uswag iloilo newsletter #1

A s a public servant, he is aware that great sacrifice is necessary in order to be an effective leader. One’s personal needs and aspirations must take a back seat behind the common good of the citizenry. Yet service and sacrifice shall be for naught if one does not act with excellence. A fine statesman is measured by his commitment to excellence in all of his endeavors. Excellence in public office requires a strong political will, extraordinary diligence, and incorruptible morality. For Congressman Jerry, excellence is not a barometer for measuring the most outstanding leaders of the country. On the contrary, it is the minimum standard that must be expected by every Filipino from their leaders. Congressman Jerry is currently the Chairman of the Committee on Good Government, which has jurisdiction on all matters directly and principally relating to malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in office committed by officers and employees of the government and its political subdivisions and instrumentalities, inclusive of investigations of any matter of public interest on its own initiative or upon order of the House of Representatives. The Iloilo City Congressman is also the Vice-Chairman of both the Committee on Local Government and the Committee on Trade and Industry. He is also a member of the Committees on Appropriation, Ecology, Energy, Ways and Means, and Information Communications Technology. Despite only being in his first term in the House, Congressman Jerry already spearheaded several bills of national importance, such as the Anti-Extralegal Killing and Enforced Disappearance bill and the Protection Against Juvenile Criminal Exploitation bill. He also filed numerous local bills for the benefit of his constituents in Iloilo City. Congressman Jerry strongly advocates the protection of our environment, the strengthening of local governments, and the abatement of criminal activity. A number of bills and resolutions championing his advocacies were already filed by Congressman Jerry during his first months as a legislator. COMMITTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE Iloilo City Representative Jerry P. Treñas is a statesman dedicated to his core principles of service, sacrifice, and excellence. Congressman Jerry firmly believes that public office is not a privilege, but rather, a position of great responsibility that demands passionate service to the Filipino people. REP. JERRY P. TREÑAS, ILOILO CITY JUL - DEC. 2010 VOL. 1 NO. 1

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The Official Newsletter of Jerry P. Treñas, Representative, Lone District of Iloilo City, Jul - Dec 2010


Page 1: Uswag Iloilo Newsletter #1

As a public servant, he is aware that great sacrifice is necessary

in order to be an effective leader. One’s personal needs and aspirations must take a back seat behind the common good of the citizenry.

Yet service and sacrifice shall be for naught if one does not act with excellence. A fine statesman is measured by his commitment to excellence in all of his endeavors. Excellence in public office requires a strong political will, extraordinary diligence, and incorruptible morality. For Congressman Jerry, excellence is not a barometer for measuring the most outstanding leaders of the country. On the contrary, it is the minimum standard that must be expected by every Filipino from their leaders.

Congressman Jerry is currently the Chairman of the Committee on Good Government, which has jurisdiction on all matters directly and principally relating to malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in office committed by officers and employees of the government and its political subdivisions and instrumentalities, inclusive of investigations of

any matter of public interest on its own initiative or upon order of the House of Representatives.

The Iloilo City Congressman is also the Vice-Chairman of both the Committee on Local Government and the Committee on Trade and Industry. He is also a member of the Committees on Appropriation, Ecology, Energy, Ways and Means, and Information Communications Technology.

Despite only being in his first term in the House, Congressman Jerry already spearheaded several bills of national importance, such as the Anti-Extralegal Killing and Enforced Disappearance bill and the Protection Against Juvenile Criminal Exploitation bill. He also filed numerous local bills for the benefit of his constituents in Iloilo City. Congressman Jerry strongly advocates the protection of our environment, the strengthening of local governments, and the abatement of criminal activity. A number of bills and resolutions championing his advocacies were already filed by Congressman Jerry during his first months as a legislator.

COMMITTED TO PUBLIC SERVICEIloilo City Representative Jerry P. Treñas is a statesman dedicated to his core principles of service, sacrifice, and excellence. Congressman Jerry firmly believes that public office is not a privilege, but rather, a position of great responsibility that demands passionate service to the Filipino people.


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Jerry P. TreñasRepresentative, Lone District of Iloilo City• Chairman,CommitteeonGoodGovernment• ViceChairman,CommitteeonLocalGovernment• ViceChairman,CommitteeonTradeandIndustry• Member,CommitteesonAppropriation,Ecology,Energy, Ways and Means, and Information Communications Technology

Personal CirCumstanCes

Congressman Jerry was born on December 4, 1956 and was raised by his loving parents, Constitutional Commissioner Efrain B. Treñas and Soledad P. Treñas. His grandfather, Potenciano T. Treñas, was a former Senator of the Republic. Congressman Jerry is happily married to Rosalie S. Treñas, who is actively involved in numerous public service projects in Iloilo City. They are blessed with five children: Raisa Maria Lourdes, Jose Carlo Tomas, Jose Maria Miguel, Geronimo Efrain Salvador, and Jose Juan Paolo.

educaTional aTTainmenT

Congressman Jerry earned his A.B. Political Science Degree in 1978 at the Ateneo de Manila University. Afterwards, he pursued law and graduated with honors at the Ateneo Law School in 1982.

