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  • 8/8/2019 Us Cui Hor


    OwnersManual30 Convection

    Wall Oven

    ZET1 Single Wall OvenZET2 Double Wall Oven

  • 8/8/2019 Us Cui Hor


    Consumer Information

    Wall Oven


    Introduction Your new Monogram wall oven makes an eloquent statement of style, convenience and kitchenplanning flexibility. Whether you chose it for its purity of design, assiduous attention to detailor for both of these reasonsyoull find that your Monogram wall ovens superior blend of formand function will delight you for years to come.

    Your Monogram wall oven was designed to provide the flexibility to blend in with your kitchencabinetry. Its sleek design can be beautifully integrated into the kitchen.

    The information on the following pages will help you operate and maintain your wall ovenproperly.

    Contents Care and CleaningBroiler Pan and Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Oven Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 40Oven Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

    Consumer ServicesImportant Phone Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Model and Serial Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Problem Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 42Product Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 45, 46Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

    OvenAluminum Foil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 16, 25Baking/Roasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Broiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 17Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21,23, 25, 26, 27, 28

    Control Lockout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Convection Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2025Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 18, 19, 23, 38Proofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Sabbath Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35Self-Cleaning Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 30Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3335Thermostat Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33Timed Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 27Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


    Carefully grasp a corner of the protectiveshipping film with your fingers and slowly peelit from the appliance surface. Do not use anysharp items to remove the film. Remove allof the film before using the appliance forthe first time.

    To assure no damage is done to the finishof the product, the safest way to removethe adhesive from packaging tape on newappliances is an application of a householdliquid dishwashing detergent. Apply with asoft cloth and allow to soak.

    NOTE:The adhesive must be removed from all

    parts. It cannot be removed if it is baked on.

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    Beforeusing yourwall oven

    Read this manual carefully. It is intended tohelp you operate and maintain your new walloven properly.

    Keep it handy for answers to your questions.

    If you dont understand something or needmore help, there is a list of toll-free consumerservice numbers included in the back sectionof this manual.

    ORVisit our Website at:

    Writedown themodel &serialnumbers

    Youll find them on a label on the front lefttrim behind the oven door.

    Fill out and return the Consumer ProductRegistration Card that is packed with thisproduct.

    Before sending in this card, please write thesenumbers here:

    Model Number

    Serial NumberUse these numbers in any correspondence orservice calls concerning your wall oven.

    If youreceived adamagedwall oven

    Immediately contact the dealer (or builder)that sold you the wall oven.

    Save time& money

    Before you request service, check theProblem Solver in the back of this manual.

    It lists causes of minor operating problems thatyou can correct yourself.

    If youneedservice

    To obtain service, see the Consumer Servicespage in the back of this manual.

    Were proud of our service and want you to bepleased. If for some reason you are not happywith the service you receive, here are two stepsto follow for further help.

    FIRST, contact the people who serviced yourappliance. Explain why you are not pleased.In most cases, this will solve the problem.

    NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all thedetailsincluding your phone numberto:

    Manager, Customer RelationsGE AppliancesAppliance ParkLouisville, KY 40225

    Consumer Information

    Wall Oven

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    IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE The California Safe Drinking Water

    and Toxic Enforcement Actrequires theGovernor of California to publish a list

    of substances known to the state to causecancer, birth defects or other reproductiveharm, and requires businesses to warncustomers of potential exposure to suchsubstances.

    The fiberglass insulation in self-clean ovensgives off a very small amount of carbonmonoxide during the cleaning cycle.

    Exposure can be minimized by ventingwith an open window or using a ventilationfan or hood.

    IMPORTANT: The health ofsome birds is extremely sensitive to the fumesgiven off during the self-cleaning cycle of anyoven. Move birds to another well-ventilatedroom.

    SAFETY PRECAUTIONSWhen using your electrical appliances, basicsafety precautions should be followed,including the following:

    Be sure all packing materials are removedfrom the oven before operating it to preventfire or smoke damage should the packingmaterial ignite.

    Use this appliance only for its intended useas described in this Owners Manual.

    Be sure your appliance is properly installedand grounded by a qualified technician inaccordance with the provided installationinstructions.

    Be sure the oven is securely installed in acabinet that is firmly attached to the housestructure. Never allow anyone to climb, sit,stand or hang on the oven door.

    Have the installer show you the location ofthe circuit breaker or fuse. Mark it for easyreference.

    Do not attempt to repair or replace any partof your wall oven unless it is specificallyrecommended in this manual.All otherservicing should be referred to a qualifiedtechnician.

    Teach children not to play with the controlsor any other part of the oven.

    Never leave the oven door openwhen youare not watching the oven.

    Always keep dish towels, dish cloths, potholders and other linens a safe distance fromyour oven.

    For your safety, never use your appliancefor warming or heating the room.

    Do not store flammable materials in theoven.

    Always keep wooden and plastic utensilsand canned food a safe distance away from

    your oven. Always keep combustible wall coverings,

    curtains or drapes a safe distance fromyour oven.


    Do not let cooking grease or other flammablematerials accumulate in or near the wall oven.

    Do not use water on grease fires. Never pickup a flaming pan. Turn the controls off.

    Flame in the oven can be smotheredcompletely by closing the oven door andturning the oven off or by using a multi-purpose dry chemical or foam-type fireextinguisher.

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    AVIS IMPORTANT EN MATIRE DE SCURIT Le California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic

    Enforcement Actexige que le gouverneur deCalifornie publie une liste de substances que

    lon sait occasionner le cancer, des anomaliescongnitales ou dautres anomalies dereproduction, et exige que les entreprisesavertissent leurs clients des dangers que leurfont courir une exposition ces substances.

    Lisolement en fibre de verre dans les foursauto-nettoyants met un trs petit montantde gaz carbonique pendant le cycle de

    nettoyage.Vous pouvez rduire votreexposition ce gaz en arant, en ouvrantla fentre ou en utilisant un ventilateurou une hotte daration.

    IMPORTANT: Certains oiseauxsont extrmement sensibles la fume produitependant le programme dautonettoyage denimporte quel four. Placez les oiseauxdans une autre pice bien are.

    MESURES DE SCURITPour utiliser des appareils lectromnagers,vous devez suivre des prcautions lmentairesde scurit, en particulier :

    Assurez-vous denlever tous les matriauxdemballage du four avant de le mettre enmarche, pour viter tout danger dincendieou de dommage d la fume si cesmatriaux demballage prennent feu.

    Nutilisez cet appareil que pour lusage auquel

    il est destin, comme expliqu dans le prsentManuel du propritaire.

    Assurez-vous que votre appareil est bien installet mis la terre par un installateur qualifi,conformment aux directives dinstallationfournies.

    Assurez-vous que le four est bien install dansune armoire solidement fixe la charpentede la rsidence. Ne laissez personne grimper,sasseoir ou monter sur la porte du four,ou sy agripper.

    Demandez linstallateur de vous montrer

    lemplacement du disjoncteur ou du fusible.Identifiez-le pour pouvoir le trouver facilement.

    Ne tentez pas de rparer ni de remplaceraucune pice du four, moins que cela ne soitrecommand dans le prsent manuel. Toutautre service dentretien doit tre assurpar un rparateur qualifi.

    Apprenez aux enfants ne pas jouer avec lescommandes ou toute autre pice du four.

    Ne laissez jamais la porte du four ouvertelorsque vous ne surveillez pas lappareil.

    Gardez toujours les linges vaisselle, lesmitaines de four et autres articles en tissu unedistance scuritaire de votre four.

    Pour votre scurit, nutilisez pas cet appareilpour rchauffer la pice.

    Ne rangez pas de matriaux inflammables dansle four.

    Gardez toujours les ustensiles en plastique et enbois, de mme que les aliments en conserve, une distance scuritaire de votre four.

    Gardez toujours les revtements murauxcombustibles, les rideaux et les tentures unedistance scuritaire de votre four.


    Ne laissez pas de graisse ou autres matiresinflammables saccumuler dans le four ou

    proximit de ce dernier. Ne tentez pas dteindre des feux de graisse

    avec de leau. Ne soulevez jamais une casseroleen flammes. Mettez tous les rglages en positionoff (arrt).

    Vous pouvez teindre compltement lesflammes en fermant la porte du four et enteignant lappareil, ou en utilisant unextincteur chimique poudre ou mousse.

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    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Do not use aluminum foil to line oven

    bottoms, except as suggested in this manual.Improper installation of aluminum foil may

    result in a risk of electric shock or fire. Cook meat and poultry thoroughlymeat to

    at least an INTERNAL temperature of 160Fand poultry to at least an INTERNALtemperature of 180F. Cooking to thesetemperatures usually protects againstfoodborne illness.


    Do not leave children alonechildren shouldnot be left alone or unattended in an areawhere an appliance is in use. They shouldnever be allowed to sit or stand on any partof the appliance.

    Do not touch the heating elements or theinterior surface of the oven. These surfacesmay be hot enough to burn even though theyare dark in color. During and after use, donot touch, or let clothing or other flammable

    materials contact, any interior area of theoven; allow sufficient time for cooling first.

    Potentially hot surfaces include the oven ventopenings and surfaces near the openings,crevices around the oven door, the edges ofthe door window and metal trim parts abovethe door.

    Remember: The inside surface of the ovenmay be hot when the door is opened.



