u.s. olympic medical doctor and phd medical dr. dicqie

JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE HEALTH Special Digestion Issue BREAKTHROUGH Discovery! U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical researcher and doctor to celebrities and professional athletes join forces to reveal an amazing new discovery that helps you prevent and eliminate digestive problems and... DISSOLVE Your Foods In SECONDS! FACT! Undigested foods rot in your colon and create a build-up of mucus and fecal matter that can trigger indigestion... irritable bowels... leaky gut... embarrassing gas... parasite growth... and wreck your health! Fall 2009 $6.95 As seen on ABC and PBS! Guaranteed to work—or it’s FREE! Ask our phone representative how you can get a $250 gas card plus $250 worth of grocery coupons for free! See inside on page xx! Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney From To RESULT: Better digestion... Maximum nutrient absorption... and an UNCLOGGED colon! Here’s how this remarkable discovery can liquefy even hard-to-digest foods in your stomach FAST: PROOF! Dr. Richard B. Couey

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Page 1: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie

Journal of alternative HealtHSpecial Digestion Issue

BREAKTHROUGH Discovery!U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical

researcher and doctor to celebrities and professional athletes join forces to reveal an amazing new discovery that helps you prevent

and eliminate digestive problems and...

DISSOLVE Your Foods In


FACT! Undigested foods rot in your colon and create a build-up of mucus and fecal matter that can trigger indigestion... irritable bowels... leaky gut... embarrassing gas... parasite growth... and wreck your health!

Fall 2009$6.95

As seen on ABC and


Guaranteed to work—or it’s FREE!Ask our phone representative how you can get a $250 gas card plus $250 worth

of grocery coupons for free! See inside on page xx!

Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney

From To

RESULT: Better digestion... Maximum nutrient absorption... and an UNCLOGGED colon!

Here’s how this remarkable discovery can liquefy even hard-to-digest foods in your stomach FAST:PROOF!

Dr. Richard B. Couey

Page 2: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie

Dear Friend,

Got indigestion? What about a leaky gut... irritable bowels... heartburn... bloating... acid reflux... or (gasp)

embarrassing gas?

If so, you probably know foods like tomatoes... corn... wheat... and milk can stir up a digestion nightmare in your belly in just minutes...

...and that Mexican meal... Italian dish... or Indian cuisine can either make you so “backed up”...

...you can’t “go” for days...

...or so “runny”—you can’t take the chance of leaving the house!

If you’re living in this kind of digestion HELL—then I’ve got good—no, make that GREAT news for you!

Right now I’m about to reveal a little known secret that my shock you at first—but

trust me—it’s the absolute truth! What’s more, this phenomenal discovery has now been scientifically proven to help put an end to even your WORST digestion problem!

My name is Dr. DicQie (pronounced Dickie) Fuller. As a medical researcher and naturopathic doctor, I’ve spent over 20 years researching a little-known cause for most digestive problems.

At first, I started the research to help me personally with my health problems— I battled three types of cancer before reach-ing my 35th birthday. And I give credit to this amazing discovery for keeping me alive today. But that’s not all...

...This remarkable finding also saved my daughter’s life! When doctors gave her no hope for survival—it was the answer to our prayers. And...

...This amazing remedy is helping thou-sands of my patients EVERY day regain their

health—and you’ll meet a few of these folks in just a few minutes...

...so that’s why I know when you un-cover the secret to restoring your digestive health—this phenomenal nutrient will work for you too!

But first, I’m going to drop a bombshell on you:

It’s not FOODS that wreak havoc with your digestion!Surprised?

Most folks are! After all, if you suffer from digestive problems, most likely your doctor has told you to stay away from tomato-based foods... corn... spicy dishes... milk products... and the list goes on and on, am I right?

But the real truth is: It’s not the foods you eat—it’s the foods you don’t properly digest and eliminate that are the real cause of your tummy and bowel problems!

And you can literally put an end to your worst digestive problems if you do this one thing:

Take enzymes—more specifi-cally, take digestive enzymes!

Enzymes—ever heard of ‘em?

Most Americans know about vitamins, herbs and supple-ments—but less than 10% of the population know the real value

of enzymes—how they’re the “miss-ing link” for optimal health.

I’ve spent over twenty years of my life studying these remarkable nutrients—and I can tell you this without out a shadow of a doubt:

No food... no vitamin... no herb... no nutritional supplement can do a hill of beans of good for you—unless you have enzymes to break them down so your body can properly digest them!

That’s just how powerful enzymes are! In fact, you have over 100 trillion cells in your body—and each and every one of those cells need enzymes to function. That means...

...you can’t breathe, keep your heart beating... or even blink without enzymes...

...you can’t prevent serious illnesses— or even stop the bleeding from a paper cut

without enzymes...

...you can’t create new cells to keep your heart, brain, or bones healthy and strong without enzymes...

...and if you’re experiencing digestion problems like bloat-ing... belching... gas... irritable bowels... constipation... diar-rhea... and acid reflux...

...that’s a sure sign that your body is LOW in one specific kind

2 Journal of alternative HealtH Special Digestion Issue 3

Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney, Ph.D., D.Sc., N.D.n Over 20 years of clinical experience specializing in enzyme therapy

and nutritionn Ph.D. in Nutrition and Health Sciencesn Sought after speaker and lecturer on enzymes, stress reduction and

women’s health issues. Appeared on ABC, PBS, and several national radio talk shows.

n Author of The Healing Power of Enzymes, Living Longer: Questions You Never Knew to Ask, Answers You Can’t Live Without and Women’s Health

n Health consultant to celebrities, internationally known personali-ties and sports figures

n Founder and spokesperson for Transformation Enzyme Therapy Center


As seen on ABC and


“Waste Makes Waist”(Here’s why that pot belly may not be your fault!)

