uplifting leadership bcssa conference andy hargreaves boston college

Uplifting Leadership BCSSA Conference Andy Hargreaves Boston College

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Uplifting Leadership BCSSA Conference

Andy HargreavesBoston College

Andy Hargreaves,Lynch School of Education,

Boston Collegewww.andyhargreaves.com


Four Areas to Invest

Build Social Capital

Leadership First

Schools work with Schools

Collective Responsibility before Accountability


PBE Criteria


Uplifting Criteria

Do better than before Do a lot with a little Outperform your peers Create something from almost


Uplifting Data

15 organizations 3 sectors 8 countries 4 continents 200 plus interviews 10k words plus case reports

Leading the right things, For the right reasons,

In the right way


Your performance

Your people




Emotional & Spiritual


We uplift ourselves by uplifting others

OECD – April 2014

Rankings instead of Vision

Declining Teacher Quality

Weak Leadership Capital

High Challenge, Low Support

Confusing Collaboration

Incoherent Assessment

The Welsh Way

A standard, not a ranking

Welsh Way: cooperation, equity, language & culture

Excellent professional workforce

Leadership cooperation & challenge

1: Dreaming with Determination

Imposing small, energy-efficient cars on the North American market.


Other dreams

Elevating taste in beer Environmental sustainability Making products that cannot be used for war A Premier club for a Premier community Poverty is no excuse for failure Becoming a leading knowledge economy Becoming a developed country in one

generation Knowing who you are

Angela Ahrendts

2: Creativity and Counterflow

From a series of “small tin sheds” to a global economic leader in a single generation.

Almost 500 projects over 6 years:

$14k per project

2-4 teacher average

Professional Learning Communities

Differentiated Instruction




1. Where are opportunities others have missed?

2. How can you move towards resistance?

3. How can your greatest weaknesses become your biggest triumphs?

4.When you should you change something that is already succeeding?

5.What does it mean to innovate in a disciplined way?

Angela Ahrendts




Jim Collins

The great task is to combine creative intensity with relentless discipline, so as to amplify the creativity rather than destroy it

3. Collaborating & Competing

Dogfish Head

I’m frustrated that one beer has been hammered down people’s throats.

-Sam Calagione

A Better BrewThe rise of extreme beer

4: Measuring with Meaning


Everyone involved in website innovation

High rates of staff retention

Evidence-informed not Data- Driven

Measure what you value Balanced scorecard Real time data for instant

improvement Shared targets Judgment & inquiry along with


5. Pushing & Pulling



Three kinds of capital

1. Human Capital

2. Social Capital

3. Decisional Capital Hargreaves & Fullan (2012), p.22

Page 10

Social Capital

TrustCollaborationCollective responsibilityMutual assistanceProfessional networks


Pull resources

Pull together

Pull from within

Commonwealth Ownership

Push and Pull

Pull when you can Push when you must Nudge all the time Peer pressure and support Transparency of participation &


6: Sustainable growth

Burnley Football Club

Sustainable Growth

Refuse venture capital Don’t spend too much too soon Don’t grow too fast Don’t bet the ranch Steady growth, later spikes; not

stellar growth, early spikes

SIX UPLIFTING FORCES1. Dreaming with Determination

2. Creativity and Counterflow

3. Collaborating and competing

4. Pushing and pulling

5. Measuring with meaning

6. Sustainable growth

Four Areas to Invest

Build Social Capital

Leadership First

Schools work with Schools

Collective Responsibility before Accountability
