unit 3 overview art and society

Unit 3 Overview Art and Society 1815 to 1914

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Unit 3 Overview Art and Society. 19th Century. 1815 to 1914. Reaction against Enlightenment - its promises not fulfilled 20 years of war since 1789 Also a reaction to the Industrial Revolution and the new way of life it produced. Origins of Romanticism. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Unit 3 Overview

Art and Society

1815 to 1914

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Origins of Romanticism

• Reaction against Enlightenment - its promises not fulfilled– 20 years of war since


Also a reaction to the Industrial Revolution and the new way of life it produced

John Constable, Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop’s Grounds, 1825

The Metropolitan Museum, British Isles, 1800-1900 AD, 2005, http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/jcns/ho_50.145.8.htm (August 15, 2005)

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Characteristics of Romanticism

• Rejection of rigid standards and rules (as in classicism)

• Defiance of conformity• Emotion rather than reason• Feelings, imagination,

beauty, exotic history, nature, spiritualism, supernatural, pleasure, pain

“precisely situated neither in choice of subjects nor in exact truth, but in mode of feeling.”

Charles Baudelaire, 1846, poet and art critic

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Nationalism and Romanticism

Eugene Delacroix, Greece on the Ruins of Missolonghi, 1826

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Special Exhibitions, Crossing the Channel, 2005


(August 15, 2005)

Greece vs. the Ottoman Empire

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Liberty Leading the People, 1830

Sunset, ca 1850 The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Romanticism and the School of Nature, 2005, http://www.metmuseum.org/special/KarenBCohenCollection/5.L.htm (August 15, 2005)

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German Romanticism

• Search for identity• Nation as homeland • National character -

common people (volk)• Search for unity

• 1812 Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s folktales were published

• Germans were under Napoleonic rule

• “Patriotic attempt to preserve a vital aspect of Germanic culture.”

Metropolitan Museum, Central Europe and Low Countries, 1800-1988 AD, 2005, http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/10/euwc/ht10euwc.htm (Nov. 6, 2005); Jack Zipes (trans.), The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm ( Toronto: Bantam Books, 1987), 203.

Snow White

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Otto Von Bismarck

• Realpolitik – the politics of reality

• vs. Romanticism

• Unification of Germany, 1860s

Haus Hohenzollern, 2003, http://www.preussen.de/de/geschichte/1861_wilhelm_i./otto_von_bismarck.html (Nov. 6, 2005)

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German Nationalism

BBC Education Scotland, History, German States, 1815, n.d., http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/bitesize/higher/history/nationalism/unification3_rev.shtml (August 15, 2005)

By 1871

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Spanish Nationalism vs. France

Goya, The Shootings of May 3, 1808Goya, Colossus

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Italian Nationalism• Risorgimento -

resurrgence of an old desire to unite the Italian states

• Much of Italy controlled by Austria, some by France

• Romantic vs. Realpolitik

University of South Carolina, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Collection of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1999, http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/hist/garib/garib.jpg (October 15, 2005)

Garibaldi, passionate Italian nationalist

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Beyond Books, Apex Learning Inc, Italian Unification, Modern European History, 2005, http://www.beyondbooks.com/eur12/2a.asp (October 15, 2005)

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Nature and Romanticism

• Nature is not rational• Appeals to the senses• Subject to wild

passions• Natural landscapes

such as Constable and Turner

• In poetry the simple beauty of nature can inspire – Wordsworth and

Coleridge• reaction to


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English Romantic Painting:Joseph Turner

Turner, The Slave Ship, 1840

Turner, Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway, 1844

TheMetropolitan Musem of Art, Joseph Mallord William Turner, 2005, http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/trnr/hd_trnr.htm (Sugust 15, 2005)

Tate Collection, Turner Collection, nd, http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ViewWork?cgroupid=999999996&workid=72888 (August 15, 2005)

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Crystal Palace, 1851

Victoria Station, The Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, 2001, http://www.victorianstation.com/palace.html (August 15, 2005); Quarry Bank Mill and Styal Estate, 2001, http://www.quarrybankmill.org.uk/ (August 15, 2005); www.bbc.co.uk/ images/ind_boysloom.jpg

Quarry Bank Mill

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Factory Work

Cotton Mill

Oxford Archaeology, Cotton Spinning, 2004, www.oxfordarch.co.uk/.../ industrial/carding.jpg (August 15, 2005)

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Stephenson’s Locomotive, “The Rocket”

BBC History Trail, Victorian Britain, Industry and Invention, 2001, http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/lj/victorian_britainlj/industry_invention_6.shtml?site=history_victorianlj_industry (August 15, 2005)

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No School

• “Up until the end of the 19th Century there was no law that meant you had to be educated at all.

