update tues. 26 oct. 2021 “my fellow americans, the storm

Update Tues. 26 Oct. 2021 “My Fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us. God Bless”…President Trump Trust the Plan …Q It’s happening! The Truth Social Platform is here. Yes, we did it! We told you! If you’re smart enough, you’ll see that everything is part of The Plan. Just Trust The Plan! The last month is here. Our time has come! Everything we said earlier will start to happen in the next 24 hours! We started to reveal the whole truth, but someone didn’t like it. We’re into the Storm. Blackout Necessary! Fasten your seatbelts! …Trump Office Call for a Nationwide Shutdown on Nov. 3 2021 “Attention All Americans – Law Enforcement, Paramedics, Doctors, Firemen, Nurses, Truckers, Retail, Warehouses, etc… No masks, No vaccines, No testing. “It’s time for our voices to be heard.

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Update Tues. 26 Oct. 2021

“My Fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us. God Bless”…President Trump Trust the Plan …Q

It’s happening! The Truth Social Platform is here. Yes, we did it! We told you! If you’re smart enough, you’ll see that everything is part of The Plan. Just Trust The Plan! The last month is here. Our time has come! Everything we said earlier will start to happen in the next 24 hours! We started to reveal the whole truth, but someone didn’t like it. We’re into the Storm. Blackout Necessary! Fasten your seatbelts! …Trump Office

Call for a Nationwide Shutdown on Nov. 3 2021

“Attention All Americans – Law Enforcement, Paramedics, Doctors, Firemen, Nurses, Truckers, Retail, Warehouses, etc… No masks, No vaccines, No testing.

“It’s time for our voices to be heard.

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“God Bless America!” …Senator Rand Paul

If you have taken the death jab and are in line for the booster, then let’s just face it, it’s time to admit that you have been fully conned, by the government….Dr. Adam Aneevit

“Carry out a random Act of Kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that someday someone will do the same for you.”…Princess Diana

God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

Judy Note:

The meat in major hamburger brands including McDonalds was found to contain human DNA; Mass arrests were occurring on 320,000 sealed indictments; the Federal Reserve and IRS were no longer under control of the Cabal due to bankruptcy that opened the door for a Global Currency Reset of 209 countries; Tesla Free Energy was now connected to the US Power Grid; Senator Rand Paul has called for a

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Nationwide Shutdown on Nov. 3 2021 over the vaccination mandate;Europe and the US Eastern and Southern coasts could be hit with Tsunamis since for the past few weeks the Cabal has been setting off volcanic eruptions that was causing the tip of La Palma Island off the coast of Africa to collapse into the ocean, plus Dr. Fauci was found to be experimenting not only on innocent puppies, but foster children and aborted fetal tissue to develop an HIV Vaccine.

Nothing to report here, folks, at least as far as the Mass Media was concerned.

A return to concepts of the original US Constitution for 209 nations, along with completion of the Global Currency Reset was Event Driven and dependent upon the degree to which the public was

awakened, so we had some work to do to alert the general public as to what was going on.

Mon. 25 Oct. MarkZ: “This morning the chatter out of Reno was phenomenal. Groups, bankers, paymasters were expecting payment tomorrow Tues. 26 Oct. Word was that Historic Bonds were paid out today Mon. 25 Oct. Keep your eyes peeled to your email inbox for notification to set appointments.”

At some point soon President Trump would tweet “My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon

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Us,” the Emergency Broadcast System would activate worldwide and then seven messages would be sent to phones and TV sets throughout the Globe.

Also in the near future the Global Currency Reset would complete, GESARA/ NESARA would be announced and Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group who held foreign currencies and Zim Bonds) would receive a Secured Website to set our redemption/ exchange appointments at special rates. The General Public would follow in about three days.

Looks like GESARA has begun in New Zealand. Everything down and big payments showing up.

