universal safety (health) precautions

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  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions




    BiohazardsTo Health Care


    Dr.T.V.Rao MD

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    What are Universal Precautions

    Universal precaution are control

    guidelines designed to protect workers

    from exposure to Diseases spread by

    Blood and other Body fluids.


  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Why Universal health


    The concept of Universal Health Precautions

    emphasizes that all our patients should be

    treated as though they have potential

    blood born infections, and can infect the

    caring health care workers. ( CDC )

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Human materials/Tissues

    considered Highly Infectious

    1 Blood

    2 Semen

    3 Vaginal secretions 4 C S F

    5 Synovil fluids

    6 Amniotic fluid 7 All other body fluids

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Not Infectious unless

    contaminated with Blood or Body

    fluids. Feces, Nasal secretions,

    Sputum, Sweat,


    Urine / Vomitus, Saliva unless blood stained.

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  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    How to Wash our hands

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Indications for Hand Washing

    In prolonged contact with patient.

    Before taking care of Immune supressed,New

    born infants, patients in ICU / ICCU, Dialysis

    Units, Burns Units. Before and after touching wounds.

    When Microbial contamination of Hands, likely to

    occur when in contact with mucous membranes,body fluids, and other secretions contaminated

    with Blood, and serous fluids.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    What to be used for hand washing

    In most circumstances Non medicated soapsand detergents are effective in removing most

    transient contaminants. In demanding circumstances, in handling

    potentially harmful infections, use Ethyl orIsopropyl alcohol.

    Detergent formulations containing ChlorhexidinePovidone,or Hexachlorophene are effective inprevention of spread of infections.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Words of Wisdom on Hand


    Soap, water and

    Common sense are still

    be Best Antiseptics

    William Osler

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Use of Gloves

    Use of a pair of

    disposable plasticgloves can protect if

    chances of contact

    with Blood or Body

    fluid is


  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Use of Mask, Cap, Eye Wear

    Will certainly protect

    us from splashes of

    Blood or Body fluids.

    Don't underestimatethe importance of Use

    of Cap and Mask.

    It equally protects our


  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Uses of Cap and Mask

    Stringent use of Mask

    and Cap can save

    several Lives in the


  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Use of Foot wear

    Wearing foot wear covering entire soleprotects the entry of Microbes from the

    contaminated floors with Blood and Body


    Remember many of us have cracks on our


  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Use of Impervious Gown

    A simple thin Plastic apron underneath thelinen is of great help in preventing the

    soaking our inner clothes and exposure to

    harmful microbes.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Disposal of Needles and Sharps

    All used needles and sharps should bedeposited in thick walled punctureresistant containers.

    Bending, Reshaping, should be prohibited. Do not recap the needles to avoid needle

    stick injures,

    All used Disposable syringes and needlesshould be discarded into Bleach solutionat the work station before final disposal.

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    Dealing with Used Needle

    Shredding continues to

    be Important Method

    Of dealing with used


  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Dealing with Needle stick

    Injuries Consider all Needle stick injuries as a serious

    health hazard in the era of AIDS

    All events of Needle stick injuries to be reportedto the supervisory staff.

    Wash the injured areas with soap and water. Encourage bleeding if any.

    Prophylaxis for prevention of HIV/HBV is toppriority.

    Anti retroviral prophylaxis, if necessary shouldstarted within 2 hours, ( if injury is from HIVpositive or high risk group).

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Avoid Needle Stick Injuries

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Hazards of Needle stick


    HIV HBV and HCV viral infections

    can spread by Needle stick Injuries

    Nursing staff are at greater riskSeveral Injuries are preventable

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Decontamination of Hospital Linen

    All the linen contaminated with Blood or

    Body fluids should be soaked in 1: 100

    bleach solution for 30 minutes.

    Advised Autoclaving, as the most ideal

    procedure for decontaminating Linen

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Spillage of Blood/Body fluids

    A common health hazard in the working


    Never wipe the spillage with working wet


    Always cover the spills with paper and pour

    1 % Hypochlorite or Bleaching powder to

    decontaminate the spills with HIV/HBV


  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Care of Endoscopes

    Endoscopes are delicate/preciousinstruments.

