleof liquor Court at Benton will bewound up this week it is thought

T r Tr+Allis Impleton I presume tha t t lhJN

students life is a strenuous one1121YCollege opens with a rush

i IIPLANT OF tl jo



Buy Furniture of Your ionic Factory


are showing the largest and mostIVYe line o-



Padncah Furniture ManTg Col JA 1 Al J

T p filGsrifems l4W202i3 South Third Street1