upf scotland febuary

1 1 st Feb 6 th Feb FFWPU Scotland the report Sermon given by Paul title ‘The Nature of GodMC James If, instead of falling, Adam had grown to maturity ......... the invisible God and the visible Adam would have become one. Then, Adam’s laughter would have been God’s laughter and the laughter of the universe. True Fathers words Attendance: 21 people Sunday Service Offering: £16,70 It was decided to restart our monthly interfaith meetings in Edinburgh, The topic for our meeting was ‘The Nature of God ‘. Our MC for the evening was Arthur. After a few warm words of welcome, Dr. Multani the program began with a five minute video, ‘Creating A Family of Faith’ a UPF presentation. This was followed by three Speakers. First was Dr Multani (from the Sikh faith) Dr Multani spoke with a very sincere and humble heart, and is very much involved with Stirling interfaith. Second was Paul Currie(UPF). Third was Rev Brian Cooper (Christian). Followed by discussion This our first meeting of the year (held in the Quaker House) was small in number, ......it only takes a few to be gathered in Gods name , for Him to be there.......

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Scottish report on the activities for the month of febuary


Page 1: UPF Scotland Febuary






FFWPU Scotlandthe


Sermon given by Paul title ‘The Nature of God’ MC James

If, instead of falling, Adam had grown to maturity ......... the invisible God and the visible Adam would have become one. Then, Adam’s laughter would have been God’s laughter and the laughter of the universe. True Fathers words

Attendance: 21 people Sunday Service Offering: £16,70

It was decided to restart our monthly interfaith meetings in Edinburgh,

The topic for our meeting was ‘The Nature of God ‘. Our MC for the

evening was Arthur. After a few warm words of welcome,

Dr. Multani

the program began with a five minute

video, ‘Creating A Family of Faith’ a UPF

presentation. This was followed by three


First was Dr Multani (from the Sikh faith)

Dr Multani spoke with a very sincere and

humble heart, and is very much involved

with Stirling interfaith. Second was Paul

Currie(UPF). Third was Rev Brian Cooper

(Christian). Followed by discussion

This our first meeting of the year (held in

the Quaker House) was small in number,

......it only takes a few to be gathered in

Gods name , for Him to be there.......

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Report given by Robert ‘True Parents Birthday - Korea’ MC Mia

Attendance: 18 people Sunday Service Offering: £ 23.36

Robert gave an inspiring account of his schedule and impressions while in Cheong Pyung. They participated in the intense daily practice of early rising, meditation and devotion with HJN followed by HDH with TP – who shared for many hours in the morning and afternoon- as Dr. Yang testified living with TP is like living with God-he never knows what to expect when he meets TF in the morning, many times God gives sudden inspiration or direction to True Father.


- 15th


The European Leaders meeting this year was held in San Marino, Italy.

From Scotland, Robert (representing the Balkans) and Paul attended.

I felt this years meeting had a different feeling from last year,

President Song gave a very

good over view from the last

few years . Also great to hear

the 2nd Gen giving reports.

2008 we were at the top of the

‘Growth stage’(Hmm not

always an easy time) this year

2009 we are at the beginning

of the ‘Completion stage’ ,

(4 years to go before 2013).

The question of who we are came up FFWPU or UPF. Fundamentally

we are a spiritual movement (FFWPU), but to bring world peace

(and unity) we need to have our thumb in every pie as it were, from

the grass roots to government , this is more the UPF side of things. A

good analogy was given of a plane.. One wing being FFWPU and

the other being UPF ... and the pilot .... you guessed ... True Parents.

Mr and Mrs Song in San Marino

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Sermon given by Ian MC Oliver

Attendance: 15 people Sunday Service Offering: £16.30




Ian related his experience of working in the fish business for many years from an internal perspective. He shared many insights about things he has learned applying and practising faith at work, in his never ending quest to cut the perfect fillet. He came to realize you cannot do a perfect external job without a perfect internal attitude.

A number of weeks ago a bunch of us (including Michael from STF,

always good to see Michael) were sat around the kitchen table at

Una’s house (our Harp leader), to discuss activities for our 2nd Gen.

We had a lot of good ideas ..... But like most ideas they cost money !!

The week-end came along and a team

was put together, five of us Una, Jenny,

The idea of fundraising came up...Hmm...

...a date was set.

We decided the money raised would be

divided between 2nd Gen activities and

also to help with Barlastonepark school in

Zambia. Check the school out at :-www.barlastonparkschoolzambia.co.uk

Robert jnr, Eric and Paul. After hearing

some of the stories Michael shared from

STF, a few weeks back, we decided not to

jump into the deep end (Sinking is no fun).

I think a good experience was had by all. The adventure ended

like any good adventure should , in the home of an uncle and aunt

( Gordon and Tae ) with biscuits and drinks .... well for four of us any

way, Robert was left clutching a bottle of water counting the hours.

