u.s. history unit 2: european settlement of north america

U.S. History Unit 2: European Settlement of North America

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Page 1: U.S. History Unit 2: European Settlement of North America

U.S. History

Unit 2: European Settlement of North America

Page 2: U.S. History Unit 2: European Settlement of North America

European Settlement of North European Settlement of North AmericaAmerica

SSUSH1SSUSH1: Describe European : Describe European settlement in North America during settlement in North America during the 17the 17thth century. century.– A. Explain Virginia’s development; include A. Explain Virginia’s development; include

the Virginia Company, tobacco the Virginia Company, tobacco cultivation, relationships with Native cultivation, relationships with Native Americans such as the Powhatan, Americans such as the Powhatan, development of the House of Burgesses, development of the House of Burgesses, Bacon’s Rebellion, and the development Bacon’s Rebellion, and the development of slavery.of slavery.

Page 3: U.S. History Unit 2: European Settlement of North America

The First EuropeansThe First Europeans

I. The Spanish and FrenchI. The Spanish and French– First inhabitants (Native Americans) of North First inhabitants (Native Americans) of North

America migrated from Asia using a land America migrated from Asia using a land bridge between Siberia and Alaskabridge between Siberia and Alaska

– they established the first societiesthey established the first societies Some were advanced in art, Some were advanced in art,

science, technology, and agriculturescience, technology, and agriculture

– First Europeans arrived in the First Europeans arrived in the

1515thth & 16 & 16thth centuries (Spain, centuries (Spain,

France, Great BritainFrance, Great Britain

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The First EuropeansThe First Europeans I. The Spanish and French continuedI. The Spanish and French continued

– The Spanish were the first to arrive, dominating much of South The Spanish were the first to arrive, dominating much of South America, modern-day Mexico, and what eventually became the America, modern-day Mexico, and what eventually became the US Southwest, Florida, and parts of GeorgiaUS Southwest, Florida, and parts of Georgia

– Next came the French who took Next came the French who took advantage of rivers and inland waterways; advantage of rivers and inland waterways; made a lot of money from fur tradingmade a lot of money from fur trading

Obtained fur by trapping animals or Obtained fur by trapping animals or trading with Indianstrading with Indians Developed a reciprocal relationship with Developed a reciprocal relationship with Indians for commerceIndians for commerce First successful colony in North America was First successful colony in North America was established in Quebec in 1608 by Samuel de established in Quebec in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain – rested on high ground along the Champlain – rested on high ground along the St. Lawrence RiverSt. Lawrence River Location was good for trading and as a military Location was good for trading and as a military position to protect interests against European rivalsposition to protect interests against European rivals

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Jamestown, VirginiaJamestown, Virginia

Jamestown became the first Jamestown became the first successful English colony in 1607successful English colony in 1607 Founded by a Founded by a joint-stock joint-stock CompanyCompany (company owned by (company owned by investors) called the Virginia investors) called the Virginia Company sponsored the colony and hoped Company sponsored the colony and hoped

to make money off the production of raw to make money off the production of raw materialsmaterials

The settlers were not used to doing hard, The settlers were not used to doing hard, manual labor – they came to get richmanual labor – they came to get rich

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Jamestown, VirginiaJamestown, Virginia

The settlers did not concern themselves The settlers did not concern themselves with raising crops; they came looking for with raising crops; they came looking for gold and other richesgold and other riches

Jamestown was in a swampy area, Jamestown was in a swampy area, vulnerable to disease-carrying mosquitoesvulnerable to disease-carrying mosquitoes

Freezing winters, infectious diseases, and Freezing winters, infectious diseases, and starvation killed many settlersstarvation killed many settlers

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Jamestown, VirginiaJamestown, Virginia Captain John Smith Captain John Smith took over the took over the

colony and forced the settlers to work – colony and forced the settlers to work – “He who does not work, shall not eat.”“He who does not work, shall not eat.”

