v ii & k'idr y 111 xr .7- 0- v v aw vv...

the w d ft -f ii & K'idr ( VmIt T w vv- - V Is 3i?y ww V AW s X. y VV r- - i- - ' s r ? VJj. Xj vxMttVi I M R XV ' Lh im ION Prrtei 6y John Bradford, at li s Office on Mam Mr a , whte u jvptions, (at Fifteen (hillings pet An mm) Anvsriijemv t esc. thankfully receded ani Printing tutu different or incites aane with Care and Expcuttion.v V itu from ' inston about the i2tti of this month, William Steams, a privat- - loldier in my com- pile aged 23 vea s, s Ieet 7 or 8 vn b tugh daiK com- plex n, snort hair but general- ly w is a alle tail, lias a very conlpui his olemiih in fusleft eye .ind waiks Lvuolcd,as he trade it is is a .K Imuh by p; 1 i he may end avour to o u-- i en. ploy in (ume parts or K r,cl.), he had on when he - ir 'led unifoirn cloathingf and rjl: vwtu 111m alio, hi? ar is iid merits, any pcrin who v. ill feciire the oe deserter, (o that he may' be delivered rohis cammi iding cruKe. 01 any lecruiung officer U U-- d Sta es, ILa'.l re- - Crl a rtwa'd of I en dollars, end iinniva Hvnnce, lOHN ARMSTRONG, Capr. F0lt W 1. n? on,) lftU S.Regt, Nuv 25 1791. ) Wunudb) the lublcnbcrs, Catile and Perk, to be re-- 2 c veJ '"m soot ; cili and Mer eh, n!k( uiiibeuivt.il aiyottheir ftu e , ei he. in the ".ii.e, Danville, Jsiius luivn, Lou ii Ie INdifjn Cam houu or Ltmelloiie. Ilit) line now on lnaid it tlieir ditiLicdi ifores alreadj men-tion.- d, a neat ailjiCmiitit of i GOODS We'1 calculated for this coun- try., w,)Kh they aie determined to dilpn.e of on the lo eli lerms ? ivr cam or the arucles a'ready mention- - I. ELLIOT & VVII LIAMS. P s ,; lie. alio want a (uan-j- j y or 'o'n snd tow linen. Lexington, Nov 19, 1791. LL persons indeHted to the ettate of Arxhibui Ferry cktii'd ai lequesteo: to make im.rtdiate pa ment, and those " uhc hive any dtmands agaudt the '.ne, pr dchred to n aLe tne- - r n immediately, that piv. ' mav be made for the f 'm-i'- t thereof. JOHN ijRADIORD, Aji.it. v Lcuglmi, i pt. 15, i 791. "r- - Ouicquid agunt homines nojlii S A T U R l A V, D E ji R. Edward Bu.iock has com i msneed Post Rtding ; He will leave Lexington and be at Bmbon ( Courchoufe, on tne ift and 15(1. of eeiy Month, at Boonfboiotif.h : lis 21. and idih. at MadifonCour'houle rlie 3d and 17th. at Lincoln Court, house thejh. and iS-ih- . at aiille tl e 51 h and 19th. at Han odd) g the 6'h and 20'h. at flaird s Town the 7th and 21ft. the 9th and 23d. at Lomf-vil'- e, and from thence up Biafhiers's creek to Lexington; but the tjtne he will be at any pauiculjr place between I ouifville and Lexinn'on, cannot yet be afeertained, hut will be liiide public when Known. Mi. Bullock is hereby aucbonfed to e any fubflrip ion inorev and rece pt for tl e same, which ftull be good agamft JOHN BRADFORD. Lexington, O (. 29, 1701. Two D O L L A R S Reward. TRtYED about the-- 23d injlint a iJ Bay hoi It, id tanas 1 inches IiifIi about 7 sears eld, branded 3, has a btaz' face and a remarkable white on e act flank trots and earners ; IVnoevtr delwers fatd horje t- - mem Lexington, JLall recent the aboie reward end rca-- ? jonaole chains paid by 2 cm- - ALAN M'GUIRK. St? .' H? TO THE PUBLIC. HAVE move J my Tin flioo to iVlels. le'rarclen and J,l- - Cu'loug'i s 'old Store-hous- c: nearly op-joft- ts the Mirket-liouf- s, where I 9r i my uu IUC iinniMi-ausiNU- S, in all us branches ft'itable to this part of the world ; and expect to supply all deiiands w thin a mo- dulate trading distance of this to.vn in Tn-war- both whole fa'c and ieu.1 ; and as 1 am taught from experience, tint moJerare r"""5 a.iuquit-K- . remuntices are- - the life of trade, intend selling my uaie nearly as low as in the old fedemenr, allowing for the ex-pen- of importing the tin. cuuii icu pint tin cups at leve.i lhlhngspet dozen, half-pi- nt ditto at five, quart measures at fifteen ihiilings per dozen, and so in pro- - ioit.o'1 for any iefser ojan'i'v. as also all ofher articles in the tinning way on veiy lo v prorVs. I want a v, 01 k nan in the timing; buli-nef- s, aid will jive ext aordmaiy w.ges to an on th't is compleat th rei.i. I also kep Salt ior Sale. R-b- ert Wood. Lexngton, Dec. 8, 1791. farrago libelli Juv. Sa,. 