unit 10: books of poetry ot10.1 the suffering of job › wzukusers › user-13450458 ›...

1 OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job Scripture: Job 1-42 Lesson Goal: Job was a righteous good man who suffered greatly. In this lesson we will learn to trust God and praise Him in everything--even bad times. Introduction: This lesson is found in the book of Job. The author of the book of Job is not known but it was possibly King Solomon or Job himself. Job is the first book in the group of books in the Old Testament called Poetry. Let's say the Books of Poetry in the Old Testament--Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs. Attention Getter: UnfairHave you ever felt like something or someone wasn't being fair? Maybe some kids get lots of presents on their birthday and you don't. Perhaps some kids are just better at sports than you are. You work and work and no matter how hard you try you just aren't good like they are! You can't hit the ball or run as fast as they do. You might say, "It just isn't fair!" Did you know that most things in life are not fair? We would like them to be fair but in reality they are not. For example why should some kids get to live in rich house and others don't. Why some children strong and healthy and others are are very sick? Why some kids very smart and others have trouble learning? This is a problem that people have been wrestling with since the beginning of time. The question they ask is "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Did you know that there is a book in the Old Testament that answers this question? It is the book of Job. Opening Prayer: "Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for loving us and wanting what is best for us. Help us to trust You even when bad things happen. We know that You are in control and always will do what is right and good. We know that someday you have promised that we will be with You. In your name we pray. Amen. Memory Verse: The memory verse is Job 1:20 "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be praised." Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/oFg3liG4KDA Job was a wealthy man living in the land of Us. He owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen and 500 donkeys. Many servants worked for him and he was considered to be the greatest man among all those living in the East. Job had seven sons and three daughters. His family enjoyed being together and often had feasts. Job was a good, blameless and upright man who avoided evil and regularly sacrificed to God for himself and his family. One day after roaming the earth, Satan appeared before God. "Have you seen my servant Job?" God asked him. "There is no one like him. He is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." Satan retorted that if Job's riches, comforts and family were taken from him then he would curse God.

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job

Scripture: Job 1-42

Lesson Goal: Job was a righteous good man who suffered greatly. In this lesson we will learn to trust God and praise Him in everything--even bad times.

Introduction: This lesson is found in the book of Job. The author of the book of Job is not known but it was possibly King Solomon or Job himself. Job is the first book in the group of books in the Old Testament called Poetry. Let's say the Books of Poetry in the Old Testament--Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs.

Attention Getter: “Unfair” Have you ever felt like something or someone wasn't being fair? Maybe some kids get lots of presents on their birthday and you don't. Perhaps some kids are just better at sports than you are. You work and work and no matter how hard you try you just aren't good like they are! You can't hit the ball or run as fast as they do. You might say, "It just isn't fair!" Did you know that most things in life are not fair? We would like them to be fair but in reality they are not. For example why should some kids get to live in rich house and others don't. Why some children strong and healthy and others are are very sick? Why some kids very smart and others have trouble learning? This is a problem that people have been wrestling with since the beginning of time. The question they ask is "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Did you know that there is a book in the Old Testament that answers this question? It is the book of Job.

Opening Prayer: "Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for loving us and wanting what is best for us. Help us to trust You even when bad things happen. We know that You are in control and always will do what is right and good. We know that someday you have promised that we will be with You. In your name we pray. Amen.

Memory Verse: The memory verse is Job 1:20 "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be praised."

Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/oFg3liG4KDA Job was a wealthy man living in the land of Us. He owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen and 500 donkeys. Many servants worked for him and he was considered to be the greatest man among all those living in the East. Job had seven sons and three daughters. His family enjoyed being together and often had feasts. Job was a good, blameless and upright man who avoided evil and regularly sacrificed to God for himself and his family. One day after roaming the earth, Satan appeared before God. "Have you seen my servant Job?" God asked him. "There is no one like him. He is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." Satan retorted that if Job's riches, comforts and family were taken from him then he would curse God.