John Rolfe John Rolfe saved the colony when he saved the colony when he discovered tobacco (“brown gold)discovered tobacco (“brown gold)– Became extremely profitable and the colony’s Became extremely profitable and the colony’s

chief source of incomechief source of income– Created a class of wealthy, large landownersCreated a class of wealthy, large landowners

To attract more settlers to the colony, To attract more settlers to the colony, Virginia instituted the Virginia instituted the headrightheadright system system– Promised 50 acres of land to those who settled Promised 50 acres of land to those who settled

in the colonyin the colony

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Virginians and Native AmericansVirginians and Native Americans

When the British colonists arrived they found Indians living When the British colonists arrived they found Indians living under a tribal confederation led by under a tribal confederation led by Chief PowhatanChief Powhatan

Native Americans initially helped the settlers survive its first Native Americans initially helped the settlers survive its first winterwinter

Later 200 Native Americans attacked JamestownLater 200 Native Americans attacked Jamestown– The settlers used canons, then negotiated a peaceThe settlers used canons, then negotiated a peace– Powhatan remained distrustful and watchfulPowhatan remained distrustful and watchful

March 1622, Powhatan’s brother, March 1622, Powhatan’s brother, Openchancanough, led a surprise attack on Openchancanough, led a surprise attack on Jamestown killing 300 colonistsJamestown killing 300 colonists Jamestown residents retaliated killing just Jamestown residents retaliated killing just as many Indiansas many Indians Openchancanough attacked again in 1644 Openchancanough attacked again in 1644 at age 100 and was killedat age 100 and was killed

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Virginia’s Social StructureVirginia’s Social Structure

A small group of wealthy landowners A small group of wealthy landowners exercised most of the power in each exercised most of the power in each colonycolony

In VirginiaIn Virginia– Landowners, poor farmers, indentured Landowners, poor farmers, indentured

servants, slavesservants, slaves– Indentured servantsIndentured servants – people who could not – people who could not

afford to come to North America on their own; afford to come to North America on their own; they agreed to work for a landowner for up to they agreed to work for a landowner for up to seven years in exchange for the landowner seven years in exchange for the landowner paying for their trippaying for their trip

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Virginia’s Social StructureVirginia’s Social Structure

Once indentured servants had served Once indentured servants had served their 7 years, they became small their 7 years, they became small landownerslandowners

More landowners caused a gradual More landowners caused a gradual shift further and further westshift further and further west– Increased conflicts with Native Increased conflicts with Native


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Virginia’s Social StructureVirginia’s Social Structure Nathaniel BaconNathaniel Bacon – wealthy Virginia planter and – wealthy Virginia planter and

aristocrataristocrat– Wanted Gov. Berkeley of Jamestown to Wanted Gov. Berkeley of Jamestown to deal more harshly with Native Americansdeal more harshly with Native Americans– Felt Berkeley favored the rich Felt Berkeley favored the rich

Bacon’s RebellionBacon’s Rebellion – Bacon rallied forces to fight – Bacon rallied forces to fight Native American; then turned his small army on Native American; then turned his small army on Jamestown burning it to the ground; Bacon’s Jamestown burning it to the ground; Bacon’s death ended the rebelliondeath ended the rebellion– Showed the discontent of the ordinary citizensShowed the discontent of the ordinary citizens– Virginia eventually turned away from indentured Virginia eventually turned away from indentured

servants and relied on slave laborservants and relied on slave labor

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Slavery Arises in VirginiaSlavery Arises in Virginia SlaverySlavery a system in which people are a system in which people are

“owned” like property.“owned” like property. English colonists eventually viewed Africa English colonists eventually viewed Africa

as their most efficient source for slavesas their most efficient source for slaves The first Africans came in 1619 as The first Africans came in 1619 as

indentured servantsindentured servants The The plantation system plantation system resulted from resulted from

slaveryslavery– Plantations were huge farms owned by wealthy Plantations were huge farms owned by wealthy

landowners who raised cash crops (crops landowners who raised cash crops (crops grown for trade and profit)grown for trade and profit)

