universal 22-03-15

FROM THE STREETS TO PROPERTY OWNER “Today, I have employed 12 lawyers with 12 offices in financial consulting.” IT’S THE REASON WHY I SMILE: DISCOVER THE REASON BEHIND KELLY SODRE’S HAPPINESS AFTER YEARS OF ENDURING ‘HELL’. 8 Build and maintain a healthy relationship: THE MARRIAGE COURSE Suggested donation £1 22.03.15 EXCLUSIVE: Interview with world- renowned author and motivational speaker, Roger Formigoni. TIPS TO END NARROW-MINDED THINKING

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“Today, I have employed 12 lawyers with 12 offices in financial consulting.”





Build and maintain

a healthy relationship:


Suggested donation £1 22.03.15

EXCLUSIVE:Interview with world-

renowned author and

motivational speaker,

Roger Formigoni.



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CONTENTSLIFE04 CHAIN OF PRAYERIt’s the reason why I smile

05 CHAIN OF PRAYERThe frustrations of a former illegal immigrant

LOVE06 LOVE THERAPY Are you tired of this?

07 MARRIAGE COURSEMeet the couples


15 RENATO CARDOSO8 tips to end narrow-mided thinking

14 BISHOP MACEDOIt’s not enough to know Him, you must be born of Him.

WOMEN16 CRISTIANE CARDOSOMy biggest achievement




Universal is a publication of the UCKG HelpCentre (registered charity number: 1043985), Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX; uckg.org For advertising sales: 020 7686 6045 EMAIL: [email protected] While every care is taken to ensure accuracy, City News, the publishers, authors and printers cannot accept liability for errors or omissions. Any artwork will be accepted at owner’s risk. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.

Setting high standards.

Get clean.



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8. Watch documentaries. Forget soap operas, your favorite reality show and the latest news reports. They don’t add anything to your life — they’ll steal your precious time. Documentaries from reputable sources — e.g. BBC, Discovery, History Channel, etc. — are excellent ways of travelling without even getting up from the sofa.

I could give you a lot more good tips, but this is a start.

Narrow-minded people don’t like new ideas; they cling desperately to their own way of thinking. They think they’re always right and have no qualms

about attacking anyone who contradicts them. They’re almost always outdated — stuck in time.

They refuse to better themselves and refuse to consider other people’s point of view.

In some way, we are all narrow-minded. No one is perfectly open-minded about everything. Because of this, don’t get upset if someone decides to share this article with you — they probably think it may help you. The list of tips below is useful for us all.

How does open-mindedness work? How can you get smarter without becoming more narrow-minded? Let’s look at a few things that can help:

1. Read more. Be selective in your reading. Read up on subjects that will enrich the knowledge and skills that you require to achieve your goals. If you like photography, or work in that field, read about the best photographers, their techniques and their work. Do you want to overcome shyness? Read about it.

2. Visit new places. Travelling is one of the best remedies for a narrow mind. You may not be able to fly to Tokyo, but it’s amazing how many new things we can discover on the other side of the city we live in, or in a nearby city.

3. Encourage rather than put down. For some reason, narrow-minded people feel the need to tear other people down. You need to do the opposite. Praise other people, show your approval, cheer for their success and celebrate their achievements. If you can’t find anything to praise, at the very least, stop criticizing.

4. Listen more. Narrow-minded people love to hear themselves talk. When someone else gets a chance to say something, do you think they pay attention? No. They are already thinking about what they’re going to say next. Force yourself to listen to other people, to pay attention to them.

5. Think about upgrading your friends. Friends can be directly responsible for our limitations and achievements. Having narrow-minded friends guarantees that you will become narrow-minded. Look for people who are better and stronger than you, and get to know them. Be a help to them. When you are a good friend you will win good friends.

6. Learn from great thinkers. Start with the top thinker, and then work your way down. By learning from Him, you’ll safeguard yourself from being open-minded for what is bad.

7. Stop judging things and people by appearance. Work at understanding things and people before passing judgment. 03

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Make aChainofprayer.

It works!

