unit 15 - lo3


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Page 1: Unit 15 - LO3
Page 2: Unit 15 - LO3

Content• Slide 3 - Print-based Advertisement

Magazine Advert• Slide 4 - Mood Board Magazine Advert• Slide 5 - Mood Board Magazine Advert• Slide 6 - Mind Map Magazine Advert• Slide 7 - Magazine Advert Hand Drawn

Draft• Slide 8 - Hand drawn Magazine advert

Conclusion• Slide 9 - Graphic Layout – Magazine

Layout• Slide 10 - Analysis of Print

Advertisement Inspiration• Slide 11 - Print-Based Advertisement

Poster• Slide 12 - Mood Board Festival Poster • Slide 13 - Mood Board Conclusion

Poster• Slide 14 - Mind Map Festival Poster• Slide 15 - Festival Poster Hand Drawn

Draft• Slide 16 - Hand Drawn draft Poster

Conclusion• Slide 17 - Graphic Layout – Poster

• Slide 18 - Analysis Print Advertisement of Inspiration

• Slide 19 - House Styles• Slide 20 - How they effectively portray

the campaign message• Slide 21 - Photo-shoot plan• Slide 22 - Photo-shoot plan Continued • Slide 23 - Photo Shoot plan conclusion• Slide 24 - Fonts Styles• Slide 25 - Draft Logo design• Slide 26 - Test photography• Slide 27 - Test Photography Conclusion• Slide 28 - Proof reading and Sub

editing• Slide 29 – 32 - Production Plan for the

Poster, advert and Audio-visual advert• Slide 33 - Conclusion to Production

Plan• Slide 34 - Launch Slide• Slide 35 – Safe Working Practices• Slide 36 – 42 - Step by Step on how to

make my magazine advert • Slide 43 – 47 - Step by Step on how I

made my Poster

• Slide 48 – Equipment• Slide 49 - Budget, summary, resources

and Personnel• Slide 50 - Cost of producing the poster• Slide 51 - Risk Assessment• Slide 52 - Risk Assessment Conclusion• Slide 53 - Location Reece• Slide 54 - Location Reece Conclusion• Slide 55 - Location Reece – Potential

hazards and risks

Page 3: Unit 15 - LO3

Print-based Advertisement Magazine Advert

Page 4: Unit 15 - LO3

Mood Board Magazine Advert

Page 5: Unit 15 - LO3

Mood Board Conclusion

I have chosen this photo as this is a typical of what to expect at a festival especially in England. It shows a group of friends probably in the summer with their camping gear getting ready for a weekend festival in somewhere like Glastonbury. Despite the wellington boots they are still wearing shorts which shows they are expecting sun. This sets the mood for my magazine poster as it is very traditional.

Page 6: Unit 15 - LO3

Mind Map Magazine Advert


Colour Scheme:The target audience for this Advert is going to be for students over 18. This is because the music is generally for those over 18 and I don’t want them to be put off going if they think lots of children (14-16) are going. Also some of the music contains explicit language and it is safer for only adults to go.

Name: JUMP FestivalThe connotations of Jump is the feeling of listening to music at a festival and having the urge to jump and dance to theMusic.

This will be a yearly festival. It will be in the same location each year and last for three days.

Slogan: “BE FREE”The connotations behind this is that people who attend can have a feeling of freedom and escapism.

This advert is going to be put into multiple magazines. Most of these are going to be paper based magazines such as Mixmag and DJ times. However, they will also feature in online magazines.

The connotations of purple are power and luxury which I want to relate to my festival as being powerful in creating a social status which should encourage my audience to buy tickets. Purple also connotes independence and mystery. As my audience is young I want to promote independence as they are at the age where they can be independent. Also, mystery links to the unknown of what their summer is going to bring them.

Blue connotes masculinity and as this is a large portion of my audience which I want to attract to the festival.

Yellow connotes sunshine, happiness and energy. This is what I want my audience to see my festival as.

Page 7: Unit 15 - LO3

Magazine Advert Hand Drawn DraftThis is the header which is the festivals name. It takes up almost half of the page so that it attracts the audiences attention to read it. This should be the first thing they read so that it boost brand knowledge. The colour is also purple so it has a nice distinctive contrast between the text.

This is where all of the artists names will go. They will be in different fonts which represent the type of artist they are. This is the most important part of the magazine advert as this will convince people the most to go.

This visualizes the date of the event which is important for people who want to go. This is why it is in-between the header and the artist names. So when people look closer they may read this.