• In early Victorian Britain many children never went to school.

• Parents had to pay for their children to go to school, but many families were too poor to afford this. They sent their children to work in the factories instead.”

National Archives, Learning Curve, Snapshots, How We Were Taught, 2000, http://www.learningcurve.gov.uk/snapshots/snapshot15/snapshot15.htm (October 15, 2005)

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Child Labour

Child Coal Miners

National Archives Learning Curve, Victorian Britain, Industrial Nation, Source 4, n.d., http://www.learningcurve.gov.uk/victorianbritain/industrial/source4.htm (October 15, 2005)

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Women Miners

National Archives Learning Curve, Victorian Britain, Divided Nation, Source 3, http://www.learningcurve.gov.uk/victorianbritain/divided/source3.htm (October 15, 2005)

Mr. Sadler’s witness statement in Lord Ashley’s Report, 1842

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George Cruikshank, London Going Out of Town, 1829

Spartacus Educational, British History 1700-1900, n.d., http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ITlondon.htm (October 15, 2005); National Archives, Learning Curve, Snapshots, Victorian Homes, n.d., http://www.learningcurve.gov.uk/snapshots/snapshot14/snapshot14.htm (October 15, 2005)

“At the start of the 19th Century about 20% of Britain’s population lived there, but by 1851 half the population of the country had set up home in London.”

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• Expansion of Democracy– Liberalism

– New liberalism

– Suffrage

• Socialism

British Houses of Parliament

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Marxists.org Internet Archive, n.d., http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/cw/volume06/06-483.gif (August 15, 2005); The History Guide, 2005, http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/marx.html (August 15, 2005)

Karl Marx

The Communist Manifesto, 1848

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Art - ImpressionismRenoir, Young People in the Street, ca. 1877

The Metropolitan Museum, The Age of Impressionism, 2005, http://www.metmuseum.org/special/Ordrupgaard/71.L.htm (August 15, 2005)

Degas, Three Dancers, ca. 1898

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Art - Realism

Honoré-Victorin Daumier, The Third-Class Carriage, ca. 1863–65

The Metropolitan Museum, Nineteenth Century French Realism, 2005, http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/rlsm/ho_29.100.129.htm (August 15, 2005)

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New Imperialism

Sepoy Mutiny - Indians vs. Britain, 1857

Bronx Community College Department of History, n.d., www.bcc.cuny.edu/History/ His10/Course/lucknow.jpg(August 15, 2005)

The “Scramble for Africa”

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Imperialism in Art

Gauguin, Two Women, 1901 or 1902

Commodore Perry arriving in Yokohama, Japan, 1854

The Metropolitan Museum, The Annenberg Collection of Impressionist and Postimpressionist Masterpieces, 2005, http://www.metmuseum.org/special/Annenberg_01/1997.391.3.R.htm (August 15, 2005); Ibiblio, A Brief History of the Perry Expedition to Japan, 1853, n.d., www.ibiblio.org/.../ Dip/Perry/img/Perry-3.jpg (August 15, 2005)

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Japanese Influence

Toshusai Sharaku, OtaniOniji II, 1794

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, At the Moulin Rouge: La Goulue and Her Sister, 1892

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Japonisme, 2005, http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/jpon/hd_jpon.htm (august 15, 2005)

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Social Darwinism

• Darwin’s idea of “survival of the fittest”

• Misapplied to human society, economics, politics

• Used to justify imperialism in that whites were considered “better”, more evolved

PBS, Evolution, In the Name of Darwin,2001, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/darwin/nameof/ (Nov. 6, 2005)

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Technology and Imperialism

National Archives Learning Curve, Living in the British Empire - India, n.d., http://www.learningcurve.gov.uk/empire/g2/cs4/g2cs4s9.htm (October 15, 2005)

Railway Bridge, India, circa 1900

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Red Rubber

• King Leopold II of Belgium

Mark Dummet, King Leopold’s Legacy of DR Congo Violence. Feb. 24, 2004. BBC News. (June 24, 2010).

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• The 19th Century culminates in 1914 with World War I:– imperialism– nationalism– militarism– alliance system

BBC, BBC AS Guru English, n.d., http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/asguru/english/01genre/05waysofreading/index.shtml (Nov. 6, 2005)