unit 4-awt

Advanced Java Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary, Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science 1 Unit-4: Core Java 4.1 The Rendering Pipeline The original JDK 1.0 had a very simple mechanism for drawing shapes. You select color and paint mode, and call methods of the Graphics class such as drawRect or fillOval. The Java 2D API supports many more options. You can easily produce a wide variety of shapes. You have control over the stroke, the pen that traces shape boundaries. You can fill shapes with solid colors, varying hues, and repeating patterns. You can use transformations to move, scale, rotate, or stretch shapes. You can clip shapes to restrict them to arbitrary areas. You can select composition rules to describe how to combine the pixels of a new shape with existing pixels. You can give rendering hints to make trade-offs between speed and drawing quality. To draw a shape, you go through the following steps: 1. Obtain an object of the Graphics2D class. This class is a subclass of the Graphics class. If you use a version of the JDK that is enabled for Java 2D technology, methods such as paint and paintComponent automatically receive an object of the Graphics2D class. Simply use a cast, as follows: public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; . . . } 2. Use the setRenderingHints method to set rendering hints: trade-offs between speed and drawing quality. RenderingHints hints = . . .; g2.setRenderingHints(hints); 3. Use the setStroke method to set the stroke. The stroke is used to draw the outline of the shape. You can select the thickness and choose among solid and dotted lines. Stroke stroke = . . .; g2.setStroke(stroke);

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Page 1: UNIT 4-AWT

Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


Unit-4: Core Java

4.1 The Rendering Pipeline The original JDK 1.0 had a very simple mechanism for drawing shapes. You

select color and paint mode, and call methods of the Graphics class such as

drawRect or fillOval.

The Java 2D API supports many more options.

You can easily produce a wide variety of shapes.

You have control over the stroke, the pen that traces shape boundaries.

You can fill shapes with solid colors, varying hues, and repeating


You can use transformations to move, scale, rotate, or stretch shapes.

You can clip shapes to restrict them to arbitrary areas.

You can select composition rules to describe how to combine the pixels of

a new shape with existing pixels.

You can give rendering hints to make trade-offs between speed and

drawing quality.

To draw a shape, you go through the following steps: 1. Obtain an object of the Graphics2D class. This class is a subclass of the

Graphics class. If you use a version of the JDK that is enabled for Java 2D

technology, methods such as paint and paintComponent automatically

receive an object of the Graphics2D class. Simply use a cast, as follows:

public void paintComponent(Graphics g)

{ Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;

. . .


2. Use the setRenderingHints method to set rendering hints: trade-offs between

speed and drawing quality.

RenderingHints hints = . . .;


3. Use the setStroke method to set the stroke. The stroke is used to draw the

outline of the shape. You can select the thickness and choose among solid

and dotted lines.

Stroke stroke = . . .;


Page 2: UNIT 4-AWT

Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


4. Use the setPaint method to set the paint. The paint is used to fill areas such

as the stroke path or the interior of a shape. You can create solid color paint, paint with changing hues, or tiled fill patterns.

Paint paint = . . .;


5. Use the setClip method to set the clipping region.

Shape clip = . . .;


6. Use the setTransform method to set a transformation from user space to

device space. You use transformations if it is easier for you to define your

shapes in a custom coordinate system than by using pixel coordinates.

AffineTransform transform = . . .;


7. Use the setComposite method to set a composition rule that describes how to

combine the new pixels with the existing pixels.

Composite composite = . . .;


8. Create a shape. The Java 2D API supplies many shape objects and methods

to combine shapes.

Shape shape = . . .;

9. Draw or fill the shape. If you draw the shape, its outline is stroked. If you fill

the shape, the interior is painted.



The various set methods simply set the state of the 2D graphics context. They don't

cause any drawing. Similarly, when you construct Shape objects, no drawing takes

place. A shape is only rendered when you call draw() or fill(). At that time, the

new shape is computed in a rendering pipeline.

java.awt.Graphics2D package contains two methods:

a) void draw(Shape s) – draws the outline of the given shape.

b) void fill(Shape s) – fills the interior of the given shape.