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

God allowed Job to be tested and gave Satan permission to take away everything Job had but He would not allow Satan to harm Job. So Satan left the presence of God and came down to earth to test Job. One day a messenger arrived to tell Job that the Sabeans had attacked and killed his servants and stolen his oxen and donkeys. As he was speaking another messenger arrived to say that the fire of God had fallen and burnt up his sheep. A third messenger arrived to break the news that three Chaldean raiding parties had made off with his camels. Then a fourth messenger told Job that his children had been feasting indoors when a strong wind swept in from the desert. The house collapsed on them and they were all killed. Job got up and tore off his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship. He refused to curse God for his suffering and sin. "I was born with nothing and with nothing I will die," Job cried. "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." Job did not sin by blaming God for all this trouble. Satan, after roaming the earth again, once again appeared before God. "Have you seen my blameless and upright servant Job?" God asked. "He still maintains his integrity, although you have tried him without any reason." Satan replied, "Oh, any man will curse you God-- if he is sick. Let me strike Job and he will curse You! " So God allowed Satan to test Job even further. "But" God said, "You cannot take his life." So Satan caused Job to have painful sores all over his body. The sores hurt so bad that Job took a piece of broken pottery and tried to scrape himself with it as he sat among the ashes. But he would not curse God for his suffering. His wife urged him to curse God and die. "Don't be foolish," Job replied. "Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?" When Job's three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar, heard about Job's troubles they set out to sympathize and comfort him. They hardly recognized the suffering man before them. They wept, tore their robes, sprinkled dust on their heads. They sat with him for seven days and night. No one said a word to Job as his suffering was so great. On the seventh day Job began to talk. Job was in great pain and so he said, "I wish I had never been born!" He began to question God. "Why does God give life to those who live in misery and turmoil?" Then he began to complain, "I have no peace and quiet. I can't get any rest. I only have turmoil and trouble." Finally Eliphaz replied Job and said, "Job, your troubles are a result of a sin that you have committed. You should confess your sin and then God will make everything all right again." Eliphaz obviously did NOT understand that Job had done nothing wrong! Job answered him and said, "I feel so helpless that I just want to die." Job was very upset that his friends thought that God was punishing him for doing wrong. He had carefully obeyed God. Job then began to pray. He said, "I know God that you are in control of everything. I just don't know why You are allowing this to happen to me." Bitterly Job began to complain to God about his problems. Another of Job's friends Bildad, then spoke to Job. He was upset that Job was still saying that he had not done anything wrong. "God does not punish a just man," he said. Then he too urged Job to seek God and plead with Him. But Bildad was wrong too! He thought Job was trusting in something other than God. He did not understand that God had another reason for Job to suffer.

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Job then began to feel sorry for himself. He said, "There is nothing I can do to make myself right with God!" He wished that there was someone who would pray to God for him. Job was frustrated but still he did NOT curse God. Job's third friend Zophar then joined the discussion. He too began to accuse Job of sin. He got so angry that he said. "Job, you deserved more punishment not less because you claimed to be innocent!" Then he accused Job. He said, "Job, you are hiding secret faults and sins!" But Zophar was wrong! He was certainly not being a good friend to Job! Job began to argue back. "I know that God is wiser than anyone. And you are right that God is just and that He punishes sin. But you are wrong about me! My suffering is not because of sin! I know I cannot save myself but God has promised to answer when I call to him!" Job says, "What a miserable comforters you are! You are like doctors who don't know what they are doing! You are making me feel worse!" "I believe that there is a Redeemer in heaven who will vouch for my innocence. I know that I am being treated unfairly. I don't know why God allows wicked people to live in prosperity and good health while I am suffering but I do know that God will bring justice in the end! I have done good deeds and I have obeyed the Lord. I know that someday the dead will rise again." Job was talking about the promise that when Jesus came He would bring eternal life. The three friends stop arguing with Job. . Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing that the older men had no more to say, he now began to answer the question of why Job was suffering. Elihu began by getting angry at Job for saying he is good and has not done wrong. He said, "Job, God is not answering you because you are arrogant and full of pride! We can't understand what God is doing so we just have to trust Him." Elihu was right about this but his answer was incomplete! Finally Elihu concluded by saying, "If you repent from evil then you will be forgiven and the suffering will end. Because of your suffering you will appreciate God's love and forgiveness more than ever. You are just not listening to God! " Just like the other three friends Elihu was telling Job that suffering is always caused by doing wrong. But Elihu was WRONG about that. Job had not done wrong! Just then a huge storm came up. The wind began to blow fiercely. In this whirl wind God begins to speak. God begins by asking Job a long list of rhetorical questions to show how little Job knows about creation and the power of God. God said, "Where were you when I created the world? Were you there when all the angels sang for joy? Look at all the stars in the sky. Did you understand how I command all of them to shine? I even control all the forces of nature including the rain and snow. Yet, who do you think feeds the raven when its babies cry out for food? Just think about the horse. Do you make it strong or give it its beautiful mane? No, you don't! How about the hawk? Do you tell it where to fly or where to build its nest? No, you don't but I do! How about the ostrich? Does she know or care about where to lay her eggs? No these animals do not understand but they trust me! Look at the great dinosaur that I created. He eats grass like an ox, his tail swings like a cedar tree, his bones are tubes of bronze and his legs are like bars of iron. Don't you see that I have great power? God then asks, "So, Job who are you? Will you argue with the Almighty God and correct Him? Let him who accuses God answer Him!" Job was very quiet. He knew that he should not question God's authority! He finally says, "Lord, I am unworthy--how can I reply? I put my hand over my mouth. I will say no more." God then asks Job more questions.

