usc national trauma, emergency surgery and surgical ... · pdf fileusc national trauma,...

July 13-14, 2017 Presented by: Institute of Continuing Education for Nurses, Department of Nursing Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center 24 th Annual USC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical Critical Care Symposium Langham Huntington Pasadena, California

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Page 1: USC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical ... · PDF fileUSC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical ... Each session focuses on understanding the latestt medical

July 13-14, 2017

Presented by:

Institute of Continuing Education for Nurses, Department of Nursing

Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center

24th Annual

USC National Trauma,

Emergency Surgery and

Surgical Critical Care


Langham Huntington

Pasadena, California

Page 2: USC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical ... · PDF fileUSC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical ... Each session focuses on understanding the latestt medical

Symposium is hosted by the Divisivv on of Acute Care Surgery at the Los AngelesCountytt +Univevv rsity ott f Southern Califoff rnia Medical Center,rr one of the largest trauma

-ber plenary sessions, interactivev and pd rovovv cativevv panel discussions, and inspiring keynote

balance betwtt een evidvv ence-based pd rinciples and innovativevv thought-provoking discussion wiww ll be maintained during livii elyll expert debates and vivv deo sessions. E. ach session focff useson understanding the latest mt edical controvevv rsies and the implementation of practicalprocedural skills.


emergency medical technicians, pa, ramedics and other medical personnel working in the

care for ff adults and seek to enhance their understanding of trauma care and treatment options to optimize management of their patients.



6:15 am Registration and Breakfast

7:30 am WelcWW ome

Demetrios Demetriades,s MDMM ,D PhD

7:35 am Opening Remarks

Rohit VaVV rma,a MDMM ,D MPMM HPP

Session 1: Prehospital and

Emergency Room Hot Issues

Moderator: Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD

7:45 am

Prehospital Care

Marc Ecksrr teintt , MD

8:00 am Prehospital Resuscitation: Pelvic

Binders, Blood, TrTT ansfusions,

TXTT AXX : Ready for Routineff Use?

Brant rr Putnam, MD

8:15 am Compressible and Non- Compressible Bleeding: Prehospital Management!

Statt cey She ackelfll off rdrr ,dd MD

8:30 am Prehospital Needle


Martin Schcc reiber,rr MD

8:45 am Discussion

Moderator: Perren Cobb, MD

9:00 am ECMO in TrTT auma

David Shavellell ,e MD

9:15 am Pulmonary Embolism:

Unfrff actionated Heparin,

Mechanical Intervention?

Damon Clarkrr , MD

9:30 am Surviving Sepsis Guidelines:

Saving Lives or Perpetuating a


MeMM ghan Le ewis,s MD

9:45 am Ventilator-Associated EVV vents,

Ventilator-Associated CVV ompli-

cations, Possible VAVV P,PP Probable

VAP and MoVV re Confusion!

PaPP ul HoHH ltll omtt , MDD

10:00 am Open vs. Percutaneous and Early

vs. Late TrTT acheostomy in the ICU

Michcc ael Sise,e MD

10:15 am Immunonutrition for the ff

Critically Ill Surgical Patient:

Useful, Harmful or Does It


Daniel Margulies,s MD

OPTIONAL ASSET COURSE: Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Pre-Course: 8:00 am-4:30 pm

American College of Surgeons’ ASS’ ET Course (Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposuff re in TrTT auma) LAC+USC Medical Center. Course Di. rector: LyLL dia Lam, MD,

Separate registration required. C. ontact Angela Martinez at [email protected]

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10:30 am Discussion

10:45 am Break

Session 3: Keynote Lecture

Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD

11:15 am Challenging Dogma in

TrTT auma! A Personal Odyssey

Kenneth Matttt ott x,x MD

Session 4: Rapid Session: Capsule

Commentaries Non-Trauma

Abdominal Surgical Emer-

gencies: Challenging Dogma

Moderator: Daniel Margulies, MD

11:45 am Optimal Timing for Choleff cys-

tectomy in Acute Cholecystitis

Kazuhide MatsushimaKK ,a MD

11:52 am Appendicitis: Straight to theOperating Room or TrTT eat

with Antibiotics?