Page 3: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie

of enzymes—called digestive enzymes!

Digestive enzymes are what you need to break down and liquefy your foods so your body can properly absorb the nutrients to keep you healthy.

If you eat raw foods like fruits and vegetables—you get adequate enzymes in those foods to break them down so you can

digest them.

But if you eat foods that are cooked, micro-waved, fried, baked or even broiled—you’re left with NO enzymes in those foods to break them down!

Now your body has to draw from its enzyme reserves just to process these foods. That means enzymes needed to keep your heart beating, lungs pumping with air, brain working at optimum levels—now have to “switch gears” and perform digestive duty! And many times—you just don’t have enough enzymes to properly get the job done in a timely manner!

Without adequate amounts of digestive enzymes—foods stay in your stomach longer—causing gas, indigestion and other digestive problems...

...What’s more these clumps of undigested foods can irritate your di-gestive tract—and cause allergies... irritable bowels... stomach cramp-ing... Chrohn’s disease... ...leaky gut—just to name a few. What’s more...

These undigested foods can lodge in the walls of your colon... create a backlog of mucus-filled fecal matter... and put out a “welcome mat” for parasites and other bugs and viruses to feed on!

Are you starting to get the picture of how CRUCIAL it is for you to provide your

body with an abundant supply of digestive enzymes each and every day?

Enzymes are so critical to your well being—your body starts to create them as early as 9 weeks in the womb! And it keeps your enzyme bank account full for DECADES to come!

But here’s the problem: By the time you reach 40—your enzyme production starts to slow down—in fact, if you’ve had problems with your health... didn’t always eat right... or experienced bouts of stress (and who doesn’t have STRESS in this day and age!)—your enzyme storage may be nearly WIPED OUT!

It’s no wonder right around your 40th birthday—your body started literally breaking down! And now, according to the book, “The Missing Ingredient”, research show your production of enzymes continue to drop about 13% with each passing decade!

And since your body becomes especially deficient in digestive enzymes—is it any wonder that foods you used to love—no longer love you back?

Pizza sauce tears up your stomach... corn passes right through undigested... ice cream fills you with smelly and embarrassing gas... and hot tamales burn when going down—and coming out!

Fortunately, you can now relieve your stomach distresses... digest all your food EVERY TIME... keep your colon CLOG-FREE... and feel better than ever...

...Thanks to a proprietary blend of specially formulated enzymes called ActiveZyme™—available exclusively from Schweiz Health!

Let me tell you why ActiveZyme™ is a

MUST HAVE digestive enzyme formula if you’re over 40—and why I stand behind it with my 20 years of enzyme research:

7 proprietary blend of enzymes for optimum digestion

with EVERY meal!You may know you’re lactose intolerant

because your body doesn’t produce enough of the enzymes to break down milk—and so you avoid dairy products. But you may not know that your body is also low in the criti-cal enzyme that digests proteins too. So even though you stay away from milk—you still struggle with indigestion because proteins aren’t properly digested.

3 Faster digestion!3 Prevents enzyme depletion!3 Enhances assimilation of nutrients!3 Boosts colon health!3 Helps vitamins and

supplements to work!3 Revs up your energy


4 Journal of alternative HealtH Call today 1-800-428-9098 for your RISk-FREE trial supply! 5


Call 1-800-428-9098 to get your RISK FREE trial supply of ActiveZyme™—and all your FREE gifts during this limited time offer!

n Cell Physiologist, Retired Professor of Health, Human Performance and Recreation at Baylor University

n Noted health and fitness expert for over 30 years and Former member of President’s Commission on Physical Fitness and Sports

n Author of 13 books including Living Longer: The Magic of Enzymes, The Happy Cell and Lifelong Fitness and Fulfillment and over 100 scholarly articles; sought after speaker on enzymes and health

n Former professional baseball player for the Chicago Cubs

n Former Texas Senior Amateur golf championRemember! Before you put a bite in your mouth—

Take ActiveZyme™ FIRST!

Richard B. Couey, M.D.

Risk-Free Trial


Also: He’s the former Exercise Physiology Consultant for the U.S. Olympic Team!

Page 4: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie

That can be frustrating as heck!

And that’s one of the reasons why ActiveZyme™ is a stellar formula. You get 7 critical enzymes to help you digest ALL your foods! In other words, ActiveZyme™

breaks down proteins... carbohydrates... and fats! It’s a TOTAL digestive enzyme formula!

In each serving you get:

3 Carbo Clobber Duo! Thanks to the starch enzyme called Amylase—you can now easily break down refined carbohy-drates, potatoes and other carbs you eat with every meal. That way you release the essential nutrients from the carbs—without putting your body in digestive distress. And here’s some great news:

In a study reported in Horm Metab Res [Rob: need full name], researchers found a link between blood sugar problems and an amylase deficiency. That means taking amy-lase to properly digest carbohydrates may help normalize your blood sugar levels, too!

