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Series III. Number IV. BULLETIN OF THE University of Notre Dame NOTRE DAME, INDIANA nsi« 1907-1908 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY AT NOTRE DAME THE UNIVERSITY PRESS " 'VJi A pril , 1908 Entered at the Postoffice, Notre Dame, Indiana, as second class matter July 17, 1905.

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Series III. Number IV.


University of Notre DameNOTRE DAME, INDIANA

n s i «



TH E UNIVERSITY PRESS" 'VJiA p r i l , 1908

E n te r e d a t th e Postoffice, N otre D am e, In d ian a , as secon d class m atter J u ly 17, 1905.

T H E REV. JO H N CAVANAUGH, C. 8. C.,P residen t of th e U niversity of N otre Dame.

The Organization of the Alumni Association*

T his num ber of the U niversity Bulletin is dedicated to the im portan t w ork of the organization of the A lum ni Association. I t is hoped in th is w ay to quicken th e in terest of graduates in the w ork and to insure a large attendance a t N otre Dame on June 17th. T h is bulletin will also be of in terest as containing not only a complete list of the recipients of degrees, b u t also th e beginning of a directory of graduates, w ith addresses, etc.

T h e m ovement to revive the A lum ni A ssociation of the U niversity is the answ er to a general dem and th a t is found to ex ist am ong our graduates. From all p arts of the country came requests in conversation and by le tter for the beginning of the w ork. I t fell in readily w ith the plans and policies of the U niversity A dm inistration and was prom oted on all sides w ith enthusiasm and energy. A ccordingly, on F eb ru ary 10th P resident C avanaugh addressed the following call to such of the alum ni as could be reached by him :

In response to a general dem and for the organization of th e A lum ni of . N otre D am e U niversity I have decided to sum m on all th e living g raduates to assem ble a t N otre Dame. Ju n e 17,1908. for th e purpose of d rafting a constitu tion and perfecting an organization.

T he need of su ch an organization is as keenly felt by th e U niversity as it is by th e alum ni: and th e educational work to w hich Alma M ater stands dedicated is sure to receive a g rea t im petus from it.

This inv itation will be restric ted to g raduates of those courses w hich a t the p resen t tim e dem and th e h igh school diplom a or its equivalent as an en trance requirem ent. U nder th is ru ling g raduates of any course leading to th e degree of bachelor or engineer are en titled to a seat in th is first convention.

T he Com m encem ent exercises are fixed for th e evening of W ednesday, Ju n e 17th, and the m orning of T hursday , Ju n e 18th. F o r the benefit of those who may no t be able to ta rry long a t th e U niversity th e organization of th e A lum ni A ssociation will take place on W ednesday m orning a t ten o’clock. T he A lum ni dinner will follow.

T his m ovem ent m eans m uch to Alma M ater as well as to all her loyal sons. I t is hoped th a t every alum nus of th e U niversity will be present, no m a tte r w hat th e inconvenience. So far as possible th e form er officers, teachers and prefects of the U niversity will be in attendance.

I enclose posta l card for reply. Be sure and add your p resen t address.


The present \vhereabouts of a nun1ber of our graduates is not known to the officers of the University. A nntnber of others have passed a\vay. As \Vill be seen frotn the classified list of living graduates on page 27, there still retnain, ho\vever, a considerable· nutnber that have not ackno\:vleclgecl the invitation, not declaring their in tent ions \vith regard. to the cotning reunion. It is earnestly hoped that this Bulletin ·will provoke a reply fro111 then1 and that the reply ·will be .favorable.

Only a sn1allnun1ber have sent declinations, and it is hoped that this number \vill be very n1uch lessened by future good resolutions and the solicitation of friends who are to be present and who \vill n1iss the absentees.

Unusual itnportance attaches to the coining tneeting, because it \vill give pern1anent fonn to the Ahnnni A.ssociation and largely detennine its future character. It will also act upon the tentative constitution as suggested in this Bulletin, and decide questions regarding the consti t u­tion or the by-la\vs. As the efficiency of any organization depends very largely on the officers who furnish the initiative and the administration, the June tneetiug carries \Yilh it in1portant consequences in that all the officers are to be elected at that convention. It is the \vish of the college · achninistration to tnake the obligations of 1nen1bership as easy as possible so as to attract everybod:y to the annual n1eetings. It is the solid and unitedn1oral support of the Ahunni that the University chiefly values and no graduate, ho·wever young, need hesitate to take an active part in the organization, since he 1nay be able to render as great service as the older Alun1nus through his alertnes and enthusiastn.

One· of the features of the Com1nencen1ent exercises vvill be the Alun1ni banquet, at \vhich the graduates of 'o8 \:vill be forn1ally inducted into the n1en1bership of the society. Toasts ·will be offered by fa\·orite Alumni . There \vill also be a gan1e of baseball between the baseball stars of the Ahnnni and the \ Tarsi ty of this year.

The two oldest living graduates are 11ajor General Robert \V. Healy, no\v of Chattanooga, and the Hon. J atnGs 0' Brien, of Caledonia, l\1inn. Both of lhen1 \vere 1netnbers of the class of '59· Both have consented to be present.

Altogether it \voulcl seen1 fron1 present indications that the success of the reunion is assured. There -vvill be no lack of enthusiasn1, but each graduate n1ust feel obliged to encourage the 1nove1nent by his presence


and by soliciting as m any of his contem poraries as possible to come back and w alk in the old paths for a day or two. T he exercises of the A lum ni Association have been crowded into one day in order th a t no one need lack th e tim e to participate.

The Notre Dame Club Idea,

I t is a pleasure to announce th a t old students in m any cities have formed N otre Dam e Clubs for m utual pleasure and advancem ent, as well as to prom ote the in terests of Alma M ater. T h is movement has not been pushed so vigorously as the alum ni reunion, b u t it has taken hold in m any cities, w here preparations are now m aking for th e foundation of a club. T he following suggestions are subm itted for the benefit of those who m ay be interested:

A N otre Dame Club m ay be form ed in any city or tow n th a t counts from ten to tw enty old students am ong its population or w ith in easy distance of it.

T h e obligations of m em bership ough t to be as few as possible. A n annual dinner, w ith songs, speeches, stories and reminiscences w ould be a sufficient bond. More frequent m eetings w ould be a t the discretion of the members.

T here need be no dues except the price of th e annual d inner unless m eetings are frequent.

T he club would help individual m embers by m aking and conserving friendships. I t w ould help the U niversity by keeping the old students in touch w ith A lm a M ater. W henever individual m embers or clubs found it possible, g ifts of m oney m igh t be m ade for specific purposes. In all cases old students could serve th e U niversity by speaking favorably of it especially to prospective students, by sending an occasional book to th e library , etc.

T h e Scholastic m ight serve as a m edium of com m unication between such societies by reporting for all the activities of each.

T h e N otre Dame Clubs in various cities are in tended to assemble all form er studen ts w hether graduates or not, who care enough about A lm a M ater to w ish to be identified w ith her, and who w ish to keep up friendly relations w ith o ther “ old boys.”

6 b u l l e t i n o f t h e

W hen the club is organized send nam es of officers to th e P resident of th e U niversity for publication in the annual catalogue.

A lready the following Clubs have been form ed:


Rev. L uke J. Bvers, President, 20 C ity H all PlaceCharles A. Gorman, Vice President, 208 H ooper S t., BrooklynP eter P. M. M cBlligott, Secretary, 112 W all St.Thom as M urray, T reasurer.


Dr. Francis H. Carroll, P resident, 217 H u n tin g to n Ave.H on. W illiam P. H iggins, Vice President, 43 T rem ont S t.Dr. John Fennessey, Secretary, D orchester


James P. Fogarty , President, Betz Bldg.Joseph D. M urphy, Vice P resident.A ndrew J. H anhauser, Secretary, 27 N . 50 S t.John H . Heeson, T reasurer, 1701 Colum bia Ave.


Chauncey W . Yockey, President, W ells Bldg.F ran k P . Burke, Vice P resident, 900 P abst Bldg.George F . Ziegler, Secretary.Louis B. Best, T reasurer.


John C. Shea, President.P e te r K untz, Vice President.A. W . M cFarland, Sec.-Treas.


H on. Jch n M. Gear in, P resident, P o rtlan d H otel John F . Daly, Vice President.F . J. Lonergan, Sec.-T reas., Colum bia U niversity

Im m ediate steps should be taken to organize sim ilar clubs in W ashington, D. C., P ittsbu rg , Chicago, San Francisco, S t. Louis, F o rt W ayne and South Bend. Old studen ts who feel in terested in th is m ovement and feel th a t a N otre Dame Club could be organized in


th e ir city are invited to open correspondence on the m atter. Sometimes it m ay appear be tte r to form a sta te club w ith headquarters a t a central point convenient to m ost of the members.


Tentative Constitution for the Alumni Association of the University of Notre Dame *

A r t . I .— T his organization shall be know n as th e A lum ni Association of the U niversity of N o tre Dame.

A r t . I I . — T h e officers sh a ll consist of an h o n o ra ry p re s id e n t an d s ix h o n o ra ry v ic e -p re s id e n ts , a p re s id e n t, v ic e -p re s id e n t, sec re ta ry , tre a su re r , an d an e x e c u tiv e com m ittee of fo u r m em bers. A ll th e officers w ill be e lec ted an n u a lly , e x c e p t th e m em bers of th e e x e c u tiv e com m ittee , w ho w ill be e lec ted fo r tw o y ea rs in su ch w ise as n o t to h av e a ll fo u r m em bers e lec ted in an y s in g le y e a r a f te r th e d a te of o rg a n iz a tio n .

A r t . I I I . — T he A ssociation shall m eet A nnually in connection w ith th e Commencement Exercises of the U niversity .

A r t . IV . — T he object of th e A ssociation shall be to prom ote friendly relations am ong th e A lum ni of the U niversity and to fu rth e r the in terests of A lm a M ater in such w ays as m ay be considered best.

A r t . V .— A ny member of th e faculty , any form er m em ber of the faculty , g raduates in those courses w hich dem and th e h ig h school diplom a or its equivalent as its requirem ent, any form er studen t who has since became an ordained clergym an and any form er studen t who has received an honorary degree from th e U niversity , shall be eligible for m em bership in th is association.

A r t . V I.— T he m em bers of th is association shall pay an annual fee of five dollars to defray th e expenses of the yearly reunion.

A r t . V II . — T h is constitu tion m a y be changed a t an y annual m eeting by vote of two th ird s of th e members present a t such m eeting.

* This C o n stitu tio n is m erely ten ta tiv e and is suggested here in order to fa c ilita te organization. In explanation of A rt. V. i t m ay he said th a t th is p ara­g raph was fram ed on th e theory th a t an assured s ta tu s of cu ltu re , together w ith ac tual experience of life a t N otre Dame, may he considered to constitu te a desirable m em ber.








f7\Tr|Cr[ § Delhi’s A(̂ F|I'/a L AT hfoj ̂ DAM[C,hfo/%6,l8t%.


Chronological List of Degrees Awarded by the University of Notre Dame

Class of 1849.(In Course.)

*Rev. N. Gillespie, (C. S. C.) - A .B .*Rev. R. Shortis, (C. S. C.) - A .B .

Class of 1852.(In Course.)

*Rev. Patrick Glennen, - - - A. B.*V. Rev. E. B. Kilroy, - - - A. B.

Class of 1856.(In Cotirse.)

*Rev. E. M. O’Callaghan, - - A. B.

Class of 1859.(In Course.)

*V. Rev. E. B. Kilroy, - - - A .M .*Rev. Eugene O’Callaghan, - - A. M.M aj. Gen. Robert W. Hea.y, - A. P..*Philip Carroll, - - - - A. B.Hon. Jam es O’Brien, - - - A. B.

Class of 1860.(In Course.)

John Collins, - - - - - A. B.* Jam es B. Runnion, - - - A. B.

Class of 1862.(In Course.)

*Rev. Michael Browne, - - A. B.^Joseph A. Lyons, - - - - A. B.*James M. H ow ard, - - - A. B.Hon. T im othy E. H ow ard, - - A. B.*Rev. F. Bigelow, (C. S. C.) - A .B .

Class of 1863.(In Course.)

*Denis O’Leary, - - - - A. B.

Class of 1864.(In Course.) t

Class of 1865.(In Course.)

Michael A. J. Baasen, - Maj. Gen. Robert W . Healy, ^Michael T. Corby, - Thomas A. Corcoran, - *Edw ard M. Brown, - -*Rev. John Flynn, - J. C. Dunlap, - ' - Paul Broder, Jr., - - - -*Brev. Brig. Gen. W . T. Lynch, Dr. John Cassidy, -

Class of 1866.(In Course.)

Paul Broder, Jr., - - -^A rthur J. Stace, -*E. A. McNally, - - - -* Joseph Healy, -*W illiam I vers, - - -*T horn as A. Daly, - *John J. Carlin, - John Krull, - - - - -

Class of 1867.(In Course.)

