university supervisor orientation

University Supervisor Orientation James Madison University Education Support Center

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University Supervisor Orientation. James Madison University Education Support Center. Activating your JMU computing account. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: University Supervisor Orientation

University Supervisor Orientation

James Madison University

Education Support Center

Page 2: University Supervisor Orientation

Activating your JMU computing account

You will need to login to the JMU system to submit grades electronically and to monitor notices of automatic deposits of pay in J-ESS. You will use the same JMU username and password to login to Tk20, the Web system in which you enter student evaluation and placement feedback. Please take time to activate your account now.

Page 3: University Supervisor Orientation

Activating your JMU computing account (Continued)

Follow this path: If you don’t know your user name, search in

JMU PEOPLE. If your name does not appear, you are not yet in the system. Once you have your username, return to

Faculty and staffComputing

Page 4: University Supervisor Orientation

Activating your JMU computing account (Continued)

AccountsJMU e-ID

Follow the directions on the “Computing Accounts Portal” to

a. Activate my e-ID Use your JMU e-ID to access MyMadison for

e-grading and to check your pay, and Tk20 to submit evaluations and placement feedback.

Page 5: University Supervisor Orientation

The Role of the ESC The Education Support Center (ESC) works

closely with the program faculty, the university supervisors (US), and the cooperating teachers (CT) to provide the highest quality student teaching experience.

The ESC staff Provides support and information. Provides training for all US. Supplies supervision materials. Publishes all student teaching materials

available on the ESC Web site

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The Role of the Programs and Academic Departments

Programs and Departments Hire supervisors. Pay salaries and handle related

paperwork. Match supervisors with student teachers

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University Supervisor Packet In your packet, you will find the following:

Welcome Letter Memorandum of Understanding Checklist CT Orientation Meeting Notes Performance Guide Reference Guide (1 for each area supervised) Student Teaching Applications (1 per student) US Placement Report Scripting Guide (1 per ST) Planning and Reflection Profile (1 per ST) Observation of Classroom Teaching (4-6 per ST depending on

length of placement) E-grading instructions

The CT verification sheet is available on the ESC website. ST evaluation and placement feedback will be completed

online in Tk20.

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Welcome Letter to Supervisors Please read your letter carefully. Letter includes dates for student

teaching blocks and supervisor meetings.

Non-photo ID is provided in the packet. JMU photo IDs can be obtained in the

ETMC in Memorial Hall.

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Professional Development Seminar

All supervisors are required to attend a professional development seminar during the semester in which they supervise. August meeting – for all fall US. January meeting – for all spring US who

did not supervise in the fall (or for those who did supervise, but did not attend the August meeting).

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Contacting Student Teachers

Introduce yourself in advance! Contact student teachers by e-mail or

telephone prior to their first placement.

Please meet with STs during the first week they are in their placements!! You do not need to meet with them before

the placement begins.

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Responsibilities of University Supervisors

The Memorandum of Understanding outlines the responsibilities of the US including: Frequency of visiting student teachers (four visits for eight

weeks). Reviewing lesson plans. Observing a variety of lessons and activities. Scheduling meetings and conferences with STs and CTs. Providing mid-block and final assessments of ST progress. Assigning a final course grade. Providing feedback on the placement.

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Tools for University Supervisors University Supervisor Checklist – list of

US activities during the ST block CT Orientation Meeting Notes can guide your

conference with the ST and CT. Go over required information with CT. Include your requirements. Choose what to include based on the

experience of the CT with JMU STs.

Page 13: University Supervisor Orientation

Student Teacher Performance Guide

Conceptual Framework This excerpt from the College of Education

Conceptual Framework is a guide to the knowledge, skills and dispositions that you can expect the student teachers to exhibit.

Co-Teaching The co-teaching methods described here are

suggested for use by all CT/ST partners. In this time of stringent accountability, co-teaching provides an excellent opportunity for two professionals, CT and ST, to work together to enhance student learning. Please encourage the practice in the classrooms where you supervise.

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Student Teacher Performance Guide

(continued) Policies and Procedures

The policies included have been approved by the Professional Education Coordinating Council and are consistent for all programs. Each program may have some unique procedures, but all programs will adhere to what is included in this guide.

