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DOGGIESTYLE: Planning, Research and Evidence Group Members: Anna Weir Louise Hannaford Aleena Khusro

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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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DOGGIESTYLE:Planning, Research and Evidence

Group Members:

Anna Weir

Louise Hannaford

Aleena Khusro

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Objectives • To teach teenager and children how to look after pet dogs.

• Promote awareness of mongrels and stray, ill dogs in Hong Kong.

• To produce videos of at-least one minute detailing our cause and other various subjects.

• To learn how to do split-screen/cloning editing on i-movie for such films.

• To create a website to put across our message.

• Create a group on facebook to boost awareness.

• To shoot our videos in HD.

• Learn how to make stop-motion animations using hand drawn drawings and editing them on Photoshop/flash.

• To find tutorials and then create a short comic series describing the lives of stray animals.

• To demonstrate tips on how to choose the right animal when adopting, and how to introduce them comfortably to their new home.

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The motive of our project is, overall, to promote welfare for animals who need our help. We plan to create awareness

using a variety of different medias, all of which can be found on our site. Such medias could include videos, comic strips,

creative writing and informative writing. We will also create a forum where we can take requests for our next post on the

site, where people can discuss their own personal experiences and where they can offer their own tips and suggestions.

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We will generate awareness and supports among young people, and hopefully encourage many of them and their parents to adopt and care for their own pets

from centers who need help finding homes for animals. We hope to successfully promote such

awareness through properly executing the tasks we have set for ourselves - such as the video and comic

strips etc.

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Success criteria

In order to judge our success with this project, we have come up with several things to help:

-before the submitting of our project, we will conduct a survey asking whether or not our site and videos have:

-provided good tips

-have been convinced people to adopt new pets-have an overall positive response from the public

-If our client is satisfied with the finished products, videos, and the overall way we have put across their message.

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Aleena looked at some websites to give us an idea of what our website should end up like.

She found out several things that we should be including on our site:

A Home Page that talks about the website and it’s purpose

A Page about the creators talking about who you are and why have you made this site

A Photo Page that has colourful pictures that define your website

A Video Page to show any videos you have created for your website

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TUMBLR - 8/9/11

Louisestarted up and ‘official’ Tumblr page for our project. Tumblr is an amazing blogging site, where you can post

videos, photos, test posts, share and reblog each other’s posts. It is a potentially very useful site for our project, and we will be personally managing the blog as well as do the arty parts of out

project. To add a bit of Colour to our page, we will be reblogging a variety of animal photos until we can get our first

few videos and artworks online. If there are also any other awareness blogs or posts, we will be reblogging from them.

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Today, we made contact with our client and they would be happy if we represented them and to send them our work as we do it. We researched various tutorials for Final Cut as we haven't used it much before:

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHfFc9GOTWQ.

We also continued working on the homepage of our website. By next week, we need to have made a storyboard for our videos.

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• Annavisited many different websites and collected a few tutorials thatsheneed forcreating the videos. How to Clone, How to do Basic Effects, and How to Add Titles.Shehave also finished the storyboard for our first video, "What you need to buy when adopting a dog” (Photo on the next slide)

This includes camera angles and the props/setting needed.Shewill do this for most of the videos we will post on our site.

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First Contact - 21/9/11

Last week, we sent over a student enquiry email to Hong Kong Dog Rescue and within two days we got a reply. Kathleen Kuok, the HKDR's Education and Outreach Manager, replied and pretty much said it's a go. Anna and Louise will be in contact with her while Aleena works on the website.

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27/9/11After some research on website builders, we have finalized the site we are going to use for the Website. We are using http://www.webs.com/. We did some research on what we should have on a site and we found that the most important things are:

• A home page

• A section that tells people who we are and what our purpose is

• A forum page for discussing different topics and a page that gives links to all our pages on different websites e.g. facebook.

We have also found that the site should be vibrant and colorful to attract the public. We have added information regarding our purpose and a bit of information about the group. This is to give a clear message to the public on what our website offers and what it is about. We have also added a forum page as it was a popular aspect of a website according to out research.

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We also carried out a survey by asking some questions that have something to do with our project.

Who we asked: A selection of students from years 7, 8 and 9

How we asked them:We went around to the form rooms at lunchtimes

Why?Because when you send Survey Monkey emails, most students normally just ignore them, automatically delete them, or provide false information. We think our method is more reliable because it means we can collect more data and our results will be more reliable. It also means we can record additional comments made by our target audience.

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Survey ResultsDo you have any pets?

• Yes – 15

• No – 5

If so, what pets?

Dog – 6

Cat – 4

Rodent – 2

Fish – 2

Birds -0

Reptiles – 1

If there was a website directed at kids your age about how to look after your

pet, would you use it?

Yes – 16

No – 3

Maybe - 1 (said it depends on how boring/interesting it is)

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Would you be attracted to a website named ‘Doggystyle’?

• Yes – 19

• No - 1 (did not understand joke)

What type of videos would you like to see?

How to… - 0

What you need… - 1

General information… - 1

All: 3 – 18

What Colour schemes appeal to you?

Darker colours – 3

Lighter colours – 4

Bright colours - 13 (said they would draw them in more, they are more


Colours that aren’t distracting – 0

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Would you like music on the homepage?Yes – 6No – 14 (they said it was too distracting)Do you have a Tumblr?Yes – 3No – 17

Would you follow Doggiestyle on Tumblr if it posted updates about thewebsite?Yes – 3No – 0Don’t have Tumblr – 17

Do you have Facebook?Yes- 19No – 1

Would you join our Facebook group to raise awareness and provide you with frequent updates?Yes – 17No – 2 (said they don't want us 'spamming' on their homepage)Don’t have Facebook - 1

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Annamade some graphs about our survey results:

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Starting A Comic SeriesLouise had suggested the idea of making a

comic and we felt that it was a good idea.

Louise had been looking at several comic series featuring animals. Among her favorites is the series “Pull Down Heaven” by moonsongwolf (screen name) and “wurr” by Finnish artist E. Jokinen. The reason Louise chose to feature pull down heaven and Wurr is because both are stylized, however one is in Colour and on is in monocolours. She loves how well each style works for each comic, and she is still deciding about whether to do the comic in Colour or not.

To begin the process, she has taken a look at a few tutorials to help her out with the process and she is currently developing the main character for it.

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Creating our website

• Aleenatried to look for a suitable website on which she could create Doggiestyle’s own website.

• She found a Website builder called moonfurit but then found out it was a pay site

• Then she wound Webs. It is an amazing website builder that allows you to create your site without costing any money!

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Editing Our Website

• After Aleena had chosen Webs to use as our Website builder, she started to edit the site

• She started with the Homepage by introducing what the website is about as she had done some research on websites and knew what to add.

• She also added a page called ‘about us’ which tells the public who we are and why we have created this website.

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Our first video!

After doing all her research, Anna created our first video up on youtube. We will be putting this video on our website.
