unit ii- hrm

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This power point covers the concepts of HRM


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Unit II

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Human Resource Planning

• HRP seeks to place the right employees in the right

right time, so that an organization can meet its obje• HRP tries to forecast personnel demand, assess

reconcile the two in a systematic manner

• hen developing HR plans, it is important for manathe e!ternal environment to identify the e"ects oconditions, regional and competitive pressures, goin#uences and workforce composition and patterns

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Meaning and Nature of human resourcplanning

• hat is human resource planning$

• %ccording to &ecenzo and Robbins, 'Humanplanning is the process by which an organization eit has the right number and kind of people, at the at the right time, capable of e"ectively and completing those tasks that will help the organizat

its overall objectives)*• Human resource planning is a continuous process

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+ature of HRP

HRP is the process of forecasting a rm-s future dand supply of, the right type of people in the right nu

• It is only after this that the HR. department canrecruitment and selection process

• HRP is a sub/system in the total organizational plann

• 0rganizational planning includes managerial activitthe company-s objectives for the future and deteappropriate means for achieving those objectives

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 1raditional 2s 3volving 4cope of

Traditional Scope of HRP Evolving Scope of

+arrow, and reactive 5road and proactive

&one once in a year 6arried on a 7uarterly basis

%dministrative activity carried on in isolation 4trategic activity integrated


6o/ordination with local newspapers, agenciesand relationships

4trategic alliances with recrutargeted university, leveraging

Hire considering current skills and e!perience Hire focusing on assessmepotential

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Importance of HRP

• Personnel needs taken care of• Part of strategic planning

• 6reating highly talented personnel

• International strategies

• 8oundation for personnel functions• Increasing investments in human resources

• Resistance to change and move

• Unite the perspectives of line and sta" managers

• 0ther benets

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8actors %"ecting HRP

9) 1ype and strategy of organization:) 0rganizational growth cycles and planning

;) 3nvironmental uncertainties

<) 1ime horizons

=) 1ype and 7uality of forecasting information>) +ature of jobs being lled

?) 0"/loading the work

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 1he Planning Process3+2IR0+.3+1

0rganizational 0bjectives

and Policies

HR +eeds 8orecast HR 4upply

HR Programming

HRP Implementation

6ontrol and 3valuation ofProgramme



SurplusRestricted HiringReduced Hours2R4, @ay o" etc

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Present employees

• %nalysis of present employees is greatly facilitaaudits

• HR audits summarize each employee-s skills and ab

• 1he audits of non/managers are called skill inven

those of the management are called management • hatever  name is used, an inventory cataloemployee-s skills and abilities

• 1his summary gives planners a comprehensive undof the capabilities found in the organization-s workf

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• Skill Inventories: 4kill inventories consolidate informationmanagers in the organization) 5ecause the informationinventories is used as input for transfer and promotion dshould contain information about each employee-s current jobcategories of information are included in each skills inventory)

9) Personal data/ age, se!, marital status)

:) 4kills/ education, job e!perience, training)

;) 4pecial 7ualications/membership in professional boachievements)

<) 4alary and job history/ present and past salary, dates of pay job held)

=) 6ompany data/ benet plan data, retirement information, sen

>) 6apacity of individual/ scores on psychological and otherinformation)

?) 4pecial preference of individual/ geographic location, type of

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uman esource ann ng an eBovernment• .anpower planning has come to be recognized in

of the adjuncts of socio/economic planning sinc

years of the planning era• B0I set up the Institute of %pplied .anpower Rese

in 9E>:

• 1o conduct empirical research in manpower, to provand consultancy services to government depar

industry, and to impart training in methods and temanpower planning

• 1raining is now a major activity of the institute

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Re7uisites for successful HRP9) HRP must be recognized as an integral part o

planning) 1he planner of human resources must t

aware of the corporate objectives:) 5acking of top management for HRP is absolutely e

;) HRP responsibilities should be centralized in oordinate consultation between di"erent manageme

<) Personnel records must be complete, up/to/dateavailable

=) 1he time horizon of the plan must be long enougany remedial action

>) 1he techni7ues of planning should be those best s

data available and the degree of accuracy re7uired

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• &ata collection, analysis, techni7ues of planning anthemselves need to be constantly revised and imprlight of e!perience

• 1he impact of e!ternal forces like technologicachanges in labor market compositions and the like considered while developing the human resource pl

• HRI4 should be used as decision support system alert managers to problems and opportunities

5 i t HRP

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5arriers to HRP

Planners face signicant barriers while formulating amajor ones are the following

People 7uestion the importance of making HR pracoriented and the role assigned to HR practformulation of organizational strategies

• HR practitioners are perceived as e!perts ipersonnel matters, but are not e!perts in managing

• HR information often is incompatible with the used in strategy formulation

• 6on#icts may e!ist between short/term and lonneeds

• 1here is con#ict between 7uantitative and

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 Fob %nalysis and&esign

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 Fob %nalysis/ .eaning and &en

• It is the process of collecting job related informa

• 4uch information helps in the preparation description and job specication

h f b l i

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 1he Process of Fob %nalysis

4trategic 6hoice

Bather Information

Process Information

 Fob &escription

 Fob 4pecication

Uses of Job Des Job Speci

• Personnel Plann• Performance %p• Hiring•  1raining and &ev•  Fob 3valua

6ompensation• Health and 4afe• 3mployee &iscip• ork 4cheduling• 6areer Planning

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.ethods of 6ollecting Fob &ata

9) 0bservational method:) Interviews

;) Guestionnaire

<) 6hecklists

=) 1echnical conferences>) &iary

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Potential Problems with Fob %na

4upport from top management• 4ingle means and source

• +o training or motivation

• %ctivities may be distorted

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 Fob &esign

 Fob design involves conscious e"orts to organizduties and responsibilities into a unit of work tocertain objectives) Fob design follow job analysis

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8actors %"ecting Fob &esign




5ehavioral 8actors

 Fob &esign Producti4atisfyi

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%pproaches1echni7ues of Fob&esign

 Job Design!pproach"Techni#ue

Positive $utcome Negativ

%or& Simplication  Fob is highly specialized, so thatless trained and less paidemployee can perform

0ver simpliboredom witherrors and res

 Job Rotation  Fob-s intrinsic reward potentialis likely to increase)0rganization too stands to gainbecause of the versatility of its

employees) worker-s self/imagewill grow) 1here is enhancedinterdepartmental co/operation

 Fobs do not may feel root

 Job Enlargement 6laims to have motivationalimpact)

.ere addinganother zeroboring task tobe resisted by

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 Job Enrichment Increased motivation,reduced absenteeism,psychological needs ofemployees are met) 5ringsabout empowered teams)

People may accept new reUnion resistancproblems) Fob enot accompani

 job inputs, wigoal)

!utonomous %or& Team  1here is a greaterinvolvement of employees indecision/making)Involvement brings in


 1here is a resemployees, umanagers and s

High Performance %or&Design

orks in an environment ofhigh rate of innovation and0perational 8reedom)

.ay not worbureaucratic org