usa catalyst pc-1 * pc-2 * pc-3 for health treatment physical catalyst

USA Catalyst PC-1 * PC-2 * PC-3 For Health Treatment Physical Catalyst

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Page 1: USA Catalyst PC-1 * PC-2 * PC-3 For Health Treatment Physical Catalyst


Catalyst PC-1 * PC-2 * PC-3

For Health Treatment

Physical Catalyst

Page 2: USA Catalyst PC-1 * PC-2 * PC-3 For Health Treatment Physical Catalyst


• Physical Catalyst History• Physical Catalyst History

• History of the Catalyst Discovery• History of the Catalyst Discovery

• Physicist Inventor of the Catalyst• Physicist Inventor of the Catalyst

• Product Description - General• Product Description - General

• Product Description - Catalyst Cell PC-2• Product Description - Catalyst Cell PC-2

• Product Description - Catalyst Cell PC-3• Product Description - Catalyst Cell PC-3

• Medical Investigations• Medical Investigations

• Product Description – Catalyst Cell PC-1• Product Description – Catalyst Cell PC-1

• Photos of Physical Catalyst Cells “Solavite”• Photos of Physical Catalyst Cells “Solavite”

Page 3: USA Catalyst PC-1 * PC-2 * PC-3 For Health Treatment Physical Catalyst




THE PROCESS SOLAVITE has began to be investigated on Europa in 1.935, by the French scientific André Emile Barbier, based on the theory of the Danish scientist Hans Cristian Oersted and the Laws of Michael Faraday.

All these experiencies were confirmed latest the American scientist Joseph Henry, first director of "Smithsonian Institute".


THE PROCESS SOLAVITE has began to be investigated on Europa in 1.935, by the French scientific André Emile Barbier, based on the theory of the Danish scientist Hans Cristian Oersted and the Laws of Michael Faraday.

All these experiencies were confirmed latest the American scientist Joseph Henry, first director of "Smithsonian Institute".

Investigation Years

On 1.966, the Brazilian Physicist Luís C. Meneses joined together André Emile Barbier, in Francia, in order to continue the investigations and put in practice the teories creating the SOLAVITE CATALYST.

More than 50 years of investigation when òn 1.989, the Chemist Chaim Yosef J. F. Mariategui-Levi, PhD – inorganic chemistry, - New York, presented the definitive scientific study "Solavite Water Treatment System”. After all these studies the SOLAVITE CATALYST was known by all international scientific community.

Investigation Years

On 1.966, the Brazilian Physicist Luís C. Meneses joined together André Emile Barbier, in Francia, in order to continue the investigations and put in practice the teories creating the SOLAVITE CATALYST.

More than 50 years of investigation when òn 1.989, the Chemist Chaim Yosef J. F. Mariategui-Levi, PhD – inorganic chemistry, - New York, presented the definitive scientific study "Solavite Water Treatment System”. After all these studies the SOLAVITE CATALYST was known by all international scientific community.

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History of discovery History of discovery

The experiences

From the beginning of the investigations until today, it is estimated the application over 10 million dollars for the introduction on the

market of the new CATALYST SOLAVITE.

The experiences

From the beginning of the investigations until today, it is estimated the application over 10 million dollars for the introduction on the

market of the new CATALYST SOLAVITE.

On 1.968 Dr. Luís C. Meneses began, in Brazil, the manufacturing of his discovery, and now, he is the Director President of PHYSICAL CATALYST, company that manufacturers the CATALYST SOLAVITE, exporting to U.S.A., Europe, Central America, South America, Asia and Arab Countries, Países Árabes. The total in this moment is 24 Countries. The trade mark SOLAVITE is preserved by License of SOCIÉTÉ FRANÇAISE DES LABORATOIRES SOLAVITE SA - Paris – France.

On 1.968 Dr. Luís C. Meneses began, in Brazil, the manufacturing of his discovery, and now, he is the Director President of PHYSICAL CATALYST, company that manufacturers the CATALYST SOLAVITE, exporting to U.S.A., Europe, Central America, South America, Asia and Arab Countries, Países Árabes. The total in this moment is 24 Countries. The trade mark SOLAVITE is preserved by License of SOCIÉTÉ FRANÇAISE DES LABORATOIRES SOLAVITE SA - Paris – France.

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Product Description Product Description


SOLAVITE – health cell - consists in a cylindrical copper catalytic cell,hermetically sealed, with diamagnetic potential, whose function is to change the magnetic properties of the minerals salts in the liquids.

SOLAVITE is not chemical or electronic or mechanical process. SOLAVITE is a physical catalyst that acts by catalisis.SOLAVITE is not magnetic treatment, it is a catalyzer that catalyzesthe magnetic power of the earth, inverting the atraction polarity of mineral salts existing in the liquids in general.

Catalyzer is an agent that interferes in a reaction but does not alters the substance, and does not alters the physical-chemical parameters of the liquid in general.


SOLAVITE – health cell - consists in a cylindrical copper catalytic cell,hermetically sealed, with diamagnetic potential, whose function is to change the magnetic properties of the minerals salts in the liquids.

SOLAVITE is not chemical or electronic or mechanical process. SOLAVITE is a physical catalyst that acts by catalisis.SOLAVITE is not magnetic treatment, it is a catalyzer that catalyzesthe magnetic power of the earth, inverting the atraction polarity of mineral salts existing in the liquids in general.

Catalyzer is an agent that interferes in a reaction but does not alters the substance, and does not alters the physical-chemical parameters of the liquid in general.