    Never wear loose-fitting or hanging garmentswhile using the appliance. Be careful whenreaching for items stored over the oven.Flammable material could be ignited ifbrought in contact with oven heatingelements and may cause severe burns.

    Use only dry pot holdersmoist or damppot holders on hot surfaces may result in

    burns from steam. Do not let pot holderstouch hot heating elements. Do not use atowel or other bulky cloth.

    Keep the oven vent unobstructed.

    Keep the oven free from grease buildup.

    Stand away from the oven when opening theoven door. Hot air or steam which escapes cancause burns to hands, face and/or eyes.

    After broiling, always take the broiler pan outof the oven and clean it. Leftover grease in thebroiler pan can catch fire the next time you

    use the pan. Large scratches or impacts to glass doors can

    lead to broken or shattered glass.

    Never leave jars or cans of fat drippings in ornear your oven.


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    MESURES DE SCURIT Nutilisez pas de papier daluminium pour

    couvrir la sole du four, sauf de la faonindique dans le prsent manuel. Une

    utilisation inadquate du papier daluminiumpeut prsenter des risques de chocs lectriquesou dincendie.

    Faites cuire la viande et la volaille fondlatemprature INTERNE de la viande doit tredau moins 160 F, et celle de la volaille daumoins 180 F. La cuisson ces tempraturesinternes assure gnralement une bonneprotection contre les intoxications alimentaires.


    Ne laissez pas les enfants sans surveillanceIl ne faut jamais laisser les enfants seuls ou sanssurveillance prs de lappareil, lorsque celui-cifonctionne. On doit galement leur interdire degrimper ou de sasseoir sur lappareil.

    Ne touchez pas aux lments chauffants, niaux parois du four. Ces surfaces peuvent tresuffisamment chaudes pour causer des brlures,mme si elles ne sont pas rouges. Pendant et

    aprs lutilisation, faites en sorte que vosvtements et autres matriaux inflammables neviennent pas en contact avec les parois du four.Laissez-les dabord refroidir.

    Les surfaces susceptibles de devenir chaudescomprennent notamment lvent du four et lessurfaces qui lentourent, les asprits autour dela porte du four, la surface priphrique duhublot et les moulures mtalliques au-dessusde la porte.

    Noubliez pas : Les parois du four peuvent trechaudes lorsque vous ouvrez la porte.



    Ne portez jamais de vtements ampleslorsque vous utilisez cet appareil. Faitesattention lorsque vous prenez des articles rangsdans les armoires au-dessus du four. Les tissusinflammables peuvent prendre feu au contactdes surfaces chaudes et causer de gravesbrlures.

    Nutilisez que des poignes ou des mitaines defour schesles poignes ou mitaines de fourhumides ou mouilles peuvent causer desbrlures de vapeur. Ne laissez pas les poignesvenir en contact avec les lments chauds.Nutilisez pas de serviette ou autre objetencombrant en tissu au lieu de mitaines de four.

    Assurez-vous que lvent du four nest jamaisobstru.

    Ne laissez pas saccumuler de dpts graisseuxdans le four.

    Ne vous tenez pas trop prs du four lorsquevous ouvrez la porte. Lair chaud et la vapeurqui sen chappent peuvent vous brler lesmains, le visage et les yeux.

    Aprs le grillage, sortez toujours la lchefritedu four et nettoyez-la. La graisse qui sestaccumule dans la lchefrite pourrait prendrefeu la prochaine fois que vous utiliserez le four.

    De grandes gratignures ou des impacts sur lasurface vitre des portes peuvent entraner lebris du verre.

    Ne laissez jamais de pots graisse ou de botesde conserve contenant des matires grasses proximit de votre four.


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    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Children in walkers, or children crawling, can

    be attracted to the round oven door handleand may grab and open the oven door. This

    can result in injury from the door being pulledopen on a child, or severe burns if the ovenis in use and hot.

    Do not heat unopened food containers.Pressure could build up and the containercould burst, causing an injury.

    Place the oven rack in the desired positionwhile the oven is cool. If racks must be handledwhen hot, do not let pot holder contact theheating elements.

    Extending the rack to its fully open position isa convenience in lifting heavy foods. It is alsoa precaution against burns from touching

    hot surfaces of the door or oven walls. When using cooking or roasting bags in the

    oven, follow the manufacturers directions.

    Do not use your oven to dry newspapers.If overheated, they can catch on fire.

    Do not use oven for a storage area. Itemsstored in an oven can ignite.

    Do not leave paper products, cooking utensilsor food in the oven when not in use.

    Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or hang

    on the door. They could damage the oven orcause severe personal injury.

    SELF-CLEANING OVEN Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasket

    is essential for a good seal. Care should betaken not to rub, damage or move the gasket.

    Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial ovencleaner or oven liner protective coating of anykind should be used in or around any part ofthe oven. Residue from oven cleaners willdamage the inside of the oven when the self-clean cycle is used.

    Clean only parts listed in this Owners Manual.

    Before self-cleaning the oven, remove thebroiler pan, grid and other cookware.

    Be sure to wipe up excess spillage beforestarting the self-cleaning operation.

    If the self-cleaning mode malfunctions, turnthe oven off and disconnect the power supply.Have it serviced by a qualified technician.

    The oven racks may be cleaned in the ovenduring the self-cleaning cycle.


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    MESURES DE SCURIT Les enfants en marchette ou les enfants qui

    rampent peuvent tre attirs par la poigneronde de porte du four et peuvent la saisir, et

    ainsi ouvrir la porte. Cela peut occasionnerune ouverture de la porte sur lenfant oudes brlures srieuses si le four est enfonctionnement et chaud.

    Ne faites pas chauffer de rcipient ferm.Laccumulation de pression dans le rcipientpeut le faire clater, causant ainsi des blessures.

    Placez les clayettes la hauteur dsire lorsquele four est froid. Si vous devez les manipulerlorsque le four est chaud, vitez que vosmitaines de four entrent en contact avecles lments du four.

    Il est plus pratique de soulever des platslourds lorsque la grille est entirement ouverte.Vous viterez ainsi de vous brler en touchant

    aux parois de la porte ou du four.

    Lorsque vous utilisez des sachets pour la cuissonou le rtissage, suivez les directives du fabricant.

    Ne faites pas scher de journaux dans le four.Sils surchauffent, ils risquent de prendre feu.

    Nentreposez pas darticles dans votre four.Ils pourraient prendre feu.

    Ne laissez pas de produits en papier,dustensiles de cuisson ou daliments dans lefour lorsquil nest pas utilis.

    Ne laissez personne grimper ou montersur la porte du four, ou sy agripper. Celapourrait endommager lappareil ou causerde graves blessures.

    FOUR AUTONETTOYANT Ne nettoyez pas le joint de la porte. Ce joint

    est essentiel une bonne tanchit. Il fautviter de le rcurer, de lendommager ou

    de le dplacer. Nutilisez pas de produits nettoyants

    commerciaux pour le four. Il ne faut jamaisutiliser des produits nettoyants commerciaux oudes enduits protecteurs dans le four ou prs despices du four. Les rsidus de ces produitsnettoyants endommageront lintrieur du fourlorsque vous effectuerez un autonettoyage.

    Ne nettoyez que les pices indiques dans leprsent manuel dutilisation.

    Avant de commencer lautonettoyage, enlevez lalchefrite, la grille et autres ustensiles de cuisine.

    Avant de commencer lautonettoyage, essuyezles aliments renverss.

    Si le programme dautonettoyage fonctionnemal, teignez le four et coupez lalimentationlectrique. Faites rparer lappareil par untechnicien qualifi.

    Vous pouvez nettoyer les clayettes du fourpendant le cycle dauto-nettoyage.

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  • 8/8/2019 Us Cui Hor


    Oven Control, Clock and Timer

    Wall Oven


    Double oven control Pro style shown (Appearance may vary)

    Single Oven control Integrated style shown (Appearance may vary)

    Features ofyour ovencontrol,clock and

    timer(Not allfeaturesare on allmodels.Appearancemay vary.)

    1 Oven Mode knob Turn to select:PROOF Maintains a warm environmentuseful for rising yeast-leavened products.BAKE Select for traditional baking.CONV BAKE 1 RACK Use for convectionbaking on one rack.CONV BAKE MULTI Use for convectionbaking on multiple racks.CONV ROAST Use for convection roasting.CONV BROIL Use for convection broiling.DUAL BROIL Select to provide traditionalbroiling for a larger food quantity.STD BROIL Select to provide traditionalbroiling for a smaller food quantity.CLEAN Select for the self-cleaningfunction. See the Self-Cleaning Ovensection.

    2 Temperature knob Turn to select:Use to set baking temperatures from 200Fto 550F.WARM Keeps already cooked foods warmfor up to 2 hours after the cooking functionis finished.LOW BROILA lower broiling temperatureis automatically set.HIGH BROILA higher broilingtemperature is automatically set.CLEAN The self-clean temperature isautomatically set.

    3 Mini-KnobTurn to select and push to enter PROBE,TIMER, CLOCK, COOK TIME and DELAYSTART settings.

    4 PROBE Push to select the probe to cookfood to a set internal temperature. Turn andpush the Mini-Knob to set.

    5 TIMER Push to select the timer function.The timer does not control oven operations.The timer can time up to 11 hours and 59minutes. Turn and push the Mini-Knobto set.

    6 CLOCK Push to enter the time of day.Turn and push the Mini-Knob to set.7 COOK TIME Push to enter the desired

    length of cooking time for baking (orroasting), convection baking and convectionroasting. Turn and push the Mini-Knobto set.

