unit v

UNIT V TWO MARKS 1. Give the explanation of Langmuir isotherm. 2. What is the absorption ranges in nm corresponding to UV, VIS and NIR region of electromagnet spectrum? 3. What is the fundamental difference b/w color measurement of transparent and opaque color substrates? 4. What is Lambert-beer law? 5. What is spectrum power distribution (SPD)? 6. How would you compare the SPD’s of D65 and an illuminant A.? 7. What are the principles of additive and substracitve color mixing? 8. What is the fundamental differences b/w CIE(x, y, and z) and CIELAB color order system. 9. On what type of coordinate system, the Munsell color order system is based? 10. What are the different attributes of color in Munsell color order system? 11. What is whiteness index? 12. How is whiteness of a textile sample represented? 13. What is color difference? 14. What is metamerism? 15. How will you distinguish metamerism from color constancy? 16. Draw absorption and reflectance curves for red, blue and green color. 17. How would you determine color strength of dyed textile material? 18. How is the performance of dyed textile evaluated? Explain in details. 19. What is kubelka-Munk equation? 20. What is shade matching of batch with a standard critical? 21. Write drawbacks of CCM technique. 22. What is recipe prediction?

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Page 1: UNIT V



1. Give the explanation of Langmuir isotherm.

2. What is the absorption ranges in nm corresponding to UV, VIS and NIR region of electromagnet spectrum?

3. What is the fundamental difference b/w color measurement of transparent and opaque color substrates?

4. What is Lambert-beer law?

5. What is spectrum power distribution (SPD)?

6. How would you compare the SPD’s of D65 and an illuminant A.?

7. What are the principles of additive and substracitve color mixing?

8. What is the fundamental differences b/w CIE(x, y, and z) and CIELAB color order system.

9. On what type of coordinate system, the Munsell color order system is based?

10. What are the different attributes of color in Munsell color order system?

11. What is whiteness index?

12. How is whiteness of a textile sample represented?

13. What is color difference?

14. What is metamerism?

15. How will you distinguish metamerism from color constancy?

16. Draw absorption and reflectance curves for red, blue and green color.

17. How would you determine color strength of dyed textile material?

18. How is the performance of dyed textile evaluated? Explain in details.

19. What is kubelka-Munk equation?

20. What is shade matching of batch with a standard critical?

21. Write drawbacks of CCM technique.

22. What is recipe prediction?

23. How can CCM techniques be used?

24. What is chroma blend software?

25. How is it used in textile coloration/evolution process?

26. What are the typical parameters of reflectance spectrophotometer?

27. What is meant by SPIN and SPEX modes of color measurement?

28. Give the classification of light source according to wave length.

29. How light source can be defined?

30. What are the parameters to explain the color?

Page 2: UNIT V

31. What do you understand by chromaticity co-ordinates?

32. How you measure whiteness and yellowness index?

33. How color difference value measurement is useful in fastness testing?

34. Define optical density.

35. What are the variables used in color assessment of dyed fabrics?


36. Discuss the factors which affect adsorption.

37. Discuss the solubility parameters.

38. How would you distinguish b/w a light source and an illuminant? Give one example of each of them.

39. What are color matching systems? Why these were required? How these have been derived for and/or related to human color vision?

40. How would you deduce tristimulus values from the measured reflectance? Give equation for the derivation of X, Y and Z.

41. Write equation of calculation of color index based on CIELAB and CIE(x, y, and z) color spaces.

42. Explain different types of metamerisms.

43. Explain the significance and application of kubelka-Munk equation.

44. Draw a flowchart elaboration recipe prediction using CCM system.

45. What is dual beam spectrophotometer? Draw a well labeled sketch showing optics of a typical measuring spectrophotometer operating in reflectance mode

46. What types of instrument geometry is used in reflectance spectrophotometer? Draw diagram to show d/o geometry.

47. Describe about specular and diffuse refection.

48. Discuss about color mixing laws.

49. Explain kubelka   and munk equation.

50. Explain CIE illuminant A, B, C.

51. Explain 2˚and 10˚Observer.

52. Discuss in detail about CIE tri stimulus values.

53. Explain the formula to measure the color difference.