unit 9 task 2: 5 chosen images

UNIT9: TASK 2 By josh brown

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Page 1: Unit 9 task 2: 5 chosen images


By josh brown

Page 2: Unit 9 task 2: 5 chosen images


Topic- this image is a photojournalism this

show something that’s happed in real life.

Type- this is a medium long shot as it

shows the whole body of the people.

Event –This is showing German prisoners

sat down after they might have been


Photographer- George Rodger

Why did I chose it- I chose this photo

because I like the way there sat down

showing there not as powerful as the

English witch appear to be standing in the


http://www.magnumwhy photos.com/

Page 3: Unit 9 task 2: 5 chosen images


Topic-Event photography

Type- Medium shot as you cant see the

whole body.

Event- This is showing some sort of band

in front of an audience as you can see

they are some sort of jazz band.

Photographer-Dennis Stock

Why did I choose it- I chose this image

because I like the way the man playing

the piano has been portrayed I am fond

of the way you wan see the really

ambition in his face and connection to

whatever he is playing.

http://www.magnumwhy photos.com/

Page 4: Unit 9 task 2: 5 chosen images


Topic- Abstract

Type- Long shot

Event- This shows a domestic room with

dunes of sand this is representing this

time you have each grain of sand

represents time just depends who you are.

Photographer- Bonnie Flamer

Why did I chose this photo- I chose this

photo because I love the way the

photographer has portrayed time as

grains of sand I think this is a very

effective technique with captivate the

mind and really draws you in.

Page 5: Unit 9 task 2: 5 chosen images

IMAGE 4Topic- Abstract

Type- This is a medium close up.

Event- This is showing that you can only see

what's on the top, however the real meaning is

that there is so much going on that we cant see.

Photographer- David Doubilet

Why have I chose this image- I have chose

this Image because I think that the

photographer has used a very effective

technique to portray that no one should be

judged on what you can see on the outside when

there I so much more to them in the inside, this

is like the phrase ‘don’t judge a book by its

cover’ I am very fond of this photo as I agree

with what the photographer is trying to portray.


Page 6: Unit 9 task 2: 5 chosen images


Topic- Portrait

Type- This image is a close up.

Event- This is showing a women's face however it

shows her face being covered, showing one eye.

Photographer- Drussawin Leepaisal

Why I chose this image- I chose this image

because I believe that this image is very powerful

and leads you to make you own interpretation. I

think this shows that some people don’t have as

much freedom as other and trying to make people

be more grateful with what they have. I think this

has been shown by the covering of her face.Also

her eye is very powerful as it indicates her

trapped pain inside.
