us cap-and-trade program: options for compliance

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  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst

    A US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options or Compliance



    POINT CARBON RESEARCH All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon


    North America

    2 Executive summary

    2 Introduction

    2 Sizing up the gap

    6 Compliance options10 Market implications

    12 Conclusion

    13 Contacts

    Assessing the Impact o the Reces-sion on US GHG Emissions

    A Post-2012 Global Climate Change

    Agreement What Role or International Forestry

    and REDD credits

    The Emission-to-Cap in the cap and trade program proposedby Rep. Waxman would be 205 million tons in 2012, growing to1.4 billion tons by 2020.

    This gap could be cut in hal i complementary policiespromoting clean energy and energy efciency standards arealso passed. The long term impact o the economic recessioncoupled with ambitious policies could create a long market or

    the rst compliance period.

    In 2012, the domestic osets supply will be too scarce to fllin the gap. Certied Emission Reductions (CERs) could helpmeet the gap, placing US acilities in competition against other

    international buyers.

    In 2016, because o the limited domestic oset supply, some

    uel switching may be needed, rapidly pushing prices up.

    To remedy high prices, we anticipate the development o anew international oset programs, where sectoral and REDDcredits could play a much larger role.

    In 2020, a large reliance on uel switching would bring pricesup over $50 a ton. These high prices would render economicallyattractive most other compliance options, including purchases

    o international allowances and a wide range o internal

    abatement measures

    April 2, 2009

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    2 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    This report provides an overview o compliance options

    under a US cap-and-trade program using the discussiondrat proposed by Rep. Waxman on March 31st, 2009.

    We rst estimate the size o the emission-to-cap (E-t-C),

    or the dierence between projected US greenhouse gas

    emissions and the cap this is the amount by which

    covered entities collectively will have to reduce their

    emissions to comply with the carbon limits. We estimate

    this gap at 205 million tons in 2012, growing to 1.4 bn

    tons in 2020, i business-as-usual projections ollow the

    path orecasted by the Energy Inormation Agency.

    The bill includes a wide array o complementary

    policies to reduce emissions, notably a renewable

    electricity standard, an energy eciency standard, and

    improvements to uel economy and carbon-intensity otransportation uels. These policies could cut the E-t-C in

    hal, reducing the gap to 87 million tons in 2012, a mere

    1.2 percent o the total cap. Coupled with the eect o

    the economic recession, the program could start long in

    the rst compliance period (2012-2013). We orecast the

    2020 gap at roughly 760 million tons, 15 percent o the

    cap that year.

    We then investigate the main compliance options or

    lling this gap: osets and internal emission reductions.

    The bill authorizes 2 bn oset credits or compliance,

    evenly split between domestic and international osets.

    Domestic osets will likely constitute the least expensivecompliance option, but with a pipeline currently below

    20 million tons per year, we oresee a shortage o these


    International osets are also unlikely to ll in their quotas,

    although we orecast a potential supply o Certied

    Emission Reductions (CERs) o over 700 million tons

    globally in 2015. US acilities would have to compete

    with European emitters and Kyoto countries or these

    credits. Other orms o international osets could be

    developed, notably sector-based credits and Reduced

    Emissions rom Deorestation and orest Degradation

    (REDD) credits and help make up the shortall.

    In terms o internal abatement, uel switching has the

    largest potential aside rom energy eciency. The

    cost o uel switching can rise rapidly depending on uel

    prices. A high price o carbon would trigger a negativeeedback loop and incentivize other internal abatement

    measures, such as industrial energy eciency,

    improvement to chemical processes, etc. This would

    bring prices back down to a level where uel switching is

    the most economical available option.

    High carbon prices would also create an incentive to

    link with other carbon markets, such as the European

    or the Australian emission trading systems. LInkages

    with other markets would not necessarily bring prices

    down but could help dampen price volatility.

    Executive summary

    IntroductionThe prospects or a carbon market in

    the US are looking better by the day.

    Lawmakers in Congress are actively

    discussing a climate bill, and hopes

    are high that cap-and-trade legislation

    may be passed by the end o the


    This issue o Carbon Market Analyst

    North America looks at complianceoptions under a US cap-and-trade

    program. We rst estimate the size

    o the emission-to-cap (E-t-C), or

    the dierence between projected

    emissions under a business-as-usual

    (BAU) scenario and the cap, and then

    investigate the main compliance

    options to close this gap: osets and

    internal emission reductions.

    This report provides an analysis o

    supply and demand dynamics under

    a US cap-and-trade program and sets

    up the conceptual ramework or

    price ormation in a uture US carbon


    We provide snapshots o three

    milestone years during the rst

    decade o the program - 2012,

    2016 and 2020 - and discuss which

    compliance option is likely to be

    preerred in each o these years.

    We look at the carbon price range

    involved and implications or the

    carbon market, assuming no major

    technological breakthrough occurs in

    this time rame.