Hell was the right word to best describe my house. The arguments were so frequent that peace was

unknown to my family. I couldn’t sleep for a good three months and had headaches that just wouldn’t go away for ten years. It was torture. I felt weak, sad and anguished.

The invitation I received to make a chain of prayer at the UCKG HelpCentre was my saving grace. I was able to speak to an adviser about my problems, and was guided towards the meetings that would best suit my needs.

In the space of a month, I could see big changes. I no longer felt sorrowful. I wasn’t getting headaches anymore and I could sleep like a baby at night. I began to see a difference in my family—they were united and rather than arguing, we talked about things.

Today, I smile because I met the Peacemaker, who enabled me to find true peace and restored my family.

Kelly Sodré

It’s the reason why I

MondayINDEPENDENCE PROJECT7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PMGuidance for financial growth and success.

TuesdayHEALING DAY7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PMPromote good health and general wellbeing.

WednesdayPERSONAL GROWTH7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PMSpiritual growth and development.

ThursdayFAMILY DAY7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PMPrayerful support and guidance for families.

Which Chain of Prayer is best for you?

A Chain of Prayer is a series of weekly prayers made without interruption. Their purpose is to achieve a positive transformation through faith, just as these people have done; their secret to success being their perseverance.



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FridaySPIRITUAL CLEANSING7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PMFreedom and protection from negativity.

SaturdayLOVE THERAPY 7PM Recieve the strength you need for your relationship.

Sunday (Main service)

EMPOWERMENT10AM & 7.30AMWeekly spiritual boost. Main meeting.

ADDICTION CLEANSING THERAPY (ACT) - 4PMA unique complement to empower you to beat any addiction.

We don’t just want you to get somewhere; we want you to hit the target! This is why we encourage people to focus on one main objective: one goal with all your strength! Speak to the pastor at your local branch to help you get started on the right Chain of Prayer for you.

Also on Sunday

I had no job and no income. I depended on my dad to give me money on a weekly basis. I’d see my friends with new things, but I never had what they had. I was stuck, but I thought I could solve my problems by stealing.

I’d shoplift from prestigious shops in Central London, getting the clothes and new things I’d always wanted. But deep down, there was an empty feeling nagging away at me and I only listened to it when I got caught. I’d never been caught stealing, but it was only when I ended up in that prison cell that I realised I needed to change and do something about my financial life.

The Monday financial meetings at the UCKG HelpCentre helped me to change my mentality, and I did the intelligent thing. I became a faithful tither and began to associate with people who were inspirational and successful; they weren’t necessarily older, but my age and doing well for themselves.

I put into practice what they did to get to where they were, and I also followed the advice I received in the Monday sessions.

Now I work as a travel consultant for Virgin. My life is no longer stuck and now I’m moving forward.

Anthony Williams

The thief that ended up working for Virgin

The fear and frustration that came with having a 10-year unresolved immigration case haunted me. Who knew if I could be caught during an innocent trip to the store? It had an impact on my financial and educational progress. I was so troubled that I even felt suicidal.

I started attending the Monday financial meetings and challenged my faith. As a result I received courage and took action towards my case. Now I have my indefinite leave to remain in the UK and I’m free to live without a worried look over my shoulder!

Esther Acheng

The frustrations of a former illegal immigrant


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People spend years investing in their relationship. Time, money, emotions, sweat, and tears

have gone into making it work.

When there’s a spanner in the works, it’s easier to feel like walking away, but is it worth letting all that work go to waste? For smart couples who said no and wanted to tackle their issues head-on, or those who simply wanted to shield their relationship, the Marriage Course is just what they had been waiting for.

The down-to-earth, deal-with-the-root course made its London debut back in 2012 at the UCKG HelpCentre. And because of its success in helping couples to fix their broken relationships, it is back! The course runs for seven evening sessions and gives couples no-nonsense practical advice.

Themarriage course


Starts Thursday 16 April at 7pm. Only at the Rainbow Theatre.The Marriage Course is an initiative of the Love Therapy meetings, that take place every Saturday at 7pm.

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• Know how to solve problems that arise?

• Rebuild trust?

• Eliminate the lack of respect?

• Understand the needs of your partner?

• Keep simple talks from turning into arguments or long periods of silence?