    8 DELAY START Push to delay the startof cooking or the self-clean cycle. Turn andpush the Mini-Knob to set the time you wantthe oven to start.

    9 Temperature Display Shows the oven settemperature or probe set temperature andif the oven is preheating. (On some doublewall oven models, UPPER and LOWER aredisplayed above their respective settings.)NOTE:On some wall oven models, the settemperature shows in displays between theirrespective control knobs.

    10 Timing and Cleaning Status Display If set,shows the remaining COOK TIME and theDELAY START time. Lights indicate thestatus of the self-clean cycle.

    11 Time of Day Display Shows set time of day.


    1 2 10119 10 3 1 2

    9 4 5 6 7 8 9

    1 9 11 10 3 2

    4 5 6 7 8


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    Push the PROBE, TIMER, CLOCK, COOKTIME or DELAY START buttons and set themby turning and pushing the Mini-Knob. Seeeach respective section for details.

    The Mini-Knobwill select in increments of 1, 5or 10 depending on how fast it is turned. Turnit clockwise to increase probe set temperaturesand time or counterclockwise to reduce them.Push to set.

    See the Control lockoutsection for how to lockand unlock the controls.

    Introductionto the probetemperatureset and timecontrols

    Controls Overview

    Wall Oven

    For all modes except Proof, the oven will notoperate unless both the Oven Mode and theTemperature knobs are set. See table.

    Introductionto the ovencontrols

    To cancel a feature, turn either the OvenMode knob or the Temperature knob to OFF.

    To cancel PROOF, turn the Oven Mode knobto OFF.


    Turn to selectPush to enter

    Double oven display shown

    Mode Knob Temperature Knob









    Oven Mode knob Temperature knob

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    Baking Tips

    Wall Oven


    For even cooking and proper browning, theremust be enough room for air circulation in theoven. Baking results will be better if baking pansare centered as much as possible rather thanbeing placed to the front or to the back ofthe oven.

    Pans should not touch each other or the walls ofthe oven. Allow 1- to 112 space between pans aswell as from the back of the oven, the door andthe sides.If you need to use two racks, use rack positionsA and C, B and D or A and D and stagger thepans so that one is not directly above the other.

    Preheating Allow the oven to preheat before placing food inthe oven. Preheating is necessary for good resultswhen baking cakes, cookies, pastry and breads.

    To preheat, set the oven at the correct temperature.The PREHEAT light will turn on and 100F willappear in the display. (The temperature display willstart to change once the oven temperature reaches100F.) The convection fan will also turn on duringpreheating. The control will beep when the oven ispreheatedthis will take approximately 10 to 15minutes. The PREHEAT light will turn off and

    the display will show the set temperature.When the PREHEAT light goes off, foods should beplaced in the oven.


    Never entirely cover a rack with aluminum foil.This will disturb the heat circulation and result inpoor baking. A smaller sheet of foil may be usedto catch a spillover by placing it on a lower rackseveral inches below the food.

    NOTE: For general baking, only one or two rackswill be used. Three racks will be used only whenmulti-rack baking. Remove the third rack fromthe oven when it is not is use.


    5 0 0

    4 5 0 400




    3 503 0


    2 5 0








    Oven air flow An internal cooling fan operates during all ovenmodes. The warm air from inside the oven will beexhausted out through vents located between thedoor and control panel.

    Do not allow this air flow to be obstructed by

    draping kitchen towels over the front of the ovenin undercounter applications.


    Use the proper baking pan. The type of finish onthe pan determines the amount of browning thatwill occur.

    Dark, rough or dull pans absorb heatresulting in a browner, crisper crust.Use this type for pies.

    Shiny, bright and smooth pans reflect heat,resulting in a lighter, more delicate browning.Cakes and cookies require this type of pan

    or sheet. Glass baking dishes also absorb heat. When

    baking in glass baking dishes, the temperaturemay need to be reduced by 25F.

    The type ofmargarinewill affectbakingperformance!

    Most recipes for baking have been developedusing high-fat products such as butter ormargarine (80% fat). If you decrease the fat,the recipe may not give the same results aswith a higher-fat product.

    Recipe failure can result if cakes, pies, pastries,cookies or candies are made with low-fat spreads.The lower the fat content of a spread product,

    the more noticeable these differences become.

    Federal standards require products labeledmargarine to contain at least 80% fat by weight.Low-fat spreads, on the other hand, contain lessfat and more water. The high moisture contentof these spreads affect the texture and flavor ofbaked goods. For best results with your oldfavorite recipes, use margarine, butter or stickspreads containing at least 70% vegetable oil.


    Aluminum foil to

    catch spillovers






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    Before You Begin

    Wall Oven

    To avoid possible burns, place the racksin the correct position before turning onthe oven.

    The correct rack position depends on thekind of food and the browning desired.

    The racks have a frame that locks into therack supports on both sides. Once the frame islocked into place, always pull the rack out, byits upper front rail, to its full extension stopposition, when placing or removing cookware.

    To remove a rack:

    1. Make sure the rack is pushed all the wayinto the oven.

    2. Grasp the rack by both its upper front railand its lower front rail and lift straight upto unlock the front rack locks from the

    rack supports.

    3. Firmly holding onto both the upper andlower front rack rails, pull the rack forwardand remove it from the oven.

    To replace a rack:

    1. Place the rear rack locks over and onto

    the rack supports (five rack positions areavailable including the top position).

    2. Slide the rack all the way in until therear rack locks are secure on the rear racksupports and press the front rack locks ontothe front rack supports.

    Fullextensionoven racks

    The ovenhas 5 rackpositions

    Rack frame

    Rack extendedto its full stop


    Upper frontrack rail

    Slide the rack all the way inand push down to lock thefront rack locks onto thefront rack supports

    Lift to unlockfront racklocks fromthe racksupport

    Upperfront rail

    Lowerfront rail

    Upperfront rail

    Lowerfront rail

    Front rack lock

    Front rack loc

    Lowerfront rail

    Upperfront rail

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    Wall Oven

    Turn the Oven Mode knob to BAKE.

    Using the Temperature knob,set the desired temperature, in 25Fincrements, from 200F to 550F.

    The oven and the oven interior lights willturn on immediately and stay on until theoven is turned off.

    The convection fan will turn on (after ashort delay), the PREHEAT light will turnon and 100F will appear in the display.(The temperature display will start tochange once the oven temperature reaches100F.) The control will beep when theoven is preheatedthis will takeapproximately 10 to 15 minutes. ThePREHEAT light will turn off and thedisplay will show the set temperature.

    When the PREHEAT light goes off, placefood in the oven.

    Check the food for doneness at theminimum time on the recipe. Cooklonger if necessary.

    Turn the Oven Mode knob and theTemperature knob to OFF when bakingis finished.

    NOTE:A cooling fan will turn on to coolinternal parts. This is normal, and the fanmay continue to run even after the oven is

    turned off.

    How to setthe oven forbaking

    Oven Mode knob Temperature knob






    The oven has 5 rack positions. See the Full extension oven rackssection for how to use, remove and replace the racks.

    Type of Food Rack Position

    Angel food cake A

    Biscuits or muffins B or CCookies or cupcakes B or C

    Brownies B or C

    Layer cakes B or C

    Bundt or pound cakes A or B

    Pies or pie shells B or C

    Single pie B or C

    Frozen pies B or C (on cookie sheet)

    Casseroles B or C

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    You can use aluminum foil to line the broilerpan and broiler grid. However, you must moldthe foil tightly to the grid and cut slits in it justlike the grid.


    Wall Oven

    Introductionto broiling

    Different broil elements are used in eachbroil mode as described below. There are3 different broil modes, each providing a HIand a LO setting.

    The HI setting can be used to seal injuices or provide intense browning orcharring when needed (a higher rackis generally used).

    The LO setting can be used when foodsneed adequate browning and also need tobe thoroughly cooked through (a lowerrack is used for large food items such aspork tenderloin or London Broil).

    Dual Broil Both the inside and outsidebroil elements are used in this broil mode.Use this mode for full broiler pan food loads.

    See the How to set the oven for broilingsection.HI Full broiler pan hamburgers; roastvegetables such as whole peppers, eggplant,corn, assorted cut vegetables, kabobs and verythin meats such as smoked pork chops

    LO Full broiler pan fish fillets

    Std Broil Uses the inner element only use for smaller food loads. See the How to setthe oven for broilingsection.

    HI Small food quantity (24) hamburgersor 1/21 pork chops or steaks

    LO Small food quantity (24) chickenbreasts or fish fillets

    Convection Broil Uses both the insideand outside broil elements and the convectionfan. See the How to set the oven for convectionbroilingsection.

    HI 1122 thick steaks, London Broiland chicken breasts (seals in juices withoutoverbrowning)

    LO Large pork tenderloin or beef roast(provides adequate browning along withthorough cooking)

    Outer broilelement

    Inner broilelement

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    If the meat has fat or gristle around theedge, cut vertical slashes through bothabout 2 apart. If desired, the fat may betrimmed, leaving a layer about 1/8 thick.

    Place the meat or fish on the broiler pan

    and grid. Always use the grid so that anyfat will drip into the broiler pan; otherwisethe juices may become hot enough to catchon fire.

    Position rack in oven.

    Close the door.Always broil with the doorclosed.

