uret problem analysis, resolution and ranking (parr) and flow management applications dan kirk...

URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. This is the copyright work of The MITRE Corporation and was produced for the U.S. Government under Contract Number DTFA01-93-C-00001 and is subject to Federal Acquisition Regulation Clause 52.227-14, Rights in Data-General, Alt. III (JUN 1987) and Alt. IV (JUN 1987). No other use other than that granted to the U.S. Government, or to those acting on behalf of the U.S. Government, under that Clause is authorized without the express written permission of The MITRE Corporation. For further information, please contact The MITRE Corporation, Contracts Office, 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, VA 22102, (703) 883-6000.

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Page 1: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights

URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management


Dan Kirk

October 21, 1999

© 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.

This is the copyright work of The MITRE Corporation and was produced for the U.S. Government under Contract Number DTFA01-93-C-00001 and is subject to Federal Acquisition Regulation Clause 52.227-14, Rights in Data-General, Alt. III (JUN 1987) and Alt. IV (JUN 1987). No other use other than that granted to the U.S. Government, or to those acting on behalf of the U.S. Government, under that Clause is authorized without the express written permission of The MITRE Corporation. For further information, please contact The MITRE Corporation, Contracts Office, 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, VA 22102, (703) 883-6000.

Page 2: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation


• URET Problem Analysis, Resolution, Ranking (PARR)– Potential Benefits, Focus, Overview– Aircraft/Aircraft, Aircraft/Airspace Problem Resolution

• Resolution Dimensions, Ranking, Displays, Resolution Implementation, FY00 Plans

• Traffic Flow Management Application– Categories of Resolution Aids– Flow Instruction Resolutions– PARR Metering Resolutions– Resolution Aids for the Construction of Flow Instructions

• PARR Demo

Page 3: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

PARR Potential Benefits (1 of 2)

• Controller workload reduction– Conflict resolution, data entry made easier– Strategic, conflict-free resolutions reduce downstream workload

• Improved probe performance, as resolution maneuvers are more frequently entered into the automation

• Safety benefits– Helps to avoid tactical maneuvers– Improved situational awareness– Controller informed of both

• Dimension/directions that worked• Dimension/directions that did not work

Page 4: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

PARR Potential Benefits (2 of 2)

• Increased User Benefits– More time for controllers to address User Requests– Improved ability to reduce restrictions, handle increased

traffic– Greater efficiency of strategic, optimized resolutions

• AAS cost/benefits study (1988) for a full conflict resolution capability (AERA 2)

– Benefit estimated at ~$2.5 Billion (1988 dollars) increment over conflict probe alone, spread over 20 years

Page 5: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Focus of PARR Effort

• Speed of use– Ability to quickly initiate, evaluate, and implement

resolutions• Conflicts automatically removed on implementation of a

conflict-free resolution

– Minimized amount of trackball movement

• Graphical displays for resolution evaluation, situational awareness enhancement

– Multiple conflict-free resolution options made available– Displays applicable to both R- and D-sides

Page 6: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

PARR Overview

• Started FY98, utilizes AERA 2 evaluation software written in 80’s and early 90’s

• Searches for conflict-free trajectories– Addresses multiple Aircraft-to-Aircraft (AC/AC) and/or Aircraft-

to-Airspace (AC/AS) problems– Meter Fix Time (MFT) problem resolution discussed later

• Each resolution maneuvers one aircraft– A set of resolutions is generated for each involved aircraft

• Maximum number of resolutions per aircraft– 2 Lateral (left and right turn maneuvers) – 2 Altitude (above and below maneuvers)– 1 Speed change (either increase or decrease)

Page 7: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

PARR Resolution Dimensions - Vertical

• Rule-based; uses aircraft transitioning status, planned maneuver times, conflict start/end

Increase Altitude Decrease Altitude

Early Climb



Step Climb



Step Early Descend



Extend Climb



Early Extend Climb



Step Late Descend




MSP = Maneuver Start Point; BOC = Bottom of Climb; TOC = Top of Climb; TOD =Top of Descent; BOD = Bottom of Descent

Page 8: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Resolution Dimensions - Lateral (1 of 3)

• Calculates wedges of prohibited angles (not used in all cases), intervals of prohibited return-to-route distances on off-leg

– Generates point-to-point (PTP) resolutions for RNAV aircraft

Pass Around


Cut Corner


Page 9: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Resolution Dimensions - Lateral (2 of 3)

– Generates VOR resolutions for aircraft with other equipage

MSP = Maneuver Start Point (not generally a VOR)



Direct to Downstream VOR





Direct from VOR to Radial Originating from VOR on Original Route





Direct from VOR to Original Route






Reroute Through One VOR



Page 10: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Resolution Dimensions - Lateral (3 of 3)

– VOR Resolutions (concluded)








Heading Off RouteFollowed By Direct to VOR





Reroute Through Two VORs



Page 11: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Resolution Dimensions - Longitudinal

• Longitudinal (speed) - calculates wedges of prohibited airspeed, similar to lateral

T = 0 Time



Pilot's Filed Speed Schedule

Resolution Speed

Speed Change - Increase

T = 0 Time



Pilot's Filed Speed Schedule

Resolution Speed

Speed Change - Decrease

Page 12: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation


• Derived from extensive AERA Team evaluations

• Resolutions categorized according to alert status– No alerts > blue (airspace) alert only > yellow (but no red)

alerts > at least one red alert

• If an alert, resolutions within a category are ranked according to the earliest conflict start

