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  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    Mumbai Flood:

    July 2005Making a difference

    throughlocal action

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    Mumbai - Gateway of India 16.5 million people (5 th largest city, over

    double the population of London). City grows vertically , not horizontally

    no space Slumbai over half the people in

    slums Offers one- tenth on India s factory jobs

    One-third of income tax Earns 40 per cent of foreign trade Bollywood the film capital

    churns nearly 900 movies a year

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    Mumbai Gateway of India Cosmopolitan culture Home to dabbawallahs (lunch box carriers)

    who teach supply chain mgt to DHL andothers.

    Devastated by a sectarian violence in 1992and bomb blasts 1993

    Latur was hit by an earthquake (1993). Thatled to formulation of a state disastermanagement policy

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    The Event July: Monsoonin Maharashtra July 24: floods

    in the province July 26:

    944 mm rain inMumbai

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    The villain -

    Offshore vortex

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A



    Deaths - 500 (Drowned, buried in landslides,

    electrocuted, stampede ) Affected all Missing- 100 Financial loss- US $ 1 Billion

    Almost the entire urban sprawl ofMumbai sub-urban and Thanedistrict were under water, paralyzingthe city and civic life

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A



    Power shut down Transport on a standstill Flights cancelled for two days People stranded in offices, roads

    without food and water Telephones

    cut off

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A



    'Mumbaikars' in action: Rescue

    Food, water Brought boats etc Solidarity and support

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A



    Mohalla (local area) committees , mostly setup after the 1992/3 riots, were in full swing. Youth groups worked with the Army Voluntary / NGOs groups in direct action

    Corporates and their charity foundations gavea helping hand Educational institutions offered advise and

    voluntary work

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    Government response Initially, it was a knee - jerk reaction Dramatic change once communities started

    taking control, forcing government action Army was called in Declared public holidays for July 27 and 28 Extended the July 31 deadline for filing

    income tax returns - or people would havebeen out on streets

    Agreed to work with NGOs in reliefdistribution

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    What difference could it

    make? Less lives lost Targeted aid - aid reached some of the most

    needy Mumbai back on its feet in less than a week People s confidence never lost Mumbai learnt its lessons and is better

    prepared. It has further strengthened disaster

    preparedness measures in Mumbai Inspired other cities.

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    What made the difference ? State disaster management policy in action

    Experienced and informed bureaucracy .

    Senior national political leaders from the provinceare committed to disaster management

    Same political party (coalition member) in powerin the province and centre.

    Government - civil society synergy Disaster in a high profile city became a test for


  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    What else made the difference?

    Mumbai has a history of responding todisasters - natural and human made

    1992 -1993 riots and bomb blasts 1993 Latur earthquake

    City is bursting at its seems, still the civic

    amenities are working

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    What else madethe difference?

    Resilience Mumbaikers

    civic sense: the best Strong and vigilant civil society Generous contribution from corporate Local committees trained in facilitating self

    help - culture of resilience , trust and synergynurtured over the past several years.

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    The big picture

    Indian scenario- disaster managementbill passed , policy is emerging.

    How Mumbai fits in? Is it an exception? Be vigilant, but build on positive stories Bring in community experience Communication can make or break the

    response measures.

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A



    Put PEOPLE at the centre-stage Local action makes all the difference Empowered communities respond better Informed, trained

    bureaucrats can offer

    co-ordinated response Star value helps,but political action

    is necessary.

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    Mumbai is still vulnerable

    Losses could have been minimised by

    keeping the city's Mithi river free ofencroachment Unhindered building construction

    around the city's green areas is

    amplifying vulnerabilities.

    No city is an exception

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    Future tense

    A section of climate experts blame it onglobal warming.

    Unusually cold winter in Mumbai citedas an example of climate change

    Urban landscape changes makedisaster response difficult ( Mumbai comprises reclaimed creeks, a river mouth and an island mostly located close to sea level )

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    In a nutshell

    Local capacity building is the key todisaster response

    Government- civil society synergy canwork wonders Invest in preparedness

    Material and emotional needs Dovetail components of disasterpreparedness into long term/ growthplans of cities. (rememberembankments)

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    The story Once there was a village near a riverEveryday the villagers would find one or two people

    drowning in the river.The villagers would rush and try and save these people In time the villagers became proficient in rescuing people

    who were drowning in the river and the patterncontinued for a while

    Until somebody began to question. What was happening upstream that caused these people to

    fall in..

  • 7/31/2019 Unnikrishnan A


    Thank you