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Inglés empresarial 1 Unidad didáctica 6 Inglés empresarial A lo largo de esta unidad consolidaremos los recursos léxicos y gramaticales de la lengua inglesa con el fin de comunicarnos formalmente en el entorno empresarial. Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de: Conocer los recursos léxicos y gramaticales de la lengua inglesa en el entorno empresarial.

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Inglés empresarial 1

Unidad d idáct ica 6

Inglés empresar ia l

A lo largo de esta unidad consolidaremos los recursos léxicos y gramaticales de la lengua inglesa con el fin de comunicarnos formalmente en el entorno empresarial.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Conocer los recursos léxicos y gramaticales de la lengua inglesa en el entorno empresarial.

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Inglés empresarial 2

Capítu lo 1

Present ing a company

En la gramática de este capítulo estudiaremos y asimilaremos la construcción de adjetivos en Ingles.

Lo completaremos con una lectura, un listening y un pequeño caso práctico donde pondremos nuestros conocimientos en práctica.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Aprender y comprender la construcción de los adjetivos.

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Inglés empresarial 3

Lección 1


Grammar Reference:

-ed/-ing Adjetives

In English you can form adjectives that end in –ed (like the past participle) and –ing (like the gerund).

Adjectives ending in –ed describe the way a person feels.

Adjectives ending in –ing describe the thing or person which causes us to have a reaction.

I am bored, describe how I feel. This book is very boring, describe how the book is. I am interested in Art, describe one of my interests. Art is very interesting, describe how the Art is.

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Inglés empresarial 4

Read these texts about three companies:

Lección 2

Reading comprehension

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Inglés empresarial 5

Listen to these people talk about their companies:


a) +Tell me, are Ben and Jerry real people?

-Oh, sure. They started their ice-cream business in 1978, and they’re still involved in running the company.

+Oh, really? And how many flavours do you make?

Oh, more than fifty, including frozen yogurt and sorbets. Our most popular flavour at the moment is Cherry García.

b) +I guess most people know us for our beer. Have you tried it?

-Oh, yes. It’s excellent. By the way, what’s your share of the beer market in the Philippines?

+About 80%. But we’re also involved in food production, packaging, and real estate.

-Really? I didn’t know that.

c) +Do you still make typewriters?

-Yes, we do, but that’s not an important part of our business now.

+So what’s your main area of business now?

-Printers, fax machines and copiers. But our future is linked to telecommunications.

+Oh, really?

d) +When did your company start up?

-We opened our first store en San Francisco in 1969.

+And do you have stores all over the world now?

-Well, not yet, but we’re still expanding.

+I have to tell you, my kids love your clothes.

-That’s good to hear.

Lección 3

L istening comprehension

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e) +We do a lot of research and development, you know. This is one of our most popular products at the moment. It’s called the Dr. Grip model.

-Oh, yes, I’ve seen it in the stores. Hm, it’s very comfortable to hold.

+Yes, it’s very popular. And it writes beautifully, of course.

f) +How many branches do you have in Brazil?

-More than 2,000. We offer a wide range of financial service, and we also started Brazil’s first Internet banking service.

+Do you have any offices overseas?

-Oh, yes. We have branches of the bank in New York, Buenos Aires and Grand Cayman, that’s in the Caribbean, and we have an office in London. If you’re ever in Brazil, please come and see us. Here’s my car.

+Thank you.

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Inglés empresarial 7

Capítu lo 2

Advert is ing

Estudiaremos los “Countable and uncountable nouns” en la gramática del capítulo.

Realizaremos una lectura en la que se lleva a cabo la presentación de un producto y escucharemos un dialogo sobre el que luego tendremos que decidir sobre la veracidad o falsedad de una serie de afirmaciones.

Afianzaremos bien los conocimientos gracias a unas actividades.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Aprender y comprender los “Countable and uncountable nouns.