WARNING: Soon there was expected to be the first day of Ten Days of Darkness while the world went into full Martial Law. It was advised to have 2-3 weeks of food and necessities on hand. Media, Internet, phones and TV programming could be shut down and people asked to remain indoors so the US Military could broadcast 10 days of 3X8 hour sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and Evidence of Scandals as Military across the

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globe removed certain governments and made arrests on 500,000 indictments.

A. What We Think We Know as of Mon. 25 Oct. 2021:

Mass Arrests were occurring right now:

John Durham has unsealed and released 320,000 indictments, including 37,000 for California alone. Each indictment could carry up to 99 people charged. Big arrests were ongoing in California, Texas and Washington DC. The first would shock the world (of the fake Biden or Obama?).

On Sun. 17 Oct. the Cabal defaulted on their loan of gold from the Chinese Elders: the Federal Reserve and IRS were no longer under their control, which opened the door for the Global Currency Reset.

Also on Sun. night 17 Oct. Tesla Free Energy connected to the US power grid system.

On Sat. evening 23 Oct. after Biden withdrew all US law enforcement from the area, a White Hat volunteers US Militia formed at the Texas

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Border to confrontdrug cartels and 380,000 illegal immigrants breaching US territory.

On Sun. evening 24 Oct. a cyclone-like “Storm of the Century” hit the US Northwest, with a possibility that at any time Tsunamis would plunge into Europe and the US Eastern and Southern coasts. The Tsunamis could result from the tip of La Palma Island off the coast of Africa collapsing into the ocean – from what was believed to be deliberate set off of volcanic eruptions over the past weeks.

Beginning this Thurs. 28 Oct. Moscow was shutting down for ten days to get ready for GESARA.

Coming up on Friday 29 Oct was the 92nd anniversary of the Stock Market Crash of Oct. 29 1929 that triggered the Great Depression.

Call for a National Shutdown on Wed. 3 Nov:

Senator Rand Paul has called for a Nationwide Shutdown Nov. 3 2021: “Attention All Americans – Law Enforcement, Paramedics, Doctors, Firemen, Nurses, Truckers, Retail,

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Warehouses, etc, No masks, No vaccines, No testing. It’s time our voices are heard. God Bless America!”

By Wed.-Thurs. 3-4 Nov. NESARA/GESARA would have full rollout according to sources.

On Fri. 5 Nov. we revert back to the Julian Calendar (Remember, Remember the 5th of November).

Sat. 6 Nov: Trump Presidency made public! https://t.me/Whiplash347/52968

Tues. 9 Nov: Christmas https://t.me/Whiplash347/52969

By Thurs. 11 Nov. (11-11) a large part, though not all, of the changeover should be completed. The world would be united in celebration for an Inauguration and Victory Day.

According to Juan O Savin World War III, which was in full swing, would go through March 2022, and then on for a couple more years.

B. Other Pertinent News:

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In a newly released “Hamburger Report” by Clear Labs, scientists say human DNA, rat DNA and other discrepancies were found in some of the 79 burger brands they tested. Although this study did not reveal names of the 79 brands tested, for many years McDonalds has been accused of having human meat in their hamburgers. McDonald is a big name in the Illuminati hierarchy according to Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors. It’s obvious where the human meat came from considering all their regular child sacrifices across the country. So, where is the Health Department in all this, and why haven’t they done anything about it?

Dr. Fauci heads the list of those involved in Child and Puppy Abuse, Torture and Murder. Here are just some of the experiments he has headed using US Taxpayer dollars:

Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine – Medical Kidnap

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Dr Fauci agency funded Frankenstein research that saw aborted babies’ body parts grafted to MICE to grow hair and organs (the-sun.com)

Dr. Fauci Tortured Dogs in US Taxpayer-Funded Labs:


While US President obviously-in-Dementia Joe Biden un-Constitutionally mandated untested vaccines, the Plandemic was showing a 5,000 % increase in the death rate for the vaccinated. Far too many of the deaths appeared to result from blood clot heart attacks and other serious conditions suspected to be connected to the vaccine.