    Sizing up the gapUnder a compliance program,

    demand or emission reductions is

    derived rom the gap between the

    emission cap established by the

    government and actual emissionsrom covered sources.

    Setting the cap

    In the White House budget proposal

    released February 27, President

    Obama stated his reduction targets

    14 percent below 2005 levels by

    2020; 83 percent below 2005 levels

    Hopes are high thatcap-and-trade leg-islation will pass by

    the end o the year

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    3 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    by 2050. More recently, on March

    31st, Representative Waxman (D-

    CA) and Markey (D-MA) released adiscussion drat setting even more

    ambitious medium-term targets

    starting in 2012 at 3 percent below

    2005 levels, declining to 20 percent

    below 2005 levels by 2020 and 80

    percent below 2005 levels by 2020

    (see Figure 1 and Table 1). While

    these targets may change in the nal

    climate bill, we take them as the

    best available indication o the depth

    o the cuts to be expected and use

    them in this analysis.

    We also use the scope proposed

    in the Waxman discussion drat, an

    economy-wide coverage o all sectors

    except or waste and agriculture.

    Some sectors are phased into the

    program over the rst years, creating

    steps in the curves representing the

    cap and the emissions rom coveredsectors in Figure 1.

    The sector phase in provision means

    only 68.2 percent o US emissions

    are covered in 2012-2013, but this

    number increases to 75.7 percent in

    2014-2016 when industrial acilities

    are phased in, to eventually reach

    its maximum at 84.5 percent in 2016

    as the requirement extends to local

    distribution companies. The scope

    remains at 84.5 percent o total

    emissions through the rest o the


    Business as usual emissions

    We use with the business as usual

    (BAU) emissions projections, which

    illustrate the path US greenhouse gas

    emissions levels are expected to take

    given existing environmental policies

    and regulations. The projections are

    based on the US Energy Inormation

    Agencys (EIA) Annual Energy

    Outlook released in December 2008.

    BAU emissions or the US as a whole

    are projected to increase rom 7,294

    million tons (mt) in 2012 to 7,380 mt

    in 2020, a 1.2 percent growth.

    These projections account or

    the new Corporate Average Fuel

    Economy (CAFE) and the renewable

    uel standard passed in theDecember 2007 Energy bill. They

    also include the reductions rom

    existing state renewable portolio

    standards. In Figure 1 we chart total

    US emissions (top dotted line) and

    emissions rom covered sources only

    (solid line) against the cap.


    As shown in Table 1, we nd that in

    2012, covered sources will have an

    estimated annual emission-to-cap(E-t-C) shortall o approximately

    205 MmtCO2e, or 4.1 percent o

    BAU projections, total

    US emissions

    BAU projections,

    covered sectors Cap



    2012 7 294 4 975 4 770 205

    2013 7 301 4 979 4 666 313

    2014 7 273 5 506 5 058 448

    2015 7 282 5 513 4 942 571

    2016 7 307 6 175 5 391 784

    2017 7 336 6 199 5 261 938

    2018 7 364 6 223 5 132 1 091

    2019 7 378 6 235 5 002 1 233

    2020 7 380 6 236 4 873 1 363

    2030 7 894 6 671 3 533 3 138

    Table 1: E-t-C in the Waxman-Markey drat proposal























    Business-as-usual projections, total US emissions

    Business-as-usual emissions from covered sectors

    Waxman reduction targets from covered sectors

    Figure 1: Emission-to-Cap in the Waxman-Markey proposal

    Waxman sets ambi-tious medium andlong term emission

    reduction targets

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    4 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    speed at which the economy will

    recover rom the current recession is


    We do not attempt to capture thispotential recession eect on US

    emission levels but consider possible

    that emissions would be lower than

    projected during the rst years o

    the program. This would reduce the

    gap between emissions and the cap

    even urther. The eects on long term

    emissions, however, would probably

    be negligible.

    Proposed Policies

    In addition to the eects o the

    economic slowdown, US GHGemissions, and thereore the E-t-C,

    could look dramatically dierent i

    some urther energy command-and-

    control measures are passed ahead

    o or in conjunction with legislation

    establishing a cap-and-trade

    program. Such regulations are under

    discussion and would have a large

    eect on long term GHG emission

    their estimated BAU emissions.

    This gap is anticipated to increase

    to approximately 571 million tons by2015 and up to nearly 1.4 billion tons

    by 2020. The shortall in 2020 is then

    22 percent o BAU emissions rom

    covered sectors.

    Lower Emissions?Actual emissions will likely be lower

    than even the most recent EIA

    orecasts because o recently-passed

    policies, proposed policies, and the

    impact o the economic recession.

    Enacted Policies

    The Obama administration has

    passed important policies and large

    investment programs in the past

    two months, notably the American

    Recovery and Reinvestment Act,

    better known as the stimulus bill, and

    the proposed 2010 ederal budget.