Thom as A. Corcoran, -*Michael T. Corby, - - - -*Rev. F. C. Bigelow, (C. S. C.) -*Edw ard M. Brown, - - -* Augustine E. Tamm any, - *Rev. J. O’Connell, (C. S. C.) -Rev. M artin Connolly, - - -Rev. A nthony Messman,Rev. John Bleckman, - - -* Joseph J. M cKernan, - - --*Peter M. Dechant, - - -

Class of 1868.(In Course.)

A. M. A. M. A. B. A .B . A .B . A. B. A. B. A. B.A. B.B. S.

A. M.A. M. A .M . A M. A .B . A. B. A .B . A. B.

A .M . A .M . A. M. A. M.A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B.A .B .,B. S f B. S.

Hon. T im othy E. H ow ard, - A .M . *W illiam Ivers, - - - A. M.^Joseph A. Lyons, - A. M. *James M. H ow ard, - - - A. M.*James B. Runnion - A. M. *Rev. John Flynn, - - - - A. M.Rev. D. J. Spillard, (C. S. C.) - A. M. *John Carlin, - - - - A. M.* A rthu r J. Stace. - A. B. W illiam T. Johnson, - A. B.*E. A. McNaH}, _ _ _ _ A. B. John P. Lauth, - - - - A. B.Michael A. J. Baasen, - A. B. Thom as Naughton, - A. B.* Joseph Healy, - - - - - A. B. D. M. M. Collins, - - A. Be


O. T, Chamberlain,John Fitzgibbon, - Hon. James E. McBride, - NDr. E. Von Donhoff, -E. S. Pillars, -

Class of 1869.(In Course.)

*Thomas A. Daly, - *Rev. J. O'Connell, (C. S. C.) Rev. John Bleckman, - Rev. A nthony Messman,* James Cunnea,W illiam P. McClain, - James A. O'Reilly,1 homas W . Ewing,H iram B. Keeler, - Stacy B. Hibben,Edw ard E. Hull,

A. B.A. B.B. S. B. S. B. S.

A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M.

B. S. and A. B. A. B.

- - A. B.A. B.

- - B. S.- - B. S.- - B .S .

Class of 1870.(In Course.)

W illiam T. Johnson,A lfred W . A rrington, - William Waldo, - Thomas B. Miller, - Rev. Dennis A. Clark, -

Class of 1871.(In Course.)

James A. O'Reilly, - LL. B. Hon. James E. McBride, *Lucius G. Tong, - Andrew J. Reilly, -

R u M r MJ=CAa r § ahm' . (C; S'Hon. John M. Gearin, - -

Class of 1872.(In Course.)

* James Cunnea, - Thomas Ewing, - Rev. Dennis A. Clark, - Dr. John Cassidy, - '"Peter M. D echant,- Dr. E. V on Donhoff,*Hon. Thomas F. O 'Mahony, N athaniel S. Mitchell, -

Thomas A. Ireland, - _John F. M cHugh, - Michael H . Keeley,*Michael M. Mahony, - .

A. M. A. B. A .B .A. B.B. S.

and A. M..r- M.S.- LL. BA- LL. B.

C.) A. B.- A .B .- B. S.

A. M.A. M. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S.B. S.B. S. A..B. A. B. A. B. A. B.

Class of 1873.(Honorary.)

Rev. Dominic Hengesch, David P. Cunningham, -

(In Course, jV Rev. Dr. J. A. Zahm, (C. S.Alphonsus Boisramme, - Thom as F lanagan, - H iram B. Keeler, - Hon. Thom as F. O’Mahony, Hon. M ark M. Foote, - Eber B. Gambee, - *Denis J. H ogan, - Thom as J. Dvndon,'"John D. M cCormick, - P atrick J. O ’Connell, - Dr. Thom as P. W hite, - Hon. T im othy E. H ow ard, -* W illiam C. McMichael,

Class of 1874.(Honorary.)

*Hon. A ugustus C. Dodge, - (In Course.)

Rev. Dennis A. Clark, - John F . M cHugh. - R ufus FI. M cCarly,Hon. Thom as F. O ’Mahony,

/ 'N a th an ie l S. Mitchell, - 'H on. John M. Gearin, - D r. Thom as P. W hite, - W illiam J. Clarke, -* Charles J. Dodge, - L oris S. Hayes, - Robert W . S+aley, - *Daniel E. Maloney,Charles A. Berdel, - H aro ld V. Hayes, -Hon. W illiam W . Dodge, - Thom as A. Dailey,H enry W . W alker,W illiam Ivers, - E dw ard McSweeney,P atrick J. O ’M eara,B ernard J. M cGinniss, - H on. John J. Ney, -

Class of 1875.(Honorary.)

Joseph Em anuel Garcia,(In Course.)

Hon. Thom as F. O ’Mahony, Hon. M ark M. Foote, - - -*Dennis J. H ogan, - *John D. M cCormick, -

- LL. D.- LL. D.

C.) A .M .- A. M.

A. M. M. S.

- A .B . A. B. A. B.

- A .B .- R. S.- B. S.

- 13. S.- B .S .- LL. B.- LL. B.

- LL. D.

- A. M.- A .M .- A . M.- M. S.- M. S.- FI. S.- A . R.

A . B.- A .B .- A. B.- A. R.- B. S.

- B. S.- B. S.- B. S.- B. S.- B. S.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.

LL. D.

A. M.A. M. A. M. M. S.


♦Charles W alter, -V. Rev. E. J. M cLaughlin, - ♦Thomas Murphy, - Thom as F. Grier, - Cassius M. Proctor,Jam es F . Edw ards, -

Class of 1876.(Honorary.)

Hon. W illiam J. Onahan, - Paul Broder, -

(In Course.)♦Rev. T. E. W alsh, (C. S. C.)Eber B. Gambee, - W illiam J. Clarke, - Robert W . Staley, - Hon. James O’Brien, - Thomas A. Dailey, - ♦Daniel E. Maloney,♦Rev. N. StoEel, (C. S. C.) Thom as E. Johnson,Thomas F. Gallagher, - James Caren, - ♦Rev. John J. Gillen,H enry L. Dehner, - F lorian B. Devoto,E dw ard S. M onahan, - E verett G. Graves, - - -♦Dr. Benjam in L. Euans, -

Class of 1877.(Honorary.)

♦Hon. F rank H. H urd,Hon. B ernard B. Dailey, ♦Joseph A. Lyons, -

(In Course.)Michael H. ICeeley,W illiam Hoynes, - Hon. John Gibbons,♦David W ile, - Hon. John Glavin, - - -John Coleman, - - - -Hon. W illiam P. Breen,John G. Ewing, -*V. Rev. N athan J. Mooney,Carl Otto,♦William T. Ball, - - -H enry C. Cassidy, - - -George J. Gross, - Thomas C. Logan, - - -

Class of 1878.(Honorary.)

*Hon. Philem on B. Ewing, -

A. B.A. B.B. S. / B . S /c . e :

LL. B.

LL. D. LL. D.

A. M. A .M . A. M. A. M. A. M. M. S. M. S. A. B. A. B. A. B.A. B.B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S.

LL. D. LL. D. LL. D.

A. M. A. M. A .M . M. S. C. E. A. B.A. B.B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S.

LL. B. LL. B.

LL. D.

(In Course.)♦Rev. C. Kelly, - - - - A. M.♦Rev. N. StoEel, (C. S. C.) - A .M .Rev. A. M. Kirsch, (C. S. C.) - M. S.♦Dr. Benjam in L. Euans, - - M. S.John G. Ewing, - - - - A. B.Joseph P. M cHugh, - - - A. B.V. Rev. Dr. A. M orrissey, (C.S.C.) A. B. W . K. Roche, - - - - - A. B.John Coleman, - - - - - B. S. ♦Daniel E. Maloney, - LL. B,Rev. Jam es J. Quinn, - LL. B.Eugene F. Arnold, - LL. B.

Class of 1879.(In Course.)

Ambrose J. H ertzog, - - - A. B.Rev. Luke J. Evers, - - - A. B.F lorian B. Devoto, - - - - A. B.Hon. W illiam L. Dechant, - - B. S.M artin J. McCue, - - - - B. S.Samuel D. Spalding, - LL. B.Michael W . Ban non, - LL. B.W illiam J. Murphy, - - - LL. B.P atrick J. Dougherty, - LL. B.John J. Shugrue, - LL. B.

Class of 1880.(Honorary.)

♦Hon. Edm und F. Dunne, - - LL. D.(In Course.)

Hon. W illiam P. Breen, - - A. M,John J. Coleman, - - - „ - A. M.J. P. M cHugh, - - - - • - A. M.Dr. M aurice F. Egan, A. M.V.Rev. Dr. A. M orrissey, (C. S. C.) A. M.F lorian B. Devoto, - - - M. S.John G. Ewing, - - - - M. S.Rev. J. B. M cGrath, - - - A. B.Dr. A nthony J. Burger, - - B. S.Dr. John B. Berteling, - - - B. S.♦John P. Kinney, - - - - B. S.♦A rthur J. Stace, - - - - C. E.T. W . Simms, - - - - - LL. B.F . X. W all, - - - - - - LL. B.Daniel J. Donahue, - - - LL. B.

Class of 1881.(Honorary.)

♦John Boyle O’Reilly, - LL. D.H on. W . W . Cleary, - LL. D.

(In Course.)John G. Ewing, - - - - A. M.F lorian B. Devoto, A. M.Rev. Thomas M cNam ara, - - A. M.









M artin j . Me Cue, - Francis W. Bloom, -

George F. Sugg, - E dw ard A. M ilner, - George E. Clarke, - - - - - M. J. M cEniry, - D. A. H a n ington, - D. Me Cawley, - - - - -

C lass of 1882.(Honorary.)

^'Colonel D 01111 P iatt, - (In Courr,a.)

Rev. W illiam J. Hayes,T. A. Dailey, - - - - - -Dr. C. J. Lundy, - - - - - Rev. Jas. J. Quinn,Rev. Francis J. Bocres, (C. S. C.)*Rev. Jam es E rnster, - W. B. M cGorrisk, - Eugene C- Orrick, - Michael T. Mealy, -

C lass of 1883.(Honorary.)

H is E x ’y Don Luis Terrazas, - (In Course.)

Rev. J. Quinn, - - - - - Rev. A. A. Lambing,Eugene F. Arnold, - - - -Jam es F. Edwards, - “Hon. Geo. F. Sugg,Rev. John P. Quinn,Michael E. Donohue, -John J. Molloy, - Dr. A lbert F. Zahm,Rev. W m. J. O ’Connor, - - A. B.William H. Arnold, - - - A. B.Francis A. Quinn, - - - - A. B.Rev. John J. Burke, - - - A. B.Robert M. Anderson, - - - B. S.M ajor Joseph P. O ’Neill, - - B. S.W illiam J. M cCarthy, - - - B. S.Ferdinand Kuhn, - - - - B. S.Jam es M. How ard, - - - - LL. B.John C. Larkin, - LL. B.

C lass of 1884.(Honorary.)

Rt. Rev. I. Montes de Oca, - - LL. D.(In Course.)

Francis W. Bloom, - - - A. M.Eugene C. Orrick, - - - - M. S.Dr. J. B. Berteling, M. S.Neal H. Ewing. - - - - A. B.


PL S. Thomas Ewing Steele, - A. B.A. B. W illiam H . Bailey, - - - A. B.B. S. Francis W. Gallagher, - - - A. B.B. S. Rev. E lm er Otis, (S. J .) B. S.

LL. B. W illiam W. Gray, - B. S.LL. B. Juim J. M cIntyre, - B. S.LL. B. Charles A. Tinley, - B. S.LL. B. Rev. Jam es Solon, - B. S.

Joseph E. Farrell, -

Class of 1885.

LL. B.

LL. D. (Honorary.)Hon. Benjam in J. Webb, LL. D.

A. PL (In Course.)A. PL Rev. PI. J. Regan, (C. S. C.) - A. PLA. PI. John J. Plolloy, A. M.A .B . Dr. A lbert F. Zahm, - A. M.A. B. Sidney J. Dickerson, - - - A. B.A. B. George H. Smith, - A. B.B. S. Thom as Francis Clarke, A. B.B. S. John W. Guthrie, - B. S.

LL. B. W illiam H . Johnston, - - - B. S.Jam es J. Conway, - LL. B. and B. S.Charles F. Porter, - B. S.H enry P. Porter, - B. S.

LL. D. Charles C. IColars, - Thom as E. Callahan, -

B. S.LL. B.

A. PI. John D. W illson, - LL. B.A P I . H enry A. Steis, - - - - - LL. B.A. PI. A. PI. Class of 1885.PL S. (Honorary.)A. B. M ajor H enry F. Brownson, LL. D.A. B. Hon. John Gibbons, - LL. D.A. B. Rev. A. Lambing, - LL. D.A. B. (In Course.)

