université libre de bruxelles institut de gestion de

i Université Libre de Bruxelles Institut de Gestion de l’Environnement et d’Aménagement du Territoire Faculté des Sciences Master en Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement "THE CONSERVATION OF KEY SPECIES AND THE CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS THEREOF: THE CASE OF SHARK FINNING." Master's Thesis presented by RUEDA, Paula To obtain the academic degree of Master en Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement Finalité Gestion de l’Environnement Ma 120ECTS Réorientation avec programme adapté - 2e année - ENVI5G-M Academic Year: 2011-2012 Promoter : Prof. Marie Françoise GODART

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Université Libre de Bruxelles Institut de Gestion de l’Environnement et d’Aménagement du Territoire

Faculté des Sciences Master en Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement




Master's Thesis presented by RUEDA, Paula

To obtain the academic degree of Master en Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement

Finalité Gestion de l’Environnement Ma 120ECTS Réorientation avec programme adapté - 2e année - ENVI5G-M

Academic Year: 2011-2012 Promoter : Prof. Marie Françoise GODART

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”


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“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”


Special thanks...

...To the deep blue world in which I have spent so many hours;

...to Ahmed Tiger who showed me for the first time a school of hammerhead sharks, to my good friend Eduard Espinel with who I shared so many unforgettable times underwater,

to Alice Velge and Laurence Wauthier for helping me take a great decision, to John Janssens and my sister in the distance for their help with the final corrections of the text and

images, to my teachers of the IGEAT for their valuable instruction and

to François and Antonio de Ribaucourt for supporting me unconditionally and being an important part of my life.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”



Sharks are apex predators whose role in the oceans cannot be replaced. Shark fishing began several

centuries ago, but nowadays their populations are under strong anthropic pressure, especially

because of the growing demand for shark fin soup (part of an Asian culinary tradition), among the

elite and the growing middle classes in China.

Shark fins have become a valuable commodity and are trafficked (mainly) to Hong Kong (HK) as part

of a worldwide business. According to some authors more than 116 countries have shark-business

relations with HK. As the demand for this product is growing, more and more fisherman are drawn

to catch sharks and cut their fins all around the world. The rest of the animal is dumped back into

the ocean, which is condemnable on the grounds of animal cruelty alone, but also represents a huge

loss of biomass with severe ecological consequences.

Sharks are fragile species, with slow growth and reproduction rates, which means that if measures

are not taken promptly, some of their populations will come under threat or face extinction in the

next decades.

Some authors estimate that more than 70 million sharks are killed for their fins each year.

Nevertheless, the exact real-global representation of shark catch is difficult to establish because of

the high amount of discards, under-reported catch and the lack of information in landing ports.

The lack of data and the fact that shark fin soup consumption is embedded historically and culturally

in Asia are important obstacles for conservationists.

The awareness towards shark conservation has increased during the last years and to date, several

NGO’s and more specifically six international and regional organisations have become involved in

trying to protect and manage chondrichthyan populations. Nevertheless their instruments are new

and still insufficient in the light of the difficulties they face. Decision making is slow and previously

established regulations prove to have major loopholes. Many countries have banned shark finning,

but few have the resources to enforce these regulations.

A case study is presented in the last chapter of this work, with a focus on the marine reserves of

Central and South America where shark-abundant waters are being depleted.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”



Les requins sont des prédateurs alpha essentiels à l'équilibre des océans. Ces espèces sont

consommées par les hommes depuis des siècles, mais aujourd'hui leurs populations subissent les

conséquences d'une plus forte pression anthropique liée à l'émergence des classes moyennes en

Chine qui apprécient tout particulièrement ce produit de luxe qu'est la soupe d'ailerons de requins

(issu de la tradition culinaire asiatique).

Les ailerons de requin sont à la base d'un lucratif trafique mondial dont la plaque tournante est Hong

Kong (HK). Selon certains auteurs, plus de 116 pays entretiennent des relations commerciales de ce

genre avec Hong Kong. Puisque la demande pour ce produit est en progression constante, les

pêcheurs sont de plus en plus incités à capturer les requins et couper leurs nageoires avant de les

rejeter vivants dans l'océan, ce qui, au delà de la cruauté envers les animaux, représente une perte

énorme de la biomasse ayant de graves conséquences écologiques.

Les requins sont des espèces fragiles, avec une croissance lente et un faible taux de reproduction, ce

qui signifie que si des mesures ne sont pas prises rapidement, certaines populations seront

sérieusement menacées et risquent même de s'éteindre complètement dans les prochaines


Certains auteurs estiment que plus de 70 millions de requins sont tués chaque année pour leurs

nageoires mais la collecte de données à l'échelle mondiale fait cruellement défaut en raison des

rejets de carcasses, du braconnage et du manque d'informations fiables dans les ports de


Le manque de données scientifiques et l'ancrage profond, à la fois historique et culturel, de la

tradition culinaire en Asie sont des obstacles majeurs pour ceux qui s'attèlent à protéger les requins.

La sensibilisation à la conservation des requins a augmenté au cours des dernières années et à ce

jour, plusieurs ONG et surtout six organisations internationales et régionales luttent pour essayer de

protéger et de gérer les populations de chondrichtyens. Néanmoins, leurs structures sont nouvelles

et encore insuffisantes face aux nombreuses difficultés. La prise de décision est lente et les

règlementations en place sont aisément contournantes. De nombreux pays ont interdit le "finning",

mais peu sont capables de punir les infractions. Qui plus est, les eaux internationales ne sont pas


Un exemple de cette problématique est présenté dans le dernier chapitre de ce travail, s'agissant des

réserves marines d'Amérique centrale et d'Amérique du Sud où des eaux autrefois riches en requins

sont quasiment épuisées.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”


Table of Contents

List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................... ix

List of Photos ........................................................................................................................................... x

List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................... xi

List of Annexes ....................................................................................................................................... xii

List of Acronyms ................................................................................................................................... xiii

INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1

METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Shark history and success ....................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Shark morphology and movement ................................................................................................ 5

1.2 Humans and Sharks ....................................................................................................................... 8

1.2.1 Shark finning .......................................................................................................................... 9

1.2.2 Environmental consequences of shark finning and the lack of sharks in the oceans ......... 10

Conclusions of Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 16

Social and cultural contexts related to the practice of shark finning ................................................. 16

2.1 The Chinese Cultural Obstacles for shark conservation ............................................................. 16

2.2 Shark Awareness ........................................................................................................................ 17

2.3 The difficulty of using moral environmental arguments to protect sharks ............................... 18

2.4 The negative reputation of sharks .............................................................................................. 18

2.5 Comparison to the whaling case ................................................................................................ 19

Conclusions of Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................... 20

CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 21

The economical context of shark finning ............................................................................................. 21

3.1 Pricing and marketing of fins ...................................................................................................... 21

3.2 A strong economical incentive towards shark finning: fins price vs. meat price ....................... 25

3.3 Shark-fin business is a global business ....................................................................................... 26

3.4 Obstacles for the interpretation of shark trade ......................................................................... 27

3.5 Existing information ................................................................................................................... 27

3.5.1 Countries involved in trading of shark products (meat and fins) ........................................ 28

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”


3.5.2 Countries involved in the trading of shark fins.................................................................... 31

3.5.3 Exporting regions ................................................................................................................. 32

3.5.4 Trade of "Dried fins” vs. “frozen fins” .................................................................................. 32

Conclusions of Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................... 33

CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................................. 35

Regulation and management of shark stocks...................................................................................... 35

4.1 Institutions involved in shark management and conservation .................................................. 35

4.1.1 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) ........................................................................... 35

4.1.2 Convention on Int. Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) ........... 36

4.1.3 United Nations Convention of Migratory Species (CMS) ................................................... 38

4.1.4 Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMO’s) .................................................. 39

4.1.5 The European Commission (EC)........................................................................................... 41

4.2 Obstacles for the management of shark populations ................................................................ 42

4.2.1 The finning ban: Implementation and obstacles ................................................................ 42

4.2.2 The obstacle of the lack of biological information .............................................................. 45

Conclusions of Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................... 46

CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................................. 48

The case of shark finning in the Marine Protected Areas of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape . 48

5.1 The Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS) ............................................................................. 48

5.1.1 Ecological Importance of the ETPS : A marine corridor for shark populations .................. 49

5.1.2 Malpelo Flora and Fauna Reserve (Colombian Pacific Ocean) ........................................... 52

5.1.3 Cocos island National Park (Costa Rican Pacific Ocean) .................................................... 52

5.2 Existing regulations to protect shark resources in Costa Rica and Colombia ............................ 53

5.2.1 Existing patrolling in the Marine Protected Areas............................................................... 53

5.3 Illegal fishing in the ETPS ............................................................................................................ 54

5.3.1 The Obstacles for the surveillance at the MPA of Malpelo ................................................. 56

5.4 Socio - economic problematic in the MPA’s ............................................................................... 56

Conclusions of Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................... 57

DISCUSSIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 59

What had happened until now? ........................................................................................................ 59

The challenges for shark conservation .............................................................................................. 59

Future perspectives and personal suggestions ................................................................................. 61

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”


CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 64

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................................... 66


“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”


LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Types of shark fins.

Source: Skomal and Caloyianis 2008

Figure 2. Morphology of a shark. Detail on shark’s fins and their functions.

Source: Shark Alliance 2010.

Figure 3. Diagram of the cascading effect of the collapse of cod and other large predators in the Scotian

Shelf (1980-1990).

Source: Scheffer et al., 2005.

Figure 4. Risk effects of the absence of tiger sharks on the populations of megagrazers in Shark Bay,


Source: Wirsing et al., 2007.

Figure 5. Effects of the removal Carcharhinus limbatus along the east coast of U.S.A

Source: Heithaus et al., 2008

Figure 6. Types of fins and their economical importance.

Source: Fowler and Séret, 2010

Figure 7. Fin’s "Half-moon cut".

Source: Fowler and Seret, 2010

Figure 8. Fin’s "Crude cut".

Source: Fowler and Seret, 2010

Figure 9. Fin’s "Straight Cut".

Source: Fowler and Seret, 2010

Figure 10. Sets of primary fins

Source: Shark Alliance, 2011

Figure 11. Estimated Shark Landings in 2010.

Source: PEW Environment. 2011.

Figure 12. Shark catches (tones/year) by mayor fishing nations (2000-2008).

Source: Fowler and Séret, 2010

Figure 13. Shark, rays and chimaeras catches by EU States in 2009.

Source: FAO Fish Stat (2009) in Shark Alliance, 2011

Figure 14. Shark fins exportation to Hong Kong.

Source: Oceana, 2010b

Figure 15. Import of shark fins to Hong Kong.

Source: PEW Environment, 2011.

Figure 16. “Dried” and “frozen” shark fins imports to Hong Kong 1998 – 2009.

Source: Hong Kong CDS, (2010) in Fowler and Séret, 2010

Figure 17. Habitat ranges of three hammerhead shark species commonly found in the fin markets.

Source: PEW Environment, 2010.

Figure 18. A shark with its fins naturally attached. Fins are partially cut but remain attached to the body.

Source: Shark Alliance 2010.

Figure 19. Map of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape.

Source: Migramar, 2012.

Figure 20. Map of the evidence of the journeys of 3 species of pelagic sharks between the MPA of the


Source: Migramar, 2012

Figure 21. Operation areas of Fundacion Marviva.

Source: Fundacion Marviva, 2011

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”


LIST OF PHOTOS Photo 1. Shark fin being cutted.

Source: Hilton, 2008

Photo 2. Hammerhead shark being discarded back into the ocean after its fns have been removed.

Source : Planet ocean news, 2011

Photo 3. Shark Fin soup.

Source: Wildman, 2011

Photo 4. A worker puts shark fins into baskets at a processing plant in Wenzhou city, East China's,

Zhejiang province.

Source: Hong, Cheng. 2011

Photo 5. Shark fins drying in the sun in Kaohsiung before processing.

Source: Heinrichs, 2012

Photo 6. Workers in Hong Kong sort shark fins destined for dinner tables.

Source: European Pressphoto Agency, 2010.

Photo 7. Shark attack headlines in South Africa.

Source: Kock, 2012

Photo 8. Shark fin soup

Source: Hong, 2008

Photo 9. Detail of shark fin needles. Packs of wet shark fin nests displayed for sale in Hong Kong.

Source: Vannuccini, 1999

Photo 10. Shark meat and shark fins.

Source: Ocena, 2012

Photo 11. Shark fins being dried on the deck.

Source, Greenpeace, 2006

Photo12. Assortment of Shark fins.

Source : Heinrichs, 2011

Photo 13. Shark Fin in a jar

Source: Sharma, 2011.

Photo 14 Fins sorted by size and grade and displayed for sale in a shark fin trader’s store.

Source: Heinrichs, 2011

Photo 15. Dressed Carcasses unloaded from a longline vessel in Tung Kang, Taiwan.

Source: Henrichs, 2011.

Photos 16a-b. Sphyra lewini.

Source: personal photos

Photo 17. Scalloped hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini, Malpelo, Colombia.

Source: Lefevre, 2011

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”


LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Life-history parameters of 4 different species of sharks.

Source: Pough et al., 2005.

Table 2. Shark species preferred by finning markets.

Source: Vannuccini, 1999

Table 3. Prices of shark fins delivered from the European Union to Asia. Data from 2010 for frozen

shark fins.

Source: Fowler and Séret, 2010

Table 4. Prices of shark fins vs. prices of shark meat.

Source: FAO FishStat (2007), in Lack and Sant (2008)

Table 6. Top 10 shark product exporters during 1997-2000.

Source: FAO Fishtat, in from Fowler and Séret (2010)

Table 7. Most traded shark species and the RFMO’s that have implemented measures for their


Compiled from: PEW Environment, 2011.

Table 8. Definition and differences between Body’s “Whole Weight and dressed weight.

Adapted from: Shark Alliance 2010

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”


LIST OF ANNEXES Annex 1. Fossil record: geologic time scale with major evolutionary events.

Source: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012.

Annex 2. Comparison of shark orders.

Source: Shark Savers, 2012.

Annex 3. Skeletal system of a shark.

Source: Skomal and Caloyianis, 2008.

Annex 4. Side view of a shark’s head. Detail of the inductive magneto-reception sense points.

Source: Huh, 2008

Annex 5. Composition of shark fins.

Source: Vannuccini, 1999

Annex 6a. Statistics for the World Locations with the highest Shark attack activity (2000-2011).

Source: The International Shark Attack File, 2011

Annex 6b. Map of the World’s Confirmed Unprovoked Shark attacks 1580-2011

Source: The International Shark Attack File, 2011

Annex 7a. Global localization of special administrative regions (SAR) of Hong Kong (People’s

Republic of China)

Source: Wkigraphists, 2010

Annex 7b. Close up of Map of Hong Kong.

Source : CIA, 2012

Annex 8. Global exports of shark fins between 1990 -2005.

Source: FAO 2007, in Lack and Sant, 2008

Annex 9. Sharks and rays catches per EU country and per specie.

Source: FAO Fishstat, 2009 in The Shark Alliance (2011)

Annex 10. Origins of shark fin exports to Hong Kong (HK).

Source: Oceana, 2010b

Annex 11. 12 main countries from which Hong Kong imports fins (both dried and non dried).

Source: Cheung and Chang (2011)

Annex 12. Regional Fisheries Management Organizations RFMO’s responsible for the management of

transboundary fish stocks (Non-tuna species).

Source: EC, 2012

Annex 13. Regional Fisheries Management Organisations RFMO’s Responsible for Tuna and Tuna – like


Source: EC, 2012

Annex 14. The Action Plan for Sharks.

Source: European Commission, 2009.