Morgr an Sgg chcc ellenbergr ,gg MD

11:59 am Non-Operative Management

of Complicated Appendicitis:

Is Intervavv laa AppAA endectomy the

Standard of Care?

James Bardesrr ,s MD

12:06 pm Acute Care Imaging: What

to Order and Why?

Lee MyMM ers,s MD

12:13 pm Emergency Colectomy for ff

Complicated Diverticulitis:

Primary Anastomosis or


Sang Lee,e MD

12:20 pm Discussion

12:35 pm Lunch

Session 5: Luncheon Session

pm 10 Best Papers in Acute CareSurgery 2015-2017

Martin Schcc reiber,rr MD

Session 6: Trauma Surgical Education

Moderator: Kenneth Mattox, MD

1:45 pm TrTT auma Surgical Education in 2017 MaMM ura Sullrr ill van, PhD

2:00 pm Cadavaa er Simulation for ff

TrTT auma TrTT ainingg Elizabeth Benjamin, MDMM ,D PhD

2:15 pm Discussion

Session 7: REBOA Debate

Moderator: Kenji Inaba, MD

pm Widespread Use is the WaWW vaa e of the FutuFF re! Carlos Brr rown, MD

2:45 pm Another Useless Device!

David SpS ain, MD

3:00 pm Resolution: Let’s Agree!

3:15 pm Break

Session 8: One Hour with Dimitri:

Believe it or Not! Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD

pm Panel

Markrr KaKK pa lan, MD

David SpS ain, MD MM

Brant rr Putnam, MD

Michcc ael Sise,e MD

PePP tett r Rhee,e MD

4:45 pm Adjourn

Friday, July 14, 2017

6:45 am Registration and Breakfast

Session 9: Surgical Infections and Enteric Fistulas

Moderator: Mark Kaplan, MD

7:30 am Severe Softff Tissue Infectiff ons:Advances in Local CareElizabeth Benjamin, MDMM ,D PhD

7:45 am Preventing Surgical SiteInfectiff onsAaron Strumwasser,rr MD

8:00 am Enteric Fistulas: Optimizing Management

Markrr KaKK pa lan, MD

8:15 am Discussion

Session 10: Trauma Anesthesia and Critical Care

Moderator: Joshua Tobin, MD

8:25 am VTE Prophylaxis inyy TrTT auma-

When Do I Start It?

H.HH Gill CrCC yr er,rr MDMM ,D PhD


The Division of Acute Care Surgery, Institute of Continuing Education for Nurses, Department of Nursing and

Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center is grateful to KCI for an educational grant in support of the symposium.

Page 4: USC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical ... · PDF fileUSC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical ... Each session focuses on understanding the latestt medical

Viscoelastic Testing TT Shihab Sugu eigg r,rr MD

8:55 am Airway Manaaa gement for theff

TrTT auma Patient

Rodney McKee ever,rr MD

9:10 am Beta Blockers in the Critically

Subarna Biswas,s MD

9:25 am Physiologic Monitoring DuringActive Resuscitation Joshua TobinTT , MD

9:40 am Discussion

Session 11: Keynote LectureModerator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD

9:55 am Leadership and OperationalDecision Making-FundamentalsFF

Leroy Chio ao,o PhD

NASA AsAA tronaut and

ISS Commandedd r

10:30 am Break

Moderator: Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran, MD

11:00 am Stand-In for Muff rderrCrCC aig rr HaHH rveye ,yy BS,S F-ABMDI

Lakshmanan Sathyavaiswaranrr , MD

11:40 am Discussion

Session 13: Military Session: Putting

Work on Our Streets

Moderator: Travis M. Polk, MD

11:55 am TCCC: TaTT ctical Combat

Casualty Care-Prehospital


12:10 pm NASEM Report on Integrating

Military and Civilian TrTT auma

Centers Statt cey She ackelfll off rdrr ,dd MD

12:25 pm Implementing STOP THE


Trarr vis M.MM PoPP lk, MD

12:40 pm Discussion

12:50 pm Lunch

Session 14: Luncheon Session

Moderator: Elizabeth Benjamin, MD, PhD

1:00 pm Updates on Local and Systemic

Hemostatic Agents

PePP tett r Rhee,e MD

Session 15: Critical Care: Organ Donation

Moderator: Lydia Lam, MD

Donation and TrTT ansplantation-Facts, Figures, and, Faces

Kenneth Moritsugu,u MDMM ,D MPMM HPP ,HH


2:30 pm Pediatric Organ Donation

2:45 pm Bedside Family Care

Maybeth Cala FrFF anconrr e,e RN RR

3:00 pm Discussion

3:15 pm Break

Moderator: Peter Rhee, MD

3:45 pm Rheeopardy!


Caroline PaPP rkrr , MD-LALL C+USC

Richcc VasakVV , MD-HarHH brr or-UCLCC ALL

TBTT DBB ,D Cedars-Sinai Medical Centett r

LyL dia Lam, MD

Elizabeth Benjamin, MDMM ,D PhD

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KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Leroy Chiao, PhD: Former NASA Astronaut, International Space Commander

Kenneth L. Mattox, MD: Distinguished Service Professor, Michael E. DeBakey Depart-

Ben Taub General Hospital, Houston, Texas

Kenneth P. Moritsugu, MD, MPH, FACPM: Rear Admiral, USPHS (Retired)

Leroy Chiao is a foff rmer NASA astronaut and International SpaceStation commander. A. veteran of four spff ace missions, Dr. Chi. ao most

-tion 10 aboard the International Space Station. He has log. ged over 229dayaa s in space - over 36 hours of which were spent in Extra-Vehicular VVActivity (EVAVV , or sp, acewalks). In 2009. , he se, rved on the White House

currently serves on the NASA Advisory Council.

A native English speaker,rr Dr. Chi. ao also speaks Mandarin Chinese and

A Space Station Commander and Space Shuttle Mission Specialist,,

He is an expert in all faff cets of U.S. and. Russian EVA haVV rdware and

and training programs.

Kenneth L. Matt. ox, M, D, is, one of the most recognized surgeons inAmerica and the world. His name has bec. ome synonymous withtrauma education, research and innovation. He is Distinguished. ServiceProfessor of the Miff chael E. DeBak. ey Department of Surgery at Bayaa lor yy

Taub GeneTT ral Hospital, Houst, on, TexasTT . He has m. ade original and

more than 1000 abstracts. His tex. tbook, TrTT auma, is an inte, rnationalbest seller. He is co-editor of the. Sabiston TexTT tbook of Surgery,yy n, ow inits 19 edition and recognized throughout the world. Additionally,yy he,has co-authored Top KniTT feff , a best se, ller,rr whi, ch has been translated intoeight foff reign languages. Dr Mattox served in leadership positions innumerous professiff onal organizations, in, cluding the American College of S ur g e o ns and the AAS T.TT He has been a visiting p . ro fessor or k ff e ynote speaker in more than 60 countries and has been honored with more honorary feff llowships and national society memberships than any other trauma surgeon in the world.

Dr. Mo. ritsugu obtained his MD frff om the George WashingtWW on University in

WashingtWW on DC. He subsequent. ly got his Master of Public Health in Health

Administration and Planning frff om the University of Califoff rnia, Be, rkeley,yy in,

Rear Admiral Kenneth Moritsugu served in many diverse assignments in

unifoff rm, in, cluding Acting Surgeon General of the United States.

Admiral Moritsugu has received numerous honors and awards, in, cluding the

Surgeon General’s Medallion with twtt o gold stars, twtt elve honorary degrees, and,

Distinguished Service Medals frff om the USPHS, the, FedeFF ral Bureau of Prisons,

and the Unifoff rmed Services University of the Health Sciences.