Rev. J. J. Burke, - - - A. M.W illiam H. Bailey, - - - - A. M.Rev. Luke J. Evers, A. M.Ambrose J. Hertzog, - A. M.Rev. James Solon, - - - - M. S.Thom as J. Sheridan, - - - A. B.LaFayette M athers, - - - A. B.George E. Clarke, - - - - A. B.Michael A. Dolan, - B. S.Patrick J. Goulding, - LL. B. and B. S. *Hon. J. Ancheta, LL. B., C. E. and B. S. V ernon PI. Burke, - - LL. B. and B. S.Delano C. Saviers, - - - - B. S.A. A lbert Browne, - - - - B. S.Samuel T. M urdock, - - - C. E.Charles C. IColars, - - - - C. E.John W. Guthrie, - C. E.W illiam H. Johnston, - - - C. E.Daniel Byrnes, - - - - - LL. B.


Francis X. Claffey, - Michael O. Burns, - John H. Conlon,W illiam F . Koudelka, -

Class of 1887.(In Course.)

John F. Fearnley,Neal H. Ewing, - Thomas Ewing Steele, - W illiam F. Carey, - W illiam EL Johnston, - John J. Kleiber, - John C. W agoner, - B ernard T. Becker,Hon. W arren A. Cartier, C. H ugo C. Rothert, - - C.W m. IC. O ’Connell,John Coleman, - Michael A. Elartigan,Charles A. Rheinberger, James A. Judie, -

Class of 1883.(Honorary.)

W illiam Hoynes, -(In Course.)

Rev. Tim othy O’Sullivan, - Rev. John Fitzharris, - *Rev. P. F. Carr, - - -Michael O’Dea, - Rev. Dr. J. Burns, (C. S. C.) * George A. Craig, - *Philip VD. Brownson,C. J. Stubbs,Thom as F. H ansard,Simon J. Craft,

' LMichael B. M ulkern, E dw ard Sorin E w ing George A. Houck, - W illiam B. Akin,Edw ard D. Britt, - P atrick E. Burke, - A ndrew P. Gibbs, - Thom as F. Griffin, - W alter J. Rochford,M atthew M. W hite,P atrick J. Nelson, - John L. Heinemann,

- L L .B .- J E g .- EL. B.- L L .B .

- A. M.- A .M .- A .M .

A. M.- M. S.- A .B .- A. B.- LL. B.

E. and B. S. E. and B. S.

- B. S.- C .E .- T L B .- T L IB.- L L .B .

- LL. D.

- A. M.A. M.

- A M.- M. S.- A . B .- A .B .- A. B.

LL. B. and A. B.A. B.

- Litt. B.- C E. and B. S.

- - IB. S.- - - C. E.- - - LL. B.- - - L L .B .

- LL. B.- - - T L .B .- - - I L .B .- - - ̂ L. B.• - - 1 L B .- - - L L .B .• - - LL. B.

C lass of 1889.(Honorary.)

*Augi-stm Daly, George D ering Wolff, -

- I L .D .- LL. D.

*Hon. Charles A. Dana,(In Course.)

John J. JOeiber,D r. J. B. Berteling,A. A lbert Browne, - Ed. M cCarthy, - Rev. T iburtius A. Goebel, P atrick E. Burke, - R obert C. Newton, - Capt. Joseph E. Cusack, V incent E. M orrison, - John B. M eagher, -D. E dw ard Dwyer,Eusebio Chacon,W . H. J. T iernan, - H enry S. Smith,Daniel C. Brewer,Jam es V. O’Donnell,

C lass of 1890.(In Course.)

Frederick J. Liscombe, - Dr. A lbert F. Zahm,Rev. Jam es J. F rench (C. S. J. O ark e Brogan, - W L.iam H. A rno’d,Eugene F . A rnold, - Hon. P. T. Barry, - ^W illiam A. Larkin,E. Rolland Adelsperger, Louis P. Chute, - *Rev. Dennis B arrett, - Job son E. H . Paradis, - . - Charles H . Sanford,W illiam M orrison, - Clarence T urpie H agerty, - W illiam P. M cPhee,Leo J. Scherrer,H enry L. P ritchard ,Charles A. Paquette,LBela M. Hughes, Jr., - -Rev. Dr. J. Cavanaugh, (C.S Jam es H. Mackey, - H enry P. Brannick,H anry M. Jewett, -^Michael L. Reynolds, - A rth u r W . Larkin, - . -M ario Garfias, - - . -John S. H um m er, - - -E dw ard J. Blessjngton, Thom as J. McKeon, Ferdinand G. Long, r r a n k 1 in E. Lane, -Joseph J. Burns, - - -

• LL. D.

- A .M .- A. M.- M .S .- M. S.

A. B. A. B.

- B. S.- B. S.- B. S.- Litt. BA• L rt. B.- L L .B .- LL. B.- LL. B.- TL.B.- LL.B.

- D. Mus.- M. S.-

C.) A .M .- A. M.

- A. M.- A. M.- A. M.- A. B.- A. B.- A. B.- A. B.- A. B.- A. B.- B. S.- B. S.- B. S.- B. S.- B. S.- B. S.- Lilt. B.

c.) Litt. B.- C. E.- C.E.- C .E .- C. E.- C. E.- C .E .- T L. B.- J L. B.- I L. B.- I L. B.- T L. B.- LL. B.


Class of 1891.(Honorary.)

*Rev. P atrick Cronin, - *Hon. Jam es J. Roche, -

(In Course.)Rev. A. B. O 'Neill, (C. S.Francis A. Quinn, - Rev. J. Conway,George E. Clarke, - F. H. D exter, - - -H om er P. Brels ford, - Charles T. Cavanaugh, *Rev.. Clement Burger, B. Charles Paquette, - C John S. Hum m er, - *Joseph St. Elmo Berry, John B. Sullivan,Edw ard M. Hoover,Louis J. H erm an, - W ilbur P. Blackman,John C. M cW illiams, - H ugh O'Neill, - -Francis J. Vurpillat, Thom as J. McConlogue, M aurice J. Cassidy,Robin E. Dunbar, - Bryan H . Tivnen, -

- LL. D.- LL. D.

C.), A. M. A. M.

- - A. M.- - A. M.

A. M. A. B. A. B.

Mus. and A. B. . E. and Litt. B.

- Litt. B.- Litt. B.

- - Litt. B.- - C .E .- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.

- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.

- C. Mus.

Class of 1892.(Honorary.)

Rev. Louis A. Lambert,*Dr. John A. Ouchterlony, -

(In Course.)Dr. Thom as P. W hite, - Thom as M. Johnson, - Rev. W . J. Kelly, (C. S. CL Dr. A. Mullen, - Rev. James Solon, - *Alwin Ahlrichs, - Benjam in C. Bachrach, *Rev. Joseph Just, (C. S. C. Nicholas J. Sinnott,James R. Fitzgibbon, - F rederick B. Chute,E rnest F. DuBrul, - - -*John J. M cGrath, - - -Roger B. Sinnott, - Francis J. Vurpillat,H ugh O’Neill - - - LL. M.*James M. Brady, - - -Dezere A. Cartier, - F rederick E. Neef, - W illiam M. O 'Brien,O tto A. Rothert, - Cant. P ierce A. Murphy, -

) -

- LL. D.- LL. D.

- A .M . A. M.

- A .M .- A. M.

A . M.- A .B .

A. B. A. B. A. B.

- L i't. B.- Litt. B.- LLt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.

and Litt. B.- . B. S.- B. S.- B. S.- B. S.- 11. S.- C .E .

Charles J. Gill on, - Owen W. Sullivan, Hon. Dudley M. Shiv: Louis P. Chute, P atrick H. Coady, - Bryan H. Tivnen, - P atrick J. Houlihan, Peter M. Ragan,O rrin Z. Hubbell, -

-J )

- C .E .- C .E . .- L L . M /- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.

Class of 1893.(Honorary.)

Rt. Rev. M gr. R. Seton, - - LL. D.*Hon. F rank Scales, - LL. D.Hon. T im othy E. H ow ard, - - LL. D.Hon. Lucius H ubbard, - LL. D.

(In Course.)Patrick H. Coady, - LL. M.Peter M. Ragan, - LL. M.Hon. Charles P. Neill, - A. M.E rnest F. D uBrul, - - - - A. B.Rev. M. A. Quinlan, (C. S. C.) A. B.Dr. Jam es A. McKee, - - - A. B.Rev. John D. O 'Shea, - - - A. B.Rev. Jam es J. McAuliffe, - - A. B.H. Lam ar Monarch, - - - Litt. B.Frederick E. Neef, - - - Li.t. B.A lbert E. Dacy, - Li.t. B.Ram ond C. Langan, - - - L i t . B.* Jam es J. Fitzgerald, - - - Litt. B.M arcellus L. Joslyn, - - - B. S.Charles B. Dechant, - - - B. S.Charles W . Scherrer, - - - B. S.Edw ard J. M aurus, - - - B. S.Edw ard M. Schaaclc, - - - B S. B. ■Dr. Joseph K. Combe, - - - B. S. B.Michael P. Hannin, - - - C. E.Hon. Tim othy R. Ansberry, - LL. B.E arl W. Brown, - LL. B.John T. Cullen, - LL. B.M artin P. M cFadden, - - - 1 L. B.Alphonsus A. Heer, - - - I L. B.Jam es G. Henley, - - - - I L . B.John W . Raney, - - - - LL. B.

Class of 1894.(In Course.)

Rev. H ugh McSkane, - - - A .M .Rev. E rnest Hawley, A. M.M artin P. M cFadden, - LL. M.John T. Cullen, - - - - LL. M.E rnest F. DuBrul, - LL. B. and Litt. M. &Emil Ahlrichs, - - - - - A. B.Rev. John S. Schopp, A. B.Francis A. Bolton, - Litt. B.









Francis L. Carney,John M. Flannigan,Dr. Joseph M. ICearney, Francis M. McKee,Hugh A. O’Donnell,F ro st Thorne, - E dw ard H. Jewett, - Charles K unert, - F rederick J. Schillo,Dr. Francis J. Powers, - W illiam A. Correll,John M cM ahon Flannery, - Christopher C. Fitzgera! i, - F rancis M. Keough,Charles S. Mitchell,E lm er A. Scherrer,Roger B. Sinnott, - *Abraham B. Chidester, M aurice D. Kirby, - Jam es F. Kennedy, - J. Joseph Cooke,E dw ard M. Roby, - James T. Kelly, - Francis D. Hennessey, - Michael J. M cGarry, , - John J. Penney,Charles M. Kreighbaum, Leigh F. Gibson, -

- B

Litt. B. Litt. B. Litt. B. Litt. B. Litt. B. Litt. B.

B. S. B. S.B. S. S. B.C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E.

LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B.

Class of 1895 (Golden Jubilee).(Honorary.)

H is E x ’y Claude Mathews, - John B. W alker, - V ery Rev. J. Mooney, V. G.,*H enry J. Spaunhorst, - Dr. A ustin O’Malley, - R ichard M. Johnston, - Rev. H ugh O’G. McShane, - *Hon. W ashington Hesing, -Cavalier F. Singenberre ' - Rev. Joseph F. Nugent,* Jam es R. Ran dell, - Edw ard L. Greene,Rev. Luke McCabe,W illiam Dillon, - Rev. W ashington Gladden. - *Hon. John R. Fellows,Rev. John Mullaney,Dr. W. H. W athen,Rev. Francis O’Brien, - W illiam A. Byrne, -

(In Course.) *Hon. A braham L. Brick, - Jam es F. Kennedy, - Leigh F. Gibson, -

- LL. D.- LL. D.- LL. D.- LL.D.- LL. D.- LL. D.- LL.D.- LL.D.- LL. D.- LL. D.- LL. D.- LL.D.- LL.D.- LL. D.- LL.D.- LL.D.- LL. D.- LL.D.- LL. D.- LL.D.

- LL. M.- LL. M.- LL. M.

* Abraham B. Chidester, W illiam R. Claxton,James Caren, - Rev. John McGrath,E rnest F. DuBrul, - *V. Rev. N athan J. Mooney, Thomas A. Connolly, - H aro ld V. Hayes, - -V ery Rev. E. McLaughlin, - Rev. Dr. J. Burns, (C. S. C.) Gen. St. Clair M ulholland, - L. W. Reilly, _ _ _ _Rev. T iburtius Goebel, - Jobs on E. H . Paradis, - H om er P. Brelsford, - TRev. Clement Burger, - Charles T. Cavanaugh, - Rev. Daniel J. McLaughlin.J. H um phrey Desmond. *W illiam T . Ball, - - _Hon. W illiam L. Dechan , - Ferdinand B. Kuhn,John W. Guthrie, - - -Edw ard S. Ewing, - Clarence T. H agerty, - W illiam McPhee, - - -Charles Paquette, - Edw ard J. Maurr.s,Leo. J. Scherrer, - F rederick E. Neef,Edw ard M. Schaack, -*Newton A. Preston, -Daniel P. Murphy, - Eustace Cullinan, - Rev. Michael Ryan,Samuel A. W alker,Daniel V. Casey, - Francis W . Davis, - A rthur P. Hudson,Elm er A. Scherrer,W illiam W . M arr, - *John A. Devanney,Nicholas S. Dink el,A rthur M. Eunice, - John F. Hevey, - John J. Dempsey, - H ugh C. Mitchell, - A lbert T. Karasynski, - Thomas D. M ott, - John Griffin M ott, - Peter P. W hite, - Dr. Jam es A. McKee, - R ichard Graham Halligan, - Ryell Tobias Miller,F rank J. Onzon, -

- LL. M.- A M .