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Inglés empresarial 8

Lección 1


Grammar Reference:

Countable and Uncountable nouns


Countable nouns can be singular or plural, i.e.: car/cars, house/houses; but uncountable nouns have only one form, in singular, i.e.: water, rain, air, rice, salt, oil, plastic, money, music, tennis, cheese, coffee, milk, chocolate, soap, soup, bread, sand.

In English you have to pay attention with some words that are always uncountable: information, weather, advice, hair, furniture, paper, news.

You use some for both countable and uncountable in positive sentences; you use any for both, too, but in negatives and interrogatives. Also, you can use some in questions such us:

Would you like some coffee? (Because you are offering and it’s more polite)

Can you lend me some money? (Because you are asking for something and it’s more polite)

Much + uncountable, i.e.: much money

Many + countable, i.e.: many books

A lot of + countable and uncountable, i.e.: a lot of food, a lot of shops

Much and many are more usual in questions and negative sentences and a lot of is more usual in positive sentences.

A little + uncountable, i.e.: a little water

A few + countable, i.e.: a few years

Sometimes a noun is used uncountably when we are talking about the whole substance or idea, but countably when we are talking about:

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1. Recognised containers for things:

Three teas (= cups of tea), please

2. A type or brand:

There were dozens of cheeses to choose from

3. A particular instance of a substance or an idea:

The statue was made of stone

I had a stone in my shoe

There are many nouns like this: beer, coffee, water, fruit, shampoo, cake, chicken, land, stone, improvement, war …

Some nouns have different meanings when they are used countably and uncountable:

She is looking for work (job)

Shakespeare’s complete works (compositions)

Give me some paper (material)

Give me a paper (newspaper)

She gave a paper in Bristol (speech)

Bolivia is one of the world’s largest producers of tin (the metal)

The cupboard was full of tins (metal food containers)

Other nouns like this include: accommodation, competition, glass, grammar, iron, jam, lace, paper, sight, speech, time, work.

Some nouns that are usually used uncountably can be used countable, but only in the singular, including education, importance, knowledge, resistance, traffic:

She has an extensive knowledge of property prices in this area.

The noun damage can be used countable, but only in the plural:

Sue is claiming damages for the injuries caused (= money paid as compensation)

In English there are several groups of uncountable nouns:

1. Names of substances considered generally:

bread, cream, gold, paper, tea, dust, ice, sand, jam, soap, oil, stone, wood

2. Abstract nouns:

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advice, beauty, courage, experience, fear, help, hope, information, work

3. Other nouns:

baggage, luggage, damage, furniture, weather, news

We can use expressions to “count” them: a bit of, a drop of, a grain of, a piece of, a sheet of, a pot of.

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Inglés empresarial 11

Read the presentation of a product and decide if the next statements are TRUE or FALSE:

Lección 2

Reading comprehension

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A sales person is answering some questions about one of her company’s products.


+Can I help you, sir?

-Yes. Can you tell me something about the OfficeJet 600? Who is it designed for?

+It’s designed for people working in small business and at home.

-What can it do?

+Well, we call it an all-in-one model. It’s one machine, but it can print, scan, copy and fax.

-OK. How big is it?

+It’s the same size as a regular printer so it won’t take up a lot of space.

-Does it have any special features?

+Yes, it does. A special feature is the junk fax barrier. You can set the machine to receive faxes from selected numbers only. In other words, no more junk faxes!

-How much does it cost?

+Well, it’s about the same price as a good-quality scanner. The OfficeJet 600 is a very popular model in our range right now …

Lección 3

L istening comprehension

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Capítu lo 3


El objetivo de este capítulo es conocer a la perfección las reglas gramaticales para el uso de los “Modal Verbs” y utilizarlas correctamente

En el Reading y el Listening deberemos distinguir las premisas verdaderas de las falsas.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Aprender y comprender las reglas gramaticales para el uso de los “Modal Verbs”.