– Plantations required lots of manual laborPlantations required lots of manual labor

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Virginia’s GovernmentVirginia’s Government

The colonies’ distance from England led to The colonies’ distance from England led to a policy of a policy of salutary neglectsalutary neglect– English government basically let the colonists English government basically let the colonists

govern themselvesgovern themselves The colonists setup representative The colonists setup representative

governments based on the rights of governments based on the rights of citizenscitizens– Legislatures consisted of two houses: one an Legislatures consisted of two houses: one an

advisory council appointed by the governor, advisory council appointed by the governor, the other was a body of elected eligible votersthe other was a body of elected eligible voters

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Virginia’s GovernmentVirginia’s Government

1619 Virginians established the 1619 Virginians established the colonies’ first elected legislative body colonies’ first elected legislative body the - the - House of BurgessesHouse of Burgesses– Helped lay a foundation for the ideas Helped lay a foundation for the ideas

about representative government that about representative government that would develop in the colonieswould develop in the colonies

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Review: The First EuropeansReview: The First Europeans 1. The French founded Quebec mainly for what reason?1. The French founded Quebec mainly for what reason?

– A. They wanted a place in North America to raise tobacco.A. They wanted a place in North America to raise tobacco.– B. It was a good spot to wage war against the Spanish.B. It was a good spot to wage war against the Spanish.– C. It provided an excellent location for both trade and defense.C. It provided an excellent location for both trade and defense.– D. They thought it would allow them to establish more colonies D. They thought it would allow them to establish more colonies

up and down the east coast.up and down the east coast.

2. Which of the following best describes Jamestown?2. Which of the following best describes Jamestown?– A. It was the first English colony in North America.A. It was the first English colony in North America.– B. The colony thrived most before tobacco was discovered.B. The colony thrived most before tobacco was discovered.– C. Colonists normally lived in peace with Native Americans.C. Colonists normally lived in peace with Native Americans.– D. Slavery became less important after Bacon’s Rebellion.D. Slavery became less important after Bacon’s Rebellion.

3. What were plantations and how did they help make 3. What were plantations and how did they help make slavery an important part of colonial culture?slavery an important part of colonial culture?

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Southern, Middle, and New Southern, Middle, and New England ColoniesEngland Colonies

New England coloniesNew England colonies: Massachusetts, New : Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and ConnecticutHampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut

Middle coloniesMiddle colonies: New York, New Jersey, : New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and DelawarePennsylvania, and Delaware

Southern coloniesSouthern colonies: Maryland, Virginia, North : Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and GeorgiaCarolina, South Carolina, and Georgia– Some colonies were established as Some colonies were established as royal coloniesroyal colonies, ,

governed direct by the king through an appointed royal governed direct by the king through an appointed royal governorgovernor

– Other colonies were Other colonies were proprietary proprietary or or charter coloniescharter colonies Proprietary – colonies granted to a group of private owners Proprietary – colonies granted to a group of private owners

for developmentfor development Charter – colonies to which the crown granted a charter for Charter – colonies to which the crown granted a charter for

the purpose of establishing a governmentthe purpose of establishing a government

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Southern ColoniesSouthern Colonies

Southern Colonial SocietySouthern Colonial Society– Strong class distinctionsStrong class distinctions– People believed that male members of the People believed that male members of the

upper class should be the ones in positions of upper class should be the ones in positions of power and authoritypower and authority

– Public education did not exist – some education Public education did not exist – some education took place in homes; wealthy used private took place in homes; wealthy used private tutors or sent their children to Europetutors or sent their children to Europe

– Rich landowners remained part of the Church Rich landowners remained part of the Church of England of England

– Methodist and Baptist congregations became Methodist and Baptist congregations became common among poorer southernerscommon among poorer southerners

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Southern ColoniesSouthern Colonies