This is the festivals website where people can buy tickets. It fits nicely at the bottom and this is also where the telephone number is.

The background is going to be a sunset which heavily connotes the summer theme of the festival.

This is someone jumping. This connotes to the festival header. They are a shadow as the audience can imagine themselves as the person.

This is a puff promotion so that the audience can clearly see the price of tickets

Page 8: Unit 15 - LO3

Hand drawn Magazine advert Conclusion

I have made a hand drawn draft so that I can visualize what I am going to make and when I am making it. This will speed up my work flow as I would have already drawn out and decided the template. There shouldn’t be a lot which changes with maybe the positioning changing of some of the text. However, this is a basis of what the final product will look like in Photoshop.

Page 9: Unit 15 - LO3

Artists Person’s shadow

Graphic Layout – Magazine Layout

Jump Masthead

“Festival”The Sponsor

The date and location

Puff Promotion

More artists

Website and Phone Number

The have decided to use most of the magazine advert space to be filled with artists names as this can create star appeal as most people will probably go to the festival to see certain artists perform. I have taken this idea from my mood board where advert of inspiration has just focuses on covering the whole page in artists names as people can search for the people they like and it will visualise the vast amount of people which are performing.

The smaller artists are at the bottom as to not distract the attention away from the bigger artists. There is also more room if they are a smaller size so I can fit more in. These artists will appeal to people who like smaller and more unknown artists.

Page 10: Unit 15 - LO3

Analysis of Print Advertisement Inspiration

Truck Festival is sponsored by ‘DIY’

There are two ‘Puff’ promotions, one is for a Free tickets for under 12s and the other showing the price for normal tickets.

This is there website where users can preorder tickets.

Colour Scheme:

The connotations of the monster in the background could be for individuals to release their inner monster and to stop hiding their inner feelings. In my magazine I am going to repeat this shadow in the background but as a real person.

This is probably aimed towards adults as the colours are plain and simple. Also the font isn’t flashy. The price is also aimed at adults as its £69 and under 12s go free.

Blue connotes being masculine so this poster may be more aimed towards men and the festival may be more male orientated.

The yellow may connote the summer and happiness which is what they want people to think of when they think about their festival.

White is considered to be a summer colour so the use of it connotes the feelings of the summer holidays which is usually happiness and this festival takes part in July.

Black also connotes fashion and trends which could be linked to this festival being popular.


Page 11: Unit 15 - LO3

Print-Based Advertisement Poster

Page 12: Unit 15 - LO3

Mood Board Festival Poster

Page 13: Unit 15 - LO3

Mood Board Conclusion

I have chosen this photo as it shows the crowd at a festival. I like this photo as it is mostly younger people in the crowd. This is similar to the type of audience my festival is aiming for. It also shows the festival at dusk which is going into will probably go into the night.

Page 14: Unit 15 - LO3

Mind Map Festival Poster


Colour Scheme:The target audience for this poster is going to be for students. This will be in the age range of 18-25. As this is the student range which is interested in going to festivals and other social status improving events in the summer.

Name: JUMP FestivalThe connotations of Jump is the feeling of listening to music at a festival and having the urge to jump and dance to theMusic.

This Poster is going to distributed around the local area where the festival is going to be. It is also going to be put around universities and town centers. This way more young people are able to see them.

This will be a yearly festival. It will be in the same location and last for three days.

Green connotes nature which is related to summer being fields. This will portray in my advert the feeling of summer. Blue connotes masculinity as this is most common gender which will attend my festival I want to make sure that I can attract them to buy tickets.

Yellow connotes sunshine and happiness which I want to make my festival look like.

Red connotes passion and desire which is what I want my audience to feel about my advert.

Page 15: Unit 15 - LO3

Festival Poster Hand Drawn DraftThe Palm trees connote the summer feeling so that the audience associate my festival with summer.

The dates can be clearly see so that the audience knows the dates of the festival.

The header for this is big and also contrasts will with the background it shows catch the eyes of the audience boosting brand identity. It is also flowing which links to the music genre.

This is the slogan of the festival which should show to the audience what the festival aims to provide.

The background is very colourful and connotes multiple feelings of summer. It also looks like a fancy cocktail which are only seen on holiday and usually in the summer

This is a puff promotion to show the audience how much the festival will cost which will decided mostly if they can go or not.

This is the shadow of the crowd which connotes that they are raising their hands to the music and that they are also in the dark meaning the festival is going on into the night.

The festivals website is at the bottom where people can buy tickets to the festival.