Annex 15a. Location of Malpelo Island in the ETPS.

Source: Fundacion Malpelo, 2012.

Annex 15b. Map and geographic coordinates of the MPA Malpelo Island.

Source: Fundacion Malpelo, 2012.

Annex 16a. Map of the location of Cocos Island in the ETPS.

Source: Llantrisant Sub-Aqua Club, 2012

Annex 16b. Detail of Cocos Island and several of its dive spots.

Source: Llantrisant Sub-Aqua Club, 2012

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”



CCAMLR Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

CMAR Maritime Corridor for Conservation

CMS Convention of Migratory Species

EC European Commission

EEA European Elasmobranch Association

ETPS Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape

EU European Union

EZZ Exclusive Economic Zones

FAO Food and Agricultural Organization

FMP Shark Fishery Management Plan

GFCM General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean

IATTC Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission

ICCAT Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

IOTC Indian Ocean Tuna Commission

IPOA-Sharks International Plan of Action for sharks

ITCZ Inter-tropical Convergence Zone

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

IWC International Whaling Commission

MoU Memorandum of Understanding

MPA Marine Protected Areas

NAFO North Atlantic Fisheries Organization

NEAFC Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission

NGO Local non-governmental organization

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RFMO’s Regional Fisheries Management Organizations

SEAFO Southeast Atlantic Fisheries Organization

SSG IUCN Shark Specialist Group

SSG Sharks Specialist group

USA United States of America

ULB Université Libre de Bruxelles

UN United Nations

UNEP United Nations Environment Program

UNGA United Nations General Assembly

WWF World Wide fund



Sharks are considered by many to be mysterious, terrifying or dangerous. The reality is that sharks

represent a group of fish of extreme importance for ecosystems and for the human population.

Shark species have managed to survive and have evolved for more than 400 million years, but in the

last decades the insatiable appetite for shark fins compounded by the economic growth of China has

pushed many of their populations to a notorious decline. These cultural habits violate international

norms and put not only sharks in serious danger, but whole marine ecosystems.

This work explores the topic of shark finning from a multidisciplinary point of view, including the

environmental, cultural, economic and regulatory implications of the trade. The problem is

presented from a global to a local point of view. The main object of this research is to assess what

has been done to date with regards to shark finning, and what hampers shark conservation efforts.

The first chapter describes the background of the issue and attempts to provide some answers to the

important questions that arise such as: What is the importance of sharks and what are the

consequences of the lack of these species in the oceans? Which are the most affected shark species?

How would the lack of sharks in the oceans impact the environment?

The cultural obstacles to reduce shark finning related to the Chinese traditions and the

anthropocentric image of sharks are described in the second chapter.

The business of fin trade represents a global economic activity, which is described in the third

chapter of this work. It exposes who are the main actors and countries implied in the trafficking of

fins, the marketing procedures, the pricing and the forms in which these products are sold.

An important purpose of the present work is to draw attention to the different international

agreements in place to protect sharks and to discuss whether there are some obstacles delaying the

implementation of such regulations. Which are the Institutions involved in the protection of sharks?

Are they effective? What are the obstacles and difficulties for the conservation of sharks? These

questions are answered in the fourth chapter, which also highlights the latest conventions and

agreements on this topic.

To illustrate the situation using a concrete example, the last chapter describes the case of the shark

decline in the Marine Corridor for Pelagic species of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS).

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 2

Indeed, Asian fishing fleets regularly cross the Pacific and enter Columbian and Costa Rican territorial

waters to obtain this valuable resource. The main question that arises is whether the sharks that

inhabit the Natural Reserves of the area are really protected? Are the governments of these

countries doing enough to mobilize their resources in order to tackle this problem and what are the

environmental, social and economic consequences of shark finning in the region?

The many challenges faced by regulators of shark finning are examined throughout the text, and this

raises a subsidiary question: What can be done to reduce the decline of shark populations? Some

recommendations to the problematic and personal opinions are expressed at the end of this paper.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 3


While reading the main Colombian newspaper El Tiempo during October, 20111, I became aware of

the vast massacre of hammerhead sharks in the pacific island of Malpelo, belonging to this country. I

searched for more information on the website of the local non-governmental organization “NGO

Fundación Malpelo”, dedicated to the preservation of Columbian marine diversity in this Marine

sanctuary. This was the starting point for the realization of this thesis.

To obtain enough relevant information on the topic extensive bibliographic and audiovisual research

was done. Additionally different actors involved in the topic of shark conservation were contacted to

obtain adequate sources of information.

This paper addresses the problem of shark finning globally and at the local level with a special focus

on the case of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS).

An initial comprehensive research was done in the databases of the Université Libre de Bruxelles ULB.

The catalogue CIBLE and its linked catalogues were explored with the help of the personal of both

libraries. The Bibliothèque des Sciences Humaines and the Bibliothèque des Sciences et Techniques

(BST) were consulted and general information about sharks was found in biology and ecology books

from the BST. Additional information was demanded in the Musuée de Zoologie from the ULB. The

web catalogue of external Belgium Universities “UNICAT” was visited, but unfortunately the

information present in this database was limited.

The next step was to research for recent and trustworthy scientific articles. Initially I searched in

foreign scientific databases as BIOSIS, Science Direct, SciVerse, Scopus, PUbM and Google Scholar.

Through the website of CIBLE I have obtained access to some electronic magazines, and additionally I

researched directly in the websites of some other publications as: Conservation Biology, Ecology

Letters, Oikos, and Science; among others. In the cases where the full article was not available, I

contacted the authors who in most of the cases have sent me copies of their publications in a PDF

format. The cooperation of Dr. Gordon C.K. Cheung from the Durham University in the UK and Dr.

Shelley Clarke from the Imperial College of London (both experts in the topic), are truly appreciated.

1 For more information see: Nullvalue, 2011 «Condenan la matanza de 2.000 tiburones en Malpelo ».


“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 4

Afterwards I started searching for audiovisual material and I found several useful material including

videos, documentaries and films on the topic. This helped me obtain a global idea of the problematic

and to filter who are the main organizations involved in shark conservation.

Extensive information was found in the websites of Shark Alliance, the Food and Agricultural

Organization (FAO), TRAFFIC, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the

European Elasmobranch Association (EEA), OCEANA, The Shark Trust and Seas at Risk among others.

Several online reports and paper brochures were obtained from these organizations.

I established personal contact with: Caroline Dosche from Greenpeace Belgium, who had refer me to

Saskia Franklin from the same organization. The organizations OCEANA, and Seas at Risk in Brussels

were as well contacted telephonically. Sandrine Polti from The PEW Environment Group and Lucy

Harrison from the Sharks Specialist group (SSG) of the UICN have as well, contributed with valuable

information to my research.

During the research I realized that the European Union plays a key role in the implementation of

regulations related to shark exploitation and shark finning. In the Department of Maritime Affairs

and Fisheries (MARE) of the European Comission (EC) I have obtained reports on policies, and

conventions plus several press releases that were relevant to my research.

A delimitation in the bibliographic material was required at this stage of the research.

To obtain information related to the Natural Protected Areas of the ETPS the main organizations

related to shark conservation in Colombia and Costa Rica were contacted. The Costa Rican NGO

“Fundación Marviva” and the Colombian NGO “Fundación Malpelo” were contacted via internet;

further telephonic calls were done to the second one. Additionally, the website of the Library of the

University Jorge Tadeo Lozano, and the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá were visited in

search of scientific articles.

Valuable photographic material, plus a big source of inspiration was obtained from Fred Buyle2 .

2 World’s record free diver and underwater photographer, involved in hammerhead shark tagging projects in Colombia.

Buyle, 2012.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 5


Shark history and success

Sharks appeared during the Devonian period (Paleozoic era), and have inhabited our oceans for more

than 400 million years as shown by the fossil record (Annex 1). They are fish belonging to the class

Chondrichthyes (together with rays, torpedos, sawfish, chimaeras and elephant fish), whose

cartilaginous skeleton makes them differ from the Osteichthyes (or bony fish). The class

Chondrichthyes is divided by main taxonomists into two subclasses: Holocephalii (chimaeras or ratfish

and elephant fish) and the Elasmobranchii, which include sharks (Parker, 2002).

Sharks are a very diverse group of fish. Actually they can be found in a wide variety of habitats from

coastal regions to deep oceans or fresh waters; from the tropics to the poles. They can live up to

60/70 years, as the case of the tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus), or around 20 years as the blue shark

(Prionace glauca). Sharks’ characteristics can vary enormously from one to specie to the other

(Annex 2). They exist in miniature sizes from 25cm (Etmopterus vierens), while other species can

reach up to 18m (Rhincodon typus) (Vannuccini, 1999).

Sharks have been able to survive and reproduce successfully since the Paleozoic era. They have

adapted to the world’s climate changes, ice ages, droughts and heat waves (Parker, 2002). The

success of sharks might be due to several factors as their morphology, their senses, and their

ecological place in the food chain. These aspects are described as follows.

1.1 Shark morphology and movement


The basic body design of sharks has remained remarkably stable but this does not mean that shark

species have stopped evolving in time. Shark’s streamlined and hydrodynamic designed body

(torpedo shape), their light weight skeleton, made of cartilage that can flex from side to side (Annex

3), their subterminal (under the head) mouths and the characteristics of their skin (with tiny placoid

scales or denticles, all pointing to the tail) allow them to flow smoothly through the water and avoid

drag. The combination of these characteristics reduces their energy use, contributes to their

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 6

powerful swimming capacities, allows them to move efficiently underwater3, and makes them strong

hunters (Skomal and Caloyianis, 2008).


Sharks have five types of fins: Dorsal fins, pelvic fins, anal fins, pectoral fins and caudal (tail) fins

(Figure 1).

Figure 1. Types of shark fins. Source: Skomal and Caloyianis, 2008

Shark fins are rigid (in difference with other fish), but their internal muscles allow them subtle

movements. Fins are crucial to guarantee swimming and they are involved in main functional

components as acceleration, cruising, maneuvering, turning, and doing vertical movements in the

water column. Each one of the fins has a specific function:

The pectoral fins provide lift to their bodies while the two dorsal, anal and pelvic fins provide

stability. The main dorsal fin has a great importance, because it provides thrust to the animal. All

the force generated by the body muscles is transmitted to the strong caudal fin, which acts as a

propeller and provides forward rapid movements and acceleration to the animal. These rapid

movements allow quick escapes or strikes to prey. The caudal fin is composed by two lobes (upper

and lower); the upper lobe is usually longer than the lower lobe4 (Levinton, 2009) (Figue 2).

Figure 2. Morphology of a shark. Detail on shark’s fins and their functions. Each pair of fins has a specific function for the movement of a shark. Source: Shark Alliance, 2010.

3 Exceptions to this body design are present in some species such as Angel sharks (Squatina squatina), Carpet Sharks (Order

Orectolobiformes) 4 Exceptions in some species as the mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) and great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

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The shape of the fins and their disposition in the body changes from one shark specie to the other.

Some sharks have different body configurations, which make them fast swimmers (as mako and

great white sharks), others are moderate swimmers (as blacktip, blue and tiger sharks), slow

swimmers (as nurse and leopard sharks), deep water swimmers, with no anal fin (as dogfish) or

bottom sharks (as angel sharks) (Annex 2) (Skomal and Caloyianis, 2008).

Most sharks can move in an excellent way forwardly, but they cannot swim backwards as other fish

do, as well, they might have difficulties maneuvering in small spaces and it is possible that sometimes

they swim forward into danger (Parker, 2002).


Another important aspect that has guaranteed the survival of sharks for millions of years is related to

their sensory systems. Sharks have seven types of senses. Two-thirds of a shark’s brain total weight

is made up of olfactory lobes, which makes their olfactory sense very well developed. Two additional

senses help sharks detect prey and avoid predators: magneto – induced electroreception (tiny pores

in the head’s skin known as Lorinzini electroreceptos which detect minor electrical currents in the

water) (Johnsen and Lohmann, 2005) (Annex 4), and a lateral line sense (pressure sensitive cells

beneath their skin) (Parker, 2002).


Sharks mouth is an efficient tool for biting, slicing, chopping and crunching. A shark’s jaw can extend

and protrude to grab, hold and bite more effectively. They present multiple rows of very sharp

teeth, of different sizes and shapes (varying between species). As teeth get old and dull, they fell

down and get replaced all along the life of a shark (Skomal and Caloyianis 2008).


Sharks present internal fertilization and bear their young in three ways: oviparity (the baby hatches

from an egg which has been deposited outside the body of its mother), viviparity (a fully developed

and functional baby is born), and ovoviviparity (eggs hatch in the oviduct of the mother, and youngs

are retained, protected and nourished within the female body) (Pough et al., 2005).

The fact that the fertilization is internal, and that in the cases of ovoviviparity and viviparity, the new

born is fully developed at birth, are factors that have contributed to the high rates of survival of their

young and the survival the survival of sharks.

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Ecological Position in food chains

Most sharks are Apex Predators. These organisms (also known as alpha, super, or top-level

predators) reside on the top of the food web and do not have, or have very few natural predators

(only preyed by other sharks or sometimes killer whales). They are few in numbers, usually large in

body size and ingest large preys (Levinton, 2009).

Apex predators maintain the balance of food webs. They keep many marine populations in the

proper proportion, avoiding that they becoming too populous and cause harm to ecosystems

(Newton et al., 2006; Frid et al., 2007).

Top predators like sharks eat the weaker/slower and sick individuals of their prey's populations,

inducing the reproduction of the largest, strongest, and healthiest fish. While eating the sick and/ or

dead bodies, they help preventing the spread of diseases and they play an important role in

regulating the health of marine ecosystems. These two factors contribute to strengthen of the gene

pools of the prey population (Myers et al., 2007).

Their ecological position in food webs, together with their biological characteristics, has assured the

existence of sharks in the oceans for millions of years.

1.2 Humans and Sharks

Sharks are a valuable resource for human societies. Shark meat consumption has been recorded

since the fourth century. In some regions of the world, they represent an important source of

alimentation and some coastal communities depend on the subsistence of their populations (Shehe

and Jiddawi, 2002). Basically, all parts of a shark (meat, liver-oil, skin, teeth, cartilage and fins) can

be consumed which has induced the growing human population to overexploit and threaten their


In the last decades, shark’s populations have been seriously in danger especially because they are

being killed to obtain their fins. The problematic is known as of Shark Finning.

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1.2.1 Shark finning

Finning a shark is the practice of slicing off the animal's fins and discarding5 the rest of the shark’s

body (dead or alive) back into the ocean (Photos 1 and 2)6.

Photo 1. Shark fin being cutted off. Source: Hilton, 2008 Photo 2. Hammerhead shark being discarded back into the ocean after its fns have been removed. Source : Planet ocean news, 2011

Shark fins are exported mainly to China, where they are considered as one of the eight treasured

foods from the sea and are included in their traditional cuisine since several centuries (Simoons,


Shark fins are the main ingredient of a traditional Chinese soup: The shark fin soup (Photo 3).

Photo 3. Shark Fin soup. Source: Wildman, 2011

Nevertheless not all the parts of the fin are consumed. The fin’s membrane, a few muscular tissues,

a cartilaginous platelets and a fatty layer under the skin are removed and a bundle of round collagen

fibers with a sharp edge located in the interior of the fins is removed for the preparation of the soup.

5 Body discarding also occurs frequently in other fisheries, due to different reasons: market considerations, lack of

commercial or alimentary value, quota restrictions or minimum landing sizes (Kelleher, 2005, Seas at Risk, 2011). 6 Pretoma, 2009. Shark Finning http://costaricanconservationnetwork.wordpress.com/2009/11/23/the-costa-rican-shark-


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These fibers are known as fin needles. This is the only part that is used from a whole shark. Needles

are valued, very fragile, and their preparation and handling require great care (Vannuccini, 1999).

