v •j .* news.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn87070281/1924-10-02/ed...arfajawai char*«, 2sc cmii...

i - Vi' : sy- h ^mmmmm iSpji«vJ5«ti'K)l-)»"f u T^' "I. 'C^^'^^*^^V^^^^^",*^ i,, !? f ?'^' 5fi^'bft*&fift£f&tfixiii*,^ & rl", ' : - . 1 - D-JJli \ HOttt* tftMitat MtTTBRPRIAB. Tltt>B8I>AT. OCTOBKK 2, * •• Tkaaa Specials are l e per *rord, aack taacrtfcp arfajawai char*«, 2Sc CMII >)•«§('ac^amtaW wafer, • • aaoaata air* tea aaul *» *arr«ai fe«*k- kaaaiaf axaa'aaa. ' • " , 1 ' ' '*') ' ' ' " 'i_ IMPERIAL STOVES. • Lee Bruno,, x Agent North Creek, N. Y* k L_* \ ,, .- ,.- "RtJILDING Lots for sale. Desirable JJ location in North Greek 'Dr. A-: B. Fitzgerald, North Greek, 'N; Y. . ca:—i—f ! . ,—' *X n " - f, * R ECLAIMED Furniture. Inquire at th> Law^Office; Npr&Creek, N.Y. ii • i • i r », — >•••• • i .aw——Wu* i»• 11 mm m aiaal •• a m n a a TTARD'AND. SOFT WOOD-Any •"• length desired. North Greek Wood Company. ' '" WANTED—A good honest school " boy to do.chorea for board in Christian home. BOY 72, North, Greek. North Creek - V •J ' '* . News. WANTED-Goodco^ Sog, She - _ or Collie, of kind disposition. 72, North Creek, perd WANTED-Girl for general hquse- TT Work, small family of adults, Write or phone Murray's Variety Store Long Lake, N. Y; . TOWELLING, to rent for the winter, *? desirable location. Inquire of Jaa^t-Hojctik00Bk,#*¥,; .. IRST CLASS FOOL; TABLE, Regu- lar site. A ^condition. For" Sale, f, % a'Donri0ll, North Creek* N> Y, ttRROIIGHS adding ttachihe* likf \":.;.new> Wide carriage. Witt discount 160. InquireWorth Greek, pttterprise, North Greek -: .'*.-' ,. ;,,' , " • * • • •'- n- -• -•*• - ' ,»•*• •••••• •••••• ,^,AiM«m mmaiii—iaiwiii m iii'iiu"niiiiiiinuii* TOCYOLOPBDIA BEITANNICA (n .'Pr fine condition, heavy leather bound 25 vol ; Ninth Edition, Cheap, inquire N^orth Greek Enterprise, North Creek. [OW IS THE TIME to buy your ' winter potatoes. ' J1.26 per bushel delivered in near^towns. $l,O0*at field* l i t quality. Howard M. Pish, ,R,P. D. V North CreeWN.Y. ;. Mrs. Merton Roblee visited 1 her mother, Mrs, Bishop Phelps in Potters- ville, Sunday afternoon and evening.' - Miss»Louise McDonald of Indian Lake, ' was the guest at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. George Galusha, several days recently. . ' : The next of the series of the get-to gether meetings of the, Baptist will be held at 1 the Baptist church at North River, next Sunday evening. The Rev, N, R. Feagles of Minerva and the ..Gore will preach. \ Mr* and Mrs. Albert Stevens, of Warrensburgh called on their daughter, Mrs.'Jesse Waldron, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. .Howard Holcomb and son,-Carl, of Indian Lake, -visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holcomb several dayslast week. Mr. ^and Mrs, Everts, Mrs. Ruth Everts, Mr, and Mrs* Leslie Combs and Hazel Allen spent the 26th with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hi Allen. - Again I ask, -will yon please try to get your itettufit? oaiNoflta.teyMOH* DAY NOOM^s«that1^^^1i^i%^MHi all printed in the *'l!nte%HsW f $fe thank yptt for yotuf «o>j>p#iit^ f- -."By getting your items ha early, we ' the time to' set them up. Please send ihencL.early* . Miss Louise McDonald of Indian Lake had been visiting fHertda in towh for. several days. Miss McDonald who is an excellent horse woman, made the trip via horse back, , Miss Ethel Parker of Long Lake, called on friends in town one day last week..'. ^ $6*. Oraborne who has been employed on the hard, wood job. on the Gore was in towii Monday, - # Dr. Somerville'i teama that have wt«i , Finder leave, at Office; Re#«d, R ; One good work horse, "*' sound, cheap for cash, inquire Wm, C. Hodgkms, Bakers Mills, N. Y. OR, SALE, 100 White-Leghorn pull els*. Inquirejtt North Crejek Enter Offlcei ( , Stone Bridge Newi. vyilKam Stevens accompanied by his mother and sister Elisabeth) motored to dlens Falls, last week. \ Walter PritonardJmd family of Mass»» achusetts, are visiting relativea here, ,,Henry fiodkin Spent the week end with ms family sjt Soi^th Glerta Falls. ^Miss Myrtle Clipperd ahdrfdendof Nor & River-were callers in town last week.*' •'••*- •'.-.'-,. ••• ' '*" •_•'. " • .. ilrsf. Hary Mel^ee who^ busfeeettem- ployed by Miss Christina Johnson has ,. returned to her hoine Here* Miss Johf- son came with her and will board there during the vrinte*; t ». * : Fred McKee has completed hi* work on the Sta,te rbad w$er:evhe\ has been during the summer. soft ]of Alfer^ Wilcox, sMlMisj Naonii R*^hpipfto; daughtefcof ;&Hftk I»aym6hd f hofi. of Hpricain Weigfe niartied last wfeek 1 'bf i*ie Re|r» Roi?ai WpAdheM at his pli^iiit ff^ican; ,Mr Wilcox was at one ipmi employed Eeife by his nephew Charles' Monroe^^ud is therefore known in this, .vicinity.* lt ^fye extend our wishes to them fjpr^long and happy mariijed,lite. t (^ , > Sotnm Puhkint! , Western BxchaUge—The letter "P* l i t h e most linpbrtant; i in.