    Both packages contain signicant

    investments in clean energy and

    energy eciency, and could by one

    groups estimate reduce business-

    as-usual emissions by 61 million tons

    annually rom 2012 onwards (see

    Textbox 2).

    Furthermore, the Annual Energy

    Outlook projections, dated December

    2008, likely do not ully account or

    the deepening economic downturn

    and its lasting eect on greenhouse

    gas (GHG) emission levels. Analyses

    o the recessions eect on Europes

    emissions have estimated close to

    six percent reduction in emissions

    rom 2007 to 2008, partially due to

    decreased industrial output rom

    energy-intensive sectors such as

    cement and pulp and paper. The

    levels in the US. Two sectors are the

    most likely targets or broad-reaching

    regulations: the power sector and

    the transportation sector. New

    climate-oriented regulations in bothsectors would evoke large amounts

    o emission reduction.

    Power sector

    A national renewable electricity

    standard (RES), mandating that a

    minimum percentage o electricity be

    generated rom renewable energy, is

    under discussion in Congress and

    could be passed as early as this

    summer. A proposal introduced by

    Sen. Bingaman (D-NM) early 2009

    would require that 20 percent oelectricity sold in the US come rom

    renewable sources by 2025. A similar

    bill proposed by Rep. Markey aims

    or 25 percent renewables by 2025.

    This provision was included in the

    Waxman-Markey drat and would

    reduce emissions by an estimated

    57 mt in 2012, growing to 279 mt by

    2020 (see Textbox 2).

    Many studies show the potential savings rom energy eciency most recently,McKinseys report Reducing US Greenhouse Gas Emissions: How Much at WhatCost? announced close to one billion tons o GHG emissions could be reducedrom energy eciency measures alone, at a cost o zero or less (negative cost, i.e.a net saving). I this is true, why do we even need energy eciency standards?

    Economically, energy eciency appears to be an obvious investment, yet the shitstoward better-insulated buildings and ultra low-energy appliances are not occurringon the massive scale that their economic protability would suggest. Three typeso hurdles typically get in the way o eciency improvements according to energyeciency experts Arthur Roseneld and Paul Stern. First, structural issues, like thetenant/landlord dilemma, prevent useul investments rom taking place becausethe decision-makers and the beneciaries are disconnected. Second, the economicprotability o eciency investments is not always as clear cut as economic theorywould imply. Discount rates (the time-value o money) and interest rates aced by

    individuals can be signicantly higher than those used by economists in calculatingthe worth o energy eciency investments. Finally, individuals and companies donot always behave rationally in the economic sense and may elect to keep pricierincandescent light bulbs because they preer the quality and color o the light to thato cost-savings compact fuorescent lights.

    Because economic rationality is oten not enough to trigger these energy eciencyinvestments, standards and public action are needed to overcome structural andnancial hurdles. Cap-and trade can also trigger some energy eciency investments,but only i carbon prices are high enough to make a large dierence on the energybill.

    Textbox 1: Energy efciency: the answer to it all?

    BAU projections donot ully account orthe deepening eco-

    nomic downturn

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    5 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    Energy eciency standards are

    also being discussed in Congress.

    The Save American Energy Act,introduced by Rep. Markey (D-MA)

    and Sen. Schumer (D-NY) establishes

    a ederal energy eciency resource

    standard, requiring utilities to

    reduce electricity demand by 15

    percent and natural gas demand by

    10 percent by 2020. This mandate

    could lower emissions by 39 mt in

    2015, increasing to 262 million tons

    by 2020 according to the ACEEE (see

    Textbox 2). Other measures included

    in the drat bill promote appliance

    eciency standards, improved

    building eciency standards, etc.and would also reduce emissions.

    Transportation sector

    President Obama lists two key

    measures or the transportation sector

    in his energy agenda: increasing uel

    eciency standards and passing alow-carbon uel standard (LCFS). As

    a Senator, Barack Obama supported

    the Fuel Economy Reorm Act, which

    proposed a our per cent per year uel

    economy improvement beginning in

    2009 or passenger cars and 2012 or

    light trucks. The proposed LCFS set

    targets o uel carbon-intensity at 10

    percent below 2005 levels by 2020.

    The National Commission on Energy

    Policy has estimated the combined

    eect o both proposals at 550 million

    tons worth o reductions by 2020.

    The Waxman-Markey bill contains an

    LCFS provision that only takes eect

    when the Renewable Fuel Standard

    ends, in 2022, and mandates the

    EPA to harmonize uel eciency

    standards building on Caliornias

    tailpipe emission standards (the

    Pavley bill), but does not set

    specic targets.

    E-t-C Stimulus RES Energy Efciency New E-t-C

    2012 205 61 57 0 87

    2013 313 61 52 5 195

    2014 448 61 104 18 265

    2015 571 61 103 39 368

    2016 784 61 156 58 508

    2017 938 61 151 88 638

    2018 1,091 61 220 117 693

    2019 1,233 61 210 214 747

    2020 1,363 61 279 262 761

    Table 2: Eect o mandated emission reductions on E-t-C

    All numbers in million metric tons o CO2e

    Smaller gap long market?