But to insure you get MAXIMUM carbo-hydrate breakdown—ActiveZyme™ also includes the enzyme called Malt diastase. Why? Because this powerful enzyme works synergistically with amylase to sweep up any leftover carbs that may not have been properly broken down. This double-duo ac-tion means you get OPTIMUM carbohydrate breakdown in every serving of ActiveZyme™!

3 Ultimate Muscle Builder! You know that protein-rich foods help build strong mus-cles—but did you know without the powerful enzyme called Protease—those protein–rich foods are USELESS? It’s true!

Protease breaks down even hard-to-digest proteins like red meats and beans—and helps prevent digestive

overload on your stomach and pancreas. What’s more, protease helps im-prove muscle healing and increases critical amino acid levels for optimal health!

3 Fat Melter! Ever experience “brain fog” or a “senior moment”? Most likely they’re a sign that you’re not getting enough essential fats to your brain! After all, your brain is made up of over 70% fat!

That’s why the enzyme lipase is critical for your physical and mental health! Lipase splits apart fats and oils into fatty acids and triglycerides. What’s more, lipase also helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E and k!

3 Plant Pounder! What good is eating pounds of fruits and veggies if you can’t get access to the nutritional value locked inside the cell walls?

That’s where the enzyme cellulase comes in! Cellulase breaks down plant cell walls fast—and unleashes the nutritional bounty inside!

3 The Sugar Buster! For optimal en-ergy levels, your body needs to break down foods into simple sugars. And nothing does this better and FASTER than the powerful enzyme called Invertase!

This powerful enzyme quickly breaks

6 Journal of alternative HealtH Special Digestion Issue 7

ActiveZyme™ contains all the essential enzymes to digest carbohydrates, fats and proteins. PLUS ActiveZyme™ contains beneficial “good” bacte-ria—called probiotics— to help restore intestinal balance!

...fermenting of carbohydrates, putrefying of proteins and

rancidity of fats created from undigested foods causes bad

bacteria to take over your digestive system. —Dr. DicQie Fuller

Call 1-800-428-9098 today to get your RISK FREE trial supply!


“Helps prevent food

allergies too!”

Don’t take another antibiotic—until you do this first!

The word “antibiotic” means “against life”. In other words, when you take an antibiotic—it kills all bacteria—the bad and the good!

But a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria is essential for a properly function digestive tract!

“Probiotics” mean “for life”—these are the “good guys”—or beneficial bacteria that keep your intestinal tract in balance.

So, if you’re taking an antibiotic—make sure to take a good probiotic formula too!

That’s why ActiveZyme™ is a such a stellar remedy. Not only do you get all the essential enzymes you need to properly liquefy your foods so you experience opti-mum nutrition—but you also get powerful and beneficial “good” probiotics to keep your digestive tract in optimum working order!

Call 1-800-428-9098 today to get your RISK FREE introductory pack during this limited time offer!

“ Cooked foods contain ZERO amounts of vital enzymes. That means you can eat a cooked diet rich in minerals, vitamins and other nutrients—and still starve! Your diet won’t have the enzymes you need to absorb these nutrients properly.”

—The Missing Ingredient

Since cooked, processed and pasteurized foods make up nearly 100%

of the American Diet—can you see why it’s important to add a powerful digestive enzyme formula like ActiveZyme™ to your diet?

If you can’t eat a 100% raw food diet every day—you need ActiveZyme™!

Call 1-800-428-9098 to get your RISK FREE trial supply today!

Risk-Free Trial


Page 5: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie

In fact, in a clinical trial reviewed in Med-scape Today, research-ers discovered L. aci-dophilus significantly reduced the harmful bacteria H. pylori from 72% to 87%!

3 The Bowel Regulator! When you keep a healthy colon of Bifidobacterium longum—you can virtually watch your bowel problems disappear! That’s because B. Longum bacteria are extremely important to the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Studies show this powerful probiotic can help reverse intestinal disorders... boost production of B vitamins and enhance your immune system!

With 7 powerful enzymes to break down and liquefy your foods fast PLUS the critical

probiotics to restore healthy intestinal flora—you can see why ActiveZyme™ is the “Cadillac” of digestive health! But please, don’t take my word for it...

See it work for yourself!That’s right—you can see with your own

eyes—how powerful ActiveZyme™ actually is—and it will only take about a minute or so! Here’s what you do:

Get a small cup of oatmeal, grits, or apple sauce. Then, when you receive your RISk FREE trial supply of ActiveZyme™, take out one capsule and empty the content in the bowl and stir. (The stirring stimulates the “chewing” of the food.) You’ll be amazed at what you see...

down your foods into glucose and fructose—so you can help ward off food irritations that cause allergies... prevent excess gas build-up in your GI tract... and boost your energy levels to new heights!

3 The Dairy Defender! If you’re lactose intolerant, I don’t have to tell you about the diarrhea... foul-smelling gas... stomach cramps... and indiges-tion you experience when you eat dairy products. But thanks to the milk-sugar digesting en-zyme called lactase—you can actually put an end to uncom-fortable digestive conditions! That’s because lactase breaks down dairy products FAST!

What’s more, this powerful enzyme helps neutralize any side effects by liquefying milk-based foods so they can pass through your digestive tract without irritating your sensi-tive bowels! Chinese research shows lactose intolerant folks who took lactase reduced their milk intolerance symptoms from 51 percent to 13 percent!

These 7 powerful enzymes make ActiveZyme™ a superior digestive enzyme formula—

but you get more— MUCH MORE!