Page 3: UNIT 4-AWT

Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


In the rendering pipeline, the following steps take place to render a shape:

1) The path of the shape is stroked.

2) The shape is transformed. 3) The shape is clipped. If there is no intersection b/w the shape & the

clipping area, then the process stops.

4) The remainder of the shape after clipping is filled.

5) The pixels of the filled shape are composed with the existing pixels.

4.2 Shapes

Here are some of the methods in the Graphics class to draw shapes:


drawRectangle drawRoundRect


drawPolygon drawPolyline



There are also corresponding fill methods. These methods have been in the

Graphics class ever since JDK 1.0. The Java 2D API uses a completely

different, object-oriented approach. Instead of methods, there are classes:


Rectangle2D RoundRectangle2D


Arc2D QuadCurve2D



These classes all implement the Shape interface.

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


Finally, there is a Point2D class that describes a point with an x- and a y- coordinate. Points are useful to define shapes, but they aren't themselves shapes.

To draw a shape, you first create an object of a class that implements the

Shape interface and then call the draw method of the Graphics2D class.

Each of the classes whose name ends in "2D" has two subclasses for specifying

coordinates as float or double quantities.

Internally all graphics classes use float coordinates because float numbers use

less storage space, but java programming language makes it a bit more tedious to manipulate float numbers.

For this reason most methods of the graphics classes use double parameters & return values.

Only when constructing a 2D object you must choose between a constructor with float or double coordinates.

For ex:

Rectangle2D floatRect=new Rectangle2D.Float(5F,10F,7.5F,15F);

Rectangle2D doubleRect=new Rectangle2D.Double(5,10,7.5,15);

4.2.1 Using the Shape Classes For the RoundRectangle2D shape, you specify the top left corner, width &

height & the x & y dimensions of the corner area that should be rounded.

RoundRectangle2D r = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(150,200,100,50,20,20);

here w=150, h=200, x=100, y=50, r=20.

The code above, produces a rounded rectangle with circles of radius 20 at each

of the corners.

The Java 2D API supplies two additional classes:

Quadratic & cubic curves.

Quadratic & cubic curves are specified by two end points & one or two control

points. Moving the control points changes the shape of the curves.

To construct quadratic & cubic curves, you give the coordinates of the end

points & the control points.

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


For Ex:

Quadcurve2d q =new QuadCurve2d.Double(startX, startY, controlX, controlY,

endX, endY );

CubicCurve2D c = new CubicCurve2D.Double(startX, startY,control1X,

control1Y, control2X,control2Y endX, endY);

A quadratic curve A cubic curve

Quadratic curves are not very flexible & they are not commonly used, whereas

cubic curves are common.

You can build arbitrary sequences of line segments, quadratic curves & cubic

curves & store them in a GeneralPath object. You specify the first coordinate of

the path with the moveTo method. GeneralPath class describes paths that are

made up from lines, quadratic & cubic curves. For Ex:

GeneralPath path =new GeneralPath();

path.moveTo(10, 20);

You then extend the path by calling one of the methods lineTo, quadTo or

curveTo. These methods extend the path by a line, a quadratic curve, or a cubic curve.

To call lineTo, supply the endpoint.

For Ex:

Path.lineTo(20, 30);

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


4.3 Areas

In the preceding section, you saw how you can specify complex shapes by constructing general paths that are composed of lines and curves.

However, occasionally, it is easier to describe a shape by composing it from areas, such as rectangles, polygons, or ellipses. The Java 2D API supports four

constructive area geometry operations that combine two areas to a new area:

add— The combined area contains all points that are in the first or the second area.

subtract— The combined area contains all points that are in the first but

not the second area.

intersect— The combined area contains all points that are in the first and the second area.

exclusiveOr— The combined area contains all points that are in either

the first or the second area, but not in both.

To construct a complex area, you start out with a default area object.

Area a = new Area();

Then, you combine the area with any shape:

a.add(new Rectangle2D.Double(. . .));


. . .

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


The Area class implements the Shape interface. You can stroke the boundary of

the area with the draw method or paint the interior with the fill method of the Graphics2D class.

