unit 1.2 sess 1,2

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CACHE Level 3 Early Years Educator© Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Unit 1.2 : Support Healthy Lifestyles For

Children Through Exercise Session 1

Week beginning1/9/2015

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CACHE Level 3 Early Years Educator© Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Learning outcomes

LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise• 1.1 Outline the benefits of exercise for children• 1.2 Identify the requirements of current frameworks

for outdoor access, regular exercise for children• 1.3 Evaluate national and local initiatives which

promote children’s exercise.• 1.4 Describe benefits of working in partnership with

parents/carers in relation to supporting children’s exercise.

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Starter activityStarter - Shake up cards

• Pick one of the shake up cards available • In pairs complete the given activity and

note how this may benefit a child in your care?

• Feedback your feeling to the whole group

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Starter activity



Make notes on your post it of our findings from the clip

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Starter activity

Post it

Post your answers on the board feedback ! How many benefits have been identified? Take a photo!

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LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.1]

• There are lots of benefits to children of regular exercise.

• Physical development• Helps control body fat• Develops stronger muscles and bones• Encourages hand/eye coordination.• Social development• Boosts self esteem• Develops confidence• Encourages children to feel good about themselves.

• The benefits of exercise for children

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LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.1]

• Cognitive development:• improves sleep quality• boosts memory• enhances your mood.• Children who exercise regularly are:• less likely to be overweight• likely to have more energy.• Exercise will also have long term benefits:• It can help reduce illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes etc.

• The benefits of exercise for children (cont’d)

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Lets take a look at the EYFS !

• EYFS• Physical development is one of the three prime areas in the

areas of learning and development. The EYFS states that ‘Physical development involves providing young children with opportunities to be active and interactive, and to develop their coordination, control and movement.’ (EYFS Framework DFE 2012)

• United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child• The UNCRC recognises that all children should have the right to

an education which develops their physical abilities alongside all their other areas of development.

• The requirements of current frameworks

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Independent research activity

LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.2]

• Time: 30 mins

• Research the legislation and frameworks that refer to exercise.• What can you find out about Play England’s Charter for

Children’s Play? How is this relevant? Group 1• Research the Change4Life campaign. Group 2• The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

(UNCRC) that covers exercise? Group 3• Research the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Group 4• How does it explain outdoor access and regular exercise for


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Independent research activity

• You may use • Books / magazines • Mobile internet • Nabies to conduct your research

• Present your findings to the group via, Power point, Poster or Padlet

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LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.2]

• Children’s lifestyles have changed dramatically in the last 20 years. They now have access to a variety of interactive gaming machines – consoles, computers, iPads and other tablets. They play outside much less than they used to for a variety of reasons – parental concerns about safety being one.

• It can be argued that as a result they lead a much more sedentary lifestyle.

• Exercise is important not only to aid children’s physical development, but also their social, emotional and cognitive development.

• Outdoor access provides children with space and fresh air and offers the opportunity to explore, discover and develop their imaginations as well as their physical abilities.

• The importance of outdoor access and regular exercise for children

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Classroom discussion activity

LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.2]

Time: 5 mins

In small groups, list reasons why regular exercise is important for children and why they should have outdoor access.• Refer to examples from the experience you may have had

when working with children • What do you know about free-flow access?Be prepared to share your thoughts with the rest of the group.

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LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.3]

Change4Life All feedback Are you aware of this strategy? Where have you seen evidence of this strategy? How effective do you think it has been? Group 1 and 2 Research Local initiatives

Group 2 and 3 Research Play England You have 10 minutes to complete your given questions !

Evaluation of national and local initiatives which promote children’s exercise

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Group activity

LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.3]

Time: 20 mins

In groups, research either national initiatives or local initiatives which promote children’s exercise – ensure that both areas are covered within the class.• Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share your findings with

the rest of the class. • Make sure that you provide references and explain how these

initiatives promote children’s exercise.• Evaluate each initiative and complete the worksheet.

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Group activity

LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.3]

• Time: 20 mins• In groups, research either national initiatives or local

initiatives which promote children’s exercise – ensure that both areas are covered within the class.

• Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share your findings with the rest of the class.

• Make sure that you provide references and explain how these initiatives promote children’s exercise.

• Evaluate each initiative and complete the worksheet.

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Pairs activity

LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3]

• Time: 20 mins• With a partner design a poster to explain:• the benefits of exercise• how current frameworks support children’s exercise• national and local initiatives.• You should:• consider all the areas of development• Note how current frameworks affect practice in your setting• Refer to examples from settings.• Be prepared to explain your poster to the rest of the class.

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LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.4]

• The benefits of exercise are outlined in slides 3 and 4. The physical, social and cognitive aspects will all have long term benefits. In order to maintain these long term benefits, it is helpful for children to receive support from the rest of the family and they, too, will benefit.

• The Change4Life strategy recognises the importance of this as it focuses on the whole family.

• When practitioners work in partnership with parents they can suggest activities that children can do out of the setting environment. They can share information with parents about what exercise activities their child likes to be involved in or discuss why a child is not interested in exercise and together work out a strategy to encourage their involvement.

• The benefits of working in partnership with parents/carers in relation to supporting children’s exercise

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LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.4]

Parents can help to motivate children. If parents act as role models, this will have more of an impact on the child’s behaviour and they will be more likely to have a positive attitude to exercise.Parents can be encouraged to volunteer in settings: supervising skipping activities, demonstrating hula hoop, refereeing football matches etc.

