urban airship and android integration for push notification and in-app notification

Urban Airship & Android Application Integration Document BrainBox Network. Copyright@2015. All rights reserved

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Urban Airship & Android Application Integration Document

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The document provides steps to integrate Android Application with Urban Airship to facilitate Push and In‐App Notification. The integration process requires following steps ‐ 1.Create App on Google 2.Enable GCM Services 3.Get GCM Server API Key 4.Generate Configuration Files 5.Download Configuration Files 6.Create Account in Urban Airship 7.Download airshipconfig.properties Files 8.Configure GCM service 9.Android App Configuration 10.Android Gradle File Configuration 11.Android Manifest Permission 12.Application Class Configuration 13.Android Manifest Configuration 14.Add Tags 15.In‐App Configuration of Urban Airship 16.Send Push Notification from Urban Airship 17.Send In‐App Notification from Urban Airship 18.Set Notification Action ‐ Urban Airship

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Create App on Google 

➔ Create a google account and go to the developer’s console (https://developers.google.com/mobile/add?platform=android)

➔ Provide your application name, android package name and country ➔ Click on choose and configure services

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Enable GCM Service 

➔ Select Cloud Messaging ➔ Click on Enable Google Cloud Messaging

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Get GCM Server API Key 

➔ Make a note of the Sender API Key and Sender Id. They will be used in configuration later.

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Generate Configuration Files 

➔ Click the Generate Configuration Files button

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Download Configuration Files  

➔ Click on Download Google‐services.json button ➔ This will download your google configuration file ➔ You have to use this json file in your android application further

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Create Account in Urban Airship  

➔ Open www.urbanairship.com and click on Get Started

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•Choose the Starter free option and click on Get Started

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Provide your details in the form and click Sign Up.

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Provide your application details and click Save.

Ensure to choose ‘Production ‐ connecting to live servers’ in Production Status dropdown

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Download airshipconfig.properties file   

Scroll down and click the Download button. You will find the production application key in this file

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Configure GCM service  

➔ Scroll down and go to GCM setting. ➔ Provide the API key and Package name (package name of your android project) and Save ➔ Click on Configure Test List for notification testing

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Android App Configuration  

➔ Keep the google‐services.json file in android app folder. ➔ Create an assets folder in android app and keep the airshipconfig.properties file in it.

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Android Gradle file Configuration  

Now import the urban airship SDK and change the build.gradle file of your project like this.

repositories{ maven{ url http://dl.bintray.com/urbanairship/android } } dependencies{ compile ‘com.urbanairship.android:urbanairship‐sdk:7.0.+’ compile ‘com.android.support:cardview‐v7:23.1.1’ compile ‘com.google.android.gms:play‐services‐ location:8.4.0’ }

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Android Manifest Permission 

Add the receiver to the manifest with the proper receiver class. Here we use AirshipReceiver.java class for getting Notification. Write the package name as shown below

<receiver android:name=".AirshipReceiver“ android:exported="false"> <intent‐filter> <action android:name="com.urbanairship.push.CHANNEL_UPDATED" /> <action android:name="com.urbanairship.push.OPENED" /> <action android:name="com.urbanairship.push.DISMISSED" /> <action android:name="com.urbanairship.push.RECEIVED" /> <action android:name="com.urbanairship.airmail.END_REGISTER" /> <action android:name="com.urbanairship.airmail.ACCEPT_PUSH" /> <action android:name="com.urbanairship.airmail.NOTIFY" /> <category android:name=“your package name" /> </intent‐filter> </receiver>

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Application Class Configuration 

Create a class which extends Application class and write the code below in this class.

Ensure to use your own Production App Key , App Secret Key and GCM sender. public class AirDemoApplication extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); AirshipConfigOptions options = new AirshipConfigOptions.Builder() .setDevelopmentAppKey("g1xHIsgQQkC02FvDWcFwqw")//leave blank of same as production key .setDevelopmentAppSecret("lVM2tFIxQrqzbt8PeB3qEA")//leave blank of same as production key .setProductionAppKey("g1xHIsgQQkC02FvDWcFwqw") .setProductionAppSecret("lVM2tFIxQrqzbt8PeB3qEA") .setInProduction(!BuildConfig.DEBUG) .setGcmSender("640437662963") .build(); UAirship.takeOff(this, options, new UAirship.OnReadyCallback() { @Override public void onAirshipReady(UAirship airship) { airship.getPushManager().setUserNotificationsEnabled(true);

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airship.shared() .getInAppMessageManager() .setAutoDisplayDelay(10000L); airship.shared() .getInAppMessageManager() .setDisplayAsapEnabled(true); }); }}

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Android Manifest Configuration 

Call the application class in manifest.xml inside application.

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To Add Tags 

Use the code below to tag user by sending user’s information to Urban Airship

Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>(); tags = UAirship.shared().getPushManager().getTags(); tags.add("tag name"); UAirship.shared().getPushManager().setTags(tags); UAirship.shared().getPushManager().setAlias("alias name"); UAirship.shared().getPushManager().getNamedUser().setId("user name");

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In­App configuration of Urban Airship 

➔ Open Urban Airship website and choose your production app ➔ Go to setting > configuration ➔ SelectIn‐App Messages ➔ Choose color of the message

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Send Push Notification from Urban Airship 

Go to Messages Overview panel and click ‘New Push Message’

➔ Enter your message ➔ Choose broadcast to send on every device. ➔ Choose the Delivery time and send

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Send In­App Notification from Urban Airship 

➔ Go to Messages Overview panel and choose option new message

➔ Check In‐App only ➔ Enter your message ➔ Disable notification action ➔ Choose all device ➔ Choose immediate delivery ➔ Confirm and send.

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Set Notification Action ­ Urban Airship 

Select action landing page and click on rich page. This will open a template. Click on the select button next to text.

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➔ After clicking on select button template will be open ➔ Edit the heading text by clicking on it. ➔ Edit the message text by clicking on it. ➔ Edit the button text on clicking on it. ➔ Add action on button click. ➔ Choose URL option to set a url in it. ➔ Enter the url you want to open and click on save & exit button. Now your action is set.

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Thank You So Very Much

For queries please write on [email protected] Developed By Danish Ali Android Developer ‐ Mobifly mobifly.in

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