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Lección 1


Grammar Reference:

Modal Verbs

Verbs Use

Must Obligation to do something

Have to Obligation to do something

Must not (mustn’t) Obligation not to do something

Don’t have to No obligation to do something (lack of obligation)

Should Advice to do something

Shouldn’t Advice not to do something

Needn’t Lack of obligation

Difference between needn’t and don’t have to:

You use needn’t for a personal lack of obligation, to do with private wishes or advice; you use don’t have to for an impersonal lack of obligation, to do with outside authority, law or rules.

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Inglés empresarial 15

Read this real story and decide if the next statements are TRUE or FALSE:

Lección 2

Reading comprehension

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Inglés empresarial 16

Somebody phones to the Royal Princess Hotel to reserve a room. Listen to the conversation and decide if the statements of "listening comprehension practice" are TRUE or FALSE:


+Royal Princess Hotel. Good morning

-Good morning. Could I reserve a room for next week, for three nights, from Monday the first of November?

+Certainly, sir. Three nights from Monday the first, you say?

-Yes, that’s right.

+Single or double room, sir?

-Single, please.

+OK. Let me check. Yes, we have a room free. May I have your name, please?

-It’s Gervais. That’s G-E-R-V-A-I-S.

+Sorry, that’s G-E-R ...

-....V-A-I-S. But the reservation is in the name of my company, Cambridge Management Consulting. That’s CMC.

+OK. I’ve got that. Can you confirm your reservation in writing, please, sir?

-I’m afraid I’m not in my office today. Can I fax you tomorrow?

+Yes, of course. That’s fine.

-Could you tell me your fax number?

+Yes, it’s 662-238-1999.

-OK. Thanks. Goodbye.


Lección 3

L istening comprehension

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Inglés empresarial 17

Capítu lo 4

Welcoming a guest

En la gramática de este capítulo estudiaremos el uso del condicional

Lo completaremos con un reading, un listening y un pequeño caso práctico sobre el tema, donde pondremos nuestros conocimientos en práctica.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Aprender y comprender el uso del condicional.

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Lección 1


Grammar Reference:

The Conditional

Main sentence Conditional sentence

1) Simple Present Future Imperative

I’ll buy a new car if I earn more money I do my homework if you do yours Close the window if you are cold

Simple Present

2) Would + infinitive I would buy a new car if I earned more money

Simple Past

3) Would have + past participle I would have bought a new car if I had earned more money

Past Perfect

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Lección 2

Reading comprehension

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Inglés empresarial 20

Listen to the two telephone conversations and decide if the statements of "listening comprehension practice" are TRUE or FALSE:


1) +Galaxy Computer Supplies.

-Overseas Sales Department, please.

+The lines are busy. Will you hold?


+The line’s free now. I’ll put you through.

*Overseas Sales. Lynne Noon speaking.

-Good morning. I’m interested in your fire-safe cabinets. Do you have a sales office in Spain?

*I’m afraid we don’t, but I can arrange for a sales visit from our agent.

-No, no. That’s not necessary. Could you quote me a price for 20 BZ11 cabinets, CIF Cadiz?

*May I have your name?

-Yes, it’s José Rosales. That’s J-O-S-E, R-O-S-A-L-E-S and my fax number is one, that’s the code for Madrid, four three zero, six six eight seven. Could you read that back to me?

*One four three oh, double six eight seven. And what company are you with, Mr. Rosales?


*EVP. Right. I’ll work out the price and fax a quotation through immediately.

-Thank you very much. Good bye.

Lección 3

L istening comprehension

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Inglés empresarial 21

2) +Galaxy Computer Supplies.

-Extension 143, please.

+Hold on.

*Overseas Sales.

-Could I speak to Mary Thatcher, please?

*Who’s calling, please?

-Christophe Terrien of RGF France.

=Mary Thatcher.

-Hello. This is Christophe Terrien of RGF. I’d like to place an order.

=Certainly Monsieur Terrien. Go ahead.