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

At last Job answers "I am sorry that I questioned your authority or power. I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. Great are you, Lord." At this moment God ends Job's suffering! After the Lord said these things to Job, he turned to Job's three friends. "I am angry with you! You did not speak the truth about me! You condemned Job for doing wrong when he hadn't! You told him that his suffering was caused by his sin and it wasn't! I am working in ways you don't understand! Now you need to ask forgiveness from Job and me." The friends went to Job and he forgave them. Even though they had criticized him Job offered a sacrifice to God and prays for them on their behalf to God. Then God forgave them. After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord made him prosperous again. God blessed Job with twice as much as he had before. Now Job had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. God even gave him seven sons and three daughters. The daughters were lovely. In fact, nowhere in the land were there as beautiful women as Job's daughters. God even gave Job a long life. He lived to be 140 years old! The story of Job and its message is still important today. In James 5: 10-11 it says that Job is an example of patience and perseverance. He suffered and waited on God to answer. This story shows us that God is full of compassion and mercy. Trouble is not always because we have done wrong or that we don't have enough faith in God. Most of the time following God does leads to a happier life and rebelling against God does lead to an unhappy life. But NOT always. God is sovereign. That is, God knows everything and He is in control of everything. He loves us and cares about us and always wants what is best for us. Bad things can also happen to good people because we live in a world of sin. That means that good people get sick and can have trouble. But we can be sure that God knows and cares and will not allow anything to come into our lives without His knowledge. God is always working for our good. Jesus loves us and has a purpose for each of us. God may allow evil for a time but He will turn it around for our good. God knows what He is doing. Our memory verse is Job 1:20, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be praised." This verse is saying that God is all powerful and strong. We are to give Him thanks in everything--even trouble. Let's say our verse again, Job 1:20, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be praised." Let's pray, "Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for loving us and wanting what is best for us. Help us to trust You even when bad things happen. We know that You are in control and always will do what is right and good. We know that someday you have promised that we will be with You. In your name we pray. Amen. So the next time you face a trial or trouble. Remember Turn to for God for strength and help. We can trust Him to do what is best. He knows what He is doing. He loves us and will do what is right!

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Review Questions: “Satan’s Fiery Darts” Preparation: You will need to purchase a Velcro target throw with tennis balls. On each ring of the target write a different point value. Say: “In this lesson we learned that the enemy Satan threw fiery darts of testing toward Job. Job was a righteous man and he resisted the temptation to curse God! Even though the devil may try to tempt us, we too, do not need to worry if we have Jesus at the center of our hearts. We belong to the family of God and God will give us victory if we trust in Him. Today we are going to play a review game that reminds of the victory we have in Christ.” Procedure: Divide the class into two teams. Allow each team to alternately throw the tennis balls so they will stick to the target. The point value of the ring where the ball lands will be the number of points their team can earn if they correctly answer the following review questions.

1. How did God described Job at the beginning of the story? (Job was a wealthy man living in the land of Us. He owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen and 500 donkeys. Many servants worked for him and he was considered to be the greatest man among all those living in the East.

2. How many children did Job have at the beginning of the story? (Job had seven sons and three daughters.)

3. What kind of man spiritually was Job? (Job was a good, blameless and upright man who avoided evil and regularly sacrificed to God for himself and his family.)

