uob understanding mature student transition into and through university uall conference march 2015...

UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS UALL 2015: Mature Student Transition

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Page 1: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS


Understanding mature student transition into and through


UALL Conference March 2015

Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza

STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Page 2: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n


• Outline the University of Bradford’s ‘trans:it refreshers summer school’ for new mature undergraduate students

• Approach and content

• Student feedback

• Current evaluation and research project

• Wider work at Bradford



Page 3: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS


What is trans:it?• To support mature student transition into


• Academic focus – preparation for study

• Particular concerns/ needs of mature students

• Orientation, support and social connections

• 2 day programme run in September, just prior to induction week

• Managed by the Student Experience & Success Team in collaboration with Education Liaison and Academic Skills Advice

• Open to all new mature students

• 148 participants in 2014U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o nSTUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS


Page 4: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS


Trans:it Summer School overview

• Welcome by Director of Student Success

• Students’ Union intro

• Student Ambassador reflections (mature)

• Student opportunities (Careers, study abroad, student representation etc.)

• Campus and library tours

• Workshop programme:U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o nSTUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS


Page 5: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n


• Becoming an independent learner

• Deciphering jargon and making the most of your lectures

• Reading strategies and effective note-taking

• How to write in an academic style

• Library, IT and finding resources


Page 6: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS


Ongoing summer school themes

• Advice and tips to make the move from work or college to University as smooth as possible

• Student ambassadors (assigned to groups for whole programme)

• Group activities

• Getting to know others and Bradford

• Meet staff and services

• Ask questions

• Good academic habits

U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o nSTUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESSSTUDENT EXPERIENCE &


Page 7: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Feedback from students

• Post-event questionnaire



% rated strongly


Attending the summer school has helped prepare me for starting university 96%

I feel more confident about starting my studies because of attending the summer school 98%It has been useful to meet other students

92%I would recommend attending the summer school to others


Page 8: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Feedback from studentsAll the information…is very useful in my university studies, and [with] confidence the more motivated I become

Meeting fellow students and being shown around campus. Now I feel more confident about induction week and starting Uni. The information presented in all lectures and workshops was just at the right level, not swamped with information and the student ambassadors were brilliant. Early familiarisation of the campus and university life

Confidence to hit the ground running and get on with my studies without worries.

That far more support is available than I expected, which i am now keen to make good use of!

 I will take away a better understanding of what lectures, workshops, tutorial and seminars are as, I will be honest, I wasn't sure. I feel confident about seeking maths help without worrying that it would be frowned upon.


I have seen how helpful and encouraging the university staff are. I really appreciate that they are there to help with any issues I may have and I will be more confident asking for help because of that.


I'm not alone. There are a lot more people facing similar difficulties to me and if I need help study or writing, the academic skills service is close by.

The best [thing] about it was, it gave a basic foundation about what is expected from students during their studies, and it gave me [an] overall idea about University itself.


Page 9: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Student Ambassador feedback


• Student Ambassadors are core to the event

• Support the running and group activity

• Share reflections – to all and to individuals/small groups over the programme

• Many have been attendees before…

Page 10: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n




Page 11: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Current research project

• Funded by AMOSSHE (one of only 4 successful projects)http://www.amosshe.org.uk/projects/insight

• Aims to understand the value of participating in the summer school from the student perspective

• Mixed but largely qualitative approach

• To ascertain the “regard, importance, worth or usefulness that something is held to deserve” (AMOSSHE 2011)

• Mature student reflections and articulations

• Identify key strengths and areas of good practice

• And other developments/ support for mature students (for Bradford and the sector)


Page 12: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Context• Evidence from the sector often highlights the importance

of student engagement and successful transition (Kember et al. 2001; Mann 2005 & 2010; Tinto 2006; Krause 2007; Currant and Keenan 2008; Hollins 2009, Bryson et al. 2010, Trowler & Trowler 2010; Wimpenny and Savin-Baden 2011, Foster et al. 2012 and Thomas 2012).

• However, it is less clear how particular support opportunities affect the involved individuals themselves

• Further understanding of how engagement is of value in the early and ongoing transition of mature students

• insight into how they progress and where additional support or opportunities may be needed.

• Other literature on mature students, p/t study, social mobility, lifelong learning etc.

(Stuart 2013, Field et al. 2009, Schuller and Watson, 2009 and Preston et al 2004).


Page 13: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Research activity

• Literature review of transition support in Higher Education (in progress)

• Questionnaire of 2014 participants (complete)

• In-depth interviews with participants (live) – approx. 15

• And with non-participants for comparison

• Student researchers (e.g. graduate intern)


Page 14: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Proposed outputs

• Report for the funders and the sector – key findings and recommendations

• Trans:it summer school guide (for others who may want to introduce their own)

• Mature student transition vignettes – personal journeys

• Conference presentation/s – to include mature students


Page 15: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Wider work at Bradford• Development of the Higher

Education Achievement Report (HEAR) – trans:it to be included

• Access agreement activity

• Other summer schools/ online programmes

• Peer assisted learning schemes (popular with mature students)

• Postgraduate student community development – possible PGR summer school

• Part of the work of our newly established Centre for Practice and Evaluation into the Student Experience (PAESE).


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UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Centre for Practice and Evaluation into the Student Experience (PAESE)



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UOB U A L L 2 0 1 5 : M a t u r e S t u d e n t Tr a n s i t i o n

Thank you and any questions?

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Page 18: UOB Understanding mature student transition into and through university UALL Conference March 2015 Ruth Lefever and Nadira Mirza STUDENT EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS

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