In addition, fully vaccinated people were now suffering from what looked like acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,

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better known as AIDS – their immune system was fading.

C. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Your Burger May Contain Human and Rat DNA:

Human & Rat DNA Found In Burgers, Scientists Say – CBS Baltimore (cbslocal.com)

Judy Note:

Although this study did not reveal names of the 79 brands tested, for many years McDonalds has been accused of having human meat in their hamburgers. McDonald is a big name in the Illuminati hierarchy according to Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors. It’s obvious where the human meat came from considering all their regular child sacrifices across the country. My question is where is the Health Department in all this, and why haven’t they done anything about it?

A study of 258 burgers in the US finds unexpected additional – and lack of – ingredients. In a newly released “Hamburger

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Report” report out by Clear Labs, scientist say human DNA, rat DNA and other discrepancies were found in some of the burgers they tested. Clear Labs tested 258 samples from 79 brands and 22 retailers from retailers and fast food chains in Northern California.

The sample was representative of both national brands and brands on the West Coast. Of the 258 sample size, Clear Labs says human DNA was found in one vegetarian burger and rat DNA was found in a fast food burger, a vegetarian burger and a ground meat sample. While unpleasant, it’s important to note that it is unlikely that human DNA or rat DNA is harmful to consumer health. “What many consumers don’t know is that some amounts of human and rat DNA may fall within an acceptable regulatory range,” said the company.

D. Food, Goods and Fuel Shortages Crisis: USA:

Empty Shelves in NYC as supply chains backlog mounts. Many stores are dealing with bare shelves due to supply chain issues. Empty shelves could be seen in footage recorded on Saturday in Astoria, New York City. The

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pandemic has wreaked havoc on the global supply chain making it difficult for suppliers to import goods. The White House is considering deploying the National Guard to help handle the mounting supply chain backlog, according to local news reports.

Supply shortages:


Medical supplies only getting through the network.

E. 2020 Election Fraud Crisis:

The U.S. Government & The Third-Party Vendor Are One:

A lawsuit in Colorado alleges that a private company currently trying to chill free speech in America is actually the government itself.


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“Public debates, audits, and/or investigations of the 2020 General Election are currently being conducted or contemplated by state legislators in Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other states to ascertain the scale of vulnerabilities and whether they were exploited. By widely publicizing its intimidation campaign, Opinion Voting Systems (OVS) and its co-conspirators seek to intimidate and silence not just Plaintiffs and the Class, but also the public at large from exercising their right to speak and to share their own testimonial evidence relevant to proceedings investigating election fraud in the November 2020 election.”… Emerald Robinson, journalist

Maricopa County Audit Call to Action – For All Who Participated in the Audit. We are seeking as many audit participants as possible who witnessed things they could not speak about to participate in this collection of affidavits. So please share this with all who participated in the Maricopa County Elections Audit. Download this blank affidavit and complete it clearly documenting all aspects of your experience:

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The Wisconsin Senate is launching its own investigation of the state’s 2020 election, citing the findings of the audit just completed by the Legislative Audit Bureau. Republican Senate leaders especially targeted the City of Madison when announcing their investigation, saying the city’s election officials refused to provide documents and ballots that the Legislative Audit Bureau had requested. The Senate investigation is separate from the state Assembly’s investigation, led by special council and former state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman.


F. Border Crisis:

DAY 3… 20 miles North of Tapachula.

This is the largest most organized Caravan we have seen come out S Mexico this year that began w a QR code sign up on Oct 15th…

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mostly Central Americans, South Americans and Haitians.