    Turn the Oven Mode knob to DUALBROIL (for larger food quantities) or STDBROIL (for smaller food quantities).

    Turn the Temperature knob to LOWBROIL or HIGH Broil. The broilingtemperature will be automatically set.LO or HI will appear in the displaydepending on the automatic broiltemperature selected.

    The oven and the oven interior lights willturn on immediately and stay on until theoven is turned off.

    When broiling is finished, turn theOven Mode knob and the Temperatureknob to OFF.

    NOTE:A cooling fan will turn on to coolinternal parts. This is normal, and the fanmay continue to run even after the oven isturned off.

    The broiler does not need to be preheatedfor most broiling. However, foods that cookquickly, such as thin strips of meat or fishmay require a short preheating period of2 to 3 minutes to allow the food surface tobrown in the same time the food takes tobe cooked throughout.

    Turn the food only once during broiling.

    NOTE: Broil will not work if the temperatureprobe is plugged in. Never leave your probeinside the oven during a broil cycle.



    Wall Oven

    How to setthe ovenfor broiling

    Close the door. Always broil with the door closed.

    Oven Mode knob Temperature knob

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    Using the Probe for Roasting

    Wall Oven


    For many foods, especially roasts and poultry,internal food temperature is the best test fordoneness. The temperature probe takes theguesswork out of roasting by cooking foods tothe exact doneness you want.

    Use of probes other than the one provided withthis product may result in damage to the probe.

    Use the handles of the probe and plug wheninserting and removing them from the meatand oven outlet.

    To avoid damaging the probe, do not usetongs to pull on the cable when removing it.

    To avoid breaking the probe, make sure foodis completely defrosted before inserting.

    To prevent possible burns, do not unplug

    the probe from the outlet until the ovenhas cooled.

    Never leave the probe inside the ovenduring a broil or self-cleaning cycle.

    Do not store the probe in the oven.





    The temperature probe has a skewer-like probe at one end and a plug

    at the other end that goes into the outlet in the oven.

    Properplacementof the probe

    After preparing the meat and placing it onthe broiler pan grid, follow these directions forproper probe placement.

    The tip of the probe should rest in the centerof the thickest meaty part of the roast.

    The probe must be inserted completely intothe meat, up to the handle, in order for it toread the temperature properly. It should nottouch the bone, fat or gristle.

    For roasts with no bone, insert the probe intothe meatiest part of the roast. For bone-in hamor lamb, insert the probe into the center of thelowest large muscle or joint.

    Insert the probe into the center of dishes such

    as meat loaf or casseroles. When cooking fish,insert the probe from just above the gill intothe meatiest area, parallel to the backbone.

    Insert the probe into the meatiest part of theinner thigh from below and parallel to the legof a whole turkey.

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    How to setthe oven forroastingwhen using

    the probe

    1 Insert the probe into the meat.

    2 Plug the probe into the outlet in the oven.Make sure it is pushed all the way in.

    Close the oven door.3 Push the PROBE button.

    NOTE:On double wall oven models, the ovencontrol will automatically set the oven that has theprobe plugged into it.

    4 Turn the Mini-Knob to select and push itto enter the desired internal food or meattemperature. The minimum and maximuminternal temperatures for the food that youcan enter are 100F to 200F.

    PROBE will flash in the display if the probe is

    inserted into the outlet and you have not entered aprobe temperature.

    5 Turn the Oven Mode knob to BAKE.For convection roasting with the probe, seethe How to set the oven for convection roastingwhen using the probesection.

    6 Using the Temperature knob, set the desiredoven temperature, in 25F increments, from200F to 550F.

    The oven and the oven interior lights willturn on immediately and stay on until theoven is turned off.

    The convection fan will turn on (after ashort delay), the PROBE light will turn onand 100F will appear in the display. (Thetemperature display will start to change oncethe internal temperature of the meat reaches100F.)

    Using the Probe for Roasting

    Wall Oven

    Temperature knob


    Turn to select

    Push to enter

    Push to select

    Double oven display shown.

    CAUTION: To prevent possible burns, do not unplug

    the probe from the oven outlet until the oven has

    cooled. Do not store the probe in the oven.

    7 When the internal temperature of themeat reaches the number you have set,the probe and the oven turn off, END willshow in the display and the oven control willbeep. (PROBE will remain lit along with theprobe temperature.) To stop the reminderbeep, turn the Oven Mode knob and theTemperature knob to OFF or push the

    Mini-Knob. Use hot pads to remove theprobe from the food. Do not use tongsto pull on itthey might damage it.

    PROBE will flash in the display until the probe isremoved from the oven receptacle.

    To change the set internal food or meat(probe) temperature during the Roast cycle,push the PROBE button, turn the Mini-Knobto select the new temperature and push toenter it.

    You can use the timer even though you

    cannot use timed oven operations.

    Oven Mode knob

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    Using the Convection Oven

    Wall Oven


    In a convection oven, a fan circulates hot airover, under and around the food.This circulating hot air is evenly distributedthroughout the oven cavity. As a result, foodsare evenly cooked and brownedoften in less

    time with convection heat.NOTE:The convection fan will cycle on and offwhile cooking to best distribute hot air in the oven.The convection fan shuts off when the oven door isopened. DO NOT leave the door open for long periodsof time while using convection cooking or you mayshorten the life of the convection heating element.

    Cookware forconvectioncooking

    Before using your convection oven, checkto see if your cookware leaves room for aircirculation in the oven. If you are baking with

    several pans, leave space between them. Also,be sure the pans do not touch each other orthe walls of the oven.Paper and PlasticHeat-resistant paper and plastic containers thatare recommended for use in regular ovens canbe used in convection ovens. Plastic cookwarethat is heat-resistant to temperatures of 400Fcan also be used.NOTE: Do not allow any paper or plastic to comeinto contact with the upper broil element.

    Metal and GlassAny type of cookware will work in yourconvection oven. However, metal pans heat the

    fastest and are recommended for convectionbaking.Darkened or matte-finished pans will bakefaster than shiny pans.Glass or ceramic pans cook more slowly.When baking cookies, you will get the bestresults if you use a flat cookie sheet insteadof a pan with low sides.For recipes like oven-baked chicken, use a panwith low sides. Hot air cannot circulate wellaround food in a pan with high sides.


    You can use your favorite recipes in theconvection oven.When convection baking, reduce bakingtemperature by 25F. No temperatureadjustment is necessary when convectionroasting.Use pan size recommended.

    Some package instructions for frozencasseroles or main dishes have been developedusing commercial convection ovens. For bestresults in this oven, preheat the oven and usethe temperature on the package.



    When convection baking with only 1 rack,use CONV BAKE 1 RACK and for best resultsplace the rack on rack position B or C at the

    center of the oven. Cook times may decrease,so food should be checked earlier thanpackage directions to make sure that itdoes not overcook.

    Ideal for cooking large casseroles and lasagnawith good results.


    Because heated air is circulated evenlythroughout the oven, foods can be bakedwith excellent results using multiple racks.

    The amount of time required for multi-rackbaking may increase slightly for some foods,but overall time is saved because two to threetimes as much food is cooked at once.

    Cookies, muffins, biscuits and other quickbreads give good results with multi-rack baking.

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    Convection Baking is ideal for evenly brownedbaked foods cooked on single or multiple racks.

    When set on Convection Bake, the rear bakeelement and the fan operate whenever the ovenis heating.

    Turn the Oven Mode knob to CONV BAKE/1 RACK (Convection Bake 1-Rack mode) for1-rack convection baking. This mode is usedfor cooking food items on only 1 rack inconvection bake.Turn the Oven Mode knob to CONVBAKE/MULTI (Convection Bake Multimode) for multi-rack convection baking.This mode is used for cooking food items onmore than one rack (i.e. 2, 3 or more racks)at the same time in Convection Bake. See theMulti-rack convection bakingsection for moreinformation.

    Using the Temperature knob, set the desiredtemperature, in 25F increments, from 200Fto 550F.

    The oven and the oven interior lights will turnon immediately and stay on until the oven isturned off.The convection fan will turn on (after ashort delay), the PREHEAT light will turnon and 100F will appear in the display.(The temperature display will start to changeonce the oven temperature reaches 100F.)

    The control will beep when the oven ispreheatedthis will take approximately 10 to15 minutes. The PREHEAT light will turn offand the display will show the set temperature.When the PREHEAT light goes off, place foodin the oven.

    Check the food for doneness at the minimumtime on the recipe. Cook longer if necessary.

    Turn the Oven Mode knob and theTemperature knob to OFF when convectioncooking is finished.

    NOTE:A cooling fan will turn on to cool internal

    parts. This is normal, and the fan may continue torun even after the oven is turned off.

    How to setthe oven forconvectionbaking

    Oven Mode knob Temperature knob

    Type of Food Rack Position

    Biscuits (1 rack) B or C

    Biscuits (2 racks) A & C or B & D

    Muffins and Cupcakes (1 rack) B or C

    Muffins and Cupcakes (2 racks) A & C or B & D

    Cookies (1 rack) B or C

    Cookies (3 racks) A, C & E

    2-Layer Cakes (1 rack) B or C

    4-Layer Cakes (2 racks) A & C or B & D

    1 Frozen Pie (1 rack) B or C

    (on cookie sheet)2 Frozen Pies (2 racks) A & C or B & D

    (on cookie sheet)

    Casseroles (1 rack) B or C

    12 Frozen Pizza (1 rack) B or C

    212 Frozen Pizzas (2 racks) A & C or B & D

    Roasting (large cuts of meat, A, B or Cturkeys, etc.)