If providing 7 powerful enzymes to dissolve your foods FAST was all ActiveZyme™ could do—it would be worth its weight in gold. But ActiveZyme™ does more—MUCH MORE!

ActiveZyme™ also contains powerful and beneficial bacteria called PROBIOTICS to help keep your intestinal tract in healthy balance and in good working order! You also get:

3 The 24-hour Gate Keeper! The powerful probiotic called Lactobacillus acidophilus stands watch over your diges-tive tract for round-the-clock protection. Plus, this multi-functioning probiotic boosts your immune system so you can clobber harmful bacteria that can cause Salmonella, yeast infections, E. coli and Staph infections!

n Dissolve and liquefies foods FAST!

n Improve nutrient availability!

n Enhance energy production!

n Boost mental clarity!n Improve blood

circulation!n Support immune

function!n Relieve digestive disorders!n Promote detoxification!n Regulate and balances hormones!n Relieve allergies!n Reduce food intolerances!n Experience regular bowel elimination!n Promote longevity!n Reduce risk for disease!

8 Journal of alternative HealtH Call today 1-800-428-9098 for your RISk-FREE trial supply! 9

ActiveZyme™—the “Cadillac” of digestive

enzyme helps you:


“ ...probiotics seem to change how your immune system reacts to an invading microorganism and whether your digestive tract becomes inflamed as a result. Some probiotics have also been shown to improve or restore certain normal functions of the gastrointestinal tract and to produce antimicrobial substances that help your body rid itself of harmful bacteria...

...Well-done studies suggest that probiotics are effective in treating diarrhea, preventing relapse in diarrhea associated with antibiotic use, and preventing pouchitis, a complication that may occur in people who’ve had surgery to create a rectal pouch.”

— John DiBaise, M.D., Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix AZ

Mayo Clinic doctor speaks out about probiotics!

ActiveZyme™ delivers powerful probiotics in every serving to help restore healthy intestinal flora and 7 powerful enzymes to completely digest every meal you eat!

A low enzyme diet causes obesity and mental

sluggishness. —Dr. eDwarD Howell

a Pioneer in enzyme THeraPy


Foods dissolve FAST as lightening with ActiveZyme™!

Get your RISK FREE Introductory Supply today! Call 1-800-428-9098!

Risk-Free Trial


Call 1-800-428-9098 today to get your RISK FREE trial supply!

Page 6: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie

...Within SECONDS ActiveZyme™ starts to work to break down the carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the food. And within MINUTES, that food will LIQUEFY right before your eyes! That means it’s COM-PLETELY DIGESTED down to simple sugars your body can use immediately for energy production!

And it also means the food is not “sitting” in your stomach waiting for enzymes to break it down. But there’s even better news...

...Your body doesn’t have to tap into your precious enzyme storehouse to break down the food—ActiveZyme™ does all the work so your body doesn’t have too!

And since those en-zymes don’t have to be exhausted in the diges-tion process—they can focus their energies on other serious jobs like helping you BREATHE... keeping your heart BEATING... and fighting off ILLNESSES from

invading bugs and viruses!

My friend, based on my 20 years of enzyme research and my hands-on work with real patients—including celebrities and sports starts struggling with Celiac’s Dis-ease... irritable bowels... embarrassing gas... constipation and diarrhea... and a host of other digestive disorders—I can tell you this:

ActiveZyme™ is simply AMAZING!

Meet some of the thousands of folks who now experience

HEALTHY digestion and a clean colon—thanks to ActiveZyme™!

These folks are so grateful for this power-ful enzyme formula—they’ve taken the time to write and share their personal story. Here’s what they want you to know...

“My energy level soared!”“I noticed a difference

in my digestion and energy levels almost immediately. For me, enzyme therapy is the missing link between feeling horrible and being physically fit!”

— Chelsi Smith Blair, Miss Universe 1995

“Antibiotics really messed up my stomach...”

“I got pretty sick last year. I had to take some strong antibiotics for nearly a month. This really screwed up my digestion! I have been an avid motorcyclist for many years, and having a ‘touch-and-go’ digestive system does not bode well for long rides with my buddies. One day after I started taking ActiveZyme™, my stomach problems disappeared. In one day! I now take your formula religiously.”

—Edward D., Sewell, NJ

“Regular bowel movements again!”“As a Registered Dietitian I have always

known a balanced diet, high in fiber and adequate water is the first place to start for my clients with irregular bowels. But when I added ActiveZyme™ to my client’s protocols

As a naturopathic doctor and medical researcher, I know

the science behind the power of digestive enzymes.

But as a mom, I can tell you this: digestive enzymes saved my daughter Coleen’s life. Let me share my per-sonal story with you...

“I contacted mumps during my first trimester while carrying my daughter Coleen. It was at the same 9 to 12 week period when a fe-tus begins to produce diges-tive enzymes needed for the rest of her life.

So Coleen was unable to produce digestive enzymes and was unable to break down baby formula (high in

carbs and sugar) nor most of the foods I tried to feed her during her early years.

Her organs began having problems (deficiencies) and doctors started operating on Coleen when she was only 3 years old. Eventually, we were told the devastating news:

Coleen would not live much past the age of 11.

That’s when my “Mama Bear” instincts kicked into high gear. Medicine did not have the answer or any hope for Coleen at that time—but I sure as heck wasn’t going to just sit there and watch my daughter die.