4. Who asked God if he could test Job? (Satan went to heaven and asked God if he could test Job.) 5. What did God tell Satan about testing Job? (God allowed Job to be tested and gave Satan

permission to take away everything Job had but He would not allow Satan to harm Job.) 6. What difficult things did Satan cause in the life of Job? (Job had his animals stolen. His children all

died in a storm. Satan made Job sick with sores all over his body.) 7. When all these difficulties came upon Job, how did Job respond? (He tore his robe, shaved his

head, and wept. He knew that God was in control but he was confused as to why all this was happening to him. Yet he did not curse or reject God. He knew that he had not sinned against God.)

8. When Satan went to God the second time what did he ask God for permission to do? Satan asked to cause Job to have a terrible disease of sores on his body. Satan thought that would make Job blame God.

9. What did Job do when he had sores all over him? (He sat by the ashes of a fire and scraped himself with a piece of pottery trying to get relief but he did not blame God.)

10. What did Job's wife tell Job to do and did he do it? (She said he should curse God and die but Job said no he would not.)

11. What did his three friends do when they came to visit Job when he was sick with the sores? (They sat with him for seven days before they said a word. Then they said that Job was being punished for a sin he had committed and he should repent so God could restore his good fortune.)

12. Why was the three friends’ advice not good? (They were accusing Job of doing wrong when he didn’t do anything wrong. They did not understand that God was sovereign and in control of everything that happened even the things that seemed like punishment.)

13. How did Job answer the charges that his three friends made against him? (Job was very upset. He knew that he had not sinned. But Job could not explain why he was suffering. He wanted answers from God. Job knew that God was faithful and he chose to continue trusting in God’s faithfulness.)

14. After the three friends questioned Job, what advice did the young man Elihu offer to Job? (Elihu began by getting angry at Job for saying he is good and has not done wrong. Then he said that we can't understand what God is doing so we just have to trust Him." Elihu was right about trusting God but he was still saying that Job had sinned.)

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

15. How did God speak to Job and what did he say to him? (God spoke to Job through a whirlwind. He asked Job a bunch of questions. God reminded Job that He had created everything and had control over all things. He said that Job was a human who was not capable of understanding God’s plans. But Job should have known to trust the sovereignty of God and that He could use even the bad things that happened to Job for good.)

16. After God told Job about his sovereignty, what did Job say in reply to Him? (Job answered, "I am sorry that I questioned your authority or power. I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. Great are you, Lord.")

17. What happened to Job after he recognized God’s sovereignty and power over his life? (God healed him!)

18. What did God tell the three friends? (God said, "I am angry with you! You did not speak the truth about me! You condemned Job for doing wrong when he hadn't! You told him that his suffering was caused by his sin and it wasn't! I am working in ways you don't understand! Now you need to ask forgiveness from Job and me.")

19. What did Job do for his three friends? (He forgave them and then offered a sacrifice for them and asked God to forgive them.)

20. What blessing did God give to Job after He spoke from heaven? (God restored all of Job’s wealth. Job had ten more children. He saw his grandchildren and great grandchildren to be born and grow up before he died.

21. What is the memory verse? (Job 1:20 "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be praised.”)

22. What lessons should we learn from this story of Job? (God was always with Job even during Job’s tough times. God is righteous and just. He always does what is right. We may not understand what is happening to us but we should always trust in the sovereignty of God and His love for us. God is merciful. He is kind and compassionate toward us even though we do not deserve His mercy.)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “The Whole World in His Hands” Our memory verse is Job 1:20 "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be praised.” Have students locate the verse in scripture and read together aloud several times.

Say: “This verse tells us that God created Job and us as humans with emotions. It is not a sin to express overwhelming grief as Job did. Job understood that everything belongs to God and that He is in control of all things. If we are experiencing a deep loss, a disappointment, or a heartbreak we need to admit our feelings to ourselves, to others and to God. We should praise God whether things are good or bad. God can then be our comforter. This verse reminds us of the song, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.”

Procedure: Play the song, “He’s Got the Whole World in His hands” on a CD or DVD. Read the following lyrics to the song to the class.