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USADr. Luis C. MenesesDr. Luis C. Meneses

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Dr. Luis C. Meneses: Physicist-Inventor, Brazilian :

* Graduated on University of Paris - France, in PHYSICS.* Graduated on University of Olinda, Pernambuco - Brazil, in PHYLOSOPHY. * Graduated on University Federal of Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil, in LAW.* Study of CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY on University of Olinda,

Pernambuco - Brazil.

He improved the SOLAVITE process referent Water on 1966, whose first inventor was the French Scientist ANDRE EMILE BARBIER (Paris, Monaco, France, on 1935). Dr. Luis C. Meneses coexisted for almost 4 years together with Dr. BARBIER. Beside he invented the invented the Catalyzers for treatment of liquids in general (Water, gasoline, diesel, petroleum (paraffin), alcohol and radiators). On 1968 he constituted his Company and he initiated the manufacturing of the SOLAVITE invention. Actually the SOLAVITE Products are sold over more than 24 countries.

Dr. Luis C. Meneses is the inventor of SOLAVITE process for sea water (application on marine platform ). He is also the inventor of the Physical Catalyzers SOLAVITE for treatment of water of REVERSE OSMOSIS. It is also his invention the Physical Catalyzers for the HUMAN HEALTH , that helps the organism about some illnesses. These Catalizers are known as: PC-1, PC-2, PC-3.., whose applications are very extensive.

Dr. Luis C. Meneses: Physicist-Inventor, Brazilian :

* Graduated on University of Paris - France, in PHYSICS.* Graduated on University of Olinda, Pernambuco - Brazil, in PHYLOSOPHY. * Graduated on University Federal of Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil, in LAW.* Study of CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY on University of Olinda,

Pernambuco - Brazil.

He improved the SOLAVITE process referent Water on 1966, whose first inventor was the French Scientist ANDRE EMILE BARBIER (Paris, Monaco, France, on 1935). Dr. Luis C. Meneses coexisted for almost 4 years together with Dr. BARBIER. Beside he invented the invented the Catalyzers for treatment of liquids in general (Water, gasoline, diesel, petroleum (paraffin), alcohol and radiators). On 1968 he constituted his Company and he initiated the manufacturing of the SOLAVITE invention. Actually the SOLAVITE Products are sold over more than 24 countries.

Dr. Luis C. Meneses is the inventor of SOLAVITE process for sea water (application on marine platform ). He is also the inventor of the Physical Catalyzers SOLAVITE for treatment of water of REVERSE OSMOSIS. It is also his invention the Physical Catalyzers for the HUMAN HEALTH , that helps the organism about some illnesses. These Catalizers are known as: PC-1, PC-2, PC-3.., whose applications are very extensive.

Page 8: USA Catalyst PC-1 * PC-2 * PC-3 For Health Treatment Physical Catalyst

USAProduct Description Product Description

SOLAVITE SOLAVITE CATALYST CELL PC-1 THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A DRUG.      Cell PC-1 is a Physical Catalyst to be used in drinking potable or mineral water.      Cell PC-1 does not change any of the physical nor chemical parameters of the water.      PC = means Personal Catalyst. Cell PC-1 is for INDIVIDUAL USE. Only one person. FORM OF PRESENTTION: Brass or Copper cell in a 2’’ diameter tubing and hermetically sealed.FUNCTION: Cell PC-1 is a Physical Catalyst that inverts the magnetic polarity of the mineral salts contained in the water to be treated. The effect applies to water to be ingested as well as the water inside human body.INDICATIONS: Kidney STONES, Vesicle STONES, Slow Bladder Function, High level of CHOLESTEROL, high BLOOD PRESSURE, DIABETES, Constipation, Urine retention, Arthritis.COUTER INDICATIONS: NomeCOMPOSITION: Charcoal, salt, vegetable oil essence.DIRECTIONS: Thoroughly clean the Cell PC-1 with vinegar, salt and water and scrub the surface with steel scouringpad, before using the first time. This should be done everytime when the Cell is oxidised. Cell PC-1 is presented in plastic container. And you can use it for drinking water. Never use metal container.The container should be wide enough to accept the Cell and still have water around it.  After adding water the Cell shoud be totally covered up to no more than 1/8’’ above the Cell.  The portion of water is for only one person. The container shoud be strictly personnel.  Cover the container with something to protect the water from impurities in the surroundings.  The container can be placed inside the refrigerator or not. At night put the water in the container. By the next morning before eating or drinking anything else drink all the water and refill the container and cover it again as indicated above. You do not have to remove the Cell in order to drink the water from the container. At night – before going to bed – drink all the water again and repeat the process detailed above  DRINK THE WATER TWICE A DAY:......IN THE MORNING......IN THE NIGHT.INFORMATIONS: - Cell PC-1 has a 12 month life span from the time it is first submerged in water. - Kidney stones: - Cell PC-1 will only work for stones formed by Oxalates and not when formed by uric acid. - Keep Cell PC-1 in the dark away from direct light. When the Cell is inside water it will not be affected by light. - Even after getting the results that you are expecting do not stop using the Cell for at least 8 month and drink the water twice a day.- Water left in the container for several days could be drunk without any concern.Water left inside the container for several months should be discarded and repeat the process after cleaning as described above. CELL PC-1 IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR ANY MEDICINE, ANY DRUG OR ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT RECOMMENDED BY YOUR DOCTOR.