• If no alert, ranking factors include– Maneuver dimension/direction, flight phase, cruise

altitude, maneuvering status, sector of control, time of arrival impact, number of flight levels changed, time at interim altitude, magnitude and duration of speed change

Page 13: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

URET Graphic Plan Display, PARR Resolution Display Menu

PARR may be initiated from:

The “Resolve” button (after ACID selection), orThe DB Alert Indicator

Page 14: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Resolution Display Menu

Resolution Dimension/Direction

Selected Resolution (green, ranked #2)

Go up/down in resolution # displayed

Trial Plan ID and clearance text of selected resolution

Button function text appears after ~1 sec dwell

Character underline gives keyboard shortcut

Aircraft ID (plus sector # if controlled by another sector)

Icon groupsImplement View Control

Resolution Matrix (AC vs. maneuver type)

Clearance Text of Selected Resolution


Page 15: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Resolution Search Summary (for function evaluation)

Shows all attempted trial plans

Page 16: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Go up/down in altitude

Vertical Profile Display (1 of 2)

PARR resolutions

• Use– Enhanced situational

understanding– Evaluation of PARR vertical

resolutions– Quick determination of

conflict-free altitudes• In this example

– Current Plan altitude is FL330– Trial Plans at other altitudes

from FL350 - FL260 created and probed (similar to QTP)

• Altitude menu similar to URET DU• Color-coding of menu entries

previously done by NASA

PARR resolution status/selection


Page 17: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Vertical Profile Display (2 of 2)

Selection of FL310 shows conflict ACID

Cursor dwell over COA1656 ID shows its vertical profile

Page 18: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Resolution Implementation

• PARR resolutions are complete– May contain future actions, e.g., resumption of climb

• Goals– A conflict-free PARR resolution, when implemented, removes

the URET alert• Reconformance may cause an alert recurrence, which should be

displayed; future action may now be invalid

– Keep the Host Computer System (HCS) as up-to-date as possible

• Not all PARR resolutions can be formatted for immediate, complete HCS entry

• Issues, e.g., with HCS entry and controller notification of future action, are being addressed

Page 19: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

FY00 Plans

• Focus on preparing for field evaluations in FY01– Architecture, efficiency improvements, testing

• Support FAA Research Management Plan

• Update Requirements, Functional Description docs

• New Operation Description, Transition Plan

• Continue lab evaluations

• Software development to include– Treatment of resolution implementation issues– Probed Direct-to-Fix Menu similar to Vertical Menu– Ranking update based on last AERA Team inputs– Test support software

Page 20: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Traffic Flow Management (TFM): Categories of Resolution Aids

• Resolution aids to assist in the construction of the TFM Flow Instructions, e.g., to

– Generate trial plans which are conflict-free, given a specified group of aircraft and flow-constrained area

– Determine the aircraft group, given flow constraints and objective function

• Sector resolution aids to assist in implementing TFM Flow Instructions, e.g., metering, reroutes

Page 21: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Resolution Aids to Assist in the Construction of the TFM Flow Instructions

Collaborative Routing Coordination Tool (CRCT) Display

Page 22: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Resolution Types/Dimensions for Flow Instructions (1 of 2)

• Flow Instructions consist of Criteria and Constraint

Example Flow Instruction:– Criteria: 1500 - 1700Z LAX TRFC ENTERING

SCTRS 71 OR 72– Constraint: RTE VIA CIM J96 DRK J10 TNP LAX

• Entry in Sectors 71 or 72 between 1500 - 1700Z is avoidable

– Resolutions that allow an exemption from the Flow Instruction are termed a “criteria-based” resolution

Page 23: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

Constraint-based ResolutionsOn Airways/No Directs Specified Sequence of Route Segments/Fixes

Flow-restricted Area Altitude Meter Fix TimeMiles/Minutes in Trail Speed Limit

Criteria-based ResolutionsTime Altitude Line Crossed (e.g., Boundary) Airspace Direction of Flight Route Fix Aircraft ID Arrival/Departure Airport Overflight/Arrival/Departure Performance Class User Class

Lateral Longitudinal Vertical




ty C









t T



Resolution Types/Dimensions for Flow Instructions (2 of 2)

Page 24: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

PARR Meter Fix Time Resolutions (1 of 3)

• Ft. Worth scenario; TMA Meter Fix Times

Optional display of URET-calculated delay times for comparison

Metering data for Trial Plans is included in the URET Plans Display

Selection initiates PARR

Page 25: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

PARR Meter Fix Time Resolutions (2 of 3)

• When initiated from the Meter List, PARR– Generates a trial plan that meets the Meter Fix Time– Searches for modifications to resolve any objections

(aircraft or airspace conflicts) in the trial plan– Generate maneuvers that first reduce speed when delay

is required• Once a minimum speed is reached, lateral delay added

• Evaluation issues– Display of metering information– PARR metering resolutions

• Utility, operational acceptability

Page 26: URET Problem Analysis, Resolution and Ranking (PARR) and Flow Management Applications Dan Kirk October 21, 1999 © 1999 The MITRE Corporation. All rights


Copyright 1999, The MITRE Corporation

PARR Meter Fix Time Resolutions (3 of 3)

• Initial lab results indicate (for D-side app)– Metering data is useful on the D-side

• Separate list is preferable

– Separate TMA, URET delay values may be useful if• TMA values are for direct-to-meter fix maneuver, and• URET values are for filed route

– PARR metering resolutions• Laterals first need speed reduction, then add lateral delay

if necessary (Done)• Ability to model specified speeds on descent (Done)• Need to address issue of multiple, sequential aircraft

maneuvers for delay absorption (Open)