That’s when I started burning the midnight oil, spending months of non-stop research to find a cure for Coleen. I had studied and used enzymes in the past to help me with my health battles with cancer. But now, I discovered a unique form of enzymes—called digestive enzymes.

Could they be the answer

10 Journal of alternative HealtH Special Digestion Issue 11

“They said my daughter wouldn’t live to be a teenager...”my family and I have been praying for to help Coleen? I had to find out. So I began giving her supplemental digestive enzymes with her food—and by the grace of God, Coleen not only sur-vived—she thrived!

This is why I am so inter-ested in enzymes and de-cided to pursue a nutritional career and focus on enzyme research. I saw for myself how these digestive enzymes saved my daughter’s life—and I know they can help thousands of other folks too.

Coleen is now 44 years old, but it was not until her 40th birthday that a physi-cian in Tucson, AZ at the University of Arizona finally recognized her condition and named it “Eosinophilic Gastritis”—the inability to properly break down foods, creating allergies, food sensi-tivities and poor growth.

That diagnosis opened up doors for many other fami-lies. In fact, within the first 6 weeks after identifying the illness, doctors diagnosed over 10,000 children in 4

states with this disease.I have been very

blessed to discover diges-tive enzymes early in my daughter’s life—and I know—without a shadow of a doubt—they’ve kept her alive. I now see it as my mission in life to get the word out about the healing powers of digestive enzymes —such as ActiveZyme™ —to help others who suffer from horrible digestive problems.

A Doctor-Mom’s personal story

Call 1-800-428-9098 today to get your introductory pack of ActiveZyme™! Risk-Free

Trial Supply!


n Gluten Free!n Dairy Free!n Vegetarian


Page 7: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie

the number one result was regular bowel movements. They also report less gas, bloating and discomfort after meals when taking ActiveZyme™. This product has been a part of my personal protocol as well as my nutritional practice for 10 years where my focus is on the importance of healthy digestion and timely elimination.”

— Lisa Helffrich, RD, Sugar Land, TX

“Rich foods used to upset my stomach—but not anymore!”

“I have been told I am a “gall bladder person”, meaning when I eat rich foods it upsets my gall bladder and I feel very nauseous and sometimes throw up. I have had this

problem all my life but it got worse while I was in college. My doctor gave me ActiveZyme™ and as long as I take it with

my meals, I feel fine. When I eat rich foods that would normally bother my stomach I simply take more. It works great!”

—Mary Simpson, Denver, CO

“I don’t put a bite in my mouth without taking ActiveZyme™ FIRST!”

“At age 48 I was diagnosed with cancer, I have fibromyalgia and I have survived several car acci-dents. My body has had its health challenges that’s for sure! I began using digestive enzymes during my cancer treatments and it literally changed my life. I do not put a bite of food in my mouth without also taking ActiveZyme™ and I have done so for 15 years. I am a cancer survivor and manage my fibromyalgia nutri-tionally, naturally and drug free.”

—Jane Smalley, Tampa, FL

“Gas and constipation GONE!”“I feel that ActiveZyme™ has made my di-

gestion much healthier. I used to have lots of gas and constipation. Now, I don’t even think about that anymore. I take ActiveZyme™ every day. I call it my stomach vitamin!”

—J.W., Houston, TX

“Eating foods I love again!”“In college, I used to have an

ice cream sundae every Satur-day afternoon. After having two babies, my digestion changed and I could no longer eat anything with dairy in it. Oh, I

missed those Saturday afternoon treats. Now, thanks to ActiveZyme™, I’m eating sundaes again, and loving every bite!

—Gina P., Jackson Hole, WY

Try ActiveZyme™ today— completely RISK FREE—and get 3 FREE gifts during this limited time opportunity!


n Foods seem to “sit” in your stomach...n You experience constant bouts of gas,

acid reflux or indigestion...n You get tired after eating a meal...n You suffer from constipation and

diarrhea...n You avoid certain foods like tomatoes,

corn, wheat or dairy because they bother your stomach...

...Then you simply MUST try ActiveZyme™! And now is the absolutely BEST time to put this amazing enzyme formula to work for you!

12 Journal of alternative HealtH Call today 1-800-428-9098 for your RISk-FREE trial supply! 13

Breakfast fuel!

Now your foods work faster to boost your

energy levels—Thanks to ActiveZyme™!

No more mid day slumps!

Forget about feeling full—and sleepy after lunch!

ActiveZyme™ liquefies your meals in SECONDS—and unleashes nutrients and ENERGY to every cell in your body!

Dance the night away!

Your body has to work EXTRA hard to digest this

meal! Thanks to ActiveZyme™—you deliver powerful enzymes to dissolve that meal FAST— so you have the energy to enjoy dinner—and maybe even a little dancing afterwards!

ActiveZyme™ Dissolves Food in Seconds!







Digestive enzymes are the key to breaking down foods into absorbable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids.

But these powerful enzymes are also extremely delicate. That means diet... heat... lifestyle... stress... processed foods... aging... prescription drugs... and toxins can wipe them out—and that can lead to serious health problems for you!

That’s why it’s important to take ActiveZyme™ with every meal!

ActiveZyme™ delivers the 7 powerful enzymes—and probiotics—you need to liquefy your foods FAST for optimum nutrient absorption!

You’ll notice a significant and positive difference the very first time you try ActiveZyme™— Guaranteed!