He currently serves on the Board of Directors for theff WashingtWW on Regional

TrTT ansplant Community.yy He has sp. oken extensively both internationally and

domestically on this subject. Most . recently,yy he was a k, eynote speaker at the

White House Summit on Organ Donation, in June 2016,

Dr. Kenneth. P.PP Mo. ritsugu lost his wifeff , D, onna Lee Jones Moritsugu, in an auto, -

mobile accident in 1992, and his daughter, Vikki Lianne in a separate automobile

accident in 1996. Both. were organ and tissue donors. He has been intimate. ly

involved with organ and tissue donation and transplantation ever since.

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SYMPOSIUM DIRECTORS Keck School of Medicine of USC Los Angeles, California

trios Demetriades, MD, PhD, FAFF CSAAProfessor of ff SurgeryyDirector,rr Divisi, on of Acute Care Surgery

Kenji Inaba, MD, MSc, FAFF CSAA , FRCSCAssociate Professor of ff Surgery Medical Director,rr Surgical ICU Division of Acute Care Surgery andSurgical Critical Care

LyLL dia Lamyy , MD, FAFF CSAAAssistant Professor of Cliniff cal SurgeryyDivision of Acute Care Surgery andSurgical Critical Care

Elizabeth Benjamin, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Cliniff cal SurgeryyDivision of Acute Care Surgery andSurgical Critical Care

SPECIAL INVITED GUESTS Rohit VaVV rma, MD, MPHDean, Ke, ck School of Medicine of USC

enicideMniriahCs’naeDlavooHnhoJdna.SyayyMGrace and Emery Beardsley Chairin OphthalmologyyChair,rr USC Ca, re Board of DirectorsLos Angeles, CA

GUEST FACULTY Carlos V.VV R. Brown, MD, FAFF CS AAssociate Professor andffVice-Chairman of SurgeryyChief of TrTT auma University Medical Center Brackenridge

Austin, TX TT

H. Gill Cryeyy r,rr MD, PhDProfessor and Chief ffDivision of TrTT auma and Acute Care Surgeryy

Los Angeles, CA

Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD,FAFF CAA EP,PP FAAPFFMedical Director,rr Los Angeles CountyyEMS Agency Professor of Cliniff cal Medicine and Pediatrics

Los Angeles, CA

Craig Harvevv y,yy BS, F-ABMDI Coroner-Operations ConsultantLA County

Mark r Kaplan, MD, FAFF CS AAProfessor of ff Surgery andDirector of Acute Care SurgeryAlbert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA PP

Daniel Margulies, MD, FAFF CSAAChief,ff Acute Care SurgeryProfessor of ff Surgery Cedars Sinai Medical CenterLos Angeles, CA

Brant A. Putnam, MDProfessor of ff Surgery

Chief,ff Divisi, on of TrTT auma/A// cute CareSurgery/Surgical Critical CareHarbor-UCLA Medical CenterLos Angeles, CA

Peter Rhee, MD, MPH, FAFF CS AA Professor of ff SurgeryyDirector of TrTT auma,Critical Care and Emergency SurgeryUniversity of Arizona TucsTT on, AZ ,

Lakshmanan Sathyavaga iswaran, MD FoFF rmer Chief Coroner of LA County Los Angeles, CA

Martin Schreiber,rr MD Professor and Chiefff fDivision of TrTT auma, C, ritical Care andAcute Care Surgery Oregon Health and Science University Portland, OR,

Stacey Shackelfoff rd, MD, FAFF CSAAColonel, Medi, cal Corps, United , States Air FoFF rce

Michael Sise, MD, FAFF CSAADirector of TrTT aumaScripps Mercy HospitalClinical Professorff rUC San DiegoSan Diego, CA

