unit 2 what's the matter, mike unit 2 what's the matter, mike lesson 1

Unit 2 What's the matter, Unit 2 What's the matter, Mike Mike Lesson 1 兴兴兴兴 兴兴兴

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Unit 2 What's the matter, Unit 2 What's the matter, MikeMike ??

Lesson 1兴桥小学 邹晓娟

Let’s chantLet’s chant


Let’s act

A hard trip Let’s learn

Let’s play

How are you feeling?

Fine. How are you?

I have a headache.

I have the flu.  

How are you feeling?

Fine. How are you?

I’m feeling better.

I’m as good as new.

A hard trip in the desertA hard trip in the desert

The robot is tired. The straw man has

a headache ….

What’s the matter with them?

The dog has a sore throat.

The monkey's leg hurts.

The rabbit has a toothache.

Let's learnLet's learnhave a sore throat

have a feverhurt

have a cold

have a toothache

have a headache

What’s the matter, Mike?

I feel sick. I have a fever.

What’s the matter?

My leg hurts.

What’s the matter?

I have a toothache.

Listen and tick or cross

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Listen and tick or cross(( 11 )) Teacher (woman):Teacher (woman): What’s the matter, Mike? What’s the matter, Mike? Mike:Mike: I feel sick. I have a cold. I feel sick. I have a cold.(( 22 ) ) Mike:Mike: What’s the matter, Chen What’s the matter, Chen Jie?Jie? Chen:Chen: I have a fever. I feel cold. I have a fever. I feel cold.(( 33 ) ) Sarah:Sarah: How are you, Wu Yifan? How are you, Wu Yifan? Wu:Wu: I don’t feel well. I don’t feel well. Sarah:Sarah: What’s the matter? What’s the matter? Wu:Wu: My arm hurts. My arm hurts.(( 44 ) ) Liu Yun:Liu Yun: Are you OK, Amy? Are you OK, Amy? Amy:Amy: No. I have a headache. No. I have a headache.(( 55 ) ) Teacher(man):Teacher(man): Are you better today? Are you better today? Zhang Peng:Zhang Peng: No. I have a toothache. No. I have a toothache.(( 66 ) ) Dad:Dad: What’s the matter, John? What’s the matter, John? John:John: I have a sore throat. I have a sore throat.

未卜先知 :What will happen?

Let’s sing

• An apple A day.swf

Summary• Matter,matter,what’s the matter?• Headache,headache,I have a headache.• Matter,matter,what’s the matter?• Toothache,toothache,I have a toothache.• Matter,matter,what’s the matter?• Sore throat,sore throat,I have a sore throat. • Matter,matter,what’s the matter?• Fever,fever,I have a fever.• Matter,matter,what’s the matter?• Cold,cold,I have a cold.• Matter,matter,what’s the matter?• Hurt,hurt,my leg hurts.

Thank You !

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