  PHYSICAL CATALYST IND. E COM. LTDA.05778-120 – Rua Carlos Leite dos Santos,99 – Pq. Arariba – São Paulo – Brazil – Tel/Fax:55-11-5513.6452

SOLAVITE SOLAVITE CATALYST CELL PC-1 THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A DRUG.      Cell PC-1 is a Physical Catalyst to be used in drinking potable or mineral water.      Cell PC-1 does not change any of the physical nor chemical parameters of the water.      PC = means Personal Catalyst. Cell PC-1 is for INDIVIDUAL USE. Only one person. FORM OF PRESENTTION: Brass or Copper cell in a 2’’ diameter tubing and hermetically sealed.FUNCTION: Cell PC-1 is a Physical Catalyst that inverts the magnetic polarity of the mineral salts contained in the water to be treated. The effect applies to water to be ingested as well as the water inside human body.INDICATIONS: Kidney STONES, Vesicle STONES, Slow Bladder Function, High level of CHOLESTEROL, high BLOOD PRESSURE, DIABETES, Constipation, Urine retention, Arthritis.COUTER INDICATIONS: NomeCOMPOSITION: Charcoal, salt, vegetable oil essence.DIRECTIONS: Thoroughly clean the Cell PC-1 with vinegar, salt and water and scrub the surface with steel scouringpad, before using the first time. This should be done everytime when the Cell is oxidised. Cell PC-1 is presented in plastic container. And you can use it for drinking water. Never use metal container.The container should be wide enough to accept the Cell and still have water around it.  After adding water the Cell shoud be totally covered up to no more than 1/8’’ above the Cell.  The portion of water is for only one person. The container shoud be strictly personnel.  Cover the container with something to protect the water from impurities in the surroundings.  The container can be placed inside the refrigerator or not. At night put the water in the container. By the next morning before eating or drinking anything else drink all the water and refill the container and cover it again as indicated above. You do not have to remove the Cell in order to drink the water from the container. At night – before going to bed – drink all the water again and repeat the process detailed above  DRINK THE WATER TWICE A DAY:......IN THE MORNING......IN THE NIGHT.INFORMATIONS: - Cell PC-1 has a 12 month life span from the time it is first submerged in water. - Kidney stones: - Cell PC-1 will only work for stones formed by Oxalates and not when formed by uric acid. - Keep Cell PC-1 in the dark away from direct light. When the Cell is inside water it will not be affected by light. - Even after getting the results that you are expecting do not stop using the Cell for at least 8 month and drink the water twice a day.- Water left in the container for several days could be drunk without any concern.Water left inside the container for several months should be discarded and repeat the process after cleaning as described above. CELL PC-1 IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR ANY MEDICINE, ANY DRUG OR ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT RECOMMENDED BY YOUR DOCTOR.

  PHYSICAL CATALYST IND. E COM. LTDA.05778-120 – Rua Carlos Leite dos Santos,99 – Pq. Arariba – São Paulo – Brazil – Tel/Fax:55-11-5513.6452

Page 9: USA Catalyst PC-1 * PC-2 * PC-3 For Health Treatment Physical Catalyst

USAProduct Description Product Description

SOLAVITESOLAVITE CATALYST CELL PC- 2 * THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A DRUG.     Cell PC-2 is a Physical Catalyst to be used for local application.    Cell PC-2 does not change any of the physical nor chemical parameters when in contact with the skin. (Topic Use)       PC = means Personal Catalyst.  FORM OF PRESENTATION: Brass or Copper Cell in a 1” diameter tubing hermetically sealed.FUNCTION: when in direct contact to the skin, the effect is applied on the circulating blood; - when in contact to the water, the effect is applied changing the magnetic polarity of the mineral salts in the water.INDICATIONS: Bronchitis, Hemorroid, Vaginal Disturbance, Period Difficulty, Vaginal Haemorrhage, Burns. COUNTER INDICATIONS : None.INFORMATION: * Cell PC-2 has a 12 month life span from the time it is first used. * The use of Cell PC-2 is individual, on dependency of its application.COMPOSITION : Charcoal, salt, vegetable oil essence.DIRECTIONS: 1.       BRONCHITIS – Apply the Cell PC-2 direct on the chest during ½ hour daily.In extreme case can be used so many times as desired for ½ hour each. After results, use ½ hour daily , during 8 (eight) months, at least.Maintain one hour interval between every using.Attention: Do not apply on the chest of children minor of 8 (eight) months years old.2.       HEMORROID - Thoroughly clean the Cell PC-2 with soap and water and scrub the surface with steel scouring pad. This should be done everytime before and after using.- Wash and dry the anus before every application. Cream can be used on the affected part.- Run warm water over the Cell PC-2; dry it and place it direct on the anus - ( external part; do not introduce ) for ½ hour at least.- Put on underwear (to hold the Cell in the place) and remain seated (watching TV or reading a book ) - Remove the Cell , wash it with soap and water, scrub it with fine household steel wool, and store it away from light or metallic surfaces.- In extreme case can be used every ½ hour, with interval of one hour. - After results, use ½ hour daily, during 8 (eight) months, at least .