He placed 11th in the 1982 Bar Examinations, with an average score of 88.325%.

PosiTions Held

• Three-termMayoroftheCityofIloilo(2001-2010)• Chairman,LeagueofCitiesofthePhilippines(July2007-2010)• Member,BoardofTrustees,CitiesDevelopmentInitiativeforAsia(CDIA),June

2009-present• Member,BoardofTrustees,InstituteforSolidarityinAsia,March12,2009-up

to present• ExecutiveCommitteeMember,InternationalCouncilforLocalEnvironmental

Initiatives(ICLEI),Toronto,Canada,September2007-2010• President,LeagueofCitiesofthePhilippines(LCP),July2004–July2007• VicePresidentforVisayas,UnionofLocalAuthoritiesofthePhilippines(ULAP),

July2004–June2007• DeputySecretaryGeneralforVisayas,LeagueofCitiesofthePhilippines(LCP),

July2001-June2004• Chairman,InfrastructureCommittee,RegionalDevelopmentCouncil,Sept.

2001-June2004;Sept.2007-June2010• Chairman,EconomicDevelopmentCommittee,RegionalDevelopmentCouncil,

September2001-June2004• TheonlypersonelectedtothepositionofMayorofIloiloCitywhowonbyland-

slideinallprecinctsinthecity(2004and2007elections)• ElectedNo.1CityCouncilor,May1995-June1998• CityMayor,IloiloCity,March1992–June1992• ElectedNo.2CityCouncilor,IloiloCity,February1988-1992• Chairman,BANDILARegion6,1986-1987• AppointedCityCouncilor,IloiloCity,1986-1988


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Passed inTo law by THe 15TH congress

Republic Act No.10147 The General appropriaTions acT of 2011

House bills Filed

Hb03122 an acT conVerTinG The WesTern VisaYas colleGe of science anD TechnoloGY (WVcsT) in The ciTY of iloilo inTo a sTaTe UniVersiTY To Be KnoWn as The iloilo sTaTe UniVersiTY WiTh caMpUses in The MUnicipaliTies of BaroTac nUeVo, DUManGas, leon, anD MiaG-ao, all locaTeD in The proVince of iloilo anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03211 an acT conVerTinG riZal sTreeT in iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03212 an acT conVerTinG san rafael roaD To TaBUcan roaD in ManDUrriao, iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03213 an acT conVerTinG TiMaWa aVenUe in Molo, iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03214 an acT conVerTinG Jereos sTreeT in la paZ, iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Solon’s action will beef up city’s funds on road conversion

The conversion of several city streets to national roads will enable the city government to boost its various undertakings for social services, helping a number

of deprived communities in this city.

Congressman Jerry P. Treñas took the initiative on road con-versions for this city to incur savings and have the funds in-tended for road maintenance and rehabilitation employed for other essential programs of the city government.

The move for conversion will lessen the budgetary burden of the city government because the national government will take charge of road maintenance. The Department of Public Works and Highways is allotting a yearly budget for the maintenance of national roads.

The city government could save no less than P50 million on the road conversion.

However, the authority to regulate the streets shall remain with the city government.

Congressman Treñas said that as a highly urbanized city, the city government must ensure that problems affecting his constituencies must be properly addressed. Saved funds could be allocated on poverty alleviation initiatives of the city government.



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Hb03215 an acT conVerTinG cUBaY roaD To BalaBaGo roaD in Jaro, iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs


Hb03216an acT conVerTinG sTo. rosario - DUran roaD in iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03217 an acT conVerTinG DelGaDo roaD in iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03245 an acT conVerTinG JalanDoni sTreeT in iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03246 an acT conVerTinG Tacas roaD froM QUinTin salas To paVia BoUnDarY in iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03247 an acT conVerTinG Molo BoUleVarD in Molo, iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03296 an acT conVerTinG riZal sTreeT in iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03297 an acT conVerTinG The lapaZ Deep sea WaTer porT roaD (loBoc To ppa) in

iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03298 an acT conVerTinG The YUlo DriVe in areValo DisTricT, iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03347 an acT conVerTinG areValo so-oc ManDUrriao roaD (GlorYVille To so-oc) in iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03348 an acT conVerTinG The Bonifacio DriVe in areValo, iloilo ciTY inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03414 an acT conVerTinG The roaD froM carpenTers BriDGe To DiVersion roaD anD froM JalanDoni BriDGe To forBes BriDGe KnoWn as efrain B. TreÑas BoUleVarD inTo a naTional roaD anD appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor

Hb03474 an acT reapporTioninG The lone leGislaTiVe DisTricT anD sanGGUnianG panlUnGsoD seaTs of The ciTY of iloilo

Hb03594 an acT DefininG The criMe of eXTraleGal KillinG anD enforceD Disappearance anD iMposinG The MaXiMUM penalTY Therefor anD for oTher pUrposes

Solon bats to criminalize, prevent summary executions, disappearances

Iloilo City–Lone District Rep. Jerry P. Treñas wants to end extra-legal kill-ings and enforced disappearances,

and put to bars the perpetrators.