    Convection Baking

    Wall Oven

    The oven has 5 rack positions. See the Full extension oven rackssection for how to use, remove and replace the racks.






    NOTE: These rack positions are suggestionsuse racks which give best results. Racks A and Dare another suggestion.

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    Convection Roasting

    Wall Oven

    Convection Roasting is good for roasting largetender cuts of meat, uncovered.

    Turn the Oven Mode knob toCONVECTION ROAST.

    Using the Temperature knob, set thedesired temperature, in 25F increments,from 200F to 550F.

    The oven and the oven interior lights willturn on immediately and stay on until andthe oven is turned off.

    The convection fan will turn on (after ashort delay), the PREHEAT light will turnon and 100F will appear in the display.(The temperature display will start tochange once the oven temperaturereaches 100F.) The control will beepwhen the oven is preheatedthis willtake approximately 10 to 15 minutes.The PREHEAT light will turn off and

    the display will show the set temperature.

    Check the food for doneness at theminimum time on the recipe. Cook longerif necessary.

    Turn the Oven Mode knob andthe Temperature knob to OFF whenconvection cooking is finished.

    NOTE:A cooling fan will turn on to coolinternal parts. This is normal, and the fanmay continue to run even after the oven isturned off.

    How to setthe oven forconvectionroasting

    Oven Mode knob Temperature knob


    Using the broiler pan and grid provided, heatedair will be circulated over, under and around thefood being roasted. The heated air seals in juicesquickly for a moist and tender interior while, atthe same time, creating a rich golden brownexterior.

    When you are convection roasting, it is importantthat you use the broiler pan and grid. The pan isused to catch grease spills and the grid is used to

    prevent grease spatters and allow heated air tocirculate under the meat and increase browningon the underside of the meat or poultry.

    Place the grid on the broiler pan.


    Broiler pan

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    How to setthe oven forconvectionroasting

    with theprobe

    See the Convection roasting tipssection.

    1 Place the rack in the desired rack positionand insert the probe into the meat.

    2 Plug the probe into the outlet in the oven.

    Make sure it is pushed all the way in.Close the oven door.

    3 Push the PROBE button.

    NOTE:On double wall oven models, the ovencontrol will automatically set the oven that hasthe probe plugged into it.

    4 Turn the Mini-Knob to select and push itto enter the desired internal food or meattemperature. The minimum and maximuminternal temperatures for the food that youcan enter are 100F to 200F.

    PROBE will flash in the display if the probe isinserted into the outlet and you have not entereda probe temperature.

    5 Turn the Oven Mode knob toCONVECTION ROAST.

    6 Using the Temperature knob, set the desiredoven temperature, in 25F increments, from200F to 550F.

    The oven and the oven interior lights willturn on immediately and stay on until theoven is turned off.

    The convection fan will turn on (after ashort delay), the PROBE light will turn onand 100F will appear in the display. (Thetemperature display will start to change oncethe internal temperature of the meat reaches100F.)

    Convection Roasting with the Probe

    Wall Oven

    Temperature knobMini-KnobTurn to select

    Push to enter

    Push to select

    Double oven display shown.

    CAUTION: To prevent possible burns, do not unplugthe probe from the oven outlet until the oven has

    cooled. Do not store the probe in the oven.

    7 When the internal temperature of themeat reaches the number you have set,the probe and the oven turn off, END willshow in the display and the oven control willbeep. (PROBE will remain lit along with theprobe temperature.) To stop the reminderbeep, turn the Oven Mode knob and theTemperature knob to OFF or push theMini-Knob. Use hot pads to remove theprobe from the food. Do not use tongsto pull on itthey might damage it.

    PROBE will flash in the display until the probeis removed from the oven receptacle.

    To change the set internal food or meat(probe) temperature during the Roast cycle,push the PROBE button, turn the Mini-Knobto select the new temperature and push toenter it.

    If the probe is removed from the food beforethe final temperature is reached, a tone willsound and the display will flash until theprobe is removed from the oven.

    You can use the timer even though youcannot use timed oven operations.

    Oven Mode knob

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    Meats Minutes/Lb. Oven Temp. Internal Temp.

    Beef Rib, Boneless Rib, Rare 2024 325F 140FTop Sirloin Medium 2428 325F 160F(3 to 5 lbs.) Well 2832 325F 170F

    Beef Tenderloin Rare 1014 325F 140FMedium 1418 325F 160F

    Pork Bone-in, Boneless (3 to 5 lbs.) 2327 325F 170F

    Chops (1/2 to 1 thick) 2 chops 3035 total 325F 170F4 chops 3540 total 325F 170F6 chops 4045 total 325F 170F

    Ham Canned, Butt, Shank (3 to 5 lbs.) 1418 325F 140F(fully cooked)

    Lamb Bone-in, Boneless (3 to 5 lbs.) Medium 1720 325F 160FWell 2024 325F 170F

    Seafood Fish, whole (3 to 5 lbs.) 3040 total 400F

    Lobster Tails (6 to 8 oz. each) 2025 total 350F

    Poultry Whole Chicken (212 to 312 lbs.) 2426 350F 180185F

    Cornish Hens Unstuffed (1 to 112 lbs.) 5055 total 350F 180185F

    Stuffed (1 to 112 lbs.) 5560 total 350F 180185FDuckling (4 to 5 lbs.) 2426 325F 180185F

    Turkey, whole*Unstuffed (10 to 16 lbs.) 811 325F 180185FUnstuffed (18 to 24 lbs.) 710 325F 180185F

    Turkey Breast (4 to 6 lbs.) 1619 325F 170F

    * Stuffed birds generally require 3045 minutes additional roasting time. Shield legs and breast with foil to prevent over-browning anddrying of skin.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture says Rare beef is popular, but you should know that cooking it to only 140F means some foodpoisoning organisms may survive. (Source: Safe Food Book. Your Kitchen Guide. USDA Rev. June 1985.)

    Convection Roasting

    Wall Oven

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    Convection Broil is good for broiling fish orsmaller cuts of meat. When set at ConvectionBroil, both top elements operate wheneverheating.

    If the meat has fat or gristle around theedge, cut vertical slashes through bothabout 2 apart. If desired, the fat may be

    trimmed, leaving a layer about 1/8

    thick.Place the meat or fish on the broiler panand grid. Always use the grid so that anyfat will drip into the broiler pan; otherwisethe juices may become hot enough to catchon fire.

    Position rack in oven.

    Close the door.Always broil with the doorclosed.

    Turn the Oven Mode knob toCONVECTION BROIL.

    Turn the Temperature knob to LOWBROIL or HIGH Broil. The broilingtemperature will be automatically set. LOor HI will appear in the display dependingon the automatic broil temperatureselected.

    The oven and the oven interior lights willturn on immediately and stay on until theoven is turned off.

    The convection fan will turn on (after ashort delay).

    When broiling is finished, turn theOven Mode knob and the Temperatureknob to OFF.

    NOTE:A cooling fan will turn on to coolinternal parts. This is normal, and the fanmay continue to run even after the oven isturned off.

    The broiler does not need to be preheatedfor most broiling. However, foods that cookquickly, such as thin strips of meat or fish,may require a short preheating period of2 to 3 minutes to allow the food surface tobrown in the same time the food takes tobe cooked throughout.

    Turn the food only once during broiling.

    NOTE: Convection broil will not work ifthe temperature probe is plugged in. Neverleave your probe inside the oven during a

    broil cycle.

    Convection Broiling

    Wall Oven

    How to setthe oven forconvectionbroiling

    Close the door. Always broil with the door closed.


    You can use aluminum foil to line the broilerpan and broiler grid. However, you must moldthe foil tightly to the grid and cut slits in it justlike the grid.

    Oven Mode knobTemperature knob

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    Timed Cooking

    Wall Oven

    Timed cooking allows you to set the ovento turn on immediately, cook for a selectedlength of time and turn off automatically.

    To set the oven to turn on immediately andturn off automatically:

    NOTE: Before beginning, make sure the clockshows the correct time of day.

    To avoid possible burns, place the racksin the correct position before turning onthe oven.

    Turn the Oven Mode knob to the desiredcooking function.

    NOTE: Timed cooking cannot be set forthe Broil or Proof features.

    Using the Temperature knob,

    set the desired temperature, in 25Fincrements, from 200F to 550F.

    The oven and the oven interior lights willturn on immediately and stay on until theoven turns off.

    The convection fan will turn on (after ashort delay), the PREHEAT light will turnon and 100F will appear in the display.(The temperature display will start tochange once the oven temperature reaches100F.) The control will beep when theoven is preheatedthis will takeapproximately 10 to 15 minutes. ThePREHEAT light will turn off and thedisplay will show the set temperature.

    When the PREHEAT light goes off, placefood in the oven.

    Push the COOK TIME button.

    NOTE: If your recipe requires preheating,you may need to add additional time to thelength of cooking time (approximately 10to 15 minutes).

    Turn the Mini-Knob to select and push itto enter the desired length of cooking time.(The maximum cooking time is 9 hoursand 59 minutes. The minimum cookingtime is 1 minute.)

    The display will show COOK TIME and thecooking time countdown.

    NOTE: The cook time coundown will startimmediately.