SOLAVITESOLAVITE CATALYST CELL PC- 2 * THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A DRUG.     Cell PC-2 is a Physical Catalyst to be used for local application.    Cell PC-2 does not change any of the physical nor chemical parameters when in contact with the skin. (Topic Use)       PC = means Personal Catalyst.  FORM OF PRESENTATION: Brass or Copper Cell in a 1” diameter tubing hermetically sealed.FUNCTION: when in direct contact to the skin, the effect is applied on the circulating blood; - when in contact to the water, the effect is applied changing the magnetic polarity of the mineral salts in the water.INDICATIONS: Bronchitis, Hemorroid, Vaginal Disturbance, Period Difficulty, Vaginal Haemorrhage, Burns. COUNTER INDICATIONS : None.INFORMATION: * Cell PC-2 has a 12 month life span from the time it is first used. * The use of Cell PC-2 is individual, on dependency of its application.COMPOSITION : Charcoal, salt, vegetable oil essence.DIRECTIONS: 1.       BRONCHITIS – Apply the Cell PC-2 direct on the chest during ½ hour daily.In extreme case can be used so many times as desired for ½ hour each. After results, use ½ hour daily , during 8 (eight) months, at least.Maintain one hour interval between every using.Attention: Do not apply on the chest of children minor of 8 (eight) months years old.2.       HEMORROID - Thoroughly clean the Cell PC-2 with soap and water and scrub the surface with steel scouring pad. This should be done everytime before and after using.- Wash and dry the anus before every application. Cream can be used on the affected part.- Run warm water over the Cell PC-2; dry it and place it direct on the anus - ( external part; do not introduce ) for ½ hour at least.- Put on underwear (to hold the Cell in the place) and remain seated (watching TV or reading a book ) - Remove the Cell , wash it with soap and water, scrub it with fine household steel wool, and store it away from light or metallic surfaces.- In extreme case can be used every ½ hour, with interval of one hour. - After results, use ½ hour daily, during 8 (eight) months, at least .

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3. VAGINAL APPLICATIONS – Thoroughly clean the Cell PC-2 with soap and water and scrub the surface with steel scouring pad. This should be done everytime before and after using.

- Wash and dry the vagina before every application.

-   Place the Cell PC-2 between the vaginal folds (external part - do not introduce) for ½ hour.

-  Put on underwear (to hold the Cell in the place) and remain seated (watching TV or reading a book)

- Remove the Cell, wash it with soap and water. Scrub it with fine household steel wool and store it away from light or metallic surfaces.

-  In extreme case the Cell can be used every ½ hour, with interval of one hour.

-  After results, use ½ hour daily, during 5 (FIVE) months, at least

4.  BURNS – Open the faucet; hold the cell with hand; let tap water run over the Cell and direct over the affected area during 30 minutes .

-  The water flow does not need to be strong . Adjust the temperature for maximum confort.

-  In case of extreme burns, cream or oil can be applied before to the skin for reducing the sensivity.

-   After the Cell application let the treated are dry normally. Do not use towel or paper.

-   If necessary the applications can be repeated several times.

5.  NODULE OF SUCKLES – In the suckles with nodules it applies the PC-2 many times a day. Every time in the minimum for ½ hour. Used many times a day. If et on for more than a half hour its alright to continue usage. It is better if used many time a day. Verify your results 15 days of usage.

After your results have improved continue to use once a day for a ½ hour for about two months. Before and after each use wash the Catalyst with vinegar, salt, and regular water. Avoid direct Sunlight and metallic surface.

6. MATITIS - (During the breast feeding), sometimes during the breastfeeding the milk becomes hard in the breast. Apply the catalyst each breast for one half each breast for one half hour each. Alternate and repeat this rotation 2 3 times a day. After each wash the catalyst with vinegar, salt, and regular water. Avoid and metallic surface.



05778-250-Av.Lucilio de Almeida, 55-Pq.Arariba-São Paulo-SP –Tel/Fax: 5513-6452

Page 11: USA Catalyst PC-1 * PC-2 * PC-3 For Health Treatment Physical Catalyst



+ Este producto no es una DROGA.+ Solavite PC-3 es un catalizador físico para ser usado en agua potable ó agua mineral.+ Solavite PC-3 no cambia los parámetros físicos-químicos del agua que va a ser tratada.+ PC= presenta el Catalizador Personal.

FORMA DEPRESENTACION: Celda de cobre ó latón en forma de tubo, hermeticamente sellada de 2 pulgadas de diámetro.

FUNCIONES: Solavite PC-3 es un catalizador físico que invierte la polaridad mag- nética de sales minerales en el agua que va a ser tratada. El efecto se aplica al agua que va a servir de tratamiento para el cuerpo.

INDICACIONES: Solavite PC-3 catalizador físico es indicado para sacar dolores del ( USOS ) cuerpo. Trata los dolores provenientes de alguna convalescencia por

acciden- tes, tambien como las ocacionadas por exhaustivos ejercicios físicos.

CONTRAINDICACIONES: ninguna.COMPOSICION OINGREDIENTES: Carbón, Sal, esencia de aceites vegetales.

MODO DE USO: Coloque la celda Solavite PC-3 en la bañera (tina de baño), ó jacuzzi; habra el grifo y deje el agua correr sobre la celda hasta que la tina ó jacuzzi tenga agua suficiente para su baño. No importa si la tina la qui- siera completamente llena. El agua puede ser fria, tibia ó caliente. Despues entre en el agua, pase la celda en la parte de su cuerpo don- de sienta dolor. Siempre este moviendo la celda dentro del agua, con la mano o con los pies. Cuanto más movimiento haga es mucho mejor. Quedese en contacto con el agua por lo menos 15 minutos. Cuanto más tiempo Ud. Se quede en el agua, es mejor para Ud. Despues del baño seque la celda con una toalla y guardela en un lugar adecuado donde no le de la luz. Ponga la celda en una gaveta de madera, jamás la ponga sobre partes metálicas.INFORMACION: Solavite PC-3 tiene una duración de 12 meses desde la fecha que se coloco por primera vez en el agua.ADVERTENCIA: Solavite PC-3, no es reemplazo de ninguna medicina, droga ó trata- miento médico recomendado por un doctor.