8. v. g$. C E H B h It 17. 1791, ALEXANDER &JAMES P A RK Hae just re eived and now openin a lue and jeneral alTbirmenc of diy (.noU, j;ioce tes, hiidwaie and queen? waie, at their floieb in Lex-iph- 'i n whah they w II fe'l on the mod iea ombie teim for calh, pubo lie (ediritieb and hides. ALL thrift indebted to the are teuelJed to mike imme- diate fament to Mr Ihign Brent Jim. w 0 ts nut orned to settle '. atcoums ai.daii chttje baring aeninds again1 me, is tl treenc tneir accounts to mm who vilUdiJcl.aige them as quick as 1 vjfible, 1'HOMAS YOUiG. Lcxiugton, A'ov. 27, 1 791. r7lLL he rented en the sir! day W 0' J muarv for the tetm of fi't en mo iths on the premises to the hifthed bidder, Bullets L'ck, with mi tit all its aiipwtenmce, for ready cafb otifj, to Ie paid in qui'terly pay- ments at the commencement of every qumer;it til be lenied ptmtely is am pet ol w u ,, t0 the aiy 0r ,Mting. It u alf requeJed that all JerfonS haxb'g claims agi.,''i the Lflate of H'tltiam Li'tl'an d'eafed, will brim, them in p'opetly aJjuiled and they (hill tepiid. ALLS. S BULLri; Exr. of mil Chnfinn aee. Jefferson Cm ity icth Nov 1751 x TlV,ll,m Hnmhhtnn XMrft ftr vj wr .i..-- ..,w.r en Cane run, a r td brinille cow, ivttb a tvbite face, tb'ee years old Maried-evit- h a crop off te right eat a rfuialloto fork m the iet, Appraised to a- - 10. rp 0m up hy the ftbfciber living I . Bar flatian, da,L bay horh about leen ears old. a f-- 7 incut, s litgh, Itts lest bind soot w'ntif 1 on the off side of his neck K; approved to 8- - i Liwrence li ard. L, rpAKENupbythefubfcnbtronthe J nuKnunr aa ai.ark trown i.oije, 2 ears old lifl Jpring. about 13 hands ani a half high, alaigeftarandfmall Jmp, btaided on the oj JhjuLlcr 3. to I3. Thomas Jthnfon. December 14, 1791 13 L A IN K b O F A L L KINDS May be had at Urn. Office. xr .7- - 111 0- - y-yyv- y c VOL V. art JUST PUBLISHED r And to be jold by ANDREW BROWN, ' And the principal Booksellers in the ti- ll of Philadelphia, price One Dol- lar ana three juantrs, th: LAWS Of The United Staler of Ametica; Collated with, ad colleHed by, the Rolls tntneofltce cf the Se- ct tary cf State, agreaoty to a rtjoivc-o- f Cougr'Js paffed the 181 tebruary, 1791- - With a Copious INDEX. VOLUME I. Comprifmg the Eederal Conftifn!.? on, tne Acts of the I hiee Suflion of the 1 11ft Congref., ana the Ttea us. lo which ts acted, an APPENDIX, Containing the DeaJaralion of livle- - pendei'u, ondjundry At.l of Con- - pies-- . watt the Confederation. t Tfiiseitihn of the lws t'C United States is aljo to bejoldbyMetj. 1'nomas and Andrews, Boston; John Cater, Efa Piovidence, Rhode Iflnii; Mefjrs Hudson and Gooodn n, Ilan-ori- ; Mr. Robert Hodge, tew )ork, H7r. Ijiac QoUivs, Trenton; Mefjrs. Goddatd and Angell, Baltimore ; Au- - !$$?' Dav's eJa- - Richmond, and Mr. IS?J?:-iYoung- , Cnarleflon, South Caro- lina.' 5 l'WM Printers of Newfrcrs in the United" States are tcqueflcd to m ert this aivsrujement. , NOTICE ' S benly gtven to the Clerks cnl iihi'tfjs twtmr. the'Dijtricl cfKen- - Hch, VatMrJiflrua Barbce is au tbjiijed ta settle zvith thtm i't my THOMAS BJRBEE, R.D Nov. 24, 1791. (-l- FOR ,S A L E FOR CASH A Likely young negro fellow, about eighteen )eanofage - ciiqu re of the pnhter. t Lexington Sept. 27, 1791. y3V 9. f fA