-I’d like six photoconductor units, reference number seven six nine oh five, A stroke K. Do you have them in stock?

=Yes, we do. Anything else?

-No, that’s all. This is an urgent order.

=OK. We’ll send them straight away. Could you confirm this in writing please, Monsieur Terrien?

-Of course.

=Thank you very much.

-Good bye.

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Inglés empresarial 22

Capítu lo 5

Part ic ipat ing in a meet ing

El empleo correcto de sufijos en ingles para formar “adverbs”, “adjectives” y “nouns” será el objetivo de este capítulo.

Tras la parte gramatical, completaremos el tema con una lectura, un listening y un pequeño caso práctico donde pondremos nuestros conocimientos en práctica.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Aprender a formar “adverbs”, “adjectives” y “nouns”.

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Lección 1


Grammar Reference:

Word Building

The most common endings to form words are:


-ly (incomparably)


-ing (interesting); -ed (bored); -ful (beautiful); -ive (sensitive);-able (payable); -al (economical); -tic (dramatic); -less (senseless); comparatives and superlatives end in –er (older) and –est (longest)


-ment (agreement); -on (production); -ist (journalist); -er (driver);-ry (explanatory); -ty (reality); -hood (brotherhood); -dom (freedom); -ship (friendship)

There are several suffixes that add different meanings to words:

-phobia (fear): claustrophobia

-cide (killing): insecticide

-monger (dealer with): fishmonger

-worthy (deserving): trustworthy

-like (similar to): ladylike

-most (furthest): innermost

-wards (in the direction of): heavenwards

-let (small): piglet

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Also there are some prefixes that add different meanings:

mal- (wrongly): malfunction

a- (without): apolitical

fore- (before): foretell

out- (more, better): outlived

over- (more than): overbooking

and many others in relation with numbers:

uni-/mono-; duo-/bi-; tri-; pent-; dec-; cent- …

If you would like to have further information : www.ling.udel.edu/idsardi/101/notes/morphology.html

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Inglés empresarial 25

Emma Quin, an A & R (Artist and Repertoire) executive with Global Vision Music, is in a meeting with her production team. Read the dialogue

Lección 2

Reading comprehesion

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Inglés empresarial 26

Natasha is at the HTO conference. She wants to meet a number of people. Listen to her four telephone calls


1) -Hello, Erika, this is Natasha.

+Natasha, what a surprise! I didn’t think you were coming this year. How are you?

-I’m fine. What about you? When did you get here?

+Oh, about an hour ago. It would be great to see you. Can we meet up?

-Well, let me see, are you free tomorrow evening?

+Er, well, I’m going to the dinner.

-OK, well, are you doing anything afterwards? We could meet up then.

+Yes, that would be nice.

-What time do you think you’ll be free?

+Um, is ten thirty OK?

-Sounds good. Let’s meet at the restaurant at ten thirty.

+OK, ten thirty tomorrow, then. I’ll look forward to it. Bye.

2)-Hello, Mikael Stefansson speaking.

+Hello Mr. Stefansson. My name is Natasha Hall. I work for Roche.

-Oh, yes, Ms. Hall. I know your work. What can I do for you?

+I’m working on project which might interest you. Would it be possible to meet?

-Certainly. When would be convenient?

+Wednesday would suit me.

Lección 3

L istening comprehension

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-I’m afraid I’m giving a paper on Wednesday morning.

+What about the evening?

-I’m going to the jazz concert at ten. Could we make it before dinner?

+Yes. Is seven all rigth?

-That sounds fine. So that’s seven o’clock on Wednesday. Shall we meet in the lobby?

+That’s fine with me. I look forward to meeting you.

-I look forward to meeting you too. Thank you for calling.


+Hello. Could I speak to Dr. Jung, please?


+This is Natasha Hall. I don’t know if you remember me, we met last year.

-Oh, yes. Of course I remember. It was in Berlin, wasn’t it? I can’t believe that was a year ago! So, how are things with you?