+ Este producto no es una DROGA.+ Solavite PC-3 es un catalizador físico para ser usado en agua potable ó agua mineral.+ Solavite PC-3 no cambia los parámetros físicos-químicos del agua que va a ser tratada.+ PC= presenta el Catalizador Personal.

FORMA DEPRESENTACION: Celda de cobre ó latón en forma de tubo, hermeticamente sellada de 2 pulgadas de diámetro.

FUNCIONES: Solavite PC-3 es un catalizador físico que invierte la polaridad mag- nética de sales minerales en el agua que va a ser tratada. El efecto se aplica al agua que va a servir de tratamiento para el cuerpo.

INDICACIONES: Solavite PC-3 catalizador físico es indicado para sacar dolores del ( USOS ) cuerpo. Trata los dolores provenientes de alguna convalescencia por

acciden- tes, tambien como las ocacionadas por exhaustivos ejercicios físicos.

CONTRAINDICACIONES: ninguna.COMPOSICION OINGREDIENTES: Carbón, Sal, esencia de aceites vegetales.

MODO DE USO: Coloque la celda Solavite PC-3 en la bañera (tina de baño), ó jacuzzi; habra el grifo y deje el agua correr sobre la celda hasta que la tina ó jacuzzi tenga agua suficiente para su baño. No importa si la tina la qui- siera completamente llena. El agua puede ser fria, tibia ó caliente. Despues entre en el agua, pase la celda en la parte de su cuerpo don- de sienta dolor. Siempre este moviendo la celda dentro del agua, con la mano o con los pies. Cuanto más movimiento haga es mucho mejor. Quedese en contacto con el agua por lo menos 15 minutos. Cuanto más tiempo Ud. Se quede en el agua, es mejor para Ud. Despues del baño seque la celda con una toalla y guardela en un lugar adecuado donde no le de la luz. Ponga la celda en una gaveta de madera, jamás la ponga sobre partes metálicas.INFORMACION: Solavite PC-3 tiene una duración de 12 meses desde la fecha que se coloco por primera vez en el agua.ADVERTENCIA: Solavite PC-3, no es reemplazo de ninguna medicina, droga ó trata- miento médico recomendado por un doctor.

Product Description Product Description

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USADr. Enrique Higareda Almaraz Dr. Enrique Higareda Almaraz

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Dr. Enrique Higareda Almaraz, was born in Grullo, Jalisco, México on 09 June, 1957.

Graduated Doctor Surgeon-Obstetrician on University Medical ofGuadalajara – Mexico – February 15, 1983.

Internal Medicine: in Centro Médico Occidente del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social from March - 1983 to February - 1987.

Diplomado in Administración de Hospitales (Hospital Administration) en 1995.Services of Medicine Internal of the Hospital General de zona #9 del IMSS- Guzman City, Jalisco, Mexico, and person in charge of Programa de Díalisis Peritonial Contínua Ambulatoria, with 80 patients of Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (Cronic Renal Insufficiency). Dr. Enrique Higareda is during 13 years working in this Hospital.

Specialist in Terapeutica Homeopática ( Homeopathy Theraphy) , on Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 1998 - 2000.Professor Titular for actualization of Doctors and Nurseson IRC, and operation of DPCA ( Díalisis Peritonial Contínua Ambulatoria) -.

Dr. Enrique Higareda Almaraz, was born in Grullo, Jalisco, México on 09 June, 1957.

Graduated Doctor Surgeon-Obstetrician on University Medical ofGuadalajara – Mexico – February 15, 1983.

Internal Medicine: in Centro Médico Occidente del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social from March - 1983 to February - 1987.

Diplomado in Administración de Hospitales (Hospital Administration) en 1995.Services of Medicine Internal of the Hospital General de zona #9 del IMSS- Guzman City, Jalisco, Mexico, and person in charge of Programa de Díalisis Peritonial Contínua Ambulatoria, with 80 patients of Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (Cronic Renal Insufficiency). Dr. Enrique Higareda is during 13 years working in this Hospital.

Specialist in Terapeutica Homeopática ( Homeopathy Theraphy) , on Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 1998 - 2000.Professor Titular for actualization of Doctors and Nurseson IRC, and operation of DPCA ( Díalisis Peritonial Contínua Ambulatoria) -.

Dr. Enrique Higareda AlmarazDr. Enrique Higareda Almaraz

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Study realized by Dr.Enrique Higareda Almaraz

Study realized by Dr.Enrique Higareda Almaraz


Included 10 patients from the program secondary CAPD to Secondary Terminal Renal Insufficiency to Diabetes Mellitus or Arterial Hypertension. They were informed of the study with Solavite’s Catalyst PC-1 to know the effects over the Continuous Renal Insufficiency. They were invited to the study and they accepted by signing a document describing the procedure. The study was conducted to find out the Solavie Catalyst PC-1 on the correction of their problem. They were told that they needed to have a monthly control of Hematological Biometry, Blood Chemistry (Glucose, Urea, Creatinine), General Urine examen, Albumin and Depuration of Creatinine in the Urine of 24 hrs. A clinical history was started and the patients were explained how to use the catalyst. Patients were asked to immerse the catalyst in 4 ounces of m water and let it sit for 12 hrs and drink the same 4 oz. of water. Refill the container again with 4 oz. of water and repeat the procedure. They were also asked to clean the catalyst every 15 days with white vinegar and salt. The study was made from February to July 2000 with the following results:

In all 10 cases no improvement was noticed on the depuration of the creatinine of 24 hrs. Urine. Residual urine did increase lightly. The impact was on their physical state and attitude. Patients

gained 6 to 9 Lbs. during the study period and they said they felt better prepared and with a better and positive attitude for life.It can be said that the changes were not quantitative but qualitative. All 10 patients feel better since they started using the Solavite Catalyst PC-1.