    We account or the emission

    reduction potential o the big ticket

    items in the Waxman-Markey bill and

    estimate the size o the new gap in

    the short and medium-term, up to

    year 2020. Hence we exclude the

    eects o transportation policies,

    as the main measures are either

    unspecied or only take eect ater

    Compliance period Annual E-t-C

    2012-2013 141

    2014-2015 316

    2016-2017 573

    2018-2019 720

    2020 761

    Table 3 -E-t-C by compliance periodThe E-t-C could behalved by comple-mentary energy pro-

    visions in the climate bill

    Reduction orecasts or the stimulus bills are drawn rom an analysis commissionedby Greenpeace in January 2009. Consultancy ICF evaluated sixteen energy,environment, transportation and technology provisions included in the initialEconomic Stimulus Package and quantied the expected emission reductions romeach o them.

    The emission reductions rom renewable electricity standards are detailed in aPoint Carbon report dated February 23, 2009: Greenhouse Gas Reductions romRenewable Electricity Standards.

    For energy eciency, we used the American Council or an Energy EciencyEconomy (ACEEE) report: Laying the Foundation or Implementing a Federal Energy

    Eciency Resource Standard, published March 18, 2009.

    Our estimate or transportation is based on a memo dated June 2007 by the NationalCommission on Energy Policy and the International Council or Clean Transportation.The study quanties reductions rom a low carbon uel standard (LCFS) and the FuelEconomy Reorm Act and nds the combined measures would yield 550 milliontons by 2020. This orecast is likely overestimated because it does not account orthe Energy bill passed later that year and uses the 2007 AEO BAU orecast.

    Point Carbon does not support or promote any o the policies studied, nor does itassociate with the policy positions rom the authors o these studies.

    Textbox 2: Sources or Emission Reduction Estimates

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    6 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    2023. As shown in Table 2 and Figure

    2, the new E-t-C is roughly halved by

    the complementary policies, leavingonly hal the initial gap to be reduced

    by market orces.

    Another way to look at these numbers

    is by compliance period (Table 3). The

    Waxman-Markey bill establishes two-

    year compliance periods, allowing

    companies to borrow and bank rom

    one year to the other within the two-

    year periods. By smoothing out the

    dierences created by the phase-in

    provision, compliance periods provide

    a clearer picture o the reduced but

    growing gap over the rst nine yearso the program.

    Because the E-t-C constitutes such

    a small percentage (2-5 percent) o

    the total cap rom 2012 to 2014, it

    is possible that the program could

    actually be over-allocated in its earlyyears. Should the impact o the

    recession be lasting on emission

    levels, and should the transportation

    provisions yield early reductions, US

    emissions could be lower by a ew

    hundred million tons, potentially

    making the system long. This over-

    allocation would be unlikely to last

    because o the steeply declining cap

    and thereore would not threaten the

    long-term integrity o the program.

    Conversely, the orecasts could

    be overestimating the expected

    reductions rom the policies by

    using an outdated baseline, or

    because o overlap between the

    policies - making the sum less than

    the parts. In this case the gap would

    be larger and a larger role let to


    Compliance OptionsWe now turn to compliance options:

    ways to ll the gap between actual

    emissions and the cap, under a price-

    driven, market-based mechanism.

    Companies regulated under a cap-

    and-trade program typically ace

    three main compliance options:

    reduce their own emissions

    (internal abatement);

    purchase allowances;

    buy oset credits.

    Economic theory warrants that

    companies will opt or the least cost

    option rst, moving up the marginal

    abatement cost curve until their

    emissions match their allowances.

    In other words, a company will only

    attempt to reduce its emissions

    i it anticipates that doing so willcost less than buying osets or

    allowances. I the market unctions

    without distortions, allowance prices

    should refect the marginal cost o


    We take a closer look at the

    compliance options most likely to

    be on the margin: osets and uel

    switching. For each we oer, to the

    extent possible, a volume and price


    Buying osets: the cheap wayout?

    Osets are emission reduction

    credits rom project-based activitiesthat can be used to meet compliance

    as a supplement or alternative to

    reducing ones own emissions. The

    use o osets is usually subject to

    a quantitative limit, or quota, known

    as supplementarity. The Waxman-

    Markey bill sets a very large ceiling

    or osets o up to 2 bn tons annually,

    evenly split between domestic and

    international osets.

    The total amount o osets allowed

    into the system is roughly 1.5 bn tons

    per year rom 2012 to 2015, then 1.7bn rom 2016 to 2020, amounting

    to 30% o the cap in average. The

    drat bill also suggests a 20 percent

    discount rate or oset credits,

    calling or 1.25 oset credits to claim

    one ton o CO2e (one allowance).

    Domestic osets

    The oset market is developing ast

    Figure 2: Whats let to markets?


