4.4 Strokes

The draw operation of the Graphics2D class draws the boundary of a shape by using the currently selected stroke. By default, the stroke is a solid line that is

one pixel wide. You can select a different stroke by calling the setStroke

method. You supply an object of a class that implements the Stroke interface. The Java 2D API defines only one such class, called BasicStroke.

You can construct strokes of arbitrary thickness. For example, here is how you draw lines that are 10 pixels wide.

g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10.0F)); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(. . .));

When a stroke is more than a pixel thick, then the end of the stroke can have

different styles. These are called end cap styles. There are three choices:

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


A butt cap simply ends the stroke at its end point.

A round cap adds a half-circle to the end of the stroke.

A square cap adds a half-square to the end of the stroke.

When two thick strokes meet, there are three choices for the join style:

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


A bevel join joins the strokes with a straight line that is perpendicular to

the bisector of the angle between the two strokes.

A round join extends each stroke to have a round cap.

A miter join extends both strokes by adding a "spike."

The miter join is not suitable for lines that meet at small angles. If two lines

join with an angle that is less than the miter limit, then a bevel join is used instead. That usage prevents extremely long spikes. By default, the miter limit

is ten degrees.

These choices can be specified in the BasicStroke constructor, for example:

g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10.0F, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND));

g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10.0F, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 15.0F /* miter limit */));

Finally, one can specify dashed lines by setting a dash pattern. The dash pattern is a float[ ] array of numbers that contains the lengths of the

―on‖ & ― off― strokes.

The dash pattern & a dash phase are specified when constructing the

BasicStroke. The dash phase indicates where in the dash pattern each line

should start.

For Ex:

float[ ] dashPattern= {10,10,10,10,10, 10, 30, 10 ,30 …..};


BasicStroke(10.0F,BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT,basicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0F));

4.5 Paint

When you fill a shape, its inside is covered with paint.

Use the setPaint() method to set the paint style to an object with a class that implements the Paint interface.

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


The java 2D API provides three such classes:

a) Color class – To fill shapes with a solid color, simply call setPaint

with a color object, such as:


b) GradientPaint class – It varies colors by interpolating b/w two

given colors values. u construct a GradientPaint object by specifying

two points & the colors u want at these two points, such as: g2.setPaint(new GradientPaint(p1,color.red, p2, color.pink));

Colors are interpolated along the line joining the two points. Colors are constant along lines that are perpendicular to that joining line.

c) TexturePaint class – It fills an area with repetitions of an image. To construct a TexturePaint object, you specify a BufferedImage & an

anchor rectangle. The anchor rectangle is extended indefinitely in x &

y directions to tile the entire coordinate plane. The image is scaled to fit into the anchor & then replicated into each tile.

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


You create a BufferedImage object by giving the image size & image type. The

most common image type is TYPE_INT_ARGB, in which each pixel is specified by an integer that describes the alpha or red, green & blue values.

For Ex:

BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(width,

height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

You then obtain a graphics context to draw into the buffered image:

Graphics 2D g2 = bufferedImage.createGraphics();

Any drawing operations on g2 now fill the buffered image with pixels. Now you

can create your TexturePaint object:

g2.setPaint(new TexturePaint( bufferedImage, anchorRectangle));

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


4.6 Coordinate Transformation

They allow you to work with convenient coordinate values. Suppose you need

to draw an object such as automobile. You know from the manufacturer’s specifications, the height, wheelbase & total length. You could now figure out

all pixel positions, assuming some numbers per meter.

g2.scale(pixelsPerMeter, pixelsPerMeter) ; g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(coordintes in meters)) ;

There are Four transformations:

Scaling – blowing up or shrinking ,all distances from a fixed point. The scale method of the Graphics 2D class sets the coordinate

transformation of the graphics context to a scaling transformation. That

transformation changes user coordinates (user-specified units) to device

coordinates (pixels).

Rotation – rotating all points around a fixed center.

Translation – moving all points by a fixed amount.

Shear – leaving one line fixed & ―sliding‖ the lines parallel to it by an amount that is proportional to the distance from the fixed line.