• The lack of respect?

• Every simple talk turning into an argument and then to long periods of silence?

• Improve intimacy?

• Dealwithfinancialdifficultieswithoutstraining your relationship?

Better communicate?

Starts Thursday 16 April at 7pm. Only at the Rainbow Theatre.The Marriage Course is an initiative of the Love Therapy meetings, that take place every Saturday at 7pm. If you want to enrol in the new class,

pick up your application form from the pastor at your local branch. For more information, email [email protected].

Price: £50

Limited spaces


Register today by

speaking to your pastor


We’ve known each other for over six years and we’ve gotten on really well. But what the course has done is enable both us of to be much more aware of each other’s thoughts. We’ve

become even more supportive than we already are to each other, and that’s what’s important

because it’s what keeps you together. Everything that we’d been practising before attending the Marriage Course has been reinforced; for example, not letting your family and friends influence your relationship.

Ronald and Petrina Delary-Simpson

It worked for us!

We really enjoy the marriage course, even as cliché as that sounds. Through this course, we have been able to deal with real life issues in a positive manner, especially since we are

newlyweds. We don’t want to make silly mistakes that can compromise our relationship.We are truly

appreciative of this opportunity and advise all couples to be part of this course.

Jefferson and Paula Oliveira

The Marriage Course has offered me valuable relationship advice. I am learning all the time and it has made me realise the mistakes I have been making in my relationship, which I am working on

to change so that I can become a better person and a better wife.

Silvana Luiz and Angelo BarreaThen the Marriage Course may be what you've been waiting for.




Talk p

resenters James & Helena Marques.

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Due to the drug addictions, Bishop Roger Formigoni says he never once dreamt of being completely free from drugs, let alone writing a best-selling book, The Last Rock.

The United Kingdom has now become the “addictions capital of Europe” with habits costing the

nation a whopping £36 billion, according to the Centre for Social Justice. But how can we tackle this?

In his best-selling book, The Last Rock, world-renowned author and motivational speaker, Roger Formigoni, uncovers some thought-provoking truths about addictions

and how to beat them. He believes there is a cure for addiction.

“An addiction is a slavery that transforms a person’s behaviour in an extremely negative manner,” he says. “An addict is driven to do whatever it takes to feed their habit, irrespective of how bad, immoral and harmful it may be. Though this irresponsible and often life-threatening behaviour only brings pain to him/ herself

and to those they live with, they never quite seem to get the strength to beat it on their own.”

How does he know this? Because he was one of them. He came from a relatively good background, but gave in to temptation that led him down a very dark road. (You can read more about his story in the interview below.)

Who is Bishop Roger Formigoni?

How was your childhood and adolescence?

R.F: The first time I ever tried smoking a cigarette was at school with friends, and since it didn’t seem so bad before I also tried marijuana, to my surprise it gave me that light breeze feeling.

Unfortunately what was meant to be just one go became my worst nightmare before I knew

it I was consuming all types of drugs such as cocaine, glue, crack and many others.

It gave me a sense of euphoria or power. It was as if I had all the pleasures that the world can offer.

Due to the drugs and the money I made through trafficking, I always had women by my side; some were from brothels, single, married and escorts.


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I never forget when I turned 19, I decided to leave my current hometown, sell my motorbike and move in with my uncle sadly every penny I had received from selling my motorbike was spent on crack, which I smoked the entire day.

What happened when her parents discovered that you were addicted?

R.F: My parents were despaired and wanted me to come home. They couldn’t believe it, because when I was around them I was a “really nice guy”.

In the meantime, I was invited to go to the UCKG HelpCentre,

where I found out what was responsible for my drug addiction and destruction in my life, which was surrounded by anxiety, fear and depression.

How did you change?

R.F: When I attended the meetings at the UCKG HelpCentre, I understood and became aware of the negative energies that are around in this world and with the advise given to me, I still had to make the right decisions and put my foot down, whenever the urge spoke louder than my thoughts within a month I remember closing my eyes and saying“ I will never disappoint you God”.

On that very same day a so-called friend came with a bag of crack, I told him I didn’t want to do it, but he persisted convincing me that I should start tomorrow. I simply told him I found someone who is stronger than crack and from that say I started my journey to becoming a new man.