Southern Colonial EconomySouthern Colonial Economy– Tobacco became an important cash crop for Virginia, Tobacco became an important cash crop for Virginia,

Maryland, and North CarolinaMaryland, and North Carolina– Rice and indigo were important crops for South Carolina Rice and indigo were important crops for South Carolina

and Georgiaand Georgia– Southern colonies also produced tar, pitch, and Southern colonies also produced tar, pitch, and

turpentine turpentine – Staple crops Staple crops (crops in large demand and provide (crops in large demand and provide

income) such as tobacco and rice led to plantation income) such as tobacco and rice led to plantation system and more reliance on slave laborsystem and more reliance on slave labor

These plantations were along waterways which were good for These plantations were along waterways which were good for transporting productstransporting products

As a result, the South did not develop major centers of commerce As a result, the South did not develop major centers of commerce like the North didlike the North did

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European Settlement of North European Settlement of North AmericaAmerica

SSUSH1SSUSH1: Describe European : Describe European settlement in North America during settlement in North America during the 17the 17thth century. century.– B. Describe the settlement of New England; B. Describe the settlement of New England;

include religious reasons, relations with Native include religious reasons, relations with Native Americans (e.g. King Philip’s War), the Americans (e.g. King Philip’s War), the establishment of town meetings and development establishment of town meetings and development of a legislature, religious tensions that led to of a legislature, religious tensions that led to Rhode Island, the half-way covenant, Salem Witch Rhode Island, the half-way covenant, Salem Witch Trials, and the loss of Massachusetts charter.Trials, and the loss of Massachusetts charter.

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New England ColoniesNew England Colonies

Besides wealth, people came to North America Besides wealth, people came to North America because of because of religious dissentreligious dissent (disagreement with (disagreement with the Anglican Church) the Anglican Church) – English leaders viewed any protest or refusal to follow English leaders viewed any protest or refusal to follow

Anglican teachings as a betrayalAnglican teachings as a betrayal– Many left to escape persecutionMany left to escape persecution

PuritansPuritans wanted to purify the Anglican Church wanted to purify the Anglican Church and have a community built on “pure biblical and have a community built on “pure biblical teaching”teaching”– In 1620 Puritans, called Pilgrims established a colony in In 1620 Puritans, called Pilgrims established a colony in

Plymouth, MA (celebrated first Thanksgiving in 1621)Plymouth, MA (celebrated first Thanksgiving in 1621)– Another group of Puritans established the Massachusetts Bay Another group of Puritans established the Massachusetts Bay


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New England ColoniesNew England Colonies

New England’s Colonial EconomyNew England’s Colonial Economy– Didn’t raise cash cropsDidn’t raise cash crops– Relied on the Atlantic OceanRelied on the Atlantic Ocean– Leading industries were shipbuilding, trade, Leading industries were shipbuilding, trade,

and fishingand fishing– Transported goods from England and the West Transported goods from England and the West

IndiesIndies Acquired sugarcane, molasses, rum in that they Acquired sugarcane, molasses, rum in that they

traded for African slavestraded for African slaves Boston, MA became a major urban center Boston, MA became a major urban center Had small farms for self-sufficiencyHad small farms for self-sufficiency

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New England ColoniesNew England Colonies

New England EducationNew England Education– Puritans had strong sense of faith, family, and Puritans had strong sense of faith, family, and

community and were the first British colonists to community and were the first British colonists to promote public educationpromote public education

Wanted everyone to be able to read the BibleWanted everyone to be able to read the Bible– In 1647, Massachusetts passed laws requiring public In 1647, Massachusetts passed laws requiring public

schools for towns of 50 families or moreschools for towns of 50 families or more Towns of 100+ had to establish grammar schools to prepare boys Towns of 100+ had to establish grammar schools to prepare boys

for collegefor college Girls were trained in “womanly duties” at home and did not usually Girls were trained in “womanly duties” at home and did not usually

go to schoolgo to school New England founded the nation’s earliest colleges: Harvard and New England founded the nation’s earliest colleges: Harvard and

