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What Do I Have in Common with Cave Man? The Earliest Human Societies African Eve and First Humans Mr. Ochoa Unit 1 Chapters 1-6

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What Do I Have in Common with Cave Man?The Earliest Human SocietiesAfrican Eve and First Humans

Mr. OchoaUnit 1

Chapters 1-6

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Unit 1: African Eve (N.B.)

AFRICAN EVE• Mitochondrial Eve Theory – M. DNA is

inherited from one common ancestor in Africa around 200,000 yrs. Ago

• M. DNA is inherited solely from mother• M.E.T. discovered by Allan Wilson U.C. Berkley

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Unit 1: African Eve

Origin of Humans Today• Primates: 85 million yrs. Ago

• Homo-Habilis: 2.3 million yrs. Ago

• Homo-Erectus: 1.3 to 1.8 million yrs. ago, 1st to leave Africa

• Homo-Sapiens: evolved around 400,000 to 250,000 yrs. ago

DNA• Deoxyribonucleic Acid


• Molecule that erodes the genetic instructions used in the development of all known forms of life

• African Eve – 140,000 to 200,000 yrs. ago

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Unit 1: African Eve (pg. 1-10)

Studying Our Past• Historians – scholars who study and write about the historical

past• Pre-History – period of time prior to writing• Artifacts – objects made by humans• Anthropology – origins + development of people + their societies • Culture – way of life of a society• Archaeology – study of past people + cultures through their

material remains– Relative Dating – grouping similar artifacts and ordering the groups in a

series of style from earliest to latest– Absolute Dating – determining exact age of an object

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Unit 1: African Eve

Studying Our Past (Cont.)• 1959 Mary Leaky found skull

in Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)– Skull belonged to early

Hominid (humans + their closest relatives

• 1974 Donald Johnson – found many pieces of a single Hominid skeleton in Ethiopia– Johnson named it “Lucy”

after a Beatles’ song

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Unit 1: Hunter/Gatherers (pg. 11-16)

Nomad• People how move from

place to place to find food• Approx. 20 to 30 people

live together in small groups– Men hunted and fished– Women + children

gathered berries, fruits, nuts, grains, roots, or shell fish

Tribe• Social division in a

traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture + dialect, typically having a religious leader– Have social rank and


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Unit 1: Hunter/Gatherers

Earliest culture-art, language, and religion• Culture/Art – earliest approx. 40,000 yrs. Ago in the Paleolithic era

(Old)• Language – no consensus on its age or origin

– Lack of evidence– Generally agreed origins closely related + tied to origins of human

behavior approx. 50,000 yrs. Ago• Religion – a commonly held marker for the dawn of religious belief

+ practice with the advent of intentional markers– Approx. 100,000 yrs. Ago– Belief in afterlife– Animism – belief that spirits and forces live within animals, objects, or


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Unit 1: Hunter/Gatherers

Paleolithic Stone Age (Old)• 2.6 million yrs. Ago to

10,000 B.C.• Small societies – hunters

and gatherers• Tools made out of stone,

bone, + wood• Nomadic lifestyle

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Unit 1: Agriculture Changes Everything

Domestication• To raise plants and animals in a controlled way

that makes them best suited to human use– Plant – may have begun with people realizing that

scattered seeds on the ground would produce new plants the next year

– Animal – may have begun with people deciding to round up the animals they usually hunted

Farming + Raising Animals – life just got easier!

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Unit 1: Agriculture Changes Everything

Neolithic Stone Age (New)• Approx. 10,000 yrs. Ago to

2,000 B.C.• Beginning of farming• Metal tools• Pottery + weaving

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Unit 1: Agriculture Changes Everything

The First Villages• Jericho (Israeli territory)

– Built between 10,000 – 9,000 B.C.– Size of a few soccer fields– Few thousand people lived there– Wall surrounded it (suggest some form of govt.)