    The oven will continue to cook for theprogrammed amount of time, then turn offautomatically.

    To recall the cook time, push the COOKTIME button. To change it, turn and push theMini-Knob.

    At the end of timed cooking, the ovenwill turn off, 0:00 will flash quickly, ENDwill show in the display and the ovencontrol will beep. To stop the reminderbeep, turn the Oven Mode knob andthe Temperature knob to OFF.


    The WARM (175 shows in the display)temperature setting of this oven is availableto keep hot cooked foods warm. Food keptin the oven longer than two hours at theselow temperatures may not be safe to eat.

    Foods that spoil easily, such as milk, eggs,fish, stuffings, poultry and pork, should notbe allowed to sit for more than one hourbefore or after cooking. Room temperaturepromotes the growth of harmful bacteria.




    Turn to select

    Push to enter

    Push to select

    Double oven display shown.

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    Timed cooking with DELAY START allowsyou to set the oven to turn on at the time of dayyou set, cook for a selected length of time andturn off automatically. DELAY START cannotbe used with the Sabbath feature.

    To delay the start of cooking:NOTE: Before beginning, make sure the clockshows the correct time of day.

    To avoid possible burns, place the racksin the correct position before turning onthe oven.

    NOTE: Timed cooking cannot be set for theBroil or Proof features.

    Push the DELAY START button. The currenttime of day will flash in the display.

    On double oven models, push theDELAY STARTbutton once to set the upper oven and twice to set thelower oven.

    Turn the Mini-Knob to select and push it toenter the time of day you want the oven toturn on and start cooking.

    Push the COOK TIME button.

    NOTE: If your recipe requires preheating, youmay need to add additional time to the length ofcooking time (approximately 10 to 15 minutes).

    Turn the Mini-Knob to select and push it

    to enter the desired length of cooking time.(The maximum cooking time is 9 hours and59 minutes. The minimum cooking timeis 1 minute.)

    Turn the Oven Mode knob to the desiredcooking function.

    Using the Temperature knob,set the desired temperature, in 25Fincrements, from 200F to 550F.

    To recall the start time, push the DELAY STARTbutton. To change it, turn and push the Mini-

    Knob. To recall the cook time, push the COOKTIME button. To change it, turn and push theMini-Knob.

    The display will return to the time of day andshow START TIME indicating the oven is set.

    When the start time is reached the oven andthe oven interior lights will turn on.

    NOTE: The cook time countdown will startwhen the delay start time is reached. The displaywill show COOK TIME and the cooking timecountdown.

    The oven will continue to cook for theprogrammed amount of time, then turn offautomatically.

    At the end of timed cooking, the ovenwill turn off, 0:00 will flash quickly, END will

    show in the display and the oven control willbeep. To stop the reminder beep, turn theOven Mode knob and the Temperatureknob to OFF.

    On double oven models, you can use timed baking inboth ovens at the same time. Turn the Oven Mode knoband the Temperature knob of the second oven to thedesired settings. Push theCOOK TIMEbutton andturn and push the Mini-Knob to enter. Push theDELAY STARTbutton and turn and push theMini-Knob to enter.


    The WARM (175 shows in the display)temperature setting of this oven is available tokeep hot cooked foods warm. Food kept in theoven longer than two hours at these lowtemperatures may not be safe to eat.

    Foods that spoil easily, such as milk, eggs, fish,stuffings, poultry and pork, should not beallowed to sit for more than one hour before orafter cooking. Room temperature promotes thegrowth of harmful bacteria.

    Timed Cooking

    Wall Oven


    Turn to select

    Push to enter

    Push to


    Double oven display shown.


    Push to


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    Wall Oven

    How to setthe oven forproofing

    The proofing feature maintains a warmenvironment useful for rising yeast-leavenedproducts.

    Place the covered dough in a dish in the

    oven on rack A.Turn the Oven Mode knob to PROOF. Thedisplay will show PrF (proof). Proofing willnot operate when oven is above 125F. Thedisplay will show too hot. Allow the oventime to cool.

    NOTE: For best results, cover the dough witha cloth or with greased plastic wrap (the plasticmay need to be anchored underneath thefront of the container so the oven fan willnot blow it off).

    The proofing feature automatically providesthe optimum temperature for the proofingprocess; therefore the Temperature knob doesnot affect the proof temperature.

    The oven interior lights cycle on and off untilthe Oven Mode knob has been turned to OFF.

    Set the TIMER for the minimum prooftime, as a reminder to check food.

    When proofing is finished, turn the OvenMode knob to OFF.

    To avoid lowering the oven temperature and

    lengthening proofing time, do not open theoven door unnecessarily.

    Check bread products early to avoidover-proofing.

    NOTE: Do not use the proofing modefor warming food or keeping food hot.The proofing oven temperature is not hotenough to hold foods at safe temperatures.

    The WARM temperature setting of thisoven is available to keep hot cooked foodswarm. Food kept in the oven longer thantwo hours at these low temperatures maynot be safe to eat.

    Oven Mode knob

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    Self-Cleaning Oven

    Wall Oven

    Before aclean cycle

    The oven door must be closed and all controlsmust be set correctly for the self-clean cycle towork properly.

    We recommend venting your kitchen withan open window or using a ventilation fanor hood during the first self-clean cycle.

    Clean soil from the frame around the ovendoor and outside the door gasket. Theseareas must be cleaned by hand.

    Do not clean the door gasket by hand as thiscould damage it.

    Wipe up excess grease and other food spillswith a damp cloth. This will minimize theamount of smoke created during self-cleaning.

    Remove all cookware, broiler pan, grid,probe and any aluminum foil from the oven.

    The oven racks may be left in the ovenduring the self-clean cycle.

    Make sure the oven light lens and lens frameare in place.

    Do not use commercial oven cleaners,abrasives or oven protectors in or near the

    self-cleaning oven.IMPORTANT: The health of some birds isextremely sensitive to the fumes given offduring the self-cleaning cycle of any oven.Move birds to another well-ventilated room.

    NOTE: Self-Clean will not work if thetemperature probe is plugged in or if theSabbath feature is set.

    On double oven models, you can set a clean cyclein both ovens at the same time. The last oven set willautomatically delay its start until the end of the firstovens clean cycle.

    On double oven models, you can use timed baking inone oven and self-clean in the other at the same time.

    Turn the Oven Mode knob to CLEAN.

    Turn the Temperature knob to CLEAN.

    The oven is set to clean for its normal cleantime of 5 hours. (If a clean time less than5 hours is needed, turn the Mini-Knob tothe clean time desired.) Push to enter it.

    You can change the clean time to any

    time between 3 and 5 hours, in 15 minuteincrements, depending on the amount of soilin your oven.

    NOTE: The Mini-Knob must be pushed for theself-clean cycle to start.

    If your oven is connected to a 208V electricalsupply, we recommend that you set your cleantime for 5 hours.

    If LOCKED flashes in the display, the self-cleancycle has been selected but the door is notclosed. Close the oven door.

    The display will show CLEAN and the cleantime remaining.

    As the oven heats to the clean temperature,the door will lock automatically. The LOCKEDlight will turn on. The display will show theclean time remaining. It will not be possibleto open the oven door until the temperaturedrops below the lock temperature and theLOCKED light goes off.

    After the clean cycle is complete andthe oven has cooled, END will show in thedisplay and the LOCKED light will turnoff. Turn the Oven Mode knob and theTemperature knob to OFF.To stop a clean cycle, turn the OvenMode knob and the Temperature knobto OFF. When the LOCKED light goes off,indicating the oven has cooled below thelocking temperature, you will be ableto open the door.

    How to setthe oven forcleaning

    Oven Mode knob Temperature knob Mini-Knob

    Turn to select

    Push to enter

    Double oven display shown.

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    After aclean cycle

    You may notice some white ash in the oven.Wipe it upwith a damp cloth after the oven cools.

    If white spots remain, remove them with warm sudsywater and rinse thoroughly with a vinegar and watermixture. These deposits are usually a salt residue thatcannot be removed by the clean cycle.

    If the oven is not clean after one clean cycle, repeatthe cycle.

    You cannot set the oven for cooking until the oven iscool enough for the door to unlock.

    How todelay thestart ofcleaning

    You can set the oven to delay the start of cleaning,clean for a selected length of time and turn offautomatically.

    NOTE: Before beginning, make sure the clock showsthe correct time of day.

    Turn the Oven Mode knob to CLEAN.

    Turn the Oven Temperature knob to CLEAN.

    The oven will be set to clean for its normal cleantime of 5 hours. (If a clean time less than 5 hoursis needed, turn the Mini-Knob to the clean timedesired.) Push to enter it.

    You can change the clean time to any time between3 and 5 hours, in 15 minute increments, dependingon the amount of soil in your oven.

    NOTE: The Mini-Knob must be pushed for theself-clean cycle to be set.

    Push the DELAY START button. The current timeof day will flash in the display.

    On double oven models, push theDELAYSTARTbutton once to set the upper oven andtwice to set the lower oven.

    Turn the Mini-Knob to select and push it to enterthe time of day you want the oven to turn on andstart cleaning.

    NOTE: The Mini-Knob must be pushed for theself-clean cycle to be set to start at the time of dayentered.

    The oven is now set to turn on at the time of day you

    set and clean for the set amount of clean time.

    If your oven is connected to a 208V electrical supply, werecommend that you set your clean time for 5 hours.