    RES Energy Efficiency StimulusThe Waxman-Markeybill sets a generousceiling o up to 2 bn

    tons or osets

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    7 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    in the US, largely in anticipation o

    a regulated market. Point Carbons

    oset database Carbon Project

    Manager North America lists mostoset projects in the US and Canada.

    The current pipeline o projects is

    about 20 mt annually in 2012.

    Not all oset credits currently traded

    on the voluntary markets would

    qualiy under a compliance program,

    however. Restrictions on project

    types and quality would likely weed

    out a signicant number o projects,

    rom which oset credits are currently

    generated. Projects in capped sectors

    (such as energy eciency) would not

    qualiy as osets anymore but asinternal abatement.

    The Waxman-Markey bill does not

    establish an exhaustive list o eligible

    project types. We use elements

    rom previous cap-and-trade bills to

    distinguish between projects likely

    to make the cut or not, and conclude

    that ve oset type categories are

    Figure 3: US carbon oset pipeline with likely eligibility







    y2000 y2001 y2002 y2003 y2004 y2005 y2006 y2007 y2008 y2009 y2010 y2011 y2012








    Fuel Switching

    Energy Efficiency

    Renewable Energy

    Industrial Processes




    Soil Sequestration

    Fugitive Emissions/CMM

    Agricultural Waste

    Landfill Gas


    most likely to qualiy under a ederal

    compliance program: agricultural

    waste, orestry, ugitive emissions

    (coal mine methane), landll gas

    and soil sequestration. (See our

    previous report, US Osets: Outlook

    or Supply and Demand, published

    January 22, 2009, or more details).

    As illustrated in Figure 3, only about

    hal o the projected volume would

    qualiy i screening out the non-

    eligible projects, bringing the supply

    to about 10 mt in 2012.

    Could US osets ever come close

    to lling the E-t-C gap? It is highly

    unlikely, i not impossible. Even

    though we anticipate investment in

    osets to rise sharply as the beginning

    o the cap-and-trade program nears,

    the increase in available credits is

    unlikely to get even near the limit. US

    oset supply will be constrained by

    sheer physical limitations - there are

    only so many sites (landlls, arms,

    and elds) that could potentially

    qualiy and host oset projects. I

    osets are discounted at a ratio o

    5 to 4 as suggested in the Waxman

    bill, the amount o credits would be

    even less adequate. The suggested 1

    billion ton limit on domestic osets in

    the bill hence sets a theoretical limit

    on demand, but the real limitation

    will be on the supply side.

    The role o domestic osets will bedetermined by how they compare

    nancially to other compliance

    options. Current average over-the-

    counter oset prices vary rom $4.00

    to $9.00 a ton depending on project

    types and certications, and CCAR

    utures (Dec12 delivery) trade at

    roughly $7.00 a ton on the Chicago

    Climate Futures Exchange.

    It is highly unlikely

    US osets could evercome close to lling

    the E-t-C gap

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    8 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    International osets

    In addition to domestic osets,international osets are also likely

    to qualiy as a compliance option in

    the US. Again, the Waxman-Markey

    bill allows up to one billion tons in

    international osets or compliance.

    The dynamics or international

    credits are much more complex, as

    US emitters will be competing with

    entities covered by the EU Emission

    Trading Scheme and parties to the

    Kyoto protocol or those reduction


    The current international oset

    system is the Clean Development

    Mechanism (CDM) and Joint

    Implementation (JI) under the Kyoto

    Protocol. Point Carbons database

    Carbon Project Manager anticipates

    that around 1,850m Certied

    Emission Reductions (CERs, credits

    rom CDM projects) and Emission

    Reduction Units (ERUs, credits

    EUAs (Europe)AEUs


    2012 15 ($19) A$21.75($14.50)

    2015 48 ($63) A$23.25($15.50)

    2020 48 ($63) Not available

    Table 4 - International allowances

    2012 prices are uture prices traded onthe exchange (2011/12 or Australia)Point Carbon orecast or Phrase 3 EUETS prices and traded 2012/13 uturesor the Australian CPRS

    rom JI projects), will be issued by

    2012. Ater 2012, the orecast is

    much more uncertain (see Textbox3), as the uture o the CDM will

    be renegotiated in Copenhagen in

    December 2009. However, given

    Point Carbons main policy scenario

    or post-2012, CER volumes could

    increase to 715 mt in 2015, beore

    down to 75 mt in 2020 (see our CMA

    The Future of the CDM: Supply

    Forecast to 2022, November 26,


    Prices will play a determining

    actor in the nal use o CERs.