It has been demonstrated that the Catalyst Therapy helps on severe chronic diseases and therefore a door has been opened to new opportunities and for more research in conjunction with allopathic medicine. More and more people is being helped with alternative medicine that we should drop once and for all the blindfold and be more receptive to new types of medicine like Solavite’s Catalyst PC-1.

Study made by: Dr. Enrique Higareda Alamaraz, M. D., Internal Medicine. Adjoined to the Service of Internal Medicine of the General Hospital of the 9th Zone of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, Specialist in Homeopathic Medicine for the National Polytechnic Institute.


Included 10 patients from the program secondary CAPD to Secondary Terminal Renal Insufficiency to Diabetes Mellitus or Arterial Hypertension. They were informed of the study with Solavite’s Catalyst PC-1 to know the effects over the Continuous Renal Insufficiency. They were invited to the study and they accepted by signing a document describing the procedure. The study was conducted to find out the Solavie Catalyst PC-1 on the correction of their problem. They were told that they needed to have a monthly control of Hematological Biometry, Blood Chemistry (Glucose, Urea, Creatinine), General Urine examen, Albumin and Depuration of Creatinine in the Urine of 24 hrs. A clinical history was started and the patients were explained how to use the catalyst. Patients were asked to immerse the catalyst in 4 ounces of m water and let it sit for 12 hrs and drink the same 4 oz. of water. Refill the container again with 4 oz. of water and repeat the procedure. They were also asked to clean the catalyst every 15 days with white vinegar and salt. The study was made from February to July 2000 with the following results:

In all 10 cases no improvement was noticed on the depuration of the creatinine of 24 hrs. Urine. Residual urine did increase lightly. The impact was on their physical state and attitude. Patients

gained 6 to 9 Lbs. during the study period and they said they felt better prepared and with a better and positive attitude for life.It can be said that the changes were not quantitative but qualitative. All 10 patients feel better since they started using the Solavite Catalyst PC-1.

It has been demonstrated that the Catalyst Therapy helps on severe chronic diseases and therefore a door has been opened to new opportunities and for more research in conjunction with allopathic medicine. More and more people is being helped with alternative medicine that we should drop once and for all the blindfold and be more receptive to new types of medicine like Solavite’s Catalyst PC-1.

Study made by: Dr. Enrique Higareda Alamaraz, M. D., Internal Medicine. Adjoined to the Service of Internal Medicine of the General Hospital of the 9th Zone of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, Specialist in Homeopathic Medicine for the National Polytechnic Institute.

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It included 10 pacients with Severe Izchemic Cardiopathy that were going to be subjected to Cardiac Cathering because they could not even walk half a block without

presenting pericardial pain and severe izchemia in the EKG. They had been treated with coronary dilators like Isosorbide without showing any improvement. The patients were informed about the study being carried on with Solavite’s Catalyst PC-1. They all accepted by signing a document describing the procedure. The study was conducted to find out the effect of the SOLAVITE Catalyst PC-1 on the correction of their heart problem. They were told to continue with their allopathic treatment and that they needed to have a monthly control visit for EKG, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood chemistry and General Urine Examen. Clinical Hystories were initiated and the patients were explained how to use the catalyst. Patients were asked to immerse the catalyst in 4 ounces of water and let it sit for 12 hrs and drink the same 4 oz. of water. Refill the container again with 4 oz. The were also asked to clean the catalyst every 15 days with white vinegar and salt. The study was made from February to July 2000 with the following results:

All 10 patients showed normal levels of lipids like cholesterol and triglycerides and through the EKG significant changes were observed. They did not need the cathethering and patients were able to run 2 miles without pericardial pain. We will continue this study for 3 more months to close it after 9 months. We hope to open up the doors for continued use of the Catalyst Therapy because it could help oter patients with heart problems to have a better and more active life.

Study made by: Dr. Enrique Higareda Almaraz M.D., Internal Medicine. Adjoined to the Service of Internal Medicine of the General Hospital of the 9th Zone of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, Specialist in Homeopathic Medicine for the National Polytechnic Institute.


It included 10 pacients with Severe Izchemic Cardiopathy that were going to be subjected to Cardiac Cathering because they could not even walk half a block without

presenting pericardial pain and severe izchemia in the EKG. They had been treated with coronary dilators like Isosorbide without showing any improvement. The patients were informed about the study being carried on with Solavite’s Catalyst PC-1. They all accepted by signing a document describing the procedure. The study was conducted to find out the effect of the SOLAVITE Catalyst PC-1 on the correction of their heart problem. They were told to continue with their allopathic treatment and that they needed to have a monthly control visit for EKG, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood chemistry and General Urine Examen. Clinical Hystories were initiated and the patients were explained how to use the catalyst. Patients were asked to immerse the catalyst in 4 ounces of water and let it sit for 12 hrs and drink the same 4 oz. of water. Refill the container again with 4 oz. The were also asked to clean the catalyst every 15 days with white vinegar and salt. The study was made from February to July 2000 with the following results:

All 10 patients showed normal levels of lipids like cholesterol and triglycerides and through the EKG significant changes were observed. They did not need the cathethering and patients were able to run 2 miles without pericardial pain. We will continue this study for 3 more months to close it after 9 months. We hope to open up the doors for continued use of the Catalyst Therapy because it could help oter patients with heart problems to have a better and more active life.

