unit 4 - community cohesion

GCSE RELIGION AND LIFE Unit 4. Community Cohesion Revision Guide Mr McCay March 2011

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GCSE RELIGION AND LIFEUnit 4. Community Cohesion

Revision GuideMr McCay March 2011

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Unit 4: Religion and community cohesion

In this unit you have to know the following:

Roles of men and Women

1. How attitudes to the roles of men and women have changed in the UK.

2. Why attitudes to the roles of men and women have changed in the UK.

3. The different Christian attitudes towards the role of women (both inside and outside the church). Catholic/Modern Protestant/Traditional Protestant.

4. Why Christians have different attitudes towards the role of women. Catholic/Modern Protestant/Traditional Protestant.

Racial Harmony

1. How the UK became a multi-ethnic society.

2. What problems are there in a multi-ethnic society? (Racism, discrimination etc).

3. What has the government done to try to promote community cohesion? (Laws, compulsory lessons, clubs etc)

4. Why is community cohesion important? (Less violence, less terrorism, better understanding etc)

5. Why should Christians help to promote racial harmony?

6. How and why does the Church of England help asylum seekers?

Religious Harmony

1. What are the benefits of living in a multi-faith society?

2. The different Christian attitudes towards the other religions. Catholic/Modern Protestant/Traditional Protestant.

3. Why Christians have different attitudes towards other religions. Catholic/Modern Protestant/Traditional Protestant.

4. What problems arise for religious people in a multi-faith society? Should they try to convert others? Interfaith marriages etc.

5. How do religions try to promote community cohesion in the UK?

How the media deals with an issue in this topic

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Key Words

Community Cohesion: A shared sense of belonging for all groups in society. Prejudice: Believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them.

Discrimination: Treating people unfairly because of their race, colour, gender, class, age, etc.

Ethnic Minority: An ethnic group smaller than the majority group.

Sexism: Discriminating against people because of their gender (sex).

Racism: Discriminating against people because of their race or colour.

Multi-Ethnic Society: Where different races and cultures live together in one society.

Racial Harmony: A society where different ethnic groups live together happily.

Multi-Faith Society: Where people of different faiths live together in one society.

Religious Freedom: The right to practice your religion and change your religion if you want to.

Religious Pluralism: Accepting all religions as equally valid and correct and can all coexist.

Interfaith Marriage: Marriage where each partner is from a different religion.

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Roles of men and Women

1. How attitudes to the roles of men and women have changed in the UK.TRADITIONAL ROLE MODERN ROLE

Could not vote Can voteCould not stand in elections Can stand in electionsStayed at home to look after the children. Legally equal to men in the workplace, majority of

women have a job. Did all the housework Housework often shared.

HOWEVER, although the laws have changed, some people have been slower to change their own views. Women still earn less than men and women still do the majority of cooking and cleaning.

2. Why attitudes to the roles of men and women have changed in the UK.- World Wars, women took on the roles of men. This showed that women could do them just as

good. - Equal rights for women in other countries such as New Zealand. This made it difficult for the

UK not to follow. - Protests. This led to pressure on the government to change the laws.- Social and industrial developments, e.g. Cars, T.Vs etc, meant the need for more workers and

for additional incomes. - The UN Declaration of Human Rights, stated that everyone should be treated equally. The

government has to enforce this.

EXAM TIP: If you were asked to ‘explain why attitudes to the roles of men and women have changed’ - you must recall four of the above points and explain WHY this led to change.

3. The different Christian attitudes towards the role of women (both inside and outside the church). Catholic/Modern Protestant/Traditional Protestant.

Catholic - men and women should be equal in life, and society and in some parts of the church (visit the sick etc), HOWEVER only men can be priests or ministers.

Modern Protestants - men and women should be equal in society and religion.

Traditional Protestants - men and women are different and should NOT have equal rights in religion or society.

4. Why Christians have different attitudes towards the role of women. Catholic/Modern Protestant/Traditional Protestant.

Catholic - (Equal in society but not allowed to teach in church) because…- Genesis teaches that man and women were made at the same time and in the image of God.

This means that they should have equal status.- Catholic church teaches this to their followers. Catholics should follow what the church tells

them.- Jesus was a man and a priest represents Jesus in the mass, therefore only men should be


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Modern Protestants - (Equal everywhere) because…- Genesis teaches that man and women were made at the same time and in the image of God.

This means that they should have equal status.- Evidence from the Bible shows that Jesus treated women as equals. Women stayed with him at

the cross. He appeared to women first after he rose from the dead. This shows…- Some evidence that there may have been women priest in the early church. It states that

women were banned, you cannot ban something that did not exist! If there were women priests this means…

Traditional Protestants - (Not equal) because…- St Paul teaches that women should not teach or speak in church. As St Paul is important,

Christians would follow what he says.- Adam was created first. This shows that man is more important to God. - Jesus only choose men as his disciples, therefore Jesus only wants men to teach.- It has been always like that, so there is no need to change it.

EXAM TIP: If you were asked to ‘explain why some Christians give equal roles to women and some do not’. You must think carefully before you answer. This question is asking you do something that is not in the questions - talk about Catholic, modern Protestants and traditional Protestants. See the example below:

Different Christians give different rights to women because they have different traditions and interpretations of the Bible.

Catholics believe that women should be equal in society because it says in the Bible that men and women were created in the image of God. However, Catholics believe that they are not equal in the church because Jesus was a man and the priest represents Jesus in the church service therefor only men should be priests.