The scale, rotate, translate & shear methods of the Graphics 2D class set the

coordinate translation of the graphics context to one of these fundamental transformations. You can compose the transformations.

Ex: Suppose u want to rotate shapes & double their size. Then

You supply both a rotation & scaling transformation.

g2.rotate(angle); g2.scale(2, 2);


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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


The graphics context will apply the transformations in the opposite order in

which u supplied them. That is the last transformation that you supply is applied first. U can supply as many transformations as you like.

For Ex:

g2.translate(x, y); g2.rotate(a);

g2.translate(-x, -y);

The last transformation (is applied first) moves the point (x ,y) to the origin. The second transformation rotates with an angle a around the origin. The final

transformation moves the origin back to (x,y).

Affine Transformation – In this all rotations, translations, scalings, shears &

their compositions can be expressed by a matrix transformations.

In Java 2D API, the AffineTransform class describes such a transformation. If

u know the components of a particular transformation matrix, u can construct

it directly as:

AffineTransform t = new AffineTransform(a, b, c d, e, f );

The factory methods such as getRotateInstance, getScaleInstance, getTranslateInstance & getShearInstance construct the matrices that represent

these transformation types.

For ex:

t = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(2.0F, 0.5F);

returns a transformation that corresponds to the matrix :

[ 2 0 0 ] [ 0 0.5 0 ]

[ 0 0 1 ]

The instance methods such as setToRotation, setToScale, setToTranslation & setToShear set a transformation object to a new type.

Ex: t.setToTranslation(angle) // sets to a rotation

you can set the coordinate transformation of the graphics context to an AffineTransform object.


However in practice, you should not call the setTransform operation, since it

replaces any existing transformation that the graphics context may have. Instead call the transform method.

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science



if you just want to apply a transformation temporarily, then you first get the old transformation, compose with your new transformation & finally restore the

old transformation when you are done.

AffineTransform oldTransform = g2.setTransform() ;

g2.transform(t) ;

g2.setTransform(oldTransform) ;

4.7 Clipping

Clipping is a technique by which the drawing area can be restricted to a small

portion of the screen.

A clipping region is an area where drawing is allowed.

Any drawing outside the clipping region is clipped off & not displayed.

By setting a clipping shape in the graphics context, you constraint all drawing operations to the interior of that clipping shape.

g2.setClip(clipShape) ;

g2.draw(shape) ;

However, in practice you don’t want to call the setClip operation, since it

replaces any existing clipping shape that the graphics context may have. Instead call the clip method.

g2.clip(clipShape) ;

The clip method intersects the existing clipping shape with the new one that

you supply.

If you just want to apply a clipping area temporarily, then you should first get

the old clip, then add your new clip, & finally restore the old clip when you are

done :

Shape oldClip = g2.getClip() ; // save old clip

g2.clip(clipShape) ; // apply temporarily clip gr.setClip(oldClip) ; //restore old clip

The Graphics class method clipRect() creates rectangular clipping regions.

For Ex:


sets a clipping rectangle of width 100 & height 75 with top left corner at 50,50.

Page 15: UNIT 4-AWT

Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


Program for Clipping

import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*;

public class Clipper extends Applet {

/* <applet code=―Clipper‖ width=300 height=150>



public void paint(Graphics g) {


g.setFont(new Font(―TimesRoman‖,Font,ITALIC,28)); g.fillOval(100,60,80,80);

g.drawString(―Happy new Year‖,50,30);

} }

4.8 Transparency & Composition It is convenient to describe areas of an image that are transparent or partially


When you superimpose an image onto an existing drawing, the transparent pixels do not obscure the pixels under them at all, whereas partially

transparent pixels are mixed with the pixels under them.

In Java 2D API, transparency is described by an alpha channel.

Each pixel has an alpha value b/w 0(fully transparent) & 1(fully opaque).

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


If you superimpose two shapes, you need to blend or compose the colors &

alpha values of the source & destination pixels. Porter & Duff two researchers in the field of computer graphics, have

formulated 12 possible composition rules for this blending process. The java

2D API implements all of these rules. These rules are:

1) CLEAR – source clears destination.