~the alphabet, because" It leads, all others in perfec- tion. It Is likewise first In peace and prosperity and gives pleasure Us prop- er form. It Is fourid In every enter- prise and aspiration and without Us valuable office the anchor of hope would be but a commonplace hoe. Be sides being foremost In philosophy, It Is at the front in patriotism, patience And piety* Purpose has no meaning -without It and the pyramids are built -f^ssn-ifti bass, Boat— TimaicrJpt, . Porter Burgess, -George Fashley, Joseph Locks and ArvU Locks of Indi- an Lake passed throogh town Monday on their way to Canada, where they will spend a week hunting;. •' \ William Patten of Saratoga spent Sunday in town. Now is a good time to buy a radio, and listen to the world ssriei whieh will begin Saturday Odtobit 4* P. J. Allen has A ism assortment, at special prices. Have you -fever eaten" Adirondack Pride bread? ' It's gr«»L P.' J. Allen was a buiiness visitor at Albany on Thursday last A, E Prescott returned home Sunday He 41so made, a motf^tiijp lucsday, and will return home today. •A* B. Prescott waa a visitor at Au- sable Chasm a couple day* this week. Mrs. James O'Eeeffe has purchased a Easy washer from Allen's Radio shop MissLo\nse McDonald and Mr. and Mrs Rae Galusha enjoyed a picnic dinner of roast corn and hot dogs near Newcpmb, Sunday, Later calling upon Mrs* Galusha** parents Mr and Mr* W* Sanders-, ., '••.' .."' ;•' Mr and Mrs John H. Wade spent last Satur^.i|y-at-.lndian'Ia#ke'''" ••.""' : < "; . " Henry Johnson and friend of" Hudson Falls welre- in t o ^ S^da^ au^d were accompanied back as far au Glens Falls by his aunt Mrs< Charles Eldridge and his mother,. Mr* Elisabeth Johnson, the latter to leave the next day for Cherry Plains Mr and Mrs N. B'raverman were in Glens Falls the first part of the week attending the Jewish New Year ser- vices.' Their store was closed during- their vhiit. ' AU are cordially invited to listen to the world' series which will be received on S special load speaker, direct from the fields, in front of ^P. J. Aliens Radio shop . . , ; Warren T Ratcliff, John B WakeleyT Rae , Galusba and Edward Hawkey attended the I O O F Lodge on Satur- oay^venftifrat Wevertowh • ' John.TheviaiflthaaTnoived his family into the Rist house oa the state road leading to North River < I Mrs, Baupre entertained her mother, Mrs. Coultw of Wevertbwn and brother Howard Coulter and family of Glens Falls, over Sunday ~' Albert Armstrong visited at Johns- burg, Sunday ' Arthur Holcomb lost a valuabe hcrse last week. He has purchased another tofiUits place. ' Robert McSweeney and, John Cunn- ingham who are attending Union Coll- ege a t Schenectady, were over Sunday guests of their parents ! . Miss Hary Morrison who''has been employed at Blue Mountain Lake for the stammer, has returned home. Augusta Lavery is making' extensive repairs to his planing mill Fred Payne whoi* building a dwell-' ing house near the village, has same well under construction, also James Durgan who i s buiiding- near Paynes new house, has his work well comm- enced John R. (Jack) Russell who is em- ployed at Glens Falls, and Mr and Mrs Archie Maccabe of Glens Falls, were over Sunday guests of their parents, Mr and 4 M ^ William Russell W and Mrs W, %/Ratcih? visited at Sodom, Sunday . Miss Eileen C#Uih*j* visiting friends ^ t i n d l a n Lake, for a few days Mrs Lirmatt Clnte, R, % of Glens Falls called on Mrs George Sanders, one dsy last week while on the w*y to her aummer camp at Indian Lake M^WiiliemR.I.ee and >frs Frank Breupre were shoppers in Gleni Falls lait Thursday Mr and Mrs Benj. Straight of the ttirteenth Lake Lodge, had as dinner guests Sunday, the following^ Rev. and Mrs J. B.^Randall,* John Straight and Mr and Mrs George Sanders ^ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burns of North River and Mr, and Mrs, Benjamin oSnaasjK sassYC ,sa^pawsiways sssa • esa- on m trip to Montreal^ Can. and other places of interest "—,;. »_™,-l^. Minerva New*. Henry Bennett baa purchased a new Oakland car, 'Orson Kellogg returned home Monday after undergoing an operation for gall stones. Mr, Kellogg's condition is quite improved and is able to be around again. Mr., and Mrs. Earl A. Bimmick and family spent the week end In Glens FlOaT visiting relitives, -~ Clarence Kellogg makes quite fre-' quent trips^home lately, we wonder The Mountain Yiew House Is recem ing a coat of Stucco which will improve its appearance very much. Elenor Durkin spent the Week end with her sister Mrs. Mason Pldmley. „ Mr. and Mrs» George Coughlitt and oojusin spent the week end at their home here. v . . Rev, Mr. Kraeling ft building a new house beside hilt old home, at Deer Creek Camp. John and Frank Galla- gher are doing the work. . . '—* Mjga Ella Frances Lynch has returned home after spending the summer tour- ing in Europe. ••>-"»'' Mrs. Pairick Walch spent last week in New York on business. Roy Vanderwerker spent Sunday at the home of John Broadleys John Gallagher has received his new furnace and halve i t already installed, It i* a "Kalamaxoo" and is a wonderful heater, Jack Frost visited our neighborhood ' and badly cinged our crops. We hope he gives us good Weather in spite of frosts. Mr and Mrs. Harry Moose are taking a r e of Camp Che-Na- Wah on Balfour Lake thia fall. —* Frank Kellogg is still employed at Camp Balfour Lake. They are building a garage aVpteaent. I ,_ .