He authored House Bill No. 3594, seek-ing the passage of a law on defining the crimes of extra-legal killing and en-forced disappearance, and providing penalties for such crimes.

While the Supreme Court already issued the rule on the Writ of Amparo, he stressed that it is just “a remedial remedy for any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private individual or en-tity, which allows a person to seek redress in a court of law.” It covers extra-legal killings and enforced disappearances, or threats of such nature.

He said, however, that the Writ of Amparo is not a substantive law and it does not contain any provision that criminalize extra-legal killings and en-forced disappearances.

“Even the High Tribunal admitted that a law must be passed defining extra-judicial killings and disappearances,” he said.

“The Writ is not enough to send perpe-trators to jail. That’s why I have spear-headed and authored the passage of a law criminalizing such dastardly acts.”

He said that perpetrators are merely charged with existing felonies under the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines, such as murder, kidnapping, illegal ar-rest and arbitrary detention.

“There is a need to pass a specific law defining extra-legal killings and en-forced disappearances that elevates these offenses beyond the ambit of the felonies of the Revised Penal Code,” he added.

“We often fail to trace the whereabouts of the victims, and unmask and punish the perpetrators,” he stressed.

He said the bill, if passed, would also de-ter the execution and abduction of me-dia members, citing the country’s hu-miliating reputation of being one of the most dangerous places for journalists..


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Iloilo City–Lone District Repre-sentative Jerry P. Treñas filed a bill to deter children from engaging

in criminal activity. The Protection Against Juvenile Criminal Exploita-tion Act shall hold liable minors aged 12 and above who engage in prohibited activities, lowering the minimum age for criminal liability. Minors convicted of committing crimes punishable by life imprisonment or those considered as grave offenses under the Revised Penal Code are to be presumed as to have act-ed with discretion in order for criminal liability to attach.

Minors are being recruited to join street gangs in order to commit crimes

because criminal liabilities do not at-tach to those below the age of major-ity. Treñas observed that criminals are taking advantage of the exemption of youth offenders from criminal liability by recruiting minors to do their dirty work.

“We have a responsibility not only to se-cure society from rampant criminality, but also to deter criminals from even entertaining the thought of commit-ting a crime, be they young or old.” says Treñas. The Iloilo City Congressman also seeks to punish the organizers and officers of criminal juvenile organiza-tions, noting that street gangs are now requiring minors to commit murder as

part of its initiation rites. In addition, Treñas wants the parents who com-mand, encourage, or allow their minor children to engage in criminal activities to face jail time and to lose custody of their children.

“The children are not only criminal in these cases, but victims of the in-ducement of their parents and elders,” Treñas noted. He also said that gangs recruiting minors and requiring them to kill people as part of their initiation rites are already prevalent in the United States and Latin America, and that this deplorable culture of introducing chil-dren to violence and lawlessness had already reached Philippine shores.

Hb03800 an acT DeclarinG aUGUsT 25 of eVerY Year as a special non-WorKinG holiDaY in The ciTY of iloilo To celeBraTe The “iloilo charTer DaY”

Hb03815an acT shielDinG The filipino YoUTh froM orGaniZeD criMinal acTiViTies, iMposinG criMinal penalTies Upon offenDers BelonGinG To a criMinal

JUVenile orGaniZaTion aGeD 12 anD aBoVe Who acTeD WiTh DiscernMenT, iMposinG penalTies Upon anY person inVolVeD in anY criMinal JUVenile orGaniZaTion ThaT ToleraTes anY criMinal acT as parT of iTs aUThoriZeD acTiViTies or iniTiaTion riGhTs, anD penaliZinG The parenTs or GUarDians of a chilD coMManDeD, encoUraGeD or alloWeD To parTicipaTe in anY criMinal acT

Hb03816 an acT To eXeMpT The ciTies DeVelopMenT iniTiaTiVe for asia or iTs sUccessors froM The paYMenT of GifT, franchise, specific, percenTaGe, real properTY, eXchanGe, iMporT, eXporT, anD oTher TaXes anD The MeMBers of iTs scienTific anD Technical sTaff froM paYMenT of incoMe anD ValUe aDDeD TaX

Solon seeks to counter increasing incidents of youth crimes

House resoluTions

HR00344a resolUTion UrGinG The DeparTMenT of inTerior anD local GoVernMenT anD The philippine naTional police To orGaniZe, Train, eQUip anD MainTain local sWaT UniTs for each capiTal ciTY anD capiTal MUnicipaliTY

HR00415 a resolUTion UrGinG The coMMiTTee on enerGY To conDUcT an inQUirY, in aiD of leGislaTion, on The alleGeD asTronoMical poWer raTe charGeD in iloilo ciTY