Modern Protestants believe that men and women should be equal in all aspects of life because in Genesis god created Adam and Eve at the same time. This shows they are equal in Gods eyes.

Traditional Protestants believe that men and women should not be equal in society or life because Jesus choose men as his apostles (teachers) and because Adam was created first. This evidence shows that men and women should not be equal and they follow these teachings.

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Racial Harmony

1. How the UK became a multi-ethnic society.- The UK has always been a multi-ethnic society - Celts, Romans, Angles, Saxons, Danes, Vikings, Normans etc.- The UK has always believed in human freedom and offered asylum to those suffering persecution; for - example, Jews escaping Hitler during WWII.- In the 19th Century Britain controlled a huge empire. In exchange for being ruled by Britain, people were allowed to settle in the UK. - Slaves who set foot on British soil became free. - Many workers came from Commonwealth countries (India, Caribbean, West Africa etc) came to help rebuild after WWII.

2. What problems are there in a multi-ethnic society? (Racism, discrimination etc).- Refusal to give a job to a certain race, religion etc. - Refusal to give a home to a certain race, religion etc.- A prejudice teacher could discriminate in teaching so that they do not get the correct results. - Prejudice police officers could stop and search certain groups.

Discrimination and racism can lead to:- A feeling of alienation by a group within society. - Some groups may turn to crime as they think that they will never get a good job. (E.g. Young black boys).- Some groups may turn to terrorism as they think that they can not be successful in a society that is prejudice towards their religion. (E.g. Extremist Islam).- Racism can lead to the rise of groups such as the BNP, which stir up hatred.

3. What has the government done to try to promote community cohesion? - Giving money to groups who are working for community cohesion, e.g. Community clubs. - Making community cohesion part of the curriculum for all schools.- Making OFSTED report on community cohesion.- Appointing judges and politicians from ethnic minorities.- Passing laws - e.g. Race Relations Act (discrimination and racist comments is illegal), Crime and Disorder Act (higher punishment if the crime was racially motivated). - Ensuring all the major parties (Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems) condemn racism.

4. Why is community cohesion important? - Without community cohesion, different groups would have different visions of what society should be like, this can lead to violence and civil unrest. - A lack of community cohesion in Oldham, Burnley and Bradford led to racially/religiously motivated street rioting in 2001. - The 7 July 2005 bombers on the London Underground were British citizens who had lost their sense of allegiance to Britain.- In countries without community cohesion (Iraq, Kashmir etc) violence becomes a way of life. - Lack of community cohesion leads to different communities leading separate lives, making civilized living impossible.

5. Why should Christians help to promote racial harmony?- Jesus’ teachings - the Parable of the Good Samaritan: Christians should love their neighbour

and that neighbour means people of all races. Jews and Samaritans were different races who, according to the Bible, hated each other. In the parable, Jesus taught that the Good Samaritan

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treated the Jew who was attacked as his neighbour, so showing that Christians have to treat people of every race as their neighbour who they have to love.

- Jesus’ actions - he treated a Samaritan women as his equal in the Bible. Christians should follow his actions.

- Many Christians believe that Simon of Cyrene (who helped Jesus carry the cross) was a black African.

- All the Churches have issued statements condemning racism. Christians should follow what their church says.

6. How and why does the Church of England help asylum seekers?

The HOW- The Church of England has set up legal advise clinics where lawyers can give advice- The Church of England helps give basic necessities to refugees (clothes, food etc)- Some Church of England services (depending on the area) are held in different languages so

that immigrant workers can maintain their faith.- They campaign to highlight the plight of thousands of refugees who live in poverty in the UK

.The WHY

- The Bible teaches that God is a God of love and justice. Christians should also show these values.

- Christians should follow the teachings of Jesus in the parable of the Good Samaritan. - Jesus himself was a refugee when the family fled to Egypt to avoid Herod’s slaughter of the


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Religious Harmony

1. What are the benefits of living in a multi-faith society?- People can learn about other religions and thus see what they have in common- People are likely to become a lot more understanding about each others religions.- May make people more religious.

2. The different Christian attitudes towards the other religions. Catholic/Modern Protestant/Traditional Protestant.- Catholics: Other religions have some truth but only Christianity is the whole truth

(inclusivism). Others may get into heaven. - Traditional Protestants: Christianity is correct and Christians should convert others to

Christianity. (Exclusivism). - Modern Protestants: All religions are equal and are just different ways of finding God


3. Why Christians have different attitudes towards other religions. Catholic/Modern Protestant/Traditional Protestant. - Catholics (inclusivism)

! - Catholic church teachings which Catholics should follow! - They follow the Bible which says that Jesus is the Son of God.

- Traditional Protestants (Exclusivism) ! - Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through ! me”. This means that only Christians will to heaven.

- Modern Protestants (pluralism).! - They believe that God is a force that can be discovered in different ways.! - They believe that Jesus’ words ‘In my father’s house are many rooms’, means that there is room ! in heaven for a variety of religions.

4. What problems arise for religious people in a multi-faith society? Should they try to convert others? Interfaith marriages etc.- Conversion: should they try to convert others. - Bringing up children: parents might not want their children learning about other religions- Interfaith marriages: how will the children be raised?

5. How do religions try to promote community cohesion in the UK?- Different religions work closely together in some major cities through special groups, e.g. The

Glasgow Forum of Faiths.- Some religious groups allow interfaith marriages- Religious leaders have agreed on what should be taught through RE in Birmingham schools.- Making statements for their followers.

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