2) SRC – source overwrites destination & empty pixels.

3) DST – Source does not affect destination. 4) SRC_OVER – Source blends with destination & overwrites empty pixels.

5) DST_OVER – Source does not affect destination & overwrites empty pixels.

6) SRC_IN – Source overwrites destination. 7) SRC_OUT – Source clears destination & overwrites empty pixels.

8) DST_IN – Source alpha modifies destination.

9) DST_OUT – Source alpha complement modifies destination. 10) SRC_ATOP – Source blends with destination.

11) DST_ATOP – Source alpha modifies destination. Source overwrites empty

pixels. 12) XOR – Source alpha complement modifies destination. Source overwrites

empty pixels.

The Java 2D API supplies a class called AlphaComposite, that implements all

Porter –Duff rules. The factory method getInstance of the alpha value to be

used for source pixels.

For Ex:

int rule = AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER; float alpha =0.5f;

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(rule, alpha));

g2.setPaint(Color.blue); g2.fill(rectangle);

The rectangle is painted with blue color & an alpha value of 0.5. Because the composition rule is SRC_OVER, it is transparently overlaid on the existing


4.9 Rendering Hints There are cases when u would like to have control over trade–offs b/w speed &

quality. You achieve this by setting rendering hints.

The setRenderingHint() method of the Graphics2D class lets u set a single hint.

The hint keys & values are declared in the RenderingHints class.

Antialiasing – This technique removes the ―jaggies‖ from slanted lines &


A slanted line must be drawn as a ―staircase‖ of pixels. Rather than drawing each pixel completely on or off. You can color in the pixels that are partially

covered, with the color value proportional to the area of the pixel that the line

covers, and then the result looks much smoother.

Antialiasing takes a bit longer because it takes time to compute all those color


You can request the antialising like :

g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

For Ex: RenderingHints hints =new RenderingHints();






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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


Key Values Explanation



Turn antialiasing for

shapes on or off. VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF



VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY When available, select

render-ing algorithms for greater quality or





VALUE_DITHER_ENABLE Turn dithering for colors

on or off. Dithering

approximates color

values by drawing groups of pixels of

similar colors.





Turn antialiasing for

fonts 011 or off.







Turn the computation of

fractional character dimensions on or off.

Fractional" character-

dimensions lead to better placement of









computation of alpha

composites on or off.







Select quality or speed for color rendering.




Page 19: UNIT 4-AWT

Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


4.10 Readers and Writers for Images

To load an image, use the static read method of the ImageIO class:

File f = . . .;

BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(f);

The ImageIO class picks an appropriate reader, based on the file type. It may

consult the file extension and the "magic number" at the beginning of the file

for that purpose. If no suitable reader can be found or the reader can't decode the file contents, then the read method returns null.

Writing an image to a file is just as simple:

File f = . . .;

String format = . . .;

ImageIO.write(image, format, f);

Here the format string is a string identifying the image format, such as "JPEG"

or "PNG". The ImageIO class picks an appropriate writer and saves the file.

Obtaining Readers and Writers for Image File Types

For more advanced image reading and writing operations that go beyond the

static read and write methods of the ImageIO class, you first need to get the

appropriate ImageReader and ImageWriter objects. The ImageIO class enumerates readers and writers that match one of the following:

an image format (such as "JPEG")

a file suffix (such as "jpg") a MIME type (such as "image/jpeg")

For example, you can obtain a reader that reads JPEG files as follows:

ImageReader reader = null;

Iterator iter = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName("JPEG"); if (iter.hasNext) reader = (ImageReader)iter.next();

The getImageReadersBySuffix and getImageReadersByMIMEType method

enumerate readers that match a file extension or MIME type.

Reading and Writing Files with Multiple Images

Some files, in particular, animated GIF files, contain multiple images. The read

method of the ImageIO class reads a single image. To read multiple images, turn the input source (for example, an input stream or file) into an


InputStream in = . . .;

ImageInputStream imageIn = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(in);

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


Then attach the image input stream to the reader:

reader.setInput(imageIn, true);

The second parameter indicates that the input is in "seek forward only" mode. Otherwise, random access is used, either by buffering stream input as it is

read, or by using random file access.