HR00493 a resolUTion conDeMninG The sepTeMBer 26, 2010 Bar eXaMinaTion BoMBinG anD UrGinG for The iMMeDiaTe resolUTion Thereof

HR00550 a resolUTion UrGinG The hoUse of represenTaTiVes coMMiTTee on ecoloGY anD coMMiTTee on naTUral resoUrces To conDUcT an inQUirY, in aiD of leGislaTion,

reGarDinG The iMpleMenTaTion of repUBlic acT no. 9729, enTiTleD “The cliMaTe chanGe acT of 2009”, WiTh The enD in VieW of sTrenGTheninG The proVisions of The saiD laW To enaBle The GoVernMenT To aDDress The MiTiGaTion poTenTial anD The aDapTaTion neeDs in ecoloGical sYsTeMs, pollUTion conTrol, anD naTUral resoUrces

HR00636 a resolUTion UrGinG his eXcellencY, presiDenT BeniGno siMeon c. aQUino, To TransMiT To The philippine senaTe for iTs concUrrence The 1998 roMe sTaTUTe creaTinG The inTernaTional criMinal coUrT anD for The philippine senaTe To GiVe iTs concUrrence To The saiD TreaTY in orDer for The presiDenT To raTifY The roMe sTaTUTe


Page 6: Uswag Iloilo Newsletter #1

Hb00013 an acT proViDinG for The safeTY anD proTecTion of The UnBorn chilD anD for oTher pUrposes

Hb00093 an acT To sTrenGThen anD enhance The Use of enGlish as The MeDiUM of insTrUcTion in philippine schools

Hb01291 an acT ManDaTinG an iMMeDiaTe ValiDaTion process Which saTisfies inTernaTionallY accepTeD nUclear poWer inDUsTrY norMs To DeTerMine The BaTaan nUclear poWer planT’s operaBiliTY cUlMinaTinG in eiTher The iMMeDiaTe rehaBiliTaTion, cerTificaTion anD coMMercial operaTion or, The iMMeDiaTe perManenT closUre anD salVaGe ValUe recoVerY, of The BaTaan nUclear poWer planT, appropriaTinG fUnDs Therefor, anD for oTher pUrposes

Hb01489 an acT To sTrenGThen local GoVernMenT UniTs BY aMenDinG cerTain proVisions in BooK ii of repUBlic acT no. 7160, oTherWise KnoWn as The local GoVerneMT coDe of 1991

Hb01491 an acT aMenDinG secTion 290 anD 291 of repUBlic acT of no. 7160, oTherWise KnoWn as The local GoVernMenT coDe of 1991

Hb01492 an acT GranTinG local GoVernMenT UniTs The access To The recorDs of reVenUe DisTricT office WiTh reGarD To The TaX reTUrns of BUsinesses for a TransparenT TaX assessMenT

Hb01493 an acT aMenDinG secTions 284 of repUBlic acT no. 7160, oTherWise KnoWn as The local GoVernMenT coDe of 1991

Hb01494 an acT GiVinG conGress BacK The poWer of The pUrse, aMenDinG for The pUrpose secTion 31 of presiDenTial Decree 1177 anD secTion 26, BooK Vi of eXecUTiVe orDer no. 292

Hb01495 an acT aMenDinG secTions 49 anD 50 of repUBlic acT no. 9344, oTherWise KnoWn as The JUVenile JUsTice anD Welfare acT of 2006

Hb2142an acT UpGraDinG The MiniMUM salarY GraDe of pUBlic school Teachers froM salarY GraDe 11 To 15

Hb03073 an acT proViDinG for a chanGe in The allocaTion of The inTernal reVenUe alloTMenT receiVeD BY ciTies anD MUnicipaliTies To inclUDe coasTal areas WiTh The aiM of DeVelopinG anD preserVinG The coUnTrY’s fisheries anD aQUaTic resoUrces

Hb03101an acT appropriaTinG fUnDs for The operaTion of The GoVernMenT of The repUBlic of The philippines froM JanUarY one To DeceMBer ThirTY-one, TWo ThoUsanD anD eleVen, anD for oTher pUrposes

Hb03133 an acT ManDaTinG all priVaTe colleGes anD UniVersiTies To GranT scholarships To aT leasT TWenTY (20%) percenT of iTs ToTal TerTiarY leVel sTUDenT popUlaTion parTicUlarlY The poor BUT DeserVinG GraDUaTes of pUBlic hiGh schools anD DepenDenTs of The MeMBers of The arMeD forces of The philippines anD philippine naTional police

Hb03152 an acT DeclarinG DeceMBer 25-31 anD JanUarY 1 as special non-WorKinG holiDaYs

Hb03200 an acT proMoTinG The local arTs anD enTerTainMenT inDUsTrY BY proViDinG The local MoVie anD filM inDUsTrY corporaTe TaX BreaKs anD eXeMpTinG VenUe operaTors froM The paYMenT of aMUseMenT TaX When shoWinG locallY proDUceD filMs anD MUsic eVenTs feaTUrinG filipino arTisTs