G. COVID/Vax Hoax:

HOSPITAL C-19 TREATMENTS ARE LITERALLY KILLING HUMANS!!! A Combination of drugs called Remdesivir, Dexamethasone & Vancomycin being used in hospitals to treat the fake virus is causing massive kidney failure and the subsequent filling of the lungs with liquid. (Dr Bryan Ardis)

Health Care Workers Speak Out on Why They Would Rather Lose Their Jobs Than Take a COVID-19 Vaccine:


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Vaccine Mandates Will Endanger National Security If Biden Follows Through, Kash’s Corner:


Covid Vaccines Linked to SEVEN RARE Neurological Complications – Scientists. Using data from 32MN vaccinated adults, researchers from Oxford and Edinburgh have found Guillain-Barre Syndrome affects 38 more people per 10MN after receiving a first AZ jab. GBS impairs the immune system resulting in muscle weakness – and in more severe cases – paralysis. The study also found that strokes or cerebral hemorrhages increased in an estimated 60 people per 10MN within 28 days – the risk greater for females specifically after a Pfizer shot.The experts emphasized the adverse events were so rare that they had to report their incidence in millions, and stressed those infected without vaccination were at a greater risk of the same seven neurological conditions.

The death jab is loaded with over 47 pathogens including; HIV proteins, graphene oxide, mRNA, Luciferise, human DNA, fetal

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tissues, animal DNA, monkey cells, liquid metals such as mercury the list goes on and on.

Ohio: 3 Ohio Judges Unexpectedly Die in 9-Day Period Following Vaccine Mandate in Cuyahoga County.


Mass NYC mandate protest chants ‘Let’s Go Brandon’. Thousands of New York Police, Fire Service and Sanitation staff are marching in Brooklyn, in unified resistance against vaccine mandates

UK: 100,000 NHS staff could soon be fired in the UK after Sajid Javid suggests they will soon require compulsory COVID-19 vaccination.

Business Groups Urge White House to Delay Biden COVID Vaccine Mandate:


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Researchers Warn of Heightened Risk of HIV With Certain COVID-19 Vaccines:


Namibia suspends use of Russian COVID vaccine after S.Africa flags HIV concerns:


BOMBSHELL: UK Government Data: 70% Of COVID Deaths Are DOUBLE-VACCINATED!Red Voice Media


Graphene Oxide has now been confirmed to be found in vax vials, in masks, in swabs and now in hand sanitiser! They want to drown us in graphene oxide! What on earth is the pupose of this highly conductive material to be present in

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all aspects of this scamdemic?!!! I dare not think of the answer…

Italian port workers blocking the port of Genoa again today after being told they must be injected with the experimental covid vaccine or lose their jobs.

New York: Chants of “Let’s Go Brandon” ring around New York as municipal workers including FDNY, EMS, NYPD and SDNY protest against vaccine mandates in Brooklyn.

The US CDC failed to refute “clear, consistent and irrefutable scientific evidence proving the superiority of natural immunity over vaccination” in an official exchange of views with the Action Network for Informed Consent (ICAN).


Actress Melle Stewart is fighting for her life after suffering a stroke after being vaccinated by AstraZeneca against COVID. The 40-year-old actress had a rare side effect

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associated with blood clotting after the injection of the vaccine.

Former CDC director Robert Redfield said on Fox News that more than 40% of people who have died in Maryland in the last 6-8 weeks have been fully vaccinated.

NYC protest against mandates is a FOX news alert!

Florida Governor Ron Desantis on Fox News Tucker Carlsen:

1. Your livelihood should not be dependent upon whether you get a COVID shot. This is a personal decision. 2. The Biden Vaccine Mandate is unconstitutional, and we have a responsibility to fight back as a state. 3. Vaccine mandates are bad for the economy.


If you have taken the death jab, and are in line for the booster. Let’s Just face it, It’s time to admit you have been fully conned, by the government.

