unit compilation 2

Unit 2 Compilation Christy Baker

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Unit 2

CompilationChristy Baker

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Chapter 17.1 The are two periods in the cell cycle

Interphase which is longer and iswhere the cell grows and

duplicates DNA which contains three phases of its own

G1 Phase where the cell starts at its smallest size and begins

active cell growth

Synthesis phase chromosones are duplicated and the cell

continues to grow

G2 Phase cell still growing and now preparing for cell division

Mitotic Phase is shorter and is where the nucleus and

cytoplasm divide it goes through two phases here

Mitosis is where the DNA that was duplicated is now divided

Cytokinesis where the cytoplasm is divided and two

daughter cells are formed

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Chapter 17.2 DNA is packed with chromosomes

A gene is responsible for constructing one or more proteins and is the smallest functioning part of a chromosome

Before cell reproduction can happen the DNA must be replicated

After the DNA is replicated is checked for errors and damage that then get repaired

When DNA is transcribed it is only in one strand then the DNA strand entwine with each other again this process is making a protein

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Chapter 17.3 Mitosis is when the nucleous divides

Prophase, begins when duplicated chromosonesare visable

Cytokinesis is when the cytoplasm is divided

Meiosis produces haploid daughter cells by reducing chromosome number in half

There are two stages of meiosis

Meiosis I creates the hapliod daughter cells, but they still has chromosomes in the duplicated state

Meiosis II separates the duplicated chromosomes and there are four haploid daughter cells

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Chapter 17.4 Cell reproduction must be regulated so it

does not go out of control, how is this done?

Most cells in the body dived but not all, and the ones that do divided do so at different paces

The cell division process is based off of regulatory signals

Other influencing factors one how long a cell takes to divide can be the environment outside the cell

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Chapter 17.5 The cells in you body beside your sperm or egg

cells have the same DNA at first

Differentiation takes place then the cell become different from each other, and have different forms and functions

Differentiation starts in the first stages of life when a zygote becomes a blastocyst the inner cells become different than the outer cells

Later in development differentiation continues to occur when creating which cells are skeletal, muscle, skin, nerves, etc.

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Chapter 17.6 Reproductive cloning must be

undifferentiated cells

Embryo splittind is when a fertilized egg can be divided into eight identical cells

They can be place in eight different segregate mothers and create eight identical offspring

Somatic cell nuclear transfer is the cloning of an adult

A true clone of an adult can not be created due to germ cells only have half a set of DNA

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Chapter 17.7 Therapeutic cloning is when human cells are

cloned to help treat patients

The main purpose is to create duplicate cells, tissue, organs for patients that need then to save their lives

With todays medical technology the believe this may be medical treatment in the future

They must however be careful because as they get closer they may also be finding a way to clone adults which could get out of control if it got out

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Chapter 18.1 Hyperplasia is when the rate of cell division is


Hyperplasia can happen in normal cells but not in the same way as it does in cancer cells

Hyperplasia will eventually cause a tumor because of these rapid dividing cells some cancerous and some not Benign tumors remain in one place as a single

developed mass

The Benign tumors only affect a person health if they get too big

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Chapter 18.2

When cells divide uncontrollably and go

through physical changes this is when cancer


When the cells no longer adhere to

eachother is when the cancer will begin to

spread to other tissues which means they are

malignant tumors

Cancer is the second most comon cause of

death in the U.S.