    Secondary CERs (Dec12 delivery)are orecasted by Point Carbon at

    21 ($28) and usually track European

    Union Allowances (EUAs) at a

    discount. I EUA prices are higher

    than a US allowance price, the use o

    international osets will be secure in

    Europe - but i EUA prices are close

    to US prices, US emitters could have

    a shot at securing some o these


    International negotiations are

    increasingly ocusing on two new

    types o international credits:reduced and avoided deorestation

    (REDD) projects and sectoral credits

    (see Textbox 3). The Waxman-Markey

    bill signals a strong interest in both

    credit types by allowing their use or

    compliance. Sectoral credits are still

    at an early design stage but enjoy

    strong political support on both sides

    o the Atlantic (see Textbox 2 and our

    Analyst Update: ECs sector crediting

    proposal, rom March 19, 2009).

    REDD also enjoy political support but

    ace with major challenges related

    to accounting, monitoring, and

    enorcement. We have no indication

    o volume or prices or either o these

    mechanisms, but we expect they will

    play a large role in compliance post-


    The uture o the CDM will be renegotiated in Copenhagen in December 2009, in an attempt to address concerns about thequality o projects, the countries where they are located, and eorts to redene eligible project types. An important source osupply uncertainty stems rom the discussion on project types and reorming the approval process. Stricter approval criteriacould lead to a dwindling o the supply, possibly matched by tough import limits by the EU ETS in Phase 3.

    Another source o uncertainty comes rom the act that countries currently hosting most o the CDM projects China, India,

    Mexico, South Korea, etc. might take on mandatory targets ater 2012 in a successor agreement to Kyoto, which wouldend the supply o oset credits coming rom those countries. The emissions reduced by CDM projects taking place in thosecountries would then count toward the respective countrys achievement o its emission reduction obligation. This expectationthat more countries will take on legally binding reduction commitments post-2012 explains the dramatic all in supply between2015 and 2020.

    CERs could be replaced by sectoral credits, a proposed mechanism based on a no-lose target or a set o industrial installationsin advanced developing countries. Under this proposal, the group o installations, ideally covering a whole industrial sector,would have an emission target below its business-as-usual emissions. I it reduces emissions below the target, it will be givencredits equal to the dierence between the target and actual emissions. But there would be no penalty i the targets are notmet. The mechanism is anticipated to generate larger volumes o reduction credits than the CDM.

    Textbox 3: Wither the Clean Development Mechanism?

    Sectoral credits enjoystrong political sup-port on both sides o

    the Atlantic

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    9 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    International allowances

    The Waxman bill also permitsemitters to use allowances rom

    other emission trading programs

    or compliance. Until recently, this

    would have applied to the EU ETS

    exclusively, but the implementation

    o a carbon pollution reduction

    scheme by 2010 in Australia, as

    well as the expectation that other

    countries (New Zealand, South

    Korea) may ollow suit, opens up new


    Volumes are potentially large, since

    the entire pool o allowances rom the

    other trading programs could be used

    or compliance. The Waxman-Markey

    bill does not set any limitation on the

    use o international allowances or

    compliance, so that the limitation is

    more likely to come rom prices.

    At current prices, European Union

    Allowances (EUAs) and Australian

    Emission Units (AEUs) could

    constitute an attractive compliance

    option. Figure 4 plots prices or EUA

    utures (Dec 12 delivery). However,

    Point Carbon anticipates prices will

    increase in the EU ETS, as the cap

    or its next compliance phase (Phase

    3, 2013-2020) is very strict. We

    orecast prices at 42 in 2013 and

    48 on average over the whole phase

    (assuming no linkage with the US).

    To conclude domestic osets will

    not ll much o the gap as they are in

    short supply. US osets are currently

    the least cost option but this might

    change i we see the same trend

    as in the CDM market. CERs are

    priced based on their value in use

    (i.e. as substitutes or EUAs) and not

    based on marginal production costs.

    US osets would then track US

    allowance prices at a discount.

    The role o international osets is

    more uncertain. The CDM may not

    be the right vehicle or the long term

    supply o credits to the US market. I

    an agreement is ound in Copenhagen

    on sectoral credits and / or on REDD,

    these would likely constitute the bulk

    o the credit fow into the US.

    International allowances could play

    a large role i the various emission

    trading programs establish linkages

    allowing ree trade rom one program

    to the other.

    Internal Abatement

    We now consider ways to reduce

    emissions or large compliance

    players, internal abatement.

    As the import limits o osets and

    international allowances are de acto

    almost unlimited, the split between

    oset credits and internal abatement

    as compliance option will mainly

    depend on prices.

    Emitters have many emission

    reduction options, including

    Our analysis o the role o international allowances assumes that US emitters couldpurchase allowances rom Europe or Australia, but that the reverse is not true. In thelong term, however, one could oresee increasingly integrated global markets whereallowances would be reely traded rom one compliance program to another. TheEuropean Commission suggested in a recent Communication that it ambitioned tosee an OECD-wide market - including all major industrialized countries by 2015.

    I there are no restrictions on the use o allowances in other markets, this wouldlead to a global, unique carbon price. In practice, countries are likely to set a limit,or quota, on how many oreign allowances can be used or compliance creatingdierent subsets o prices.

