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Unipass Securemail Client User Guide v1.4 This document provides a step by step illustrated user guide for the Unipass Securemail desktop software client / plug-in. UIdP Project Team March 2018

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Unipass Securemail

Client User Guide v1.4 This document provides a step by step illustrated user guide for the Unipass Securemail desktop software client / plug-in.

UIdP Project Team

March 2018

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Data Classification: Public – The information contained in this document is intended for public use.

© Origo Services Limited

Contents What is it? ................................................................................................... 3

Technical requirements .............................................................................. 3

How to install .............................................................................................. 4

1 - Download the installer ........................................................................... 4

2 - Install the plug-in software ..................................................................... 6

3 - Protect your email address .................................................................... 9

Opening and sending encrypted emails ................................................... 13

Forgotten your Unipass Username / Password / PIN (UPP) details? ....... 14

Access by users who cannot / don’t have a Unipass certificate ............... 15

Document Revision .................................................................................. 16

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Data Classification: Public – The information contained in this document is intended for public use.

© Origo Services Limited

What is it? The Unipass Securemail client, also referred to as the Unipass Securemail

plugin or Unipass Securemail desktop software, is a fully integrated plug-in

for Outlook and Windows Live Mail. It allows the sending and opening of

encrypted emails using your existing email software. It can be downloaded

from the Unipass Securemail website and it is freely available to financial

services users in the Unipass community.

A version of Securemail software is also freely available to consumers -

including policy holders and the clients of financial advisers - from Trend

Micro (http://www.trendmicro.co.uk).

Technical requirements. The minimal technical requirements are as follows:

Compatible Operating Systems

Windows XP Home Edition 32-bit with SP3

Professional Edition 32-bit with SP3

Windows Vista Home Basic 32- or 64-bit with SP2

Home Premium 32- or 64-bit with SP2

Business 32- or 64-bit with SP2

Ultimate 32- or 64-bit with SP2

Windows 7 Home Basic 32- or 64-bit

Home Premium 32- or 64-bit Ultimate

32- or 64-bit

CPU and Memory Intel Pentium 800 MHz or better

256MB memory required, 512MB recommended

Required Disk Space 50MB available for installation

Supported email clients Microsoft Outlook 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013

(32-bit only)

Microsoft Windows Live Mail 2009, 2011

Supported browsers for use of

Unipass certificates

Unipass certificates can be collected using Internet

Explorer or FireFox. The use of Unipass certificates

is supported in other browsers, but due to their

software limitations, Unipass certificates cannot be

collected in these browsers.

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Data Classification: Public – The information contained in this document is intended for public use.

© Origo Services Limited

How to install

1 - Download the installer On the Unipass home page (www.unipass.co.uk), click the ‘I want to use

Unipass Securemail’ button.

Next, click on the ‘Log into My Account’ link if you already have a

Unipass Identity, otherwise, click on ‘Apply Now’ to register for a Unipass


Identity that is located in the ‘Support’ section of the Unipass website.

If you already have a Unipass Identity, simply log in to ‘My Account’ and

download the Unipass Securemail installer using either your Unipass

Please refer to the step by step guide on how to apply for a Unipass

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© Origo Services Limited

certificate (if you are allowed to hold one) or your Unipass Username /

Password / PIN.

Once logged in, click on the ‘Securemail installer’ tile and follow the

onscreen instructions.

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© Origo Services Limited

2 - Install the plug-in software Click the ‘Save file’ button (in Firefox) or ‘Run’ button (in Internet


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© Origo Services Limited

Next, double click to open the downloaded Securemail.exe installer file,

accept the licence agreement, and click Next to install the software.

Note: The ‘Next’ button will only become active once the licence agreement

has been accepted.

The installation process will then get underway…..

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© Origo Services Limited

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Data Classification: Public – The information contained in this document is intended for public use.

© Origo Services Limited

3 - Protect your email address Once the plug-in is installed, click ‘Next’ to protect your email address.

Enter the email address you will use to send and open encrypted emails,

and click ‘Next’. Again, the ‘Next’ button will only become active once the

email fields have been populated

Note: It has to be the same address you used when applying for the plug-in

on the Securemail website or when applying for your Unipass identity.

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© Origo Services Limited

The installation process will then get under way.....

You will be prompted to authenticate using your Unipass certificate or your

Unipass Username / Password / PIN (UPP).

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© Origo Services Limited

Once you have successfully authenticated.......

.......the installation wizard will activate protection for the email address you

provided earlier.

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© Origo Services Limited

The Securemail plug-in is now installed and your email address is set up to

send and open encrypted emails.

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© Origo Services Limited

Opening and sending encrypted emails.

Once the Securemail plug-in is installed, a new tool bar will appear in

Outlook or Windows Mail.

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© Origo Services Limited

Use the Send Private button to send a secure email immediately, or the

Make Private button if you're working on an email and you want to make

sure that you send it securely when it's finished.

Opening or sending an encrypted email will launch a web page asking you

to authenticate either with a valid Unipass certificate or using your Unipass

Username / Password / PIN (UPP) credential).

Note: The Securemail Client pop-up allows you to select the address which

will be used when sending an email. The email is opened/sent as soon as

your credentials are verified.

Forgotten your Unipass Username / Password / PIN

(UPP) details?

If you have forgotten your UPP login details, you can request a reminder of

your username and / or have a password / PIN reset link sent on to you

using the

‘Forgotten your details’ link on the UPP login screen.

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© Origo Services Limited

The reminder process relies on the personal card details that you set up as part of your Unipass Identity application. If you do not remember these details, you will need to call the Unipass Helpdesk on 0871 22 12345 in order to have the reset link sent on to you.

After completing the reset process, you will be able to authenticate and

open the encrypted email.

Access by users who cannot / don’t have a Unipass


Users from Non-UK, Trustee and Other organisations will only be able to

authenticate using their Unipass Username / Password / PIN seeing as

they are not eligible to have a Unipass certificate.

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Data Classification: Public – The information contained in this document is intended for public use.

© Origo Services Limited

Document Revision

Revision Date Author Amendments

1.0 01/08/2014 UIdP Project


Approved version for go live of UIdP


1.1 21/02/2015 UIdP Project


Updated to include OTP


1.2 28/06/2015 UIdP Project


Added Data Classification

1.3 May 2016 UIdP Project


Updated the Data Classification


1.4 March 2018 UIdP Project


Updated screenshot of homepage