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The Vaccine is a Bio-Weapon, former Pfizer Biotech Analyst:

Proof the Vax Tracks the Vaccinated. Karen Kingston Former Pfizer Employee and Biotech Analyst Exposes the Vaccine Bio-Weapon, What’s in it that Harms Us & How it Tracks Humans | Agenda 21 | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield said more than 40% of the people who died in Maryland over the last 6-8 weeks were FULLY VACCINATED!!!

Nancy McDonnell, Joseph Russo, Larry Jones were Democratic judges from Ohio who died from the side effects of vaccination within nine days after the introduction of mandatory vaccination mandates in the state.


UK: Leftists who have been blocking roads in the UK for weeks now, infuriating people trying to get to work, have now glued themselves to

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the floor, emergency services diverted from actual emergencies to try and get them off!

Vaccine Mandate Threatens Major Trucking Disruption, Industry Insiders Say

A document just released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) openly admits that the infamous PCR test for the Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid-19) was developed not with actual samples, but rather with what appears to be genetic material from a common cold virus. In the FDA document, it is clearly stated that ordinary seasonal flu genetic material was used as the testing marker in the PCR test kits because the authorities knew that many people would test “positive” for it, thus allowing them to use these results to create the “Covid” narrative.

https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download http://www.fda.gov/ http://fda.gov/

If you are participating in promoting vaccines for Covid-19 you will be held accountable, worldwide, for violating the Nuremberg Code. Danielle

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1. Variants of a virus are spreading amongst vaccinated people 2. A vaccine cannot protect you from anything outside the body only the immune system can. The only reason for this vaccine is to produce antibodies. 3. The antibodies that are produced by the injection of the vaccine can no longer neurtralise variants of a virus. 4. Because the vaccine lowers the ability of your immune system to keep virusses out by 60% and with the booster even more the rate of sick and ill people will go up.

Now there are two things you can do right now:

Raise the ability of your immunesystem right now! Or= alter when you feel it is necessary

– vitamine C 1000 mg daily – vitamine D3 500/ or 1000 mg daily – zinc 50/or 100 mg daily – Q10 500/ or 3x daily

On the EO: Biden would have to call an end to the Pandemic to reverse the EO – which he couldn’t do anyway. An incoming administration

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can’t void a EO while the country is still in the emergency.

H. The Real News for Mon. 25 Oct. 2021: Biden at a speech in honor of the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, DC: “I’m not your president, Donald Trump is still your president.”

Louis Gohmert’s Explosive Question About FBI’s Potential Role in Jan. 6 Leaves Garland Stammering:


California BOMB CYCLONE Brings Epic Downpours. Wildfire-scarred Northern California has been inundated with mudslides, flooding, and winds that uprooted trees and damaged power lines. An evacuation warning is in place for some areas. Meteorologists described the sharp drop in pressure a “bomb cyclone,” and warn that scorched areas of severe drought are at far greater risk of flash floods.

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Emergency Alert for La Palma, Charlie Ward:




Out Of The Shadow, New Q Phones, Epstein The Invisible Empire With Mel K & Charlie Ward:


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Kayleigh McEnany:

“I speak all across the country, and I can say — without hesitation — the most impactful issue from Oregon to Virginia and Washington state to Florida, is Afghanistan. We don’t leave men and women behind, but in Afghanistan, Joe did. America will not forget it.”

UK: On Mon. morning 25 Oct. HSBC’s banking system was down with hundreds of customers struggling to access accounts.

Millions Of Jobs At Risk As Europe Faces Magnesium Shortage:



Be Prepared for BIG Lockdowns NOW. WorldWide yes. This is for THE EVENT on PLANET EARTH. Lots of Eastern Europe started last week.