The benefits of working in partnership with parents/carers in relation to supporting children’s exercise (cont’d)

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Extension activity

LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3]

Time: 15 mins

Does free-flow play encourage children to exercise more?• Refer back to the notes that you made during the Classroom

discussion activity.• Research free-flow play.• Outline arguments in favour of, and against, free-flow play.• Silent debate

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Reflection activity

LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise [AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4]

Time: 15 mins• Write a list of the activities on a typical day for your class/group at your

setting. Reflect on any previous childcare experiences you may have had

• Highlight all the opportunities that the children have to exercise. Board Blast

• What proportion of the day is spent following activities which provide exercise?

• Do you think there is a need for more opportunity to exercise?• Write out a daily plan that shows an awareness of the need for children

to exercise. You may wish to use this in your placement. • How would you encourage parental involvement?

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Learning outcomes

LO1. Understand children’s need for exercise• AC 1.1 Outline the benefits of exercise for children• AC 1.2 Identify the requirements of current

frameworks for outdoor access, regular exercise for children

• AC 1.3 Evaluate national and local initiatives which promote children’s exercise.

• AC 1.4 Describe benefits of working in partnership with parents/carers in relation to supporting children’s exercise.

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Summary: plenary activities1. Find out about the Wake Up Shake Up programme.2. Explain how you would incorporate this into the daily routine at your


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Unit 1.2 : Support Healthy Lifestyles For

Children Through Exercise Session 2

Week beginning1/9/2015

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Starter activity

Group Discussion

• What physical activities have you completed in your life?

• As a group write your answers on the classroom white board

• How has this effected your physical wellbeing today?

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Learning outcomesLO2. Understand inclusive practice in relation to the use of provision for children’s exercise• Evaluate a local indoor provision in relation to inclusive practice• Evaluate a local outdoor provision in relation to inclusive practice

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The importance of inclusion was first identified by the 1978 Warnock Report. It recognised that some children, who had previously been excluded from mainstream schools, could achieve in them if given the appropriate support.In the last lesson we learnt about the importance of exercise for children’s holistic development. It is important that all children have the opportunity to exercise.Inclusive practice is about providing the support that is needed to enable all children to participate. It ensures that all children in childcare settings have equality of opportunity and it enables them to achieve their potential.

LO2. Understand inclusive practice in relation to the use of provision for children’s exercise (AC 2.1, 2.2)

Inclusive practice

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Time: 15 minWhat do you understand by the term ‘inclusivity’?• Write down what inclusivity means to you.• Consider the Group activity on equality and

diversity from Unit 1.1 Lesson 5.• Discuss the importance of inclusive practice. Can

you provide examples from your settings?

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Classroom discussion activity

Time: 15 minsPrepare a checklist to carry out within your placement. You will feedback this information after placement 1

• How is the setting laid out?• What activities are available?• What access do the children have to

the activities?• How many of the activities encourage


LO2. Understand inclusive practice in relation to the use of provision for children’s exercise (AC 2.1)

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Group activity

Time: 30 mins

• Use your laminated photo’s of the outdoor area’s.• Identify areas which are unsuitable for inclusive practice.• Identify areas which support inclusive practice.• List suggestions for how you would improve the area for

inclusive practice.

LO2. Understand inclusive practice in relation to the use of provision for children’s exercise (AC 2.1, 2.2)

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Pairs activity

Time: 15 mins• Read and discuss the case studies provided on the worksheet.• Draw up plans for how you would include each of these

children in exercise activities in the settings.

LO2. Understand inclusive practice in relation to the use of provision for children’s exercise (AC 2.1, 2.2)

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Independent research activity

Time: 15 mins

Research provision in your area that provides exercise areas for children.Look for:• Parks Group 1 • Playgrounds Group 2• Leisure centres Group 3• Indoor activity centres providing sensory and soft play Group

4Find examples of both indoor and outdoor provision.

LO2. Understand inclusive practice in relation to the use of provision for children’s exercise (AC 2.1, 2.2)

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Inclusive practice is not just about children with special needs or disabilities, but should also be about planning to meet all children’s individual needs. It should ensure that all children have equal access to the curriculum and the same opportunities. Some considerations when evaluating indoor and outdoor provision for children’s exercise:• Do children have free-flow access? Is this important?• Are plans in place to meet children’s individual needs?• Are there a variety of resources? For example, small and large balls?• How safe is the area? For example, are there soft mats or surfaces?

LO2. Understand inclusive practice in relation to the use of provision for children’s exercise (AC 2.1, 2.2)

Evaluating provision in relation to inclusive practice

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Further considerations:• Are the resources provided appropriate and adequate?• Is there sufficient adult supervision?• Are risk assessments in place?

LO2. Understand inclusive practice in relation to the use of provision for children’s exercise (AC 2.1, 2.2)

Evaluating provision in relation to inclusive practice (cont’d)

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Reflection activity

Time: 15 mins

Having researched both indoor and outdoor facilities which provide exercise opportunities for children, work with a partner and share your research.You should:• List all the indoor areas that you have researched.• List all the outdoor areas that you have researched.• Describe the facilities and activities provided in each one.• Evaluate how well each place provides for inclusive practice.

LO2. Understand inclusive practice in relation to the use of provision for children’s exercise (AC 2.1, 2.2)

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Learning outcomesLO2. Understand inclusive practice in relation to the use of provision for children’s exercise• Evaluate a local indoor provision in relation to inclusive practice• Evaluate a local outdoor provision in relation to inclusive practice

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Summary: plenary activities1. Research what barriers there may be to achievement for children when

planning exercise activities.2. Can these barriers be overcome?3. List five recommendations of how to overcome barriers to achievement

in exercise.