A. M.- A .M .

A. M. -- A .M .- A. M.- A. M.

A. M.- A .M .- A .M .- A .M .- A. M.- A. M.- A. M.

A. M.- A .M .- A .M .

A. M.- M. S.- M .S .- M. S.- M. S.- M. S.- M. S.- M. S.- M. S.- M .S .- M. S.- Litt. M. *- M. S. B. %- B. Mus.

A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B.

- Litt. B.- L itt.B .- L itt.B .- B. S.- B .S .- IB. S.- B .S .- C .E . '- C .E .- C .E .- C .E .- C .E .- L L .B .- L L .B .- L L B .- L L B .- LL. B.- L L B .- L L B .


Oscar Fries Schmidt, Fam e Vincent Chassaing. ^Francis E. Duffield,

b u l l e t i n o f t i i e


Class of 1£S6. (Honorary.)

Rev. Flauricc J. Dorney, - Hon. Thomas A. H oran , -

(In Course.) Ryell T. Miller, _ _ _ Louis Bastrup, - _ _

jTmlArA/nT’ -(CS' C)Jos. XV. W ilstach, - John A. Gibbons, - 'D r . R ichard S. Slevin,John G. Shannon, -

a T J ' w . i S c t CT’ (C: s ; c John Griffin Molt, - G. F. Pulskamp,F-_ E. Eyanson,W illiam P. Burns, -

w E .i,° 'S .u "

M s<ktor.<c.$Daniel P. Murphy, - John H. Gallagher, - James B. B arrett, - _ _ Francis P. McManus, - _ Hon. A lbert Galen, - _Louis C. W urzer, - Michael F. Hennebry, -

C lass of 1897,(In Course.)

E iS S F M SJam es D ixon Barry,Thomas Tyrone Cavanaeh, - M artin J. Costello, - F _W alter B. Golden, - _ _ .Jesse VV. Lantry, -

Paul JJ0 h R ^ T aCNamt ra- - -

Reardc:i:Joseph V incent Sullivan, - _H- M acaulay Bennett, - Ed. Erasm us Brennan, -S mvIgs % Bryan, - W illiam C. Hen°"en,

- LL. B.- LL. H.- LL. B.

- L L .D .- L L .D .

- LL. M.- LL. M.- A .M .- A .M .- A .M .- M. S.- A. B.- A .B .

) A .B .- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- C. E.- C .E . C.) B. S.

B. S. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.

Elm er J. Murphy^

A. M.A. M.

- LL. M.- A .B .- A. B.- A. B.- A .B .- A. B.- A. B.

A. B. A. B. A. B. A .B .

Litt. B. Litt. B. Litt. B. L itt. B. Litt. B.

M. Jam es Key,Jam es J. Sanders, - _ _^herm an Steele,W. A ugustine Fagan, - _Dr. Jacob Rosentha-, -W. B urnett W eaver, -John XVilliam M iller. - _Ralph Law rence Palm T -F rancis J. F. Confer, _•Albert S. F. M agrrcLr,

Jam es B. Quinn, _ _ _Jam es H. Browne, - _ _

Class of 1898.(In Course.)

Jam es S. Dodge,Francis J. F . Confer, _ _

Hennessey, (C. S. C.)William M ontavon, - _Thom as A. Medley, _ _ _ . ^

LA: &- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- B. S.- IB. S.- B. S. B.- B. S. B.- B. S. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.

- Litt. B.- Lift. B.- L in . B.- B. S. B.- B. S. B.- B. S. B.- C. E.- E. F.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.

LL. M. LL. M.

A. B. A. B. A. B.

R a-m cnd G. (TMalMichael R. Powers,W illiam F. Sheehan,

H ugh C. Mitchell, - _W illiam W. F itzpatri !:'^Charles Piquette, - E dw ard B. Falvcy,F. H enry W urzer,’ - Francis P. D reher, - Samuel J. Spalding,P eter E. Kearney, - Clarence Y. Scherm erhorn Joseph E. Corby,Michael J. Key,

C lass of 1899.-rs -O • -r Course.)Dr. Francis J. Pow ers, - - - M S BCharles E. Blackman. - - - LL. M.'T>r. John F . Fennessey, - _ \ g

John J. Dowd, - L itt B

j2 'T L?ar : : : : Li£I:Chester H . A therton, - C FEup-ene A. Delaney, - - _ C* F*

% 2 % ; : ; : g i gM aurice A. Neville, - C E



Francis J. O ’H ara, - - C. E.Thom as A. Steiner, - - C. E.Edw ard H. Pulskan - - - M. E.Dr. W illiam P. G ra d ., - - - B. S. B.Stephen J. Brucker, - - LL. B.E dw ard J. W alsh, - - - LL. B.Louis T. W eadock, - - LL. B.Edw ard J. Yockey, - - - LL. B.Jacob J. K raus, - - LL. B.John F. Murphy, - - LL. B.Jo h n R. Meyers, Michael J. McCormack,

- - LL. B.- - L L .B .

Thom as M. Hoban, - - LL. B.Stephen B. Pickett, - - - L L .B .Sherm an R. Steele, - - - LL. B.P atrick J. Corcoran, - - LL. B.Leo Holland, - - - - - LL. B.Joseph M. Haley, - - - LL. B.Paul E. H artung, - - - LL. B.


Class of 1900.(Honorary.)

*Rev. P eter A. Baart, -(I11 Course.)

Thom as M. Hoban,P atrick J. Corcoran, E dw ard J. W alsh, - Jam es F. Murphy, - Rev. John M. Byrne, - Joseph P. Shiels, - Rev. V incent D. Dwyer, Rev. H ugh S. Gallagher, Edw ard T. Long, - Rev. James H. M cGinn’- Rev. W illiam D. Furry , P atrick J. Dwan,Francis B. Cornell, A nthony F. Dorley,George Stuhlfauth,Jo h n W. Forking, - Eugene Campbell, - W illiam D. Dalton,A lfred Duperier,Jo h n W . Eggeman,Jam es P. Fogarty, - W illiam A. Guilfoyle, - Thom as A. Medley, Raym ond G. O’Malley, W illiam W . O ’Brien, - W illiam P. M onahan, - P au l J. Ragan, - N orbert J. Savay, - F rancis O’Shaughnessy,

- L L .D .

- LL. M.- LL. M.- LL. M.- LL. M.- A. B.- A .B .- A. B.

D C .) A .B .- A. B.- A. B.- A .B .- A. B.- Litt. B.- C. E.

B. S. E. E.B. S. Ch.

- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.

LL. B.- LL. B.

Class of 1901.(In Course.)

Francis O’H ara, - - - A. M.W illiam J. O’Connor, - - - A. B.Rev. Dr. G. J. M arr, (C. S. C.) A. B. Rev. M atthias Oswald, (C. S. C.) A. B. W illiam H. Tierney, - - - A. B.John M. Lilly, A. B.John J. O’Connell, - - - - A. B.Rev. M. Szalewslci, (C. S. C.) - A. B. A nthony J. Brogan, - - - Litt. B.Robert L. Fox, - Litt. B.,John P. Hayes, - Litt. B.Joseph J. Sullivan, - - - - L itt B.Edw ard F. Hay, - - - - C. E.John I. Mullen, - - - - C. E:Joseph R. Carlton, - - - B. S. E. E.A 1bert Kachur, - - - - B. S. E. E.Vincent B. W e ker, - - - B. S. B.H arry P. Barry, - LL. B.G°o"ge H. Bohner, LL. B.W i liam E. Baldwin. - - - LL. B.John P. Curry, - - - - - LL. B. John J. Cooney, - LL. B.Albert C. Fortin , - - - LL. B.Edw ard P. Gallaglnu-, - LL. B.Lawrence Siegfried I'ipT-uone, - LL. B. Hon. Jose H ernandez Lsern, - LL. B. George J. H anhauser, - - - LL. B.George A. McGee, - LL. B.Thomas F. O’M eara. - LL. B.Philip B. O’Neill, - - - - L L .B .Cha’mcey W. Yock'-g - L L .B .W i,1iam A. Mclnern.y, - LL. B.J. Clyde Locke, - - - - - LL. B. W illiam P. GHsheen, - LL. B.George W . Kuppler, - LL. B.

Class of 1902.r (Honorary.)Hon. W illiam P. Breen, - - LL. D.

( I11 Course.)Philip B. O’Neill, - - -John P. Curry, - - - -A lbert C. Fortin , -Rev. Leo J. Heiser, ( C. S. C.)Rev. John J. Hennessy. f C. S.Rev. Dr. T. F. McKeon, (C. S.Joseph P. S. ICelleher. - F rancis Charles Schwab,Joseph L. Toohev, - - -George W. Bvrkift. J"..Rev. Dr. T. Crowlev, (C. S. C.Francis Flanders D ^m e^e ,Marcellinus Charles Gorsjd,

- LL. M.- LL. M.- LL. M.- A. B. C.) A .B . C.) A. B.- A .B .- A .B .- A. B.- A .B . ) A .B .- A .B .- A .B .











third college b u il d in g ,


H enry Ew ing Brown, - V itus George Jones,A lbert Louis K rug, - Dr. W illiam A lbert Shea, - E dw ard Dubbs Gilbert,Francis B. O’Brien,John P atrick O’H ara, - Jose M aria Falomir,Francisco J. Gaston,Ralph M aher W ilson, - Enrique Louis Guerra, - Thom as Francis Dwyer,Rodolfo M aria Garza, - O rrin Augustine W hite,Dr. Robert A. K rost, - W illiam PI. Cameron, - Tim othy Crimmins,John Louis Corley, - W illiam Flem ing Dinnen, - F rancis E arle Tiering, - Charles V ictor Hilding,Joseph C. Kinney, - George H enry Kelly,Oscar Lippman,Frederick W . Meyer,Clement C. Mitchell,Peter P atrick M cElligott,Joseph John Sullivan, - John B. F. Pick,

C lass of 1903.(Honorary.)

Dr. M artin F . Coomes, Constantins M. Graham,Rt. Rev. T. F. Hickey, - Hon. John M. Gearin, -

(In Course.)Francis Barry, - Robert E. Lynch, - Charles A: Gorman,R obert J. V. Sweeny, - - -Rev. Emil P. DeW ulf, (C. S. C.)Francis IT. McICeever, -Rev. D. K O’Malley, (C. S. C.) Rev. Dr. M. J. W alsh, (C. S. C.) Rev. J. L. Carrico, (C. S. C.) -P atrick J. M acDonough, - Robert E. Hanley, - Joseph A. Fahy, - Francisco Rincon, - P atrick W . O 'Grady, - - -E dw ard C. W urzer, - *Paul F. Rebillot, - John H . Neeson,' - H a rry V. Crumley, -

- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B ./- P h .B :- P h .B .- P h .B .- C .E .- C .E .- C .E .- M. E . '- M. E.

B. S. E. E.- B. S.- B. S. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- L L .B .- L L .B .- L L .B .- L L .B .- LL. B.- LL. B.- L L .B .- L L .B .- LL. B.- L L .B .- LL. B.- L L .B .

- L E D .- L L D .- L L .D .- L L .D .

A . B. A . B . A . B. A . B . A . B .

Litt. B. Litt. B. Litt. B. Litt. B.

P h . B . P h . B .

C. E . C. E . C. E . C. E . C. E . C. E. C. E .

Francis A. Smogor,F rederick L. Baer, - ’F ran k J. M. Petritz,V ictor M. A rana, - Dennis T. ICeeley, - Vitus G. Jones, - George F. Ziegler, - - -Peter J. M cNam ara,E dw ard F. Quigley,Hon. W illiam P. H iggins, - John W. Dubbs, - Raymond Vitus Stephan, - Edw ard D. Collins, - Francis P. Burke, - Francis B. Hughes,Omer D. Green, - H arold H. Davitt, -

C lass of 1904.(In Course.)

Rev. W illiam D. Furry, Francis X. Ackerman, - Joseph H. Burke, (C. S. C.) E rnest A. Davis, (C. S. C.) Daniel C. Dillon, - Gallitzin A. Farabaugh, W illiam K. Gardiner, - Rev. George E. Gormley, - Ernest E. L. Ham m er, - Thom as P. Irving, (C. S. C.) Byron V. Kanaley, - - -George J. M acN am ara, (C. S John Michael Quinlan, - Stephan F. Riordan,Michael J. Shea,W illiam M. W imberg, (C. S Louis J. Carey, - W alter M atthew Daly, - Rev. M aurice F. Griffin, Thomas D. Lyons, - Louis M. Fetherston, - F rederick J. Kasper,G rattan T. Stanford,Thom as L. K. Donnelly, Benjam in R. Enriquez. - Ignatio F. Lomelin,John D. Quinn,A rthur E. Steiner, - A nton C. Stephan, - H arry W . Zolper, - Charles P. K ahler, - Lawrence M. Antoine, - Eugene P. Rayneri,Leo. G. Dwan, - Gilbert F. McCullough, -

- - M .E . .- PI. E. E. E <- M. E. E. E.- PI. E. E. E.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - L L . B.- - L L . B .- - L L . B.- - L I ,. B .- - L L B.- - L L . B.- - L L . B.- - L L . B.- - LL. B.- - L L . B.