A documentary on Hollywood pedophile rings was Haylna Hutchins’ next project

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before she was killed by Alec Baldwin on a movie set. Baldwin has been arrested and charged with murder, along with multiple counts of possession of child pornography:


Final Moments of Alec Baldwin Victim Revealed in New Report

Sudan’s leading military figure Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan dissolves ruling council & cabinet by declaring state of emergency. Elections reportedly set to form “competent” govt. @theflutterwave, a global payments technology company, has launched two new remittance corridors between Europe and Africa on the Stellar network with @tempo_eu

https://t.co/76tt3TPXWx https://twitter.com/StellarOrg/status/1452636352088969220?s=20

$4.2bn Tesla-Hertz Deal Biggest EVER Electric Car Order. Just months after escaping bankruptcy, car rental service Hertz has penned a mammoth 100k-car deal with Tesla. Tesla has bumped 4.3% in pre-market trading value, with

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the first batch of Tesla Model 3 sedans available through the service in the next few weeks – while Hertz allegedly plan to convert almost all of its 500k-vehicle fleet.

Groove Ransomware calls on all extortion gangs to attack US interests. The 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) (@780thC) Tweeted: The Groove Ransomware gang published a Russian blog post calling on all other ransomware operations to target US interests. The blog post also warns ransomware operations not to target Chinese companies…

https://t.co/VQMo4OfY82 https://twitter.com/780thC/status/1452628659693629448?s=20

Think Fauci torturing and killing dogs is bad? Wait till you learn what he did to orphaned kids in NYC for HIV “research”

https://www.altheal.org/toxicity/house.htm In New York’s Washington Heights is a 4-story brick building called Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC). This former convent houses a revolving stable of children who’ve been removed from their own homes by the Agency for Child Services. These children are black,

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Hispanic and poor. Many of their mothers had a history of drug abuse and have died. Once taken into ICC, the children become subjects of drug trials sponsored by NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, a division of the NIH), NICHD (the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) in conjunction with some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies – GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Genentech, Chiron/Biocine and others”

“The aids research establishment were responsible for this tragedy. The marketing of HIV, through press releases and statements, as a killer virus, has so distorted research and treatment that it may have caused thousands of people to suffer and die. “dr. Joseph Sonnabend, the Sunday times, 17 may 1992the archive contains letters from scientists/activists to the lancet, nature and science whose editors’ point of view in the HIV/aids’ field is strictly settled, sealed, and situated as orthodox and monotheistic. The major science journals have invested in propagating the ‘hiv’ paradigm as the official game in this contested field of play. Science journal editors represent the institutionalised site where they are situated as

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authorised agents of ‘aids discourse, thus sanctioning the ‘hiv’ paradigm as the authenticated game of play. Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu states, “each field calls forth and gives life to a specific form of interest, a specific illusio, as tacit recognition of the value of the stakes of the game and as practical mastery of its rules. Furthermore, this specific interest implied by one’s participation in the game differentiates itself according to the position occupied in the game (dominant vs. Dominated or orthodox vs. Heretic) and with the trajectory that leads each participant to this position… As a space of potential and active forces, the field is also a field of struggles aimed at preserving or transforming the configuration of these forces. ” the stakes are high in protecting and reproducing the profitable ‘hiv’polity because so many (Curran, Fauci, Francis, Essex, Gallo, ho, Montagnier, shaw, tedder, Weiss, etc) have had long-term vestedstakes in rigging and maintaining the ‘hiv’ poker game (at all costs).

These aids-players have placed their bets on the ‘hiv’ casinoeconomy where cheating always ensures lucrative pay-outs. As the dominant players, they gamble with the ‘hiv’ game “only insofar as their interest in following it outweighs

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their interest in overlooking it. ” (Bourdieu). And since journals like nature, natural medicine, new scientist, science, scientific American, British medical journal, nejm, Jama, and the lancet have had high stakes in gambling the rigged ‘hiv’ game (in a deplorable way)for so long now they can hardly do a volte-face and confess to a gross-error of misjudgment; since such an admission would damage their scientific credibility.

So these science journals will have to hold out as long as possible in trying to salvage the’hiv’ fraud in order to save face and fortune. They have to keep (what Duesberg calls)moving the goal posts or change the rules of the game in order to extend the ‘hiv’ casino gambling licence.