I remember as if it was yesterday, that urge and those thoughts would come every half an hour, at times I would stay 3 days without sleep fighting that pleasure that would beg me to take it back.




But with much effort and the help from God, I was able to make it.

Today, I help others do the same through the Addiction Cleansing Therapy (ACT) sessions. I dedicate myself, body and soul, to helping those who, don’t just want to break free from addictions – like I did some years back, but to be cleansed from any negative situation.”

That is why on Easter Monday, 6th April at 7.30pm, Bp. Roger

Formigoni will be flying all the way from South America on an exclusive visit to the United Kingdom, to share the secret of how he beat his addiction to a number of substances, and how any addict or person carrying the burden of negative oppression, can GET CLEAN!

Discover why the former drug addict believes there is a cure for addiction, in this once in a lifetime seminar to Get Clean! At the Rainbow Theatre.

Discover the secret to being cleansed from any addiction and negative situation.

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From an early age, I already faced many adversities, which unfortunately had their negative

effects while growing up. Of course, it wasn’t always like this. In fact, when I go down memory lane, I remember that my father had a great income, which enabled my family to live a stable life.

But where did it all go wrong? Till this very day I am not 100% certain of what happened, but it seemed as if it all happened overnight. One minute my father had money, the next he was jobless, depressed and even started drinking uncontrollably.

This drastic transition was a wake-up call. I often wondered if it was only when we had money that we also had happiness.

As I reached my teenage years, I was rarely at home. I sought comfort in going out to open spaces, lying down and feeling the breeze touch my face. This was my coping mechanism that gave me temporary peace, because I knew that as I arrived home, the shouting and screaming would cloud my mind. It was an unpleasant atmosphere to stay around in.

My family never rejected me, but I chose to distance myself from them.

But that was a decision I deeply regret, because it was the moment that my descent began. My friends became my family and before I knew it, I was out all night partying with friends and being pleasing myself with as many girls as I wanted. Meanwhile, I noticed I began to lose all aspiration and hope for greatness. With all that was going on, I didn’t believe it was possible to achieve anything anymore. Teachers would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I never knew the answer.

However, as I reached adult life, I decided to follow at least one long-lost dream: to move to the UK. I had been told that it was the land of money.

To my amazement, when I arrived in the UK, my life was brought to a standstill and eventually got worse. I ended up having to live in a homeless shelter. Most of the people I had to stay with were addicted to either alcohol or drugs. Who would have ever thought the country of my dreams would be the same place my nightmares took place.

I was lived in humiliation. How could I possibly be an example with such a shameful life? I felt handcuffed. Something was missing, although I had no clue what it was. I had no




House 1

House 2

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prospects in life and, due to the promiscuous life I led, I hadn’t even thought about building a family. This was how I came to the UCKG HelpCentre: with nothing.

The most epic event that took place in my life was when the Campaign of Israel was announced; I understood that it was an opportunity to use our supernatural faith and sacrifice for the sake of a dream. I had a dream and I wanted to see the power of God in my life. So I made the decision to sacrifice in that Campaign. I looked for people who needed their houses painted and, in this way, I was able to build up my sacrifice. I fulfilled my vow at the altar, and in my request I determined the salary that I wanted to receive from that day on.

After the Campaign, I applied for jobs, and although I received some negative responses, I didn’t give up. I learnt that when everyone is saying no, that’s when I have to put my faith in God. I continued to persevere and work harder, because I knew exactly what kind of job and salary I wanted.

I knew I had to show God that I trusted Him and I knew He would honour my sacrifice. I was offered a job working in a company where I was quickly catapulted into spotlight positions.

Today, I am a traffic technologist and I direct the work of all of the companies that previously rejected me. Due to how close my company works with the government, I had the privilege of being transferred for 12 weeks to work at the Department for Transport’s Private Office in Westminster, and acted as Assistant Private Secretary for both the Transport Minister and the Secretary of State for Transport. I make working visits to the Parliament in Westminster on a regular basis.