House bills co-auTHored

Page 7: Uswag Iloilo Newsletter #1

Hb03401an acT aUThoriZinG The pUnonG BaranGaY To aDMinisTer The oaTh of office of anY GoVernMenT official, inclUDinG The presiDenT of The repUBlic of The philippines, aMenDinG for The pUrpose secTion 41 of eXecUTiVe orDer no. 292 oTherWise KnoWn as The aDMinisTraTiVe coDe of 1987

Hb03813 an acT To sTrenGThen The fiscal aUTonoMY of local GoVernMenTs, repealinG for The pUrpose secTion 21 of repUBlic acT no. 10121

Hb03841 an acT aMenDinG cerTain proVisions of repUBlic acT no. 8293 enTiTleD “an acT prescriBinG The inTellecTUal properTY coDe anD esTaBlishinG The inTellecTUal properTY office, proViDinG for iTs poWers anD fUncTions anD for oTher pUrposes”

House resoluTions co-auTHoredHR00055 resolUTion eXpressinG acKnoWleDGeMenT anD conGraTUlaTions To The iGlesia ni crisTo 96Th foUnDinG anniVersarY on JUlY 27, 2010

HR00062 a resolUTion conGraTUlaTinG The iGlesia ni crisTo on The occcasion of iTs nineTY-siXTh (96Th) anniVersarY on JUlY 27,2010

HR00100 resolUTion eXpressinG The profoUnD conDolence of The hoUse of represenTaTiVes on The DeMise of forMer represenTaTiVe anD senaTor, MaGnolia WelBorn-anTonino, lasT JUlY 23, 201o

HR00101 resolUTion eXpressinG The profoUnD conDolences of The hoUse of represenTaTiVes on The DeMise of The honoraBle florencio l. VarGas, MeMBer of The ThirTeenTh, foUrTeenTh anD fifTeenTh conGresses, represenTinG The seconD DisTricT of The proVince of caGaYan

HR00138 resolUTion eXpressinG The profoUnD conDolences of The hoUse of represenTaTiVes on The DeMise of Ms. raQUel chrisTine GUMaBao, DaUGhTer of honoraBle ana crisTina s. Go, represenTaTiVe of The seconD DisTricT of isaBela

HR00273 a resolUTion DirecTinG The hoUse coMMiTTee on econoMic affairs To conDUcT an inQUirY, in aiD of leGislaTion, on The iMpleMenTaTion of repUBlic acT no. 8182, oTherWise KnoWn as The “official DeVelopMenT assisTance acT of 1996”, reQUesTinG The concerneD GoVernMenT aGencies To sUBMiT a reporT reGarDinG The sTaTUs of pasT anD on-GoinG foreiGn-assisTeD proJecTs UnDer Their JUrisDicTion

HR00329 resolUTion eXpressinG The hoUse of represenTaTiVes’ DeepesT sYMpaThY anD UnWaVerinG sUpporT for The people anD GoVernMenT of The islaMic repUBlic of paKisTan BecaUse of The recenT MassiVe flooDinG ThaT has inUnDaTeD The coUnTrY

HR00529 a resolUTion UrGinG The hoUse coMMiTTee on rUles To creaTe a special coMMiTTee To oVersee The iMpleMenTaTion of The GoVernMenT’s p21B conDiTional cash

HR00558 resolUTion eXpressinG sUpporT for The appoinTMenT of Mr. francisco roDriGUeZ floro as a MeMBer of The BoarD of DirecTors of The naTional BroaDcasTinG neTWorK (nBn-4) or anY oTher GoVernMenT-oWneD anD conTrolleD corporaTion (Gocc) BY his eXcellencY presiDenT BeniGno siMeon c. aQUino iii

HR00593 resolUTion laUDinG ricarDo carDinal ViDal, archBishop of ceBU, for alMosT Three DecaDes of serVice To The people of ceBU, proViDinG spiriTUal leaDership anD inspiraTion, helpinG The coMMUniTY aVerT or sUrViVe seVeral crises anD conflicTs, ofTen acTinG as peaceKeeper anD GiVinG The Voice of MoDeraTion aMiD clashinG VieWs anD inTeresTs in local anD naTional issUes

HR00761 a resolUTion conGraTUlaTinG JUDGe carMeliTa salanDanan Manahan as The 2010 chief JUsTice raMon aVanceÑa aWarD JUDicial eXcellence, MosT oUTsTanDinG JUDGe of The philippines anD recoMMenDinG her proMoTion as an associaTe JUsTice of The coUrT of appeals


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Iloilo City redistricting approved by the House

Quezon City–A bill creating two legislative districts for the City of Iloilo was ap-

proved by the House of Representa-tives on third reading and final read-ing on December 8, 2010. Iloilo City Representative Jerry P. Treñas suc-cessfully pushed for the creation of an additional legislative district for his city through the passage of his authored House Bill No. 3474.