He's got the whole world in His hands (4 times) He's got the fish of the sea in His hands He's got the birds of the air in His hands He's got the fish of the sea in His hands He's got the whole world in His hands He's got the little bitsy baby in His hands (3 times) He's got the whole world in His hands He's got everybody here in His hands He's got you and me, brother, in His hands He's got everybody here in His hands He's got the whole world... He's got the whole world in His hands

Say: “What are some of the things that this song mentions that Jesus holds in His Hands? (Allow time for answers. Write responses on the whiteboard.) What things could we add to the song? Sing the song with the original lyrics and some of the added ideas. Repeat the memory verse.

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Group Learning Activity: “Walking in Holiness” (Grades K-4) Preparation: You will need masking tape for this activity. Say: “In this lesson we looked at Job’s life prior to the hard trials that he suffered. He was a righteous man who obeyed and worshipped God. This gave him a foundation of holiness that helped him stand strong with the storms of trials came his way. Sometimes the road that we are on can have a lot of turns and curves and can go in a lot of directions. Sometimes the road is very difficult to travel but we can make it like Job did if we keep our eyes on Jesus. Today we are going to play a game that will help us understand what it means to “walk righteously.” Procedure: With masking tape make a trail (a line of masking tape) for the children to walk on. Weave and loop the line around the room. Make zig zag crossings but make it join at the ends so it is continuous. Use a design similar to the drawing to the right. Divide the children into two even teams. Have each team start a opposite sides of the room. When you say, “Go,” each team should start. They need to go in opposite directions. They should end up going toward each other as they loop around. Explain to the children that their feet cannot step down anywhere except on the line. If they cross paths make sure the boys say “excuse me” and allow the girls to go first. They should not bump into each other as long as you make areas that cross over in your trail. If someone’s foot comes off the taped line have them start over. Once both groups make a complete circle and get back to their side of the room, ask all the children to sit in a circle on the floor. Say: “Was it easy to go down the trail? Did you hit any obstacles? Was it straight or winding? Was it easy to fall off the trail? Did you know that walking this trail is like walking in holiness? When we walk in holiness, it is not always easy. It can be easy to hit obstacles or fall off the trail. But, Jesus promises to help us as we give our lives to Him.” “Job was upright—a righteous man. To be righteous is to live in a “right” relationship with God. God was first in Job’s life. Job “feared God and shunned evil.” He had the proper respect for God. To “fear God” is to include Him in everything one thinks and does. He considered what God would think about his decisions. He avoided evil, staying as far away from it as possible.” “What a great lesson for our lives! We, also, should fear God (give Him proper respect) and avoid evil. We should include God in all of our decisions. We should stay away from places, people, or things that would draw us into sin. In fact, we should run away from anything that draws us into evil.”

Group Learning Activity: “Twirl and Trust” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need socks or old pieces of cloth to use for several blindfolds. Procedure: Have the children form pairs and have the pairs decide which child will be blindfolded first. Have them put on the blindfold. Have the pairs of students link arms back-to-back and line up at one end of the classroom. Tell partners that on “go,” they must race to the opposite wall and back by spinning around in circles. Tell the seeing partners that they are responsible to help their partner go in the right direction. Have the partners race and declare a winner. Allow the rest of the children to go and then switch roles if you would like to. Have the children gather together afterwards. Say: “Sometimes it is hard to trust God to lead us. Things in life can sometimes be scary. But we can trust in God no matter what. Just like you had to trust in your partner to get you to the other side of the room and back, you can trust God to get you through difficult times.” Conclude with prayer to be faithful to the Lord in good times and bad.

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Group Learning Activity: “Before and After” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: Each student will need a Bible. You will also need construction paper and colored markers. Say: “After Satan took Job’s things, family and health, God restored it all and even blessed Job with more than before. Today we are going to do an activity where we can see Job’s life before and after he trusted God during his suffering.” Procedure: Form groups of 2-4 children and instruct them to fold their construction paper into thirds. (Fold the paper horizontally, folding each side inwards toward the center.) On the outside of the folded paper write the name Job in a big bubble or with block letters. Have students open their Bibles to Job 1:1-3 and read all that Job had before Satan took everything. Guide them to open their papers and write “Before” at the top left side of the paper and then list all of the things Job had before. Then have the students turn to Job 42:10-17. Guide them to write “After” on the top right side of their paper and then list all of the things that Job had after.

