using communication and messaging api in the html5 world

Using Communication and Messaging API in The HTML5 World Gil Fink CEO, sparXys @gilfink,

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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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A session I delivered in Codemotion Tel Aviv.


Page 1: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

Using Communication and Messaging API in The HTML5


Gil Fink

CEO, sparXys


Page 2: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World


• HTML5: Recap

• HTML5 Messaging APIs

• HTML5 Communication APIs

• Q&A

• Summary

Page 3: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

HTML5: Recap

• HTML5 ~= HTML + CSS3 + new JavaScript API

• The present and future of the web

• W3C Recommendation!

Page 4: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

What’s Under the HTML5


Page 5: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

Communication and Messaging

Page 6: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

Cross-Document Messaging • Simple API to send and receive in-window


• Send messages using the postMessage function

• Wire handlers to the message event


window.postMessage(message, domain);

window.addEventListener("message", function () {

// do something

}, false);

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Cross-Document Messaging

Web Worker

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Web Application APIs Support

– Cross-Document Messaging

Page 9: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

(CORS) • Browsers prevent cross-domain JavaScript requests

• CORS enables cross-domain requests as long as: o Response includes Access-Control-Allow-Origin header

o XMLHttpRequest supports CORS

• XDomainRequest in IE8 and IE9

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CORS – Client Side var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();“get”, url, true);

xhr.onload = function () {

// instead of using onreadystatechange



Page 11: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

CORS – Client Side API • Functions:

o abort() – stops a request that is already in progress

o send() – sends a request to the server

• Event handlers: o onerror – handles request errors

o onload – handles request success

Page 12: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

CORS – Access Control Flow • Client sends ‘Access-Control’ headers during

request preflight o Using the OPTIONS HTTP request

• Server checks whether the requested resource is


• Client checks the preflight response and decides

whether to allow the request

Page 13: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

CORS – Server Side • Use Access-Control headers to allow

o Origin – Specific request URI

o Method – request method (GET, POST and etc.)

o Headers – optional custom headers

o Credentials – request credentials

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Web Application APIs Support


Page 16: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

Server-Sent Events • Enables servers to push data over HTTP using push


• Use the EventSource JavaScript API

var source = new EventSource(url);

source.onmessage = function (e) {



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Server-Sent Events - Server • Strict server protocol:

• Response content type should be text/event-stream

• Keeps the connection open

data: This is a message.

event: add

data: 73857293

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Server-Sent Events

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Web Application APIs Support

– Server-Sent Events

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Real Time Web?

Page 21: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

Existing Solutions

Page 22: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

Web Sockets • Bidirectional communications channels, over a

single TCP socket

• Don’t allow raw access to the underlying network

• Can replace old techniques such as: o Forever frames

o Long-polling/comet

Page 23: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

Web Sockets – Client Request • The client sends a WebSocket handshake request

GET /chat HTTP/1.1


Upgrade: websocket

Connection: Upgrade

Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==


Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat, superchat

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Web Sockets – Server Response • The server responses with a WebSocket handshake


HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

Upgrade: websocket

Connection: Upgrade

Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=

Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat

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Web Sockets – API • Create a WebSocket object using a URL

• Use the WebSocket object’s built-in events: o onopen – fired when a web socket has opened

o onmessage – fired when a message has been received

o onclose – fired when a web socket has been closed

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Web Sockets

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Web Application APIs Support

– Web Sockets

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Page 29: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World


• HTML5 is a W3C recommendation

• In this session we explored communication and

messaging APIs

• You have a lot more to cover

Page 30: Using Communication and Messaging API in the HTML5 World

Resources • APIs specs –

• My Blog –

• Follow me on Twitter – @gilfink

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Thank You!