unmanned vehicles conference & exhibition 2 – 4 march, 2010 madrid. spain organized bywith the...

Unmanned Vehicles Conference & Exhibition 2 – 4 March, 2010 Madrid. Spain Organized by With the support of

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Page 1: Unmanned Vehicles Conference & Exhibition 2 – 4 March, 2010 Madrid. Spain Organized byWith the support of

Unmanned Vehicles Conference & Exhibition2 – 4 March, 2010

Madrid. Spain

Organized by With the support of

Page 2: Unmanned Vehicles Conference & Exhibition 2 – 4 March, 2010 Madrid. Spain Organized byWith the support of

Why?Unmanned Systems represent one of the most radical changes in decades.

There is now an extensive range of aerial (fixed-wing and rotary) vehicles, as well as underwater, naval, ground, space and even mixed craft, and many more are in the pipeline.

For each fighter plane in development, there are 20 models of UCAVs (Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles). For each manned reconnaissance platform in production, there are 50 UAVs.

More than 400 companies taking an active part in new projects involving platforms, payloads, control stations, armament integration, etc.

The technological change in the field of Unmanned Systems has swept along much more quickly than users’ grasp of their potential capabilities.

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Why in Spain?

In Spain, the Ministry of Defence is taking part in a number of programmes and cooperation projects in the field of UVS.

The Ministry of the Interior and other homeland agencies of the different Administrations, also have their own different requirements.

Spain has been relatively inactive in this field, in which potential prospects are opening up in terms of both demand and supply.

IDS with the support of the Secretary of State of the Spanish Ministry of Defence, is organizing an exhibition with conferences, specifically designed for the needs of the Spanish market to help cover the shortage of information on this sector.

A meeting-point to know in depth, in a business oriented way, the actual and future UVS offer, together with the needs of clients, both Public or private.

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National and international manufacturers of systems and platforms.

National and international producers of payloads, on board armament, system

and platform components and related services.

Agencies performing R&D+Innovation in connection with Unmanned Systems


Institutions related to incentives and support for Unmanned Systems



Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces

Ministry of the Interior and the State Security Forces.

Other agencies of the Public Administrations at national, regional and local

level, with potential needs in the area of Unmanned Systems technologies.

Companies and organisations with civil needs.

For whom?

Page 5: Unmanned Vehicles Conference & Exhibition 2 – 4 March, 2010 Madrid. Spain Organized byWith the support of

In which format?A distinctive format which fulfils the project’s main objective: to help in taking decisions.

In a suitable location for: Setting up a small exhibition area with modular stands Having a good Conference facilities Providing networking opportunities

Nominal Programme: 9:00. to 11:00. Conferences with Workshops 11:00 to 11:30 Coffee-break in exhibition area 11:30. to 13:00 Conferences and workshops 13:00 to 14:00 Visit to exhibition 14:00. to 15:30. Lunch for exhibitors and visitors 15:30 to 17:00 Visit to exhibition and video demostrations

In short, a nimble, professionally-run and specialised Meeting-point, geared to making the most of everyone’s time and resources, for the sake of expanding the knowledge of the experts.

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Where & when?

In Madrid, capital of the Kingdom of Spain and Administrative centre, with:

Conference facilities Adjacent space for exhibition area Easy access Security Facilities for performing aerial and ground exhibitions in a nearby Base

(if required)

Proposed dates: March 2 - 4, 2010

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How to participate?>SPONSORCompanies, Official bodies and Agencies that want to have a very high-profile participation. Their logo will appear in an outstanding position on all documents and in every action that is undertaken, as Sponsors.

>COLLABORATORCompanies, Official bodies and Agencies that want to have a high-profile participation. Their logo will appear on all documents and in every action that is undertaken, as Collaborators.

>EXHIBITORCampanies, Official bodies and Agencies that want to have a stand at the Exhibition. Stands will be modular (12 sqm) and exhibitors may hire as many modules as they wish with all services included.

>SPEAKERCompanies, Official bodies, Agencies, Universities that present papers on the subject of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS). Papers must be approved by a Technical Evaluation Committee.

>VISITORProfessionals and experts in the UVS field keen to appraise the available range of systems and to participate in an event that will bring together all those interested. Access will be by invitation only.

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Who organize?

The original idea, the development of the Project and the Organisation of the event are the responsibility of IDS.

IDS was founded in 1989 by communication professionals specialising in Defence and Security to offers full communication services for companies and public bodies.

Nowdays, IDS also offer: Publishing of specialized publications and reports. Event Organisation Audiovisuals

IDS has a team of qualified professionals with long experience in communication within the Defence and Security markets. This hub is backed by a group of collaborators specialising in specific areas and activities, who join the multidisciplinary teams which are set up for each project.

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For further information:

Angel Macho. [email protected]

Isabel Torroja: [email protected]

Tel. +34 91 594 07 34