• Catahuyuk (modern day Turkey)– 7,000 B.C.– Approx. 6,000 people– 3x the size of Jericho– Thousands of mud-brick homes

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Unit 1: The First Communities (pg. 17-24)

Surpluses boost development• Earliest civilizations developed by major rivers– Water supply– Means for transportation– Favored farming

• Surplus – to produce more than necessary– Faced growing population– Store food for future

• Population – increases villages that swell into 1st cities

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Unit 1: The First Communities

Specialization – I’m an expert!• Urban people developed so many new crafts

that a single person cannot master all the skills needed to make tools, weapons, or other goods

• Led to Artisans (skilled craftspeople, + made pottery or finely carved or woven goods), bricklayers, soldiers, merchants, singers + story tellers

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Unit 1: The First Communities (pg. 17-23)

Simple villages become more complex• Govt. – elders or chiefs ruled villages

– Larger cities = more powerful govt.– Need steady supply of food– Control floods– Building projects

• Royal Officials – helped with laws, taxes, organizing systems of defense• Social classes

– People ranked according to their jobs– Top – usually included priests + nobles– Middle – wealthy merchants, artisans– Lower – peasant farmers, slaves– Trade – barter system to obtain needed materials

• Public Works – irrigation systems, roads, bridges, + defensive walls

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Unit 1: The Land Between Two Rivers (pg. 30 – 43)

The land between two rivers• The Tigris + Euphrates – The

heart of Mesopotamia– Land between two rivers– Modern day Turkey through

Iraq into the Persian Gulf– Located in the Fertile

Crescent (Middle East)• Rich soils + golden wheat fields

• Water – the gift that keeps giving (travel, trade, food)– Travel – Tigris + Euphrates

led to the Persian Gulf + Arabian Sea

– Trade – carried goods to different regions

– Food – control river water needed to be channeled to water the fields

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Unit 1: Irrigation Changes the World

Floods, + hot climate a farmers nightmare

• Floods washed away topsoil + destroyed mud, brick villages

• Priests + Royal Officials organized villagers to work together– Building dikes to hold back

flood waters– Irrigation ditches to carry

water to their fields

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Unit 1: Sumer – The First Civilizations

Sumer 3,300 B.C.• 12 separate city-states• Rival city-states battled for control of land +

water– Needed rulers– Rule by war, leaders evolved into hereditary rule

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Unit 1: The First Civilization

5 Traits of civilization• Advanced cities – few natural resources, used clay +

water to build adobes, turned into city-state• Specialized workers – ruling family priests, artisans,

scribes, + merchants• Complex govt. – ruler responsible for maintaining city

walls + irrigation systems, enforced laws• Record Keeping – part of govt’s. job• Advanced Technology – credited with creating the


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Unit 1: The City-State

A city and its nearby villages

The Ziggarat – the heart of the city (temple, city hall)

• A large, steeped platform thought to have been topped by a temple dedicated to the city’s chief god or goddess– Celebrated holy days with

ceremonies– Believed in life after death

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Unit 1: Sumerian Religion

Polytheistic Religion• A god for everything– Gods thought to control every aspect of life even

forces of nature

Priests – Keep the Gods happy!• Viewed as mediators between humans + the

cosmic and terrestrial forcesLeadership changes from priests to kings• Overtime war leaders took control of city-states

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Unit 1: Sumerian Science + Tech

Early inventions – plow, wheel, and using bronze for strength

Mathaletes – number system based on 60

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Unit 1: First Written Language!

Invented Writing• Around 3,200 B.C.Pictographs – Ancient Pictionary!• A picture representing a word or idea; a hieroglyphCunieform – Wedge shaped writing with a stylus, The Ancient iPad?• As it evolved used it to record economic exchanges, myths,

prayers, laws, + business contractsScribes – Ancient humanities plus the record keepers• Years of schooling• Strict discipline• Disrupting class could led to caning

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Unit 1: Sargon of Akkad “I Created the 1st Empire in the World (pg. 36-43)

Taking over• Approx. 2,300 B.C. invaded

+ conquered city-states of Sumer– Expanded his territory– Appointed local rulers -

served as king of the land

Over before it started• Sargon died approx. 2,215

B.C.– Invaders swept into the wide

area + destroyed it

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Unit 1: Hammurabi Rules BabylonBring Babylon to power• 1790 B.C. Hammurabi controlled

most of MesopotamiaHammurabi’s Code nearly 300 laws

on a stone pillar for people to abide by

• Section dealt with civil law– Business contracts, property

inheritance, taxes, marriage, + divorce

• Criminal law – robbery, assault, or murder

• Punishment usually resulted in death

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Unit 1: The Big, Bad Assyrians