David Spain, MD, FAFF CS AAProfessor of ff SurgeryyStanfoff rd University School of Medicine Chief of TrTT auma/Critical Care SurgeryStanfoff rd University Medical Centerr

Stanfoff rd, CA

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Captain, Medi, cal Corps, U.S. Navy

Professor Emeff ritus of Surgeryy

Subarna Biswas, MD Assistant Professor of Cliniff cal SurgeryDivision of Acute Care Surgery andSurgical Critical Care

Damon Clark, MD Assistant Professor of Cliniff cal Surgery Division of Acute Care Surgery and Surgical Critical Care

Marc Eckstein, MD, MPH, FAFF CAA EPProfessor of Emerff gency MedicineDirector of Pre-Hospital Care, LAC+USC Medical Director,rr LA Fire Departmentt

Mayaa beth Cala y FrFF ancone, RNRR , BSN Clinical Instructor LAC+USC Netwtt orkkCollege of Nursing and Allied Health

Paul Holtom, MDHospital EpidemiologistLAC+USC Medical Center Adjunct Clinical Professor of Medicine ffand Orthopaedics

Sang Lee, MDChief of Colon Rectal SurgeryyProfessor of Cliniff cal Surgery Division of Colorectal Surgery

Meghan Lewis, MD Assistant Professor of Cliniff cal Surgery

Kazuhide Matsushima, MDAssistant Professor of Cliniff cal Surgery Division of Acute Care Surgery and Surgical Critical Care

Rodney McKeevevv r,rr MD, DABADD , FCCPClinical Assistant Professor of ff AnesthesiologyyyAssistant Director of Clinical Operations,,Operation Room Coordinator Department of AnesthesiologyLAC+USC Medical Center

Lee Myersyy , MDAssistant Professor of Cliniff cal Radiology

TrTT avis M. Polk, MD, FAFF CS AACommander,rr Medi, cal Corps, U.S. Navy y Assistant Professor of Cliniff cal SurgeryyNavy TrTT auma TrTT aining Center

David Shavaa evv lle, MD Associate Professor of Cliniff cal MedicineDivision of Cardiovascular Medicine Director,rr Ca, rdiac Catheterization LaboratoriesLAC+USC Medical CenterDirector,rr Ca, rdiovascular FeFF llowship Program

Aaron Strumwassemm r,rr MD Assistant Professor of Cliniff cal SurgeryyDivision of Acute Care Surgery and Surgical Critical Care

Shihab Sugeir,rr MDAssistant Professor of ff Anesthesiology Department of Anesthesiology

Maura E. Sullivan, PhD, MSNAssociate Professor of Cliniff cal Surgery y Associate Dean for Eduff cation Simulation,,Keck School of Medicine Executive Director of the Surgical Stimulationand Education Center,rr USC,

Joshua M. TobinTT , MDAssociate Professor of ff AnesthesiologyDirector,rr TrTT auma Anesthesiology Department of Anesthesiologyy

Associate Professor of ff SurgeryDirector,rr TrTT auma Program Children Hospital Los Angeles


James Bardes, MDTrTT auma FeFF llow

Caroline Park, MD TrTT auma FeFF llow

Morgr an Schellenbergr , MDTrTT auma FeFF llow

Rich VasakVV , MDSurgical Critical Care FeFF llow Harbor-UCLA

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At the conclusion of the program the participant should be able to:

•Outline optimal care in the prehospital setting.

•Integrate new technology and devices for mff onitoring and treatment in trauma andcritical care.

•Outline methods to improve mass casualty and disaster planning at your hyy omeinstitution.

•Plan an evidence-based approach to current controversies in trauma and critical carepatient management.

•Devise methods to improve organ donation programs at your home institution.