4.12 Image Manipulation

4.13 Printing JDK 1.1 introduced very lightweight printing support, just enough to produce

simple printouts, as long as u were not too particular about the print quality.

JDK 1.2 introduced the beginnings of a robust printing model that is fully integrated with 2D graphics. JDK 1.3 provided minor improvements. JDK 1.4

adds important enhancements such as discovery of printer features.

Graphics Printing – To print a 2D graphic, the graphic can contain text in various fonts .To

generate a printout, u take care of these two tasks:

a) Supply an object that implements the Printable interface. b) Start a print job.

The printable interface has a single method:

int print(Graphics g,PageFormat format, int page)

This method is called whenever the print engine needs to have a page

formatted for printing. Your code draws the text & image that are to be printed

onto the graphics context. The page format tells u the paper size & the print

margins. The page number tells u which page to render.

To start a print job, u use the PrinterJob class. Firstly u call the

getPrinterJob method to get a print job object. Then set the Printable object that u want to print.

Printable canvas=………; PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();


Before starting the print job, u should call the printDialog method to display a

print dialog box. That dialog box gives the user a chance to select the printer to

be used(in case multiple printers are available), the page range that should be printed & various printer settings.

U collect printer settings in an object of a class that implements the

PrintRequestAttributeSet interface to the printDialog method.

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


The JDK provides a HashRequestAttributeSet class for that purpose.

HashPrintRequestAttributeSet attributes= new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();

Add attribute settings & pass the attributes object to the printDialog method. The printDialog method returns true if the userclicked OK & false if the user

canceled the dialog box.

If the user accepted, call the print method of the PrinterJob class to start the

printing process. The print method may throw a PrinterException. The page Format parameter of the print method contains information about

the printed page.

The methods getWidth & getHeight of the pageFormat class gives u the complete paper size.

getWidth & getHeight return the paper size. Measured in points.

One point is 1/72 of an inch. Default unit for all print graphics contexts is one point.

Multiple-Page Printing - In practice, you usually shouldn't pass a raw Printable object to a print job.

Instead, you should obtain an object of a class that implements the Pageable interface. TheJava platform supplies one such class, called Book.A book is

made up of sections, each of which is a Printable object. You make a book by

adding Printab1e objects and their page counts.

Book book =new Book () ;

Printable coverpage = . . .; Printab1e bodypages= . . .;

book.append(coverPage, pageFormat); / / append 1 page

book.append(bodyPages, pageFormat, pageCount);

Then, you use thesetpageable method to pass the Bookobject to the print job.

printJob,setPageable(book) ;

Now the print job knows exactly how many pages to print.Then, the print dialog box displays an accurate page range, and the user can select the entire

range or subranges.

Your Printable class needs a layout algorithm that computes the layout of the material on the printed pages.

Print Servfces -

The API defines a number of data types and lets you find print services that are

able to print them. Among the data types:

Images in GIF,JPEG, or PNG format. Documents in text, HTML, PostScript, or PDF format .

Raw printer code data .

Objects of a class that implements Printable, Pageable,or RenderableImage

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Advanced Java

Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


The data themselves can be stored in a source of bytes or characters such as

an input stream, a URL, or an array. A documentflavor describes the combination of a data source and a data type. The DocFlavor class defines a

number of inner classes for the various data sources. Each of the inner classes

defines constants to specify the flavors. For example, the

constant DocFlavor .INPULSTREAM. GIF

describes a GIF image that is read from an input stream.

Stream Print Services - A print service sends print data to a printer. A stream print service generates

the same print data but instead sends them to a stream, perhaps for delayed

printing or because the print data format can be interpreted by other programs. In particular, if the print data format is PostScript, then it is useful

to save the print data to a file because many programs can process

PostScript files. Enumerating stream print services is a bit more tedious than locating regular

print services.

