up6em diagnostic test unit0

Name: No. Class: Date: Teacher: Guardian’s signature: Date:  / / Read the text. I Hello, everybody! My name’s Adam Lambert, I’m eleven years old and I’m a student at Chapman Elementary School in Dublin, the capital of Ireland. My father is from Ireland and he is an important politician. My mother is French and she is a nurse. Today is the rst day of school and my schoolbag is ready: I have got new books, a red pencil case, a white ruler, scissors and a dictionary. Right now, I’m having breakfast in the kitchen with my parents and my grandmother. For breakfast we usually have cereal and milk. My sister is having a shower and my baby brother is watching TV in the living room. After breakfast I go to school on foot because my school is next to my house. I like my school very much. There are many classrooms, a beautiful library, two music rooms and a big gymnasium. Today it’s sunny so I can play football with my friends in the playground. A. Complete the sentences with information from the text. 1. His name is 4. Adam is from 2. He is old. 5. His father is a 3. Adam is a 6. They are having B. Match the questions with the answers. 1. How many music rooms are there? 2. Where is Adam’s brother? 3. Does Adam like cereal? 4. Who is he? 5. What’s the weather like? 6. Does he go to school by car? 7. Is his mother from France? 8. Where is his school? 9. What is his sister doing? 10. What’s his mother’s job? a) She is having a shower. b) Yes, she is. c) She is a nurse. d) It is next to his house. e) Yes, he does. f) It’s sunny. g) He is Adam. h) There are two. i) He is in the living room.  j) No, he doesn’t. He goes to school on foot. English Diagnostic Test    U    P    6    T    F       P   o   r    t   o    E     d    i    t   o   r   a 93

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Name: No. Class: Date:


Guardian’s signature: Date:  / / 

Read the text.


Hello, everybody!

My name’s Adam Lambert, I’m eleven years old and I’m a student at Chapman

Elementary School in Dublin, the capital of Ireland. My father is from Ireland and

he is an important politician. My mother is French and she is a nurse.

Today is the rst day of school and my schoolbag is ready: I have gotnew books, a red pencil case, a white ruler, scissors and a dictionary.

Right now, I’m having breakfast in the kitchen with my parents and

my grandmother. For breakfast we usually have cereal and milk. My

sister is having a shower and my baby brother is watching TV in the

living room.

After breakfast I go to school on foot because my school is next to

my house.

I like my school very much. There are many classrooms, a

beautiful library, two music rooms and a big gymnasium.

Today it’s sunny so I can play football with my friends in theplayground.

A. Complete the sentences with information from the text.

1. His name is 4. Adam is from

2. He is old. 5. His father is a

3. Adam is a 6. They are having

B. Match the questions with the answers.

1. How many music rooms are there?

2. Where is Adam’s brother?

3. Does Adam like cereal?

4. Who is he?

5. What’s the weather like?

6. Does he go to school by car?

7. Is his mother from France?

8. Where is his school?

9. What is his sister doing?

10. What’s his mother’s job?

a) She is having a shower.

b) Yes, she is.

c) She is a nurse.

d) It is next to his house.

e) Yes, he does.

f) It’s sunny.

g) He is Adam.

h) There are two.

i) He is in the living room.

 j) No, he doesn’t. He goes to school on foot.

English Diagnostic Test

   U   P   6   T   F   ©

   P  o  r   t  o   E    d   i   t  o  r  a


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A. Circle the correct option.

1. They are / am thin, tall and they have got / has got blue eyes.

2. Maria is / are short and she have got / has got brown hair.3. Have / Has you got straight hair? Yes, I have / haven’t.

4. Is / Are he English? No, he is / isn’t.

5. I are / am twelve years old.

B. Write the correct option.

1. She chocolate mousse. (like / likes)

2. you like tea? Yes, I . (do / does)

3. I am my homework. (do / doing)

4. Leonardo is tennis. (play / playing)

5. I ride a bike and he play football. (can / cans)

Complete the dialogue.

Mrs Murphy: Good morning, Jamie.


Mrs Murphy: Can I ask you a few questions?

 Jamie: Certainly.

Mrs Murphy: ?

 Jamie: My favourite hobby is surng the Net.

Mrs Murphy: What’s your favourite fruit?

 Jamie: apple.

Mrs Murphy: How many pets have you got?

 Jamie: . (2 birds)

Listening exercise

Write true (T) or false (F).

1. She is Adam’s mother. 4. Her trainers are white.

2. Thelma is twenty years old. 5. Thelma doesn’t like orange juice.

3. She has got blue eyes.




 UP  6 T F ©P  or  t   oE  d i   t   or  a 


English Diagnostic Test