Yale (to train ministers)Yale (to train ministers)

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New England ColoniesNew England Colonies

New England GovernmentNew England Government– Mayflower CompactMayflower Compact defined New England’s first efforts defined New England’s first efforts

at self-governmentat self-government– Document was drafted while the Puritans (Pilgrims) were Document was drafted while the Puritans (Pilgrims) were

still on board the Mayflower shipstill on board the Mayflower ship Established an elected legislature and said the Established an elected legislature and said the

government derived its power from the peoplegovernment derived its power from the people Wanted rule by local government not EnglandWanted rule by local government not England Used Used town meetingstown meetings where local, tax-paying where local, tax-paying

citizens met to discuss and vote on issuescitizens met to discuss and vote on issues– Established democratic idealsEstablished democratic ideals– Puritan beliefs meant power rested in the hands of church Puritan beliefs meant power rested in the hands of church


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New England ColoniesNew England Colonies

Religion and DissentReligion and Dissent– Puritan church was central part of life in New EnglandPuritan church was central part of life in New England

In Massachusetts every settler had to attend and support In Massachusetts every settler had to attend and support the Puritan churchthe Puritan church

Dissenters were often banished from the colonyDissenters were often banished from the colony Roger WilliamsRoger Williams and and Anne HutchisonAnne Hutchison both left both left

Massachusetts because they disagreed with teachings of Massachusetts because they disagreed with teachings of the Puritan Churchthe Puritan Church

– Founded Rhode IslandFounded Rhode Island Thomas HookerThomas Hooker left Mass. and founded Connecticut in left Mass. and founded Connecticut in

1636, he wrote the 1636, he wrote the Fundamental Orders of ConnecticutFundamental Orders of Connecticut– Stated that the government’s power came on from the “free consent of Stated that the government’s power came on from the “free consent of

the people”the people”

Massachusetts lost is charter in 1684 and became a royal Massachusetts lost is charter in 1684 and became a royal colony in 1691colony in 1691

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New England ColoniesNew England Colonies

The Half-Way Covenant and the Salem Witch The Half-Way Covenant and the Salem Witch TrialsTrials– Puritans established the Puritans established the Half-way CovenantHalf-way Covenant to allow to allow

the offspring of early Puritans to stay in the church the offspring of early Puritans to stay in the church without undergoing “conversion experiences”without undergoing “conversion experiences”

Children and grandchildren only needed to be baptized to Children and grandchildren only needed to be baptized to be partial membersbe partial members

– In 1692, commitment to protect the Puritan faith led to In 1692, commitment to protect the Puritan faith led to the the Salem Witch TrialsSalem Witch Trials

Young girls were accused of being witches and put to deathYoung girls were accused of being witches and put to death Also affected independent-minded womenAlso affected independent-minded women

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New England ColoniesNew England Colonies

New Englanders and Native AmericansNew Englanders and Native Americans– First interactions were peacefulFirst interactions were peaceful– Series of wars broke out as settlers continued to move Series of wars broke out as settlers continued to move

west, pushing Native Americans off their landwest, pushing Native Americans off their land– 1675, Metacom (“King Philip”) united Native Americas in 1675, Metacom (“King Philip”) united Native Americas in

New England unsuccessfully against English settlersNew England unsuccessfully against English settlers King Philip’s WarKing Philip’s War: nearly 2000 colonists killed; Metacom : nearly 2000 colonists killed; Metacom

was forced to retreat and was killed in Rhode Islandwas forced to retreat and was killed in Rhode Island English colonists gained firmer control over areaEnglish colonists gained firmer control over area

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European Settlement of North European Settlement of North AmericaAmerica

SSUSH1SSUSH1: Describe European : Describe European settlement in North America settlement in North America during the 17during the 17thth century. century.– C. Explain the development of the C. Explain the development of the

mid-Atlantic colonies; include the mid-Atlantic colonies; include the Dutch settlement of New Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam, and English takeover, Amsterdam, and English takeover, and the settlement of Pennsylvaniaand the settlement of Pennsylvania

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Middle ColoniesMiddle Colonies

Culturally diverse – settled by other Culturally diverse – settled by other nationalities (Dutch, Swedes, etc.)nationalities (Dutch, Swedes, etc.)