As only a very small quantity of the shark is used, shark fin soup was considered as a precious

delicacy only eaten by emperors and noblemen during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Later, during

the Qing Dynasty (1644 -1911) shark fin soup was included in traditional formal banquets

(Vannuccini, 1999).

More recently and as a result of the economic development (in Hong Kong during 1970-1980 and in

general in China since the 1990’s); the demand for shark fin soup has increased among emerging

middle class, eager to manifest their social status and exotic taste (Wu and Cheung, 2002).

Shark finning and the consequent body discarding, means that only 1 – 5 % of the organic material of

the fish is used. The rest of the biomass is lost and potential quantities of fish protein resources are

wasted (Shark Alliance, 2011). Dumping at sea a portion of the organic material of an animal is

inconsistent to with responsible fisheries regulations (Kelleher, 2005) and is a threat to food security,

sustainability of marine ecosystems and does not provide any benefits to society (Fowler and Séret,


The discarding of shark’s bodies implies several consequences for shark populations, marine

communities and ecosystems and the fact that the bleeding shark is thrown back into the water to

die slowly and painfully is considered as a cruel animal practice (Our ocean news, 2012).

1.2.2 Environmental consequences of shark finning and the lack of sharks in the oceans

Consequences for shark populations

Shark’s populations are very sensitive to fishing. The killing and/or discarding of even a few

individuals may be critical (European Commission, 2007). This is due primarily because sharks are “K-

selected” species. They grow slowly, mature late, and the reproduction requires a significant amount

of energy by the female, which means she does not reproduce every year and produces relatively

few number of offspring during her lifetime. The discarding of juvenile individuals will result in the

reduction of the spawning biomass in the future because those juveniles will not contribute in future

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

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spawning seasons. The discard of mature individuals represents an immediately waste and also

reduces the spawning biomass of a stock (Harvey et al., 2005).

Life-history parameters of elasmobranches vary depending on the species (Table 1). Factors as the

age of maturity, the number of pups per female, the reproductive frequency, and the gestation

period menace this species if they are overfished.

Table 1. Life-history parameters of 4 different species of sharks. (m= male, f= female). Note that sharks reach sexual maturity minimum after the fourth year of life and their gestation period is of minimum nine months. Source: Pough et al., 2005.

Consequences for the marine communities and ecosystems

When shark’s body discarding occurs, a top predator is automatically turned into a prey. A shark

with no fins represents a precious amount of biomass available for other species. This phenomenon

can produce the development of opportunistic species and scavengers7 (European Commission,

2007), cause changes in the populations of commercially important fish species down the food

chain, and disrupt the functioning, structure and nutrient cycling of marine ecosystems8 such as coral

reefs and sea grass beds (MacKenzie, 2008).

The removal of top predators is likely to produce an ecological phenomenon known as a trophic

cascade9. It refers to the changes in the relations predator vs. prey caused by a disturbance in the

top level of a food chain. Depending on the targeted population, forward effects will be seen in food

7 Animals (especially carnivorous) who feed on dead organisms rather than or in addition to hunting live prey.

8 For more information see: http://www.pewenvironment.org/news-room/other-resources/video-cartoonist-jim-toomey-

on-sharks-and-ocean-health-85899396248 9 The term trophic cascade was first used by the American zoologist Robert Paine in 1980 and it was initially used to

describe the reciprocal changes in food webs caused by experimental manipulations of top predators and to represent the changes in aquatic ecosystems caused by overfishing.

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chains. A decrease (or increase) in carnivores will causes an increase (or decrease) in herbivores and

an decrease (or increase) in primary producers such as plants and phytoplankton (Lynam et al.,


Different studies10 have reported examples of marine trophic cascades. For example, Scheffer et al.,

2005, exposed the cascading effect produced by the collapse of large predators and its effects in

ecosystems (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Diagram of the cascading effect of the

collapse of cod and other large predators in the

Scotian Shelf (1980-1990). The size of the spheres

represents a trophic level in two lapses of time. The

arrows describe the inferred top down effects. The

decrease in large predators caused the increase in the

populations of small fish, invertebrates, decrease in

large-bodied zooplankton and the increase of

phytoplankton. As a final result, the amount of

nitrates was considerable lower compared to the

initial situation. Source: Scheffer et al., 2005.

Heithaus et al. in 2008 outlined that the decline in predators have also indirect influences in

communities. He described the modifications in the behavior of preys when predators are absent.

(risk effects). He states that meso-consumers are likely to change their habitat distribution, their use

of time and energy time use, their resource exploitation and their reproductive patterns.

The decline on sharks across the world’s ocean is expected to influence top – down relations. Myers,

et al., 2007, studied (between 1970 and 2005), the decline of the populations of 11 large (> 2 m.)

sharks in the U.S northwest Atlantic coastal ecosystems. Sharks were targeted directly by fisheries or

caught by bycatch. This phenomenon produced clear cascade effects. The populations of inferior

elasmobranchs such as rays, skates and small sharks, increased nearly exponentially. During the


Frank et al., 2005 reported the changes caused in marine ecosystems due to overfishing of Atlantic cod; Lynam et al., 2006, exposed the increased abundance of jellyfish in overfished ecosystems, among others.

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same period of time the population of one ray in particular, the cow nose rays (Rhizoprionodon

terraenovae) achieved a great magnitude increasing to more than 40 million individuals. As this

meso-consumer is a bottom feeder who consumes large quantities of bivalves, subsequent surveys

suggested that since 1996, cow nose rays have been responsible for almost the complete depletion

to the population of bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) and possibly other bivalves. This example of

a trophic cascade, which began with shark fishing had consequences for the basal phytoplanktonic

level and sea grasses.

The lack of large sharks will also reduce the natural mortality of species such as sea mammals and

sea turtles (who have few other predators), therefore causing changes in their abundance, their

spatial distribution and their behavior (Ferretti et at., 2010, Newton et al., 2006).

Another study done by Wirsing et al., 2007, reported that the presence/absence of tiger sharks in

two habitats (shallow banks, and deep waters) and two microhabitats (seagrass bank interiors and

bank edges) in shark Bay, Australia, influenced the distribution of large herbivores (megagrazers).

The absence of sharks caused additional changes in the foraging tactics and the time devoted to

excavation of large herbivores (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Risk effects of the absence of tiger sharks on the populations of mega-grazers in Shark Bay, Australia. The graphs show that: (a) the amount of time devoted to excavation was reduced in the presence of sharks, (b) mega grazers reduced the time of permanence in the interior sea grass banks, when sharks were abundant and (c) they risked to forage in further microhabitats when the predators were absent. Both herbivores (manatees and turtles) prefer to forage in certain habitats and during certain times, rather than avoiding predators. Source: Wirsing et al., 2007.

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Heithaus et al., 2008 reported the decline of abundance of black tip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) in

U.S.A Atlantic ecosystems and the subsequent increase of mesoconsumers and the increase

mortality rate of lower species. He also documented the behavioral change in the populations of

cow nose rays (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae), who increased their foraging time in previously

dangerous habitats (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Effects of the removal the marine predator Carcharhinus limbatus along the east coast of the U.S.A Filled symbols and line denote surveys in Delaware Bay, and open symbols and dashed line denote surveys in Pamlico Sound, N.C. a-b) The decrease in relative abundance of Carcharhinus limbatus was reported from 1970 -2005, in the same period of time, the relative abundance of Rhizoprionodon terraenovae increased, and risk effects where reported: rays increasingly forage in new habitats (which were previously dangerous); c) an initial increase in the relative abundance of Argopecten irradians was followed by a decline in the abundance of this bay scallop. Source: Heithaus et al., 2008

Conclusions of Chapter 1

The fact that sharks occupy the top levels of trophic chains, present internal fertilization, have low

mortality rates among their young, have long life expectancy, large sizes, special morphology and

facility of movement, are some of the characteristics that have guaranteed their evolution and

survival for more than 400 million years.

On the other hand their slow growth, their late sexual maturation, and the few amounts of young

born per year (among others) make sharks vulnerable to over exploitation.

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Nowadays sharks all over the world are exposed to a severe threat, which is unsustainable for their

populations. The increasing shark finning, to satisfy the growing demand for shark fin soup, together

with the high levels of discards, can strongly put at risk the populations of this species. As the

Chinese economy grows, a steady decline in shark populations can still be observed.

The environmental consequences of this situation are manifold. We can predict that if apex

predators such as sharks are eliminated, severe changes at spatial and temporal scales would be

evidenced in the structure of water column communities, as well as the transformation of oceanic

ecosystems and even the collapse of some fisheries.

Shark finning is a topic that must be seen from different perspectives. Historical, cultural,

economical and political factors play an important role for the understanding of this practice. Each

one of these topics presents difficulties for the implementation of shark conservation measures.

The following chapters discuss the aspects related to this topic and the obstacles that they present

for conservation programs in a global context.

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Social and cultural contexts related to the practice of shark finning

2.1 The Chinese Cultural Obstacles for shark conservation

Even if at a global level, technological advances, mass production and standardization in the

production of food have increased, the case of China is particular. Several dietary products form part

of this country’s cultural identity and involve a dietary ritualism not tied to the consumption of food

for subsistence. Consumption of high-value food and exotic species has been present in Chinese

dietary habits throughout history. The ingestion of certain products (bear paws, sea cucumbers,

bird’s embryos and nests … etc) has been related to richness and high social standing (Simoons,


Shark fin soup is one of the examples of this situation. Old Chinese medicine books even claim that

consuming shark fins is beneficial for the lungs, bones and kidneys, that increase appetite, vital

energy, blood nourishing and stimulate rejuvenation. These affirmations are questioned and the

composition of dried shark fin has been tested (Annex 5) (Vannuccini, 1999).

Shark fin soup is consumed daily in China. Especially during important celebrations as a Chinese new

year's business dinner or the birthday celebration of someone considered important, shark-fin soup

is a ‘must have’ dish. In wedding ceremonies, the soup is a delicacy with a ritual meaning that cannot

be absent. Wedding banquets are known to be an “once-in-a-lifetime” occasion and it will be

criticized by friends and family guests if shark fin soup is lacking. All guests expect a “money – value”

dinner, reciprocal to the wedding gift that they have offered. This cultural tradition has been

degenerated into a symbol of richness to fulfill the material needs of Chinese people (Cheung and

Chang, 2011).

The processing of shark fins involves networks, ethnic associations and high skilled workers with

special handicraft skills. To properly process shark fins and extract the most amount of fibers inside

the fin; complicated drying, cleaning, boiling and freezing techniques are required (Cheung and

Chang, 2011) (Photos 4 to 6).

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

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Photo 4 Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 4. A worker puts shark fins into baskets at a processing plant in Wenzhou city, East China's, Zhejiang province. Source: Hong, 2011 Photo 5. Shark fins drying in the sun in Kaohsiung before processing. Source: Heinrichs, 2012 Photo 6. Workers in Hong Kong sort shark fins destined for dinner tables. Source: European Pressphoto Agency, 2010.

The business of fin's processing has grown in Hong Kong and mainland China, from small family

enterprises to newly processors who has been established their manufactories. The amount of

specialized shark fin restaurants had also increase, especially since 1992 (Cheung and Chang, 2011).

The economical development of the country is making this (formerly inaccessible) product, attainable

to many more consumers, which increases the demand for shark fins and puts into danger the

populations of this species.

2.2 Shark Awareness

Studies in shark biology, behavior and genetics are not abundant as for the case of other species.

Nevertheless, the scientific community has evidenced the decline of shark populations, and the

changes in community’s composition (as described in chapter 1), and the awareness on the threats to

sharks has increased in the last years. Several scientists, scuba and free divers who have been in

direct contact with sharks. Several, have started to interpret shark behaviors and their way of

communication11. Understanding sharks has changed some attitudes and there is a global concern


For more information see: <http://www.joeromeiro.com/>.,<http://www.sharkwater.com/>.,<http://www.nektos.net/>., <http://www.seashepherd.org/>., <http://www.sharkangels.org/>., http://www.thedorsalfin.com/>., <http://www.thedorsalfin.com/>., <http://www.supportoursharks.com/>., <http://www.sharkwater.com>.

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for shark conservation has been growing. The importance of this top predators and the vulnerability

of their populations to overfishing have awakened conscience in several international conservation

organizations. Different bodies as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United

Nations (UN), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

(CITES), the Convention of Migratory Species (CMS) and the European Union (EU) have been doing

efforts for the protection of world’s shark stocks. But still there are many obstacles / difficulties to

assure the protection of this species.

2.3 The difficulty of using moral environmental arguments to protect sharks

Even if awareness is increasing especially by the concern of several (western) conservation

organizations; cultural issues appear when western nations try to persuade China and other nations

to engage in shark conservation. Arguments to protect a natural resource can be problematic when

traditional/cultural aspects are involved, because cultures perceive the protection of species in a

differently way, according to their traditional contexts (Paul, 2000).

Persuading China to engage with international regulations for the protection of sharks is very difficult

if based in a moral arguments or cultural norms. As a result, western nations are more likely to use

scientific arguments instead. The problem increases, however, because scientific data are not always

available or reliable (Anderson, 2011) (discussed in following chapters).

2.4 The negative reputation of sharks

A fact that slowed down the amount of

scientific studies in past decades, and the

awareness towards shark protection was the

negative image of these species. In general

western cultures typically perceive sharks in a

repugnant way. Throughout history, sharks

have gained an evil reputation, much of it

based on myths, folk tales and films12, which

present sharks as dangerous predators to be

feared (Photo 7).


Steven Spielberg’s “Jaws” (1975), “Jaws 2” (1978), “Jaws 3” (1983), “Jaws 4” (1987), “Jaws 5” (1995) and Renny Harlin’s “Deep Blue Sea” (1999); David R. Ellis’s “Shark Night” (2011) among others

Photo 7. Shark attack headlines in South Africa. Kock, 2012

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Additionally, several shark attacks have been reported (view global statistics in Annex 6a, Annex 6b),

which make people believe that sharks are solitary killers who have the tendency to attack humans.

The reality is that only about a dozen of sharks are dangerous to humans, and of those, only two

species13 are responsible for more than half of the attacks. In 60 % of the cases, the victims are

surfers and others, who practice board sports in near shore waters. The main reason of the attacks is

that sharks confuse their silhouette with that one of their prey (turtles, seals, etc). In those near -

shore waters where sharks attacks happen, usually many other fatalities occur (such as drowning,

heart arrests, jellyfish or stingray stings…). These fatalities, together with others as bees, wasps,

snakes and alligator attacks or lighting strokes, are responsible for many more human fatalities every

year but are not published by the Medias and they do not produce the same psychological effects in

the population as shark attacks do (The International Shark Attack File, 2011).

If we compare the reputation of sharks with the one of other marine species (dolphins, sea turtles,

sea otters, whales, penguins ...etc) we can observe that sharks do not have an aesthetic value, or are

not considered as flagship species14. For example, the arguments for the conservation of whales,

differed significantly with those of sharks, in big part because whales are perceived as peaceful and

intelligent animals (Anderson, 2011). This can be one of the reasons for which there is a lack of

concrete action in shark conservation.

2.5 Comparison to the whaling case

The clear decline in whale’s populations was due to the overexploitation in the past done by several

nations which led to the devastation of many of their species, mainly blue whales (Balaenoptera

musculus). This species avoided total extinction in large part, because of the action of

conservationists, and even whaling nations who convened to international regulations through the

International Whaling Commission (IWC) by the year of 1946 (Mc Neil, 2000). Thanks to the

delimitation of catch limits, commercial whaling continued to a sustainable level. At the beginning,

and for more than four decades the IWC struggled to accord to scientific recommendations about the

right capture quotas and during this period of time most of the whale species continued to decline.