1 in every 3 get it

1 in every 4 die from it

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Chapter 18.3 If the photo-oncogenes are mutated this may

contribute to a cause of cancer

Cancer can be passed down from generation to generation through family genetics

Some causes of cancer can be from things we do to our own body such as smoking and tanning

There are also internal factors that may contribute such as internal chemical production or faulty DNA reproduction

There are all of these factors that contribute yet some cells may have multiple mutations before they become cancerous

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Chapter 18.4

The biggest sign for cancer detection and

the most common cancer diagnoses is

done when a tumor is detected

Usually done by X-ray, MRI, or PET Scan

Genetic testing can be done to detect

the presence of a mutated gene

however this does not always mean that

it’s cancerous

Cancer can by detected also by enzyme


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Chapter 18.5 Early diagnoses is the key to be able to treat


The main ways to get rid of the cancer are to take secions of chemotherapy, radiation, or to surgically remove it

There are many newer treatments that are now being used also Magnetism

Immunotherapy, to help boost the patients immune system

Photodynamic therapy to target malignant cells

Molecular treatments that target specific genes

Drugs that cut off blood supply to the tumor

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Chapter 18.6 The 10 most common cancers are:

Skin cancer Three types and needs to be detected early

Lung cancer Most commonly caused by smoking, and causes the most dealths

Breast cancer Mostly in women and the soon found the better

Prostate cancer Usually occurs after age 50, more common in men

Colon and rectum cancer Most common sign is blood in stool

Lymphoma Radiation and chemotherapy are most common treatments

Urinary Bladder cancer Most common sign is blood in urine

Kidney cancer Usually detected during rectal exam

Uterine cancer Uterine bleeding is the most common sign

Leukemia Usually treated with chemotherapy

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Chapter 18.7 While most cancers can be preventedf there are

some that can not, we should do everything we can to prevent the ones we can

The biggest prevention technique is do not smoke

Having a healthy diet also plays a big role in the prevention of cancer

Other preventative mechanisms are Knowing your family history

Know your body Keep up on your medical screenings Avoid direct sunlight and wear sunscreen Drink in moderation Stay infomed on new health information

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Chapter 19.1 The DNA that is inherited from our parents is

what makes us who we are

We get two copies of each gene, one from each parent, and some may be different due to mutations and these different versions genes are referred to as alleles

Genotype is a complete set of alleles that we inherit

Phenotype is the physical and functional expression of the alleles

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Chapter 19.2

Patterns of inheritance for one or two

pairs of alleles can be shown by a Punnett


When one allele shows complete

dominance over the other this is a comon

pattern of phenotypic inheritance

Genes that are from different traits are

assorted independently of one another

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Chapter 19.3

Some alleles don’t follow the previously

mentioned dominant pattern there are

two other dominance pattern they may


Incomplete dominance, which is when

heterozygotes exhibit an intermediate


Codominance, which is when

heterozygotes express both phenotypes


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Chapter 19.4

Multiple genes influence one single trait in

polygenic inheritance

Our genotype and the environment we

are in both determine what our

phenotype will be

Linked alleles are alleles that are located

on the same chomosome and may be

inherited together

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Chapter 19.5 Knowing whether a child is a male or female is

determined early by genes of the Y chromosome

If the Y chromosome is present it’s a male if there is and absence of the Y chromosome it’s a female

Most sex-linked inheritance genes have nothing to do with determining the sex of the fetus but they are referred to as the inheritance of the genes located on the sex chromosomes

Sex-linked inheritance has diseases associated with it including hemophilia, colorblindness, and muscular dystrophy

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Chapter 19.6 Failure of homologous chromosome to

separate properly during mitosis or meiosis which causes altered chromosome numbers in the daughter cells is called nondisjunction

Down syndrome is usually cased when three copies of chromosome 21 are inherited an the biggest risk factor is parents age especially the mother

If part of a chromosome is deleted it my be fatal and if translocation occurs it could alter the ability for the gene to function properly

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Chapter 19.7

Recessive alleles are to blame for most

autosomal heritable genetic diseases

Diseases such as Phenylketonuria, Tay-

Sachs dises and cystic fibrosis are all caused

from recessive alleles

Huntington disease however is caused by

a dominant-lethal allele

These alleles are uncommon and usually

eliminat them selfes from population

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Chapter 19.8

Genes can only influence generally

patterns of behavior or mood

Genes can not determine specific