You need both the DocFlavor of the object to be printed and the MIME type of

the stream output. You then get a StreamPrintServiceFactory array of factories. DocFlavorflavor =DocFlavor. SERVICEJORMATTED. PRINTABLE;

String mimeType = "application/postscript";

StreamPrintServiceFactory[ ]factories = StreamPrintServiceFactory. lookupStreamPrintServiceFactories( flavor, mimeType) ;

Printing Attributes - There are four important groups of attributes. The first two specify

requests to the printer. Print request attributes- request particular features for all doc objects in a

print job, such as two-sided printing or the paper size.

Doc attributes are request attributes that apply only to a single doc object. The other two attributes contain information about the printer and job status.

Print service attributes give information about the print service, such as the

printer make and model or whether the printer is currently accepting jobs.

Print job attributes give information about the status of a particular print

job, such as whether the job is already completed.

For example, objects of the Copies class describe the number of copies of a

printout. That class implements both the PrintRequestAttributeand the PrintJobAttribute interfaces. A print request may contain a request for multiple

copies.The SupportedValuesAttributeinterface indicates that an attribute value

does not reflect actual request or status data but rather the capability of a

service. For example,the CopiesSupported class implements the SupportedValuesAttributeinterface.

A superinterface, AttributeSet, has four subinterfaces:

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Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science



DocAttributeSet PrintServiceAttributeSet


Each of these interfaces has an implementing class, yielding the five classes:



HashDocAttributeSet HashPrintServiceAttributeSet


4.14 Clipboard One of the most useful and convenient user interface mechanisms of graphical

user interface environments (such as Windows and the X Window System) is

cut and paste. You select some data in one program and cut or copy it to the clipboard. Then, you select another program and paste the clipboard contents

into that application. Using the clipboard, you can transfer text, images, or

other data from one document to another, or, of course, from one place in a document to another place in the same document. Cut and paste is so natural

that most computer users never think about it.

However, in SDK 1.0, there was no support for cut and paste. You could not cut and paste between Java applications. For example, if you have a browser

written in the Java programming language, then you could not copy text and

images from a web page and transfer them into a word processor based on Java technology. SDK 1.1 implemented a rudimentary clipboard mechanism.

That mechanism has been gradually improved and is now quite usable on a number of platforms.

Even though the clipboard is conceptually simple, implementing clipboard services is actually harder than you might think.

Often, programs need to support cut and paste of data types that the system

clipboard cannot handle. The data transfer API supports the transfer of arbitrary local object references in the same virtual machine. Between different

virtual machines, you can transfer serialized objects and references to remote


Classes and Interfaces for Data Transfer Data transfer in the Java technology is implemented in a package called

java.awt.datatransfer. Here is an overview of the most important classes and interfaces of that package.

Objects that can be transferred via a clipboard must implement the

Transferable interface.

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Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


The Clipboard class describes a clipboard. Transferable objects are the

only items that can be put on or taken off a clipboard. The system

clipboard is a concrete example of a Clipboard.

The DataFlavor class describes data flavors that can be placed on the


The StringSelection class is a concrete class that implements the

Transferable interface. It is used to transfer text strings.

A class must implement the ClipboardOwner interface if it wants to be

notified when the clipboard contents have been overwritten by someone

else. Clipboard ownership enables "delayed formatting" of complex data.

Transferring Text The best way to get comfortable with the data transfer classes is to start with

the simplest situation: transferring text to and from the system clipboard. The idea of the following program is simple. First, get a reference to the system


Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();

Transfer Format

Between a program in Java programming language and a native program Text,

images, file lists, … (depending on the host platform) Between two cooperating programs in the Java programming language Serialized and remote objects

Within one program in the Java programming language Any object For strings

to be transferred to the clipboard, they need to be wrapped into StringSelection

objects. The constructor takes the text you want to transfer.

String text = . . .