->. 'jACI^^iNte ; ^Qje|p|^ WEDNESDAY, 0G1V S OVyENlVIORE IN 'S AND Jack Dempsey in f tlFrANY~MM.fi QWARTEt AND BILL RINQERS . „J^ W 3 L 0tmt mm of^^flattve musreai talents coiisfitute * premier eh- terttdnment «»nn>ttn^^known as the tOffany Male Quartet and Bell Ringer* ^^ L^ P * 5 2 °* tW * " ^ t t ^ t l o n In the entertainment^ Held is well at- tested by conunlttees, audiences and the press wherever the company has ap- pearea. t * * K uL^JSTiS?^ tte T 1 ^ ^* mt '*« w > ^ »ea who have l e * excel. K J E S S f S S * 1 * M ^ n ^ ^ ^ w t i c advantages, tr^ey are experienced ^fiSZS^J^J^ sU6tess ^ ^rformancerto^their credit, mar wherever g$od music ht known. - v _._-•—•« S j n ^ ^ p i a j l t t g , as they constantly u>, before college and^ttlverilty SSh»S^ t t)ef0 ^ s< f aa^ota audienfees,, they have evolved a type of ful^ogS. t0m1)tte8 m « * elementn necessary for 'te*t*tb>- <*«*** O'KEEFFES OPERA KOUSE ' ' "*" " ' - ; : , : . ^ v ; - - ••••--.-i ' x* : * ^_M:0M^ :, J -;.J "^1 Kuinilim*to*t*nb-**l> -•^•^mkiii^^^s^^ *rvy:?i?c.: r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "W^, TmM£m--m%m&M^%wmm* "txmms^^^^^^^*^^ •.•:•-3-.-. •Una jc^Biiafti *&" \ Olmsted ville News. Billy Bams and Robert Blackburn made a trip to Mt. Marcy, Sunday. ^ Mrs. Scott Church returned home Sunday after visiting in Glens Falls. Morton and Kate Sullivan were busi- ness callers in Glens Falls last week. j The French I class of ,01mstedviHe' high school, had a spelling contest, Fr> ! day morning. The words wtre taken fTornLaPremier Livre. The captains] were Teresa Ryan and Lee Lavery. I The sides were* Teresa Ryan, Dorothy j Church, Eldise Cronin, Norman Sullivan ' Billy Powers and Ruth Bannon, Lee Lavery, Benton Hammond, -, Edward Brannon, Edward Kelly, Billy Barbs and Molly Barns: - The winners on the former side were, Teresa Ryan, Dorothy Church and Ruth Barns. The winners on the latter side were Molly Barns and Edward Kelly. Lucille Clifford who is teaching at Hague spent the week end in thispikce Gb*jfch and Society' Notes, I, Durfee, clerk; O. B^ Treasurer; Mrs. David Jones, President off Woman's Society; Mrs. W, I. Dories Secretary and Treasurer. ; ST. JAMES CHORC1H. Sunday Mass ?m "A* M. OMforma&ou services will be ren- dered in the'St. James church on Oc- toberlfiL Chestertown News. Town ,Supt* of Highways. Swain Perry is pushing the work on the bridge at Starbuckville as fast as possible. Mr. Richards had a valuable dog shot last week, Mrs. Cora Warner and daughter Cora called in town Sunday. Alfred Hanamer, Mr. and Mrs,, Swain Perm and family 'balledon Mr. and Mrs Wallace Reed of Wevertown,^ Sunday. Wardy Bennett is getting out a little on crutches, he had**bad case of blood poison m one leg. "~ Frank Monroe Of North River, spent the week end with his sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Meade, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Meade and neice Gertrude Monroe motored to Warrensburgh and took dinner with the litters parents Mr. and Mrs,. Byron Monroe. yettsr Bolton has pReumonia, but is reported a little better. AMERICAN LEGION NORTH CREEK POST NO. 629 H,L Sraleyi Commander .Kenneth Bennett, Vice Commander WiSiani Durgan, Sargent at Arms* , Howard Alexander, Post Adjutant, HOMEB«FREAtJ. Chairman.: Mm William Lee. %ice Chairman; Mrs. William Noxon Secretary and Treasureri Mrs, Ghas B,' Wade. - : -. - Mrs. Randall 111. Mrs Ralph Randall'is "very ill at the home of William Russell'su Dr, Wm^ R. Lee is attending physician. Mrs. Rattdaliwas moved from their campteear Beaverineadov? Farmj, Sat ; Thurman News. M. 4 OHtJBCH. Rev. G. 0. Cornell, Pastor Services *» 10:SO A. M, Sermon. -.|1;#5,A-M. mw&f ?:$}&|£. Sermon. . * Thanks to everyone wLo helped make our Rally Program such..an; ontstanding success. The pastar sincerely appreci- ates such cheerful loyalty. May the good work CO»8TOKV Sunday,- the sacrament of the Lord's Supper Will be ^ administered and the pastor will speak ' wd*S* where she Was, taken ill. Mm, on •'Establishing Kinsfcip." Evening Bert Randall of Glens Falls is caring subject M Give Place.*' . |*»JM* The Official Board will hold its OctO* ber meeting next Taesday evening at the vestry, All members are urged to be present '* NORtH RIVER Sunday afternoon at the MT^E. church the pastor will speak on **Es-> tabiishing Kinship" and the saerament of tiie Lord's Supper will be administ- ered. Everyone cordially invited to participate in this service of worship. Local Lady Given SBpwer . BAPTIST, CHIJRCS, Reir. W, t, Durfee, Minister. Miss Josephine Husselbeck, daughter of Mr» and "^xs, Frank Husselbeck, and Clarence Kellogg, son of Mr. and Mts, Orson Kellogg, of MinerYft; were given a shower at the home of the' ladies parent?* The Wading is scheduled to taike place on Wednesday, at 7 p. m, Joe Bork Injured. Several from this place attended the covered wagon moving pictures at Warrensburgh, Tuesday night of last week.* Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wescott attend- ed the service at the W. M. church at Bakera Mills last. Sunday morning They also called on their parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wescott. Harry Russell who has been inBoI- ton Landing for sdhae time, made a business visit to Henry; Wescptt*s Fri- day of last week, he was accompanied by Mrs. Lewis Maranville of Glens Sails, , •- " - Miss Bertha L. Wescot| is ^sitfet her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Ithel Wascattof Johnsbnrg, feis week, Morning Worship 10:SO Sunday School 11:45 Evening Worship 7:30 * Prayer Service Wed. t:30 P,&% The get-to-gether service Will be held in the North River church next Sunday evening* Rev, N* R. Feagles, preach- er. ~ -,.."'".• Foriyfour North Creek ISap^stat attended the service at Minerva lafat Sunday evening. The Lake George Baptist Association held It's annual session in tha Minerva Baptist church last week, beginning ^Tuesday at 2 p. m. and continuing until Thursday noon,. There was a large attendance, about 25CT delegates and visitors being present at the various meetings, A strong: program was pre- sented, the speakers being chosen from the leaders of the Baptist denomination in New York State* Among these was Rev* George A. Rriggsy pastor of Park- side Baptist church of Buffalo, Trustee^ o* Cock Academy, who | a v e -a course of Bible readings covering the enti e toak of Amos* Shis course was a clear and vivid presentaiaari of the vital teachings of that book, Rev. A* W- Rogers, paster of tte Emniannel Bap» l i s t church of Schenectady and member of the Conmussibn on Scclal SerVi«f of the New York Baptist State Cxnveri* Joseph Borik .Who "is employed at Barton Garnet Mines was injured Sat- disloeating the left ankle, by from a dump cart. He urday, thrown was brought to Dr. W* R. Lee's office, and wasihen* taken to the Ticonderoga hospital itfr treatment. Sweeney Ran Down ~. Auto. by Mrs, Ralph Merwin and son Walter, Were called to tha place by the illness of her mother, Mrs, Lydia Pasco. -• -Frank Fo*t»r wMle- t*terning^ humi on Saturday evening* ran down Frank Sweeney near the letters home, near WevertoWn, fracturing several ribs. The accident happened when the both parties became confused in trying to avoid the collision* Mr. Sweeney was on fcotj* the car passing completely accross his chest. Dr. Fitxgerald wrs called and attended the fractures! Mr, Sweeney is able to be around. Special Notice. The L O. 0, F, Lodge No. 5*1 of Wevertown,,wili initiate a candidate Saturday evening at 7;30 o'clock, after which refreshments will be served. Ail,members are requested to be present. Bine Mountain Lake News Miss Dorothy Roblee is now employed at the LaPrairie House* WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER HIGH GRADE iaon, addressed ttie gathering Tuesday evening. Res. F. W, Tomiinsoit, of Syracuse,*and Director of Town and Country churches, gave an addra i Wedheaday evening on the sub|ect j **The Value of #ie Rural Church, " ' Bev* F* M. LaBar was speaker in the interest of our Sunday ^hools, and Mrs, L. W, GiFonkhite, of G^QMC'J, J formerly missjbnary fa Burma, and Rev, B« M, Johnson of Minerva, w§|e missiona^ speakers, - * •'• .| The opening sermon Was preached by BeV« W* I.- fiarfee, of Norlh Creek; the Dectrmai sermon by Rev P. H, McDowell, of Glens. Falls; and the e?os- nig sermott by Rev. George Briggs of If you have any thing t o sell Advertise it in the M B|it0^dBe 99 ' Se#how quickly you will sell Jacob & Mr* T* Otto, of Syracuse, Chairman; of the Layenen's Ceoacilof, New York .Stat?* adltressed the men on ^The < o- operationof the Men U 4he Work o| the Church." Rev. Cleorge J, Smith of Boltott Landing, led in melgngBir and Ihe Aoirondack ^piaitette renderei a noaaber of seleciSonsj^makuig the music an atteactive part of the f*r- vices. Officer* for the comlfig•£&$ ares Be*, f,m'I4B^,.Mo1y*t^f;Re^* 4 W , The Misses Dorothy and Roxie Robl a and Jennie Dupree spent the Week end camping on Blue Mountain. They re* ported! an enjoyable time. Mr* and Mrs. Es J* Merwm who have been visiting friends and relatives in Speculator and Glens Fails, returned home Sunday. Julia.SImes who was employed at Lake. George returned home one day last week. Ed, Fowler who is eihployed by 0. W Doiy cut his foot quite badly one <kf- week. Thomas Goodwin of Hastings ,who has beeft^pendmg a few weeka at Bltte ,M6unt»ia;Lake retotled to his .hoh*,•- Saturday* Clatlde W, Doty is building anew boat house, with dance bali above, pro* feuding out on the wateif* w^fe goc4 limes are expected next season. Myrle J. Reynolds who Wis employed as Ticket Agent by the Raflfuette Lake iTrs^ip^rtaiioll Co. refarned to hM hdmefhliSyr&ciise,Sunday* Bill Sejidbh who was eiflpl6yed .at .^khimiat* dariag the^atonmer left fmr bia borne in Massachuseetts, Saturday. Standard Insurance Folicies which cover com- pletely any loss which wiifat conie through the destruc- tion of your Home, Phone 49f stetfc -fipMSte 18|: ti*Bf*ftn.ir'vi&i~lniw l*^fi/~n •j»-»fi-'B>'"IVi^fr— »- ,»™~wiW«<-"i*w-,'* <M" w^Si-^Sfc^ibB.-?* t f.<"uA.t#ia<iny