    Follow the instruction of Manufacturers.

    It is commonly cleaned with 2 %Glutaraldehyde solution.

    Specified time schedules to be followed to

    decontaminate for HIV. Mycobacterium needs even > 2 hours for


  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Decontamination of Metal


    Hold all contaminated instruments withGloved hands.

    Subject all metal instruments to washing

    with soap and water. Treat all contaminated instruments with

    2% Glutaraldehyde. For at least 30

    minutes. Many consider sterilizing in Hot air oven if

    not sharp instruments.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Anesthetic Tubing's and other


    Since they are in intimate contact withHuman secretion need utmost attention indecontamination.

    Treat all Non disposable as highlyhazardous, if used without safe practicescan infect the next patient undergoingprocedures.

    Soaking in 2 % Glutarladehyde iscommon practice in Developing world.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Pregnant Health Care Workers

    Not at more risk than other, Health careworkers.

    Should adopt Universal Health

    Precautions with more dedication, If neglected the Unborn is at grave risk of

    attaining congenital infections.

    The Laboratory supervisors shouldmonitor/ guide the HCWs for adherence toscientific practices.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Operating on HIV/High risk groups

    It is a concern all should be cared equally.

    HIV infected carries the risk of being neglectedat the time of crisis.

    Law many not change for equality but motivatedhealth workers should bring in change ofattitude.

    Adherence of Universal Health precaution bringin safety to all HCW.

    Follow the precautions even in Non HIV patientsas some of our patients are in window periodand more dangerous than truly positive withSero testing.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Caution on Operating HIV

    Sero Negative Patients

    Universal precaution apply to all our patients irrespectiveof Blood tests we undertake.

    We handle so many patients in emergency situation without any details.

    Education on Universal precautions

    participation of you and educating yoursubordinates/Juniors will make a lot of Difference in the

    work Environment.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Precaution for Invasive Procedures

    All HCWs who participate in invasiveprocedures must routinely use appropriatebarrier precautions.

    All Health care workers who perform/assistvaginal, and cesarean deliveries should weargloves and gowns when handling, the placenta,and the new born, till blood and amniotic fluidhas been removed from infants.

    Amniotic fluid is rich in HIV/HBV virus, ininfected mothers.

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    Handling Dentistry Patients

    Blood,Saliva,Gingival fluid from all Dentalpatients should be considered infective,

    Dental, workers should wear surgical

    mask, gloves and eye wear

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Caring Bleeding Patients

    Primary health care workers who handle thepatients in Emergencies, and Accidents to betrained in basic principles of Universal Health

    care precautions. Mouth to Mouth resuscitation is life saving in the

    Critically injured accident victims. May beneglected because of fear of HIV infection.

    If the situation warrants, Bleeding from mouthcan be wiped out with clean cloth, orHandkerchief, and still one can do resuscitation.

    Importance of Vaccination in

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Importance of Vaccination in

    Hepatitis B Infection.

    We have > 400 Million carriers with

    Hepatitis B infections.

    Every HCW is at risk of Contacting


    Vaccination is safe -Genetically

    Engineered vaccination remains the great

    hope for prevention, apart from Majorcomponent of Universal precautions.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Vaccination for HBV infection

    All HCWs must take at least three dosesof Vaccine,

    At 016 months. without discontinuation

    of the schedule.All Health care workers many not attain

    equal response.

    High risk HCWs should undergoestimation of anti HB s ( antibodies ) toknow whether they were well protected.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Problem of HBV vaccines in the

    Developing world

    Who pays for the Vaccine.

    Many who work in unorganized sector, donot get Institutional support of Vaccine.

    Life, at risk if Infected with HBV

    More Awareness to be brought in byManagers of the Hospitals, to promote to

    vaccinate their Employees.

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    Never forget to take Hepatitis B

    Vaccine if You are a HCW

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Majority of OSHA CDC, and NIOSHguidelines are incorporated.

  • 8/12/2019 Universal Safety (Health) Precautions


    Created for benefit of Medical and Paramedical

    Health care workers in the

    Developing worldDr.T.V.Rao, MD

    E mail : [email protected]