Call 1 800 428-9098 today!

Be careful of these enzyme


Call 1-800-428-9098 today!Risk-Free

Trial Supply!

(continued on page 15)

Page 8: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie

Here’s why:

During this limited time opportunity— you get...

n FREE GIFT #1: Enzyme Remedies That Really Work!

You’ve just read about the remarkable healing powers of di-

gestive enzymes to help you put an end to irritable bowels, constipation, diarrhea, embarrassing gas and a host of other digestive distresses—but that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

The truth is: Scientists have discovered powerful enzymes that can also put an end to joint and muscle pain... repair your memory... lower your cholesterol and blood pressure... REVERSE many “old age” health problems—and much, much more!

In fact, noted U.S. Olympic medical consul-tant Dr. Dick Couey of Baylor University reports:

“Enzymes are the answer. Without enzymes, it does not matter how much exercise you get or how well you eat, your health will be severely affected.”

That’s why you’ve just got to know how to use an amazing arsenal of enzymes to relieve your health problems—and you will with this hot-off-the press new special report!

Supplies are limited—so get your FREE copy today!

n FREE GIFT #2: Foods as Medicine: How to Turn Your Kitchen Into a Natural Pharmacy!

Sick and tired of taking prescription drugs? Plagued

by nasty side effects from over-the-counter medicines? Want to feel better NATURALLY?

If so, this brand new special report is just for you!

You’ll discover age-old healing foods you can pick from your garden—or get from your local grocery store to help you:

n Lower your cholesterol naturally!n keep blood pressure in the normal range!

n Fight off infections!n Prevent digestive problems—especially

constipation!n Heal cuts and bruises!n Protect your eyesightn keep your skin smooth—and defy aging!n And heal faster than ever!

It’s all in this special report exclusively for you when you sample ActiveZyme™ today!

And when you call within the next 10 days—you’ll also

receive a special early bird gift...n SPECIAL FREE GIFT #3:

Amazing discounts on popular prescription medicines! A 12-month membership to RX Benefits.

Now you can get great discounts on prescription drugs at thousands of leading pharmacies including Walgreens (our preferred pharmacy), CVS, Target, kroger, Rite Aid, Publix, Long’s Drug and Costco. Plus this money-saving Rx discount card gives you up to 75% in discount benefits on:

n Vision care from US Vision Plan and 25 Dollar Eyeglasses!

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smoking through Smoking Cessation!

We add great benefits all the time. In fact, we recently negotiated a discount with Doctor on

14 Journal of alternative HealtH Special Digestion Issue 15

A $19.95 value


A $19.95 value


A $59.95 value YOURS FREE!


Baylor University doctor and former medical consultant for the U.S. Olympic Team and President’s Commission on Physical Fitness and Sports reports...

The name Richard B. Couey, M.D. may not ring a bell to most

Americans—but he’s touched your life in more ways than one.

You may have seen him wearing a Chicago Cubs uniform in his professional baseball hey days in the 1960’s... or playing and winning Senior Amateur golf championships...

...but what Dr. Couey has done behinds the scene as a medical consultant to the U.S. Olympic Team... a prominent member on the President’s Commission on Physical Fitness and Sports... author of university textbooks... and one of a handful of medical doctors who help set guide-lines for nutritional value of the foods you eat—Dr. Couey is helping to revolutionize the nutrition industry.

As an author of 13 books... more than 100 scholarly papers... and a sought after public speaker, Dr. Couey is helping Americans uncover a “missing link” to better health.

In fact, Dr. Couey recently stated, “If you want to lose weight, reverse disease or achieve peak physical performance—you must take digestive enzymes!”

Why digestive enzymes? Because according to

Dr. Couey, “enzymes are foun-dation of health. Your body can not lose a single pound... fight off even a cold... or perform a single function without enzymes. That includes breathing, sleeping or eating!”

Yet Americans are suffering a serious enzyme deficiency. Our foods are microwaved, broiled, boiled, sautéed and baked. And that means the majority of foods we eat contain NO enzymes.

This causes your body to “borrow” enzymes from other organ functions to be able to digest your foods. And that can mean enzymes that are designated to protect your body from harmful bacteria suddenly get “drafted” into digestion duty. This can lead your body vulnerable to invad-ers that can wreak your health.

So how do you prevent an enzyme deficiency in the first place? “Simple” says Dr. Couey, “take digestive enzymes—such as ActiveZyme™ with each meal!”

“These digestive enzymes go to work immediately to completely dissolve the foods you eat. You experience better digestion—and most often, you can clear up any diges-tive problems you may be suffering from. What’s more, since you’re not tapping into your enzyme reserve—which diminishes by 13% with each passing decade—your body can continue to use existing enzymes to do the work they’re supposed to.”

Dr. Couey says he’s seen near miraculous results when his patients add digestive enzymes to their meals.

That’s why he’s joined forces with PhD and medical researcher Dr. DicQie Fuller to help spread the word about the importance for every American—especially if you’re over 40—to take digestive enzymes every day.

You can sample ActiveZyme™— the “Cadillac” of digestive enzymes— today during this limited time, RISK FREE trial. Call 1-800-428-9098!

“ Man has created ‘Frankenfoods’— which do not contain critical enzymes for digestion and good health.”

—RichaRd couey, M.d.

“ Man has created ‘Frankenfoods’— which do not contain critical enzymes for digestion and good health.”