Page 16: Unit 15 - LO3

Hand Drawn draft Poster Conclusion

This hand drawn draft will act as a guide when I am making the Photoshop version. The Header should be the main center of attention and then the price should. The hands in the air are just going to be shadows thus not being attention seeking. There is minimal other text of pictures so it doesn't’t divert the attention away from the header and important information.

Page 17: Unit 15 - LO3

Graphic Layout - Poster


Jump Masthead



Puff Promotion


Picture of Hands as a crowd

I have taken the idea of having the header and slogan being the biggest part of the advert from one of my posters of inspiration as there is only one thing to focus on and some one looking at this cannot be distracted by anything else as there is nothing else to look at.

The website is at the bottom of the page as is doesn’t distract from anything and if someone is interested in the festival they can see this information without it taking away from the attention of the rest of the poster.

Page 18: Unit 15 - LO3

Analysis Print Advertisement of Inspiration

Colour Scheme:

This a picture to connote summer and the holiday time as they are palm trees.

The hands connotes the atmosphere of the crowd and it being a popular festival where people are very engaged in it due to their hands being raised.

The target audience for this poster is probably aimed towards a younger audience as the colours are very bright and interactive which would catch their eye. Also, the connotations of summer appeals to younger people more as they have no work to do and look for activities to do with their friends.

This is there slogan. ‘Live Music, Dance and Drink’. This also appeals more to younger people.

Page 19: Unit 15 - LO3

House Styles• One house style which is going to be repeated (Steven Neale 1980) is the

header style for ‘JUMP festival’. This will keep the same font and colour, so that it is recognizable. I am close keeping the Purple outline and shadow effects to it.

• The colour purple connotes luxury and sophistication which people who see the advert may think that this festival is fancy which could encourage them go compared to muddy Edinburgh fields. It also a feminine colour which could interest more women in going to my concert as they may be put off by there being too may males going. Also, purple connotes romance which could make the audience think of having a stereotypical summer romance which could be started at my festival.

• I am using the colour yellow a lot as I want to connotations of that (for example summer and happiness) to be related to my festival. That it is why it appears a lot.

• I also have shadows in both of my adverts which is a more discrete house styles as it connotes that the person viewing it could be that person in the advert.


Page 20: Unit 15 - LO3

How they effectively portray the campaign message

My fonts, colours and layout for my print-based advertisement are able to effectively portray my campaign message which is having a fun time with your friends un the summer. The fonts are very similar to styles which can be seen in other summer festivals. They are very bold which connotes something big and interesting is going to happen (for example the unknown of the summer holidays and new experiences) The colours which I have used are very bright and light colours (Yellow, purple, Blue, Green and Red) which all have connotations to a summer feeling. These colours are able to show that this festival has a heavily presence in being involved in summer. The colours also focus on what the sun/sunsets look like as well as a typical festival field. The layout of the adverts convey the campaign message very well as there is sometimes lots of space conveying the freedom of a long summer and the other advert is also busy connoting that summer is fully of social activities.

Page 21: Unit 15 - LO3

Photo-shoot plan

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Photo-shoot plan Continued

Page 23: Unit 15 - LO3

Photo Shoot plan conclusion

The reason for the photo shoot plan was to have an idea of what my method was of taking all of the photos for the magazine. It was all planned so it wouldn’t waste time and that I was able to get the images I needed the first time without having to do another photo shoot. The plan also highlights all the requirements which needed to be met for the pictures to be taken.

Page 24: Unit 15 - LO3

Fonts StylesI have chosen a range of fonts which I think are suitable for the magazine advert and poster.For the magazine advert I used Poplar Std as this font is very bold and takes up a lot space on the advert. This makes it more eye catching and will draw peoples attention which will then mean they learn what the festival is called.I have also used this for the other fonts on the poster but in a different size and not as bold. I wanted to keep the style of the page. I also considered using the font Funk Machine as this is similar to Poplar Std as it is very thick and bold however, I didn’t chose it as the spacing between each letter was too close together and it was too thick as I though it could make some of the text hard to read as a result. I considered the Rockin record font as this again is a thick and bold font which will attract more people to look at it. However, I didn’t think this font was appropriate enough as the edges were too rounded and made it look too immature for the audience which I was aiming for.

Page 25: Unit 15 - LO3

Draft Logo design

This is the logo which I have created for the magazine advert. As this music festival is sponsored from Mixmag music magazine I used the same font style as them. The font is bold and colour. It is a very dominate feature on the advert. I made the outline of the letters big to draw more attention to it.