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^mmmmm iSpji«vJ5«ti'K)l-)»"fuT '


'C^^'^^*^^V^^^^^",*^ i , ,!? f?'^' 5fi^'bft*&fift£f& tfixiii*,^


r l " , ': •

- .


- D-JJli \

HOttt* tftMitat MtTTBRPRIAB. Tltt>B8I>AT. OCTOBKK 2,

* • • • •

Tkaaa Specials are l e per *rord, aack taacrtfcp arfajawai char*«, 2Sc C M I I >)•«§('ac^amtaW wafer, • • aaoaata air* tea aaul *» *a r r«a i fe«*k-kaaaiaf axaa'aaa. ' • " ,

1 • ' ' ' * ' ) • ' ' ' " ' i _

IMPERIAL STOVES. • Lee Bruno,, x Agent North Creek, N. Y*

k L_* „ \ ,, .- ,.-"RtJILDING Lots for sale. Desirable JJ location in North Greek 'Dr. A-: B. Fitzgerald, North Greek, 'N; Y. .

ca:—i—f ! . ,—' *X n" - • f, *

RECLAIMED Furniture. Inquire at th> Law^Office; Npr&Creek, N.Y.

i i • i • i r • », • — > • • • • • i .aw——Wu* i»• 11 m m m aiaal •• a m n a a

TTARD'AND. SOFT WOOD-Any •"• length desired. North Greek Wood Company. ' '"

W A N T E D — A good honest school " boy to do.chorea for board in

Christian home. BOY 72, North, Greek.

North Creek - V

•J ' ' *

. News.

WANTED-Goodco^ Sog, She - _ or Collie, of kind disposition.

72, North Creek,


WANTED-Girl for general hquse-TT Work, small family of adults,

Write or phone Murray's Variety Store Long Lake, N. Y; .

TOWELLING, to rent for the winter, • *? desirable location. Inquire of

Jaa^t-Hojctik00Bk,#*¥,; ..

IRST CLASS FOOL; TABLE, Regu­lar site. A ^condition. For" Sale,

f, % a'Donri0ll, North Creek* N> Y,

ttRROIIGHS adding ttachihe* likf \":.;.new> Wide carriage. Witt discount 160. InquireWorth Greek, pttterprise, North Greek -: .'*.-'

,. ;,,' , " • * • • •'- n- -• -•*• - ' ,»•*• •••••• •••••• ,^,AiM«m mmaiii—iaiwiii m iii'iiu"niiiiiiinuii*

TOCYOLOPBDIA BEITANNICA (n .'Pr fine condition, heavy leather bound 25 vol ; Ninth Edition, Cheap, inquire N orth Greek Enterprise, North Creek.

[OW IS THE TIME to buy your ' winter potatoes. ' J1.26 per bushel

delivered in near^towns. $l,O0*at field* l i t quality. Howard M. Pish, ,R,P.

• D. V North CreeWN.Y. ;.

Mrs. Merton Roblee visited1 her mother, Mrs, Bishop Phelps in Potters-ville, Sunday afternoon and evening.' -

Miss»Louise McDonald of Indian Lake,' was the guest at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. George Galusha, several days recently. . ' :

The next of the series of the get-to gether meetings of the, Baptist will be held at1 the Baptist church at North River, next Sunday evening. The Rev, N, R. Feagles of Minerva and the ..Gore will preach. \

Mr* and Mrs. Albert Stevens, of Warrensburgh called on their daughter, Mrs.'Jesse Waldron, Sunday,

Mr. and Mrs. .Howard Holcomb and son,-Carl, of Indian Lake, -visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holcomb several dayslast week.

Mr. and Mrs, Everts, Mrs. Ruth Everts, Mr, and Mrs* Leslie Combs and Hazel Allen spent the 26th with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hi Allen. -

Again I ask, -will yon please try to get your itettufit? oaiNoflta. tey MOH* DAY NOOM s«that1 ^ 1i i%^MHi all printed in the *'l!nte%HsWf $fe thank yptt for yotuf «o>j>p#iit f--."By getting your items ha early, we ' the time to' set them up. Please send ihencL.early* .

Miss Louise McDonald of Indian Lake had been visiting fHertda in towh for. several days. Miss McDonald who is an excellent horse woman, made the trip via horse back, ,

Miss Ethel Parker of Long Lake, called on friends in town one day last week..'. ^

$6*. Oraborne who has been employed on the hard, wood job. on the Gore was in towii Monday, - #

Dr. Somerville'i teama that have

wt«i , Finder leave, at Office; Re#«d,

R; One good work horse, "*' sound, cheap for cash, inquire Wm, C. Hodgkms, Bakers Mills, N. Y.

OR, SALE, 100 White-Leghorn pull els*. Inquirejtt North Crejek Enter


(, Stone Bridge Newi. vyilKam Stevens accompanied by his

mother and sister Elisabeth) motored to dlens Falls, last week. \

Walter PritonardJmd family of Mass»» achusetts, are visiting relativea here,

,,Henry fiodkin Spent the week end with ms family sjt Soi th Glerta Falls. ^Miss Myrtle Clipperd ahdrfdendof

Nor & River-were callers in town last week.*' • •'••*- •'.-.'-,. ••• ' '*" •_•'. " •

.. ilrsf. Hary Mel ee who^ bus feeett em­ployed by Miss Christina Johnson has

,. returned to her hoine Here* Miss Johf-son came with her and will board there during the vrinte*; t». * •

