unit 6: functions and subroutines

Excel Macros Level 1 Functions and Subroutines

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Page 1: Unit 6: Functions and Subroutines

Excel Macros Level 1

Functions and Subroutines

Page 2: Unit 6: Functions and Subroutines

M. Campbell - 2010 2

Functions & Subroutines

Functions: Return a value

Subroutines Do not return a value

Both are used to: Make code modular (i.e. reusable) Make code more readable


p. 69

Page 3: Unit 6: Functions and Subroutines

M. Campbell - 2010 3


In the Unit 6 Activities complete: Activity 1: Uppercase Subroutine Activity 2: Lowercase Subroutine Activity 3: Title Case Subroutine Activity 4: Uppercase Function

Note that these can all go in the same module


Page 4: Unit 6: Functions and Subroutines

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In Activity 4 you saw the function declaration:

Public Function Uppercase2(Text As String) _As String


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In Activity 4 you saw the function declaration:

Public Function Uppercase2(Text As String) _As String


Indicates the Function's scope:Public:

Can be called from any modulePrivate:

Can only be called from module it was declared in

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Page 6: Unit 6: Functions and Subroutines

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In Activity 4 you saw the function declaration:

Public Function Uppercase2(Text As String) _As String


Declares this code to be a Function

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In Activity 4 you saw the function declaration:

Public Function Uppercase2(Text As String) _As String


The Function's nameThis is something that you define

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In Activity 4 you saw the function declaration:

Public Function Uppercase2(Text As String) _As String


This is the Function's Parameter listValue is a ParameterWhen you ran the Function, the value of Text was set

to helloThe value placed in a Parameter is known as an


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In Activity 4 you saw the function declaration:

Public Function Uppercase2(Text As String) _ As String


This is the Function's Return TypeIn this Function, it will return a value of type String

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In Activity 4 you saw this line of code:

Uppercase2 = UCase(Text)


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In Activity 4 you saw this line of code:

Uppercase2 = UCase(Text)


This is the Function's Return statementThe value of the expression on the right side of the

assignment operator will be returned by the Function

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In Activity 4 you saw this line of code:

Uppercase2 = UCase(Text)


Remember that Text is the parameter to the Function.

It currently holds the value of helloThis sends the value to the UCase Function which

converts hello to uppercase

Page 13: Unit 6: Functions and Subroutines

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In Activity 1 you saw the subroutine declaration:

Sub Uppercase()


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In Activity 1 you saw the subroutine declaration:

Sub Uppercase()


Declares this code to be a Subroutine

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In Activity 1 you saw the subroutine declaration:

Sub Uppercase()


The Subroutine's nameThis is something that you define

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In Activity 1 you saw the subroutine declaration:

Sub Uppercase()


Note the absence of the scope keyword Public or Private

If it is omitted, the procedure (subroutine or function) is declared to be Public

It should always be included for readability

p. 76

Page 17: Unit 6: Functions and Subroutines

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Calling Subroutines

Has the form:[Public or Private] Sub SubroutineName (_Param1 As DataType1, Param2 As DataType2,_ …)

To call:Call SubroutineName(parameters, …)

OrSubroutineName parameters, …4/29/2010

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In the Unit 6 Activities complete: Activity 5: Calling a Function with a Subroutine


Page 19: Unit 6: Functions and Subroutines

M. Campbell - 2010 19

Optional Arguments

Can set some arguments to be optional

Sub DisplayName(firstName As String, _Optional lastName As

String, _Optional midName As String)

Note that all optional arguments must come at end of parameter list


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Optional Arguments

Sub DisplayName(firstName As String, _Optional lastName As String, _Optional midName As String)

To call procedure with only firstName and midName:Call DisplayName("Winnie", , "the")

Must include blank spot as arguments expected in order defined in parameter list


p. 71

Page 21: Unit 6: Functions and Subroutines

M. Campbell - 2010 21

Positional Arguments

In previous example, we used positional arguments:

Call DisplayName("Winnie", , "the") The position of arguments tells VBA which parameters

they fill


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Named Arguments

Naming the arguments: Improves readability Removes the need for blank spaces Allows arguments to go in any order

Call DisplayName(midName:= "the", _ firstName:= Winnie")


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In the Unit 6 Activities complete: Activity 6: Optional and Named Arguments


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Sub ProcedureA()x = 5MsgBox xCall AddOne(x)MsgBox x

End Sub

Sub AddOne(ByRef i As Integer)i = i + 1

End Sub

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Sub ProcedureA()x = 5MsgBox xCall AddOne(x)MsgBox x

End Sub

Sub AddOne(ByRef i As Integer)i = i + 1

End Sub

p. 73

Initializes x to 5

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Sub ProcedureA()x = 5MsgBox xCall AddOne(x)MsgBox x

End Sub

Sub AddOne(ByRef i As Integer)i = i + 1

End Sub

p. 73

Displays 5

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Sub ProcedureA()x = 5MsgBox xCall AddOne(x)MsgBox x

End Sub

Sub AddOne(ByRef i As Integer)i = i + 1

End Sub

p. 73

Calls AddOne and sends x

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Sub ProcedureA()x = 5MsgBox xCall AddOne(x)MsgBox x

End Sub

Sub AddOne(ByRef i As Integer)i = i + 1

End Sub

p. 73

AddOne is sent a reference to x, effectively replacing the i with x

Page 29: Unit 6: Functions and Subroutines

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Sub ProcedureA()x = 5MsgBox xCall AddOne(x)MsgBox x

End Sub

Sub AddOne(ByRef x As Integer)x = x + 1

End Sub

p. 73

AddOne is sent a reference to x, effectively replacing the i with x

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Sub ProcedureA()x = 5MsgBox xCall AddOne(x)MsgBox x

End Sub

Sub AddOne(ByRef x As Integer)x = x + 1

End Sub

p. 73

1 is added to x to get 6This is the same x as in ProcedureA