A. M .PI. S.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A . B.A. B.A. B. A.B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.

Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.- Ph.B.- Ph.B.- Ph.B.- C.E.- C.E.- C.E.- C.E.- C.E.- C.E.- C.E.- C.E.

H E. E. E .,/S. A. E ^

- B. S. B. -B . S .B .


- C.)


D r. Thom as J. Swantz, - - -B . S. B.Francis J. Conboy, - - - LL. B.Francis F. Duquette, - - L L . B.Nicholas R. Furlong, - - - LL. B.H arry G. Hogan, - - L L . B .Francis J. Lonergan, - - L L . B.Joseph J. Meyers, - ' - - - LL. B.Francis H. Mclxeev.v, - - - L L . B .George L. Nyere, - - - LL. B.Eugene J. O ’Connor, - - LL. B.John I. O’Phelan, - - - L L . B .Robert E. P roctor, - - - L L . B .Thom as A. Quin’an, - - LL. B.Thom as A. Toner, - - - L L . B .

Class of 1905.

Hon. M arcus A. Kavanaugh, - L E D(In Course.)

M ichael J. Shea, — — >


Bernard S. Fahy, - - — - A. B.W illiam D. Jamieson, — - L ilt . B.H enry M. Kemper, - - - - L id . B.Daniel J. O ’Connor, — — - Ph. B.Louis J. Salmon, — — - C.E.Virgilio N. R ayned, - - - C. E.W alter A. Stevens, — — - C.E.John C. O'Neill, - — — - C. E.Ricardo A. Trevino, — —AT. E. E. E.John W orden, - - — - B. S. B.John R. Voigt, — — - B. S. B.Clarence J. ICenncd - - -B . S. B.John W . O 'Neill, - — - B. S.D urant Church, — — - LL. B.E arl F. Gruber, - — - L L . B.Francis J. Loughran, — — - L L . B.W illiam J. Mahoney, — — - LL. B.H enry J. McGlew, - — - - LL. B.Daniel L. M urphy, - - - L L .B .John J. O ’Connor, - - - L L .B .E dw ard H. Schwab, — - LL.B.Thom as J. W elch, - - - L L .B .

Class of 19C6.(Honorary.)

*Rev. Dr. D. J. Stafford, - - LL. D.Rev. John T. O ’Connell, - - LL. D.Rev. M organ M adden Sheedy, - LL. D.D r. H aro ld N. Moyer, - - - LL. D.D r. F ran k Allport, - LL. D.

(In Course.)H enry Michael Kemper, - - A. M.E dw ard H enry Schwab, - - LL. M.A lbert E. Blin, (C. S. C ) - - A. B.Eugene P. Burke, (C. S. C.) - A. B.

Charles L. Doremus, (C. S. c.) A. P>.Louis H. Faineau, (C. S. C.) A . B.Edw ard J. Finnegan, (C. S. c.j A . B .Jam es H. Galligan, (C. S. C.) - A . B.Thom as A. H am m er, - - - A . B.Cornelius J. H agerty, (C. S. c.) A . B.John M. Lecroq, (C. S. C.) A . B.John C. McGinn, (C. S. C.) - A . B.H ugh B. Mac Caul cy, (C. S. C.) A . B.Charles L. O’Donnell, (C. S. c.) A. B.W illiam C. O ’Brian, - A. B.Francis X. Zerhusen, (C. S. c.) /1 .11.Addis E. L ally ,, - Ph. B .A lexander W. M cFarland, - - Ph. B.John F. Shea, - Ph. B.W alter J. O ’Donnell, (C. S. C.) - Litt. B.John M. Ryan, (C. S. C.) - - Lilt. B.W illiam P. Feeley, - - - C. E.John F. Cushinv, - - C. E.Jam es A llen Di bbs. - - C. E.H aro ld P. F isher, - - - C. E.Samuel J. Guerra, - - - C. E.A lbert A. ICotte, - - C. F.John P . O’Shea, - - C. E.M aurus J. Uhrich, - - - C. E.Anthony J. Stopper, - - C. E.H arry N. Roberts. - - C. E.M atthew A. Campbell, - - - M. E.A rturo Pino, - M. E. E. E.Charles E. Roesch. - - M. E. E. E.N athan Silver, - - M. E. E. E.E varisto R. Bathe, - - B. S. A. E.Joseph J. Batlle, - B. S. A. E.A rthu r Funk, - - - B. S.Dr. Em hi us M. M cE" \ - - B. S. B.Dr. Michael J. Brow - - - LL. B.Terence B. Cosgrov \ - - - LL. B.R ichard W . D ono '" n. - - - LL. B.Clayton C. Golden. - - - LL. B.F rancis J. H anze1, - - - LL. B.Roscoe P. H urst, - - LL. B.Thom as F. Healy. - - - LL. B.Thom as M. H arris, - - LL.B.Daniel L. M adden, - - - LL. P,.Ralph C. M adden, - - - LL. B.F ran k A. M cCarthy, - - LL. B.Joseph W . M clnerny, - - - LL. B.Lawrence M. M cNcrney, - - LL. B.E rnest M. M orris, - - - LL. B.A lbert B. Oberst, - - - LL. B.W illiam P. O 'Neill. - - LL. B.W illiam E. Perce, - - - LL. B.Stephan F. Riordan, - - LL. B.Francis J. Shaughnessy , - - LL. B.Hon. Joseph E. Vaides, - - LL. B.


Class of 1907.(Honorary.)

Rev. Francis C. Kelly, - Rev. John Talbot Smith, -

LL. D. IX. D.

(In Course.)Clarence J. Kennedy, - - - M. S. B.W illiam E. Perce, - LL. M.Thom as E. Burke, (C. S. C.) - A. B. W endell P. Corcoran, (C. S. C.) A. B. Jam es D. Jordan, - - - - A. B.W illiam F. Cunningham, (C. S. C.) A. B. W esley J. Donahue, (C. S. C .) - Litt. B. Louis McM. Kelley, (C. S. C.) - Litt. B. Edw ard J. Kenny, - Litt. B.W illiam H. Molony, (C. S. C.) - Litt. B. W illiam A. Bolger, (C. S. C.) - Ph. B. F rancis T. Collier, - Ph. B.John L. Coontz, - Ph. B.Paul J. Folk, (C. S. C.) - - Ph. B.R obert A. Kasper, - Ph. B.Jam es T. Keefe. - Ph. P>.M atthew J. Ken click, - Ph. B.E dw ard F. O ’Flynn, - - - Ph. P>.

Ambrose A. O’Connell, - John W. W adden, - Franklin B. McCarty, - Denis E. Lannan, - James PI. Bach,Clement L. Devine, W illiam J. Donovan, Joseph P. Gallart, - Thom as J. Tobin, - Louis S. Villanueva, Joseph T. Lantry, - John P. Perez, - Joseph A. Dwan,James V. Cunningham, - Michael A. Diskin, - Gallitzin A. Farabaugh, John Farragher,Ralph S. Feig, - Oscar A. Fox, - Walter L. Joyce,John F rank H an an, Patrick M. Malloy, - Thom as Paul McGannon, John W. Sheehan, Jr., -

* Deceased.

Persons receiving degrees - 888E x tra degrees received by same individuals - 192

Total degrees awarded - - 1080

H onorary d e g r e e s ........................................ 68Degrees in course 1012

Total degrees awarded - - 1080

Names as per lis t . . . . . - 1064E xtra degrees per nam e - 16

Total item s 1080

Persons receiving degrees . . . . 888Names repeated on list - 176Extra degrees per n a m e ..................................... ............ 16

Total items „ lOtiO

- Ph. B.- Ph. B. -B . S. B. -B .S . B.- C.E.- C. E.- C. E.- C.E.- C.E.- C. E.- C. E.- C. E.

Til. E. E. E.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. P.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- L L .B .












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1 8 4 9 2 21 8 5 2 2 2I 8 4 6 I I1 8 5 9 3 2 SI 8 6 0 2 2z s e a 5 3"/ 0 6 3 / /I8G1 ? 4 81 8 6 5 7 2 z to1 8 6 6 9 4 81 8 6 7 5" 4 2 / 11 8 6 8 6 ? 3 1 31 8 6 9 4 4 4 12.18 70 3 / / / S18 71 2 I / 3 / 8187 2 4 2̂ 2 4 1/ 1 2.1873 ? 3 4 2 / z 161 8 7 f 5" 3 S' 3- 3 1 231 8 7 S 2 3 2 Z z 1 / It1 8 7 6 4 5" 6 2 2 IS18 77 2 3 3 2 / 3 / / 7/ 8 7 8 ? 2 / 3 2 / 131 8 79 3 2 S IO

18 8 0 / 5" 3 3 2 / / 1 61 681 / 3 2 4 Z 2 131 8 8 2 3 3 2 / Z t oI 8 8 3 8 ? 4 2 Z / 2 01 8 8 ? ? 1 5 Z 2 Z Z4I 8 QS 3 3 6 4 / 171 8 8 6 3 4 6 8 Z 3 6' 3 0

1 8 8 7 2 4 3 4 Z 3 ✓ 1 71 8 8 8 5“ 3 2 to / / 2 / 25"

1 8 8 9 2 2 3 s 2 3 2 IS1 8 9 0 6 5" S 6 / 6 2 ' z 3 3

I 891 3 >5" 8 2 2 4 2, 2 6

1892, 4 3" 5" 6 2 3 7 2‘ 8 418 9 3 5" / ? 7 4 Z 5" Z 2" y 3 1

1 8 9 ? 2 a 3 Z3 G 7 2 / Z 37189 5 4 /8 4 10 /o 20 5 3 / 4 / 81

1 8 9 6 3 3 / 7 / 2 2 5" 2 / 2 7

1 8 9 7 /O 2 4 ! 8 / 3 > 30

1 8 9 8 4 2 8 5" 2 3 2 4

18 99 4 Z5 8 3 Z / 1 / 3 4

1 9 0 0 fi 13 / / I 4 / / 3 0

1901 7 / Z 8 2 4 / 2 35"

1 9 0 2 10 Z Z4 / 3 4 3 / 2 / 3 4 3

1903 3- 13 4 7 4 / 2 3 3 9

/ 90? / f / 13 / 8 4 3 3 / 1 4 9

(905" Z / / 3 / 4 2 3 z r 2 419 06 / ? / / 2.0 5" / 0 2 / / / 3 3 r 2 6 4

1 907 ? / / 2 8 9 Z 2 t zo / 9 4

T o t a l 219 1 2 ? ZOf 258 39 68 SO 77 / 3 25 2 2 2 3 / 3" / 4 22 s 3 / 0 8 0

2 6b u l l e t i n o f t h e



Chronological List of Living Graduates.

Class of 1859.( Will attend alumni meeting.)

M aj. Gen. Robert W. Healy, - A. B.H on. Jam es O’Brien, - - - A. B.

Class of 1862.( Will attend alumni meeting.)

Hon. T im othy E. H ow ard, - - A. B.

Class of 1864.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Hon. Tim othy E. H ow ard, A. M.(Have not announced intention.)

Rev. D. J. Spillard, (C. S. C.) - A. M.Michael A. J. Baasen, - - - A. B.

Class of 1865.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

M aj. Gen. Robert W . Healy, - A. M.Rev. J. R. Dintien, - - - A . B.

(Can not attend meeting.)Dr. John Cassidy, - - - - B. S.

(Have not announced intention.)Michael A. J. Baasen, - J. C. Dunlap, -

A. M. A. B.

Class of 185/.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. John Bleckman, - - - A. B,Rev. A nthony Messman, - - A. B.

(Have not announced intention.)Rev. M artin Connolly, - - - A. B.

Class of 1868.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

W illiam T. Johnson, - - - A. B.(Can not attend meeting.)

John P. Lauth, - - - - - A. B.(Have not announced intention.)

Hon. Jam es E. M cBride, - - B. S.Thom as N aughton, - - - A. B.

- A. B.D. M. M. Collins,O. T. Chamberlain,E. S. P illars, - -

A. B.B. S.

Class of 1869.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. John Bleckman, - - A. M.Rev. A nthony Messman, - - A. M.

(Have not announced intention.)W illiam P. McClain, - - - A. B.Jam es A. O’Reilly, - - - A. B.Thom as W . Ewing, A. B.H iram B. Keeler, - - - - B. S.Stacy B. Hibben, - - - - B. S.E dw ard E. Hull, - - - B. S.

Class of 1870.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

W illiam T. Johnson, - - A. M.Rev. Dennis A. Clark, - - - B. S.

(Hcve not announced intention.)A lfred W . A rrington, - - - A. B.W illiam W aldo, - - - - A. B.