Mid-Colonial EconomyMid-Colonial Economy– Depended on farming and commerceDepended on farming and commerce– Raised staple crops like wheat, barley, ryeRaised staple crops like wheat, barley, rye– Had urban centers such as New York and Had urban centers such as New York and

Philadelphia – important ports for shipping Philadelphia – important ports for shipping productsproducts

– Few slaves; had a fur tradeFew slaves; had a fur trade– Had an economic relationship with NativesHad an economic relationship with Natives

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Middle ColoniesMiddle Colonies

Diversity in the Middle ColoniesDiversity in the Middle Colonies– William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a homeland and William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a homeland and

haven for haven for QuakersQuakers Did not recognize class differences, promoted equality of Did not recognize class differences, promoted equality of

the sexes, pacifists, dealt fairly with Native Americansthe sexes, pacifists, dealt fairly with Native Americans Believed in religious tolerance: attracted German Believed in religious tolerance: attracted German

Lutherans, Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, and Swiss Lutherans, Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, and Swiss MennonitesMennonites

– New York was founded as a Dutch colonyNew York was founded as a Dutch colony Jews and Christians made New York homeJews and Christians made New York home

– Social order emergedSocial order emerged Upper class: merchants (foreign trade)Upper class: merchants (foreign trade) Middle class: craftsmen, retailers, businessmenMiddle class: craftsmen, retailers, businessmen Lower class: sailors, unskilled workers, some artisansLower class: sailors, unskilled workers, some artisans

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Middle ColoniesMiddle Colonies

From “New Amsterdam” to New YorkFrom “New Amsterdam” to New York– DutchDutch (Europeans form the Netherlands) (Europeans form the Netherlands)

originally settled the area known as New York – originally settled the area known as New York – calling it New Netherland, establishing a calling it New Netherland, establishing a trading post at trading post at New AmsterdamNew Amsterdam

Built a successful trading industryBuilt a successful trading industry

– Area was taken from the Dutch by England in Area was taken from the Dutch by England in 1664 when King Charles II put his brother, the 1664 when King Charles II put his brother, the Duke of York, in chargeDuke of York, in charge

– Area renamed Area renamed New YorkNew York

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Review: Southern, Middle, and Review: Southern, Middle, and New England ColoniesNew England Colonies

1. Historians traditionally divide the original 1. Historians traditionally divide the original thirteen English colonies into which of the thirteen English colonies into which of the following categories?following categories?– A. North, West, East, and SouthA. North, West, East, and South– B. North, Middle, SouthB. North, Middle, South– C. New England, Middle, SouthernC. New England, Middle, Southern– D. New England, Middle, PlantationD. New England, Middle, Plantation

2. Which colonial region was most known for 2. Which colonial region was most known for plantations, large numbers of slaves, and the plantations, large numbers of slaves, and the production of rice and tobacco?production of rice and tobacco?– A. New EnglandA. New England C. MiddleC. Middle– B. SouthernB. Southern D. Atlantic D. Atlantic

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Review: Southern, Middle, and Review: Southern, Middle, and New England ColoniesNew England Colonies

3. In what ways were the motivations for founding the 3. In what ways were the motivations for founding the southern colonies different from those for founding the New southern colonies different from those for founding the New England colonies? How did these differences affect the England colonies? How did these differences affect the practice of religion in each region?practice of religion in each region?

4. What factors led to the middle colonies being more 4. What factors led to the middle colonies being more diverse than the New England and southern colonies?diverse than the New England and southern colonies?