Finally, when the precise scientific information was available in 1986, commercial whaling got

banned worldwide15. The action of the IWC did not stop there, its scientists have kept on working

into managing whale populations and into preventing fisherman from harvesting those species


White sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) and tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) 14

Flagship species – iconic animals that provide a focus for raising awareness and stimulating action and funding for broader conservation efforts (WWF, 2012). 15

Exceptions to the whaling ban: aboriginal subsistence whaling and scientific research. (Anderson, 2011).

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whose populations might fall below their minimal levels of sustainability (Anderson, 2011).

Nowadays cetaceans are considered as Flagship species (World Wide Fund, 2012).

Conclusions of Chapter 2

The consumption of peculiar animal parts has been part of Chinese culture since several centuries.

This way of alimentation is grounded in their society and socially accepted especially in eastern

nations. Furthermore, the consumption of some of these eccentric products (as shark fins) is

considered as an emblem of wealth and prosperity.

As the economy develops in China, and the population expands at considerable rates, the amount of

individuals who have access to this "commodity", increments. The demand for shark fins is nowadays

very high.

Some western actors have developed an interest in the issue, troubled with the decrease in shark

populations throughout the planet’s oceans. Some attempts to aware Asian countries (especially

China) and convince their citizens to reduce the consumption of these products, have been done in

the last years; nevertheless it results challenging to find robust arguments and cause changes in the

attitudes of entire societies.

The accumulated bad reputation of sharks symbolizes another obstacle for their protection. Sharks

are not considered flagship species as other marine animals and it does not exist a unique

international institution that safeguards their populations. Meanwhile significant amounts of sharks

are being killed every day for their fins.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

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CHAPTER 3 The economical context of shark finning 3.1 Pricing and marketing of fins

Shark fins are considered very valuable products that are marketed mainly according to the

characteristics of their needles. Buyers and chefs are extremely conscious of the quality of those thin

collagen fibers (color, texture, length) (Vannuccini, 1999) (Photo 8).

Photo 8. Shark fin soup. Detail of the collagen fibers in the final product: shark fin soup. Source: Hong, 2008

The economical values of shark fins depend on the following factors:

1. Length of the fin’s needles

The length of the needles of a fin depends on the type of fin (dorsal, pectoral, caudal…) and the shark

species from where they are extracted. Needles can be extra large (>40 cm), large (30-40 cm),

medium (20-30 cm), small (10-20 cm) or very small (4-10 cm).

2. Needle concentration

The highest concentration of needles are found in the pectoral, the first dorsal and the lower lobe of

the caudal fins (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Types of fins and their economical importance. Primary fins (dark grey) have a higher price and secondary fins (light grey) have a lower price. Source: Fowler and Séret, 2010

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3. Appearance of the needles

Color and texture are important factors determining the price of fins. White needles (Photo 9) are

more expensive than black needeles and tender needles are more expensive than harder ones.

Buyers can recognize as well the moisture and smell of the needles (Vannuccini, 1999).

Photo 9. Detail of white shark fin needles. Packs of wet shark fin nests displayed for sale in Hong Kong. Source: Vannuccini, 1999

4. Fin’s cut

The way in which a fin is removed a shark, influences the quality (and price) of the product

(Subasinghe, 1992). The manner in which fins are cut off (Photo 10), depends on the experience and

interests of the fisherman, but also in rather the fins will be frozen or sun dried during the period of


Photo 10. A fisherman holding a freshly cut shark’s dorsal fin. Source: Jeff Rotman Photography, 2011

There are basically three common ways to cut off the fin from a shark:

“Half-moon” cut: This type of cut (Figure 7) is mostly common when fins are not going to be

frozen, (but sun dried), to avoid damage and the risk of contamination. It is a more careful

cut; proceed by the cleaning and removal of extra meat and cartilage of the freshly cut fins.

Buyers of dried fins prefer fins that are removed using a “half moon cut”.

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"Crude cut": This type of cut (Figure 8) is more often used when fins are being frozen while

exportation and there is not risk of pollution if some flesh is left attached to the fin. Fins are

cut and frozen immediately. The extra flesh is removed before exportation to Asia or directly

in Asia. This type of cut might be do intentionally with the purpose of increasing the prices

because of the extra weight, but in reality it reduces the value of the fin, and include some

extra cost in the moment of cleaning and preparing the fin.

"Straight Cut": Is another type of cut (Figure 9) used to remove mainly caudal fins. It is not

common for the dorsal or pectoral ones (Fowler and Séret, 2010).

Figure 7. Fin’s "Half-moon cut". Source: Fowler and Séret, 2010

Figure 8. Fin’s "Crude cut". Source: Fowler and Séret, 2010

Figure 9. Fin’s "Straight Cut". Source: Fowler and Séret, 2010

5. Form of the fins

For marketing purposes, fins are presented in different ways:

Raw, dried fins: fins with extra meat, dermal denticles16 and cartilaginous platelets

Wet fins: fresh and chilled

Frozen fins: prepared, cleaned

Semi prepared: the cleanest and most expensive presentation, are dried fins, without skin or

fibers, presented in one single mass.

Fully prepared fins: the cartilaginous platelets are removed and they are packed in a

cardboard box or inside a film

In brine: fins contained in highly salty water

As fin nets: the fin needles have been separated, boiled and dried and are presented in packs

Prepared, “ready-to-eat” or cooked fins: canned soups or dishes, instant soup powders

(Vannuccini, 1999)


Very small thorn - like structures covering the fins’ skin, and shark’s body. These make the kin feel like sandpaper (Biology of Sharks and Rays, 2012.)

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6. Shark species

The quality and abundance of needles varies widely from one shark species to another. The

preferred species (main choices) at a global context are shown in Table 2:


Blue Shark Dusky Shark

Giant Guitarfish Hammerhead shark

Mako shark Oceanic whitetip shark

Sandbar shark

Blacktip reef shark Blacktip shark

Great white shark Lemon shark

Requiem sharks Smalltooth sandtiger shark

Spadenose shark Thresher shark

Tiger shark Tope shark

Scalloped hammerhead

Basking shark Picked dogfish Whale shark

Table 2. Shark species preferred by finning markets. (Must not be considered as a standard, but as a worldwide tendency). Source: Vannuccini, 1999

The prices (in 2010), of the fins from some species of sharks are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Prices of shark fins delivered from the European Union to Asia. Data from 2010 for frozen shark fins. The prices are shown in € / kg. P: pectoral fin; D: dorsal; C: caudal fin. Note that the preferred and most expensive shark fins are those from hammerhead sharks (27.5 € / kg) and that caudal fins are the ones which have the least economical value. Source: Fowler and Séret, 2010

7. Set of fins

Fins can be commercialized separately or in sets. The value depends on the type of fin but definitely

the sets of primary fins (Figure 10) have the highest prices:


Low Secondary fins:

Smaller anal fin, pelvic fin, second dorsal, upper caudal

Medium Primary fins :

2 pectoral fins, first dorsal fin, lower caudal fin

High Fin sets:

Four largest primary fins

Figure 10. Sets of primary fins (pectoral fins, dorsal fin and lower caudal (or tail) are the most expensive in the market. Source: (Shark Alliance, 2011).

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3.2 A strong economical incentive towards shark finning: fins price vs. meat price

Shark fin trade is extremely profitable compared to shark meat trade. The marked difference

between both of the prices (fin vs. meat), encourages fisherman to keep only the fins and discharge

the rest of the shark back into the ocean (Shark Alliance report, 2011). Shark fins correspond to only

around 5% of the volume of a shark (Photo 10), but 40% of the economic value (Table 4):

Photo 10. Shark meat and shark fins.

Body volume is significantly bigger when compared to

fin’s volume. Source: Ocena, 2012

Table 4. Prices of shark fins vs. prices of shark meat:

Prices of Shark fins Prices of shark meat

1 kg of processed set of fins 90-300 Euros

(Fowler and Séret, 2010)

1 kg of shark meat

(in EU markets)

1 – 7 Euros

(Fowler and Séret, 2010)

1 kg of dried17

set of fins up to 500 Euros

(Shark Alliance report, 2011)

1 bowl of shark fin soup more than 90 Euros

(Shark Alliance report, 2011)

Additionally fins are easy to dry (Photo 11) and store on board, while meat takes up a lot of space

and requires strict handling practices from the moment the shark is caught18. Additionally it is not

easily preserved (Fowler and Séret, 2010).

Photo 11. Shark fins being dried on the deck. Source, Greenpeace, 2006


Semi prepared dried fins with no skin, no fibers is the most expensive presentation of shark fins 18

Differing from other fish (who eliminate urea quickly), sharks accumulate urea and trimethylamine in their tissues and blood. If shark’s blood is not removed at the moment of capture, urea will degrade into ammonia, which will contaminate shark’s flesh. So, shark meat should be frozen and treated (preferably, sharks should be skinned to prevent bacteriological growth). The process of skinning big sharks is difficult because of their robust fibrous structure and the presence of muscles attached to the skin (Vannuccini 1999).

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3.3 Shark-fin business is a global business

Shark finning is a big and organized worldwide economic activity related to Asian markets since the

decade of 1980. Hong Kong (Annexes 7a and 7b) is the largest single market for this product and it is

known that many countries have established commercial relations with this nation.

The trade of shark fins involves several steps:

1. The raw fins collected worldwide are exported to Hong Kong (HK);

2. After being collected in HK, they are transported to mainland China, to reduce processing costs 19;

3. The processed product is shipped back into HK;

4. 99% of the final product is re-exported back to mainland China20 and other countries (Singapore

Philippines, Thailand, Japan Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam Macao USA, and Canada);

5. Fins are offer for sale in the black market (in different presentations) or commanded directly by

restaurants (Photos 12, 13, 14).

Photo 12. Assortment of Shark fins. Source : Heinrichs, 2011

Photo 13. Shark Fins in jars Source: Sharma, 2011.

Photo 14. Fins sorted by size and grade and displayed

for sale in a shark fin trader’s store. Source: Heinrichs, 2011


Chinese from the mainland, who have being related in the intensive labor of processing for several years; are increasingly getting conscious about the best fin quality vs. the best prices. They are starting to search business opportunities in foreign countries for trading fins by themselves (Clarke et al., 2005). Hong Kong shark fin traders attribute a loss of market due to the action of mainland China (Clarke, 2008). 20

A complex trading relationship has been established between the 2 jurisdictions, where raw and finished good are being moved back and forth between borders (Clarke et al., 2005)

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3.4 Obstacles for the interpretation of shark trade

The exact information on fin trading (the amount of product exported to Hong Kong, the the

countries involved in the market, the trading routes, the shark species marketed, etc) has been

reported by different authors, but there still are substantial uncertainties. Some of the information

is just obtained from the testimony of fishermen. They are supposed to report their shark catches in

the fisherman's logbook, which is verified by the port’s authorities, but unfortunately, there is not a

way to prove if the logged information is true or not.

Some other data is collected from existing market databases as the Hong Kong’s and/or Chinese

Customs and Statistics Departments but the access to this information is restraint (especially the

ones of mainland China). The data on fisheries trade requires advanced statistical modeling

techniques to be interpreted. Additionally, there are several confounding factors in these

assessments because the reported catches do not necessarily reflect the real amount of death

sharks. As there a high amounts of bodies discarding, many of the fin trade is done in remote open

ocean areas where there are few or none mechanisms of control, and/or the fins are landed in

foreign ports, the exact landing information is lacking widely (Clarke et al., 2005).

3.5 Existing information

Estimations on the species and number of sharks marketed have been done by Clarke et al. in 2005

using records21 of the largest trading center in Hong Kong. The same authors estimate that up to 73

million sharks are killed every year for their fins (Clarke et al., 2006a)22.

According to the data of the FAO’s FishStat (2007), published in Lack and Sant (2008) the global

subtotal export of shark fins between 1990 -2005 is of almost 6.000 tons (Annex 8). However the

data were criticized by the same authors (Lack and Sant, 2009) who estimate that FAO’s data should

not be taken as the real-global representation of shark catch, because there is an under-reporting of

catches, the data only represents the reported catch of some countries , and the data do not include

mortalities incurred through discard of bodies. Clarke et al. (2006b), have equally estimated that the

figures reported by FAO are sub estimated, and that the real exportation of fin biomass is three or

four times higher.


Records include 10.000 fin’s descriptions and fin’s weights which translated using the statistical Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods (WinBUGS). 22

For more information visit : Clarke, Shelley. 2012: <http://vimeo.com/37958874/>.

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3.5.1 Countries involved in trading of shark products (meat and fins)

In 2007, the FAO communicated the top 10 countries responsible for the exportation of shark

products to Hong Kong. According to their data, in 2005; Taiwan, Spain, Japan, Panamá and Costa

Rica were the leading exporters (Lack and Sant, 2008) (Table 5).

Table 5. Top 10 shark product exporters (by tonnage). Note that countries like Taiwan, UK, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, and Chile have been involved in the trade of shark products since the decade of the 1990s. Other countries like Norway and Germany have apparently decreased their exportations. The table shows information on shark products (not only shark fins). Source: FAO FishStat (2007), in Lack and Sant (2008).

Another list of “The top 10 exporting countries” was presented by Fowler and Séret in 2010. Table 6:

Table 6. Top 10 shark product exporters during 1997-2006 (Data is presented in tons). Note that Spain is considered as the main exporter of shark products with an average of almost 14.000 tons. The only year in which another country exceeded the records of Spain was during 2003, when Taiwan was reported to catch more than 17.000 tons of shark products. Source FAO Fishtat (2007), extracted from Lack and Sant (2008).

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According to a report from PEW environment in 201123, approximately 600.000 tons of sharks

products were reported to be landed globally in 2010. The Eastern Central Atlantic, the Western

Central Pacific, and the Southwest Atlantic are the three regions where the highest catch of sharks is

reported. Several species seem to be affected by the business (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Estimated Shark Landings in 2010. The colors represent the amount (in tons) of shark products landed per area. And the number inside the sharks figure represents the number of shark’s species. Note that The Eastern Central Atlantic, the Western Central Pacific, and the Southwest Atlantic are the areas with the highest landing of sharks, and that there are between six and seventeen affected species in those regions Source: PEW Environment, 2011

In the EU, the shark catch done by their Member States (combined) is not negligible and the

depletions of shark populations are notorious inside and outside the union’s waters (Fowler and

Séret, 2010). The EU fleets catch sharks to market their meat and fins, and its total catch was ranked

as second worldwide in 2008 (mainly by means of Spain, Portugal, France and the UK) (Figure 12).


Compiled from FAO, 2010

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Figure 12. Shark catches (tones/year) by mayor fishing nations (2000-2008). Note that even if the EU catch was reduced since 2000, their vessels landed more than 100.000 tons of shark products in 2008. Data include shark catches for meat and fins. Source: Fowler and Séret, 2010

A report done by The Shark Alliance (2011), according to the records of FAO 2009; shows that Spain,

Portugal, France and the UK are position inside the “Top 20 shark fishing countries24” and that

approximately one third of the EU shark populations are classified as “threatened” according to the

Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The estimate total catch of

sharks, rays and chimaeras done by the EU is more than 112.000 tons, from which almost the half

(62, 158 tons) correspond to the catches done by Spain25 (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Shark and rays catches by EU States in 2009. Amounts are showed in tons. Note that the three main responsible countries for the landings are Spain, France and Portugal; and that Spain itself caught more than 62.000 tons of the total catches whole EU ( approximately 112.000 tons). Source: FAO Fish Stat (2009) in Shark Alliance, 2011


Data also include rays catches 25

“Blue sharks make aproximately 80% of the shark catches done by Spanish and Portuguese longliners all overs the world” (Shark Alliance, 2011)

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The species that has been the most affected by European fleets is the blue shark (Prionace glauca),

(FAO Fishstat (2009), in The Shark Alliance (2011)). Meaning that the populations of this species lost

a biomass of minimum of 53.000 tons (reported) in 2009. Spain and Portugal appear to be the

responsible of most of these shark landings with approximately 40.500 tons and 12.000 tons

respectively (Annex 9).