I have a family of my own with the most beautiful wife beyond my dreams, and I went from being homeless to now being a landlord with two properties. Looking back, I would never have imagined that any of this could happen.

But the most considerable transformation that took place was in my mind and inner self; I only achieved this by genuinely attending and taking action upon what I learnt at the HelpCentre.

Trust me when I say that if you do as I did, a new life awaits you.

Kelson dos Santos


“Who would have ever

thought the country of

my dreams would be the

same place my nightmares took place.


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THE TABLES TURNED!Being in and out of employment became a negative routine in my life; it got so bad that I had to live in a hostel due to not being able to afford a place to stay. As I encountered various other difficulties in my life, I was invited to participate in Monday meetings held at the UCKG HelpCentre and with much hard work and dedication today I work for the council and within few months I was promoted to a better position with even higher pay! Samantha Fisher

You are expected to give your best performance at work, but that can only be done when you set high standards for yourself.

When you push yourself above and beyond expectations, you will surprise not only your boss but also yourself. You will discover that you can in fact do things

you never thought you could, and the excitement to advance will enable you to complete tasks quickly and efficiently and achieve greater things.

This will motivate you to continue raising the bar until your performance at work shines like a light and you become an indispensable asset to your company.

For more information visit: iproject.uckg.org


“But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another” (Galatians 6:4)

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At the age of 13, my uncle told me something that no child should hear from a family member: “You will never make it in life. You’re going to be a complete failure.”

Those words were the most painful words I’d ever heard and they left a permanent mark on me.

As I got older, those words were reflected in my life. I was living in a relative’s basement; with no income, what choice did I have?

The way that my life was going, it didn’t seem that it was going to get any better, until I received an invitation to the UCKG HelpCentre. Within a few months, I heard about the Campaign of Israel.

I saw it as the hammer on the nail. It was the boost I needed to catapult me to where I wanted to be. I threw myself wholeheartedly into God’s hands. I trusted Him with my life and decided to make a vow with Him. This was to guarantee that He would do the impossible.

Soon after I fulfilled my vow on the altar, I was offered a job as office assistant to a lawyer. I made sure that I was a competent employee and I was quickly promoted as the owner of that office. Due to the strength that God had given to me through my vow, I endured all the hardships that came my way and kept aiming for bigger and better things.

Today, I have employed 12 lawyers with 12 offices in financial consulting. I own several properties and the car that I drive is the one of my dreams. I am the father of a beautiful baby boy and the husband to a beautiful wife. I’m living the dream.

Gerson Kotovicz

You’ll never AMOUNT TO


“Iwasofferedajobasofficeassistantto a lawyer... today, I have employed 12lawyerswith12officesinfinancialconsulting.

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The more time passes, the more we examine Scriptures, and the more we compare the events in Jesus’

time with what is happening today, the more we see how things are similar and how our Lord, even back then warned the disciples about situations we have heard God tirelessly warn us through Bishop Macedo today.

I am talking about being born again.

It’s not enough to just go to Church, receive a miracle, be healed, find a job, receive a financial blessing, practically live in Church, do the Work of God as an assistant, be an evangelist, etc. You must be born of God. No one in this world has lived closer to God than the disciples. The first manifestation of the Holy Trinity happened when the relationship between God and men became distant; however, the latter happened while Jesus was with the disciples.

Three years are equivalent to:

1,095 days, or26,280 hours, or1,576,800 minutes

Friends, don’t forget that “with the Lord one day is like a thousand years…” (2 Peter 3.8)

Imagine if you lived with Jesus during that time? If you saw Him face to face, heard His voice, ate with Him, saw Him cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, walk on sea… Wouldn’t it be wonderful?

However, it was not enough for the disciples, because it was necessary for the Lord Jesus to be in them, not at their side.

“Jesus said to Peter, “When you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.” (Luke 22.32)

“And to Philip, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me?” (John 14.9)

“And to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; also reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” (John 20.27)

Only after Jesus poured out the Spirit of peace, joy, and salvation upon them, were they able to withstand persecutions, fight against the devil, and add to the number of saved throughout the earth.