Study made by: Dr. Enrique Higareda Almaraz M.D., Internal Medicine. Adjoined to the Service of Internal Medicine of the General Hospital of the 9th Zone of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, Specialist in Homeopathic Medicine for the National Polytechnic Institute.

Study made by Dr.Enrique Higareda Almaraz

Study made by Dr.Enrique Higareda Almaraz

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USAStudy made by Dr.Enrique Higareda Almaraz

Study made by Dr.Enrique Higareda Almaraz


A study was conducted on 10 patients at Internal Medicine Service of General Hospital of Zone no. 9 of the Mexican Institute for Social Securitty. Patients were informed of the study and they all accepted by signing a document describing the procedure. The study was conducted to find out the effect of the SOLAVITE Catalyst PC-1 on the correction of their Diabetes Mellitus and such complications as Diabetic Neuropathy. Patients were informed that they were to continue with their allopathic treatment because the catalyst is a supplementary agent for the treament.Patients were asked to immerse the catalyst in 4 ounces of water and let it sit for 12 hrs and drink the same 4 oz. of water. Refill the container again with 4 oz. of water and repeat the procedure. They were also asked to clean the catalyst every 15 days with white vinegar and salt. The patients were requested to attend to a monthly evaluation for the following tests: Hematological Biometry, Chemistry (Glucose, Urea, Creatinine), General Urine examen, Choslesterol and Triglycerides. A clinical history was started and the test period was established from February until July 2000 to demonstrate the effect of the SOLAVITE Catalyst PC-1 on Diabetes Mellitus and the Peripheral Neuropathy of patients with more than 10 years of symptoms. The results follow:

All 10 patients showed an important reduction of lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, to normal levels, reduction of sugar levels to the extent that it was necessary to adjust the allopathic treatment (oral hypoglycemic and insulin). The most remarkable action however was notable improvement of the complications of the Diabetic Neuropathy manifested by Diabetic Retinopathy, Visceral Neuropathy and Peripheral Neuropathy like Venal and Arterial Insufficiency.These results showed improvement on the patients lives; therefore they open up the doors for further studies. We should not close our eyes to Alternative Medicine that help us the treatment of these severe chronic diseases that have a large impact on the health of many people in all social and economic strata. We will continue this evaluation for 3 more months and will close the study after 9 months.

Study made at the General Hospital of the 9th zone for the Mexican Institute of Social Security by:

Dr. Enrique Higareda Almaraz M.D., Internal Medicine. Adjoined to the Service of Internal Medicine of the General Hospital the 9th Zone of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, Specialist in Homeopathic Medicine for the National Polytechnic Institute.


A study was conducted on 10 patients at Internal Medicine Service of General Hospital of Zone no. 9 of the Mexican Institute for Social Securitty. Patients were informed of the study and they all accepted by signing a document describing the procedure. The study was conducted to find out the effect of the SOLAVITE Catalyst PC-1 on the correction of their Diabetes Mellitus and such complications as Diabetic Neuropathy. Patients were informed that they were to continue with their allopathic treatment because the catalyst is a supplementary agent for the treament.Patients were asked to immerse the catalyst in 4 ounces of water and let it sit for 12 hrs and drink the same 4 oz. of water. Refill the container again with 4 oz. of water and repeat the procedure. They were also asked to clean the catalyst every 15 days with white vinegar and salt. The patients were requested to attend to a monthly evaluation for the following tests: Hematological Biometry, Chemistry (Glucose, Urea, Creatinine), General Urine examen, Choslesterol and Triglycerides. A clinical history was started and the test period was established from February until July 2000 to demonstrate the effect of the SOLAVITE Catalyst PC-1 on Diabetes Mellitus and the Peripheral Neuropathy of patients with more than 10 years of symptoms. The results follow:

All 10 patients showed an important reduction of lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, to normal levels, reduction of sugar levels to the extent that it was necessary to adjust the allopathic treatment (oral hypoglycemic and insulin). The most remarkable action however was notable improvement of the complications of the Diabetic Neuropathy manifested by Diabetic Retinopathy, Visceral Neuropathy and Peripheral Neuropathy like Venal and Arterial Insufficiency.These results showed improvement on the patients lives; therefore they open up the doors for further studies. We should not close our eyes to Alternative Medicine that help us the treatment of these severe chronic diseases that have a large impact on the health of many people in all social and economic strata. We will continue this evaluation for 3 more months and will close the study after 9 months.

Study made at the General Hospital of the 9th zone for the Mexican Institute of Social Security by:

Dr. Enrique Higareda Almaraz M.D., Internal Medicine. Adjoined to the Service of Internal Medicine of the General Hospital the 9th Zone of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, Specialist in Homeopathic Medicine for the National Polytechnic Institute.

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USADr. Jose ZavalaDr. Jose Zavala

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Dr. José ZavalaDr. José Zavala

• Dr. José Zavala, from University Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, on 1987 – Doctor Surgeon-Obstetricium.


• * Ultra Sonic.

• * Vascular Studies.

• * Studieos of Echocardiografy, with effects Doppler (color).

• * Clinical Practice.

• * Practice of Electromedicine investigation.

• This is the introductory part and the historic review of this interesting and new alternative technic known as “ CATALITIC THERAPY”, having the ATOM as protagonist and its dynamics in relation to the homeosthasis of human being.

• I do not have the presumption that it comes to be the pillar or the plataform of this interesting technic, but a modest declaration that, under my personal experience, the results are extraordinary as well as encouraging, that in sharing form with others alternative sciences, it is true option to the health problems of entire humanity.