In the center of the paper, have students write “Suffering can strengthen our faith and trust in God.”

Group Learning Activity: “Sack Cloth and Ashes” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need a large piece of burlap cloth, small red dot stickers like those used in offices, fire place ashes in a small, sealed container, and a broken piece of pottery or tile (be sure it has a rough edge). Cut a hole in the burlap cloth in the center so it can drape over a child’s head. Say: “In the lesson we learned that Job suffered many difficult situations. He lost his children, his animals, and his health. Today we are going to have an opportunity to see what it must have been like to be Job.” Procedure: Have a volunteer student put on the burlap outer garment or have them pass a piece of burlap around to rub on their face. Talk about how rough it feels. Show the class the box of ashes and explain that during the time of Job that people would put ashes in their hair as a sign of mourning. (Don’t really put the ashes in the child’s hair! Just use the ashes for demonstration purposes only.) Next place some red dot office stickers on the volunteer’s face, hands, and arms to demonstrate boils. Then show the students what it may have been like to scrape those boils with broken pottery. Be careful and do not allow the children to scrape each other with the pottery. Give other children an opportunity to be Job if they would like. Remind children that God wants us to trust Him even when we do not understand. Say: “Satan attacked Job by giving him sore boils all over his body, a terrible inflammation on his skin. Boils go down into the nerves, causing a great deal of pain. One boil is extremely painful; imagine how it would feel having them all over your body. He could not find any comfortable position, even lying down was painful. Job scraped himself with a potsherd, a piece of broken pitcher. He was probably scratching

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

the sores for some type of relief. Through all this adversity, Job remained faithful to God. Job’s heart was fixed on his relationship with God and he did not sin by cursing God.” “How do we respond when we face difficult situations? We are not to give up! Let’s ask the Lord to make us good followers of God and have an unwavering faith in Him. God wants us to trust Him even when we do not understand.”

Craft Learning Activity: “Get Well Cards” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need construction paper, self-adhesive bandages, glue, googly eyes, heart stickers, envelopes, and pens. Gather a list of church members who are sick and their addresses. Cut apart the list and place names and addresses in a bag. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Job was tested by Satan by being made sick with sores all over his body. He suffered greatly during this time. God used this time of suffering to strengthen Job’s faith and trust in Him. Job learned to trust in the sovereignty of God and His control over everything. We have a lot of church members who are sick and suffering. We are going to make some Get Well cards to encourage them and strengthen their faith by cheering them up!” Procedure: Allow the students to draw a name out of the bag and make a card for that person. Distribute the supplies. Demonstrate to students how to fold the construction paper in fourths. (Fold in half and then in half again.) Show students how to put the adhesive bandage on the front of the card vertically, glue the googly eyes to the top of the bandage, and draw a happy face and arms and legs on it. Have students write “You are special to God!” or “Get Well Soon!” on the front of the card. Use the heart stickers on the outside and/or inside of the card and envelope. Have students write a note of encouragement on the inside, telling the person that they are praying for them. Conclude by praying for the people you made cards for. Encourage students to pray silently for the person who will receive their card while the teacher prays aloud. Craft Learning Activity: “Shine for Jesus” (Grades K-2) Preparation: You will need poster board, the person template to use as an outline, scissors, aluminum foil, paper hole-puncher, yarn or ribbon, red construction paper, and colored markers. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Job was a righteous man. He was known for his love for God and his obedience to Him. We too should live lives that are obedient to Him. Today we are going to make a necklace that shows we want to “Shine for Jesus.” Procedure: Make an outline of a person on the poster board for each student in class. Cut the outlines apart and give each student in your class a person shape. Have students cut out their person shape from the poster board. Using two pieces of aluminum foil demonstrate to the students how they can wrap their person making sure the shiny side of the foil is outside. Have students cut hearts large enough to cover the chest of the person shape. Use the red construction paper to cut out the hearts. Glue the heart to the person. On the heart write the words, “Shine for Jesus!” Using a hole-puncher, punch a hole at the top of the person cut out. Use a piece of ribbon or yarn large enough to make a necklace. String it through the hole in the cut out and tie it in a knot to make a loop.