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Page 1: V ii & K'idr y 111 xr .7- 0- v V AW VV vxMttVinyx.uky.edu/dips/xt754746qk9v/data/0280.pdf · art JUST PUBLISHED r And to be jold by ANDREW BROWN, ' And the principal Booksellers in


w d ft -f ii & K'idr (VmIt Tw vv- - V Is 3i?y ww V AW s X. y VVr-- i- - ' s r ?VJj. Xj

vxMttViI M R XV


Lh im ION Prrtei 6y John Bradford, at li s Office on Mam Mr a , whte u jvptions, (at Fifteen (hillings pet An mm) Anvsriijemv t esc.thankfully receded ani Printing tutu different or incites aane with Care and Expcuttion.v

V itu from

' inston about the i2tti ofthis month, William Steams,a privat- - loldier in my com-

pile aged 23 vea s, s Ieet 7

or 8 vn b tugh daiK com-

plex n, snort hair but general-

ly w is a alle tail, lias a very

conlpui his olemiih in fusleft

eye .ind waiks Lvuolcd,as hetrade it isis a .K Imuh by

p; 1 i he may end avour to

o u-- i en. ploy in (ume partsor K r,cl.), he had on whenhe - ir 'led unifoirn cloathingfand rjl: vwtu 111m alio, hi?ar is iid merits, any

pcrin who v. ill feciire the oe

deserter, (o that he may'be delivered rohis cammi idingcruKe. 01 any lecruiung officer

U U--d

Sta es, ILa'.l re--

Crl a rtwa'd of I en dollars,end iinniva Hvnnce,

lOHN ARMSTRONG, Capr.F0lt W 1. n? on,) lftU S.Regt,Nuv 25 1791. )

Wunudb) the lublcnbcrs,

Catile and Perk, to be re-- 2

c veJ '"m soot ; cili and Mereh, n!k( uiiibeuivt.il aiyottheirftu e , ei he. in the ".ii.e, Danville,Jsiius luivn, Lou ii Ie INdifjnCam houu or Ltmelloiie.