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Test photography

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Test Photography Conclusion

I reason why I did test photography was too see if the images which I took were going to be ones which I was going to use in the final advert. If I thought they were appropriate then I would have change the idea and photoshoot plan as different images had to be taken. This would also waste less time if I decided to change my idea after the photoshoot had been taken.

Page 28: Unit 15 - LO3

Proof reading and Sub editingI have proof read through my magazine adverts my self to make sure that there are no spelling or grammar errors which may have been made while making them. This ensures that the adverts have a high quality and that it would look unprofessional if there were mistakes.I have also stated in my production plan that there will be a stage where I am going to proof read. By planning this I will make sure that it is not forgotten.

Page 29: Unit 15 - LO3

Production Plan for the Poster, advert and Audio-visual advert

Week beginning the 1st June 2016

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayI am going to have a meeting where I am going to decide all of the dates for future briefings.

I am going to make layouts and designs plans with an hired art designer. I am also going to have to make a story board for what the audio-visual advert is going to look like.

I am going to design a logo and I am also going to decide a colour scheme with an designer and editor. This will also need to be decided for the audio-visual advert.

I am going to make some graphic layouts to see if it looks nice and appropriate with the colour scheme. I am going to listen to the music and look at the chosen colour scheme for the audio-visual advert and see if they go well together with the colour scheme well representing the music genre.

I am going to have a meeting with all of my staff to get their opinion and see what needs to be changed or the poster and audio-visual advert

Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by:

Completed by:

Completed by:

Date 1st June Date 2nd June Date 3rd June Date 4th June Date 5th June Date 6th June Date 7th June

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Week beginning the 8th June 2016

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayFrom the changes made from the meeting on Friday they need to be put into place

The new layout and designs will have to be completed today. The audio-visual advert will also need to have the colour scheme finalised

The final layout needs to be approved with the colour scheme and design. The video will need to be approved by the editor before anything else can be changed.

I need to have a photographer. Today there will be a meeting with them about what is going to happen in the photoshoot.

The model which I am going to use for the magazine adverts needs to be contacted and told all of the information about the photoshoot.

Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by:

Date 8th June Date 9th June Date 10th June Date 11th June Date 12th June Date 13th June Date 14th June

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Week beginning the 15th June 2016

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayThe model and photographer will take the pictures at the location which has already been decided (by the editor). The music will need to be recorded for the audio-visual advert

The photoshoot template needs to be completed and presented for the approval for the meeting. The template for the audio-visual advert will also need to be finished.

I will have to select the best photos from the photoshoot which are going to be use in the magazine advert. I will need approval from the editor for the picture which I have chosen. Timings for the audio-visual advert need to be decided by today.

The photos will be edited and placed onto a template of the magazine advert. This will be done on Photoshop. Testing needs to be done to see if the timings between the text and music flow nicely.

The edited picture will need to be approved again. Continue to add the text to the audio-visual advert.

Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by:

Date 15th June Date 16th June Date 17th June Date 18th June Date 19th June Date 20th June Date 21th June

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Week beginning the 25th June 2016

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayThere needs to be a budget summary for all of the printing costs today. The footage will need to be finalised.

When the advert is created it there will be a plan where it is advertised, this is the same for the audio-visual advert as it needs to be decided where it will be shown.

The advert needs to be proof read The budget plan will determine how many times it can be used in other magazines. The video will need to be proof watched and read before being published.

The final advert will need to be approved by the editor and then the magazine which it is going to be put in will be chosen. The videos will be ready to be released on social media sites.

All of the advert will be launched today.

Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by: Completed by:

Date 22th June Date 23th June Date 24th June Date 25th June Date 26th June Date 27th June Date 28st June

Page 33: Unit 15 - LO3

Conclusion to Production PlanThe reason why I have made a production plan is so that I can clearly see what I need to do on a day to day basis to be able to complete and make my adverts and this highlights how I am sticking to a deadline. By planning this I am able to create a deadline where I know what date I am going to be finished by. Also, this plan will allow me to visualize every stage which needs to be done and I can see if there is anything missing. Overall, it makes me a lot more organized by planning and arranging what is going to happen, thus making the creation of the adverts very efficient. The have chosen for all of the adverts to be released on the same day as this makes it easier to know when they are going to be released. If they were all on different day it would be harder to keep track when they were going to be released. Also with all of these adverts being released at the same time I think it will be more effective as with multiple ways in which it can reach people they will be exposed to it more as they are 3 adverts being released rather than 1 at a time which people could forget about or more easily ignore.

