unit 8 - collage project notes and tutorials


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The Origins of Collage

“Collage” was coined by both Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso in the beginning of the 20th century when collage became a distinctive part of modern art

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The Photomontage

Collage made from photographs, or parts of photographs, is called photomontage

Photomontage is the process (and result) of making a composite photograph by cutting and joining a number of other photographs

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Dave McKean

born 29 December 1963 in Maidenhead, Berkshire

he is an English illustrator, photographer, comic book artist, graphic designer, filmmaker and musician.

Utilizes his photography work to create photo montages and collages

Very illustrative and graphic quality to his images

Utilizes “aging-techniques” and “antiquing” heavily in all his work

Well known published illustrator and movie maker (“Mirrormask”)

His collage work is POST PRODUCTION

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Works by Dave McKean

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Works by Dave McKean

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Anne Geddes

born 13 September 1956 She is an Australian-born

photographer, clothing designer and businesswoman who now lives and works in New Zealand

she has sold more than 18 million books and 13 million calendars

She chose babies as her subject because of her love of them.

She sets up her studio in advance—props, lighting, cameras and equipment[9]—so that all the baby or babies have to do is sit. Many of her props are custom made, such as over-sized shoes and flowerpots

Her work is PRE-PRODUCTION collage (using props to create the collage)

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Works by Anne Geddes

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Works by Anne Geddes

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How to Start the Collage Process

creativity in art: art can sometimes be boring or redundant just as math or science can be creative and exciting

• To avoid getting “stale” we are going to do a mini-unit to get your work to be spontaneous and free

• Start with a word that describes you – just one word

• then start free writing until you have an interconnected web of ideas and thoughts


A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea.

• Mind Mapping is a useful technique that improves the way you take notes, and supports and enhances your creative problem solving.

• The mind works in such a way that it groups and categorizes.

• Think of mind as a filing cabinet placing ideas and thoughts in the correct area.

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Examples of Mindmaps

Your mindmap will be graded on:

1. One central world that describes you

2. At least ten headings coming from your central word

3. At least three subheadings for each heading

4. At least one supporting idea for each subheading

5. Creativity 6. Quality of art (color,

drawing, graphics etc.)

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Digital or eCollage Photomontage

10 photos collaged based on your mindmap

10 photos blended as a motion photo

Some Options: Your Final Project

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Traditional Collage (faux)

Physical Collage

10 photos collaged based on your mindmap with antiquing

10 photos cut out and glued on a poster board with art embellishments

Some Options: Your Final Project

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Your Final Project

Your final project will consist of: 10 photos based on your mindmap

(this should create a theme) These photos combined together in

an interesting and artistic way Your choices are:

Digital collage Photomontage Traditional collage (faux) Physical collage

RULES You must use only your images You must use only appropriate images You may use text and graphics that

you have created Your images must BLEND (they

cannot just be stacked together) You may use color, black and white or

a combination thereof

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“Digital Imaging Practice 1”1. Open two photos, preferably focusing on a

single subject matter2. Turn both photos B&W using IMAGE

ADJUST GRAYSCALE or you can use the new CS3 tool: IMAGE ADJUST Black & White

3. Choose the image that you want to be the “background” and the image you want to be the “merging-in” image

4. SELECT SELECT ALL on the “merging-in” image, then EDIT COPY (SHORTCUTS: CTRL A, CTRL C)

5. PASTE this image onto the “background image” file using CTRL V

6. RESIZE if needs be using EDIT TRANSFORM SCALE

7. Click on the ERASER TOOL and then go to your BRUSH SETTINGS and RESET YOUR BRUSHES using this dialogue window

8. Choose a SOFT ROUND BRUSH9. Change brush opacity to 50% and begin

erasing the excess parts of the “merging-in” image (the parts you do not want to see!)

10. Go over the areas several times until the two photos start to “merge” its okay if you get a “halo” effect

11. ZOOM IN and clean up the edges with the eraser

12. When you are satisfied go to LAYER FLATTEN IMAGE

13. Use the BURN & DODGE TOOLS to get rid of “haloes” and alter the image so that they use a similar light source

14. Use the CROP tool to improve your composition

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“Digital Imaging Practice 2”1. Open two photos, preferably focusing on a

single subject matter2. Turn both photos B&W using IMAGE

ADJUST GRAYSCALE or you can use the new CS3 tool: IMAGE ADJUST Black & White

3. Choose the image that you want to be the “background” and the image you want to be the “merging-in” image

4. SELECT SELECT ALL on the “merging-in” image, then EDIT COPY (SHORTCUTS: CTRL A, CTRL C)

4. If you are more comfortable using the QUICK MASK rather than the ERASER TOOL there is an alternate method. Start from Step 3 Above.

5. Instead of SELECTING ALL, on the “merging-in” image hit QUICK MASK and then paint out the area of the photo you wish to copy (for the example to the right I would paint out the elephant red)

6. Once done, exit QUICK MASK and everything BUT your subject matter should be selected, go to SELECT INVERSE

7. Then EDIT COPY and then go to your “background image”

8. EDIT PASTE (CTRL V)9. Again, use the ERASER and BURN & TOOL to

clean up the image

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“overlapping pictures”1. Open an image in Photoshop2. Open a second image in Photoshop3. SELECT SELECT ALL4. EDIT COPY5. Close the second image6. Go to the first image7. EDIT PASTE8. Now both images should be in the same file,

NOTE that a new layer should have been created once you pasted this image

9. You can now use the MOVE TOOL (black arrow) to move the second LAYER – place the second image where you would like

10. Pick the ERASER TOOL11. At the top select the BRUSH from the menu

above . You will see a “triangle in a circle” button – push this button and a menu pull up. Select BASIC BRUSHES and from this new menu , choose the 60 Drop Shadow Brush.

12. Using this ERASER BRUSH you can erase the edges of the photo. This will create a “faded-look.”

13. Make sure you are only hitting the edges. Line up the eraser circle so that only half of it actually hits the photograph.

14. Repeat these steps with a third photograph.15. The examples to the right should help.