    Even i direct trading o allowances is not allowed, international osets couldindirectly link dierent programs, as emitters in each country would be competingor the same credits. Hence policy developments abroad could play a role in price

    ormation and market dynamics in the US in the medium to long term.

    Textbox 4: Towards a global market?

    Figure 4: EUA uture prices





























    EUA 2012

    The limitation on the

    use o internationalallowances will come

    rom prices

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    10 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    improvement o industrial processes,

    reducing methane leaks in pipelines

    and rening, limiting the use o high

    global warming potential (GWP)

    gases fuorocarbon gases, etc. We

    ocus on uel switching exclusively

    because it is more likely to deliverlarge numbers o emission reductions

    and thus be on the margin.

    Fuel switching

    Large reductions can come rom the

    power sector: as the price o carbon

    penalizes more carbon-intensive

    uels (coal, petroleum) than natural

    gas or carbon-ree generation, the

    economics start working in avor o

    the less carbon-intensive uels (see

    our report The Power o Carbon, June

    2008 or a detailed analysis o this


    The amount o reductions at any

    given carbon price varies with the

    relative price o the uels. Point

    Carbon created a simplied model

    to evaluate the amount o reductions

    associated with uel switching rom

    coal to gas by applying a carbon price

    to the electric generation feet by

    region. Switching varies by region,

    but the model assumes that price

    would trigger the switch regardless

    o any technical impediments.

    Figures 5a and 5b show emissions

    reductions rom uel switching in

    $5 increments. Figure 5a uses spot

    uel prices rom March 2009 ($4.35

    natural gas, $49 coal, $63 SO2, $625

    Nox) while Figure 5b plots the uel

    switching curve using uture prices

    or December 2012 delivery, as o

    March 24, 2009 ($7.45 natural gas,$67 coal, $35 SO2, $650 Nox.)

    The gures illustrate the extreme

    sensitivity o uel switching to actual

    uel prices. A carbon price o $10 a

    ton yields over 120 mt o reductions

    in GHG emissions in one case, and

    a mere 10 mt in the other. I natural

    gas is relatively more expensive than

    coal, it takes a higher carbon price

    to make the switch economical on

    power markets.

    Fuel switching has a potential or large

    volumes o emission reductions.

    However, i coal prices are low, the

    carbon price needed to realize this

    potential can climb very rapidly, as

    seen in Figure 5b. I uel switching is

    expensive and is setting prices on the

    carbon market, it will provide a strong

    signal or emitters to look into other

    internal abatement measures. These

    abatement measures would create

    a negative eedback loop that would

    eventually pull back down prices,

    to the point where uel switching

    is more economical than any other

    abatement strategy.

    Market Implications

    Price ormation

    Prices on the carbon market are set,

    like those o other commodities,

    by the intersection o supply and

    demand. Figure 6 represents a

    conceptual marginal abatement cost

    curve. In this example, we assume

    US Fuel switching curvefuel spot prices







    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

    Million tons CO2e




    Figure 5: Fuel switching curve in the US, spot and 2012 uture prices

    We use NYMEX spot and 2012 uture uel prices as o March 24, 2009

    US Fuel switching curve

    future fuel prices (2012 delivery)







    0 50 100 150 200 250

    Million tons CO2e




    Reductions rom uel

    switching are ex-tremely sensitive to

    uel prices

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    11 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    domestic osets are the lowest

    cost compliance option, ollowed by

    international osets. Fuel switching

    (internal abatement) comes next,with international allowances at the

    higher end o the range.

    The demand intersects the marginal

    abatement curve at 205 million

    tons (the 2012 E-t-C without

    complementary policies), calling

    or some amount o uel switching

    and bringing prices to around $30

    a ton. Should energy eciency and

    renewable electricity standards be

    adopted, the demand curve would be

    lower, and would intersect the MAC

    curve at 87 million tons. Internationalosets would be on the margin, no

    uel switching would be needed, and

    prices would be below $15 a ton.

    Conversely, as the size o the E-t-C

    gap grows over time, the demand

    curve will shit to the right because

    emitters will need more allowances

    to cover a greater shortall. This will

    push prices up the uel switching

    curve i no other type o reduction

    takes place. As discussed above, the

    MAC curve is itsel subject to change

    as oset supply and uel prices

    change over time.

    We now tie the pieces together and

    discuss likely compliance strategies

    or selected compliance periods in

    the rst decade o the cap-and-tradeprogram.

    2012-2013 Few reductionsneeded

    The rst compliance period would

    require about 140 million tons o

    reductions each year. US osets

    will not suce to meet the gap.

    CERs would constitute the next

    most attractive compliance option.

    I prices on the EU ETS have not

    recovered, EUAs could also be part o

    the compliance mix and would bring

    prices on the US market to about

    $20 a ton. I emissions and pricesrecover in Europe by 2012, prices in

    the US would likely be set by CERs

    and could thereore track EUAs at a

    discount. This would constitute the

    rst hint o market linkages.

