using the commit lozenge to stop smoking

Using the Commit Lozenge to Stop Smoking By http://2stopsmokingtips.c om

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If you have ever thought of using the commit lozenge to stop smoking,please go through these slides as they reveal all you need to know about using lozenges to quit smoking.


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Using the Commit Lozenge to Stop Smoking


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• Giving up the smoking habit is NOT an easy task. It is so because of the nicotine cravings that accompany any stop smoking decision. By nature, nicotine is a highly addictive substance and when smokers decide to get off cigarettes, the body craves for its usual supply of nicotine. This leads to nicotine withdrawal symptoms like sleeplessness, nervousness, inability to concentrate, drowsiness, headaches and sometimes, depression.

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Nicotine Replacement Therapies

• To curb these cravings, many nicotine replacement therapies have been introduced. One of them is the Commit Lozenge. It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for over-the-counter (OTC) sale on October 31st,2002. This means a doctor’s prescription is not needed to use the Commit Lozenge.

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The Commit Lozenge

• GlaxoSmithKline, manufacturers of the Commit Lozenge, say it helps manage cravings by delivering nicotine to the body without actually smoking. In addition, the company said its revolutionary new dosage-selection tool, “Time to First Cigarette” (TTFC), helps smokers to get the right nicotine strength based on how quickly they need to smoke after waking. The Lozenge comes in 2 strengths.

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The Commit Lozenge(2)

• If you smoke your first cigarette within 30 minutes of waking, you are advised to use the 4mg strength of the Commit Lozenge, but, if you smoke your first cigarette after 30 minutes of waking, you are admonished to apply the 2mg strength.

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The Key to Stop Smoking Success

• The first thing you must know about using any nicotine replacement therapy is that you must want to quit, without your own dedication and commitment, the Commit Lozenge can do no miracle. You must believe in your ability to pull it off, otherwise, you would be wasting your time. For the Commit Lozenge to work, you must apply your will power.

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Keys to Success with the Lozenge

• Also, stay away from people that smoke. The temptation might be too strong for you. If you associate smoking with drinking, please give drinking a wide berth. For a while, you need to get busy so you don’t think about smoking. A good exercise program will do but if you detest exercise, reading a book, playing the piano or doing any other thing with your hands will help. You can also drink water any time you feel like smoking and if you get addicted to drinking water, your body will be the better for it.

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge

• Once you have taken the above precautions, you can start using the Commit Lozenge which works by releasing controlled amounts of nicotine at a slower, less intense rate than cigarettes. The lozenge comes in the form of a tiny, candy-like pill which dissolves when placed in the mouth. Within 20 to 30 minutes, the pill melts in the mouth and the nicotine released from the Lozenge is gradually assimilated into the bloodstream, curbing temporary cravings to smoke.

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(2)

• Commit lozenges don’t contain sugar and come in fruit, mint and cinnamon flavors.

• Avoid foods and beverages prior to and during use as this will reduce the effectiveness of the lozenge. GlaxoSmithkline recommends waiting 15 minutes after your meal before using a nicotine lozenge. This is because acidic foods and beverages can hinder the assimilation of the nicotine through the tissues of the mouth.

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(3)

• Do not smoke while using nicotine lozenges, neither should you chew tobacco, use snuff or any other product containing nicotine, this includes use of the nicotine patch or gum.

• Don’t use the lozenge if pregnant. Consult your doctor before doing so. Even though it can be bought over –the-counter, talk to your doctor before using the Commit Lozenge, especially if you have a heart disease, ulcer, diabetes and high blood pressure.

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(4)

• Don’t use the Commit Lozenge alongside any other NRT. This can cause nicotine overdose.

• Also, don’t use the Lozenge alongside any other prescription quit smoking aid like chantix or welbutrin.

• Keep the Lozenge out of the reach of children.• Don’t chew the lozenges or swallow them

whole,suck on the lozenge until it dissolves.

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(5)

• According to the Nicorette website, the Commit Lozenges are used as follows:

• Weeks 1 – 6: Use one lozenge every 1 to 2 hours.

• Weeks 7 – 9: Use one lozenge every 2 – 4 hours.

• Weeks 10 – 12: Use one lozenge every 4 – 8 hours.

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(6)

• The lozenges work best if it is used on a regular schedule but do not use more than 20 lozenges per day. Stop using nicotine lozenges at the end of 12 weeks. You are not supposed to use the Lozenges for more than 12 weeks as they are expected to gradually wean you off nicotine addiction. Have a chat with your doctor if you have trouble stopping.