5. Explain the importance of New Amsterdam and describe 5. Explain the importance of New Amsterdam and describe how it came to be know as New York.how it came to be know as New York.

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European Settlement of North European Settlement of North AmericaAmerica

SSUSH2SSUSH2: Trace the ways that the : Trace the ways that the economy and society of British North economy and society of British North America developed.America developed.– A. Explain the development of A. Explain the development of

mercantilism and the trans-Atlantic mercantilism and the trans-Atlantic trade.trade.

– B. Describe the Middle Passage, growth B. Describe the Middle Passage, growth of the African population, and African-of the African population, and African-American culture.American culture.

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Colonial CultureColonial Culture

Slavery and African AmericansSlavery and African Americans– The The Atlantic Slave TradeAtlantic Slave Trade

Portugal established the slave trade in the 15Portugal established the slave trade in the 15thth centurycentury

Grew drastically from the 15Grew drastically from the 15thth to the 19 to the 19thth centuries, centuries, ending the 1800sending the 1800s

When Portuguese arrived in Africa, African Kingdoms When Portuguese arrived in Africa, African Kingdoms sold their POWs into sold their POWs into

slavery to other Africans and to foreignersslavery to other Africans and to foreigners Portuguese tapped into the system, shipping slaves Portuguese tapped into the system, shipping slaves

to the Americasto the Americas

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Slavery and African AmericansSlavery and African Americans

Soon the Dutch, British, Spanish, and Soon the Dutch, British, Spanish, and French joined the slave tradeFrench joined the slave trade

Slave ships carried millions of Africans to Slave ships carried millions of Africans to the Americasthe Americas– They arrived via the They arrived via the Middle PassageMiddle Passage – route – route

taken by ships carrying slaves from Africa to taken by ships carrying slaves from Africa to North AmericaNorth America

– The Middle Passage the middle leg of the The Middle Passage the middle leg of the “triangular trade” (Europe, Africa, the “triangular trade” (Europe, Africa, the Americas)Americas)

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The Atlantic Slave TradeThe Atlantic Slave Trade

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Colonial African American Colonial African American CultureCulture

Africans came from many different cultures within Africans came from many different cultures within AfricaAfrica– Spoke different languages, had different religious Spoke different languages, had different religious

beliefs, different traditionsbeliefs, different traditions– Adopted aspects of Christian religion mixed with their Adopted aspects of Christian religion mixed with their

African traditionsAfrican traditions– Regional differences determined work of slavesRegional differences determined work of slaves

South – worked on plantationsSouth – worked on plantations North – worked as artisansNorth – worked as artisans

– Some slaves bought their freedom, others were Some slaves bought their freedom, others were freed by masters, others escaped and began freed by masters, others escaped and began maroon settlements – communities formed in maroon settlements – communities formed in frontier areas by escaped slavesfrontier areas by escaped slaves

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European Settlement of North European Settlement of North AmericaAmerica

SSUSH2SSUSH2: Trace the ways that the : Trace the ways that the economy and society of British North economy and society of British North America developed.America developed.– C. Identify Benjamin Franklin as a C. Identify Benjamin Franklin as a

symbol of social mobility.symbol of social mobility.

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Individualism and Social Individualism and Social MobilityMobility

Many Europeans came to North America Many Europeans came to North America for for social mobilitysocial mobility (moving from one (moving from one social status to another)social status to another)

In the colonies land was abundantIn the colonies land was abundant– Indentured servants could eventually own land, Indentured servants could eventually own land,

earn the right to voteearn the right to vote– Every individual could work hard and advance Every individual could work hard and advance

– – individualismindividualism Led to Led to universal suffrageuniversal suffrage for white males and for white males and


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Individualism and Social Individualism and Social MobilityMobility

Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin– Inventor, scientist, writer, ambassador, Inventor, scientist, writer, ambassador,

founding fatherfounding father– Example of individualism and social mobilityExample of individualism and social mobility