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Craft Learning Activity: “Sun Catcher” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need transparent plastic lids from recycled food containers (yogurt cups, coffee tins, dairy cream, etc.) colored tissue paper, scissors, white glue, brush, ribbon, and sticky tape. Say: “In this lesson we learned God told Job to consider light and how it declares His glory. How has God shown His glory to you? We will make a sun catcher to help us to remember how God has shown His glory in our lives.” Procedure: Distribute the materials to each student. Have the student cut a 24” piece of ribbon and tape it to the transparent plastic lid with sticky tape. Have children think of a abstract pattern such as a cross or fish. Demonstrate to the students how to tear their tissue paper into shapes and then glue it the transparent plastic lid. Use the brush to spread the glue in an even layer across the lid. Some students may wish to use scissors to cut precise shapes with their scissors. Be sure to cover the entire plastic lid with tissue paper. You can do one side or both. Various colors of tissue paper will mix when they are wet with glue. The overlapping colors are even more predominant when held up to the light. Once the design is complete, let the glue dry completely before hanging in the window. You may want to finish off the craft by coating the tissue paper with a coat of spray varnish. Say: “God asked Job if he commanded the morning or cause to dawn to know its place. God was showing Job that man can do nothing to change the rising or the setting of the sun. God wanted Job to see that He is sovereign and in control of all things. God ordered the light and the darkness and we cannot change it. We see morning come, then darkness, which then is followed by morning. God is in control of all the changes in the earth. God is wiser and more powerful than man. So we can trust Him to care for us! He loves us and wants what is best for us. This sun catcher will help you remember that God has great glory that He wants to shine through us to all the world.” Optional: Print the Sun Catcher template below onto white copy paper. Or use the template to draw a design onto tracing paper. Have student s color the design heavily with crayons. Cut out the design and mount on a transparent plastic lid. Attach a piece of ribbon for a holder. Dip a cotton ball into cooking oil and lightly apply it on the sun catcher to make it more transparent.

Craft Learning Activity: “Bracelets of Blessings” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need two different colors of cord (vinyl, leather, plastic, etc.) Each cord needs to be at least 8” long. You will also need plastic pony tail colored beads Say: “In this lesson we learned that when God restored Job He blessed him greatly. God has also blessed us in many different ways. Can you think of some of the ways He has blessed you? We will be making Bracelets of Blessings to help remind us of all of the ways that God has blessed us.” Procedure: Distribute the cord and colored beads. Explain to the children that we will be tying knots in our two cords to make a Bracelet of Blessings. Each knot will represent a blessing in your life. When you are finished you can wear your bracelet to remind you of all your many blessings. Place the two cords side by side. Ask a child to hold one end of both you cords. Begin tying knots in your bracelet. Use beads between the knots to also represent different blessings. When children are done with as many knots as they would like, have someone help them to tie it around their wrist. The children will

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

need to pair up to help one another with this bracelet. For younger children, you can help them with the knots.

Life Application Challenge: “Difficult Times” Say: “In this lesson we learned that Job went through many difficult times. Yet he still praised god. Job knew that God was still good and that God loved him. When we have bad things happen to us, we need to remember that God still loves us! We need to still praise God!” Take some time to encourage the kids to share the hard things they are going through and let them pray for each other. Help them remember that God loves them and they can still praise God!

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

The Suffering of Job

Job 1:20 "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be praised."

Page 13: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job › wzukusers › user-13450458 › docum… · Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing


OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 14: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job › wzukusers › user-13450458 › docum… · Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing


OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 15: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job › wzukusers › user-13450458 › docum… · Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing


OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 16: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job › wzukusers › user-13450458 › docum… · Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing


OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 17: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job › wzukusers › user-13450458 › docum… · Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing


OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 18: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job › wzukusers › user-13450458 › docum… · Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing


OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 19: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job › wzukusers › user-13450458 › docum… · Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing


OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Sun Catcher

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OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Job Caring for Sheep

Page 21: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job › wzukusers › user-13450458 › docum… · Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing


OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 22: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job › wzukusers › user-13450458 › docum… · Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing


OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Page 23: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.1 The Suffering of Job › wzukusers › user-13450458 › docum… · Listening to Job and his three friends talk was a young man named Elihu. Seeing


OT10.1 The Suffering of Job ©Beverly Wilson 2019