If you want to lose weight... reverse disease... or achieve peak physical

performance—do this ONE THING!By Carline Anglade-Cole, Special Health Correspondent

Digest ALL your food EVERY TIME with ActiveZyme™!

Risk-Free Trial


Page 9: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie

Call—so now you have 24-hour access to board certified physicians who are ready to tackle your toughest medical questions! And there’s...

n NO physical exams to take!n NO membership fees or dues to pay!n NO co-payments to worry about!n NO medical insurance or Medicare

needed to participate!n And, it doesn’t matter if you already

have a pre-existing medical condition!


As a Priority Status Customer, you get instant access to a world of “insider” savings and little-known “professional courtesy” discounts on all kinds of things to help you stay fit and healthy!

Yes, they’re the same discounts others pay up to $59.95 per month for—but with your special VIP status—your entire family can take advantage of his program absolutely FREE!

Hurry! This offer is for the first 500 folks who call 1-800-428-9098! ACT NOW!

100% No-Risk, Money-Back Guarantee

Foods will dissolve in your stomach faster... you will improve your digestion and

colon health... and you will feel better and healthier—or ActiveZyme™ is FREE!

The folks at Schweiz Health would be off their rocker to make such an outrageous promise if they weren’t 100% ActiveZyme™ will work for you!

I’ve seen ActiveZyme™ REVERSE digestive problems in my patients...

Powerful digestive enzymes like Ac-tiveZyme™ saved my daughter Coleen’s life...

...And scientific research confirms these findings!

Now, it’s time for you to DEMAND good health—and get it with ActiveZyme™! And you don’t have to risk one red cent to try this amazing formula. Here’s my promise to you:

Call 1-800-428-9098 today and get your NO RISk trial supply of ActiveZyme™. If you don’t notice a significant improvement in your digestion...

...If you don’t feel better and “regular” again...

...Or if you don’t notice a significant improvement in your energy levels...

...Then you will get every dime back! Just return the unused portion of ActiveZyme™ — even if the bottle is completely empty and you’ll get a full refund! And that’s not all...

All the free gifts you received with your first order—ARE YOURS TO kEEP WITH-OUT FURTHER COST OR OBLIGATION.

That’s a fair offer, don’t you think?

What are you going to eat now that you’ve got a stronger gut... better performing digestive

tract... and a cleaner, healthier colon?

Anything you like! You’ve seen the scientific evidence show-

ing how digestive enzymes can put an end to your digestive problems... protect your enzyme storehouse... boost your energy levels... help repair your gut... and keep your colon clean...

...You’ve met folks—just like you—who shared their personal experience on how ActiveZyme™ literally saved their lives and restored their digestive health...

...And you’ve got an iron-glad, money back guarantee that says ActiveZyme™ MUST work for you—or you PAY ZILCH, ZERO, ZIP!

Now it’s time for you to pick up the phone and call 1-800-428-9098 right now—

and RECLAIM your health and your life!

I promise: Giving ActiveZyme™ a fair try is the BEST decision you can make today—and you’ll be glad you did—GUARANTEED!

Here’s to decades of healthy eating!

Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney

P.S. In addition to receiving your 3 amazing FREE gifts—you can also get a $250 gas card PLUS $250 worth of grocery coupons for FREE during this special, limited time invitation. Just call 1-800-428-9098 and ask the friendly phone representative for more details.

“Loving life again!”“ For so long, I was tired and lethargic. Since I’ve been taking ActiveZyme™, my energy is high. I feel years younger and now I have the energy to enjoy life again!”

—Frank Al, Omaha, NE

“I can finally go on trips!”“ My husband refused to go on vacations because of my ‘prob-lem’. Now that we both take ActiveZyme™, we’re planning our first cruise together. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” —Connie C., Pasadena, CA

“I’ve seen remarkable changes when my patients take it!”“ I often use ActiveZyme™ with my clients. I find it to be quite effective especially for people who have a large number of food intolerances, maldigestion or malabsorption. Recently I recommended it to a woman who has fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and whose eating options were extremely limited. Along with probiot-ics and a few small changes, she is now able to eat a much wider variety of foods without issue. I’m really happy to have this product on my shelf.”

— Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN, Ashville, NC

At Schweiz Health, we stand be-hind every bottle of ActiveZyme™. You can be certain you’re receiving

the highest quality nutrient in every serving. Our unique processing system

removes impurities and protects the enzymes and other nutrients found in ActiveZyme™!

We use pharmaceutical grade enzymes that are GI stable and function in a broad pH range. ActiveZyme™ is formulated to provide optimal enzyme activity for healthy digestion. The ingredients in this proprietary formula have been rigorously tested to ensure safety and efficacy.

ActiveZyme™ does not contain unnecessary fillers or additives.

You can feel confident you’re receiving the highest quality nutrients available for optimum food break down and enhanced digestion.

With our unique processing system, you can feel free to order multiple bottles of ActiveZyme™ without sacrificing freshness of effectiveness. —ActiveZyme™ Quality Control Team

16 Journal of alternative HealtH Call today 1-800-428-9098 for your RISk-FREE trial supply! 17

In two days, my digestion went from poor to perfect! — norman P.

DunwooDy, Ga”

““Works fast!”

Call 1-800-428-9098 to get your RISK FREE TRIAL pack—

your FREE gifts too!

You deserve to eat the foods you love—and put an end to digestive problems too! ActiveZyme™ can help!

