unwanted effects of fosamax

Unwanted Effects of Fosamax

Upload: fosamaxattorneys2012

Post on 26-May-2015



Health & Medicine

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http://www.fosamaxclassactionlawsuit.com Another side effect of Fosamax is femur fracture. Studies have shown that this is associated with drugs containing bisphosphonates and Fosamax is one of them. These fractures occur in the bone just below the hip joint and may be extremely painful. Imagine yourself suffering from this kind of pain when what you ever think was for you to finally cure your fragile condition. But, while taking this medicine, you are putting your health more in danger. Read more here: http://www.fosamaxclassactionlawsuit.com/updates/mdl-court-decision-a-blow-against-generic-fosamax-lawsuit-claims/


Page 1: Unwanted effects of fosamax

Unwanted Effects of Fosamax

Page 2: Unwanted effects of fosamax

The drug called Fosamax, manufactured by

the pharmaceutical company Merck & Co., is

generally used in the treatment of certain

bone diseases which include osteoporosis and

Paget’s disease. Because these medical

conditions cause loss in bone mass, this drug

increases or maintains the bone density levels

of its users. However, the minor side effects

from the use of this drug includes nausea,

abdominal cramps, flatulence, constipation,

diarrhea, and esophageal ulcer. If you’re

taking this drug then you’ll be surprised that

this drug that you have trusted to ease your

pain may change your life in a whim because

of its serious side effects.

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For a while now Fosamax has had taken a chaotic path as a lot

of complaints arise due to the severe side effects that it has

caused to consumers. Nonetheless, others took the generic

versions of Fosamax, which still has its side effects, but

because of a recent Supreme Court ruling,

their compensatory lawsuit might be barred from the ong

oing MDL


One of the side effects that Fosamax cause is osteonecrosis of

the jaw (ONJ). This is a condition in which the bone tissue in

the jaw failed to heal after experiencing minor trauma such as

tooth extraction. It exposes the cheek, thereby rendering it

susceptible to infection. In the long run it may lead to the

collapse of the bone.

Page 4: Unwanted effects of fosamax

Osteonecrosis is really painful, with signs and symptoms such as

pain in the jaw, swelling of the gums, loose teeth, drainage,

exposed jaw bone, numbness, or a feeling of heaviness in the jaw.

If this is left untreated, it may lead to the death of the bone tissue.

Another side effect of Fosamax is femur fracture. Studies have

shown that this is associated with drugs containing

bisphosphonates and Fosamax is one of them. These fractures

occur in the bone just below the hip joint and may be extremely

painful. Imagine yourself suffering from this kind of pain when

what you ever think was for you to finally cure your fragile

condition. But, while taking this medicine, you are putting your

health more in danger.

Page 5: Unwanted effects of fosamax

Merck & Co. has released a statement stating that there has been

no "causal link" demonstrated between long-term use of Fosamax

and fractures. It claims that the studies it has conducted have not

shown any increased risk of fracture in any part of the body.

However, the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research

Femoral Fracture Task Force in 2010 recommended that US

health regulators rewrite the warning labels for bisphosphonates

because of their possible association with atypical femur

fractures. From then on, a stream of Fosamax femur lawsuit

has been filed.

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