    If LOCKED flashes in the display, the self-clean cyclehas been selected but the door is not closed. Close theoven door.

    To check the start time, push the DELAY STARTbutton. To change it, turn and push the Mini-Knob.

    The display will show START TIME. When the starttime is reached, the oven will turn on automatically.

    The display will show CLEAN and the clean timeremaining.

    As the oven heats to the clean temperature, the doorwill lock automatically. The LOCKED light will turn on.

    The display will show the clean time remaining.It will not be possible to open the oven door until thetemperature drops below the lock temperature and the

    LOCKED light goes off.

    After the clean cycle is complete and the ovenhas cooled, END will show in the display andthe LOCKED light will turn off. Turn the ModeSelector and the Temperature knobs to OFF.

    To stop a clean cycle, turn the Mode Selector andthe Temperature knobs to OFF. When the LOCKEDlight goes off, indicating the oven has cooled below thelocking temperature, you will be able to open the door.

    NOTE:On double oven models, you can set a delay cleanin both ovens at the same time. Turn the Oven Mode knoband the Temperature knob of the second oven to CLEAN.

    The second oven set will automatically delay the start ofcleaning until the end of the first ovens clean cycle.

    Self-Cleaning Oven

    Wall Oven

    Temperature knobMini-KnobTurn to select

    Push to enter

    Push to


    Double oven display shown.

    Oven Mode knob

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    Clock and Control Lockout Features

    Wall Oven

    To setthe clock

    1 Push the CLOCKbutton.

    2 Turn the Mini-Knob to select the time of dayand push it to enter.

    NOTE:While setting, the time will rollaround from AM to PM.

    Clock The clock must be set for the automatic oven timingfunctions to work properly.

    The time of day clock cannotbe changedduring Delay Start. (It can be changed duringa regular bake or broil operation.)


    If a flashing time of day is in the display,you have experienced a power failure.Reset the clock.


    Allows you to lock out all controls so thatthe Oven Mode knob, Temperature knob andthe control panel buttons cannot be activatedwhen set.

    NOTE:On double oven models, this activates thisfeature for both ovens.

    To lock/unlock the controls:

    1 Push and hold the COOK TIME andDELAY START buttons at the same timefor 3 seconds until the control beeps andthe display shows Loc. After locking thecontrols, the time of day will appear in thedisplay.

    2 To unlock, push and hold the COOK TIMEand DELAY START buttons at the same time.

    (Loc will appear in the display). Hold for3 seconds until the control beeps and Locdisappears from the display.

    When this feature is on and the controls areattempted to be set, the display will show Loc.


    If locked while a cooking, cleaning or timed functionare in operation, they will be cancelled.

    The adjustment will be retained in memory after apower failure.

    Double oven display shown.

    Double oven display shown.


    Turn to select

    Push to enter

    Push to


    Push and hold at

    the same time to


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    Timer NOTE:The timer is independent of all the otherfunctions and it does not control the oven.

    You may program the timer to time cookingor other household activities for up to 11 hours

    and 59 minutes.To set the timer:

    1 Push the TIMERbutton.

    2 Turn the Mini-Knob to select the length oftime for the timer up to 11 hours and 59minutes and push to enter it.

    On double oven models, a second timer may be set bypressing theTIMERbutton twice.

    The timer display will show hours and minutescounting down 1 minute at a time from 24hours to 1 hour. It will then change to showminutes and seconds counting down until thelast minute is reached. The control will beepand the display will show seconds until thetimer counts down to :00.

    When the timer reaches :00, the controlwill beep 3 times followed by one beep every6 seconds until the TIMERbutton is pushed.

    The 6-second tone can be cancelled byfollowing the steps in Tones at the end of atimed cyclein the Special Featuressection.

    To cancel the timer:

    1 Push the TIMERbutton.

    2 Turn the Mini-Knob to :00 and push to enter.

    Timer Feature

    Wall Oven


    Turn to select

    Push to enter

    Push to select

    Double oven display shown.

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    Special Features

    Wall Oven

    Specialfeatures ofyour ovencontrol

    Your oven has additional Special Features that youmay choose to use.

    They remain in the controls memory untilthe steps are repeated. The Special Features

    will remain in memory after a power failure.Either the Oven Mode knob and/or theTemperature knob must be turnedto OFF.

    On double oven models, either the Oven Mode knob orthe Temperature knob will have to be turned to OFF foreach oven.

    NOTE:While in the Special Features mode, if the

    Mini-Knob is not pushed to enter a choice after 60seconds, the mode will be cancelled (without changes)and the time of day will return to the display.

    The following are the features and how youmay activate them.

    Tones atthe end of atimed cycle

    At the end of a timed cycle, 3 short beeps will soundfollowed by one beep every 6 seconds until theTIMERbutton is pushed. This continuous 6-second beep may becancelled. To cancel the 6-second beep:

    1 Push and hold the PROBE and DELAY START

    buttons at the same time for 4 seconds until thedisplay shows SF (Special Features).

    2 Push the TIMERbutton to choose between:con SF bEEP Continuous Beeps Reminderbeeps will sound after a timed cycle has endeduntil the TIMERbutton is pushed.SF bEEP No beeps The reminder beepsafter a timed cycle is cancelled.

    3 Push the Mini-Knob to enter your choice.

    4 Push and hold the Mini-Knob for 5 secondsto exit SF (Special Features) and return to thetime of day clock.


    You may find that your new oven cooks differently thanthe one it replaced. Use your new oven for a few weeks tobecome more familiar with it. If you still think your newoven is too hot or too cold, you can adjust the thermostatyourself.

    To adjust the oven thermostat:

    1 Push and hold the PROBE and DELAY STARTbuttons at the same time for 4 seconds until thedisplay shows SF (Special Features).

    2 Push the PROBE button. A 0 will show in thedisplay.On double wall oven models, a 0 will show inboth the upper and lower oven displays. Push thePROBEbutton a 2nd time (UPPER will show inthe display) to set the upper oven, and pushPROBEa 3rd time (LOWER will show in the display) toset the lower oven.

    3 Turn the Mini-Knob to adjust the oven

    thermostat up to 35F hotter or (-) 35F coolerin 1F increments.

    4 Push the Mini-Knob to enter your choice.

    3. Mini-


    Push to

    enter choice

    2. Push to choose.

    Double oven display shown.

    1. Push and hold at the same time to enter/exit SF.

    Double oven display shown.

    5 Push and hold the Mini-Knob for 5 secondsto exit SF (Special Features) and return to thetime of day clock.

    Do not use thermometers, such as those found ingrocery stores, to check the temperature setting of

    your oven. These thermometers may vary 2040degrees.

    NOTE:This adjustment will only affect bakingtemperatures; it does not affect broiling, convectionor self-cleaning temperatures. The adjustment willbe retained in memory after a power failure.

    3. Mini-


    Push to

    enter choice

    2. Push to choose.

    1. Push and hold at the same time to enter/exit SF.

    NOTE:On double oven models, this cancels theend-of-cycle tone for both ovens.

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    This feature allows you to adjust the tone volumes to amore acceptable volume. There are three possible volumelevels.

    1 Push and hold the PROBE and DELAYSTART buttons at the same time for4 seconds until the display shows SF(Special Features).

    2 Push the COOK TIME button to choose

    between:1 SF bEEP Quietest Beep Volume.

    2 SF bEEP Middle Beep Volume.

    3 SF bEEP Loudest Beep Volume.

    3 Push the Mini-Knob to enter your choice.

    4 Push and hold the Mini-Knob for 5 secondsto exit SF (Special Features) and return tothe time of day clock.

    NOTE:On double oven models, this activates thisspecial feature for both ovens.

    Special Features

    Wall Oven

    12-hour,24-houror clockblackout

    Your control is set to use a 12-hour clock. If youwould prefer to have a 24-hour military time clock orblack out the clock display, follow the steps below.

    1 Push and hold the PROBE and DELAY

    START buttons at the same time for4 seconds until the display shows SF(Special Features).

    2 Push the CLOCKbutton to choose between:

    12 hr 12 hour clock with AM and PM.

    24 hr 24 hour clock military time.

    OFF blacks out the clock from the disp1ay.

    3 Push the Mini-Knob to enter your choice.

    4 Push and hold the Mini-Knob for 5 secondsto exit SF (Special Features).

    NOTE:If the clock is in the black-out mode, you willnot be able to use the Delay Start function.

    Double oven display shown.

    Double oven display shown.

    3. Mini-


    Push to

    enter choice

    2. Push to choose.

    1. Push and hold at the same time to enter/exit SF.

    3. Mini-


    Push to

    enter choice

    2. Push to choose.

    1. Push and hold at the same time to enter/exit SF.

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    SabbathFeature,12-hourshut-off or

    no shut-off

    With this feature, should you forget and leave theoven on, the control will automatically turn off theoven after 12 hours during baking functions. If youwish to turn off this feature, follow the steps below.

    1 Push and hold the PROBE and DELAYSTART buttons at the same time for4 seconds until the display shows SF(Special Features).

    2 Push the DELAY START button to choosebetween:12 SF Shdn The oven will automaticallyturn off after 12 SF Shdn The oven will notautomatically turn off after 12 hours.SAbbAth Designed for use on the JewishSabbath and Holidays.The Sabbath feature can be used forbaking/roasting only. It cannot be used forconvection, broiling, self-cleaning or DelayStart cooking.When the Sabbath Feature is set, theoven light and all audible beeps will bedisabled. The feature will also provide arandom delay period, of approximately30 seconds to 1 minute, before the ovenwill turn on once it is set to BAKE.