: Fred McKee has completed hi* work on the Sta,te rbad w$er:evhe\ has been

during the summer. soft ]of Alfer^ Wilcox,

sMlMisj Naonii R* hpipfto; daughtefcof ;&Hftk I»aym6hdf hofi. of Hpricain Weigfe niartied last wfeek1'bf i*ie Re|r» Roi?ai WpAdheM at his pli^iiit ff^ican; ,Mr Wilcox was at one ipmi employed Eeife by his nephew Charles' Monroe^^ud is therefore known in this, .vicinity.*lt fye extend our wishes to them fjpr^long and happy mariijed,lite. t • (^ ,

> Sotnm Puhkint! , Western BxchaUge—The letter "P*

l i the most linpbrtant;iin.~the alphabet, because" It leads, all others in perfec­tion. It Is likewise first In peace and prosperity and gives pleasure Us prop­er form. It Is fourid In every enter­prise and aspiration and without Us valuable office the anchor of hope would be but a commonplace hoe. Be sides being foremost In philosophy, It Is at the front in patriotism, patience And piety* Purpose has no meaning -without It and the pyramids are built

-f^ssn-ifti bass, Boat— TimaicrJpt,

. Porter Burgess, -George Fashley, Joseph Locks and ArvU Locks of Indi­an Lake passed throogh town Monday on their way to Canada, where they will spend a week hunting;. •' \

William Patten of Saratoga spent Sunday in town.

Now is a good time to buy a radio, and listen to the world ssriei whieh will begin Saturday Odtobit 4* P. J. Allen has A ism assortment, at special prices.

Have you -fever eaten" Adirondack Pride bread? ' It's gr«»L

P.' J. Allen was a buiiness visitor at Albany on Thursday last

A, E Prescott returned home Sunday He 41so made, a motf^tiijp lucsday, and will return home today.

•A* B. Prescott waa a visitor at Au-sable Chasm a couple day* this week.

Mrs. James O'Eeeffe has purchased a Easy washer from Allen's Radio shop

MissLo\nse McDonald and Mr. and Mrs Rae Galusha enjoyed a picnic dinner of roast corn and hot dogs near Newcpmb, Sunday, Later calling upon Mrs* Galusha** parents Mr and Mr* W* Sanders-, ., '••.' .."' ;•'

Mr and Mrs John H. Wade spent last Satur .i|y-at-.lndian'Ia#ke'''" ••.""' :<"; . " Henry Johnson and friend of" Hudson Falls welre- in t o ^ S^da^ au d were accompanied back as far au Glens Falls by his aunt Mrs< Charles Eldridge and his mother,. Mr* Elisabeth Johnson, the latter to leave the next day for Cherry Plains

Mr and Mrs N. B'raverman were in Glens Falls the first part of the week attending the Jewish New Year ser­vices.' Their store was closed during-their vhiit. '

AU are cordially invited to listen to the world' series which will be received on S special load speaker, direct from the fields, in front of ^P. J. Aliens Radio shop . . , ;

Warren T Ratcliff, John B WakeleyT Rae , Galusba and Edward Hawkey attended the I OOF Lodge on Satur-oay^venftifrat Wevertowh •

' John.TheviaiflthaaTnoived his family into the Rist house oa the state road leading to North River < I

Mrs, Baupre entertained her mother, Mrs. Coultw of Wevertbwn and brother Howard Coulter and family of Glens Falls, over Sunday ~' Albert Armstrong visited at Johns-burg, Sunday '

Arthur Holcomb lost a valuabe hcrse last week. He has purchased another to fiU its place. '

Robert McSweeney and, John Cunn­ingham who are attending Union Coll­ege at Schenectady, were over Sunday guests of their parents ! . Miss Hary Morrison who''has been employed at Blue Mountain Lake for the stammer, has returned home.

Augusta Lavery is making' extensive repairs to his planing mill

Fred Payne whoi* building a dwell-' ing house near the village, has same well under construction, also James Durgan who is buiiding- near Paynes new house, has his work well comm­enced

John R. (Jack) Russell who is em­ployed at Glens Falls, and Mr and Mrs Archie Maccabe of Glens Falls, were over Sunday guests of their parents, Mr and4 M^ William Russell

W and Mrs W, %/Ratcih? visited at Sodom, Sunday .

Miss Eileen C#Uih*j* visiting friends ^t indlan Lake, for a few days

Mrs Lirmatt Clnte, R, % of Glens Falls called on Mrs George Sanders, one dsy last week while on the w*y to her aummer camp at Indian Lake

M^WiiliemR.I.ee and >frs Frank Breupre were shoppers in Gleni Falls lait Thursday

Mr and Mrs Benj. Straight of the ttirteenth Lake Lodge, had as dinner guests Sunday, the following^ Rev. and Mrs J. B. Randall,* John Straight and Mr and Mrs George Sanders ^

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burns of North River and Mr, and Mrs, Benjamin oSnaasjK sassYC ,sa pawsiways sssa • esa-on m trip to Montreal^ Can. and other places of interest

" — , ; . » _ ™ , - l ^ .

Minerva New*.

Henry Bennett baa purchased a new Oakland car,

'Orson Kellogg returned home Monday after undergoing an operation for gall stones. Mr, Kellogg's condition is quite improved and is able to be around again.

Mr., and Mrs. Earl A. Bimmick and family spent the week end In Glens FlOaT visiting relitives, -~

Clarence Kellogg makes quite fre-' quent trips^home lately, we wonder

The Mountain Yiew House Is recem ing a coat of Stucco which will improve its appearance very much.

Elenor Durkin spent the Week end with her sister Mrs. Mason Pldmley.

„ Mr. and Mrs» George Coughlitt and oojusin spent the week end at their home here. v . . Rev, Mr. Kraeling ft building a new house beside hilt old home, at Deer Creek Camp. John and Frank Galla­gher are doing the work.

. . • • '—*

Mjga Ella Frances Lynch has returned home after spending the summer tour­ing in Europe. • •>-"»' '

Mrs. Pairick Walch spent last week in New York on business.