As you read this section, please note these items in particular: JMU Teacher Ed Contacts – p. 2 attendance policy – p. 4 outside activities – p. 5 substitute teaching – p. 5 sample teaching schedule – p. 7 role of the university supervisor – p. 10 student teaching withdrawal policy – pp. 11&12

Page 15: University Supervisor Orientation

Student Teacher Performance Guide


Student Teaching Withdrawal Policy Most student teachers are quite successful! If a ST encounters problems, it is essential that

as soon as you recognize a situation: discuss the situation with the ST and CT; contact the Department Head or Program Coordinator; contact the Director of the ESC; document what you observe and any steps you have

taken to rectify the situation.

Please read this section carefully so that in the unlikely event that you encounter a problem you will know where to go for guidance.

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Student Teacher Performance Guide

(continued) Assessment and Observation

Submitting the information discussed in this section is very important! This information provides a complete picture of a student’s

teaching experience. The information is used for Professional Education Unit

assessment purposes. Please read this information carefully before your first visit with

the ST and CT. Where do I get the forms?

US & CT receive observation forms in their packets. ST download and copy the leave request forms from the ESC

Web site. Please use the chart (on p.2) to help you keep track of :

Who submits what information When information is submitted

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Student Teacher Performance Guide


Assessment and Observation (continued)

Each time you observe a ST: You need to complete an observation form.

There are no ratings on the observation form.

You will need to confer with the ST Mid-block and final evaluations:

You will need to schedule a conference with the ST and CT to discuss the evaluation. You need to complete two assessments of student teaching online for each student for each block.

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Student Teacher Performance Guide


Assessment and Observation (continued)

Reference guides were designed to match each content area and/or grade level.

Sometimes the US and CT are not sure exactly what rating to assign. The guide provides questions to assist in your deliberation.

Please Note: The US and CT must complete evaluation forms

independently. During a final visit, the US needs to meet with the CT and

ST to discuss the final evaluation of the student’s progress.

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Student Teacher Evaluation online in Tk20

Log into Tk20 ( with your JMU username and password

Click on “Field Experience” tab Click on “Assessments” on left menu under “Field Experience” Click on the link for the student you want to assessA two-sided screen will appear with the student’s work on the left

side and the list of assessments on the right side of the screen. You can resize the two-sided window screens by clicking and dragging the middle bar with your mouse. The Field Experience Forms (assessments) and instructions for completing each form are on the right side of the screen

Note: Scroll down to see Cooperating Teacher’s evaluations at the bottom

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Student Teacher Evaluation online in Tk20 (continued)

Complete the “Midterm-Profile of Student Teaching Performance” about halfway through the placement and the “Final-Profile of Student Teaching Performance-ST” during the last week of the placement.

Make sure you click the “Save” Button.

You can update an assessment later and your responses

will be recorded when you save it again.

NOTE: Students can view any of your evaluations within

Tk20 as soon as you click the “Save” button.

Page 21: University Supervisor Orientation

E-grading Steps

Log in to E-campus using your email-id and password. Click on the Record Grades link under Management. Click on the term for which you wish to record grades. Click on the specific class for which you wish to record grades. Select the appropriate roster (mid-term or final) by clicking the

yellow vcr button on the right side. Enter a valid grade for each student. Tab out of the field to move to the next student or move your cursor

to the next student. Be sure to tab out of the grade field after entering a grade for the last student on the roster.

After entering grades for a few students, click the yellow SAVE button at the bottom of the page. You may have to scroll down using the arrows along the far right side. A save confirmation message is displayed. It’s a good idea to save often in case you are interrupted.

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E-grading Steps (continued)

When every student has the correct grade, Click the yellow SAVE button, change the approval status (located on the middle left side) to approved by clicking the down arrow and highlighting “Approved”. All grades must be entered before changing the status to Approved.

Click the yellow SAVE button at the bottom of the page. You may have to scroll down using the arrows along the far right side. A save confirmation message is displayed.

To select a different class, click on the “Select a Different Class” link under the save button at the bottom of the page.

To change a grade before the deadline, go into the class roster and change the approval status to “Not Reviewed”. Enter the correct grades and change the approval status back to “Approved” when complete. Click Save again to save your changes. Print a copy of the grade roster after all grades are entered.

Log out of ecampus by clicking the Sign Out link in the top right corner

Undergraduate grades: C or NC Graduate grades: S or U

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Thank You for your Participation Nick Swayne, ESC Interim Director (

[email protected]) and Dara Hall, Coordinator of Field Experiences ([email protected]), will be happy to provide support and answer your questions.

Please contact the Education Support Center at 540-568-6274 or [email protected] if you have any questions or comments about this orientation.

Be sure to review our website at for additional information about the student teaching process.