3.5.2 Countries involved in the trading of shark fins

In 2010, the International Organization Oceana, presented more detailed data about the origins of

the shark fins exported to Hong Kong (Figure 14, Annex 10) (Oceana, 2010b).

Figure 14. Shark fin exportation to Hong Kong. The total fin exports data (in kg) include the weight of dried + frozen fins exported by the involved countries to Hong Kong. Source: Oceana, 2010b.

The authors Cheung and Chang had compiled data from the Census and Statistics Department of

Hong Kong (2002-2008) and had published in 2011 information about shark fins’ importation,

exportation, and re-exportation. They presented mainly 12 countries who are involved in the

trading: USA, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, UA Emirates, Yemen, Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan, China, India, and

Singapore, but indicated that more than 116 countries have “fin - business relations” with Hong

Kong. The researchers estimate that the total global catch (weight of fins) in 2008 was of more than

4.130.000 kg (Annex 11).

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3.5.3 Exporting regions

A recent review done by PEW environment, which compiles information from the Census and

Statistics Department of Hong Kong (2011) presents a map of the exportation of shark fins per region

(Figure 15), and estimates that more that 10.3 million kilograms of shark fin products where exported

by 83 countries to HK during 2011

Figure 15. Import of shark fins to Hong Kong. The diameter of the circles represent the amount in weigh (kg) of fins exported; and the size of the arrows represent the regions which are export the most amounts of the product. Note that Spain, Southern Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean are the main providers of shark fins to Hong Kong. Source: PEW Environment, 2011.

3.5.4 Trade of "Dried fins” vs. “frozen fins”

A comparison between the amounts of “dried fins” vs. “frozen fins” exported was presented by

Fowler and Séret in 201026. In the EU, fins are deriving mainly from Spain (95%- 100%), mostly in the

frozen presentation (Figure 16).


Source of the authors: Hong Kong Customs and Statistics Department (2010). Unpublished data on Hong Kong trade statistics 1996-2009.

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Figure 16. Shark Imports to Hong Kong 1998 – 2009. Detail on the proportion of “dried” and “frozen” fins derived from non-EU countries, EU countries (not Spain) and Spain. The amount of dried fins though, is very low (around 3% in 2009) if compared to that one of frozen fins (50% in the same year). The EU is a key exporter of frozen fins (50% of the world’s total in 2009) Source: Hong Kong CDS (2010) in Fowler and Séret, (2010)

Conclusions of Chapter 3

It is difficult to obtain a single, trustable, global statistic or a conclusion on the exact amount of shark

fins traded. Existing reports cannot be easily compared because some of them include the trade of

both sharks and rays, others show the amount of all shark products (meat, fins, etc), other focus in a

determined geographic area, or others, more specific, compare the amounts of exportation of frozen

or dry fins. Nevertheless, even if the existing data might have some inexactitudes or can be

misjudged, it is clear that the fin market is an organized, strong and worldwide business. There is no

doubt about the fact that shark populations are being overexploited and that immense amounts of

biomass are lost every year by ways of shark finning and carcass discarding.

The subsequent concern that appears is to prove exactly which species are the most affected, until

what point their populations have been depleted and what is the actual situation of the shark species

which are vulnerable. Existing data related to the main species caught in the different regions, need

to be analyzed carefully; for example if a region reports a high amount of species caught, this can be

related to the fact that there is a better reporting of the landings in that area, rather than a greater

amount of species fished.

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In order to establish shark trading regulations, and/or to manage this valuable resource, plenty more

information is needed. The existing figures, based on the information collected in port and trading

databases is useful but cannot be taken as a reflect of the reality of shark finning.

To keep on the track of populations and to manage them and guarantee their existence in the future;

it is essential and almost compulsory that detailed monitoring, biological research and the action of

diverse actors takes place.

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Regulation and management of shark stocks

As described in chapter 2, the awareness towards shark conservation has increased by the part of

some individuals and organizations, but this is not enough to guarantee the protection of these

species. International management has been required.

To the date certain institutions are implied in the management of sharks. On a global level the

institutions the most involved in this issue are the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with its

International Plan of Action for sharks (IPOA-Sharks), the Convention on International Trade in

Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and the Convention on Migratory Species of

Wild Animals (CMS). At regional levels, fish stocks are managed by localized organizations known as

the Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMO’s). The European Commission (EC), and

the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), also play a decisive role in the decision

making and establishment of policies related to shark management.

This chapter describes the actions of these main institutions, their tools, and the obstacles that

interfere with the establishment of effective regulations.

4.1 Institutions involved in shark management and conservation

4.1.1 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

The FAO of the United Nations (UN) plays a crucial role in food availability, nutrition security,

sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. This organization has been involved in the management of

shark's populations since decades and by the year 2000 they launched the “International Plan of

Action for sharks (IPOA-Sharks)27, with the main objective of ensuring the long-term sustainable use

of these species.

The IPOA-Sharks aims to:

Evaluate the threats to shark populations and protect their critical habitats;

Facilitate the identification and reporting of the species being traded;


The IPOA – SHARKS was developed through the meeting of the Technical Working Group on the Conservation and Management of Sharks in Tokyo, 1998 and the Consultation on Management of Fishing Capacity, Shark Fisheries and Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries in Rome, 1998

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Aid in the monitoring of data on shark catches and landings;

Stimulate the use of all parts of fished sharks;

Identify and support, in particular, vulnerable or threatened shark species;

Ensure sustainable shark direct and non direct fisheries;

Minimize accidental catches of sharks (bycatch), and waste (discards) as established in the

Article 7.2.2 g of the “Code of Responsible Fisheries”28(FAO, 2000).

Develop the participation (research, management, education, consultation) between the

different implied states (FAO, 2012)

The IPOA-Sharks is addressed to all countries that have vessels involved in shark fisheries and must

be implemented in a voluntarily bases. Each state should carry on a National Management Program

for Shark Conservation, based on the “Code of Responsible fisheries”. In the case of the exploitation

of migratory shark species or if trans-boundary fishing exists, all the concerned states should get

involved in the proper management of their shark stocks.

Each state is responsible for its own funding resources, for establishing its own program's actions,

and should assess in a regular basis (every 4 years) the state of its shark populations (FAO, 2012). To

date, 54 countries have attached to the IPOA-Sharks. Unfortunately, many of their or their actions

are unclear or have unspecific schedules. There are not apparent signs of an improvement or

rebuilding of depleted shark populations (PEW Environment, 2011).

4.1.2 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

CITES is an international agreement conceived in the spirit of cooperation between governments to

ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten the

survival of their populations. CITES accords protection to more than 30.000 species of animals and

plants and in the last years, and fish species have gained special attention in decision taking

processes because of their economical and social importance. Due to the slow progress in the

implementation of the IPOA-Sharks, and concerned about the international trade and over-

exploitation of shark species, CITES had increased its level of attention on the conservation of shark

species (FAO, 2012).


The FAO's Code of conduct of Responsible Fisheries can be consulted in <http://www.fao.org/fishery/ipoa-sharks/about/en/>.

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According to the degree of protection they need, species are included into three lists, called CITES


Appendix I:

Includes species threatened with extinction. Trade in these plants and animals is permitted

only in exceptional circumstances, such as for research.

Appendix II:

Includes species not necessarily threatened with extinction, but for which trade must be

controlled in order to avoid threats to their survival.

Appendix III:

List species that are protected in at least one country, which has asked for assistance in

controlling the trade

According to these listings, species are protected by a system of trade permits and certificates (IUCN,

2012)29. For a species to be included in the Appendices I or II, it is necessary that two thirds of the

countries that are parties to CITES (currently 175 countries) vote in favor of including the specie in

the list.

To date, only three shark species are listed on CITES Appendices II: the white shark (Carcharodon

carcharias), the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) and the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) (FAO,


Conservationists have pursued to convince CITES to include more shark species into the lists, but

their efforts have been failed until the moment. For many, this is related to the fact that if the party

countries vote to protect more shark species through the CITES Appendices, this will represent the

increase in restrictions and permits on international trading of those species.

Recently in the CITES meeting of the Conference of the Parties in 2010, the applications for six

additional shark species were refused. Asian countries, lobbied that their economies will be affected

in the presence of an international shark fishing ban, and managed to persuade a majority of CITES

members to vote against the ban. Conservationist argument that CITES does not have the political

will to forbid the fishing of economically valuable species (Shark Alliance, 2010).


For more information visit: <http://www.iucn.org/news_homepage/events/cities/>.

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4.1.3 United Nations Convention of Migratory Species (CMS)

The CMS also known as the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals or

as The Bonn Convention is an intergovernmental treaty, concluded under the patronage of the

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The convention is concerned about wildlife and

habitat conservation on a global scale.

It aims to protect migratory species throughout their range, and their migration routes. The

Convention had 116 parties from Africa, Central and South America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.

Parties to CMS should establish agreements together to protect these species and are encouraged to

take actions towards their conservation. The CMS complements and co-operates with a number of

other international organizations, NGO's and partners in the media as well as with the corporate


The convention has 2 Appendices:

Appendix I:

Includes migratory species threatened with extinction. CMS Parties attempt towards

protecting these species strictly, conserving or restoring their habitats, reducing the

obstacles to their migration and controlling other factors that might endanger them. The

CMS establishes obligations for each joining State and promotes action among the Range

States of many of these species.

Appendix II:

Includes migratory species that need or would benefit significantly from international co-

operation. For this reason, the Convention encourages the Range States to conclude global

or regional Agreements.

Seven shark species are listed on the CMS Appendices. he basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) and

great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) are included in Appendix I. These species are also listed

on Appendix II, together with the longfin mako (Isurus paucus), the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus),

the whale shark, the porbeagle (Lamna nasus) and the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias).

The CMS acts as a framework convention. The compromises by the Parties may range from legally

binding treaties (called Agreements) to less formal instruments, as for example the Memorandum of

Understanding (MoU) (Convention on Migratory Species, 2012).

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In 2010, a MoU on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks was adopted under the CMS. The MoU was

applied to the shark species listed on the CMS Appendices and focused on increasing the

international cooperation to ensure shark protection. There are 25 signatories30 to the MoU on


These instruments are relatively new and the benefit of their actions is still to be determined (PEW

Environment, 2011).

4.1.4 Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMO’s)

The RFMO’s are international organizations, which act at regional levels towards the managing of

their fish stocks. They can be formed by countries of one delimitated ocean area (“coastal states”)

with common interests, or include foreign countries that have interest in the fisheries of a region.

Most RFMO's have control and own management competences, they are autonomous to set their

catch and fishing quotas, to monitor fishing effort and capacity and to establish technical measures.

Some others have only an advisory role31.

There are seventeen designed RFMO’s in the world. Twelve of them focus in the management of

highly-migratory species, and they require multinational cooperation (Annex 12). The other five

RFMO’s were established to manage tuna (and tuna like) populations (Annex 13). Shark species are

usually included in the second type of fisheries (PEW Environment, 2011).

The RFMO’s that have adopted legal measures (Recommendations or Resolutions) to prohibit shark

finning are: the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the General

Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean (GFCM), the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), the

Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), the North Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO),

the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries Organization (SEAFO), the Western Central Pacific Fisheries

Commission (WCPFC) and the Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC). One RFMO, (the

Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) prohibited shark

finning but only when sharks are the targeted for this purpose, on the contrary, if shark sharks are

fished by bycatch, shark finning is allowed. In the past years, many RFMO’s, specially the tuna ones


Signatories to the MoU: Australia, Belgium, Chile, Congo, Costa Rica, Denmark, European Union, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Italy, Kenya, Liberia, Monaco, Nauru, Netherlands, Palau, Philippines, Romania, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Tuvalu, the United Kingdom, and the United States 31

For more information see: www. ec.europa.eu/fisheries.htm

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(whose fleets catch considerable number of sharks), have implemented that their vessels must

submit data related to sharks catch and have forbid them to have more than a limited amount of fins

onboard (Fowler and Séret, 2010).

Some RFMO’s have introduced measures to protect some specific species, but there are still many of

them for which no measures are being adopted. Table 7 shows some of the shark species that are

the most traded for their fins, and the few RFMO’s which have adopted management measures:


Smooth hammerhead shark ICCAT

Scalloped hammerhead shark ICCAT

Great hammerhead shark ICCAT

Common thresher shark ICCAT

Bigeye thresher shark ICCAT and IOTC

Pelagic thresher shark IOTC

Silky shark ICCAT

Oceanic whitetip shark IATTC, ICCAT, and WCPFC

Tiger shark ---

Shortfin mako shark ---

Blue shark ---

Dusky shark ---

Bull shark ---

Sandbar shark ---

Table 7. Most traded shark species and the RFMO’s that have implemented measures for their conservation. Note that only four RFMO's have adopted management measures. Compiled from PEW Environment, 2011.

RFMO’s play an important role in regulating the sustainability of shark stocks (including migratory

species) because they can put in place concrete shark management measures, or prohibit the catch

of certain species. Nevertheless, even if some shark populations are managed by some RFMO’s, it

doesn’t mean they are globally protected. It is important to recall two aspects:

First, that shark species are migratory, and inhabit extended areas (including zones managed and

non-managed by RFMO’s). For example, the populations of the smooth, the scalloped and the great

hammerhead sharks reside in several oceans; but they are only managed in the Atlantic Ocean and

its adjacent seas, by the ICCAT. In all the rest of their distribution areas protection is lacking (PEW

Environment, 2011).

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Smooth hammerhead shark

Scalloped Hammerhead shark

Great hammerhead shark

Figure 17. Habitat ranges of three hammerhead shark species commonly found in the fin markets, and the regions where management measures are available. The pointed area marked as ICCAT represents the region where the RFMO ICCAT has established shark management measures for the protection of hammerhead sharks; the areas marked with dark color represent the range of habitat of hammerhead sharks. Note that large populations occupy regions where protection measures are lacking. Source: PEW Environment, 2011.

Second, that the measures taken by a RFMO only apply to the RFMO's members, or only to the fisheries

that are managed by that RFMO (PEW Environment, 2011). This means that if foreign fleets break into

the waters of a RFMO and catch sharks for any purpose or by bycatch, the regulations would not apply to


4.1.5 The European Commission (EC)

Parallel to the immense catch of sharks from several of its Member States (as described in chapter 3),

the European Union (EU), represented by the EC has a significant role in the development of shark

regulations, in the adoption of international policies, and has a powerful influence at the world’s

wildlife conservation bodies.

The EU has done efforts for shark conservation and is conscious that discarding is a serious problem

and must be address with priority (EC, 2007). The EC has shuttled down various unsustainable

fisheries, established new quotas for sharks and rays and protected threatened shark species (Shark

Alliance, 2011). It has an important role into the making and implementation of fin bans, which are

important tools implemented at a global level and in EU's waters since 200332.