+Everything is fine. I was wondering if you would like to meet up

-That would be nice. Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?

+I’m sorry, I’ve got something else on tomorrow. Are you free this evening?

-Yes I am. Is nine o’clock OK?

+That’s fine. Downstairs in the bar at nine. It’ll be nice to see you again.

-Lovely. See you then. Thanks for calling.

4)-Hello. Is that Ms. Aoki?


-This is Natasha Hall. I’m calling to confirm our appointment on Wednesday.

+Oh, I’m glad you called. I have a problem on Wednesday. I have another

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engagement. Could we cancel our meeting? Could we meet at another time?

-Of course. When would be convenient for you?

+I’m free on Thursday at lunchtime.

-Could we have lunch together?

+That would be nice. Shall we meet in the restaurant at twelve thirty?

-That’s fine. So that’s Thursday the sixth at twelve thirty. I look forward to meeting you.

+Thank you for calling. Bye.


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Inglés empresarial 29

Capítu lo 6

Negot iat ing prepar ing an order

A continuación vamos a estudiar las formulas del “Reported peech”, que en ingles consiste en contar lo que otra persona nos dijo.

Lee atentamente todos los puntos que aparecen en la parte de “Grammar” para que realices con éxito todo lo demás.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Aprender y comprender las formulas del “Reported peech”.

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Lección 1


Grammar Reference:

Reported Speech

The Reported Speech consists on telling what someone said and English Grammar divides it into three groups:


In these sentences you must mainly observe the changes in tense:

simple present simple past

present continuous past continuous

present perfect past perfect

present perfect continuous past perfect continuous

simple past past perfect



future continuous

conditional continuous

Command and request

You must remember the use of ASK and TELL with the infinite.

“Please, help me” --- She asked me to help her “Don’t shout” --- I told him not to shout

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Appart from the changes in tense, pay special attention to word order: subject before verb form

Questions without a question word require IF in indirect speech, p.e.:

“Are you tired?” --- She asked me if I was tired

Questions words are repeated, p.e.:

“Where does she live?” --- He asked me where she lived

Time and place expressions

Time and place expressions also change; have a look to this table:


That day


The day before

The day before yesterday

Two days before


The next day/the following day

The day after tomorrow

In two days’ time

Next week, year …

The following week, year …

Last week, year …

The previous week, year …

A week, year … ago

A week before/the previous week







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Read this letter and decide if the statements of "reading comprehension practice" are TRUE or FALSE. Pay special attention to the layout: where all the information are written.

Lección 2

Reading comprehension

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Lección 3

L istening comprehension

John Anderson supplies microchips to computer manufacturers. Listen to the two dialogues and decide if the statements of "Listening comprehension practice" are TRUE or FALSE:


1) -What can I do for you, Janet?

+We’d like to order some more microchips, order number C206.

-C206? How many do you need?

+Fifteen hundred if possible, please.

-One moment … Yes, that’s OK

+Great. Could you deliver them by the 20th?

-The 20th? I’m sorry, Janet, the 20th isn´t possible. But we could deliver them by the 25th, if that’s OK.

+The 25th … That’s OK.

-So, that’s 1,500 C206 chips by the 25th.

+Would you like me to fax you the details right now?

-Good idea. Goodbye, Janet.

+Thank you. Goodbye

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2)-What can I do for you, Mr. Suzuki?

+We’d like to order some microchips from your catalog.

-Yes. Which ones?

+The order numer is B435.

-B435? How many do you need?

+3,000 please

-One moment … Yes, that’s OK.

+Good. Could you deliver them by March first, please?

-Yes. March first is fine. So, that’s 3,000 B435 chips by the first.

+Would you like me to fax you the details right now?

-Good idea. Thank you. Goodbye.


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Capítu lo 7

Organis ing the transport of goods

El uso de la voz pasiva en inglés puede parecer muy farragoso en un principio, pero si lees con atención la gramática, veras que eres capaz de realizar todo lo que se te propone después.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Aprender y comprender el uso de la voz pasiva.

