unit 9 short answer and fill-in

AP Psych Unit 9 Short Answer and Fill-Ins 2. Briefly describe how newborn infants develop from conception to birth, and describe the intellectual and motor capabilities of the newborn infant. Which is more in control of the development and capabilities you describe: nature or nurture? 3. Three-year-old Dimitri frequently takes other children's toys from them, showing little concern for their feelings, even when they cry. When he does this, his mother tells him to “imagine how other kids feel when they lose their toys.” Use your understanding of cognitive development to explain Dimitri's antisocial behavior. Why is his mother's comment unlikely to influence his behavior? 4. Mrs. Kaufman spends a lot of time stroking, cuddling, and rocking her infant son and seems to be highly aware of the baby's actions and needs. Mr. Kaufman worries that his wife's interactions with the baby may eventually lead the child to cry easily, fearfully cling to his mother, become unfriendly toward other people, or become withdrawn and uninterested in his surroundings. Describe research on social development that supports or refutes each of the father's concerns. 5. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald believe in the importance of stern discipline; they impose strict rules, which they expect their children to obey without question. They penalize misbehavior harshly, frequently with a spanking. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds use milder forms of punishment to enforce their rules. They also have regular family meetings in which their children help them to establish household rules and penalties for breaking them. What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of these two disciplinary approaches? Explain the reasons for your answer. 6. Use what you know about gender differences and adolescent development to answer the following question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of enlisting in the military? 7. Thirteen-year-old Ryan has begun to challenge many of his parents' values and to express his own set of highly idealistic standards. Compare and contrast the explanations for Ryan's behavior that would be given by Kohlberg and by Erikson. 8. As Abbie begins experiencing symptoms of menopause, she worries about the loss of (a) health and vitality, (b) intellectual capacity, and (c) life satisfaction. Describe research that would serve to justify or minimize each of Abbie's concerns. 9. Maturation refers to

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Unit 9 Short Answer and Fill-In


AP Psych Unit 9 Short Answer and Fill-Ins

2.Briefly describe how newborn infants develop from conception to birth, and describe the intellectual and motor capabilities of the newborn infant. Which is more in control of the development and capabilities you describe: nature or nurture?

3.Three-year-old Dimitri frequently takes other children's toys from them, showing little concern for their feelings, even when they cry. When he does this, his mother tells him to imagine how other kids feel when they lose their toys. Use your understanding of cognitive development to explain Dimitri's antisocial behavior. Why is his mother's comment unlikely to influence his behavior?

4.Mrs. Kaufman spends a lot of time stroking, cuddling, and rocking her infant son and seems to be highly aware of the baby's actions and needs. Mr. Kaufman worries that his wife's interactions with the baby may eventually lead the child to cry easily, fearfully cling to his mother, become unfriendly toward other people, or become withdrawn and uninterested in his surroundings. Describe research on social development that supports or refutes each of the father's concerns.

5.Mr. and Mrs. McDonald believe in the importance of stern discipline; they impose strict rules, which they expect their children to obey without question. They penalize misbehavior harshly, frequently with a spanking. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds use milder forms of punishment to enforce their rules. They also have regular family meetings in which their children help them to establish household rules and penalties for breaking them. What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of these two disciplinary approaches? Explain the reasons for your answer.

6.Use what you know about gender differences and adolescent development to answer the following question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of enlisting in the military?

7.Thirteen-year-old Ryan has begun to challenge many of his parents' values and to express his own set of highly idealistic standards. Compare and contrast the explanations for Ryan's behavior that would be given by Kohlberg and by Erikson.

8.As Abbie begins experiencing symptoms of menopause, she worries about the loss of (a) health and vitality, (b) intellectual capacity, and (c) life satisfaction. Describe research that would serve to justify or minimize each of Abbie's concerns.

9.Maturation refers to

10.Identical twins typically begin walking on nearly the same day. This best illustrates the importance of _______ to motor skills.

11.According to Piaget, egocentrism refers to

12.A tendency to exaggerate the extent to which our own opinions are shared by others best illustrates

14.One variation in the autism spectrum is characterized by normal intelligence, often accompanied by exceptional skill in a particular area, but deficient social and communication skills. This disorder is called

15.Autism is a disorder characterized by deficient social interaction and an impaired

16.The presence of a secure base and safe haven infants can use when distressed has the greatest effect on the development of which of the following?

17.Infant monkeys raised with a nourishing wire mother and a nonnourishing cloth mother taught us about

18.A critical period is a phase during which

19.In a pleasant but unfamiliar setting, infants with an insecure maternal attachment are most likely to

20.Instead of happily exploring the attractive toys located in the pediatrician's waiting room, little Sandra tenaciously clings to her mother's skirt. Sandra most clearly shows signs of

21.Even though Alicia was busy playing when her mother came to pick her up from her babysitter, she quickly ran to her mother, gesturing to be held. Alicia most clearly showed signs of

22.An infant's temperament refers most directly to its

23.Our enduring personality traits are first evident in our differing

24.Exceptionally inhibited and fearful infants tend to become introverted adolescents. This best illustrates the long-term stability of

25.The paternal deprivation experienced by many young children with divorced or unmarried parents is likely to put them at increased risk for

26.Erik Erikson suggested that children with a secure attachment to their parents are especially likely to experience

27.Children who experience ________ have an increased likelihood of receiving both lower-quality day care and authoritarian parenting.

28.Combined data from 88 studies indicate that there are no differences in the self-esteem scores of children who are

29.Two characteristics of authoritarian parents are that they

30.Authoritative parents are likely to have children who

31.When teased by his older sister, 9-year-old Waldo does not cry because he has learned that boys are not expected to. Waldo's behavior best illustrates the importance of

32.Gender identity refers to

33.A stimulating environment is most likely to facilitate the development of a child's

34.The term puberty refers to the period of

35.During adolescence, maturation of the ________ lags behind maturation of the ________.

36.Jean Piaget is to cognitive development as Lawrence Kohlberg is to ________ development.

37.Fourteen-year-old Lisa was asked, What would happen if everyone in the world suddenly went blind? She responded, Those who had previously been blind would become leaders. Lisa's answer indicates she is in the ________ stage of development.

38.According to Kohlberg, morality based on a desire to uphold the laws of society is characteristic of the ________ stage.

39.Preconventional morality is to postconventional morality as ________ is to ________.

40.According to Erikson, trust is to ________ as identity is to ________.

43.Most 20-year-olds outperform most 70-year-olds on video games because of age-related differences in

44.Dementia is most commonly associated with

45.Researchers have detected unusually diffuse brain activity while people suffering from ________ are trying to memorize words.

46.Fluid intelligence refers most directly to a person's

47.The term social clock refers to

48.Erik Erikson maintained that the two basic aspects of life that dominate adulthood are

49.The grief experienced over the death of a loved one is especially severe when death is experienced

50.In Erikson's theory, the sense of integrity achieved in late adulthood refers to the feeling that

51.Crystallized intelligence refers most directly to a person's