Meeting g Locataa ion

Langham Huntington Hotel, 1, 401 S. Oak Kno. ll Drive, Pasadena, Cali, foff rnia 91106

Paraa kinr gg

VaVV let parking is discounted $29 overnight/$14 daily.yy


To boTT ok a room at the Langham Huntington, call (626) 568-3900 and ask for gff roupreservations. Menti. on USC TrTT auma Symposium or the Keck School of Medicineof USC to receive the special rate under the room block. Ro. om rate is $229 Deluxuu eKing or $199 Classic King. Please make reservations befoff re June 9, 2017.,

Cancellataa ion Policyy

email by July 7, 2017, , 4:00, pm PST for aff refund of tuition to be issued. A $50 .cancellation fee wiff ll be applied. USC wi. ll not refund any travaa el costs incurred.

In the event of course cancellation by confeff rence organizers, a, ll registration fees wiff llbe fully refunded. USC wi. ll not refund any travaa el costs incurred.


All registration payaa ments must be in U.S. currency.yy

Accreditataa ion Statement


ited by the Accreditation Council forff Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)to provide continuing medical education for ff physicians.

Credit Desiggnataa ion

livii e activivv tytt forff a ma aximum of 16 AMA PRPP ARR Catett ge ogg ry r 1 CrCC err dits™dd . Phyhh sicians shouldclaim onlyll the credit commensurate wiww th the extent of their participation in the activitytt .yy

Provider approvevv d by the Califoff rnia Board of Rf egistered Nursing, Provider Number

continuing education by Califoff rnia EMS CE Providvv er #19-0012. Objb ectivevv s avaa ailabla e upon request.

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24th Annual USC National TrTT auma, Emergency Surgery andSurgical Criticala Care Symposium on July 13-14, 2017

NAME______ _____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___

DEGREE______ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ MEDICALCC LICENSE# ______ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ___

TELEPHONE____ _____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ FAFF XAA _____ ______ ___ ___ ___ ______ ___ ___ ___ ______ ___ ___

ADDRESS_______ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ ______ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ___ ___

CITY____ ______ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ ______ ___ ___ STATT TAA E _____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___

ZIP CODE ______ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ SPECIALTLL Y ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___

EMAIL ADDRESS*______ ______ ___ ____ ___ ______ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ______ ___ ____ ___ ______ ___ ______ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___

INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATAA ION _____ _____ ___ _____ ___ ______ ___ ____ ___ ______ ___ ______ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___

SPECIAL DIETEE ATT RYRR OY R PHYHH SICAL CC NEEDS_______ ___ ______ ___ ____ ___ ______ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___

* Correspondence and confirmations are sent by email.

TUITIONEarly registration feeff s apply until July 7, 2017, noon PST.TT

Physician $500 July 13-14 $300 One Day aa Attendance

Allied Health Professiff onal $375 July 13-14 $200 One Day aa Attendance

FeFF llow/Resident/Student $300 July 13-14 $175 One Day aa Attendance

Optional Printed Sylyy labua s $35 Must be t pre-ordered and paid by June 30, 2017.

Late registration feeff s apply after Juff ly 7, 2017 at noon PST.TT

Physician $550

Allied Health Professiff onal $425

FeFF llow/Resident/Student $350


Check (Payable to USC) aa Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard only)

No cash accepted.

Visa/Mastercard # ____ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ ______ ___ ___ ___ ______ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___

Authorized Signature ______ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ ____ Amount $ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____

REGISTRATION Mail completed registration foff rm and check payaa ment to:

Online: wwwww e. Go to. QuiQQ ck Links, click on Confeff rence Calendar

Phone: (323) 442-2555 or toll-frff ee: 1(800) USC-1119 I Fax: 1(888) 665-8650

Email: [email protected] I WebsiteWW : wwwww wwOn site payaa ment: Huntington Ballroom at the Langham Huntington

July 13, 2017, : 6:15 am I July 14, 2017, : 6:45 am

Cancellation Policyy

by July 7, 2017, , 4:00 PM PST, for aff refund of tuition to be issued. A $50. cancellationfee wiff ll be applied. USC wi. ll not refund any travaa el costs incurred.In the event of course cancellation by confeff rence organizers, a, ll registration fees wiff ll befully refunded. USC wi. ll not refund any travaa el costs incurred.

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