StringSelection selection = new StringSelection(text);

The actual transfer is done by a call to setContents, which takes a

StringSelection object and a ClipBoardOwner as parameters. If you are not interested in designating a clipboard owner, set the second parameter to null.

clipboard.setContents(selection, null);


import java.awt.*;

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import java.awt.datatransfer.*;

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Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


public class GetClipboard {

public static void main(String args[]) {

JFrame frame = new JFrame("Use Clipboard");

final Clipboard clipboard =


final JTextArea area = new JTextArea();

frame.add(area, BorderLayout.CENTER);

JButton copy = new JButton("Copy");

copy.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

String selection = area.getSelectedText();

StringSelection data = new StringSelection(selection);

clipboard.setContents(data, data);



JButton paste = new JButton("Paste");

paste.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {

Transferable clipData = clipboard.getContents(clipboard);

try {

if(clipData.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) {

String s = (String)(clipData.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor));



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Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


} catch (Exception ufe) {}



JPanel p = new JPanel();



frame.add(p, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

frame.setSize(300, 200);




4.15 Drag and Drop

When you use cut and paste to transmit information between two programs, the clipboard acts as an intermediary. The drag and drop metaphor cuts out

the middleman and lets two programs communicate directly. The Java 2

platform offers basic support for drag and drop. You can carry out drag and drop operations between Java applications and native applications.

You initiate a drag operation with a gesture inside a drag source—usually, by

first selecting one or more elements and then dragging the selection away from

its initial location. When you release the mouse button over a drop target that accepts the drop

operation, then the drop target queries the drag source for information about

the dropped elements, and it initiates some operation. For example, if you drop a file icon from Windows Explorer to WordPad, then WordPad opens the file.

If you hold down the SHIFT or CTRL key while dragging, then the type of the drop action changes from a move action to a copy action, and a copy of the file

is placed into the directory. If you hold down both SHIFT and CTRL keys, then

a link to the file is placed into the directory.

Thus, there are three types of drop actions with different gestures:


Copy Link

The intention of the link action is to establish a reference to the dropped

element. Such links typically require support from the host operating system (such as symbolic links for files, or object linking for document components)

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Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


and don't usually make a lot of sense in cross platform programs. In this

section, we'll focus on using drag and drop for copying and moving.

You can designate any AWT component to be a drop target. To do so, you need

to construct a DropTarget object and pass the component and a drop target listener to the constructor. The constructor registers the object with the drag

and drop system.

DropTarget target = new DropTarget(component, listener);

You can activate or deactivate the target with the setActive method. By default,

the target is active.


You can call the setDefaultActions method to set the drop operations that you

want to accept by default. The operations are:





By default, all operations are allowed.

Now you need to implement a drop target listener. The DropTargetListener interface has five methods:

void dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent event) void dragExit(DropTargetEvent event)

void dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent event)

void dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent event) void drop(DropTargetDropEvent event)

The dragEnter and dragExit methods are called when the cursor enters or exits

the drop target component. In the dragEnter method, you have the chance to

set the cursor shape to indicate whether the drop target is willing to accept the drop.

You don't usually worry about the dragExit method. However, if you built up some elaborate mechanism for visual feedback, then you can dispose of it in

this method.

The dragOver method is called continuously as the user moves the mouse over

the drop target component. You can use it to give detailed visual feedback

about the effect of a drop.

For example, if the drop target is a tree component, you can highlight the node

under the cursor or even open up a subtree if the cursor hovers over a node.

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Mohit Chowdhary, Poonam Chaudhary,

Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


The dropActionChanged method is called if the user changes the action

gesture. For example, if the user presses or lifts the SHIFT or CTRL keys while moving the mouse over the drop target component, then this method is called.

That gives you a chance to modify the visual feedback and match it to the

changed action.

The most important method is the drop method. It is called when the user has

committed to a drop by finishing the drop gesture, usually by releasing the

mouse button. Note that this method is called whether or not you previously indicated that you would accept the drop.

Program import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JTextField;

import javax.swing.TransferHandler; public class DragAndDropExample extends JFrame { JTextField field; JButton button; public DragAndDropExample() { setTitle("Simple Drag & Drop"); setLayout(null); button = new JButton("Button"); button.setBounds(200, 50, 90, 25); field = new JTextField(); field.setBounds(30, 50, 150, 25); add(button); add(field); field.setDragEnabled(true); button.setTransferHandler(new TransferHandler("text")); setSize(330, 150); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) {

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Assistant Prof Deptt of Computer Science


new DragAndDropExample(); } }