Roy Vanderwerker spent Sunday at the home of John Broadleys

John Gallagher has received his new furnace and halve i t already installed, It i* a "Kalamaxoo" and is a wonderful heater,

Jack Frost visited our neighborhood ' and badly cinged our crops. We hope he gives us good Weather in spite of frosts.

Mr and Mrs. Harry Moose are taking are of Camp Che-Na- Wah on Balfour Lake thia fall. —*

Frank Kellogg is still employed at Camp Balfour Lake. They are building a garage aVpteaent. I ,_






Jack Dempsey in



„J^W 3L0tmt mm of^^flattve musreai talents coiisfitute * premier eh-terttdnment «»nn>ttn known as the tOffany Male Quartet and Bell Ringer* ^ ^ L ^ P * 5 2 °* t W * "^tt^t lon In the entertainment Held is well at-tested by conunlttees, audiences and the press wherever the company has ap-pearea. t * * K

uL^JSTiS?^ tte T 1 ^ ^*mt '*« w > ^ »ea who have l e * excel. K J E S S f S S * 1 * M^n ^ ^ ^ w t i c advantages, tr^ey are experienced ^ f i S Z S ^ J ^ J ^ s U 6 t e s s ^ ^rformancerto^their credit, mar wherever g$od music ht known. - v _._-•—•« • S j n ^ ^ p i a j l t t g , as they constantly u>, before college and^ttlverilty

S S h » S ^ tt ) e f 0 ^ s < f aa^ota audienfees,, they have evolved a type of

f u l ^ o g S . t 0 m 1 ) t t e 8 m « * elementn necessary for 'te*t*tb>- <*«***

O'KEEFFES OPERA KOUSE ' ' • " * " " ' - ; : , : . ^ v ; - - • • • • - - . - i '


^_M:0M^ • : ,J -;.J

"^1 Kuinilim*to*t*nb-**l>


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* & "


Olmsted ville News.

Billy Bams and Robert Blackburn made a trip to Mt. Marcy, Sunday. ^

Mrs. Scott Church returned home Sunday after visiting in Glens Falls.

Morton and Kate Sullivan were busi­ness callers in Glens Falls last week. j

The French I class of ,01mstedviHe' high school, had a spelling contest, Fr> ! day morning. The words wtre taken fTornLaPremier Livre. The captains] were Teresa Ryan and Lee Lavery. I The sides were* Teresa Ryan, Dorothy j Church, Eldise Cronin, Norman Sullivan ' Billy Powers and Ruth Bannon, Lee Lavery, Benton Hammond, -, Edward Brannon, Edward Kelly, Billy Barbs and Molly Barns:

- The winners on the former side were, Teresa Ryan, Dorothy Church and Ruth Barns. The winners on the latter side were Molly Barns and Edward Kelly.

Lucille Clifford who is teaching at Hague spent the week end in thispikce

Gb*jfch and Society' Notes,

I, Durfee, clerk; O. B Treasurer; Mrs. David Jones, President off Woman's Society; Mrs. W, I. Dories Secretary and Treasurer. ;

ST. JAMES CHORC1H. Sunday Mass ?m "A* M.

OMforma&ou services will be ren­dered in the'St. James church on Oc-toberlfiL

Chestertown News.

Town ,Supt* of Highways. Swain Perry is pushing the work on the bridge at Starbuckville as fast as possible.

Mr. Richards had a valuable dog shot last week,

Mrs. Cora Warner and daughter Cora called in town Sunday.

Alfred Hanamer, Mr. and Mrs,, Swain Perm and family 'balledon Mr. and Mrs Wallace Reed of Wevertown,^ Sunday.

Wardy Bennett is getting out a little on crutches, he had**bad case of blood poison m one leg. "~

Frank Monroe Of North River, spent the week end with his sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Meade,

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Meade and neice Gertrude Monroe motored to Warrensburgh and took dinner with the litters parents Mr. and Mrs,. Byron Monroe.

yettsr Bolton has pReumonia, but is reported a little better.


H,L Sraleyi Commander .Kenneth Bennett, Vice Commander WiSiani Durgan, Sargent at Arms* , Howard Alexander, Post Adjutant,

HOMEB«FREAtJ. Chairman.: Mm William Lee. %ice Chairman; Mrs. William Noxon Secretary and Treasureri Mrs, Ghas

B,' Wade. -: -.

- Mrs. Randall 111. Mrs Ralph Randall'is "very ill at the

home of William Russell'su Dr, Wm R. Lee is attending physician.

Mrs. Rattdaliwas moved from their campteear Beaverineadov? Farmj, Sat;

Thurman News.

M. 4 OHtJBCH. Rev. G. 0. Cornell, Pastor

Services *» 10:SO A. M, Sermon.

• -.|1;#5,A-M. mw&f ?:$}&|£. Sermon. .

* Thanks to everyone wLo helped make our Rally Program such..an; ontstanding success. The pastar sincerely appreci­ates such cheerful loyalty. May the good work CO»8TOKV Sunday,- the sacrament of the Lord's Supper Will be ^ administered and the pastor will speak ' wd*S* where she Was, taken ill. Mm, on •'Establishing Kinsfcip." Evening Bert Randall of Glens Falls is caring subject MGive Place.*' . |*»JM*

The Official Board will hold its OctO* ber meeting next Taesday evening at the vestry, All members are urged to be present

'* NORtH RIVER Sunday afternoon at the MT^E.

church the pastor will speak on **Es-> tabiishing Kinship" and the saerament of tiie Lord's Supper will be administ­ered. Everyone cordially invited to participate in this service of worship.

Local Lady Given SBpwer

. BAPTIST, CHIJRCS, Reir. W, t, Durfee, Minister.

Miss Josephine Husselbeck, daughter of Mr» and "^xs, Frank Husselbeck, and Clarence Kellogg, son of Mr. and Mts, Orson Kellogg, of MinerYft; were given a shower at the home of the' ladies parent?* The Wading is scheduled to taike place on Wednesday, at 7 p. m,

Joe Bork Injured.