Examples of this desperate’hiv’ subterfuge salvaging farce are to be found in fraudulent papers published in nature by: Michael Ascher et al. , (11 march,1993); Giuseppe Pantaleo/Anthony Fauci et al. , (25 march, 1993); Sarah darby et al. , (7 september, 1995); Feng Gao/Beatrice Hahn et al. , (4 February, 1999); and the articles by xipingwei/George shaw, et al. , and David ho/martin markowitz et al. , (12

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January, 1995) – all of which should never have passed the peer-review process. Yet astonishingly these invalid papers are still being invoked by the ‘hiv’ faithful to maintain the fraud.”


Germany: “Militarily, a lot is happening in Germany. I am for 23 years Europe-wide on assembly and drive annually 70000-100000km. It is so obvious a lot of military on the road not to mention what happens in the air. I took this low loader on the A7 before Göttingen south last Sunday. Now I know how to write to you and you will surely get pictures more often. Many greetings Christian”

Italy: Rescue operations save residents as deadly floods hit southern Italy. One person has died and others are still reported missing, after heavy rains pounded Calabria and the island of Sicily. Forecasters classified the cyclone to hit the Mediterranean region as a hurricane, with wind speeds reaching 100km/h.

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The Biden administration supports the re-election of WHO Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus.

Hillary Clinton urges Boris Johnson to introduce vaccination passports in the UK as soon as possible.

The ADL (Anti-Defamation League of America) publishes a ridiculous Halloween costume guide urging parents to avoid “costumes that perpetuate gender norms.”

Patriots in Michigan are actively working to uncover electoral fraud.

Trump said that the United States is “dying from the inside” because of the influx of migrants arriving in the country, and called for the urgent resumption of the construction of the border wall.

CDC Director Walenski says the Biden regime plans “education and counseling” for unvaccinated police officers and “essential workers.”

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The latest Biden Report: Without logic, the Biden gang claims that climate change is causing illegal immigrants to cross the southern border into the United States.

Scientists claim that the AY variant.4.2 is 15% more transmissive than Delta and can be called “Nu”.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that the price increase will continue until “the end of next year.”

A worried mother wants to show an advertisement for a dangerous Pfizer vaccine on television after her daughter was seriously and irreversibly injured, but Comcast (an American telecommunications corporation) refuses to advertise at the last minute.

UN: acute hunger threatens half of the population of Afghanistan.

The woman responsible for the weapons on the set of an Alec Baldwin movie is deleting her social media accounts.

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A 17-year-old healthy hockey player died in Canada a few weeks after vaccination.

For the first time in history, Chinese and Russian warships have teamed up for joint patrols in the western Pacific Ocean.

The Russian Defense Ministry summoned the German military attache in connection with the statements of the interim German Defense Minister, who said that Moscow should know that NATO is ready to use its nuclear deterrent forces in the event of a Russian attack on one of the Alliance members.

The fiancee of Julian Assange calls on Australia and other governments to act after the United States, according to her, decided to kill the founder of WikiLeaks.

The Sudanese military declares a state of emergency, dissolves the government after the coup.

Biden goes home to Delaware almost every weekend, and then returns to Washington and still can’t figure out how to unload container ships in Los Angeles – now the cost of shipping

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a container to the United States is 4.5 times higher than last year.

Seven Russian tourists were detained in Antalya, Turkey, on suspicion of arson of the forest.

There is a surge in coronavirus infections in Beijing.

MBS claims to have used a “poison ring” from Russia to assassinate the Saudi king in 2014 so that his father could take the throne, according to a Saudi spy in exile.

Twitter suspended the activities of GOP Representative Jim Banks after a tweet about transgender Admiral Biden Levin.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a division of the National Institutes of Health headed by Anthony Fauci, has reportedly been “conducting animal testing for almost four decades and has been failing for the same amount of time.”