“The creation of an additional legis-lative district for Iloilo City is long overdue,” said Treñas. Iloilo City al-ready has one of the largest popula-tions among the major cities in the Philippines. As of the last official census conducted by the NSO in 2007, Iloilo City already had a popu-lation of 418,710.

SeptembeR 14, 2010Determination of jurisdiction of referred house measures to the Committee. The Committee determinedthatnine(9)Resolutionsfallwithinthe ambit of the Committee’sjurisdiction.

NovembeR 09, 2010Initial deliberation on several Resolutions calling for the investigation of the alleged excessive salaries received by executive officials of GOCCs, including the MWSS, DBP, and BCDA.

NovembeR 10, 2010Initial deliberation on House Resolutions on the alleged anomalies in the Home Development Mutual Fund/PAG-IBIG’s spurious housing loans and housing development projects.

NovembeR 23, 2010Initial deliberation on House Resolutions calling for the investigation of the purported proliferation of jueteng, as revealed by retired Archbishop Oscar Cruz.

DecembeR 7, 2010Resumption of the hearing on the HDMF/PAG-IBIG issue and the Globe Asiatique’s questionable development projects.

DecembeR 8, 2010Resumption of the hearing on excessive compensation for GOCC officials. The Commission on Audit presented its data on GOCC salaries and allowances.

DecembeR 13, 2010Resumption of the hearing on jueteng. The CommitteeinvitedChiefPNPDirectorGeneralRaul Bacalzo and DILG Undersecretary Rico Puno to answer the allegations of former Archbishop Oscar Cruz.

DecembeR 14, 2010Initial deliberation on a House Resolution calling for a Congressional inquiry into the alleged irregularities committed by the previous management of the GSIS that affected its members, particularly public educators and education personnel.

DecembeR 15, 2010Resumption of the deliberation on the alleged irregularities and mismanagement committed by the Board of Trustees of the MWSS.

abouT THe commiTTee

The committee has authority over all matters directly and principally relating to malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in office committed by officers and employees of the government and its political subdivisions and instrumentalities inclusive of investigations of any matter of public interest on its own initiative or upon order of the House.

Committee on Good Government and PubliC aCCountability HearinGs


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Treñas mentioned that the membership of the House of Representatives is based on proportionate representation, which is based on the population of a partic-ular territorial district. Moreover, the high population of Iloilo City more than merits the approval of his redistricting bill. “It is about time that Iloilo City, which has long been acknowledged as the cultural, commercial, academic, religious and governmental center in

Western Visayas, gets another legislative district,” said Treñas.

The Iloilo City Congressman also stated that the other “Commonwealth-era” cit-ies like Manila, Cebu, Davao and Zam-boanga already have multiple districts.

Under the approved redistricting bill, the Lone District of Iloilo City shall be divid-ed into two legislative districts. The first legislative district will be composed of Jaro, Lapaz, Lapuz and Mandurriao while the second legislative district shall in-clude the City Proper, Molo and Arevalo.

Issue: Cityhood of 16 Municipalities

Recognized by the Chair, Rep. Jerry P. Treñas (Iloilo City) took up the case of the 16 mu-

nicipalities who aspired to be cit-ies. He pointed out that while the Supreme Court, in the case of the League of Cities of the Philippines vs. COMELEC, ruled in 2008 that the laws that created the 16 cities were unconstitutional because said cities did not meet the income require-ment, the SC however reversed itself in 2009. Rep. Treñas pointed out that the government should preserve the rule of law and maintain the stability of the judicial and legislative systems. He enjoined the Supreme Court to uphold the constitution and to re-spect its own principle that a final judgment cannot be altered or over-turned even by the court itself.Rep. Sergio F. Apostol (Leyte) in-quired about the share of IRA of the 16 municipalities to which Treñas revealed that the said 16 new “cities” have yet to receive their IRAs. Rep. Jose Carlos L. Cari (Leyte) men-tioned that the SC decision of 2009 took into consideration the intent of the lawmakers who created RA 9009 which increased to P100 million the income requirement under the Local Government Code for a municipality to be considered a component city.For his part Rep. Ben P. Evardone (Eastern Samar) commented that the creation of the 16 additional new cities will not hamper the delivery of services in the existing cities. He urged his colleagues to respect the laws enacted by Congress and to wait for the final judgment of the Supreme Court on the case. Rep. Tobias Rey-nald M. Tiangco (Navotas) remarked that the main point of his speech is not whether the creation of the 16 cities will affect the services of the existing cities but whether the new cities satisfied the requirements of the Local Government Code. How-ever, Rep. Treñas clarified that the issue is whether the Supreme Court can disregard its own final decision.Source: the newspaper for Patriot-Statesman, Dec 2010

LONE district representative Jerry P. Treñas filed House Bill 3956 creating the Metro Iloilo-Guimaras Economic Devel-

opment Council (MIGEDC).

The bill seeks to upgrade the council’s status, because it was merely created in 2006 through an executive order.