Class of 1871.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Hon. John M. Gearin, - - - B. S.(Have not announced intention.)

Jam es A. O’Reilly, - LL. B. and A. M. Hon. Jam es E. M cBride, - - M.S.A ndrew J. Reilly, - LL. B.V. Rev. Dr. J. A. Zahm, (C. S. C.) A. B.Rufus H. M cCarty, - - - A. B.

Class of 1872.CWill attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. Dennis A. Clark, M. S.Hon. Thom as F. O’Mahony, - B. S.

(Can not attend meeting.)Dr. John Cassidy, - - - M .S .

(Have not announced intention.)Thom as Ewing, - - - - A. M.Thom as A. Ireland, A. B.John F. M cHugh, - - - - A. B.Michael H . Keeley, - - - A. B.

Class of 1873.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Hon. Thom as F. O’Mahony, - A. B.

Address o f A lum ni not heard from is earnestly desired.

2 8 b u e e e t i n o f t h e

H on. T im othy E. H ow ard, - - LL. B.Hon. M ark M. Foote, - - - A. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)E ber B. Gambee, - - - - A. B.

(Have not announced intention.)V. Rev. D r. J. A. Zahm, (C. S. C.) A. M. Alphonsns Boisramme, - - - A. M.H iram B. ICeeler, - - - - M. S.Thom as J. Dundon, - - - B. S.P atrick J. O ’Connell, - - - B. S.

Class of 1874.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. Dennis A. Clark, - H on. Thom as F. O’Mahony, Hon. John M. Gearin, - Louis S. Hayes, - Thom as A. Dailey, - Hon. John J. Ney, -

(Can not attend meeting.)H aro ld V. Hayes, -

(Have not announced intention.John F . M cHugh, - R ufus H . M cCarty,. - R obert W . Staley, - Charles A. Berdel, - H on. W illiam W . Dodge, - H enry W . W alker, -P a trick J. O’M eara, - - -B ernard J. McGinniss, -

A. M. M. S. M. S.A. B.B. S.

LL. B.

B. S.

A. M% A. M.A. B.B. S. B. S. B. S.

LL. B. LL. B.


Class of 1875.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

H on. Thom as F . O’Mahony, - A. M.Jam es F . Edw ards, - LL. B.H on. M ark M. Foote, - A. M.

(Have not announced intention.)V. Rev. E. J. M cLaughlin, - - A. B.Thom as F . Grier, - B. S.Cassius M. P roctor, - - - C. E

Class of 1876.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Thom as A. Dailey, - - - - M. S.Thom as F. Gallagher, - - - A. B.H on. Jam es O ’Brien, - - - A. M.

( Can not attend meeting.)E ber B. Gambee, - - - A. M.

(Have not announced intention.)R obert W . Staley, - - - - A. M.Thom as E. Johnson, - - - A. B.Jam es Caren, - - - - - A. B.

H enry L. Dehner, - F lo rian B. Devoto, - E dw ard S. M onahan, - E verett G. Graves, -

Class of 1877.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

W illiam Hoynes, - Hon. John Gibbons, - Hon. W illiam P. Breen,John G. Ewing, -

( Can not attend meeting.)Carl Otto, - - - - - -

(Have not announced intention. Michael H . Keeley, - H on. John Glavin, - John Coleman, - - - - - H enry C. Cassidy, - - - -George J. Gross, -

B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S.

A. M. A. M.A. B.B. S.

B. S.

A. M.C.E.A. B.B. S.

LL. B.


Class of 1878.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

V. Rev. Dr. A. Morrissey, (C .S.C.) A. B. Rev. A. M. IGrsch, (C . S . C .) - M. S.John G. Ewing, - - - - A. B.

(Have not announced intention.)W. K. Roche, - - - - - A. B.John Coleman, - - - - - B. S.Rev. Jam es J. Quinn, - LL. B.Eugene F. A rnold, - - - LL. B.

Class of 1879.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. Luke J. Evers, -H on. W illiam L. Dechant, - M artin J. McCue, - - - -

(Have not announced intention.Ambrose J. H ertzog,F lorian B. Devoto, - - -Samuel D. Spalding,W illiam J. M urphy,P atrick J. Dougherty, -John J. Shugrue, - - -


A. B.B. S. B. S.

A. B. A. B.

LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B.

Class of 1880.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Hon. W illiam P. Breen, A. M.V .Rev. D r. A. M orrissey, (C. S. C.) A. M. John G. Ewing, - - - - M. S.Dr. John B. Berteling, - - - B. S.Daniel J. Donahue, - - - LL. B.Rev. J. B. M cGrath, - - - A. B.

A ddress o f A lum n i not heard from is earnestly desired.


(Can not attend meeting.)Dr. M aurice F. Egan, A. M.

(Have not announced intention.)John J. Coleman, - - - A. M.F lorian B. Devoto, - - - - M. S.D r. A nthony J. Burger, - - B. S.T. W . Simms, - - - - - LL. B. F. X. W all, - - - - - - LL. B.

Class of 1881.( Will attend alumni meeting.)

John G. Ewing, - - - A. M.Rev. Thom as M cNam ara, - - A. M.M artin J. McCue, - - - - M. S.George E. Clarke, - LL. B.M. J. M cEniry, - LL. B.

(Can not attend 'meeting.)Edw ard A. M ilner, - - - B. S.

(Have not announced intention.)Florian B. Devoto, A. M.Francis W . Bloom, - - - - A. B.D. McCawley, - - - - - LL. B.

Class of 1882.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

T. A. Dailey, - - - - A. M.Michael T. Healy, - LL. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)Rev. Francis J. Boeres, (C. S. C.) A. B.

(Have not announced intention.)Rev. Jas. J. Quinn, - - - A. B.W. B. M cGorrisk, - - - - B. S.Eugene C. Orriclc, - - - - B. S.

Class of 1883.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

James F. Edwards, A. M.Rev. John J. Burke, - - - A. B.John C. Larkin, - LL. B.Ferdinand Kuhn, - - - - B. S.

(Can not attend meeting.)John J. Molloy, - - - - A. B.

(Have not announced intention.)Rev. J. Quinn, - - - - - A. M. Eugene F. Arnold, - - - A. M.Rev. John P. Quinn, - - - A. B.Dr. A lbert F. Zahm, - - - A. B.Rev. W m . J. O'Connor, - - A. B.W illiam H . Arnold, - - - A. B.Robert M. A nderson, - - - B. S.M ajor Joseph P. O ’Neill, - - B. S.W illiam J. M cCarthy, - - - B. S.Jam es M. H ow ard, - - - - LL. B.

Address of A lum ni not he

Class of 1884.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Dr. J. B. Berteling, - - - M .S .W illiam W . Gray, - - - - B. S.John J. M cIntyre, - - - - B. S.Rev. Jam es Solon, - - - - B, S.

(Have not announced intention.)Francis W . Bloom, - - A. M,Eugene C. Orrick, - - - - M. S.Neal H. Ewing, - - - - A. B.Thom as Ewing Steele, - - - A. B.W illiam H. Bailey, - - - A. B.Francis W . Gallagher, A. B.Rev. E lm er Otis, (S. J .) - - B. S.Joseph E. Farrell, - LL. B.

Class of 1885.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Jam es J. Conway, - LL. B. and B. S.H enry A. Steis, - - - - - LL. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)John J. Molloy, - - - A. M.

(Have not announced intention.)Rev. M. J. Regan, (C. S. C.) - A .M . Dr. A lbert F. Zahm, A. M.Sidney J. Dickerson, - - - A. B.George H. Smith, - - - - A. B.Thomas Francis Clarke, - - A. B.John W . Guthrie, - - - - B. S.W illiam H. Johnston, - B. S.Charles F. Porter, - - - - B. S.H enry P. P orter, - B. S.Charles C. K olars, - - - - B. S.John D. W illson, - LL. B.

Class of 1888.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. J. J. Burke, - - - - A. M.Rev. Luke J. Evers, - - A. M.Rev. Jam es Solon, - - - - M. S.LaFayette M athers, - - - A. B.George E. Clarke, - - - - A. B.A. A lbert Browne, - - - - B. S.Samuel T. M urdock, - - - C. E.Michael O. Burns, - - - - LL. B.

(Have not announced intention.)W illiam H . Bailey, - - - - A. M.Ambrose J. H ertzog, - - - A. M.Thomas J. Sheridan, - - - A. B.Michael A. Dolan, - - - - B. S.V ernon H . Burke, - - LL. B. and B. S.P atrick J. Goulding, - LL. B. and B. S.Delano C. Saviers, - - - - B. S.

from is earnestly desired.


Charles C. IColars, - John W. Guthrie, - W illiam H. Johnston, Daniel Byrnes, - F rancis X. Claffey, - W illiam F. ICoudelka,

- C .E .- C. E.- C. E.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.

Class of 1887.(IVill attend alumni meeting.)

Hon. W arren A. Cartier, C. E. and B. S.(Have not announced intention.)

- - A.M.- - A.M.

A. LL- - M. S.

A. B.- - A. B.- - LL. B.

C. E. and B. S.- - B. S.

Rev. John F. Fearnley,N eal H. Ewing,Thom as Ewing Steele,W illiam H. Johnston,John J. Kleiber,John C. W agoner, - B ernard T. Becker,H ugo C. Rothert, - W m. K. O ’Connell,John Coleman, - - - - - C. E. Michael A. H artigan, - - - LL. B.Jam es A. Judie, - LL. B.

Class of 1888.( Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. T im othy O’Sullivan, - - A. M.Thom as F. H ansard, - - - A. B.Simon J. C raft, - Litt. B.George A. Houck, - - - - C. E.P atrick E. Burke, - LL. B.Thom as F. Griffin, - LL. B.M atthew M. W hite, - - - LL. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)Rev. D r. J. Burns, (C. S. C.) - A. B.C. J. Stubbs, - - LL. B. and A. B.E dw ard Sorin Ewing, - - - B. S.

(Have not announced intention.)M ichael O’Dea, - - - - M. S.W illiam B. Akin, - - - - LL. B.E dw ard D. B ritt, - LL. B.A ndrew P. Gibbs, - LL. B.W alter J. Rochford, - - - LL. B.P atrick J. Nelson, - LL. B.John L. Heinem ann, - - - LL. B.

Class of 1889.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

D r. J. B. Berteling, A. M.A. A lbert Browne, M .S .P atrick E. Burke, - - - - A. B.R obert C. Newton, - B. S.V incent E. M orrison, - B. S.D. E dw ard Dwyer, - Litt. B.

LL. B. LL. B.

A. B.Litt. B.


A. M. M. S.B. S.

LL. B.LL. B.

Eusebio -Chacon, - Jam es V. O’Donnell,

( Can not attend meeting.)Rev. T iburtius A. Goebel, - John B. M eagher, -

(Have not announced intention John J. Jvleiber,Ed. M cCarthy, - Capt. Joseph E. Cusack.H enry S. Smith,Daniel C. Brew er, -

Class of 1890.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. Jam es J. F rench (C. S. C.) A. M. Rev. D r. J. Cavanaugh, (C.S.C.) Litt. B. E. Roll and A delsperger, - - A. B.W illiam M orrison, - B. S.Clarence T urp ie H agerty, - - B. S.Leo J. Scherrer, - B. S.H enry L. P ritchard , - - - B. S.John S. H um m er, - LL. B.H a rry M. Jew ett, - - - - C. E.

( Can not attend meeting.)Louis P . Chute, - - - - A. B.H enry P. Brannick, - - - C. E.Thom as J. M cKeon, - - - LL. B.F rank lin E. Lane, - LL. B.

(Have not announced intention.)F rederick J. Lis combe, - - - D. Mus.D r. A lbert F. Zahm, - - - M. S.W illiam H . A rnold, - - - A. M.Eugene F. A rnold, - A. M.Jobson E. H . Paradis, - - - A. B.Charles H . Sanford, - - - A. B.W illiam P. M cPhee, - - - B. S.Charles A. Paquette, - - - B. S.Jam es H . Mackey, - - - - C. E.A rth u r W . Larkin, - - - - C. E.M ario Garfias, - - - - - C. E. E dw ard J. Blessington, - - LL. B.F erd inand G. Long, - - - LL. B.Joseph J. Burns, - LL. B.

Class of 1891.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. A. B . O’Neill, (C. S . C .), - A .M .George E. Clarke, - - - A. M.J ohn S. H um m er, - L itt. B.Louis J. H erm an, - L L . B.Francis J. V urpillat, - LL. B.Thom as J. McConlogue, - - LL. B.H ugh O’Neill, - - - - L L . B.M aurice J. Cassidy, - - - L L . B.

Address of A lum ni not heard from is earnestly desired.


H O N . JAM ES O’B R I E N , A . B. ’59.


(Have not announced intention.)F. H . D exter, - - - - A. M.H om er P. Brelsforcl, - - - A. B.Charles T. Cavanaugh, - - A. B.Charles Paquette, - C. E. and Litt. B.John B. Sullivan, - Litt. B.E dw ard M. H oover, - - - C. E.W ilbur P. Blackman, - LL. B.Robin E. D unbar, - LL. B.Bryan H . Tivnen, - - - - B. Mus.