Ancient Knowledge + Conquest• Forged iron weapons• By 1350 B.C. established an Empire (Mesopotamia)• 500 yrs. Of hard core rulingWell ordered society• Use money from trade + conquest to build cities• Created extensive laws regulating life within royal

household– Ex: women were secluded to certain areas of the home– King Assurbanipal founded one of the 1st libraries

• Cuneiform tablets from across the fertile crescent

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Unit 1: Nebuchadnezzar Leads the Chaldeans

New Ruler• Assyrians collapsed after Assurbanipal’s deathNebuchadnezzar 2nd ruler of Babylon• Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea• Rebuilt canals, temples, walls, and palaces• Memorials to Gods were constructed– Ishtar Gate – made of bricks

• Ishtar, + Marduk (God of all Gods)

– Hanging Gardens• One of the seven wonders of the world

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Unit 1: Persians

Persian Army• Conquered

Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon

• Largest empire at the time of 539 B.C.– Asia Minor to India

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Unit 1: Cyrus, The Wise Persian Leader

Tolerance• Generous to those he

defeated• 539 B.C. allowed more

than 40,000 Jews to leave + return to Palestine

• Declared certain rights for all people

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Unit 1: Darius Expands the Empire + Divides Into Provinces/Appoints “Satraps”/Royal Road

Satrapy• Division of empires into

provinces• Governor called a satrap

– Each had to pay taxes based on its resources and wealth

Get it done• Spies made sure each

governor was following orders

Communicate • Roads made exchanges

easier throughout the empire– Cultural diffusion

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Unit 1: The Gift of the Nile (pg. 44-56)

Flows S. to N., yearly floods are predictable

Black lands near Nile were fertile

Irrigation and Shaduf led to more crops• Shaduf= well pole

Resources= linen, wheat, flour, mud houses

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Unit 1: Daily Life

Mined for copper, gold, turquoise (blue-green mineral)

Fished, hunted for hippos, crocs, ducks, geese

Sailed Nile, traded surpluses (bartered)

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Unit 1: Egyptian Social Pyramid

1. Pharaoh – God2. Priests – cared for temples, kept Gods happy3. Scribes/gov. officials4. Craft peoples, merchants, + sold stuff5. Farmers6. Slaves/laborers• Women had rights, rich kids went to school,

married early

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Unit 1: Egyptian Smarts

World’s first calendar (used astronomy)

Shapes sacred – used for arch, design

World’s first surgeons

Used hieroglyphic system on papyrus, world’s first books

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Unit 1: Egyptian Religion

Happy after life – bury with ricesPolytheistic• Belief in many gods– Re (sun god)– Osiris (god of the dead)– Isis (emotions, love, + jealousy

Embalming and Mummification• Preservation of dead bodies wrapped in cloth• Approx. 70 days to complete

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Unit 1: The Three Kingdoms

Dynasty – line of rulers from same family

Dynasties divided into Old, Middle, + New Kingdoms

Pharaoh “Great House” describes Royal Palace• God on Earth + had lots of governor power

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Unit 1: Khufu Builds the Great Pyramid of Giza

Built largest pyramid ever• Pyramid of Giza (Khufu)

20,000 workers + 20 yrs. to build

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Unit 1: Queen Hatshepsut/1st Woman Pharaoh

1st women rulerExpanded Egypt through war + trade• Trade with eastern Mediterranean lands, along Red Sea,

Coast of AfricaDesigned obelisk• Tall, four sided, narrow tapering monument with

pyramid like shape at topMysterious death• Cause of death unknown• Maybe diabetes which caused bone cancer

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Unit 1: King Ramses II: 66 Years of Greatness

66 yrs. Created stable govt.• 1279 B.C. to 1213 B.C.Expanded Egypt through war• Conquered numerous temples + monumentsPeace treaty with Hittites was world’s first

peace treaty

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Unit 1: Trade Helps Greece Prosper/First Greek city (pg. 114-142)

Trade Helps Greece ProsperGreece Surrounded by Med.,

Ionian (West) and Aegean (East)

• Lacked resources – trade was critical– Olive oil, wine, pottery for

grain, timber, animal hides, slaves and linen

First Greek CityMycenaeans 1st Greek City• King built thick walled

fortress– Ruled surrounding villages– Amassed treasure

Phoenicians• Lived on E. Med.• Traded + spread their

alphabet– Led to Greek alphabet which

led to ours

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Unit 1: Greek Religion + Culture

Created myths to explain creation and how things worked• Polytheistic • Believed gods lived on Mt. Olympus (Greece)

– Zeus (most powerful)– Son was Ares (god of war)– Aphrodite (goddess of love)

Honored the Gods through holy festivals + sports games (olympics)Loved to tell stories• Epic poems (long poems)• Heroes and war

– Homer wrote the Iliad and The Odyssey (Trojan War)• Fables – short stories that have a moral

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Unit 1: The City-State + Forms of Govt.