Ilit) line now on lnaid it tlieirditiLicdi ifores alreadj men-tion.- d,

a neat ailjiCmiitit of

i GOODSWe'1 calculated for this coun-

try., w,)Kh they aie determinedto dilpn.e of on the lo eli lerms ?ivr cam or the arucles a'readymention- - I.

ELLIOT & VVII LIAMS.P s ,; lie. alio want a (uan-j- j

y or 'o'n snd tow linen.Lexington, Nov 19, 1791.

LL persons indeHted to theettate of Arxhibui Ferry

cktii'd ai lequesteo: to makeim.rtdiate pa ment, and those

" uhc hive any dtmands agaudtthe '.ne, pr dchred to n aLetne- - r n immediately, thatpiv. ' mav be made for the

f 'm-i'- t thereof.JOHN ijRADIORD, Aji.it.

v Lcuglmi, i pt. 15, i 791.

"r- -

Ouicquid agunt homines nojlii

S A T U R l A V, D E

ji R. Edward Bu.iock has com

i msneed Post Rtding ; He willleave Lexington and be at Bmbon (Courchoufe, on tne ift and 15(1. ofeeiy Month, at Boonfboiotif.h : lis21. and idih. at MadifonCour'houlerlie 3d and 17th. at Lincoln Court,house thejh. and iS-ih- . at aiilletl e 51 h and 19th. at Han odd) g the6'h and 20'h. at flaird s Town the 7thand 21ft. the 9th and 23d. at Lomf-vil'-e,

and from thence up Biafhiers'screek to Lexington; but the tjtnehe will be at any pauiculjr placebetween I ouifville and Lexinn'on,cannot yet be afeertained, hut willbe liiide public when Known. Mi.Bullock is hereby aucbonfed to e

any fubflrip ion inorev andrece pt for tl e same, which ftull begood agamft

JOHN BRADFORD.Lexington, O (. 29, 1701.

Two D O L L A R S Reward.

TRtYED about the-- 23d injlint aiJ Bay hoi It, id tanas 1 inches IiifIiabout 7 sears eld, branded 3, has abtaz' face and a remarkable white one act flank trots and earners ; IVnoevtrdelwers fatd horje t- - mem Lexington,JLall recent the aboie reward end rca-- ?jonaole chains paid by 2


St? .' H?


HAVE move J my Tin fliooto iVlels. le'rarclen and J,l- -

Cu'loug'i s 'old Store-hous- c: nearlyop-joft-

ts the Mirket-liouf- s, where I 9ri my uu IUC iinniMi-ausiNU- S,

in all us branches ft'itable to thispart of the world ; and expect tosupply all deiiands w thin a mo-dulate trading distance of thisto.vn in Tn-war- both wholefa'c and ieu.1 ; and as 1 am taughtfrom experience, tint moJerarer"""5 a.iuquit-K-

. remuntices are- -the life of trade, intend selling myuaie nearly as low as in the oldfedemenr, allowing for the ex-pen-

of importing the tin.cuuii icu pint tin cups at leve.ilhlhngspet dozen, half-pi-nt dittoat five, quart measures at fifteenihiilings per dozen, and so in pro- -ioit.o'1 for any iefser ojan'i'v. asalso all ofher articles in the tinningway on veiy lo v prorVs. I wanta v, 01 k nan in the timing; buli-nef- s,

aid will jive ext aordmaiyw.ges to an on th't is compleatth rei.i. I also kep Salt iorSale.

R-b- ert Wood.Lexngton, Dec. 8, 1791.

farrago libelli Juv. Sa,. 8. v. g$.

C E H B h It 17. 1791,


P A R KHae just re eived and now openina lue and jeneral alTbirmenc ofdiy (.noU, j;ioce tes, hiidwaie andqueen? waie, at their floieb in Lex-iph- 'i

n whah they w II fe'l on themod iea ombie teim for calh, pubolie (ediritieb and hides.