Class of 1892.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. Jam es Solon, A. M.Jam es R. Fitzgibbon, - Litt. B.F rancis J. V urpillat, - Litt. B.Hugh O'Neill - - LL.M. and Litt. B.Dezere A. Cartier, - - - - B. S.O tto A. Rothert, - - - - B. S.H on. Dudley M. Shively, - - LL. M.P atrick J. H oulihan, - LL. B.

( Can not attend meeting.)Thom as M. Johnson, - - - A. M.E rnest F. D uBrul, - Litt. B.F rederick B. Chute, - Litt. B.Louis P. Chute, - LL. B.P atrick H. Coady, - LL. B.

(Have not announced intention.)Benjam in C. Bachrach, - - A. B.Nicholas J. Sinnott, - - - A. B.Roger B. Sinnott, - Litt. B.F rederick E. Neef, - - - - B. S.William M. O'Brien, - - - B. S.Capt. P ierce A. M urphy, - - C. E.Owen W . Sullivan, - - - C. E.B ryan H . Tivnen, - LL. B.P e te r M. Ragan, - LL. B.

Class of 1893.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

H on. Charles P. Neill, A. M.Rev. M. A. Quinlan, (C. S. C.) A. B.Rev. John D. O'Shea, - - - A. B.R am ond C. Langan, - Litt. B.PI. L am ar M onarch, - Litt. B.Charles B. Dechant, - - - B. S.E dw ard J. M aurus, - - - B. S.H on. T im othy R. A nsberry, - LL. B. M artin P. M cFadden, - - - LL. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)P a trick H . Coady, - LL. M.E rn est F . D uBrul, - - - - A. B.D r. Jam es A. McKee, - - - A. B.

A lbert E. Dacy, - Litt. B.E arl W . Brown, - - LL. B.Alphonsus A. Heer, - - LL. B.Charles W . Scherrer, - - - IB. S.

(Have not announced intention.)P eter M. Ragan, - - LL. M.Rev. Jam es J. McAuliffe, - - A. B.F rederick E. Neef, - Litt. B.M ar cell us L. Joslyn, - - B. S.E dw ard M. Schaack, - - B. S. B.Dr. Joseph IC. Combe, - - - B. S. B.Michael P. H annin, - - C .E .John T. Cullen, - - LL. B.Jam es G. Henley, - - - LL. B.John W. Raney, - - LL. B.

C lass of 1894.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

M artin P. M cFadden, - - LL. M.F rancis A. Bolton, Litt. B.John M. Flannigan, - Litt. B.Dr. Joseph M. Kearney, - Litt. B.H ugh A. O’Donnell, - Litt. B.Charles K unert, - - IB. S.E dw ard H. Jewett, - - IB. S.Frederick J. Schillo, - B. S.Charles S. Mitchell, - C. E.M aurice D. Kirby, - - LL. B.J. Joseph Cocke, - LL. B.Charles M. Kreighbaum , - LL. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)E rnest F. D uBrul, - LL. B. and Litt. M.Rev. John S. Schopp. - - A.B.Francis M.- McKee, - Litt. B.F rost Thorne, - - Litt. B.Michael J. M cGarry, - LL. B.

(Have not announced intention.)Rev. H ugh M cShane, - - A .M .John T. Cullen, - - LL. M.Emil A hlrichs, - A. B.Francis L. Carney, - Litt. B.Dr. F rancis J. Powers, - - B. S. B.W illiam A. Correll, - C. E.Christopher C. F itzgerald, - - C. E.Francis M. Keough, - C.E.Elm er A. Scherrer, - C .E .Roger B. Sinnott, - - LL. B.Jam es F. Kennedy, - - LL. B.E dw ard M. Roby, - - LL. B.James T. Kelly, - - LL. B.Francis D. Hennessey, - - LL. B.John J. Feeney, - - LL. B.Leigh F. Gibson, - - LL. B.

Address of A lum ni not heard from is earnestly desired.


C lass of 1895 (Golden Jub ilee).(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. John M cGrath, - - - A. M.Hon. W illiam L. Dechant, - M. S.Clarence T. H agerty, M. S.Leo. J. Scherrer, - - - - M. S.Ferd inand B. Kuhn, - M. S.E dw ard J. M aurus, M. S.Daniel V. Casey, - Litt. B.Ryell Tobias M iller, - LL. B.Daniel P. M urphy, - - - - A. B.

• ( Can not attend meeting.)

E rnest F. DuBrul, - - - - A. M.Rev. Dr. J. Burns, (C. S. C.) - A. M.Rev. T iburtius Goebel, - - - A. M.Dr. Jam es A. McKee, - - - LL. B.E dw ard S. Ewing, - - - - M. S.H aro ld V. Hayes, - - - A. M.

(Have not announced intention.)

Jam es F. Kennedy, - LL. M.Leigh F. Gibson, - LL. M.Jam es Caren, - - - - - A. M.V ery Rev. E. M cLaughlin, - - A. M.Jobson E. H . Paradis, - - - A. M.H om er P. B relsford, A. M.Charles T. Cavanaugh, - - - A. M.John F. H ervey, - - - C. EJohn W . Guthrie, - - - - M. S.W illiam M cPhee, - - - - M .S .Charles Paquette, - - - M. S.F rederick E. Neef, - Litt. M.E dw ard M. Schaack, - - - M. S. B.Eustace Gullinan, - - - - A. B.Rev. M ichael Ryan, - - - A. B.Samuel A. W alker, A. B.F rancis W . Davis, - Litt. B.A rth u r P. H udson, - Litt. B.E lm er A. Scherrer, - - - B. S.W illiam W. M arr, - B. S.Nicholas S. Dink el, - - - B. S.A rth u r M. Funke, - - - - C. E.John J. Dempsey, - - - - C. E.H ugh C. Mitchell, - - - - C. E.A lbert T. K arasynski, - - - C. E.Thom as D. M ott, - LL. B.John Griffin M ott, - LL. B.P eter P. W hite, - LL. B.R ichard Graham H alligan, - - LL. B.F rank J. Onzon, - LL. B.Oscar F ries Schmidt, - - - LL. B.Edm e V incent Chassaing, - - LL. B.

Class of 1896.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Ryell T. Miller, - LL. M.Rev. T. A. Crumley, (C. S. C.) A. B.A rthur W. Stace, - Litt. B.Dr. Francis W . Barton, - - B. S. B.Rev. Joseph A. M aguire, (C. S. C.) B. S. John H. Gallagher, - LL. B.Louis C. W urzer, - LL. B.Michael F. Hennebry, - LL. B.Daniel P. Murphy, - LL. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)William P. Burns, - Litt. B.

(Have not announced intention.)John A. Gibbons, - - - - M. S.John G. Shannon, - - - - A. B.John Griffin Mott, - Litt. B.G. F. Pulskamp, - Litt. B.F. E. Eyanson, - Litt. B.Capt. John B. Murphy, - - C. E.W illiam W. M arr, - C. E.James B. Barrett, - - LL. B.Hon. A lbert Galen, - - - LL. B.

Glass of 1897.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Rev. John B. ScheieR (C. S. C.) A. M.Rev. M. A. Quinlan, (C. S. C.) A .M . Daniel P. Murphy, - LL. M.M artin J. Costello, -- - - A. B.Jesse W. Lanfry, - - - - A. B.Rev. John A. M acNam ara, - „ - . A. B.Paul J. Ragan, - - - - - A. B.Joseph Vincent Sullivan, - - A. B.Ed. Erasm us - Brennan, - Litt. B.Charles M. Bryan, - Litt. B.Sherm an Steele, - Litt. B.W. B urnett W eaver, - - - B. S. B.John W illiam Miller, - - - . C. E.Francis J. F. Confer, - LL. B.

( Can not attend meeting.)Elmer J. Murphy, - Litt. B.Dr. Jacob Rosenthal, - - - B. S. B.

(Have not announced intention.)Jam es D ixon Barry, - - - A. B.Thom as Tyrone Cavanagh, - - A. B.W alter B. Golden, - - - - A. B.Thomas B. Reilly, - - - A. B.H. M acaulay Bennett, - Litt. B.Re W illiam C. Hengen, - - Litt. B.M. Jam es Ney, - - - - Litt. B.James J. Sanders, - Litt. B.W. Augustine Fagan, - - - B. S. B.

Address o f A lum ni not heard from is earnestly desired.


Ralph Lawrence Palm er, - - E. E.Jam es B. Quinn, - - - LL. B.Jam es H. Browne, - LL. B.

Class of 1898.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Francis J. F . Confer, - LL. M.Rev. D r. M. J. Oswald, (C. S. C.) A. B. Francis E arle H ering, - Litt. B.Samuel J. Spalding, - LL. B.Joseph E. Corby, - LL. B.F . H enry W urzer, - LL. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)W illiam M ontavon, - - - A. B.F rancis P. D reher, - LL. B.

(Have not announced intention.)Rev. T. Hennessey, (C. S. C.) - A. B. Thom as A. Medley, - - - A. B.E dw ard J. Mingey, - LL. B. and Litt. B. Raym ond G. O ’Malley, - - Litt. B.Michael R. Powers, - Litt. B.W illiam F. Sheehan, - Litt. B.W illiam C. Kegler, - - - - B. S.H ugh C. Mitchell, - - - - B. S.W illiam W . Fitzpatrick, - - B. S. B.E dw ard B. Falvey, - - - B. S. B.P e te r E. Kearney, - LL. B.Clarence V. Scherm erhorn, - LL. B. Michael J. Ney, - - - - LL. B.

Class of 1899.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

D r. John F . Fennessey, - - A. B.Rev. Dr. J. Nieuwland, (C. S. C.) A. B. Rev. D r. M. Schumacher, (C. S. C.) A. B. John J. Dowd, - Litt. B.Chester H . A therton, - C. E.Eugene A. Delaney, - - - C. E.Thom as M. H oban, - LL. B.Sherm an R. Steele, - - - - LL. B.E dw ard J. Yockey, - LL. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)E dw ard C. Brown, - Litt. B.Julius A. Arce, - C. E,E dw ard J. W alsh, - - - - LL. B.Joseph M. Haley, - LL. B.

(Have not announced intention.)Dr. F rancis J. Powers, - - - M. S.B.Charles E. Blackman, - LL. M.Joseph F. Duane, - Litt. B.W illiam C. Kegler, - - - C. E.M aurice A. Neville, - C. E.F rancis J. O ’H ara, - - - C. E.

Thom as A. Steiner, - C. E.E dw ard H. Pulskam p, - - M .E .Dr. W illiam P. Grady, - - B. S. B.Stephen J. Brucker, - LL. B.Louis T . W eadock, - LL. B.Jacob J. K raus, - - LL. B.John F. M urphy, - - - - LL. B.John R. M eyers, - - - - LL. B.M ichael J. M cCormack, - LL. B.Stephen B. P ickett, - - - - LL. B.P atrick J. Corcoran, - LL. B.Leo H olland, - - - - LL. B.P au l E. H artung , - - - - LL. B.

Class of 1900.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Thom as M. H oban, - LL. M.Rev. John M. Byrne, - - - A. B.Rev. V incent D. Dwyer, - - A. B.Rev. H ugh S. Gallagher, (C. S .C .) A. B. Rev. Jam es H. McGinnis, - - A. B.Rev. W illiam D. F u rry , - - A. B.Francis B. Cornell, - Litt. B.George S tuhlfauth, - - B. S. E. E.John W . Forbing, - - - B. S. Ch.Eugene Campbell, - LL. B.W illiam D. Dalton, - LL. B.John W . Eggeman, - - - LL. B.Jam es P. Fogarty , - LL. B.W illiam A. Guilfoyle, - LL. B.Paul J. Ragan, - - - - - LL. B. Francis O ’Shaughnessy, - - LL. B.W illiam W . O ’Brien, - LL. B.

( Can not attend meeting.)E dw ard J. W alsh, - - - - - LL. M.

(Have not announced intention.)P atrick J. Corcoran, Jam es F. M urphy, - Joseph P. Shiels, - E dw ard T. Long, - P atrick J. Dwan, - A nthony F. Dorley, A lfred D uperier, Thom as A. Medley, Raym ond G. O’M alley ,' W illiam P. M onahan, - N orbert J. Savay, -

LL. M. LL. M.

A. B. A. B. A. B. C. E.

LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B. LL. B.

Class of 1901.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Francis O ’H ara, - - - - A. M.Rev. D r. G. J. M arr, (C. S. C.) A. B. Rev. M atthias Oswald, (C. S. C.) A. B.

A ddress o f A lum n i n o t heard from is earnestly desired.