    It is also possible that the scheme

    would be somewhat over-allocated i

    the recession has an enduring eect

    or i energy eciency investments

    deliver their theoretical emission

    reduction potential. The program

    would not be compromised i

    it started with a brie period o

    over-allocation, provided that over-

    allocation is small: participants would

    likely bank allowances or later years,

    when the caps get tighter. This would

    prevent prices rom crashing to

    zero. The bank would create a small

    cushion to help buer volatility rom

    uel prices or unoreseen exogenous


    I the eect o complementary

    policies is lower than expected,

    market participants will have

    to procure more osets and

    international allowances or turn to

    internal abatement.

    2016-2018 A wide array oabatement strategies

    By the time the third compliance

    period rolls in, the gap will have

    grown to over 550 million tons:

    this strong demand or allowances

    calls or a wide array o reduction

    strategies. All available US osets

    will be tapped and the demand or

    international osets will increase.

    The gap could still potentially be met

    through international osets, possibly

    including the new credit types romsectoral and orestry programs.

    I the competition or international

    osets was such that osets could

    only cover hal the gap, 250 million

    tons o reductions would be needed.

    Such volume o uel switching would

    call or very high prices, up to $85 a

    ton. Hence other compliance options

    would likely come into the mix

    Figure 6: Conceptual MAC curve








    0 100 200 300 400 500 600

    Million tons CO2e





    Fuel switching

    US Offsets

    Intl Offsets

    Intl Allowances

    Demand curve

    Marginal Abatement

    cost curve (supply)

    Demand goes up

    as EtC grows

    US emitters will haveto compete withother countries or

    the international credits

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance


    Carbon Market Analyst North America

    12 All rights reserved 2009 Point Carbon

    CMA April 2, 2009

    other internal abatement measures.

    International allowances, even priced

    at 50 a ton, could remain attractive.

    Figure 7 shows the wide array o

    compliance options that will be

    necessary to meet the gap in the

    medium term.

    2020: The breaking point?In 2020, with a gap close to 800

    million tons, we would approach the

    point where meeting the gap under

    current technological constraints

    becomes very costly unless the

    supply o international credits is

    sustained and aordable.

    High carbon prices could also raise

    the interest in creating linkages

    with a large number o countries.

    The larger market could help

    dampen the volatility derived rom

    uel prices and would theoreticallyenable all participating countries to

    take advantage o the lowest cost

    reductions through the market.

    This is especially true i countries

    like South Korea or Mexico set up

    their own trading program, where

    reduction costs could be lower than

    in Europe or in the US.

    Figure 7: Meeting the E-t-C








    BAU Stimulus RES EnEf Remaining









    What to expect post-2020

    Our analysis was ocused on the

    short to medium term as it allowed

    us to project the impact o policies

    currently under discussion and to

    assume no major technological

    breakthrough would occur. But with

    a rapidly declining cap, change within

    the system will quickly become verycostly, providing a strong incentive

    or technologies in the development

    stage today like carbon capture and

    storage or electric cars. Osets

    play a key role in helping keeping

    prices down while this transition

    takes place, since investments in

    cleaner power plants and new energy

    systems take time. Whereas osets

    provide a temporary x and a useul

    cost-containment mechanism, they

    do not substitute or necessary long

    term changes.

    ConclusionAll signals indicate that the new

    administration and Congress are

    serious about their commitment

    to lower GHG emissions. The

    dominant strategy involves a mix o

    command-and-control and market-

    based mechanisms. The regulatory

    provisions energy eciency and

    clean energy standards or the power

    and transportation sectors have thecapacity to evoke large reductions

    at a airly low cost, especially or

    energy eciency measures. These

    provisions are not only crucial or the

    US to meet its target; they will also

    lower signicantly the price o carbon

    on the traded market.

    US osets are unlikely to play a

    large role as a cost-containment

    mechanism because their supply

    is very constrained. An increase

    in investment will help increase

    the available volumes, but the keylimitation is physical rather than


    The degree to which the internal

    abatement option o uel switching

    is deployed largely depends on the

    level o reductions achieved by the

    other options. Some amount o

    switching will occur, but the carbon

    cost at which uel switching becomes

    economical is very volatile and does

    not provide the clear, predictable price

    signal needed to redirect investments

    towards clean technology in the longterm.

    These limitations put the spotlight on

    international osets and allowances,

    where larger amounts o emission

    reductions could come rom

    developing countries at lower costs.

    But uncertainties related to the

    upcoming international negotiations

    still cloud orecasts both or volumes

    and prices. The experience with

    the CDM shows, however, that

    maintaining high standards and

    submitting projects to a stringent

    evaluation process raises prices

    even or initially low-cost projects.

    International allowances and linkages

    with other emission trading system

    could also help temper prices in the

    medium term. The outcome o the

    Copenhagen negotiations will thus

    have signicant implications or the

    US carbon market.

  • 8/9/2019 US Cap-and-Trade Program: Options for Compliance



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