‘ bring it on ’

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Sermon given by Robert title Church Growth MC Marina

Attendance: 24 people Sunday Service Offering: £ 16.04




The Central Scotland Interfaith (CSI) monthly meeting ( the last

Sunday of each month ) was held at the home of its group convener,

Dr. Satwant Multani. Satwant welcomed 10 members of other faith

communities into his home and after a Sikh prayer, explained the

meaning and significance of the turban.

Robert started by giving a short introduction about history and some interesting facts about San Marino, the eldest republic in the world. The common point in all the many religions in this world is spirituality before we can think about expanding our church we have to revive our own spirituality- in our movement we have the great benefit to live still together with our founder True Parents and their family and receive directly from them blessings, guidance, forgiveness... A big Thank You to Una who is organizing the MC’s and to Marina who did a great job in guiding us through the service.

The discussion that

ensued covered a

wide range of topics,

including what

happens when a child

“marries “ out of his or

her parents’ religion.

This is a very good

group that Christine

has found with very

good people. We can

make some great

contacts here.

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The meeting was held at Partick Burgh Hall , in west Glasgow.

Although it was a cold and rainy day , the meeting was attended

by fifteen people. The meeting started with a hymn, offered up by

a number of our guest, which set a nice spirit for the meeting.

The topic for this months meeting was ‘Cosmic Principle’. We had

three speakers , Arthur Gardner from UPF, Rev Paul Jupp from the

Christian faith and Mrs Shamaaila Nooranne from the Muslim faith

Rev Paul Jupp

Arthur gave a clear introduction to the Four

Position Foundation ( covering Universal Prime

Force, Give and Take plus O D U action ).

Arthur concluded ‘that it is God that gives

creation purpose and man that gives value’.

Rev Paul Jupp shared that many times faith is

as important as ‘cosmic principles’ . Our last

speaker, Mrs Shamaaila Nooranne spoke that

sometimes man creates his own principles and

that these can be the cause of many conflicts.

This was followed by discussion.

The Glasgow monthly interfaith meetings have been running for

over a year now. A big thank you, not just to Ann and her family ,

but to all the Glasgow families for their financial support,

practical help, prayer and participation . THANK YOU.

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Culture Show- Edinburgh, Thomas Morton Hall - 3:00 - 5:00pm


Promotional Event –Glasgow, Ashoka at the Quay-


Interfaith Meeting –Glasgow, Unitarian Glasgow- 3:30-6:30pm







This month to be held

in Arthur and Irina’s

house from

7:oopm – 8:3o.

Next month to be

held in ? Home...

Wednesday Club a chance for brothers

to get together and

share in Ian’s Home

between 6.3o – 8.oo

every Wednesday

Rebecca Dillard . 1st March

Marina Currie . 5th March

Christine Brown . 19th March

Robert Mc Donald. 25th March

50th True Parents DayDeclared on March 1st 1960

( lunar calendar )







Interfaith meeting – Edinburgh, Quaker House – 7:00 -9:00pm

The idea behind the ‘Scotland Report’ is to do just that,

give a brief report of what we (Scotland) have done in

the month that was, and to keep a record of our activities

through out the year. I hope you find the ‘Scotland Report’

of some value.

This month I sanded and repainted the podium. While doing

so I thought of all the members who have stood behind this

podium and of the stories that have been told (and those

yet to be told). I felt very humbled, it made me question my

position.... maybe externally I stand as leader (whether or

not that's a good thing is up for discussion), but internal leadership!

....Hmm I can not help thinking (with the experience we have here in

Scotland) that internal leadership is a collective role we should all take

responsibilities for, be it within our own families, the church community

or the larger society.


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Stairway to Cheon Il Guk

San Marino 15th February 2009

Together we will fulfil the dream of

‘One Family Under God’ by

1. Developing a happy and successful

Cheon Il Guk family culture through :

~ Living a life of genuine devotion to God

and others

~ Practicing the standard of absolute sexual


~ and by Encouraging our blessed families to

become prosperous and influential in


2. Developing the Family Federation as an attractive community by:

~ Actively sharing God’s word

~Loving and caring for others

~ Increasing membership and raising new blessed central families

~and through Cooperation between first and second generation

3. Furthering the development of the Universal Peace Federation as the Peace

United Nations through:

~ The Global Peace Tour

~ Empowering Ambassadors for Peace to actively promote True Parents’ vision

~ Securing public and private funding for our projects

~ Helping to make effective UPF peace councils on the city and national levels

~ and by Making our nations ready to welcome True Parents and True Family

4. Having a united Europe fulfil its providential role by:

~ Raising public awareness of the value of True Parents

~ Promoting True Parents’ vision among leaders and decision

makers in European society

~ Developing new media outreach

~ Establishing Peace Embassies and Peace Centres in our nations

~ and by Supporting a successful Peace Cup in Spain