using safety-critical concepts in privacy engineering

1 © Nokia 2016 Using Safety-Critical Concepts in Privacy Engineering Public Dr. Ian Oliver Bell Labs, Finland 2 November 2016 A Lecture Given to CRiM’16, Oulu, Finland

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Using Safety-Critical Concepts in Privacy Engineering


Dr. Ian Oliver

Bell Labs, Finland

2 November 2016

A Lecture Given to CRiM’16, Oulu, Finland

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Auditing mobile services and associated infrastructure from an engineering perspective...

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Auditing mobile services and associated infrastructure from an engineering perspective...

PrivacyOfficers & Lawyers

Privacy Engineers

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The problem was (and still is, and will be) the lack of good (any?) techniques for reasoning about privacy in an engineering capacity

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So what is this privacy thing anyway?


• vs Security...

• [[privacy]]

• Information wants to be free!• Freedom to do/be...?• Freedom from...?• Price, value


• You are the product

• ”Anti-privacy”

• Advertising, surveillance, hacking, oversharing

• Personal responsibility vs Technilogical complexity

• PII, personal data, pseudo-anonymous, anonymisation

•variability, entropy, Navier-Stokes

• f( -> R

•The Privacy Singularity•Unification of disciplines•Mathematical Foundations of Privacy•The Fundamental Theorem of Privacy

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Privacy as...


• A legal construct •“The Right to Privacy” (Warren and Brandeis, 1890)• EU Data Protection Laws• Human Rights•...

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Privacy as...


• A legal construct• A philisophical construct

• morals, ethics etc• political science? Kant etc.

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Privacy as...


• A legal construct• A philisophical construct• An economic construct

• brand/shareholder value• customer relatonships• business• innovation

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Privacy as...


• A legal construct• A philisophical construct• An economic construct• A guiding principle

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Privacy as...


• A legal construct• A philisophical construct• An economic construct• A guiding principle• A sociological construct

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Privacy as...


• A legal construct• A philisophical construct• An economic construct• A guiding principle• A sociological construct• A game theoretic construct

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Privacy as...


• A legal construct• A philisophical construct• An economic construct• A guiding principle• A sociological construct• A game theoretic construct• A systems engineering construct

char collectDataFlag = 'Y'; // Future proofed boolean// Y for yes, N for no

void collectDataFunction(){//collect IMEI, IMSI, MSISDN, TimeStamp and location//and send to the hardcoded IP address...


void checkDataCollection(){switch(collectDataFlag){

case 'N' :// don't do anything

case 'Y' :// ok to collect everythingcollectDataFunction();



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Privacy as...


• A legal construct• A philisophical construct• An economic construct• A guiding principle• A sociological construct• A game theoretic construct• A systems engineering construct (pt.2)

• Ontological structures• Metrics / Risk Analysis• Modelling• Privacy Engineering• Compliance• Culture & Safety Critical

Systems• (Aviation, Medicine)

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Privacy as...


• A legal construct• A philisophical construct• An economic construct• A guiding principle• A sociological construct• A game theoretic construct• A systems engineering construct• An optimisation construct

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Privacy as...


• A legal construct• A philisophical construct• An economic construct• A guiding principle• A sociological construct• A game theoretic construct• A systems engineering construct• An optimisation construct• A mathematical construct



𝐷1 ×⋯ × 𝐷𝑛 < 𝜀𝑈

• metrics• topology• ontology• anonymisation & variability• turbulence, chaos theory• link back to economics & game theory• deanonymisation• information entropy

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The problem was (and still is, and will be) the lack of good (any?) techniques for reasoning about privacy in an engineering capacity... what did we do?

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We developed:

• Epics and Use cases for Privacy

• Checklists

• Software Development Process Integration

• Audit Procedures (non-functional aspects)

- privacy

- secuity

- performance

- continuity (resiliance)

and the result was...

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Why didn’t it work?

• Despite highly trained personel

- Cessna Single Engine Failure


- Air France AF447

• To much adherence to process

- Processes tell everyone the order of what to do

- Difficulty in handling exceptions and experts

- Aviation Checklists are status checks used to assist in due dilligence in preparation for the next and future phases of flight.

- Engineers aren’t stupid

• Checklist replaced responsibility and expertise

- For both the auditor and develoment teams

• Tick-box oriented

- Ask questions, Accept answers, TICK!

- Limited understanding and context of naswers

• Limited time-scale

- One-off review

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We developed:

• Simpler ”Checklists”

• Training Courses

• Realised that no-one understood each other

• Tried to ban (unsuccessfully) the term ”PII”

• Tried to formulate requirements

• Introduced more risk management ideas, eg: RCA, FMEA

and the result was...

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What’s the problem now?

• Communication

• Emphasis on process over method

• Lack of understanding of role

• Lack of legal and engineering techniques

• Lack of integration of legal and engineering

• The privacy organisation itself

• Humans

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What’s the problem now?

Actually it was much worse:

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What’s the problem now?

Actually it was much worse:

Total emphasis on ”compliance”

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What’s the problem now?

Actually it was much worse:

Total emphasis on ”compliance”

Whatever ”compliance” meant...

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is fragile


char collectDataFlag = 'Y'; // Future proofed boolean// Y for yes, N for no

void collectDataFunction(){//collect IMEI, IMSI, MSISDN, TimeStamp and location//and send to the hardcoded IP address...


void checkDataCollection(){switch(collectDataFlag){

case 'N' :// don't do anything

case 'Y' :// ok to collect everythingcollectDataFunction();


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Not invented here!

Were there any industries or disciplines from which we could learn?

Or are software engineering and legal ’special’?

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© 2013 HERE | Title | Author | Company confidential

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Consider information to be a dangerous item

This has various meanings in aviation, medicine, civil engineering etc.

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A quick introduction to surgical infection control

© 2013 HERE | Title | Author | Company confidential

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A quick introduction to surgical infection control

© 2013 HERE | Title | Author | Company confidential


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The Sterile Field

© 2013 HERE | Title | Author | Company confidential


• Sterile

• Non-sterile

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The Sterile Field

© 2013 HERE | Title | Author | Company confidential


• Sterile

• Non-sterile

Movement of materials from one area to the other must be controlled to prevent contamination of the sterile field with non-sterile items

Strict protocols prevent contamination

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Some things...

• Communication

• Culture

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Some things...

• Communication, Structure and Semantics

• Culture

Already other fields

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Standardised Communication


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Standardised Communication

Probably not personal data/ Probably personal data

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Standardised Communication

Forget process, just get the information about what’s going on...

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Nokia Internal

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Nokia Internal

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Nokia Internal

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Morbidity and MortalityAccident InvestigationReporting

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Roles and Role Integration

R&D Team Checklist

(before review)

R&D Team Checklist


Audit Team Checklist(sign-in)

Audit Team Checklist


Audit Team Checklist(sign-out)

Project development & processes (time)








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Extraction Hashing



Processing &Enrichment

External Data



Atomic Data





<<data subject>>Customer

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No heroes

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Treat privacy as a safety-critical aspect

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