unit four at home the first two periods designed by sun yanmin

Unit Four At Home The First Two Periods Designed by Sun Ya nmin

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Page 1: Unit Four At Home The First Two Periods Designed by Sun Yanmin

Unit Four At Home

The First Two Periods

Designed by Sun Yanmin

Page 2: Unit Four At Home The First Two Periods Designed by Sun Yanmin

Unit Four At Home

• Sound Right Sentence Stress• Focus On• Listen In• Speak Out• Act It Out• Listen More• Additional Exercises• Assignment

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Unit Four At Home

• Listen and repeat, paying attention to the stressed parts.

– I think families used to be much larger.

– Do you think you could come into the kitchen for a second?

– Your cooked breakfasts are simply marvelous.

– The washing machine isn’t working properly.

– Would you mind coming right away?

Sound Right Sentence Stress

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Unit Four At Home

– At least today we’re free to marry whomever we like and to take up a job, if we wish.

– I suppose family life has changed a lot in England in the last fifty years.

– But most well-to-do families had servants do the housework and even nannies look after the children.

– I would never have come to the city, I would never have tried to get a job--- I would never have tried to do anything on my own.

– Dress yourself more neatly before you go to school.

• Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with what you hear from the tape.■

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Unit Four At Home

• Review the expressions learned and learn the new ones:

Useful Expressions Questions Responses• Where did you go? I stayed with my

family.• Where is your home? It’s in…going

home made me feel…

Focus On

• What would you have done if… I’d have done…if…

• Does anything need to be done? The DVD needs to

be fixed.• Family life has changed, hasn’t it? Yes, very

much so.• Would you like…? Not


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Focus On• Don’t you miss your…? Yes, there are quite la

lot of…• What are your favorite…? Well first of all I

think…• Don’t you like…? I’m a little tired of…• So you don’t really like…? I didn’t say that.• Would you mind coming right away? No, I’ll

be right there.• What can I do with…? Repair it. Of course.• Why don’t you ring…? Don’t you see I’m


Unit Four At Home

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Unit Four At Home

Notes about the dialogues:– go steady: (of a boy and a girl) go

with one another socially all the time

– basement: the lowest habitable story of a building, usually below ground level

– screwdriver: a tool used for turning screws

Listen In• Listen to the dialogues and complete them with what you hear;

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Dialogue 3• Q1: How many brothers and sisters did the

woman’s grandmother have?

• Q2: Who normally looked after children in well-to-do families in the old days?

• Q3: Which of the following is not cited as an example that women are freer today than in the past?



The freedom of speech

• Listen to the tape and choose the best answer to each question

Unit Four At Home

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Unit Four At Home

• Dialogue 4

• Q1: What does the woman say about the quality of English food?

• Q2: What are the woman’s favorite English dishes?

• Q3: What does the woman think of Yorkshire pudding?

(It’s excellent.)

(Steak, apple pies and kidney pudding.)

(It tastes good when cooked at home.)

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Unit Four At Home

• Notes:– take up a career: enter into a profes

sion or business– we’re much better off today: we e

njoy a better situation today– financially dependent: depending o

n others in the matter of money– arranged marriage: 包办婚姻– courtship: the activity of courting or

the time during which a man and a woman are courting

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Unit Four At Home

• Listen to the above four dialogues again and imitate the speakers in intonation and pronunciation

• Listen to the tape and make a summary of the passage.

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Unit Four At Home

• Modern Americans are accustomed to buying all their food in weekly visits to the supermarket, bringing it home in the car and storing it in the refrigerator. Once they have reached home they are interested in working to improve it and in making it as pleasant as possible. There is a strong incentive to spend a lot of free time at home when the home is well-equipped, comfortable and attractive, for example, making things, mending things and working on the car. Apart form that, there is television, and in many regions there are many programs to choose as well as cable TV.

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Unit Four At Home

• Notes:– be accustomed to: 习惯于– incentive: something that encourages a p

erson to do something

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Speak Out• List the words and phrases useful in the situations indicated by the pictures at P37 (Section A)

• Make dialogues with the words and phrases listed in Section A (Section B)

• Complete the dialogue according to the context (Section C)

• Look at the pictures at P38 role-play them with the words and phrases suggested (Section D)

Unit Four At Home

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• Make dialogues according to the situations given below:

– Gary’s father is in the garage and finds something wrong with the tire. He calls out for Gary to help.

– A wife is preparing dinner and needs some soy sauce. She asks her husband to go and buy some. But he is busy writing a project plan.

– Mary’s grandmother is talking with Mary about the new dresses the latter has just bought. They hold different views.

– Lisa’s mother tries hard to convince Lisa to break up with her boyfriend.

Unit Four At Home

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Unit Four At Home

• Work in groups of three: Get what you want and retail.

• Cathy, a foreign student, is interested in the family policy of China. She turns to Mike, a local government official for some general information.

Act It Out

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Unit Four At Home

• Cathy asks Mike:• Is there any policy on family now in

China?• Do most Chinese families agree with

this?• Why is this plan necessary for China?• Is there any protection for women

and children in China?

Act It Out

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Unit Four At Home

• Mike tells Cathy:• Birth-control is the family policy in

China.• Yes, especially families in cities.• As we know, China has too large a

population, which hinders the further development of the economy.

• We have the Women and Children Protection Law.

• Then Philip, another foreign student, retails their talk in his presentation in class.

Act It Out

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Unit Four At Home

• Learn the new words and phrases• Listen to the word definitions and tick

off the best answer• Listen to the statements and decide

which one is closer in meaning to the statement heard on the tape

Listen More

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Unit Four At Home

Section C: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape:

1. The most important social institution in a human society is family.

2. A newly married couple should live with the man’s family.

3. The change of families was a great event in the life of a woman.

4. It is the custom in some parts of western China that the bride-to-be should sob on the day of marriage.

5. The man who went to live with his wife’s family should either change his own surname, or have their first son take the surname of his wife’s father.

Listen More

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Unit Four At Home

• Listen to short dialogues and answer the recorded questions;

• Listen to another two recorded dialogues and decide the correct answer from the four choices.

8) Why does the woman not like her current apartment?

9) What kind of place is the woman looking for?

10) How is the man going to help her?

Additional Exercises

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Unit Four At Home

11) Parents often feel bad about having too little time to spend with their kids. To make up for it, they over-spoil them.

12) Kids today need to learn the value of family.13) A good way to teach the value is by sharing

less of your pocketbook, and more of yourself.

14) Teaching kids how to play games with the family is a great gift one can give one’s children.

15) To start the gift-giving tradition, one might need some advice and simple instructions for simple games from books on the market.

• Listen to the short passage and complete the answer to it:■

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Unit Four At Home

• Finish off the exercises in Unit 4 in the

workbook• Prepare for the dictation
