using technology for social change synergos namibia

Using technology to increase effectiveness of the social sector and to create social change Fernanda Bornhausen Sá Synergos Fellows Global Meeting 2010 Windhoek, Namibia, October 12-15

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Presentation about Technology for Social Change at Synergo´s Seniors Fellows Metting Namibia 2010


  • 1. Using technology to increase effectiveness of the social sector and to create social change
    Fernanda Bornhausen S
    Synergos Fellows Global Meeting 2010
    Windhoek, Namibia, October 12-15

2. Why, When and How we decided to use avaiable technology resources, most of them for free, in our NGO;
The IVAs case;
Building strategic partnerships;
Google Grants;
Strategies to launch the portal;
Some results;
Online training and capacity building;
3. Involvement in natural disasters;
Key challenges;
Articulations with others portals;
Togheter is Better Seminar;
Some avaiable technology tools for freefor NGOs
4. 5. Volunteers in ActionInstitute
The Volunteers in Action Institute is a Volunteer Centre which aims to promote the meeting among those willing to donate part of their time and their skills in working for a social cause, and organizations that need this kind of work.
6. The Path of IVA
March 1998
November 1997
May 1998
June 1997
July 2008
7. The age group of people who searched us changed substantially and now we have 76% of the volunteers registered in the ages between 16 to 40 years old.
The level of instruction found in most of today's volunteers - 82% - is enrolled in college degree or higher level.
44% are employed and 28% are studying, total 72%.
Demystifies the previous idea that volunteering was a practice used by retired or unemployed to escape from boredom.
No longer an exclusively female activity. Male engagement increase almost 10% compared to females in the past years.
Findings from 2006 about the profile of volunteers registered in IVA
Most part of those wanting to become a volunteer - 90% -searched us through the internet
8. A newContext
Industrial Society

  • Search for a conscious consumer

9. Transparency 10. Internet 11. Networks 12. Co-participation 13. Transformation 14. Construction 15. Excessiveconsumption 16. Appearance 17. TV 18. IsolatedGroups 19. Assistencialism 20. Changes 21. ImpositionYears 00
Century XXI
Century XVIII until XX
22. Internet in Brazil
67.5 millionBrazilianshave Internet access**
Mdia de tempo de conexo mensal**
66% broadband connection
44 horas
40 horas
39 horas
38 horas
* Fonte: TIC Domiclios2009 16.887 entrevistados em rea urbana
** Fonte: Ibope 4trimestre/2009
*** Fonte: Jeffrey Group Empresas e Consumidores nas Mdias Sociais 407 entrevistados Jan/2010
23. Internet in Santa Catarina
SC ranks first as a user of technology in Southern Brazil, and the third in Brazil.
It is the champion of the Southern Region on computers and Internet usage
26.5% of residences have computers
24. Benchmarking conducted in 2006 and 2007
Since 2000Opportunities: 1367Referrals: 1697975
Since 1999Organizations: 28,154Opportunities: 26,434Volunteers: 207,399
Since 2000Last year, 14,313 online volunteering assignments
Since 1998Organizations: 74,406Opportunities: 58,802 Referrals: 5,052,707
25. Online Volunteering Portal - Integration point for organizations and individuals involved in volunteering
Significant reduction of costs and thereby the increase of work dimension.
Ability to offer opportunities for, capacity building, training, activities and even referral of volunteers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
26. Main challenges before the launch of Online Volunteering Portal
27. 28. To post online volunteering opportunities, attracting volunteers from anywhere in the world;
Being able to use the tools of empowerment and online library offered by the Portal;
Opportunity to utilize the most modern tools of communication with other organizations and volunteers;
Be eligible to receive collaborations of volunteers for specific actions and mobilize them through the Portal;
Having access to a large database of volunteers and may invite them to collaborate with their organizations.
Benefits for registeredOrganizationsonthe Online Volunteering Portal
Being present 24 / 7 on the computers of thousands of Internet users inSC, Brazil and worldwide;
Website with effective visibility in Google search engines;
To attract more and skilled volunteers;
30. UNVolunteers First Portal Partner
31. 32. ArticulationUNVolunteersPartnership
33. ArticulationUNVolunteersPartnership
34. Resultsofthispartnership
36. Articulation UNESCO Partnership
Search for a technical-institutional partnership with great reputation in Brazil and worldwide to give more credibility to our work.
Partnershipstarted: 2001
38. Partnershipstarted: 2008
Articulation Google Partnership
39. GovernmentPartnership - Beija Flor Programme
Promotes digital inclusion in rural areas and fishing communities in Santa Catarina State through telecentres, centers equipped with computers and Internet, installed in public places - schools, fishing colony, libraries, civil society associations.
Spaces for community integration, learning, personal growth and social mobilization.
40. Articulation Beija Flor Partnership
Registration of 113 telecenters in SC state in small rural and fishing communities;
Provision of 332 volunteer opportunities;
64 volunteer opportunities selected from volunteers registered on the Portal.
41. RegisteredNGOsworking in network
IVA mobilizedNGOsthatwereestablished in many cities in SC:
42. Rede Brasil Voluntrio
BrazilVolunteer Network
Aiming to systematize the dissemination, implementation and consolidation of concepts, ideas and experiences related to volunteerism in Brazil and worldwide CVs of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Parana and Santa Catarina, operating since 1997 on the promotion, disseminationand recognition volunteering have joined forces and created the RBV REDE BRASIL VOLUNTRIO(BRAZIL VOLUNTEER NETWORK).
43. Rede Brasil Voluntrio
BrazilVolunteer Network
The RBV has a great partner to the UN Volunteer Program - UNVolunteers who supported its creation from the beginning and is a partner in their work and annual event Semana Brasil Voluntrio SBV since 2008, helded the week of International Volunteer Day.
44. RBV and Online Volunteering
45. Testemonials
The RIOVOLUNTRIO has often used the Online Volunteering Portal and through the 5 volunteer opportunities that we registered in the last year, we received 158 volunteers who have been extremely dedicated and helpful.
Eduardo Lang
Communications Coordinator - Riovoluntrio - RJ Brazil
The Centro de Ao Voluntria - CAV believes that the Online Volunteering Porta methodology have been quite effective in recruiting new volunteers.In the first year of the Portal operations CAV registered 5 online volunteer opportunities for researchers and production of communication materials for which we had a great demand.The relationship with volunteers is generating good results, which is due to the commitment of all.
Thiago Baise / Daniela Souza Nunes
Projects Area from CAVCentro de voluntariado de Curitiba - PR - Brazil
46. Technical - InstitutionalPartnerships
48. Financial PartnersofVolunteers in ActionInstitute
50. Online PublicizingStrategies
51. Online PublicizingStrategies
52. Online PublicizingStrategies
53. Shares of media that preceded VOL launching
54. 55. 56. 57. Blog Volunteer Movement 2009:

  • 544 registered Blogs

58. More than 400 posts 59. 3.635 citations on Google Blog Search 60. 894 followers on Twitter. Blog Volunteer Movement 2008:

  • 470 registered Blogs

61. 661 posts 62. 425 citations on Google Blog Search 63. 63.305 readers de RSS 64. 124 followers on TwitterTotal:

  • 1014 registered Blogs

65. More than1061 posts 66. 4060 citations on Google Blog Search