City-states called Polis popped up because geography made it difficult to under one gov.

• Mostly built on 2 levels– Top of a hill• Acropolis (high city) temples dedicated to Gods

– Lower Level• Walled main city, market place, theatre, public

buildings, and homes

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Unit 1: The City-State + Forms of Govt. (Cont.)

Center of city was Agora – public space for business + gatherering

Monarchy – earliest form of govt. King/Queen• Hereditary ruler – has central power

Aristocracy – upper class descendents of rich• Land holders

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Unit 1: The City-State + Forms of Govt. (Cont.)

Oligarchy – ruled by a few people had wealth + power

Tyrants – a wealthy person that seizes power• Acts like a king without being of royal birth

Democracy – citizens make political decisions

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Unit 1: Greek DemocracyInvented Citizenship• Person loyal to govt. and protected by govt.Had to be born to free parentsSolon: ruler that worked for poor• Freed slaves• Allowed all citizens (rich/poor) to serve• Challenged harsh lawsCleisthenes• Increased citizen’s power• Organized groups by where you lived not by money• All citizens could vote• Created a legislature (law making body)Direct Democracy – all citizens (free adult males) meet + made laws

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Unit 1: Pericles

Three Goals• Strengthen democracy,

expand + rebuild AthensPericles Changes Govt.• Citizens took part in day to

day activities of govt.• Assembly met several times

a monthHe rebuilds Athens• Rebuilt the Acropolis which

Persians had destroyed

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Unit 1: The Peloponnesian War

Sparta• Military machine• Part Monarchy, Oligarchy, + Democracy• Non-citizens had no rights• All males joined the army• Women were tough – watch over propertyAthens• Direct democracy• Only males were citizens• Education was important• Women kept family strong

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Unit 1: The Peloponnesian War (Cont.)

Athens gains enemies• Greeks hated Athenian domination• Greek world split into two camps– Delian League, Sparta + others form the

Peloponnesian League

Sparta wins the war• Lasted 27 yrs.• Geography helped Sparta– Inland, Athens could not use the Navy

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Unit 1: Alexander “World Domination”

20 yr. old takes throne• Philip was assassinated at daughter’s weddingAlex’s cruel tactics• Set to take revenge for father’s death• If others did not surrender, he took it force +

burned it to the groundAlex creates massive empire• Went undefeated• Egypt to India (approx. 2,000 miles)

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Unit 1: Alexander Spreads the Hellenistic Love

Alex spreads Greek culture and customs – feel the love!“I’ll have a double tall culture with a blend of Persian, Egyptian,

Indian and Greek Seasoning”• Greek soldiers, traders, + artisans settled new cities across the

empire• Local people assimilated (absorbed) Greek Culture• Alexander married a Persian women + encouraged others to

follow– Adopted Persian cultures led Hellenistic civilization

Will the real Alexandria please stand up?• Founded 70 cities named Alexandria• Most famous in Egypt

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Unit 1: Greece Leaves It’s Legacy

The arts + architecture• Sculptors

– New style that emphasized natural forms• Carved gods, athletes, + famous me in most perfect form

• Playwrights– Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides wrote tragedies

• Architecture– Parthenon – temple dedicated to the goddess Athena

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle – Great minds think alike• Socrates – asked about people’s belief

– Socratic method – series of questions that led to examining the implications of their answers

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Unit 1: Greece Leaves It’s Legacy (Cont.)

• Plato – importance of reason– Created the academy school– The Republic – vision of the ideal state

• Aristotle – analyzed all forms of govt. – Set up school (Lyceum)– Left writings on politics, ethics, logic, + biology etc.

Math + Science Galore• Geometry (Euclid)

– Pythagoras Theorem/ A(2) + B(2) = C(2) for a right triangle• Science

– Archimedes , the law of displacement• When an object moves the same volume of water as the object which is place in it

– Lever and pulley