Several from this place attended the covered wagon moving pictures at Warrensburgh, Tuesday night of last week.*

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wescott attend­ed the service at the W. M. church at Bakera Mills last. Sunday morning They also called on their parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wescott.

Harry Russell who has been inBoI-ton Landing for sdhae time, made a business visit to Henry; Wescptt*s Fri­day of last week, he was accompanied by Mrs. Lewis Maranville of Glens Sails, , •- " - Miss Bertha L. Wescot| is ^sitfet

her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Ithel Wascattof Johnsbnrg, feis week,

Morning Worship 10:SO Sunday School 11:45 Evening Worship 7:30 * Prayer Service Wed. t:30 P,&%

The get-to-gether service Will be held in the North River church next Sunday evening* Rev, N* R. Feagles, preach­er. ~ - , . . " ' " . •

Foriyfour North Creek ISap stat attended the service at Minerva lafat Sunday evening.

The Lake George Baptist Association held It's annual session in tha Minerva Baptist church last week, beginning ^Tuesday at 2 p. m. and continuing until Thursday noon,. There was a large attendance, about 25CT delegates and visitors being present at the various meetings, A strong: program was pre­sented, the speakers being chosen from the leaders of the Baptist denomination in New York State* Among these was Rev* George A. Rriggsy pastor of Park-side Baptist church of Buffalo, Trustee^ o* Cock Academy, who |ave -a course of Bible readings covering the enti e toak of Amos* Shis course was a clear and vivid presentaiaari of the vital teachings of that book, Rev. A* W-Rogers, paster of tte Emniannel Bap» l ist church of Schenectady and member of the Conmussibn on Scclal SerVi«f of the New York Baptist State Cxnveri*

Joseph Borik .Who "is employed at Barton Garnet Mines was injured Sat-

disloeating the left ankle, by from a dump cart. He

urday, thrown

was brought to Dr. W* R. Lee's office, and wasihen* taken to the Ticonderoga hospital itfr treatment.

Sweeney Ran Down ~. • Auto.


Mrs, Ralph Merwin and son Walter, Were called to tha place by the illness of her mother, Mrs, Lydia Pasco.

-• -Frank Fo*t»r wMle- t*terning^ humi on Saturday evening* ran down Frank Sweeney near the letters home, near WevertoWn, fracturing several ribs.

The accident happened when the both parties became confused in trying to avoid the collision* Mr. Sweeney was on fcotj* the car passing completely accross his chest. Dr. Fitxgerald wrs called and attended the fractures! Mr, Sweeney is able to be around.

Special Notice.

The L O. 0, F, Lodge No. 5*1 of Wevertown,,wili initiate a candidate Saturday evening at 7;30 o'clock, after which refreshments will be served. Ail,members are requested to be present.

Bine Mountain Lake News

Miss Dorothy Roblee is now employed at the LaPrairie House*



iaon, addressed ttie gathering Tuesday evening. Res. F. W, Tomiinsoit, of Syracuse,*and Director of Town and Country churches, gave an addra i Wedheaday evening on the sub|ect j **The Value of #ie Rural Church," '

Bev* F* M. LaBar was speaker in the interest of our Sunday hools, and Mrs, L. W, GiFonkhite, of G^QMC'J, J formerly missjbnary fa Burma, and Rev, B« M, Johnson of Minerva, w§|e missiona^ speakers, - * •'• .|

The opening sermon Was preached by BeV« W* I.- fiarfee, of Norlh Creek; the Dectrmai sermon by Rev P. H, McDowell, of Glens. Falls; and the e?os-nig sermott by Rev. George Briggs of

If you have any thing t o sell Advertise it in the MB|it0^dBe99'

Se#how quickly you will sell

Jacob &

Mr* T* Otto, of Syracuse, Chairman; of the Layenen's Ceoacilof, New York .Stat?* adltressed the men on ^The < o-operationof the Men U 4he Work o | the Church." Rev. Cleorge J, Smith of Boltott Landing, led in melgngBir and Ihe Aoirondack piaitette renderei a noaaber of seleciSonsj^makuig the music an atteactive part of the f*r-vices.

Officer* for the comlfig•£&$ ares Be*, f,m'I4B^,.Mo1y*t^f;Re^*4W ,

The Misses Dorothy and Roxie Robl a and Jennie Dupree spent the Week end camping on Blue Mountain. They re* ported! an enjoyable time.

Mr* and Mrs. Es J* Merwm who have been visiting friends and relatives in Speculator and Glens Fails, returned home Sunday.

Julia.SImes who was employed at Lake. George returned home one day last week.

Ed, Fowler who is eihployed by 0. W Doiy cut his foot quite badly one <kf-week.

Thomas Goodwin of Hastings ,who has beeft^pendmg a few weeka at Bltte ,M6unt»ia;Lake retotled to his .hoh*,•-Saturday*

Clatlde W, Doty is building anew boat house, with dance bali above, pro* feuding out on the wateif* w^fe goc4 limes are expected next season.

Myrle J. Reynolds who Wis employed as Ticket Agent by the Raflfuette Lake iTrs^ip^rtaiioll Co. refarned to hM hdmefhliSyr&ciise,Sunday*

Bill Sejidbh who was eiflpl6yed .at .^khimiat* dariag the atonmer left fmr

bia borne in Massachuseetts, Saturday.

Standard Insurance Folicies which cover com­pletely any loss which wiifat conie through the destruc­tion of your Home,

Phone 49f stetfc -fipMSte 18|:

ti*Bf*ftn.ir'vi&i~lniw l*^fi/~n •j»-»fi-'B>'"IVi^fr— »- ,»™~wiW«<-"i*w-,'* < M "

w^Si-^Sfc^ibB.-?* t
