u.s. department of housing and urban development fha m insurance i fha … · 2019-03-15 · •...

ortgage ssues U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA Mortgage Insurance Issues Moderators Douglass Lynott, HUD [email protected] Lisa Ellis, HUD [email protected] John Laswick, HUD [email protected] David Noguera, HUD [email protected] Richard Pine, Enterprise Community Partners [email protected] Community Planning and Development

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Page 1: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

ortgage ssues U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

FHA M Insurance I FHA Mortgage Insurance Issues Moderators

Douglass Lynott, HUD [email protected]

Lisa Ellis, HUD [email protected]

John Laswick, HUD [email protected]

David Noguera, HUD [email protected]

Richard Pine, Enterprise Community Partners [email protected]

Community Planning and Development

Page 2: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

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P f P Purpose of Presentatiion •• To explore how FHA Insurance Programs can be To explore how FHA Insurance Programs can be

used to support the successful implementationof the NSP

• Discuss issues surrounding use of FHAInsurance Programs with the NSP

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

Page 3: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

• FHA Mortgage Insurance Programs can be usedFHA Mortgage Insurance Programs can be used with NSP for:

• Acquisition • Rehabilitation • Resale

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A i iAcquisitii on NonNon-Profit Organizations can use FHA financing toProfit Organizations can use FHA financing to

purchase homes for use with NSP

• Reduces the required down payment • Increases leveraging of available fundsIncreases leveraging of available funds

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

Page 5: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

Non-Profit Approval TTo use FHA fi FHA financiing ffor acquiisitiition, non-profitfit

organizations must be approved by HUD to pparticippate in the HUD Homes Proggram

• Application details »Mortgage Letter 00-08»Mortgage Letter 00 08

»Mortgage Letter 02-01

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

Page 6: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

RRehhabilitatition – 203(k)bilit 203(k)

203(k) Program combines acquisition and • 203(k) Program combines acquisition and rehabilitation funds in one mortgage

•• Can be used for either the acquisition of a Can be used for either the acquisition of a property by a non-profit organization or theresale of a property to a homebuyer

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

Page 7: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

R lResale Benefits to homebuyer/programBenefits to homebuyer/program

• Lower down payment All t f l i t b NSP • Allows payment of closing costs by NSP grantees

•• Allows combination with other approvedAllows combination with other approved homebuyer assistance/subsidy programs

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

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LLower DDown PPayment

• FHA requires minimum 3 5% down payment FHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up to ½ (50%) of down payment can be

subsidized with NSP fundssubsidized with NSP funds • Down payment assistance must come from a

public entityyp • Seller can not directly provide down payment

assistance to subsidize the required FHAminimum down payment

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

Page 9: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

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P f Cl CPayment of Closiing Costs •• NSP grantees can pay reasonable closing costs NSP grantees can pay reasonable closing costs

without limitation or up to the maximum 6% ofsales prices when using FHA financing

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

Page 10: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up


C bi i A i PCombining Assistance Programs

•• When using NSP or other government funds When using NSP or other government funds FHA allows more than two liens against the property

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

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C d LHiHighher Combibined LTV TV R Ratiio •• If a government entity is engaged in If a government entity is engaged in

development or revitalization efforts, the combined loan-to-value ratio for the 203(k) P d 110 % Program may exceed 110 %

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

Page 12: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

FHA I Li tiFHA Income Limititation

• NSP programs can serve clients with Area Median Incomes (AMI) exceeding 115% AMIMedian Incomes (AMI) exceeding 115% AMI after securing permission from the jurisdictionalhomeownership centers -as long as the AMI does not exceed 120%does not exceed 120%

• FHA Homeownership Centers & the FHA Resource CenterResource Center http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/hoc/hsghocs.cfm

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Page 13: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up


L t PLottery Program • Exclusively for non Exclusively for non-profitsprofits, units of local• units of local

government and Good Neighbors • Properties held for 5 (calendar) days forProperties held for 5 (calendar) days for

localities to indicate their interest • After 5 dayy ps, proppertyy is awarded to a random

winner (Good Neighbors have priority) • Buyer pays list price less 10% or 30%

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development 13

Page 14: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

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C i i S l PCompetitive Sales Program • Exclusive look for non Exclusive look for non-profitsprofits, units of local• units of local

government and owner-occupants for first 10 days

• Localities must enter a bid before midnight onthe 10th day

• If awarded the property, the locality pays their offer price less 10% or 30%

• Aft th fi t 10 d th t i t thAfter the first 10 days, the property is open to the general public

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development 14

Page 15: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

B lk S Bulk Salles PProgram • Program is exclusive to NSP recipientsProgram is exclusive to NSP recipients • Must bid on a minimum of 10 properties, no

minimum ppurchase amount

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development 15

Page 16: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

B lk S Bulk Salles PProgram • Discounts will be applied as follows:Discounts will be applied as follows:

– Appraised value greater than $100,000 = 10% discount

– Appraised value less than $100,000 = 50% discount

– Appraised value less than $20,000 and considered a demolition = $100

• Properties remain in the competitive sales program during this period

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Page 17: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

$1 H P$1 Home Program •• Available to city governments after property has Available to city governments after property has

been listed for 6 months

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Page 18: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

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NCST I i HUD P iNCST Interaction on HUD Properties Buyyer Setupp • All buyers must be approved by HUD and be

provided with a NAID number before they canh HUD i d h di purchase HUD properties under the discount

programs – the Trust assists with expediting this process as necessaryprocess as necessary

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

Page 19: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

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NCST I i HUD P iNCST Interaction on HUD Properties

Weekly Property ListsWeekly Property Lists • Trust provides lists of lottery and exclusive

competitive sales to buyers based on prescribedcompetitive sales to buyers based on prescribed HUD contractor reporting timelines

• All bids must come througgh the buyyers directlyy as the Trust will not have a NAID number

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

Page 20: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

rces NSP Help/ResoNSP Help/Resources • HUD NSP Help (http://www.hud.gov/nspta OR http://hudnsphelp.info)

– Find a Resource

– Frequently Asked Questions and Ask a Question

– Request Assistance

– Join list serve!

Learning Center (http://hudnsphelp.info/index.cfm?do=viewLearningCenter)

FHA Homeownership Centers & the FHA Resource Center http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/hoc/hsghocs.cfm

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• Questions?

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e a d esa e

Upcoming WebinarsUpcoming Webinars • Proggram Income,, Activityy Deliver yy and General Administration

– July 1, 2pm • DRGR Show Your Progress

J l 6 2– July 6, 2pm • Continued Affordability and Addressing Technical Issues with

Recapture and Resaleecaptu – July 8, 2pm

• Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity, Section 3 and Section 504 July 13 2pm– July 13, 2pm

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • Community Planning and Development

Page 23: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FHA M Insurance I FHA … · 2019-03-15 · • FHA requires minimum 3 5% down paymentFHA requires minimum 3.5% down payment • Up

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