    3 Push the Mini-Knob to enter your choice.

    4 Push and hold the Mini-Knob for 5 secondsto exit SF (Special Features) and return to

    the time of day clock.NOTE:On double oven models, this activates thisspecial feature in both ovens.

    Special Features

    Wall Oven

    Double oven display shown.

    3. Mini-


    Push to

    enter choice

    2. Push to choose.

    1. Push and hold at the same time to enter/exit SF.

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    Controlpanel andknobs

    Clean up spatters with a damp cloth. Remove

    heavier soil with warm, soapy water.Do not use abrasives of any kind on the controlpanel or knobs.

    The control knobs may be removed for easiercleaning. To remove a knob, pull it straight offthe stem. Wash the knobs in soap and water butdo not soak.


    Do not clean the broil element. Any soil willburn off when the element is heated.

    The bake element is not exposed and isunder the oven floor. If spillovers, residueor ash accumulate on the oven floor, wipeup before self-cleaning.

    Broiler panand grid

    After broiling, remove the broiler pan and gridfrom the oven. Remove the grid from the pan.Carefully pour out the grease from the pan intoa proper container. Wash and rinse the broilerpan and grid in hot water with a soap-filled orplastic scouring pad.

    If food has burned on, sprinkle the grid withdetergent while hot and cover with wet papertowels or a dishcloth. Soaking the pan willremove burned-on foods.

    The broiler pan and grid may be cleanedwith a commercial oven cleaner.

    The broiler pan and grid can also be cleanedin the dishwasher.

    Do not store a soiled broiler pan or gridanywhere in the oven.

    CAUTION: Do not clean the broiler pan or

    grid in a self-cleaning oven.


    Broiler pan



    Care and Cleaning

    Wall Oven

    NOTE: The Mini-Knob is not removable.

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    Care and Cleaning

    Wall Oven

    Oven racks The racks may remain in the oven during theself-cleaning cycle without being damaged.

    Periodically, after several self-clean cycles, theoven racks may need to be lubricated using

    the Graphite Lubrication shipped with yourwall oven. To order additional GraphiteLubrication, call our National Parts Center800.626.2002 and referenceWB02T10303.

    1 Remove rack from the oven. See theFullextension oven rackssection.

    2 Fully extend the rack on a table orcountertop. Newspaper may be placedunderneath the rack for easy clean up.

    3 If there is debris in the slide tracks, wipeit away using a paper towel. NOTE:Anygraphite lubricant wiped away must be replaced.

    4 Shake the graphite lubricant before openingit. Starting with left slide mechanism of therack, place four (4) small drops of lubricanton the two (2) bottom tracks of the slideclose to the bearing carriers.

    5 Repeat for the right slide mechanism of therack.

    6 Open and close the rack several times todistribute the lubricant.

    7 Replace the cap on the lubricant and shakeit again. Turn the rack over and repeat steps

    3, 4, 5 and 6.

    8 Close the rack, turn rack right-side-up andplace in the oven. See theFull extension ovenrackssection.

    9 Repeat above steps for each rack.

    NOTE:Do not spray with Pam or other lubricantsprays.

    Left side

    Left side

    Right side

    Right side

    Rack right-side-up

    Rack right-side-up

    Rack up-side-down

    Rack up-side-down

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    Care and Cleaning

    Wall Oven

    The door is very heavy. Be careful when removingand lifting the door.

    Do not lift the door by the handle.

    To remove the door:1 Fully open the door.

    2 Pull the hinge locks down toward the doorframe, to the unlocked position. A tool, suchas a small flat-blade screwdriver, may berequired.

    3 Firmly grasp both sides of the door at the top.

    4 Close door to the door removal position,which is most of the way and lift it up and outuntil the hinge arm is clear of the slot.

    To replace the door:

    1 Firmly grasp both sides of the door at the top.

    2 With the door at the same angle as theremoval position, seat the indentation of thehinge arm into the bottom edge of the hingeslot. The notch in the hinge arm must befully seated into the bottom of the slot.

    3 Fully open the door. If the door will not fullyopen, the indentation is not seated correctly in

    the bottom edge of the slot.4 Push the hinge locks up against the front

    frame of the oven cavity, to the lockedposition.

    5 Close the oven door.



    Hinge arm


    Bottomedge of


    Removal position

    Hinge lock


    Pull hinge locks down to unlock




    Push hinge locks up to lock

    Probe The temperature probe may be cleaned withsoap and water or a soap-filled scouring pad.Cool the temperature probe before cleaning.Scour stubborn spots with a soap-filled scouring

    pad, rinse and dry.Do not immerse the temperature probe in water.

    Do not store the temperature probe in the oven.

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    Care and Cleaning

    Wall Oven

    Oven lights Each oven is equipped with two halogen lightassemblies located on the side walls of the oven.The lights come on when the door is opened orwhen the oven is in a cooking cycle. The ovenlights do not come on during self-cleaning or

    if the Sabbath Feature is set.Each light assembly consists of a removable lightcover with two locking clips, a light compartmentwith three light bulb sockets and three halogenlight bulbs.

    CAUTION: Before replacing the bulb,disconnect electrical power to the oven at themain fuse or circuit breaker panel.

    Be sure to let the light cover and bulb coolcompletely.

    For your safety, do not touch a hot bulb with barehands or a damp cloth.

    To remove:

    Remove the racks from the oven. See theFullextension oven rackssection.

    Using an adjustable wrench, remove the fournuts holding the rack support over the lightassembly.

    Remove the glass light cover by pulling itsback edge out and rolling it toward you.Do not remove any screws.

    NOTE: The two locking clips may fall fromthe glass light cover. Upon replacement, they

    will need to be placed in the correct positionon the light cover and pressed back into thelight compartment until seated.

    Using gloves or a dry cloth, removethe burned-out light bulb by pullingit straight out.

    To replace:

    Use a new 120-volt Halogen bulb, with G8 pins,not to exceed 25 watts.

    Replacement bulbs may be purchased by calling800.626.2002. Order Part NumberWB25T10064.NOTE: Higher wattage bulbs will damage your oven.

    Using gloves or a dry cloth, remove the bulbfrom its packaging. Do not touch the bulb withbare fingers. Oil from bare fingers may cause hotspots on the glass surface and lead to prematurefailure of the bulb. If you do touch the glass,clean it with alcohol prior to installation.

    Push the bulb straight into the receptacle allthe way.

    Replace the light cover, by placing itsfront edge under the front two tabs in thelight compartment. Roll the back edge intoplace, making sure that it is firmly seated.

    NOTE: Ifthe lockingclips fellfrom theglass lens cover,hold them onthe cover, in the

    correct position,while replacing thecover on the lightcompartment.

    The light cover must be in place when usingthe oven.

    For improved lighting inside the oven,clean the glass cover frequently using a wetcloth. This should be done when the oven isoff, disconnected from the power supply, andcompletely cool.

    Replace the rack support with the slotted

    holes over the rear bolts and the round holesover the front bolts. Lightly secure with thefour nuts removed earlier, but do not over-tighten or the enamel could be chipped.

    Replace the racks. See theFull extension ovenrackssection.

    Reconnect electrical power to the oven.

    Holdlockingclips in

    place onlens coverback edge

    Press the light coverinto place

    Place frontedge of

    lens coverunder

    front twotabs




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    To cleanthe door

    Inside of the door:

    Because the area inside the gasket is cleanedduring the self-clean cycle, you do not need toclean this by hand. Any soap left on the liner

    causes additional stains when the oven isheated, so be sure to rinse thoroughly.

    The area outside the gasket can be cleanedwith a soap-filled scouring pad.

    Do not rub or clean the door gasketthe fiberglass material of the gasket has anextremely low resistance to abrasion. An intactand well-fitting oven door gasket is essentialfor energy-efficient oven operation and goodbaking results. If you notice the gasketbecoming worn, frayed or damaged inany way or if it has become displaced on

    the oven, you should have it replaced.

    Outside of the door:

    Depending on your model, see the Stainlesssteel surfacessection or the Painted surfacessection.

    Care and Cleaning

    Wall Oven

    Painted surfaces include the door, topof the control panel and the drawer front.Clean these with soap and water or a vinegarand water solution.

    Do not use commercial oven cleaners, cleaningpowders, steel wool or harsh abrasives on anypainted surface.

    Paintedsurfaces(on somemodels)

    Do not use a steel-wool pad; it will scratch thesurface.

    To clean the stainless steel surface, usewarm sudsy water or a stainless steel cleaner or

    polish. Always wipe the surface in the directionof the grain. Follow the cleaner instructions forcleaning the stainless steel surface.

    To inquire about purchasing stainless steelappliance cleaner or polish, or to find thelocation of a dealer nearest you, please call ourtoll-free number, 800.626.2002 or visit

    Stainless steelsurfaces (onsome models)

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    OVEN WILL NOT A fuse in your home may be blown or the circuit breaker tripped.WORK The oven controls are not properly set.

    The oven controls are set for cleaning. If necessary, allow the oven to cool;then open the door.

    Make sure the Oven Mode knob is set to BAKE and the Temperature knobis set to a temperature.OVEN LIGHT(S) The light bulb is