MONDAY Deuteronomy 8:18

TUESDAY Proverbs 4:20-22

WEDNESDAY John 14:26

THURSDAY Philippians 4:6-7

FRIDAY Luke 10:19

SATURDAYHosea 2:19

SUNDAY Psalms 29: 2


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I found my antidote


The Faith School is designed for those who want a ‘degree’

in spiritual growth. At this school, you will learn how to develop

and become stronger internally.

WEDNESDAY 7.30PM, 7am, 10am & 3pm


Bookings for the pilgrimage to The Temple of Solomon are now open! Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to have a unique spiritual experience, from 15 – 19 July 2015. A truly extraordinary venture awaits you, with two meetings at the Temple, a tour of the Cenacle and much more…All for the price of £1,790. First come, first served.

*You can get your itinerary and booking form from your Pastor at your local branch.


When my parents got divorced, I didn’t take it very well. I hated them and held grudges against them.

I’d turned to dating single, engaged and married men. I felt so empty that I would use them as my antidote.

One day, someone stopped me in the street and invited me to attend the UCKG HelpCentre . In every Wednesday

meeting that I went to, I opened up my heart to the One I was taught could help me, and the more I opened up, the more I realised that I had to clean myself from everything that was wrong inside.

Today, I see a difference between who I was then and who I am now. I no longer want to end my life and I’ve found the strength—through God—to forgive my family. And even though I face battles, as we do every day, God has given me the inner peace that I needed.

Audrey Were

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Cristiane Cardoso

If I know that my biggest problem is my emotional side, which leads me to feel and live by what my eyes see and what my ears hear, every time

I ignore my feelings, I am overcoming my biggest problem. So how not to get caught up in it?

First I want you to know that it is not magic, nor is there a formula. I am fully aware that I have to deal with my emotions every day and this is one of my battles. It’s not easy.

The good news is that the longer you fight the battle and overcome, the stronger you become. The bad news is that you will end up distant from people who are driven by their emotions, and this is why they end up persecuting you…

Well, you can’t be spiritual and walk with those who aren’t. The person who isn’t spiritual will always try to get you out of the spirit, since they’re not on the same level.

Level? Do you mean that those who are spiritual are better than those who are not?

No, not better, but stronger.

Darlings, there are two worlds: the physical and the spiritual.

Most people live in the physical world, the one you see, touch, hear and feel. This is the world in which we are led by and become slaves of

emotions. The spiritual world is on another level, where people don’t live by what they see, touch, hear and feel.

In the spiritual world, you are above your emotions and you end up being above your problems too. It’s not that you won’t have problems — everyone will always have problems —, but these problems don’t have to affect you or weaken you.

To live in the spiritual world you need to be thinking about spiritual things — and this is my second secret to keep myself in the spiritual world. I invest in it.So let’s recap. To be spiritual, I…

1. …have friends who are spiritual, and distance myself from those who aren’t.

2. …think on the things that are above and I invest in knowing more about God and what He wants from me — every day.

In order for me to be in the spirit every day, I have to do this every day. You can’t do these things once and expect to be spiritual for life.

Spirituality requires being in spirit every day.



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If you were at our first seminar, then we are one hundred per cent sure that you have benefitted tremendously from it.

So, join us for Lesson 2: Forgiving and letting go. You will be given the opportunity to exhale all negatives fears, traumas and the like.

Be our special guest at this unique seminar exclusively for all women. Receive your own personal folder to keep each lesson.

We have over hundreds of women affirming their transformation of inner self; become one of them on Tuesday 24th March at 7pm, at your local UCKG.

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I felt as if I were being attacked; I could feel something but couldn’t see anyone. It was such a distressing and frightening experience.

I didn’t know how I could free myself from those unseen powers that harassed and tormented me for over 10 years.

I was invited to take part in the Chain of Prayer on Fridays for deliverance at the HelpCentre. The more I was prayed for, the lighter I became, until I revolted against those negative spirits and determined that enough was enough!

Now, I don’t have to worry about anything oppressing me at night. My nights are peaceful and I no longer take having sweet dreams for granted.

Desmarie Davis



Negativity cannot stand the light that comes from God or His people. For this reason in all UCKG HelpCentres,

we will have the Corridor of Light


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FINDING ANSWERS | Looking for answers? ...This show is for you! 60 minutes of real issues, real debates, real people, real answers.