The council encompasses the city of Iloilo and the province of Guimaras and the municipali-ties of Pavia, San Miguel, Oton, Leganes and Sta. Barbara. The mayor of Iloilo City is the council chairman while the governor of Gui-maras is the co-chairman.

Other members are the municipal mayors of Pavia, San Miguel, Oton, Leganes and Sta Bar-bara and the president of the League of Munici-palities of Guimaras.

Treñas said that in order for a regional economic

development strategy to succeed, it is necessary to bolster the effectiveness of inter-local govern-ment cooperation. The council proved effective in accelerating economic and tourism develop-ment in the Iloilo-Guimaras area, he said.

The proposed bill seeks to consolidate the functions of the existing council and solidify its existence by defining and strengthening its mandate.

The Iloilo-Guimaras area has been tagged as having an inherent competitive edge in tour-ism. It is also considered by the national gov-ernment as a priority area for investments.

The council, if solidified through a legislative charter shall be able to capitalize on the iden-tified inherent strengths of the Western Visa-yas region and boost commerce, industry and tourism in the area.

Treñas seeks upgrading of MIGEDC, files bill


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Social Services

Assistance to indigents or displaced families: providing basic welfare services to indigent constituents (CIDSS) – Region VI


Assistance for social services of the Ilolio City Local Government and its advocacies P1,000,000

Assistance to indigents or displaced families: for indigent constituents in cases of dislocation of families, natural calamities, fire and death – Iloilo City Local Government – Red Cross



Comprehensive and Integrated Development of Social Services (CIDSS) – DSWD Region VI


Specialty Training Programs: National Livelihood Development Corporation) P950,000

PRIORITY DEvELOPMENTIloilo City solon centers on social services agendaFive hundred twenty-two “econom-ically-active poor” from this city shall initially benefit from the social services initiative under the Depart-ment of Social Welfare and Devel-opment (DSWD)-Self Employment Assistance Kaunlaran (SEA-K), in collaboration with the Office of Congressman Jerry Treñas .

SEA-K is one of the three poverty alleviation programs of the agency, declared DSWD Region VI Project Development Officer Clarence Dar-yl Alfuente. He noted that this is the first time that a city’s solon is fo-cusing on social services programs rather than infrastructure projects.

Alfuente said Treñas’ allotted P2.9M from his priority development as-sistance fund to provide livelihood programs for this city’s low-income businessmen. DSWD shall provide technical assistance and capability building to beneficiaries, he said.

The beneficiaries include ambulant vendors, sari-sari store owners, and peddlers, among others.

The beneficiaries, most of them are women, have very little or no capi-tal to sustain their businesses. The agency shall assess their qualifica-tions prior to training them and en-hance their capabilities, particularly on the readily available or feasible business on their communities.

“We want to enhance the productiv-ity of women, to empower them to augment the needs of their families instead of just being a plain house-wife,” explained Treñas’ wife, Ro-salie. She also spearheads various social services programs as member of the Congressional Spouses Foun-dation, Inc.

She added: “It will give an opportu-nity for the wives to help their hus-


Assistance to indigent Patients of the following hospitals:

Western Visayas Regional Medical Center (WVRMC)


West Visayas State University Medical Center (WVSUMC)



Scholarship/Financial Assistance to Local Government (Iloilo City) for poor and deserving students


Scholarship: West Visayas State University for poor and deserving students


Scholarship: Western Visayas College of Science and Technology for poor and deserving students


bands look for a living, develop values and responsibility at home.” SEA-K is one of the pet projects of her husband for social services initiatives in this city.

Alfuente noted Treñas’ various under-takings on livelihood programs and social services as city mayor then.

“When (Cong. Treñas) was still the city mayor, he had also ventured on Ti-napay ng Bayan,” Alfuente explained. Treñas served as this city’s chief execu-tive for three terms in office, which is equivalent to nine years.

The 522 beneficiaries are distributed among the seven city districts here – La Paz, 102; Mandurriao, 91; Molo, 60; City Proper, 79; Arevalo, 49; Jaro, 90; and Lapuz, 51. DSWD started the assessment of these beneficiaries on Tuesday.

DSWD’s poverty alleviation programs also include 4P’s (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program) and the KALAHI-CIDSS (Kapit-bisig Laban sa Kahira-pan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services), Alfuente added./dis (30).