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Lección 1


Grammar Reference:

The Passive

The Passive has got the next structure:

Verb to be + past participle

When we use an active verb form, we are more interested in the person or thing doing the action (the agent), p.e.:

Mary White opened the first shop in 1978

When we use a passive verb form, we are more interested in the person or thing affected by the action, p.e.:

The first shop was opened in 1978

If we want to mention the agent we use by, p.e.:

The first shop was openend by Mary White

The agent is often not important.

Have a look to this table with the active tenses and their equivalents in the passive:

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Tense verb form Active Passive

Simple present Keeps Is kept

Present continuous Is/are keeping Is being kept

Simple past Kept Was kept

Past continuous Was/were keeping Was being kept

Present perfect Has/have kept Has been kept

Past perfect Had kept Had been kept

Future Will keep Will be kept

Conditional Would keep Would be kept

Perfect conditional Would have kept Would have been kept

Present infinitive To keep To be kept

Perfect infinitive To have kept To have been kept

Gerund Keeping Being kept

Perfect participle Have kept Having been kept

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Lección 2

Reading comprehension

The bill of lading is a document that shows details of goods being transported; is a receipt from the transporter to the sender/importer and entitles the receiver to collect the goods on arrival.

The bill of lading is a transfer document; the exporter writes the importer’s name on the bill of lading, and in this way the importer becomes the legal owner of the goods.

Read this bill of lading and match the letters with the description in "reading comprehension practice":

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Lección 3

L istening comprehension

In the context of international trade, the invoice provides information about goods exchanged between the exporter and the importer. The invoice is prepared by the exporter and includes a description of the goods, their price and the quantity supplied. It can act as proof of purchase, informing the buyer that the goods have been sent.

Listen to an explanation of the invoice below:


4019 Beach Boulevard South Los Angeles, California, 90126

Phone: 615 890 9000 Fax: 615 890 9077

e-mail: [email protected] Invoice Champion Sprt Ltd. 71 Victoria Lane St John’s Wood Date ..................................(1) London NW1 3PP Invoice No. .......................(2)


……….(3) of “GX 12” model ……….(4) of “Tennis Pro” model

Ex-works price: GX 12 model£78 each Tennis Pro Model £116 each


All freight charges and export packing £.........................(6) Insurance from warehouse to warehouse

£ ........................(7)

CIF London Total £ ........................(8) ..………(9) cardboard cartons

10 per carton Marks & Nos. MET CS LTD LONDON 1-16Imported Licence No. ……………(10)

per pro Metropolitan Tennis Equipment

Roberto Morales

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By looking at the invoice number 699, you will notice that on the 7th May 1999, the Metropolitan Tennis Equipment Company of Los Angeles shipped a total of 160 tennis rackets to Champion Sport Ltd. in London. The shipment included 120 of the GX 12 model priced at £78 and 40 of the “Tennis Pro” model at £116, for a total of £14,000. The cost of freight was £500 and the insurance from warehouse to warehouse was £90.

Hence, the total amount to be paid by the UK importer was £14,590. The rackets were packed in 16 cardboard cartons, 10 per carton, on which the words MET CS LTD. LONDON 1-16 were written. The import licence number was BRX 43 1999. The invoice was signed by an offical of the exporting company, Mr. Rober Morales.

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Capítu lo 8

Compla ins

Tras la parte gramatical, completaremos el tema con una lectura, un listening y un pequeño caso práctico donde pondremos nuestros conocimientos en práctica.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Aprender y comprender el uso adecuado del comparativo y el superlativo.