Council Regulation (EC) No 1185/2003 of June 2003, on the removal of fins of sharks on board vessels

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4.2 Obstacles for the management of shark populations

4.2.1 The finning ban: Implementation and obstacles

A fin ban is an instrument used to reduce the vast numbers of shark trade and irresponsible finning,

that aims to reduce the discarding of shark bodies and the commercialization of separated (cut off)


The first world’s fin ban was implemented in 199333 by the US Atlantic shark fisheries. It prohibited

removing shark fins at sea and discarding shark bodies, but allowed to remove the fins once the

sharks were dead and onboard vessels (in order to facilitate storage and processing). To control the

amount of sharks caught, the authorities in landing ports will weight fins and bodies (carcasses) to

determine that there were not excess of fins. For that purpose the first fin ban delimitated the

proportion of fins vs. bodies for shark landings. The established ratio between fins weight vs. carcass

weight was of 5%. By 1998, few other shark-fishing countries had adopted the ban and in the next

decade several other countries followed. That is how, by 2009, more than 20 countries, the 27

Member States of EU and 8 RFMO's had approved shark finning bans. They all have followed the

models of the US Atlantic fisheries example (Fowler and Séret, 2010).

But the fin bans were too flexible. They had loopholes that fisherman knew very well and that made

the bans ineffective. The loopholes to the fin ban include the following aspects:

1. The specifications for the established fins: carcass ratio of 5% were unclear. The ban described

the word: “body weight”, but it did not specify if the body weight was referred to body’s “whole

weight” or “dressed weight”. Both definitions are described in Table 8.

WHOLE WEIGHT: Shark’s weight with head and guts

DRESSED WEIGHT shark’s weight after the head and the guts

are removed (Photo 15)


Example of a shark’s whole weight : 100 kg Example of a shark’s dressed weight: 40 kg Fin’s weight : 2 kg

Table 8. Definition and differences between Bodies’ “Whole Weight and dressed weight (Used for the first fin ban). Adapted from: Shark Alliance 2010.


The fin ban was adopted in the Shark Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for US Atlantic waters

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Photo 15. Dressed Carcasses unloaded from a longline vessel in Tung Kang, Taiwan.Source: Henrichs, 2011.

To illustrate the loophole we can use the example of a fisherman who catches a shark that

weights 100 kg, and its fins weight 2 kg. This will represent that he has caught only 2% of his

allowed quota, and he can still be allowed to kill more sharks for fins until he obtain 5% (5 kg) of

fins. (Shark Alliance, 2010)34.

2. Shipping vessels were allowed to land shark fins and shark carcasses in separate ports. An

inspector will sign up the fisherman’s logbook at the arrival to one port in a country (where

bodies where landed) and later in the next port in another country, the next authority will weigh

the fins and determine if the proportions were respected. Inspecting fisherman logbooks

resulted in a complete lack of certainty. No real control existed (European Commission, 2011).

3. The weight of fins compared to the weight of carcasses differ between shark species. Studies

have shown ratios differences of 2% to 8% between species (Mejuto et al., 2008).

4. The weight ratios are influenced by the techniques used for cutting the fins (see chapter 3) and

to the number of fins removed (Fowler and Séret, 2010). To illustrate this loophole we can take

into account that the weight of a set of crude - cut fins will be higher (because it has more meat

attached) than a set of fins cut with a half-moon cut. This will be an incentive to use the second

method to reduce the weight and be able to land more fins

The ban required verification and reinforcement, and for that, international institutions as the UN

the IUCN35 have gotten involved for supplying advice. Between 2003 and 2009, the UN's General


For more information see: Shark Alliance, 2012. http://vimeo.com/40649549 35

The IUCN is the conservation inventory of the world’s plant and animal species. It assess species’ population’s health and classify them under categories (ranging from Extinct to Least Concern) in the Red List of Threatened Species. The IUCN counts with several specialist groups. In the case of shark species, the IUCN Shark Specialist Group (SSG) provides advice for the conservation of all chondrichthyan fishes. There are scientific members of the SSG from 90 countries distributed among 12 ocean-regions. For more information see: <http//www.iucnssg.org/>.

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Assembly (UNGA) have adopted several resolutions supporting the implementation of the FAO’s

IPOA-sharks urging States and RFMO's to extend and strengthen their fin bans. Additional

recommendations on shark finning were adopted by the IUCN in 2004 and 200836 (Fowler and Séret,


Subsequently, several RFMO’s adopted measures to modify the fin ban. The initial measures to close

its loopholes were:

Clarify that: the weight to be taken into account when measuring the proportions fins:

carcass must be the dressed carcass weight (Photo 15). Translated into percentages, this will

mean that the ratio will be reduced to 2%; rather than the previous 5% (Shark Alliance 2010).

The landing of separate fins became restricted. Each set of fins needed to be landed

together with a body. An accepted alternative allowed cutting the fins and reattaching

(tying) them to the carcass. Nevertheless, this solution was quickly violated by several

fisheries with a term known as “high-grading”. High grading refers to the mismatching of

high value fins, with bodies from different shark species (Oceana, 2010a), or to the

mismatching of large fins with smaller carcasses (Fowler and Séret, 2010).

Still after the modifications, several scientist, fishing entities, RFMO's, conservationists and

concerned citizens, supported that the ban should be strengthen even more. During the year 2009,

the EC adopted new measures to strengthen the fin ban in the “Action Plan for Sharks” (Annex 14),

willing to ensure the recovery of many depleted populations of sharks inside and outside the

Community waters. Additionally, in 2010 the EC opened a public consultation searching for options

to modify the fin ban and in November and in 2011 it proposed a complete ban on fins removal at

sea. The complete ban prohibits the “at-sea-removal” of fins, and affirmed that all sharks, with no

exception, must be landed with their fins naturally attached (Shark Alliance, 2010).

This reinforcement is the most reliable way to apply consistently the fin ban. Keeping the fins

attached to the body avoids several problems including:

Weighting and calculating ratios fins and carcasses in landing ports;

Mixing carcasses and fins of different animals with the intension of high grading;

Misunderstandings when calculating ratios between “whole weight” or “dressed weight”

Misunderstandings related to the type of fin cut (half moon, straight...)


IUCN Recommendation 3.116 (2004), Recommendation 4.114 (2008) on Shark Finning

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As expected, fisherman established some complaints to the new complete ban, arguing that the

storage of sharks with fins attached was copious / complicated, and that fins required to be cut off

for being dried. The complaints by fisherman and the solutions proposed are illustrated as follows:


1) Storage of whole bodies with fins attached is

difficult, it occupies big space, fins are sharp and

can cause injuries.

Fins can be partially cut for facilitating storage and bent

towards the animal’s body, but they need to remain partially

attached (Figure 18) (Oceana, 2010a)

2) Fins must be cut for drying and not frozen with

the carcass. Cutting fins is more difficult when


Removing fins from carcasses is best done when frozen hard,

because it is easier to control the cut

(Sharkfin and Marine Products association, Hong Kong, 2010.

In Fowler and Séret, 2010)

Figure 18. A shark with its fins naturally attached. Fins are partially cut but remain attached to the body. Source: Shark Alliance 2010.

According to a review done by PEW Environment in 2011, only approximately one-third of the

countries have established shark finning bans.

The implementation of complete fin bans, represents an important advantage, not only to diminish

the amounts of shark discards, but also because if sharks are landed with their fins attached, more

information on shark populations will be available. A worldwide fin ban and its appropriate

application is needed.

4.2.2 The obstacle of the lack of biological information

Collecting data on marine animal populations is challenging. The difficulties increase if species are

migratory, cross countries borders and are fished in oceanic waters. In the case of sharks the

problem of body discarding represents an additional obstacle. As discards are not reported to

management bodies and cannot be really measured, the exact records about the shark biomass

extracted vs. shark biomass discharged back into the ocean, are almost inexistent. The only existing

tool is to identification the shark species based on the fins landed at ports and try to establish which

are the main species marketed.

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There is an enormous lack of scientific information about species and their population dynamics.

Facts of actual shark stocks are almost inexistent. It is known that several different species of sharks

are being catch and finned but it is a big challenge for scientists to track which species exactly are the

most vulnerable at a global scale (FAO, 2010). In order to determine sharks species, it is needed to

collect evidences at ports. One method is taking into account trade databases and the information

logged in fisherman logbooks (but this will not represent scientifically trustful information). Another

method is to examine the dead sharks and the landed fins. Unfortunately very few experts are able

to identify a shark’s specie by a visual examination of a fin, or a set of fins. Scientific data on shark

trends by species is essential in order to establish proper regulations and to develop accurate catch

limits. Without precise information, institutions slow down the taking of decisions and the

development of regulations (Anderson, 2011).

Even if the exact information is not extensive, some of the published data acknowledge that the most

frequently shark species catch by illegal fishing are hammerhead sharks Sphyrna spp. and silky sharks

Carcharhinus falciformis (Lack and Sant, 2008). Clarke et al., 2006 a, b., estimated that that between

1.3 and 2.7 million sharks of those species are for fished their fins trade each year37, representing an

equivalent biomass of up to 90,000 tons. Some Fisheries management specialists speculate that

there are few chances that populations of sharks which have been overfished will show recovery in

less than 50 years (even if strict fishing limitations are adopted) (Harvey, et al., 2005).

Conclusions of Chapter 4 The increasing participation of international institutions towards the management of shark stocks

can be considered as a positive advance, having in mind that the problematic involves an important

number of countries and it must be addressed at a global level. Nevertheless, the actions of the

institutions involved are still insufficient, mainly because the existing management instruments are

relatively new and still ineffective. They present serious gaps and do not provide full protection for

any shark species.

Fin bans have existed since a couple of decades ago, but they have been fooled by fisherman and the

whole finning industry. Existing loopholes in international codes are recently in process of getting

closed, and only one third of the countries have established complete finning bans. Meanwhile the

shark traffic continues globally.


The authors used commercial data on traded weights and sizes of fins, coupled with DNA and Bayesian statistical analysis to account for missing records.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

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Scientific data on shark biology / ecology is lacking. The exact global status of shark stocks is not

concrete, the available information from ports and trade databases, present numerous

disadvantages to be used, it does not reflect the authentic magnitude of shark discards, and does not

allow identifying precisely shark species. The appliance of complete fin bans will increase the

chances for scientists to collect and analyze data on shark stocks. Without scientific data, it is

unconceivable to estimate the exact decrease in shark stocks and the implementation of regulations

is slowed down.

Gathering accurate data on shark populations can result problematic. To date, separate national

governments and ONG’s collect scientific data but it does not exist a unique organization or scientific

committee that standardizes, compiles, and analyzes it. It is not clear which organization or

institution would be able to do this task.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

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The case of shark finning in the Marine Protected Areas of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape

Even if the trade of shark fins must be addressed at a global level, it is interesting to contemplate the

situation in situ, in one of the areas where the most amounts of sharks are catch.

To illustrate the subject at a local level, this chapter will describe the environmental, social, and

economic situation in a region known as the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape. Parallel to its

ecological importance (high abundance of Chondrichthyes and exceptional marine biodiversity), this

area seems to be a meaningful spot for the catch and traffic of sharks.

5.1 The Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS)

The ETPS38 is a region of approximately two million square kilometers adjacent to the South - Central

American continent. As the result of the convergence of 8 marine currents39 in this area, this region

presents complex oceanographic characteristics and ecological interconnectivity. The confluence of

these currents creates upwelling conditions which represent high productivity. The region coincides

with the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) where the Trade Winds from north and south

converge; and it presents high levels of pluviosity. The region is exceptionally rich in biodiversity, and

it presents high levels of endemism. The elevated concentrations of species, support local fisheries

and tourism (Fundación Malpelo, 2012; Conservation International, 2012).

The region incorporates the national waters and Exclusive Economic Zones (EZZ) of four countries

(Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia and Ecuador), and several of their isolated islands considered as

Marine Protected Areas (MPA’s): Galapagos Marine Reserve in Ecuador (138.000 km²), Cocos island

National Park in Costa Rica (1997km²), Malpelo Flora and Fauna Reserve in Colombia (9584 km²),

Gorgona National Park in Colombia and Coiba National Park in Panamá(Figure 19). All of them

(except Gorgona National Park) have been declared as World Heritage sites by the United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO (UNESCO, 2012).


Area also known as the Eastern Tropical Pacific Maritime Corridor for Conservation (CMAR) 39

Oceanic currents converging in the ETPS: North Equatorial current, Equatorial crosscurrent, South Equatorial current, Humboldt current, Cromwell current, Panamá cyclonic countercurrent, and Colombia current

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Figure 19. Map of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape. Detail of the Marine Protected Areas of the ETPS (Cocos Island National Park, Coiba National Park, Malpelo Flora and Fauna Reserve, Gorgona National Park, Machalilla National Park and Galapagos Marine Reserve). The discontinued line: Exclusive Economic and Fishing Zones of the respective countries. Source: Migramar, 2012.

5.1.1 Ecological Importance of the ETPS : A marine corridor for shark populations

The area is known to be the residence of several populations of shark species. 88 shark species have

been recorded for the region, and several are mentioned in international treaties because of the

concern about their population status (Migramar, 2012). Scientific research, done by the

organization Migramar40 since 2006 and by Bessudo et al., published in 201141; have focused in the

degree of connectivity and spatial dynamics of some of the largest populations of sharks present in

the area (the scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyra lewini), the galapagos shark (Carcharhinus

galapagensis), the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), the silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis), the

whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus), the bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) and the sandtiger shark

(Carcharias taurus)). Their results evidenced that sharks are not exclusive to one MPA, but that

migrate at different times of the year, covering journeys of up to 1500 km between Cocos, Malpelo

and Galapagos islands (Figure 20).


Used methodology Pop-up archival tags (PAT tags) and Smart Position and Temperature (SPOT tags) have allowed to measure information about sharks activities during specific periods of time. 41

Methodology of shark tagging (ultrasonic transmitters techniques) during a 3 year study (2006-2009)

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Figure 20. Evidence of the journeys of pelagic sharks (Sphyra lewini, Rhincodon typus, and Carcharhinus falciformis between the MPA of the ETPS. The results show evidence of the interconnectivity between the shark populations of the MPA’s. Source: Migramar, 2012

This region, which has been designed as a "marine corridor for pelagic species"42 (Botero, 2011) has

been conferred with special attention because of the vast populations of scalloped hammerhead

sharks (Sphyra lewini) (Photos 16a, 16b), that aggregate in schools in the region (Photo 17).

Photos 16a and 16b. Sphyra lewini. Source: personal photos


"San Jose Declaration” of 31 March and 2 April 2004, where Ecuador, Panama, Colombia and Costa Rica have signed and established the definition, principles and objectives of the CMAR.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

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Figure 17. Scalloped hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini, Malpelo, Colombia. Source: Lefevre, 2011

As described in Chapter 3 (Table 2), hammerhead sharks are one of the first choices for the finning

industry. Clarke et al., 2005, 2006a, 2006b acknowledge that they are the second-most abundant

species in the international fin trade. Their large fins contain high amounts of needles (Rose, 1996),

and are very valuable in the market. On the contrary to their meat, which is hard, fibrous, and not

desirable by consumers, their fins are extremely valuable (Abercrombie et al., 2005).

Additionally, in sites where hammerhead sharks are abundant, there are often generous numbers of

other pelagic species which make the ETPS an attractive area for Asian fishing fleets. Their vessels

arrive fish using the longline method usually at night, when sharks are offshore43, and several

individuals of this species became hooked on their long lines. Studies in which shark are tagged,

several of the tracked individuals have been caught by fishing vessels (Migramar, 2012).

During the last 20 years, the populations of hammerheads have been exposed to considerable risks

and some authors affirm that their populations have been reduced as much as 90% (Pretoma, 2012)

Sphyra lewini has been categorized as: Endangered globally by the IUCN (IUCN Red List of Threatened

species, 2012).