Rev. M. Szalewski, (C. S. C.) - A. B. Anthony J. Brogan, - Litt. B.Robert L. Fox, - L i t t B.John P. Hayes, - - - Litt. B.V incent B. W elker, - - - B. S. B.John P. Curry, - - - - - LL. B.Edw ard P. Gallagher, - LL. B.Hon. Jose H ernandez U sera, - LL. B. George A. McGee, - LL. B.Philip B. O’Neill, - - - - LL. B.Chauncey W. Yockey, - LL. B.W illiam A. M clnerny, - LL. B.J. Clyde Locke, - - - - " - LL. B.Lawrence Siegfried Highstone, - LL. B.

(Have not announced intention.)W illiam J. O ’Connor, - - - A. B.W illiam H. Tierney, - - - A. B.John M. Lilly, - - - - - A. B. John J. O’Connell, - - - - A. B.Joseph J. Sullivan, - L i t t B.Edw ard F. Hay, - - - - C. E.John I. Mullen, - - - - C. E.Joseph R. Carlton, - - - B. S. E. E.A lbert K achur, - - - - B. S. E. E.H arry P. Barry, - LL. B.George H. Bohner, - - - - LL. B.W illiam E. Baldwin, - LL. B.John J. Cooney, - LL. B.A lbert C. Fortin , - LL. B.George J. H anhauser, - - - LL. B.Thom as F. O’M eara, - LL. B.W illiam P. Glasheen, - - - LL. B.George W . ICuppler, - LL. B.

Class of 1902.( Will attend alumni meeting.)

Philip B. O’Neill, - - - - LL. M.John P. Curry, - - - - - LL. M. Rev. Leo J. Heiser, (C. S. C.) - A. B. Joseph P. S. Kelleher, - • - - A. B.Francis Charles Schwab, - - A. B.Vitus George Jones, - Litt. B.Francis B. O’Brien," - Ph. B.Ralph M aher W ilson, - - - C. E.Dr. Robert A. K rost, - - - B. S. B.Tim othy Crimmins, - - - LL. B.John Louis Corley, - - - - LL. B.W illiam Flem ing Dinnen, - - LL.'B.Francis E arle H ering, - - - LL. B.Oscar Lippman, - LL. B.Frederick W. Meyer, - - - LL. B.Clement C. Mitchell, - - - LL. B.Peter P atrick M cElligott, - - LL. B.John B. F. Pick, - - - - LL. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)George W . Burkitt, Jr., - - A.Francis F landers Duquette, - A. Rev. John J. Hennessy, (C. S. C.) A. Rev. Dr. T . F. McKeon, (C. S. C.) A. Rev. Dr. T. Crowley, (C. S. C.) A. H enry Ewing Brown, - Litt.Dr. W illiam A lbert Shea, - - Litt.John Patrick O’H ara, - Ph.Francisco J. Gaston, - - - C.

(Have not announced intention.)A lbert C. Fortin , - LL.Joseph L. Toohey, - - - - A.M arcellinus Charles Gorski, - A.A lbert Louis K rug, - Litt.Edw ard Dubbs Gilbert, - - Ph.Jose M aria Falom ir, - - - C.Enrique Louis Guerra, - - - M.Thom as Francis Dwyer, - - M.Rodolfo M aria Garza, - - B. S. E.O rrin Augustine W hite, - - B.W illiam H. Cameron, - - - LL.Charles V ictor H ilding, - - LL.Joseph C. Kinney, - - - - LL.George H enry Kelly, - LL.Joseph John Sullivan, - - - LL.

Class of 1903.(Will attend alumni meeting.)

Francis Barry, - - - - - A.Robert E. Lynch, - - - - A.Robert J. V. Sweeny, - - - A.Francis. H . MqKeever, - - - Litt.Rev. D. K. O’Malley, (C, S. C.) .Litt. Rev. Dr. M. J. W alsh, (C. S. C.) Litt. V itus G. Jones, - - r r LL.Edw ard F. Quigley, - LL.Hon. W illiam P. H iggins, - - LL.John W. Dubbs, - - - - LL.Francis P. Burke, - - - - LL.H arold H. Davitt, - - - - LL.John H. Neeson, - - - - C.H arry V. Crumley, - - - - C.

(Can not attend meeting.)Rev. Emil P. DeWulf, (C. S. C.) A.Rev. J. L. Carrico, (C. S. C.) - Litt.Joseph A. Fahy, - - - - C.F rederick L. Baer, - - - M. E. E.Omer D. Green, - LL.

(Have not announced intention.)Charles A. Gorman, - - - - A.Patrick J. MacDonough, - - Ph.Robert E. Hanley, - - - - Ph.






A ddress o f A lu m ni n o t h e a rd fro m is ea rn es tly desired .

36 b u l l e t i n o f t h e

Francisco Rincon, - P atrick W . O ’Grady, E dw ard C. W urzer, Francis A. Smogor, F ran k J. M. Petritz, V ictor M. A rana,George F. Ziegler, - P e te r J. M cNam ara, Raym ond V itus Stephan, E dw ard D. Collins, - F rancis B. Hughes,

- - C. E.- - C .E .- - C. E.- - M. E.- M. E. E. E.- M. E. E. E.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.

Class of 1904,( Will attend alumni meeting.

Rev. W illiam D. F urry ,F rancis X. Ackerm an, - Daniel C. Dillon, - - - -Gallitzin A. Farabaugh,Byron V . ICanaley, - - - -John M ichael Quinlan, - Michael J. Shea, - Rev. George E. Gormley, •Louis M. Fetherston, -F rederick J. Kasper,Thom as L. K. Donnelly,Ignatio F . Lomelin,A rth u r E. Steiner, - •A nton C. Stephan, - - -Law rence M. Antoine, - - MGilbert F . M cCullough, - D r. Thom as J . . Swantz, - F rancis J. Conboy, - H arry G. H ogan, - - - -Joseph J . M eyers, - F rancis H . McIGeever, -George L. Nyere, - Eugene J. O’Connor,Jo h n I. O’Phelan, - R obert E. P roctor, - Thom as A. Quinlan, - - -Louis J. Carey, - - - - - Rev. M aurice F . Griffin,

(Can not attend meeting.)W alter M atthew Daly, - - -F rancis F . Duquette, - - -F rancis J. Lonergan,Joseph H . Burke, (C. S. C.) E rnest A. Davis, (C. S. C.) Thom as P. Irving, (C. S. C.) -George J. M acN am ara, (C. S. C. W illiam M. W im berg, (C. S. C.) H a rry W . Zolper, - - -Charles P. K ahler, - - - -

;A.M. M. S. A.B. A. B. A. B. A.B. A. B. A.B.

- Ph. B.- Ph. B.- C .E .

C .E .- C .E .- C .E . . E. E. E.- B. S. B. -B . S. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- LL. B.- Litt. B.- Litt. B.

Litt. B. LL. B. LL. B.

A. B. A. B. A. B.

) A.B. A. B. C. E. C. E.

Benjam in R. Enriquez, - - - C. E.(Have not announced intention.)

W illiam K. Gardiner, - A. B.E rnest E. L. H am m er, - - - A.B.Stephan F . R iordan, - - A. B.Thom as D. Lyons, - - - Litt. B.G rattan T. S tanford, - - Ph. B.John D. Quinn, - - C. E.Eugene P . Rayneri, - B. S. A. E.Leo. G. Dwan, - - -R. S. B.Nicholas R. Furlong, - - - LL. P,.Thom as A. Toner, - - - LL. B.

Class of 1905.( Will attend alumni meeting.)

M ichael J. Shea, - - - A. M.B ernard S. Fahy, A. B.John W orden, - - - - - B. S. B.E arl F. Gruber, - LL. B.E dw ard H . Schwab, - LL. B.Thom as J. W elch, - - - - LL. B.Daniel L. M urphy, - LL. B.

(Can not attend meeting.)John R. Voigt, - - - - B. S B.H enry M. Kem per, - Litt. B.H enry J. McGlew, - LL. B.

(Have not announced intention.)W illiam D. Jam ieson, - - - Litt. B.Daniel J. O ’Connor, - - Ph. B.Louis J. Salmon, - - C. E.V irgilio N. Rayneri, - - C. E.W alte r A. Stevens, - - C. E.John C. O’Neill, - - - - C. E.R icardo A. Trevino, - M. E. E. E.Clarence J. Kennedy, - -B . S. B.John W . O’Neill, - - - - B. S.D uran t Church, - - LL. B.F rancis J. Loughran, - - LL. B.W illiam J. Mahoney, - - LL. B.John J. O’Connor, - - - LL. B.

Class of 1906.(Wil l attend alumni meeting.)

E dw ard H enry Schwab, - - LL. M.W illiam C. O’Brian, - - - A. B;A lexander W . M cFarland, - - Ph. B.W alte r J. O’Donnell, (C. S. C.) - Litt. B.W illiam P. Feeley, - - - - C. E.John F. Cushing, - - - - C. E.Jam es A llen Dubbs, - - - C. E.H aro ld P. F isher, - - - - C. E.A lbert A. K otte, - - - - C. F.John P. O ’Shea, - - - - C. E.

A ddress of A lu m n i n o t h e a rd fro m is e a rn e s t ly desired .


A nthony J. Stopper,M atthew A. Campbell, - Charles E. Roesch, - N athan Silver, - E varisto R. Bat lie, - A rthu r Funk, - - -Dr. Emilius M. McJCee,.Terence B. Cosgrove, - - -Dr. Michael J. Brown, - - -Thom as F. Healy, - Thom as M. H arris, - Daniel L. M adden, - Ralph C. M adden, - F ran k A. M cCarthy, - Joseph W . M clnerny, - Lawrence M. M cNerney,E rnest M. M orris, - W illiam P. O’Neill, - - -Hon. Joseph E. Valdes,A lbert B. Oberst, -

(Can not attend meeting.)Albert E. Blin, (C. S. C.) - -Charles L. Doremus, (C. S. C.) Eugene P. Burke, (C. S. C.) -Louis H . Faineau, (C. S. C.) -Edw ard J. Finnegan, (C. S. C.) Jam es H. Galligan, (C. S. C.) - Cornelius J. H agerty, (C. S. C.) John M. Lecroq, (C. S. C.)John C. McGinn, (C. S. C.) -H ugh B. MacCauley, (C. S. C.) Charles L. O’Donnell, (C. S. C.) Francis X. Zerhusen, (C. S. C.) H enry Michael Kemper,Addis E. Lally, - John F. Shea, - John M. Ryan, (C,Joseph J. Batlle,M aurus J. Uhrich,H arry N. Roberts,

S. C.) - -- - - B.

- - C. E.- - M. E.- M. E. E. E.- M. E. E. E.- B. S. A. E.- - B. S.- - B. S. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.

A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B.

A. M. Ph. B. Ph. B.

Litt. B. S. A. E.

C. E. C. E.

(Have not announced intention.)Thom as A. Ham m er, - Samuel J. Guerra, - A rtu ro Pino, - R ichard W . Donovan, - Clayton C. Golden, - Francis J. Hanzel, - Roscoe P. H urst, - W illiam E. Perce, -

- - A. B.- - C. E.- M. E. E. E.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.

Stephan F. Riordan, - - - LL. B.Francis J. Shaughnessy, - - LL. B.

Class of 1907.(Will attend■ alumni meeting.)

Jam es D. Jordan, - E dw ard J. Kenny, - F rancis T. Collier, - John L. Coontz,Robert A. Kasper, - M atthew J. Kenefick, - E dw ard F. O’Flynn,John W. W adden, - Jam es T. Keefe,Denis E. Lannan, - James H. Bach,Joseph T. Lantry, - Joseph A. Dwan,James V. Cunningham, - Gallitzin A. Farabaugh,Ralph S. Feig, - Oscar A. Fox, - W alter L. Joyce,John F ran k H anan,Patrick M. Malloy, - Thom as Paul McGannon,

( Can not attend meetingThom as E. Burke, (C. S. C.) - A. B. W endell P. Corcoran, (C. S. C.) A. B. W illiam F. Cunningham, (C. S. C.) A. B. W esley J. Donahue, (C. S. C.) - Litt. B. Louis McM. Kelley, (C. S. C.) - Litt. B. W illiam H . Molony, (C. S. C.) - Litt. B. W illiam A. Bolger, (C. S. C.) - Ph. B Paul J. Foik, (C. S. C.) - - Ph. B.Michael A. Diskin, - LL. B.Thomas J. Tobin, - - - - C. E.John P. Perez, - - - - - C. E.Joseph P. Gallart, - - - - C. E.Louis S. Villanueva, - - - C. E.

(Have not announced intention.)- M. S. B.- LL. M.

- - Ph. B.- -B . S. B.- - C. E.- - C. E.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.

A. B.- Litt. B.

- - Ph. B.- - Ph. B.- - Ph. B.- - Ph. B.- - Ph. B.- - Ph. B.- - Ph. B.- - B. S. B.- - C. E.- - C. E.- M. E. E. E.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. P.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.- - LL. B.

Clarence J. Kennedy, - W illiam E. Perce, - Ambrose A. O’Connell, - F ranklin B. M cCarty, - Clement L. Devine, W illiam J. Donovan, John Farragher,John W . Sheehan, Jr., -

A d d re s s o f A lu m n i n o t h e a r d f ro m is e a r n e s t ly d e s ir e d .