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Lección 1


Grammar Reference:

Comparative and superlative

To form Comparative and Superlative in English there are four different groups to divided the adjectives:

1) One syllable:



2) Two syllables ending in –e:



3) Two syllables ending in –y:



4) Two syllables (not included in groups 2 and 3) and more:



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* Irregulars:







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Lección 2

Reading comprehension

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Inglés empresarial 45

Sandy Chen Works for Electromart Wholesale. She deals with customers’ complaints. Listen to these two dialogues:


1) -How can I help you, Mr. Watanabe?

+I’m afraid I have a complaint about our last delivery.

-Oh. What seems to be the problem? I hope it arrived on time.

+Oh, yes, it arrived this morning but unfortunately the items in two of the crates were damaged.

-I see. I’m sorry about the inconvenience, Mr. Watanabe. Well, as you know, our policy is to replace any damages items free of charge, and we’ll pay the extra shipping charges. Could you give me a few details?

2) -I understand there’s a problem with last week’s delivery, Mr. Garcia.

+Yes, that’s right. We ordered the X-200 model, but you sent the X-250.

-One moment, please. Ah, yes, it’s our mistake. I’m very sorry about that. We’ll take care of it right away.

+Thank you. Oh, there’s one more thing …

Lección 3

L istening comprehension

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Capítu lo 9

Request ing payment

En este penúltimo capítulo conoceremos las expresiones de tiempo que deberemos utilizar de forma correcta a la hora de comunicarnos en inglés.

La lectura de una carta, el listening de un dialogo y la practica, nos ayudaran para completar nuestros conocimientos sobre el tema.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Aprender y utilizar adecuadamente las expresiones de tiempo.

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Lección 1


Grammar Reference:

Time prepositions


With hours and with these expressions:

at the weekend, at night, at Christmas, at Easter, at the end of ..., at the moment


With the days of the week, with dates and with these expressions:

on New Year’s Day, on Christmas Day


With the months, with the years, with the seasons and with these expressions:

in the morning/afternoon/evening, in five minutes/hours, days

We don’t use in/at/on before this, last, every and next

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In sentences like: We lived in Canada from 1989 to 1995


Before the end of a period, p.e.: I went to bed early last night but I wasn’t tired; I read a book until 3 a.m.


Before the beginning of a period of time (from the past to now), p.e.: John is in hopital; he has been in hospital since Monday


A period of time, p.e.: George stayed with us for three days


In Spanish means antes de; you can use this with nouns and verbs but if you use it with verbs don’t forget end the verb with –ing, p.e.:

Before the exam everybody was very nervous

I always have breakfast before going to work


In Spanish means después de; the usage is the same as AFTER


In Spanish means durante


In Spanish means mientras

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Inglés empresarial 49

Read this letter to claim a payment and decide if the statements of "reading comprehension practice" are TRUE or FALSE:

Lección 2

Reading comprehension

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Inglés empresarial 50

Stephanie, who Works for Strahl&Sironi, calls Laporta, a furniture company. Listen to the dialogue:


-Good morning, Laporta.

+Mr. Laporta? This is Stephanie Strahl. Thank you very much for your quote for the Literatura furniture. I’d like to place an order, but I find it a bit expensive. Is that your best price?

-For two items, yes, I’m afraid it is.

+Aha. What about three items? Could you perhaps offer me a discount on a desk, a filing cabinet and a chair to go with the desk?

-I think I could give you 15%.

+So, 15% off £ 1000 makes £ 800.

-No, that’s not quite right. Actually, I said 15% not 20%. So I make that £ 850.

+Oh, yes, sorry. You’re right. 15% off each item. And the chair?

-I have a very nice one in stock at £ 150. Leather and chrome.

+OK, that sounds good. What about the transport? Is there any chance of a discount on that?

-I’m afraid I can’t reduce that because it’s another company which does the delivery.

+Ah, and the delivery time of eight weeks?

-Well, we have everything in stock, so if you order today I can get everything to you within thirty days.

+Oh, excellent. Paymente thirty days after delivery?

-Oh, I think thirty days after the order would be better.

+Mm. Fine. I’ll send an e-mail to confirm.