Page 34: Unit 15 - LO3

Launch Slide

I am going to launch my advertisement on the 26th June. This is because it is the day after the official start of summer and is the perfect time to release an advert which is orientated around having the best summer experience. People will be less concerned about work and school due to the improved weather and holidays coming closer. People will also be think about what they want to do in the summer and they consider going to a festival. The summer also gives them more time to socialize.

Page 35: Unit 15 - LO3

Safe Working PracticesI use Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 to make my poster and magazine advert. I used this because it has all the tools and features which I need to use to edit my poster and magazine advert to make it look professional and of very high quality. Some of the tools which I used were the crop, gradient, shape, text, adding my own images, quick selection tool and rubber. The gradient was used to make one of my backgrounds where the colours changed from yellow to red and green. The colours were able to fade nicely between each other which can only be done on Photoshop. When using colours I used the Swatch's which I could save in so that I would use exactly the same colour each time.

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Step by Step on how to make my magazine advert

1) Firstly I added a picture which I took of the sun set. I used the crop tool to select the part which I wanted. I then sized it and placed it as my background.

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2) I then imported another picture which I took of my model jumping. I edited this using the quick selection tool to get rid of the background. I then used the rubber tool to get rid of the sharp edges and the mask tool to automatically get rid of some of the sharp edges and edit the hair better. Then I edited the image to make it all black and added a drop shadow to add depth to the image.

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3) I then added the header. I used the same font style, colour and effects as the Jump magazine and the magazine poster. I used the text tool. I also used the ruler tool to align them to make sure that they were in the middle of the advert. I added a drop shadow to jump to add more depth and I made the festival stoke pink.

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4) I then added a sub-title that stated that this was the first Jump festival. I used the rounded rectangle tool to back the background. I then changed the colour to blue and the opacity was lowered. The text was then added inside of it. This is a light blue as there is a good contrast between the colour so it is clear. 5) I then added the who was sponsoring the festival using the text tool and I also added the price in a puff promotion format within a circle using the shape tool.

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6) I then added when and where the festival was going to be located. I used the text tool and made the font bold and used a thick stroke around the words so that it stood out. I then started to add the artists names below this. Each each artist they had the same font but they all had different effects to them which the size, height, width and spacing all being different. This was used as part of the font style tool effects.

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7) I then made a line between the main and popular artists at the top and below the line and ‘+’ I added the less known artists. This was made with the line tool. These are smaller as more can be added as due to them not being very well known they shouldn’t take up too much space on the magazine advert. They had the same font but their font styles are all the same.

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8) Then I added the website and telephone information at the bottom. This was in a blue box made using the shape tool and the text was a light blue.

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Step by Step on how I made my Poster1) First, I had to make the the background. I used the gradient tool. I selected the gradient tool. Then then want to select a the colour within the gradient tool for the background. I dragged the gradient tool and the background was made.

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2) I then wanted to make a banner where the dates for the festival would be seen. I used the rounded rectangle tool to make a rectangle at the top of the page and I used the ruler tool to make sure that it was in the middle of the page. I then went onto the layer styles to change the look of the rectangle. I changed the Bevel/Emboss contour and gradient overlay which is were I changed the colour and the angle of the gradient used on the rectangle. I then put text into the rectangle.

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3) I then made the Header (JUMP FESTIVAL) using the text tool. I used the same font style, colour and effects from the Jump magazine for the poster. What I changed to make the header look like it is jumping is the characters of the font which was moving the base line on each letter.I also added an enjoy text. I used the text tool as well for this. I then changed the font to Trattatello and then held down the command button to rotate it.

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4) I then added the slogan (!BE FREE!) to the poster. The used the text tool to add this using the font Poplar Std.

5) I then added the hands to the crowd. I imported my own images to Photoshop. I then used the quick selection tool to select the background around the image to delete. I then did this for the other pictures of the hands which I wanted to use. For all of these I changed the opacity to different levels. Those further back were a lower opacity to add depth. The ones closer have a high opacity. I then duplicated the images and moved them.

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6) I then added the logo to the top of the poster by importing it as I made it separately. I made it by making lots of squares aligned to each other and changed the colour so that it faded.

7) I then added the festivals url at the bottom of the page using the text tool. I had to add a circle in the background so that it stood out more. I used the shape tool for this.

