untitled digital card game proposal

Untitled Digital Card Game Official Project Proposal By Jer “OmniJerBear” Flores

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Untitled Digital Card Game

Official Project Proposal


Jer “OmniJerBear” Flores

Page 2: Untitled Digital Card Game Proposal

Project Name: TBD

Purpose of Project: To incorporate a story that allows for the development of a digital card game where there will be elements such as enhancements (i.e. weapons and armors) for the combatants called upon by the player.

General Plot: Eons ago, long enough for the events to be forgotten, a war between light and dark ravaged the lands. It all started when the (subject to change) Enslavers began enslaving the world by trapping their souls in “card prisons” so they could force their physical bodies to do their bidding. They enslaved anyone, even those that begged for mercy, from the brave and bold warrior to the meek and helpless maid. It seemed as if there were none that could stand in the way of the Enslavers, so long as they were backed by the Enemy (subject to change). That is until the last of the benevolent entities of power could no longer stand idle as the dark consumed the light. He quickly gathered the most courageous and compassionate spirits that the universe had to offer and strengthened their souls with the power to seal the Enemy, they would come to be known as (subject to change) Sealer. And so the war truly began as the Enslavers who had replaced their own souls with those of demons (subject to change) could be sealed away by a Sealer. The Dark One finally had enough souls though that he could imbue his Enslavers with a new gift, to set free the demons for them to fight by their side. For especially powerful Enslavers they were even able to conjure evil weapons and armor to make their soldiers even harder to defeat. However, the Benevolence wouldn’t leave its brave heroes defenseless; the Sealers had the ability to release the seals on the “card prisons” of any souls that had been trapped by the Enslavers as if it were the day they were enslaved. Even more impressive, higher skilled Sealers had the ability to call forth the Benevolence tools from the spirit world for their new warriors to use in battle.

And so it had come, the final showdown between heroes of the Benevolence and the followers of the Dark One. Though the epic battle was long and arduous, it ended in the heroic Sealers

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overpowering the Enslavers and, with their combined might, allowed the Benevolence to once and for all seal away the Dark One.

Eons later, the war has been long forgotten, perhaps not even a myth it has been so long, but this is the current world we live in. It is a world where technology and science has become the driving force of society, a force that the Dark One after so many eons can use to recruit a new generation of Enslavers to do his bidding. So the enslavement would start again in the secret dark shadows of the digital battleground. However, the energy that awakened the Dark One also roused the Benevolence from its deep slumber, once again allowing it to call upon a new set of brave spirits to become Sealers. The War of Seals starts a new on the digital battleground.

One question remains, who will turn the tide of this new war and which side will the tide rise for?

The TL; DR: A war that ended eons ago between good and evil has arisen again, this time on the digital battleground where cards are once more used as soldiers and warriors. The player must choose, be an Enslaver and subdue the world in the name of the Dark One, or be brave and go down the path of a Sealer to keep the peace that the Benevolence has created. Both having the ability to conjure weapons and armor to empower their combatants, the player is a special Spirit, and they alone will be the one that will turn the tide; for better or for worst.

Test Dialogue:

“So you think you’re special, well you won’t Seal me away. I think we have to show you what real fear is! Demons! Unseal!”

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“How could you commit these crimes? I just wish there was another way. Brave warriors of the past, I release you from your prison! Please, lend me your strength to seal away these Demons!”

“Aw, you’re kind of cute when you act all tough. Why I don’t I show you what tough really is? COME ON OUT, FRIENDS! WE HAVE A SOUL TO ENSLAVE!”

“Pfft, nice little pet you got there. I should warn ya though, don’t ever bring a yip dog to a fight with a gunslinger. SHOW EM WHAT YOU GOT, LEGENDARY SOUL!”

“It’s just a matter of time now; the Benevolence couldn’t keep me sealed away forever. And I with these young new Enslavers, I will bring the world to its knees!”

“I cannot fight the Dark One and its army alone, I call upon you, those who have proven worthy through your bravery and compassion, to awaken and release the legendary souls from their ‘cards’ to put an end to the Enslavers and hopefully the Dark One’s return.”