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Various Infrastructure including Local ProjectsJULY - DECEMBER2010

A. Buildings - Other Structures (215) Repair/Rehabilitation of Multi-Purpose Buildings in Iloilo City -Brgy.Aduana,CityProper P 2,000,000 -Brgy.SimonLedesma,Jaro P 900,000

B. Buildings - Hospital and Health Centers (213) Construction of Health Center - Brgy. San Agustin, City Proper, IloiloCity P 1,300,000

D. Flood Control (256) Construction of Drainage System in Iloilo City -Brgy.CubayJaro P 400,000 -Brgy.Cuartero,Jaro P 850,000 -Brgy.Fatima,Jaro P 750,000 -Brgy.MVHechanova,Jaro P 500,000 -Brgy.MHDelPilar,Jaro P1,300,000 -Brgy.TabucSuba,Jaro P1,500,000 -Brgy.SanIsidro,Jaro P3,200,000 -Brgy.Tacas,Jaro P1,100,000 -Brgy.SanPedro,Jaro P1,000,000 -Brgy.Sambag,Zone4,FortuneVillage,Jaro P1,000,000 -Brgy.TaalZone3,Molo P1,900,000

Total Amount Released P 20,000,000Scholarship Program: 300Scholars

cy 2011 basic educaTional FaciliTies Fund (beFF)A. Construction of Classrooms1.IloiloCityNationalHighSchool const,2-storey(2-cl) P4,685,000.00 1-storey(3-cl)2.MandurriaoNationalHighSchool const2-storey(2-cl) P2,547,000.00Total P 7,232,000.00

B. Repair and Rehabilitation of Classrooms1.A.MontesESII,Montes-Lapuz repairofsb P900,000.002.Hibao-anES,Mandurriao repairofsb 600,000.003.EstebanJuntadoMES repairofsb 800,000.00(Calumpang)Molo4.FortSanPedroNHS repairofsb 153,000.005.JalandoniMNHS repairofsb 400,000.006.BuntatalaNHS repairofsb 400,000.00Total P 3,253,000.00

C. Roads, Highways and Bridges (251) Concreting of Roads in Iloilo City -Brgy.Sta.Isabel-LibertadJaro P 1,900,000 -Gen.PeraltaStreet,CityProper P 400,000

Rehabilitation of multi-PuRPose hall at bRgy. simon ledesma, jaRo


ConCReting of Road at sta. isabel libeRtad, jaRo

ConstRuCtion of dRainage system at bRgy. tabuC suba, jaRo

Rehabilitation of health CenteR at bRgy. san agustin, City PRoPeR

Page 12: Uswag Iloilo Newsletter #1

name oF ProJeCt loCation amount

1. Replacement of Old Ticud Bridge connecting Iloilo City-Dumangas Coastal Road Iloilo City

LaPaz , Iloilo City P50,000,000.00

2. Rehabilitation/Repair/ Improvement of Molo Boulevard- Calumpang- Arevalo Road , Iloilo City

Arevalo, Iloilo City P18,000,000.00

3. Iloilo –Capiz Road Concreting (Old Route) CPU- Sambag,Iloilo City P36,000,000.00

4. Iloilo-Capiz Road (Asphalt Overlay)New Route Phase 1 Buntatala- Tagbac Terminal Jaro,Iloilo City P16,173,000.00

5. Iloilo Capiz Road (Asphalt Overlay) (New Route) Phase 2 Tagbac Terminal- Bankers Village Jaro, Iloilo City


6. Rehabilitation of Brgy. Sooc to Arevalo/ Villa Road, Iloilo City Sooc, Arevalo, Iloilo City P10,000,000.00

7. Mandurriao- San Miguel Road, k 0006 + (-93) K 0006+ 298 Iloilo City P5,610,000.00

8. Mandurriao- Airport Road, K0+000 - K0+446 Iloilo City P8,028,000.00

9. Airport- Spur Road, K0006+ (-276)-K0006+874 Iloilo City P4,917,000.00

10. Iloilo- Jaro Diversion Road, 0005+720-K0006+1001 Iloilo City P3,041,000.00

11.Overlay/repair and Rehabilitation Iloilo-Jaro Diversion Road, km 0005+137 to km 0005+632

Iloilo City P7,588,000.00

12. Asphalt Overlay/Repair and Rehabilitation of Iloilo - Jaro Diversion Road, km 0005+632 to km 0005+720

Iloilo City P1,232,000.00

13. Asphalt Overlay/Repair and Rehabilitation of Airport Spur Road, km 0006+874 to km 0007+100

Iloilo City P200,000.00

14. Asphalt Overlay/Repair and Rehabilitation of Airport Spur Road, km 0006+346 to km 0006+276

Iloilo City P980,000.00

Treñas promptly delivers infra projects to communities

Barely nine months following his as-sumption into office, Iloilo City’s Lone District Rep. Jerry P. Treñas

promptly brought a number of infrastruc-ture projects here, particularly the rehabili-tation and the construction of significant infrastructure projects in the metropolis.

His being a neophyte congressman did not hamper him to request for projects that could alleviate the needs of the Ilonggos. Most of these projects include the con-struction of drainage system in the villages in preparation for the rainy season to put a stop to flooding despite of slight rains.

Congressman Treñas, aside from provid-ing initiatives focused on social services, also works hard to bring a lot of infrastruc-ture projects here. Treñas, who was this city’s chief executive for nine years, had painstakingly struggled to develop this city becoming into a business hub.

It was during his time as this city’s chief executive that business process out-sourcing industries and other invest-ments arrived here, and he was also the brains in twinning with other cities here and abroad to encourage investors to put up business here.