The practice of shark finning has become common in the ETPS. Finning has been reported and

documented in Galapagos Marine Reserve (Migramar, 2012), but the MPA’s that are the most

affected are the islands of Malpelo and Cocos, where the species are the most abundant (Migramar,

2012; Bessudo et al., 2011).

The next sections describe the actual situation of shark finning in Malpelo and Cocos Islands.


Scalloped hammerhead sharks form large schools around specific points of the island, during the day. At dusk they move offshore, presumably to feed (Migramar, 2012)

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

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5.1.2 Malpelo Flora and Fauna Reserve (Colombian Pacific Ocean)

Malpelo Island is located in the Panamá Basin and at 500 km west of Buenaventura (an important

harbor in the Colombian Pacific coast) (Annexes 15a, 15b) (Fundación Malpelo, 2012). The total

marine area of the reserve is 9.584 km² (Garcia, 2010) and it is managed by the “Unidad de Parques

Nacionales Naturales”44 (Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia, 2012) and “Fundación

Malpelo”. The island has been declared as a:

Fauna and Flora Sanctuary of in 199545,

Particularly Sensitive Sea Area in 200646,

Natural heritage of Humanity in 200647

The biological and ecological importance of the island was described in 2006 by UNESCO as:

“This vast marine park, the largest no-fishing zone in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, provides a critical habitat for internationally threatened marine species, and is a major source of nutrients resulting in large aggregations of marine biodiversity. It is in particular a ‘reservoir' for sharks, giant grouper and billfish and is one of the few places in the world where sightings of the short-nosed ragged-toothed shark, a deepwater shark, have been confirmed. Widely recognized as one of the top diving sites in the world, due to the presence of steep walls and caves of outstanding natural beauty, these deep waters support important populations of large predators and pelagic species (e.g. aggregations of over 200 hammerhead sharks and over 1,000 silky sharks, whale sharks and tuna have been recorded) in an undisturbed environment where they maintain natural behavioral patterns”. (UNESCO, 2012).

5.1.3 Cocos island National Park (Costa Rican Pacific Ocean)

The National Park Isla de Coco is an island surrounded by coral reef formations that is located in an

oceanic area at 550km from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica (Annexes 16a, 16b).

The total conservation area is of 11,629 Km² (the second biggest protected area of the ETPS). In 1978

it was declared National park, and in 1997, Natural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Its biodiversity

includes several endemic species, 250 species of fish, 600 mollusks, 30 types of corals, 60 species of

crustacean and several important pelagic species (including dolphins, sea lions, yellowtail tuna and

18 species of sharks) (Randall, 2010).


National Natural Parks Unit of Colombia 45

« Resolución 1292 de 1995 del Ministerio de Ambiente ». 46

Law 6 of 1974 (Resolución MEPC.97(47) of 2002 - Organización Marítima Internacional (IMO) -United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships. IMPO, 2012: http://www.imo.org 47

Law 45 of 1983 (Desition 30 COM 8B.28) Comitee of World Heritage of UNESCO - 2006

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

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5.2 Existing regulations to protect shark resources in Costa Rica and Colombia

Both countries are members of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission IATTC48 and they have

taken measures to manage and conserve shark populations in their waters. Both states have

committed to developing National Action Plans for sharks, within the framework of the IPOA Sharks

of the FAO.

Colombian law has banned shark finning completely in 200749. Sharks must me landed with their fins

naturally attached and special permits are required to transport and ship fins after the sharks are

landed. Transshipping50 of fins at sea is prohibited and all fishing is prohibited inside the waters of

the Colombian MPA of Malpelo (Fundación Malpelo, 2012).

In Costa Rica there is also a shark fin ban51, and there are penalties for port authorities who allow the

landing of detached fins and for fisherman who practice shark finning52. Limited fishing is allowed in

some areas of the Coco’s island waters. All foreign vessels that land at public docks are subjected to

the Costa Rican law. There is a mandatory monitoring and data collection on sharks loaded off from

all vessels (Fowler and Séret, 2010).

The research institutions from each of these areas have agreed in recognizing that only through the

joint efforts of both nations the conservation and sustainability of the shared marine resources can

be guaranteed (Migramar, 2012).

5.2.1 Existing patrolling in the Marine Protected Areas

“Fundación Marviva” with its “Programa de Control y vigilancia” (Surveillance and Control Program)

is patrolling the National Park del Coco since 2003 together with the environmental and coastguard

authorities of Costa Rica. Their surveillance area can be seen in figure 21 (Fundación Marviva, 2011).


The IATTC is responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and other marine resources in the eastern Pacific Ocean (for more information visit: IATTC, 2012: <http://www.iattc.org/>.) 49

The regulation for the Prohibition on finning in Colombian waters is documented in the: Resolucion 1633 de 2007: Prohibicion del Aleteo. (Ministerio de agricultura y desarrollo Rural. Instituto Colombiano de desarrollo rural INCODER, 2007). 50

The act of passing the fins from one vessel to another in open ocean 51

Article 40 / 2005 of the National Fisheries Law. This article, stipulates that sharks need to be landed with their fins naturally attached and applies to all vessels fishing in the EEZ, or foreign vessels that offload in Costa Rica 52

Article 40 of the 2005 Fisheries Law Article 139

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Figure 21. Operation areas of Fundación Marviva. (Areas de operacion de marviva). The areas of the ETPS where patrolling by part of the foundation is present: Gulf of Nicoya, Osa, Coco's Island (Costa Rica), Gulf of Chiriqui (Panamá), Chocó (Colombia). The protection measures taken by Marviva have shown positive results (ecosystems under patrol have shown 15 times a better ecosystemic health). Note that even if the patrolling is existent in several areas including the surroundings of the MPA of Coco’s Island, there are still important patrolling gaps along the marine corridos of the ETPS (In dark: ETPS) Source: Fundación Marviva, 2011

To protect the MPA of Malpelo, the Colombian Pacific Ocean’s Navy, the Service of National Parks

and the Fundación Malpelo have established an inter-institutional model in agreement with

Conservation International (CI), to patrol the reserve and to conduct scientific research within the

sanctuary. A navy's patrolling vessel (the A.R.C. Sula), is dedicated solely to monitor the area and

apprehend illegal fishing boats (Conservation International, 2012.).

5.3 Illegal fishing in the ETPS

Despite that management resources have been implemented by both States, that the islands of the

ETPS are protected areas and are designated as “no take zones”, both Cocos and Malpelo Islands, are

affected by the problem of illegal fishing by the Asiatic finning industry53.

For the case of Costa Rica, studies reported that the large schools of hammerhead sharks that were

abundant in these waters, suffered a strong depletion in the decade of 1970 (Cook, 1990). The


For more information see: <http://www.noticiascaracol.com/nacion/video-255351-trafico-de-aletas-de-tiburon-alimenta-al-mercado-asiatico/>.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

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decline in theses shark populations was reported by Arauz54 et al., 2004 and Myers et al. in 2007,

who affirmed that the populations S. lewini in the area had declined in 71% between 1992 and 2004.

Costa Rica was reported in 2004 as the world’s third largest exporter of shark products (including 800

tons of fins). Asian vessels (from Taiwan, China, Indonesia, Japan and Korea) infringe into this Central

American shark-rich waters, pay to local governments to land on their docks, and bring their catches

to Hong Kong’s markets (Sherman and Adams, 2010). Fisherman testify55 that is an international

mafia in the region and that artisanal fisherman, commercial vessesl, and Asiatic fleets are

competing for the same fish resources. While Asiatic fleets can take up to 30.000 or 40.000 kg of fish

in one vessel using longlines, local fisherman attain to take maximum 2.000 kg. Local fisherman

declare that they are forced to venture into neighbour countries' waters in search of fish.

The first time this illegal business was officially videotaped and reported to the media was by Arauz56.

Arauz evidenced the Taiwanese fleets illegally landing 30 tons of shark fins (representing 30,000

death sharks). After the video was launched, private docks from Costa Rica where closed to

international ships, but unfortunately, the closure lasted only a few weeks.

After the finning banned went into effect in 2005, fines and jail terms where established for

fisherman caught landing shark fins at Costa Rican ports. However, the finning problem is known to

persist in the area (Sherman and Adams, 2010).

For the case of Illegal fishing in the Colombian island of Malpelo, the biggest reported event occurred

in September 2011. Colombian environmental authorities announced a significant massacre of

sharks. Hammerheads and silky sharks were reported to be slaughtered for their fins in the MPA.

Witnesses declared to have seen 10 illegal fishing boats and scuba divers reported a large amount of

dead sharks, without their fins. Bessudo57 estimates that if each boat will have catch an average of

200 sharks, the total number of death sharks could be of as many as 2000 individuals58. The

reported vessels were identified59 with Costa Rican flags. The Costa Rican foreign ministry


Conservationist founder of the Association for the Restoration of Sea Turtles (PRETOMA) in 1997, and one of the world’s leading voices working to ban shark finning. Winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize, 2010 55

For the complete video report visit: http://www.noticiascaracol.com/nacion/video-255351-trafico-de-aletas-de-tiburon-alimenta-al-mercado-asiatico 56

For more information visit: <http://www.goldmanprize.org/2010/southcentralamerica/>. 57

Sandra Bessudo. Colombian president’s top adviser on environmental issues 58

For more information visit: www.noticiascaracol.com, <http://migramar.org/hi/>., <http://www.fundacionmalpelo.org/>., www.elpais.com.co, <http://www.armada.mil.co/>. 59

At least three of the ships reported fishing illegally in Colombian waters in September 2011, were identified by their names: the Marco Antonio, the Jefferson and the Papante (<http://www.projectaware.org/update/shark-massacre-reported-colombian-waters/>.)

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

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disapproved the fact that their where vessels belonging to the Central American country, and

affirmed that the law was going to prosecute if the participation of Costa Rican flagged ships were

involved. Diplomatic issues have flourished between the two countries.

During the first four months of 2012 the Colombian Army captured thirteen vessels with Costa Rican

and Ecuadorian flags in Malpelo, carrying 12 tons of illegal fish, including tunas and sharks; which put

again into tension the relations between both States (Armada Nacional Republica de Colombia, 2012;

El Pais, 2012). The risk of conflict between stakeholders (fisheries, conservationists, politicians) of

both countries is likely to increase because of the limited scientific information on which to base

decisions. Argumentation between the nations is many times based on perceptions and rumors

rather than concrete facts (Migramar, 2012).

5.3.1 The Obstacles for the surveillance at the MPA of Malpelo

The event of September, 2011, (which was not the first in the list of illegal vessels venturing into the

MPA), have demonstrated that there are still gaps in the surveillance of the island. There are several

aspects related to this lack of patrolling. The first one is that Colombian navy maintains only a small

post of control on the island (Annex 15b), and it patrolls the waters only sporadically. It has also

been mentioned that the navy’s patrol vessel (A.R.C. Sula) was out of order during six months during

2011. Additionally, illegal vessels reach the area at night (when hammerhead sharks are offshore)

making the surveillance more complicated for local authorities (Migramar, 2012).

An additional problem in Colombia is that illegal fishing is treated by different entities. For example

if a national vessel is found inside of a Natural Protected Area, the responsible entity is “Paruqes

Nacionales Naturales de Colombia", but if it is an international vessel, the situation is more

complicated, because foreign authorities must be involved and the illegal fishermen need to be

presented to the continental jurisdiction in max 36 hours. Note that the distance (by water) from

Malpelo to the nearest port in the continent is 36 hours (El pais, 2012)

5.4 Socio - economic problematic in the MPA’s

The issue of shark finning is straightly tied to socio – economic aspects.

Costa Rican fisherman who have been arrested fishing illegally in Colombian waters, have argued

that their economic situation is arduous, having in general big families to feed. They declare that in

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 57

their country’s waters the fish resources have shown a remarkable descent and that it is necessary to

search for stocks in foreign waters.

Economically speaking, it is important to remark that the finning business is much more lucrative

than usual fishing. For example, in the port of Buenaventura, Colombia; a kilogram of shark fins can

cost up to 150.000 colombian pesos (U$8460), and 1 kg of other fish, will worth in average U$1 (data

of 2012) (El pais, 2012).

Soler61 (Armada Nacional Republica de Colombia, 2012), have stated that Costa Rican fisherman

compete with illegal Asiatic vessels and they decide to search for other fishing areas. The Colombian

Commander Palomino62 manifested that 80% of the captured fisherman declare to be escaping from

the attack of “pirate vessels”. However, he says: “This version is not confirmed".

The fact that one state is venturing into the waters of another one and taking its resources implies an

act of thievery. Additionally it can be an evidence of the lack of resource in that state. If this

situation is seen at a long term scale, drastic results can be predicted as the resource will be depleted

not only in one area but in the adjacent regions.

Conclusions of Chapter 5

The region of the ETPS has been confirmed to be an important marine corridor for several species,

mainly pelagic sharks. The vast concentration of this species, together with to the isolation of the

MPA’s of the ETPS, makes these natural reserves an extremely attractive region for Asian illegal

fishing vessels from the finning industry. These fleets count with better technology and bigger

vessels, compared to the local ones, and they are able to extract enormous quantities of fish


The most affected species of sharks in the area is known to be the species Sphyra lewini, which is an

easy shark to fish due to its common aggregations in large schools, especially at night.

The most affected MPA’s of the region are the Coco's island, and the Malpelo island. The

governments of Costa Rica and Colombia, and their environmental representations have adopted

international management resources, and execute local patrolling in the surrounding waters of the


Exchange rate 04/2012 www.xe.com 61

German Soler: Director of Fundacion Malpelo 62

William Palomino : Commander of the Coastal Guard, Colombian Pacific

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 58

marine reserves. Nevertheless, Asian finning fleets manage to venture into the less or none patrolled

areas and extract considerable amounts of fish stocks. The problematic has evolved, and actually

even vessels from one MPA are entering other MPA's water to fish illegally.

The problem disrupts with the cultural and economic traditions of the local communities and besides

that, it has caused diplomatic issues between these Latin American countries.

Illegal and unregulated fishing in the region, promotes environmental disturbances that together

with the lack of scientific investigation, are menacing the integrity of this important maritime


“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 59


What had happened until now?

Human beings have affected most of the planet's resources and depleted many animal and plant

species. The decline in shark populations is just one more example of this phenomenon.

The eagerness of the Chinese to show social standing by consuming shark fin soup has increased the

demand and exploitation of shark resources around the world. The problem has been accentuated

due to the economic rise of China and the growing middle class, which has now access to the

product. The issue of shark finning is therefore tied to cultural and economic factors.

The excessive consumption of shark fins, together with the enormous amounts of shark dumping in

the ocean is evidently causing a decline in shark populations, and menacing several of these species

of Chondrichthyes. We are facing the prospect of a genuine ecological catastrophe.

Human beings have started realizing the magnitude of their actions against nature and biological

conservation has arisen as a possible solution to protect biodiversity from the different menaces.

Several species and their habitats are somehow being protected. However, for the case of shark

conservation, things get more complicated and their protection is encumbered for various reasons.

The challenges for shark conservation

Protecting pelagic and migratory species throughout large oceanic surfaces is challenging on more

than one level. Additionally the fact that shark fin consumption forms part of the cultural tradition of

a fast developing nation, worsen the situation. Shark fins are traded at a global level and are part of

an organized market. Several fisherman and their families benefit from the high prices paid for a

single shark fin. The problem has important economic repercussions.

Even if some nations have realized the importance of shark protection, their actions are usually not

effective. Shark species cross jurisdictional boundaries and international waters making it difficult to

protect a given population on a national level only. This conservation obstacle is not limited only to

marine species; and establishing the right conservation measures for migratory species is not easy.