Not born in the upper classNot born in the upper class Parents could not afford to educate himParents could not afford to educate him Quit school at 10, became an apprentice in his older Quit school at 10, became an apprentice in his older

brother’s print shopbrother’s print shop Built a fortune as a writer, inventor, scientistBuilt a fortune as a writer, inventor, scientist As a political theorist he became very respected in As a political theorist he became very respected in

governmentgovernment Used his natural abilities, hard work, and creativity to climb Used his natural abilities, hard work, and creativity to climb

the social ladderthe social ladder

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European Settlement of North European Settlement of North AmericaAmerica

SSUSH2SSUSH2: Trace the ways that the : Trace the ways that the economy and society of British North economy and society of British North America developed.America developed.– D. Explain the significance of the Great D. Explain the significance of the Great


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Religious ExpressionReligious Expression

First Great AwakeningFirst Great Awakening– Religious movement that featured passionate preaching Religious movement that featured passionate preaching

from evangelists like Jonathan Edwards and George from evangelists like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield Whitfield

– Believed colonists had forsaken GodBelieved colonists had forsaken God– Wanted to “awaken” religious feelings through the use Wanted to “awaken” religious feelings through the use

of revivalsof revivals– Encouraged colonists to think for themselves on Encouraged colonists to think for themselves on

religious mattersreligious matters– Ensured principles like freedom of religion and Ensured principles like freedom of religion and

separation of church and stateseparation of church and state

Page 44: U.S. History Unit 2: European Settlement of North America

Mercantilism and TradeMercantilism and Trade

MercantilismMercantilism – countries grow wealthier and – countries grow wealthier and maintain their national security by consistently maintain their national security by consistently exporting more than they importexporting more than they import– Wanted to maintain a “favorable balance of trade” (export Wanted to maintain a “favorable balance of trade” (export

more than the import)more than the import)– Needed the colonies for additional resources and marketsNeeded the colonies for additional resources and markets– Shipped colonies’ products and raw materials to England and Shipped colonies’ products and raw materials to England and

the West Indies (the West Indies (trans-Atlantic trade)trans-Atlantic trade)– England passed Navigation Acts in 1660 which required British England passed Navigation Acts in 1660 which required British

colonies to sell certain goods only to England colonies to sell certain goods only to England – Products sold to other countries were charged a British duty Products sold to other countries were charged a British duty

(tax)(tax)– Colonists did not like the policies and traded illegallyColonists did not like the policies and traded illegally

Page 45: U.S. History Unit 2: European Settlement of North America

Review: Colonial CultureReview: Colonial Culture 1. The colonial business in which Europeans transported 1. The colonial business in which Europeans transported

African slaves to America and sold them to white slave African slaves to America and sold them to white slave owners was called what?owners was called what?– A. mercantilismA. mercantilism C. individualismC. individualism– B. triangular trade route B. triangular trade route D. the Atlantic slave tradeD. the Atlantic slave trade

2. Which of the following is true regarding African 2. Which of the following is true regarding African Americans in the American colonies?Americans in the American colonies?– A. Most of them were slaves who gained freedom after 7 yrs. of A. Most of them were slaves who gained freedom after 7 yrs. of

service.service.– B. They came to America from a variety of different backgrounds.B. They came to America from a variety of different backgrounds.– C. They were all slaves because the law prevented blacks from ever C. They were all slaves because the law prevented blacks from ever

being free.being free.– D. Most enjoyed a great amount of social mobility in the colonies.D. Most enjoyed a great amount of social mobility in the colonies.

Page 46: U.S. History Unit 2: European Settlement of North America

Review: Colonial CultureReview: Colonial Culture

3. 3. Define “individualism” and “social Define “individualism” and “social mobility.” How was Benjamin mobility.” How was Benjamin Franklin an example of each?Franklin an example of each?

4. 4. What was What was mercantilismmercantilism and why and why did nations that believed it want did nations that believed it want colonies?colonies?