-Thank you, Ms. Strahl. I look forward to receiving your confirmation.

Lección 3

L istening comprehension

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Capítu lo 10

Organis ing a t rade fa i r

Finalmente, estudiaremos las preposiciones de lugar, tan importantes para poder manejarnos correctamente y sin problemas en ingles.

Una vez mas, afianzaremos bien los conocimientos adquiridos gracias a todas las actividades propuestas para ello.

Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad didáctica serás capaz de:

Aprender y utilizar adecuadamente las preposiciones de lugar.

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Lección 1


Grammar Reference:

Place prepositions

In English there are several prepositions to explain the place. We are writing the usages and some sentences to understand it better.


It is the most common preposition to indicate the place, for example:

in a room, in a town, in France, in the water, in bed (not in the bed),

in hospital/prison (you use in this way when you are prisioned or staying in the hospital), in a car (but on a bus/train/plane), in the middle of …


You use this preposition with these expressions:

at the door, at the traffic lights, at the bus-stop, at the top/bottom (of a page), at home, at work, at school/university (when you are studying), at the station/airport, at the end (of the street), at the hairdresser’s, at the doctor’s, at the dentist’s, at a conference …

Often in or at is posible for a building (hotels, restaurants,…)

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It is the preposition to indicate the movement, so it is just after movement verbs: go, turn, walk, come.


You use this preposition when something is on a surface, pe..:

on a table, on the floor, on a wall, and also with these expressions:

on the bus/train/plane, on a horse, on a bicycle, on the beach …


It is the opposite of on.

Next To (or Reside)

In Spanish means al lado de, p.e.:

You are sitting next to me


In Spanish means entre, p.e.:

The letter B is between A and C

In Front Of

In Spanish means delante de, p.e.:

National Gallery Museum is in front of Trafalgar Square

Arrive is a special verb; it is a movement verb but doesn’t use to

arrive in (a country or a town), p.e.: They arrived in England last week

arrive at (other places), p.e.: What time did they arrive at the hotel?

arrive home (no preposition), p.e.: I was tired when I arrived home

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In Spanish means detrás de, p.e.:

You are sitting behind me in the classroom


In Spanish means enfrente de, p.e.:

In the meeting the president is sitting opposite the secretary


In Spanish means arriba, en la parte de arriba, p.e.:

The pictures are above the shelves


In Spanish means abajo, p.e.:

Complete the activities below

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Inglés empresarial 55

Read this text about Coca-Cola; it is a short history about this successful product that is included in a leaflet of the company which they wrote out for a trade fair presentation:

Lección 2

Reading comprehension

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Inglés empresarial 56

Listen to the short presentation on Pizza Hut that Sarah James is making in a trade fair.


Good morning ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. My name is Sarah James, and I’m here to give a brief presentation on the company. My talk is very short so please keep your questions for the end.

The first part of my presentation is about the company strucutre of Pizza Hut (UK). The second part looks at the present activity of the company in the UK, and in the last part I want to talk about our future plans. First, the structure. Let’s start with the parent company. As you know, Pizza Hut (UK) is a subsidiary of Tricon Global Restaurants. There are other brands in the groups, such as KFC and Taco Bell. The President of Pizza Hut (UK) is Jon Prinsell.

Now, let’s look at our present activity. Business is very good. People in Britain like pizza! We have sales of over £ 300 million from 400 outlets. We employ about 16,000 people. In Britain our brand is very well-known. 80% of the population eat at Pizza Hut at least once a year. On top of that, we deliver 75,000,000 pizzas to people’s homes. Pizzas are our main product, buy we also sell a lot of pasta, salads, desserts and drinks.

Finally, the future. In the next ten years, we plan to open at least another hundred restaurants. At the moment, our market share of all meals in restaurants in Britain is 6%. We would like to increase that number to 10% in the next ten years. With our customers and our staff, that aim is possible. Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions?

Lección 3

L istening comprehension