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EquipmentI used a DSLR 1200D canon camera to take the all of the pictures (£257). I also used an IPhone 4s (£193) to take some test photos to make sure the setting as it was quicker to do this on the phone while setting up the camera. I also used a tripod (£9.03) for the camera to reduce the amount of movement of the camera which reduces the amount of blurred pictures as well as it is easier to get the same positioning of the photos.




Page 49: Unit 15 - LO3

Budget, summary, resources and Personnel• The magazine advertising rates to have my magazine advert placed into a music magazine as a whole page

spread in colour will cost around £2,940+£2,940 (£5880). The magazine which it will go into are Mixmag and Dj times.

• I will need to have staff to help campaign to create the advert and poster. A professional photographer will cost roughly £200 per hour during the photo shoot which will be 2 hours long. (£400)

• A content editor will cost around £50 per hour (£50 * 10 = £500) (£500 * 4 = £20,000) they will help quality check the products and be telling the graphic designers what they need to be making.

• A graphic designer will cost around £25 per hour ( £25 * 10 = £250) (£250 * 4 = £10,000). They will build the actual adverts in Photoshop with the editor tells them to make.

• There were no writers needed due to there being very little written content on the advertisement. • All of the equipment which I am going to be using are my own so it won’t cost anything to buy or use. This

includes the computer and software such as Photoshop.• The office space will cost around £1000 per month. This will cost £12,000 for a year. This will be for 1-4

people. (£1000)• Overall, this will cost in total £37,280


http://work.chron.com/much-graphic-designer-make-year-3629.html http://jae-fiction.com/writing-tips/editing/what-does-editing-cost/ https://hubblehq.com/office-space/2574/bow-exchange-business-park/3997?officeId=3997

Page 50: Unit 15 - LO3

Cost of producing the poster

• For the posters I want to print them in full A4 size and in colour which should cost me around £35 for 100 copies. This is a large amount of poster and is cheap. This is also including the fee for delivery.


Page 51: Unit 15 - LO3

Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment Conclusion

The reason why I have done a risk assessment so that I can avoid having anything going wrong which could cause the photo shoot to stop and having to be rescheduled for another day. There could also be damage done to people or equipment which must be avoided. This assessment makes it easier to avoid and highlights potential risks thus by acknowledging them it is less likely they will occur.

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Location Reece

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Location Reece Conclusion

The reason why I have done a location Reece is that is to make sure that I have planned for everything which is going to happened a location Reece will help as it will show me clearly if I am missing out anything which I am need to add in.I can also send this off to other people who are part of the photoshoot to help them what is going on and this will help with organising them to do what I need them to do.

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Location Reece – Potential hazards and risks

A potential hazards for the photographer is that that when taking pictures of the sunset on the Epsom Downs this is near a road which could be dangerous and a night this is not seen as being a safe place on your own. To over come this my photographer will wait until the roads near aren’t very busy and also be accompanied by one or two people for safety reasons. It is also very sunny for the photographer who is looking at the sun might get eye strain. So a pair of sun glasses will be needed and he will be told that he can take breaks if his eyes hurt.

The person in the pictures may be have a potential risk as due to them jumping off something the will need something to jump onto or to avoid jumping they can just pose as if they were jumping.

Due to taking all of the pictures outside there can be a risk of their being bad weather which would ruin all of the pictures and they would have to be taken on a different day. To help prevent this I will check the weather forecast to make sure it is a sunny day and there is little chance of rain. Also, if it does start to rain there will be potential slipping hazards. To help prevent this I will advise people to wear appropriate footwear which has enough grip to stop themselves from falling over. I will also take an umbrella as if it does rain then I can protect the camera gear from getting wet and potentially breaking. Some of the main people which are part of helping with the photoshoot apart from the photographer and model may be ill or absent which could stop the photoshoot from happening. To reduce this risk I will have replacement people who can be called to do the job of the person which is ill or absent.

I have also given the model a release form where the model will be aware of what they are doing and of any risks which they are putting themselves in. This include what they will be doing on the day of the photoshoot and how they are legally protected as they will know what the images are going to be used for so cannot sue or try and stop the images from being used as they have given their consent for the pictures of them to be used.

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LO3 Conclusion

In this learning objective I have made my two adverts from beginning in the pre-production stages where I was planning and making ideas of what I wanted to make to the end where I made the final version on Photoshop for a Magazine advert and Poster. The pre-production process included the mood board, mind maps, hand drawn drafts, house styles, Photoshoot plan, Fonts Styles, logo, production plan, safe working practices, equipment, budget summary, risk assessment and location Reece.