Eating Better...Living Better...FEELING Better—

Thanks to ActiveZyme™!


SCHWEiz HEALTHDelivering Cutting Edge Natural Supplements and Nutriceuticals

Risk-Free Trial


Page 10: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie


If Operators are busy, please keep calling!

n YES! I want the powerful enzymes that can dissolve my foods fast... boost my digestive health... increase my energy levels... and help me put an end to nagging digestive problems like constipation... irritable bowels... embarrassing gas... diarrhea... and acid reflux!Please accept my order as follows:

BEST VALUE: I SAVE $1,065.95 in DISCOUNTS and FREE gifts!n 12-month supply of ActiveZyme™ for only $239.40

(I save $120 off the regular price!) Plus, I also receive:3 6 additional bottles of ActiveZyme™ absolutely FREE — a $179.70 value!3 Special Report #1: Enzyme Remedies That Really Work! A $19.95 value—

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Natural Pharmacy! A $19.95 value—Yours FREE!3 FAST RESPONSE Bonus RX Prescription Card—A $59.95 per month value

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GREAT VALUE: I SAVE $836.20 in DISCOUNTS and FREE gifts! n 6-month supply of ActiveZyme™ for only $149.70

(I save $30 off the regular price!) Plus, I also receive:3 2 additional bottles of ActiveZyme™ absolutely FREE—a $59.90 value!3 Special Report #1: Enzyme Remedies That Really Work—a $19.95 value—FREE!3 FAST RESPONSE Bonus RX Prescription Card—A $59.95 per month value

(that’s $719.40 per year—absolutely FREE!)3 Free shipping & handling—valued at $6.95

GOOD VALUE: I SAVE $749.35 in DISCOUNTS and FREE gifts! n 3-month supply of ActiveZyme™ for only $89.85 plus $6.95 shipping and

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TRiAL OFFER: n One-month supply of ActiveZyme™ for only

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I prefer to use my: n VISA n MC n Discover n AMEXCard # ____________________________ Exp: _____/_____Signature ________________________________________Phone: ( ) _____________________ (in case we have a question about your order)

There’s no need to write your name and address. Please check the back cover to make sure your address is correct. If not, please make any necessary corrections. Thank you.

18 Journal of alternative HealtH

Over ONE THOUSAND smackeroos—just for you!

I want to give you $1,065.95 in Discounts and FREE Gifts— just for giving ActiveZyme™ a fair try!

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EZ Ways to Order!1. By PHONE: Save time and

get your RISk FREE supply and all your FREE gifts FASTER! Just dial Toll-FREE 1-800-428-9098. Customer service assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Please have your credit card handy.

2. By MAIL: Just fill out the order form and mail it back in the enclosed postage-paid envelope to: Schweiz Health, 653 West Station, kankakee, IL 60901-3511.

3. By FAX: Fill out the order form on the right and fax BOTH sides to 1-800-xxx-xxxx. Our fax never sleeps—available, 24 hours a day!

n YES! Please sign me up for your FREE e-letter, Alternative Health Journal. I understand my e-mail address will never be sold or rented. I under-stand I may unsubscribe from these updates at any time.E-mail address: _______________________

n YES, I am responding within 10 days! Send me my RX Discount Prescription Card— a $59.95 per month value! That’s a total savings of $719.40 per year!Hurry! This special offer is for the first 500 customers who call. Do it today!

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You get the ABSOLUTE LOWEST PRICE... valuable special health reports... and a

phenomenal opportunity to slash your cost for prescription medicines for an ENTIRE YEAR!

During this limited time opportunity—you get:3 6 additional bottles of ActiveZyme™

absolutely FREE—a $179.70 value!3 SPECIAL REPORT #1: Enzyme

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PLUS this additional amazing opportunity...

6 Additional

Bottles FREE!

That’s why ActiveZyme™ is nothing short of a godsend. This remarkable formula helps you break down foods faster by delivering powerful enzymes that quickly dissolve the carbohydrates... proteins... fats... and sugars you consume with every meal!

You’ll notice a significant improvement in your digestion the VERY FIRST TIME you take a capsule of ActiveZyme™.

And you’ll continue to experience better diges-tion... higher energy levels... and even put an end to bothersome digestive problems and you continue to use ActiveZyme™ with each meal—Guaranteed!

If you are ever dissatisfied with your results—just return the bottle—even if you’re down to your very last capsule—and you’ll receive a prompt refund of your purchase price!

I think that’s fair, don’t you?Plus, you can keep all the free gifts you received

with your initial order as my way of saying thanks for giving ActiveZyme™ a fair try.

Dr. DicQie Fuller

Enzyme Remedies

That Really Work!

Enzyme Remedies

That Really Work!

Foods as Medicine:

How to Turn Your Kitchen Into a Natural


Foods as Medicine:

How to Turn Your Kitchen Into a Natural

Pharmacy!Get your

FREE GIFTS today! Free


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keep calling!

Page 11: U.S. Olympic medical doctor and PhD medical Dr. DicQie

Amazing nutrient—named inside—dissolves even hard-to-digest foods in seconds! Experience ultimate digestion and colon health!

Inside: Discover why renowned U.S. Olympic medical doctor and medical researcher and doctor to celebrities and sport stars join forces to report...

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“ Doctors are missing the boat on how to treat and heal your body from digestive problems!”

New research uncovers surprising cause of:

As seen on ABC and