Some solutions have been developed by Intergovernmental Treaties as the Convention for the

Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, which protects the habitats and migration

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 60

pathways of specific species, in direct cooperation with States, local NGO’s, the media and the

corporate sector.

There have been international measures for the conservation of shark populations, but in many cases

they are not enforced. One such weak regulation is the finning ban, which has been in place with

major loopholes for decades.

Other regulations that have been implemented by international institutions are still not enough or

are too recent. For example the IPOA- Sharks does not have clear guidelines for countries who

voluntarily decide to adopt to it. There is no system to monitor their actions either. Additionally the

funding must come from each state, which represents an economic strain, especially for developing

countries. For the case of CITES the protection of sharks depends on whether the species are

included or not in their Appendices, which is a slow process causing considerable delays in the

management of the affected shark species. The action of the RFMO’s has a positive side, bearing in

mind that the problem is managed at a regional level, in a more punctual way. Nevertheless there

are still serious gaps to protect species from foreign fishing vessels or shark populations located

outside of the RFMO’s. The latest efforts by the EU should be encouraged although the damage to

shark populations, mainly by Spain and Portugal, will be serious by the time these new regulations

are implemented by member states.

Another considerable difficulty is the lack of biological information, which is strongly related to the

lack of studies and lack of concrete data. Massive amounts of sharks without their fins are discarded

and there are no records for this situation. It is almost impossible, then, to measure the exact

portion of biomass that is being lost and the specific species that are at risk.

Several shark populations inhabit tropical waters, usually under the jurisdiction of third world

countries. In those areas, shark stocks are theoretically protected by legislation, but unfortunately

control agencies are restricted by budgetary and technological limitations. Their ability to carry out

effective monitoring and to reduce illegal fishing within the protected areas is also influenced by the

long distances from the coasts to the protected areas. The example of the Maritime Conservation

Corridor of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape, which is under pressure because of illegal fishing,

shows that even if the Marine protected areas of the region are supposedly surveilled, offenders are

still mostly undeterred. Asian fleets that have managed to enter south and Central American waters,

are causing environmental, economic and social changes in the region, and proper regulation in this

area is critical to preserve the remaining shark populations.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 61

The case of the shark decline and the intents for their conservation show that unfortunately it is

difficult to establish clear worldwide rules and that even once they are proposed it is more difficult to

make sure that they are properly applied. For the issue of shark trading it is almost beyond the

bounds of possibility to verify exactly what is happening. To control anything occurring in the open

ocean, as for example the transshipping of products, accounting of exact number of traded fins, or

verifying that they are not camouflaged among other fish products is a regulatory conundrum.

Furthermore the control by port authorities is also dubious.

Future perspectives and personal suggestions

Today it is widely accepted that the tradition of shark-fin consumption contradicts many global

environmental norms, but concrete actions to avoid it are still not clear. A tragic scenario is in the

making if the situation continues as it is now and shark populations fall to their minimum carrying

capacity, and eventually some of them collapse.

One of the possible ways to proceed will be for example to look at the case of whaling with its many

similarities to shark finning. Indeed, in both cases marine migratory species are threatened by

commerce, and for both, regulatory and cultural difficulties existed, as well as the lack of scientific


To solve the issues related to cultural differences, the International Whaling Commission IWC, acted

distinctly in each region, according to how the animal was percieved. In the case of shark finning, for

example, Chinese people see sharks as just another fish from the sea, and shark fins are considered a

luxury product to consume. For fisherman across the Pacific Ocean, in Central American countries,

for example, catching a shark brings in a considerable amount of money, enough to feed their

families for several days. For some citizens who are aware of the environmental consequences of

shark finning and dumping, the shark trade is an ecological disaster and violates basic animal rights of

existence. So, each of these interest groups must be approached in a particular way in order to steer

society as a whole towards shark conservation.

To get around the problem of scientific evidence, the IWC has issued a full ban on the capture of

whales until hard scientific data was available. Meanwhile it appointed a group of approximately 200

whale biologists63 to establish the appropriate catch limits and collect genetic information.


See: Anderson, 2011

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 62

Furthermore, the IWC obtained help from specialized research organizations, for instance the

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA. After the data was analyzed, quotas were

established and the ban became effective. Additional management procedures to monitor and

protect whale populations have been adopted subsequently.

Data collection could take several years, bearing in mind that whales and sharks migrate long

distances, so, it requires an international and coordinated effort by researchers worldwide.

Afterwards, if all the information is centralized and analyzed by a unique body, results can be

effective. Currently, for the case of sharks, information is decentralized for lack of a dedicated

institution that is in charge of this task. In my opinion it will be necessary to create an international

committee responsible for collecting and standardizing biological and genetic studies, but the action

of the RMFO's should not be overlooked because these organizations have an excellent regional

focus with the understanding of local cultural specificities and sensitivities.

Another suggestion will be to perform effective shark management actions at all levels of the trade

process. Working together with fisheries all along the supply chain can moderate the use of shark

resources. For example, supporting local communities where sharks are fished is crucial. Educating

kids and granting economic incentives to local fishermen is crucial in places where fishermen are who

drawn to shark finning for purely financial reasons. In open seas, appropriate monitoring along

trafficking routes and in exchange ports must be intensified. The use of technological instruments

such as satellite remote systems in each vessel will allow authorities to monitor their routes and their

landing ports and to identify boats outside their allowed EEZ.

Strong fines should be applied to captains of vessels who are found fishing in forbidden waters,

finning and transshipping shark products in open oceans or landing shark fins ports.

Additional surveillance in the main trading centers, where numerous worldwide products are

collected, must be done. In these locations meaningful data can be gathered in a cost-effective way.

In landing ports, the number of controlling agents must be augmented and they should receive

periodical training on shark biology, species identification and be encouraged with high economic

incentives. The cooperation of governments is needed.

In third world countries where sharks are abundant (see the case of the ETPS), additional funds are

needed in order to train local authorities, patrol and carry out biological studies. The latest

technology and scientific know-how have to be transferred to these regions urgently.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 63

From my point of view establishing “half-way finning bans” and strengthening them every time they

have a loophole is not a viable solution. Bearing in mind that biological and ecological data are

subject to considerable uncertainty, stakeholders and decision-makers must act according to the

principle of precaution and ban shark finning completely in all States. Countries like Egypt64, French

Polynesia, Honduras, Israel, Micronesia, Maldives and Palau, who have prohibited completely the

fishing of sharks in their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), are models to follow.

I consider that the strongest efforts must be done to develop consciousness in Asian countries,

especially in China, to try to decelerate the demand and aim for a total prohibition of shark fin soup

consumption in the next years. It might not be easy to challenge Chinese traditions and present

convincing arguments against the brutality of the shark finning practice, but to develop pro-shark

campaigns will hopefully contribute to reduce shark consumption to sustainable levels. It is essential

that Asian societies apprehend the risks of the disappearance of sharks and the further economical

consequences that this can represent.

Finally, I believe that the importance of sharks worldwide can not be stressed enough. The

chondrichtyes are crucial to the balance of ecosystems given their position at the top of food webs.

Sharks keep marine habitats healthy and their function cannot be replaced by any other fish species.

The absence of this key predator will mean changes in communities’ composition, and the bloom of

invasive species. It could put our own food resources at risk and we could face serious economic



Egyptian waters of the red sea

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 64


After ruling the seas and being a top predator for more than 400 millions of years, sharks have

become a prey under the action of human beings. Being an important ingredient of Chinese cuisine,

the market value of fins has skyrocketed, far more than shark meat on a pound per pound

comparison. As a result, fins are traded worldwide whereas most of the edible part of the animal is

discarded, representing a huge loss of biomass and a cruel animal practice. The ecological effects of

shark finning and the lack of these apex predators is alarming.

Several shark populations are being severely affected and their parts are being trafficked overseas.

The species that appear to be the most at risk are the blue shark (Prionaca glauca), the silky shark

(Carcharhinus falciformis), the oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus), the dusky shark

(Carcharhinus obscures) and complete shark genus as hammerhead sharks (genus Sphyrna), mako

sharks (genus Isurus oxyrinchus) and thresher sharks (genus alopias).

Shark conservationists face several important challenges. Apart from the cultural and economic

difficulties to remove shark fins “from the menu”, there are complications due to the scarcity of


Even if some data can been obtained from the main fishing and trading centers, scientific facts are

still not extensive, and therefore we can not achieve a precise understanding of the decline of shark

populations and which species are most at risk. The real catch of sharks is often under the radar and

shark mortality data are under-represented. This is due to the difficulty of interpretation, unreliable

information and the vast amount of unreported cases. A strong limitation for the accounting of shark

deaths is due to the fact that bodies are discarded in remote ocean areas where supervision is

unavailable. To this day, the facts about the decline of chondrichthyan populations have been

supplied by various fisheries management specialists, and their conclusions are alarming. Some of

them speculate that there is little chance that populations of overfished sharks will show recovery in

less than half a century, even with strict fishing limitations65.

The main institutions involved in the topic of shark finning are the FAO, CITES, the CMS, the RFMO’s,

the EC and the IUCN. Unfortuantely, their management instruments are relatively new and their

actions are still insufficient. Extensive scientific information and concrete actions are missing.


Harvey, et al., 2005

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 65

The case of the illegal fishing in the islands of the ETPS illustrates the regular violations of Central and

South American waters by Asian fishing vessels. These foreign fleets travel around 16.000 km to

invade shark-abundant waters. In spite of the fact that these areas are categorized as Marine

reserves, local authorities seem to be powerless. Neither the sharks nor the local fisherman are

correctly protected in these areas.

Additional actions are required to avoid the irreversible effects of the lack of sharks in the oceans. In

order to maintain the appropriate functioning of ocean communities it is necessary to act at local and

global levels. Overseas, it will be necessary to create sufficient incentives for fisherman to respect

sharks. Additionally the use of technological advances to monitor vessels in oceanic waters might

provide valuable information, and an organized network of researchers who can provide reliable

scientific data to regulators, is vital. Additional suggestions for species management can be

borrowed from the case of whaling in the past decades.

A total shark finning ban; developing strong educational campaigns in China in order to reduce the

demand and even forbidding completely the consumption of shark fin soup in Asia; these are some

of the actions that must be undertaken as a matter of priority.

“The conservation of key species and the cultural and economic implications thereof: The case of Shark finning”

Page 66



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ANNEXES Annex 1. Fossil record: geologic time scale with major evolutionary events. Shark fossil records have been found in Devonian rocks together with other jawed fish and amphibians; which indicates their presence on earth for more than 400 million years ago. Source: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012.

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Annex 2. Comparison of shark orders. Shark species from the different orders present several morphological, reproductive, and ecological dissimilarities. Source: Shark Savers, 2012.

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Annex 3. Skeletal system of a shark. Source: Skomal and Caloyianis 2008.

Annex 4. Side view of a shark’s head. Detail of the inductive magneto reception sense points. Dots represent the Lorenzini electroreceptos. Source: Huh, 2008.

Annex 5. Composition of shark fins. Source: Vannuccini, 1999

Water 14 g

Protein 83.5 g

Fat 0.3 g

Carbohydrate 0 g

Calcium 146 mg

Phosphorus 194 mg

Iron 15.2 mg

Food Energy 337 kcal

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Annex 6a. Statistics for the World Locations with the highest Shark attack activity (2000-2011). Source: The International Shark Attack File, 2011

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Annex 6b. Map of the World’s Confirmed Unprovoked Shark attacks (N=2,463). Period: 1580-2011 Source: The International Shark Attack File, 2011

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Annex 7a. Global localization of special administrative regions (SAR) of Hong Kong (People’s Republic of China) Source: Wkigraphists, 2010

Annex 7b. Close up of Map of Hong Kong. Source: CIA, 2012

Annex 8. Global exports of shark fins between 1990 -2005. Data expressed in weight (tons) Source: FAO 2007, cited in Lack and Sant, 2008

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Annex 9. Sharks and rays catches per EU country and per specie. Note that the shark species which are catch in Europe are the: Blue shark (53, 397 tons), catshark (7,483 tons), shortfin mako shark (5,147 tons), smooth hound shark (4,317 tons), tope shark (1, 077 tons), tresher sharks (247 tons) and hammerhead sharks (227 tons). The catch of blue sharks done by Spain, reflects that this state is responsible of the landings of aproximately 77% of blue sharks in Europe. Source: FAO Fishstat, 2009 in The Shark Alliance (2011)

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Annex 10. Origins of shark fin exports to Hong Kong (HK). The data are presented in weight (kg) of dried and frozen fins exported to HK in 2008. Note that the information about China might contain double counted shark fins, because after importation to HK, fins are re imported to China to be processed and then exported back to HK. Source: Oceana, 2010b

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Annex 11. 12 main countries from which Hong Kong imports fins (both dried and non dried). The amounts are presented in kg. The catch done by these 12 countries represent 60-70% of the total global imports. Data compiled from the Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong (2002-2008). Source: Cheung and Chang (2011).

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Annex 12. Regional Fisheries Management Organizations RFMO’s responsible for the management of transboundary fish stocks (Non-tuna species). The initials represent the name of the RFMO’s as follows:

GFCM: General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean SIOFA: South Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement CCAMLR: Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources CCBSP: Convention on Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Baring Sea NEAFC: Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission IPHC: International Pacific Halibut Commission PSC: Pacific Salmon Commission SPRFMO: South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization NASCO: North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization NAFO: North Atlantic Fisheries Organization NEAFC: North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission SEAFO: Southeast Atlantic Fisheries Organization

Source: EC, 2012

Annex 13. Regional Fisheries Management Organisations RFMO’s Responsible for Tuna and Tuna – like species. The initials represent the name of the RFMO’s as follows:

IOTC: Indian Ocean Tuna Commission CCSBT: Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna WCPFC: Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission IATTC: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission ICCAT: International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Source: EC, 2012

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Annex 14. The Action Plan for Sharks. Source: EC, 2009.


The Community Action Plan for sharks: general purpose, scope and operational objectives

The reference point for this Action Plan is the FAO IPOA SHARKS, which aims to ensure the conservation and

management of sharks and their long-term sustainable use worldwide.

The purpose of the Community Action Plan is to contribute to that general objective by ensuring the rebuilding of

many depleted stocks fished by the Community fleet within and outside Community waters. The Action Plan

outlines what is already in place and what is still needed to do to ensure a comprehensive and coherent legislative

policy and legislative framework for the conservation and management of sharks within and outside Community


The scope of the proposed Plan of Action covers directed commercial, by-catch commercial, directed recreational,

and by-catch recreational fishing of any chondrichthyans within Community waters. It also includes any fisheries

covered by current and potential agreements and partnerships between the European Community and third

countries, as well as fisheries in the high seas and fisheries covered by RFMOs managing or issuing non-binding

recommendations outside Community waters.

The Action Plan pursues the following three specific objectives:

a) To broaden the knowledge both on shark fisheries and on shark species and their role in the


b) To ensure that directed fisheries for shark are sustainable and that by-catches of shark resulting

from other fisheries are properly regulated;

c) To encourage a coherent approach between the internal and external Community policy for


Annex 15a . Location of Malpelo Island in the ETPS. Source: Fundación Malpelo, 2012.

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Annex 15b. Map and geographic coordinates of the MPA Malpelo Island. Note that there is one post of control from the Colombian navy on the island (Puesto Armada). Source: Fundación Malpelo, 2012.

Annex 16a. Map of the location of Cocos Island in the ETPS. Source: Llantrisant Sub-Aqua Club, 2012

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Annex 16b. Detail of Cocos Island and several of its dive spots. The abundance of sharks in the area is an attractive for scuba divers. Source: Llantrisant Sub-Aqua Club, 2012