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USADr. José ZavalaDr. José Zavala


• PHYSICAL CATALYST( Human Application )

• CATALIZER: It is a process where one subtance accelerates the velocity of one reaction.

• The challenge of the modern medicine of the agonizant Century xx, as well as the new currient of medicals, will be to know and to follow the vast gamma of scientific alternatives applied to the health, with technical differents and in parallel form, they are developping together with the traditional medicine allopathic.

The new doctors must be prepared to apply the technology, methods, technics, and concepts of other sciences in view to base and to interpret the universal unknown of the dynamic energy of the Atom and its bioelectric, biochemistry, and biophysiologic association with molecules, cellules, textiles, organs, systems and power for understanding the genesis of the diseases. Getting with this, perhaps understand the enigma of the incurable diseases, the chronic–degenerates and the autoimmunes – one dream not yet reached by the science medical.

Specific areas of the science like the molecular medicine, the electromedicine, the electrobiology, the electrochemistry and the electrophysology, can form the basis of this technical application, known as “CATALYTIC THERAPY”.

The function of this catalyzer is to invert the electromagnetic polarity of the mineral salts contained in the water to be treated, as welll as the minerals contained in the human organism, without alter its chemical parameters.

It has multiple clinic-pathologic applications producing effects of gradual elimination of elements and minerals electromagnetic associated, like in the case of renal lithiasis, gall stones, etc. Also it produces effects of bronchodilatation and therefore it is effective on bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory processes and symptoms like the cough, elimination of phlegms of trachea-bronchial, etc.

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USADr. José ZavalaDr. José Zavala

• It regularizes the Diabetes, Diabetic Neuropath, Premenstrual Syndrom, Vaginal disturbance, Vaginal hemorrhage, Hemorrhoid, Burns, Mastitis, as Muscular relax, Hypertension, disfunction of Renal system, liquid retention, and bad blood circulation, reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides, sexual impotence, syndrom of chronic fatigue, insomnia, nervousness, constipation, etc. Very important in case of Heart attack and Embolism.

• The “Catalyst Therapy” offers a lot of benefits and constitutes part of the Alternative Medicine of the future and also of the molecular and natural medicine, because it depends of the agents of the nature and not of the chemistry to prevent, to maintain and to restore the Health.

I consider that this information is interesting to all persons that provide alternative technic of health and can be interested on this new modality. To whom knows and practices this modality, or wishes to develop it, I hope that may to unify the basic and human criterions emanated from his Inventor, once in this actual moment many interrogations remain in force.


Dr. José Zavala, M.D. Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

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Dr. José ZavalaDr. José Zavala

• Even though exist some doctors and scientifics that got break the dogmatism of the traditional medicine, or with own means and initiative, they venture and they get significative results, they are still very distant to institute such alternative practices of health, it is for this reason that we encourage the new generation to this integration.

Referring the new practices not yet instituted – with scientific wingspread we can mention: the Cellule-Therapy or Organtherapy, biologic or molecular therapy, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, the chelation therapy and catalytic therapy one of these new technics known as ”Catalytic Therapy”, that was developed on the 40’s decade by the researcher and Physicist French – André Emile Barbier – that before gave his work to the French Government as director for development on Physical science.

Discovering one Physical Catalyst for accelerating reactions of scattered ions in the water, subsequentty changing the solved solids from one ionic form to other expressed like molecular colloids that are manitained in suspension. (The blood has a colloidal form)

The scientific explanation is detail documented on the study of:

- Physicist-Chemist, André Emile Barbier, Franch Government Physicist,

- Scientist -Chaim Yosef, J.F. Mariategui Levi,

- Physicist-Inventor, Luis Meneses,

- Professor Arthur A. Philla ( Ph.D ) – Professor of Orthopedy Department

and Director of Laboratory of Biochemistry of


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Dr. José ZavalaDr. José Zavala

• Based the successive approvals, we have the intention to give a general idea as acts this Catalizer – even when is arduous task to explain how any physical catalyst works – that:

LINUS PAULING, Chemistry Nobel Prize, said:

“People can be skeptical of the effectiveness of a catalytic action until they see the results”.

From 1940 to this date several articles were written about the aspects of de “Catalytic Therapy”, principally in the medical researches Hospital in Israel – (Laniado Hospital – Nethanya), where scientific research is being developing, are allowed a more offective vision by the scientist – doctors referring this new technic.

The French Physicist discovered: “This something more behind the Atom”.

Sharing invesgations and giving continuity to the project, adds up the Inventor Physist, Luís Meneses, Brazilian Nationality, who gave origin to the catalyzers for human application, developing and documenting intensive studies for this new thecnic therapy.

We could talk about an extensive list of researchers and clinicians of all specialities that has complemented their fan of options relative to “Catalytic Therapy” in view of complementar and preventive application for several diseases.

The new technology opens the door to the investigation with enormous possibilities so that on this field can get other prooves of results and the way how this catalyzer acts in the organism. For example: the vascular studies with Dopler (color), ultrasonics, computer thomography and magnetic sounding.

Over independent researches that are collected innumerable informations on the clynic and laboratory field.

Attentively, Dr. JOSÉ ZAVALA, M.D.

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PC-1, PC-2, PC-3


PC-1, PC-2, PC-3

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Periodico 8 Columnasde Guadalajara - México

Periodico 8 Columnasde Guadalajara - México

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Periodico 8 ColumnasPeriodico 8 Columnasde Guadalajara - Méxicode Guadalajara - México

Periodico 8 ColumnasPeriodico 8 Columnasde Guadalajara - Méxicode Guadalajara - México

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