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(7)

• If you check the packaging of the Commit stop smoking lozenges, you will notice that it has proper dosage guidelines to help people stop smoking. If you use more of the product than recommended, you are likely to experience side effects like indigestion, headaches, nausea, sore throat, dizziness and irregular heartbeat. Tell your doctor about any side effects you are experiencing.

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(8)

• It takes effort for stop smoking lozenges to be effective, and people who are not serious about quitting can’t be helped. You must really want to break your smoking habit for stop smoking lozenges to work for you.

• The Commit Lozenge is just one out of the many products that can help you stop smoking. Which is best for you depends on many factors and ultimately the only person that knows which is best for you is you.

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(9)

• The best thing to do when you want to stop smoking is to find out what options you have and go for the option that is best for you.

• There are many aids to help you quit: Lozenges, nicotine gum, nicotine inhalers,Chantix,Welbutrin,etc. When one is trying to quit, one needs to find the method that is best for ones needs. Keep searching and trying,you will surely find the best method to help you quit. And when you do find it,commit to it against all odds because success belongs to those who are willing to try and try until they achieve the desired result.

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(10)

• Commit Lozenges 4 mg – 7 Pop Pacs, 24 Lozenges Each – 168 Mint Flavor Lozenges

• How Effective is the Commit Lozenge?• Since the Lozenge was introduced into the

market,many studies have been done on its efficacy. One of such investigations was titled Efficacy of a Nicotine Lozenge for Smoking Cessation. Led by Dr Saul Shifman, the investigators concluded that “the new nicotine lozenge is an effective and safe treatment for smoking.”

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(11)

• Yet another research states that smokers need to use both the nicotine patch and lozenge for effective quit smoking. According to a report in the November,2009 issue of Archives of General Psychiatry,the investigating team,led by Megan E. Piper Ph.D., of the University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention, Madison,and colleagues conducted a randomized clinical trial of smoking cessation therapies involving 1,504 adults. After the research,they held that “the present results suggest that the nicotine lozenge can also be effective as an adjuvant [additional treatment] to the nicotine patch.”

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How to Use the Commit Lozenge(12)

• Commit Lozenges 4 mg – 7 Pop Pacs, 24 Lozenges Each – 168 Mint Flavor Lozenges

• Another report by the Cancer Information Service of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics says “the new Commit Lozenges have been shown effective in helping people quit, including smokers who have tried quitting before. The benefits of the Commit Lozenge were even greater when quitters used the minimum recommended number of lozenges per day (9 per day) in the early part of their quit attempts.”

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Pros and Cons of Using the Commit Lozenge

• Pros:• The Commit Lozenge brings ex-smokers fast

and effective relief from nasty cravings which accompany abrupt nicotine withdrawal.

• Most people find it easy to use as it’s an oral medication. It doesn’t involve any form of surgery or complicated procedure.

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Pros and Cons of Using the Commit Lozenge(2)

• Cons:• Because Lozenges taste and look like candies

(even though they are not),people tend to abuse them, people don’t use them exactly as indicated. This is a major disadvantage as this abuse leads to nasty side effects.

• Some people who use the Lozenge complain of sore throat and tooth decay.

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Pros and Cons of Using the Commit Lozenge(3)

• Some people also get addicted to the lozenges. By design, the Lozenges are meant to be used to gradually wean yourself off nicotine addiction but most people who use it, get addicted to it (or is it re-addiction?).

• The notion behind using a nicotine replacement therapy is to gradually wean you off nicotine. So that by wearing the patch, chewing the gum or using the lozenge, your body gets its usual supply of nicotine without you smoking a cigarette. After a few weeks, you cut down on your nicotine intake..and it goes on like that until you cut off finally.

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• After you have finally cut off, you will experience urges to smoke once in a while. each time, you have this urge, tell yourself that you’re one step closer to your stop smoking goal. When a thought like, “I need a smoke now”, crosses your mind, just remember…you’re no longer a smoker! If you do this all the time, you will gain total mastery over your cravings.

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Other NRT Resources

• Using the Nicotine Gum to Stop Smoking• Quit Smoking with Nicotine Patches• Easy Way to Stop Smoking Book• Do Lungs Heal after Quit Smoking?• Nicotine Replacement Therapies

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