Airs: Mondays – Sundays from 11pm to 12am. REPEATS: Mondays – Sundays from 7am to 8am.

THE CHRISSY B SHOW | The Chrissy B show will inspire you to be happy and stay positive! Tune in for entertainment, true-life stories with friendly and practical advice.

Airs: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 10pm REPEATS: Tuesdays & Thursday at 11am, Sunday at 3pm

LOVE TALK | There is always something to say when it comes to matters of the heart and James and Helena are not afraid to delve into them. Join the chat!

Airs: Every Saturday at 3pm. REPEATS: Wednesday & Friday at 1am

DKW (A DIFFERENT KIND OF WOMAN) | Peeks into women and all of their complexities – the good, the bad, and the not-so-hot.

Airs: Sundays at 4pm. REPEATS: Saturdays at 4pm.

On the Box



BRIXTON386 - 388 Brixton Rd, SW9 7AW

CATFORD 1 Bromley Rd, SE6 2TS

CROYDON12-14 London Rd, CR0 2TA

EDMONTON 6 Sterling Way 1st Floor (above LIDL), N18 2XZ

HACKNEY 20 Brenthouse Rd, E9 6QG

HAMMERSMITH Unit 39, Broadway Shopping Centre, W6 9YD

KILBURN 234 Kilburn High Rd, NW6 4JR

PECKHAM176-178 Rye Lane, SE15 4NF

PLAISTOWSt Andrew’s Rd (off Barking Rd, by Plaistow Police Station), E13 8QD

SOUTHALL71-73 The Broadway, UB1 1LA


STRATFORD7 The Grove, E15 1EL

TOOTING 145 Upper Tooting Rd, SW17 7TJ (Entrance in Lessingham Avenue)

WILLESDEN GREEN 17 Heathfield Park, NW2 5JE


BIRMINGHAM (Bullring) 128 Suffolk St, Queensway, B1 1LX

BIRMINGHAM99 Lozells Rd, B19 2TR

CARDIFF West Grove, (off Newport Rd), CF24 3AN

GRAVESEND 8/9 High Street, Kent, DA11 OBQ

LEEDS 12 Regent Street Leeds LS2 7QA

LEICESTER Former City Cinema, 27 Abbey Street LE1 3TE

LUTONFirst floor Luton Mall, 46 George Street, LU1 2LG, (Next to McDonalds)

MANCHESTER71 Daisy Bank Rd, Victoria Park, M14 5GH

NEWCASTLE 1 Thornton St (below Premier Apartments, off Westgate Rd), NE1 4AT

NOTTINGHAM 11 Thurland St, NG1 3DR

SWINDONFormer Salvation Army building, 21 Fleet St, SN1 1RQ


BELFAST (Tuesday – 7:30pm)Holiday Inn Hotel, 22 Ormeau Avenue, BT2 8HSFor more info call 00353 8615 45567

BOURNEMOUTHSt. Michael’s Church, (West Cliff bus stop), Poole Rd, BH2 5QU

BRISTOL St Werburghs Community CentreHorley Road, St Werburghs, BS2 9TJ

GLASGOW (Once a month - call for info) Jury’s Inn Glasgow Hotel, 80 Jamaica Street, G1 4QG

ILFORDIlford Conservative Club, 42 Ilford Hill, IG1 2AT

OXFORD Asian Cultural centre(Towards end of Manzil Way) 0X4 1GH (off Cowley Rd, near NHS building)

PETERBOROUGH Westgate Church, 70 Westgate, PE1 1RG

SHEFFIELDWorkstation - Showroom 5, 15 Paternoster Row, S1 2BX

ST HELIER (JERSEY) Springfield Stadium, Blue Room, Janvrin Road, JE2 4LF

WOOLWICH Glyndon Community Centre (Lower Hall), 75 Raglan Rd, Plumstead, SE18 7JB

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24-hr Helpline:020 7686 6000



Everyone at the Rainbow TheatreFriday 27 •10pm



Join us for an inspiring night to revive your faith and point you in a new direction in life.

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