ALL thrift indebted to theare teuelJed to mike imme-

diate fament to Mr Ihign Brent Jim.w 0 ts nut orned to settle '. atcoumsai.daii chttje baring aeninds again1 me,is tl treenc tneir accounts to mm who

vilUdiJcl.aige them as quick as 1 vjfible,

1'HOMAS YOUiG.Lcxiugton, A'ov. 27, 1 791.

r7lLL he rented en the sir! dayW 0' J muarv for the tetm

of fi't en mo iths on the premises tothe hifthed bidder, Bullets L'ck, withmi tit all its aiipwtenmce, for readycafb otifj, to Ie paid in qui'terly pay-

ments at the commencement of every

qumer;it til be lenied ptmtely isam pet ol w u,, t0 the aiy 0r ,Mting. It u alfrequeJed that all JerfonS haxb'gclaims agi.,''i the Lflate of H'tltiamLi'tl'an d'eafed, will brim, them inp'opetly aJjuiled and they (hill tepiid.

ALLS. S BULLri; Exr.of mil Chnfinn aee.

Jefferson Cm ity icth Nov 1751

x TlV,ll,m HnmhhtnnXMrft ftr vj wr .i..-- ..,w.ren Cane run, a r td brinille cow,

ivttb a tvbite face, tb'ee years oldMaried-evit- h a crop off te righteat a rfuialloto fork m the iet,Appraised to a- - 10.

rp 0m up hy the ftbfciber livingI . Bar flatian, da,L bay

horh about leen ears old. a f-- 7

incut, s litgh, Itts lest bind soot w'ntif1 on the off side of his neck K;

approved to 8- -

i Liwrence li ard.L,

rpAKENupbythefubfcnbtrontheJ nuKnunr aa ai.ark trown i.oije,

2 ears old lifl Jpring. about 13 handsani a half high, alaigeftarandfmallJmp, btaided on the oj JhjuLlcr 3. to

I3.Thomas Jthnfon.

December 14, 1791


May be had at Urn. Office.

xr .7--

111 0- -






And to be jold by


And the principal Booksellers in the ti-

ll of Philadelphia, price One Dol-lar ana three juantrs, th:


United Staler of Ametica;

Collated with, ad colleHed by, theRolls tntneofltce cf the Se-

ct tary cf State, agreaoty to a rtjoivc-o-f

Cougr'Js paffed the 181 tebruary,1791- -

With a Copious INDEX.


Comprifmg the Eederal Conftifn!.?on, tne Acts of the I hiee Suflion ofthe 1 11ft Congref., ana the Ttea us.lo which ts acted, an APPENDIX,Containing the DeaJaralion of livle- -

pendei'u, ondjundry At.l of Con- -pies-- . watt the Confederation.t Tfiiseitihn of the lws t'C

United States is aljo to bejoldbyMetj.1'nomas and Andrews, Boston; JohnCater, Efa Piovidence, Rhode Iflnii;Mefjrs Hudson and Gooodn n, Ilan-ori- ;

Mr. Robert Hodge, tew )ork,H7r. Ijiac QoUivs, Trenton; Mefjrs.Goddatd and Angell, Baltimore ; Au- -

!$$?' Dav's eJa- - Richmond, and Mr.IS?J?:-iYoung- , Cnarleflon, South Caro-

lina.' 5

l'WM Printers of Newfrcrs inthe United" States are tcqueflcd to mert this aivsrujement. ,

NOTICE' S benly gtven to the Clerks cnliihi'tfjs twtmr. the'Dijtricl cfKen- -

Hch, VatMrJiflrua Barbce is autbjiijed tasettle zvith thtm i't my

THOMAS BJRBEE, R.DNov. 24, 1791. (-l-



CASHA Likely young negro fellow,

about eighteen )eanofage- ciiqu re of the pnhter.

t Lexington Sept. 27, 1791.


